#also do ya think like the heroes of the past gone thru the same shit but were more closer to eachother and didn't constantly fight
eli-elien · 3 years
To start off, Myria is a medium-sized country north of Melamarc. Contrasting the sunny towns and forests of Melamarc, the environment of Myria is very hostile, that's excluding temperatures below freezing. The people, however, are warm and content due to them placing importance on not only surviving but living and thriving as well.
There are many mountain ranges tipped with snow and that have hidden caves. Myria is known for its many deposits in ores,  specifically magical gems with very powerful elements in them. 
The country is not only known for its violent climate or rare materials but powerful monsters, particularly deep in the caves, are undead. How curious. The monsters are also powerful outside of the caves and even the type of monsters that would be around Melamarc's capital are strong. What makes most of these creatures dangerous is also that they've evolved to blend in with their environment to be able to ambush prey and to camouflage themselves to not be prey. 
It's a dog eat dog world especially for these foul beasts.
Culture and Relations ect.
Community and family is at the core of Myria culture, there are even myths involving such ideals. Their state religion has this as its core teaching and is called "Faith of the Fox". No one actually knows how it came to be. Some people of old say the fox is a depiction of a hero but with how each hero is depicted in any other religion it seems impossible. But the raven character, which to people of our world would be their equivalent of the "devil". 
Speaking of which, the country surprisingly uses corvids, specifically magpie-like birds for sending messages in a fast and neat manner. But most people in the present day (other than the queen) use magpie messagers due to the negative correlations that any corvid has.
Foxes are sacred and not to be harmed but of course in certain circumstances such as them harming you, you would be able to. This also applies to corvids but for the reason that you might get cursed or something of the sort.
We'll get to how corvids, specifically ravens, got demonized at a later point.
Since Melamarc is so close they were bound to have some relations and they are on good terms! In fact they trade materials like magic iron and magical gems for vegetation not able to be grown in Myria's climate (and other resources and services)
On a different note the weather and monsters aren't the only differences from Melamarc. The power is shared equally with the king and queen and inherited by their child no matter their gender and based on their skills as a leader.
They also pray to many different gods and goddesses other than the fox (god of harvest, light, fire) and Raven (god of death, rot, water/ice, and darkness). If I'd have to compare it to a religion in reality I'd probably say something between Norse mythology and wiccan.
Surprisingly it's pretty ancient and it's people have a bit of a history of being violent towards outsiders (mostly bc they were to them but to each their own). Although now in recent times open and welcoming to outsiders esp Melamarc.
Theres  a lot to unpack but remember when I said I'll talk abt the actual reason for the faith of the fox and raven is because of a large scale event that caused many to suffer.
Long ago, even before the heroes during Fitoria's time, the five heroes were summoned to do their duties. Each were summoned in five countries, Myria being the country the axe hero was summoned. He wore other world clothes like a jacket and jeans but was similar to their world's demi humans with fox ears and a tail.
He trained and met the four others, it was said that he grew closer to the shield hero of that time.
They fought the waves as intended and defeated foes that weren't beasts but still monsters in their own right.
One such monster was what inspired the character "the raven".
You see raven and any corvid demi humans all have dark affinities but the raven and crows are a special case. Unlike most of the sub species power being just seeing and even being able to talk to the dead the crows and ravens can raise the dead.
He joins the axe hero's party due to him being a fellow demi human, they go on their journey some more and the raven tells the fox about a town need saving from banshees.
The party goes to the town in Myria and finds a gruesome sight of blood and dismembered limbs.
No one knows the raven's motivations for his betrayal but some say he was possessed by a demon since corvid demi humans are susceptible to those things but some say it was just for power.
But ultimately he was defeated and sealed away…in the hero's axe since at the time there was no other way to seal or kill him at the time (he was alone)
He walks away, traumatized and with an empty cold feeling.
This wasn't a victory, it was just a slaughter that he survived. And all the evidence of what just happened were just his fatal wounds and the dark magic that seeped into the earth.
He lives on and journeys on his lonesome saying it to best, the shield hero disagrees. Not just as a fellow hero, but as a worried friend. Still the fox goes on his own.
He finds that his once green eyes became icy blue, and his soft human hands became tinted with black scaly marks and talons. Familiar feathers start poking up from his skin, he was changing. And he knew this had to do with something about the seal within the axe but what was he to do? Unleash an evil such as the raven, or sit in solitude fighting for control.
He chose the second option, which was fatal.
He lost that fight and the raven came back.
The four heroes found out the things that the axe hero has done and when they went to check it out, they didn't even recognize him at this point. His arms became part of wings and he had two sets upon his back, his joints weren't human but weren't monster either. But he definitely wasn't a demi human at this point.
He put up a fight but with the bow and sword hero stopping the shield hero from intervening, was slain by the spear hero.
They were shaken to say the least and told everyone that he wasn't himself and should be remembered as a hero for trying to kill such an evil beast such as the raven. 
(I'm so sorry if this is choppy or anything bc my brain is not working but I wanna get this down)
Ok whoo hoo let's get to the monsters, fighting, magic!
Remember when I said that the necromancer's magic seeped into the earth and that theres alot of undead creatures around Myria weeeellll…yeah they're connected.
This is also based on alot of Scottish mythology as well like the fae and stuff like that.
There's banshees, skeletons, zombies (of all kinds be it humans and monsters), headless armored soldiers, just alot of undead so you usually don't see people out at night and theres lots of myths abt monsters taking kids that wander into the woods which are uh ah ha actually true.
Terrifying, right?
The people are taught at a young age how to either fight or heal by their families (be it fighting/healing with traditional means or magic). How patrols work is a buddy system with one being a soldier and another person wielding holy power.
Most magic that's used is water and fire, also bc if someone is powerful enough in water magic then they might be able to control snow and ice (fire is self explanatory.) 
Ok ok I'm losing brain cells I'm done with my info dump ask any questions if ya have any abt this made up country lol
@shieldherostuffs @localwitchash 
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