#also doc - you wouldn't believe what a challenge itw as to get all the time machine components to fit in this small cabin
doctorbrown · 11 months
Emmett's face noticeably brightens upon the Doctor's renewed interest in the DeLorean; while he'd been extremely excited the night of the first temporal experiment to unveil his greatest invention to Marty—who responded with the appropriate amount of shock and awe, unfortunate circumstance to follow notwithstanding—this was different.
Explaining it to Marty, who'd grasped only certain concepts at face-value and cared little for the true science behind it, would not be like breaking it down for the Doctor, a fellow time-traveller and scientist.
There's an almost childish glee in Emmett's eyes as he thinks about where to start, how to explain the DeLorean's existence from conception to creation across thirty painstakingly long years. There were moments where, as doubt began to creep in and the technology simply wasn't advanced enough to accomplish what he needed done, he'd tossed around the word impossible, frustrated by the slow progress.
❝Yes, well, getting here was no simple feat, of that I can assure you!❞
But it had all been worth it, from the exhaustion of the funds left for him to the breakthroughs in science he'd made.
With absolutely no reservations weighing down on his shoulders, the possibility is endless.
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He regards the DeLorean with a sense of unwavering pride, as one might do with their own child, and returns the Doctor's grin with a degree of brilliance and enthusiasm to match.
❝As for what it runs on, I needed different power sources to power the various components of the car. Most of it is electrical, wired into the DeLorean's already existing system, with heavy modifications to the computers and power output, of course.❞
Emmett opens the passenger door to the satisfying sound of the hydraulics and leans inside, inviting the Doctor to do the same all while gesturing at the various instruments clustered around the cabin.
❝At its core, the vehicle still operates exactly as originally intended. If the time circuits aren't activated, the internal combustion engine runs on ordinary unleaded gasoline, available at any gas station around. Temporal displacement is achieved at eighty-eight miles per hour. Much of the equipment had to be altered or custom made.❞
With the way everything is wired and packed into the car, it's very obvious none of this came stock.
Emmett gestures behind the front seats to the box mounted securely in the centre of the cabin wall; the key to this entire project. ❝The time circuits and the flux capacitor, however, required much more power in order to open the wormhole through the space-time continuum. With that kind of power being impossible to achieve through normal means, and believe me, I have tried just about everything you could think of, it became clear that the power I needed could only come about through a nuclear reaction.❞
He presses his lips together in thought. ❝As it is, I'm still working on improving that aspect of the car; it must be recharged after every jump through time, but there's no limit to how far forward or back I can go.❞
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@timedten, cont.
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