#also because if you're someone who has. like. terrible wi-fi you're just out of luck aren't you? fortunately i don't have that problem now
-cries- So, for the first time ever, I got my PS5 to recognize my KHIII data from my PS4, but of course it doesn't have any of my DLC information there. Of course it wouldn't. -grumble grumbles-
Not to sound like an old person here, but I really do miss when games came with all of their content on the freaking disc. Like, I'd even take something like Kingdom Hearts Final Mix (that was like a director's cut of the original game that was re-released later, with new content added on) over the DLC Re:Mind (as long as said Final Mixes were eventually released everywhere, I mean. Like they should have been all along). Because then, at least, things like this wouldn't happen!
Speaking of which... why haven't they released a version of KHIII yet with all of the Re:Mind stuff on the disc, ala Final Mix? They really freaking should!
Edit: At this point, any time I really want to play KHIII I guess I'm just going to have to resign myself to dragging out my PS4 (which I have done before. But I had thought this would be the end of it, when my PS5 finally got the memo and was reading my PS4 KHIII files). But it's so annoying. Why? Just why? And all because of the stupid DLC.
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