#also can i say how shocked i am that we're calling this the Hollywood show and not Ft Lauderdale like I expected
The 5SOS Show Tour Hollywood - 6 September 2023
Via 5SOS IG Story
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m323200 · 4 months
4x01: Was The Last Time We Left Off
It's been three years since she left to achieve her dreams as a star.
I arrived back at the Dunphy house. It's been a a while. I messaged Haley.
Hey Haley. 
Where the hell 
have you been.
No call.
I'm at the front door
Omg really!! 
❤️ ❤️ 
Anyone there?
No all out.
Great.  Now open plz.
Haley opened the door. She screamed and was excited to see me. We hugged each other. Haley was shocked. "Oh my god your blonde! Like really blonde!". I laughed. I told her fresh start means new style. And I was shocked too, "Your due date soon?". She said that it's close but far.
She loved it. She says the outfit looks great. I asked her that we should catch up. We headed to her room. Which is the basement. She asked me, "How was Hollywood.". I said it was great. But she told me, "I thought you got a role in a film, directed by James Wan. It never came out and that I starred in two films that wasn't that film.".
I told her it's a long story. I explained to her, "I was supposed to come out, but after the whole incidents, they decided to cancel it.". She questioned the word I said, "incidents".
I told her, "Everything was great. When I got there it was like a dream. Few days after, I got into costume fitting for two weeks. Eventually, I dyed my hair, I let it grow and made it wavy. But when we started filming, a few days after, some people....died". She was shocked and scared. She asked many questions.
I told her, "The deaths kept getting more serious. Also, it revolved around me. So killing people around me was just part of his plan.". She got stressed.
I continued, "After I killed the person who killer people, the company thought it was best to cancel the film. They said they thought of more films to have me star in.". Haley said, "Like Submerged and that new Alien film.".
Haley got up, "I have to pee. I'll be right back.". I stayed there until she came back. Few minutes later, she did. She asked if I met anyone. I told her I met someone, but did more than just date. I showed her the ring. She screamed, "You got married!". She got excited, but I told her not to get excited.
Haley said, "Why? I should be excited your-", I interrupted, "Not getting married. That's one of the reasons why I'm here.". Haley asked if everything was okay. I told her everything's a disaster. 
Me being a star was a fail, finding love, failed. I said that I ran away from him. Haley says we need to take a girl's day out. No men telling us what to do.
We took a spa, went to the movies, bowling. Hell Haley ordered a dessert and had it with chips. Weird pregnancy cravings, am I right.
When we went home, Claire, Luke, Alex, Phil, and Gloria was there. They all were surprised. They ran to me and hugged me. They were all saying, "Your blonde!", "Your back! We missed you", that sort of things.
Claire said that food is ready now and to eat now or have it cold. Luke said, "We need to talk.". I told him, "Yeah...we do...". We headed upstairs to his room.
He said, "You didn't say you were returning.". I said that it was unexpected and not planned. I said, "I swear I was going to come back it was just...things changed...". "Three years...I haven't heard from you for three years.", he said. "I know, but it's not what I wanted...after I got proposed to-", Luke interrupted, "You got engaged!". 
I said, "Don't worry, it's off.". He asked, "Why? Where's your boyfriend-slash-fiancé.". I told him, "Don't know, don't care.". He asked if I was hiding out, but I told him I was laying low. 
We went upstairs to eat. But by the time we went up there, everyone was gone. Haley was sitting on the couch watching a movie. Me and Luke ate. We talked. We laughed. And Haley was asleep. We headed upstairs. 
I asked, "Can we start over?". He was thinking about it, "Don't you gotta go back to your-", I told him, "We're done. Don't expect me back with him.". "I'll love to start over with you. As friends. Deal?". I shook his hands. "Deal."
He said, "I'll try again, but this time, let's start slow.". I agreed with him.
It was 8:00 pm, no one was at the house. I had gotten a call. It was my ex, Brian. He told me, "Where the hell are you!". I said, "I'm not going back.". He said, "I'm going to find you and make you come back home.". I threw my phone at the wall. I felt like the bad memories kept coming back. One thing is that I will never tell anyone what happened between me and Brian.
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