#also as someone who's groomed dogs...be careful of their second coat...if you cut that shit wrong it'll never grow back the same again...
littleplantfreak · 3 months
That's our baby
The first time you call you and Umemiya's dog 'your son'
SFW ig but a little suggestive at the end. Also I wasn't gonna name the dog but then I was like "Fuck it! It's Balto now"
Umemiya Hajime
"Baby I can explain-"
"You can explain why our son has a bowl cut?" You fume pointing at your two year-old Samoyed's misshapen head. He sits politely on the couch showcasing his new haircut, which normally you'd find hilarious because usually he can't settle down when you first get home. Apparently, though, he can tell when his father is getting scolded.
"Okay, first of all, I love you so much, and I love that you just called him our son because he is our son and-"
"I love you too. Skip to the bowl cut." He can tell by your stance, you're pretty mad.
"...Our normal groomer quit, and I couldn't find anywhere else to take him to," your husband breaths out in defeat before continuing. "I figured if I found a good video online, it would be easy. It was easy until he sneezed while I was trimming his face and three inches came off instead of one. He'd look weird if there was just a hunk off the side of his face, so I evened it out and it ended up like...this?" He says before crouching down and squishing his cheek next to your dog's. "C'mon he's kinda cute like this! He's our baby; he's always cute no matter what," he tries to appeal to your soft side by giving you the same puppy eyes your dog is giving you, and it almost works.
"The other dogs at the dog park are gonna make fun of him," you grimace, and at the sound of the word 'park,' your baby's ears perk up. He starts lifting and stomping his front paws gently, trying to behave but so excited that he might be going outside. Hajime lets out a dramatic gasp, hand to his chest before saying telling you that's blasphemy.
"He's friends with everyone at the park. There's no way they'll make fun of him just because of a silly haircut! Daddy thinks your friends are gonna love it, my little marshmallow." He starts squishing your dog's cheeks and speaking to him in the baby voice he saves especially for him.
Upon hearing 'park' for the second time, he starts whining and pawing at Hajime's arm. "Balto, honey, let's go for a walk." You pat your leg before grabbing the leash, and he bounds over to you, leaving his Father to pout on the couch with a quiet 'traitor' mumbled under his breath. "Haji, call Toma and ask if his cousin is still taking new clients. I'm pretty sure she grooms both dogs and cats," you say, going over to press a chaste kiss to his mouth, only for him to pull you in for a longer one, tongue swiping against your bottom lip and you almost lean in for more. Until you feel a wet nose press up against your cheek and you snort instead. Drawing back, Balto tries to get even closer to give you both his own flurries of kisses.
"See, he doesn't like when we fight! We have to get along for our baby's sake," he smiles letting your dog taste his entire face. You put one more kiss on his cheek before walking to the door.
"If you can't find a groomer by his playdate on Tuesday, you're getting a matching haircut. If you do find one, though, I'll wear that new outfit we got at the mall the other day. Y'know the one you almost ruined when we were in the dressing room? I'll let you ruin it for real this time," and you can see he's speechless now, head full of the red lacy thing that was more ribbon than clothing, that opens just like a present if you pull the right strings. Closing the door, you shoot Hiragi a text to let him know Hajime will be calling in the next few minutes and to get his stomach medicine ready, apologizing in advance for the hour long phone conversation he'll be subjected to. For now, you and your son have a walk to go on.
(I'm waaay to tired to triple check for spelling/grammar so I hope I got everything. I'm doing the same prompt but with Sakura next I think uwu)/ and then Sugishita as well...probably...maybe.)
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poge-life · 4 years
The Cut } Finn Shelby chap. 2
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introduction  prologe chapter 1
"Wait, what?" Willow laughed as Penelope smiled, "He just had this confidence come off him and did you see the way he talked and acted? Fuckin' hell."
"God lord!" Willow laughed, nudging her best friend who had gone red in the face, "never would I have thought Finn Shelby would be the one to leave you speechless."
The two made their way through the stables and out to the clearing where the men would be racing. James had also stripped down to just his suspenders and undershirt, causing Penelope to raise her eyebrows, "You're racing too?"
James nodded as Camden saddled up his horse for him, "I'm not a Shelby nor one of the fucking calvary. Figured I could show them how we do it in Birmingham."
"Well, you'll also be going against Finn, so best of luck." Penelope patted her brother on the back before making her way over to John, "Right, all you lot make as much noise and fuss as you can, especially you."
John moved to kick Johnny Dogs in the ass as he cheered, "So we're a fucking distraction now, John. Is it?"
The two girls just shared a laugh as they followed after the men. The girls walked over to Finn and Willow walked over to her brother. Penelope stood on the tips of her shoes to whisper in Finn's ear, "If you win, I'll make your reward worth it."
With a peck to his cheek, she turned to face her brother and her best friend; James staring at her as Willow smirked. Penelope just smiled at them before motioning for Willow to follow her.
"Right, place your best with me!" Johnny dogs had been assured by John that all the money would go towards the Shelby Charitable Foundation.
"Johnny!" Penelope called, getting the older man's attention, "100 pounds on Finn and 50 on my brother."
The crowd had gone quiet at the blonde's words and Finn, James, and Willow all shared a smirk as they knew one of the two would definitely be winning as Johnny looked at her in amazement.
"Are you sure?" he asked, walking towards the girls, "Ms. Longfield, that's a large amount."
"Oh I have no doubt Finn will win. I'll still donate the 50 if James doesn't win."
Penelope pulled out the money from her little clutch and handed the amount to Johnny, who took it with a gleam in his eye, "Will do, Ms. Longfield."
Willow looked over at her best friend, who had a small smile on her face, "Your dad's gonna kill you."
"Not when he knows where the money is going."
They followed the group of men out to the clearing and Penelope pulled Finn's coat tighter around her as Willow linked their arms together. John moved to stand next to the blonde as he whispered, "Don't worry. Johnny drugged up Finn's horse with morphine and water."
Penelope just smirked at his words as the three boys lined up the horses. She had no doubt Finn would win the race. Now that she knew his horse was drugged up? He would most definitely win. James on the other hand? She knew he would beat himself up if he won by cheating so she knew he wouldn't use a drugged up horse.
"Stay with Willow or your brother. Arthur and I have business to take care of." John told her as Penelope nodded her head, mumbling a 'be careful' as he walked away.
"What'd you say to Finn?" Willow asked, turning to Penelope with a teasing smile. Penelope returned the smile with a gleam in her eye, "Just that if he wins, I'll make the reward worth it."
No, Penelope and Finn hadn't slept together yet but that didn't stop them from doing other things. The first time they had ever done anything was on her birthday last year when Finn had gone down on her in the snug of the Garrison after everyone had left. He claimed that it was part of her present but she knew better, considering his hand had been trailing up her dress all night.
Ever since that night, they couldn't get enough of each other.
"You guys seriously haven't fucked yet?" Willow asked in disbelief, having walked in on them doing other things multiple times. Penelope just nodded her head, "Him and I talked and he wants it to be special."
Willow let out an 'awe' at the words and grabbed her hand, "Finn really is a sweetheart, huh?"
"Considering he's terrified of my dad and brothers? But besides that, he's a proper gentleman. Never pushes me to do anything I don't want to and respects my boundaries."
Willow noticed that anytime Penelope talked about Finn, she always got this gleam in her eye and she always had a big smile on her face. Same thing was said about Finn.
"You really love him, don't you?" Willow asked in a quiet voice. Penelope looked over at Finn as he was talking to James, "Yeah. Yeah I really do."
Arthur and John made their way over to the girls and they nodded at the blonde, letting her know everything was okay. Despite not being part of Shelby Company Ltd, Penelope always worried about the boys. They were practically her older brothers and if her father knew what was going on and wanted her nowhere near the house, she couldn't help but worry.
Johnny Dogs had signaled for the boys to get ready and Penelope stood up straighter as they took off.
The four moved closer to the crowd as Camden and Isaiah joined them. Isaiah wrapped his arms around his sisters and Penelope's shoulders, "Heard you bet 100 pounds on your boy, Penny."
"Mm, there's no doubt in my mind that Finn will win." Penelope smirked, taking his cigarette out from between his fingers, taking a hit before handing it back to him.
"This is no place for a lady to be. Nor placing bets." A voice called, causing the group to turn and face the man.
Of course he was part of the fucking calvary.
"Beg your pardon?" Penelope scoffed as Camden moved to stand behind his sister, Arthur and John following as Isaiah stood slightly in front of her, ready to step in if need be.
"This is no place for a lady. And no lady has any business placing bets." He repeated stepping towards them.
Penelope let out a dark chuckle, moving around Isaiah to stand directly in front of the man, "You clearly have no idea who the fuck I am. David Longfield is my father. And I happen to be with a Shelby. You're in my town, with my family. I have every right to be here, same as you. Especially when the Shelby I'm with is the one racing against your men."
The man was speechless at the blonde. He quickly finished his drink before turning and walking away from her. Penelope turned back around to face her brother and friends, "what?"
Camden, John, and Arthur let out loud laughs at her antics as Isaiah and Willow looked at her in amazement, "Holy shit, Penny"
"Oh, she's a Longfield alright." Camden cheered, wrapping his arm around his sister, placing a kiss on the top of her head as she beamed up at him.
The cheering from the crowd got louder and they turned to see Finn cross through first, James just a second after,
The group let out loud cheers as they made their way over to the two; John, Arthur, and Camden walking over to Tommy.
Penelope picked up her pace as she got closer to Finn and her brother, "Finn!"
The red head turned just in time to catch the blonde as she flung herself at him. He spun her around and pressed his lips to hers as he let her down.
"Alright," James called, causing the two to pull apart and look over at him, "Don't need to see you two snogging all the time."
"You're the one who never knocks." Penelope shot back.
It's true. James and Camden have walked in on the two snogging more times than they would like. Lord knows Finn wouldn't be breathing if they caught them doing anything else.
"Hundred pounds, yeah?" Finn asked as they walked the horse back to the stables, causing Penelope to smile at up at the boy, "You're an excellent ride. I knew you were gonna win."
Finn handed the reins over to Charlie as Penelope handed him his clothes back. Including his coat that she didn't want to give up. It smelled of cigarettes, whiskey, and his cologne, which she absolutely loved. He pressed his lips on her forehead as his brothers called him over to them.
"C'mon," Willow spoke, pulling Penelope with her as they made their way back to the house, "I need to find Michael. I wanna talk to him."
The two made small talk on their way back to the house, stopping so Willow could pull off her shoes, mumbling about how she was gonna burn them when she returned to her house. They walked into the ballroom where they last saw Michael and Penelope saw her parents and dragged Willow with her, "Have either of you seen Michael?"
"Saw 'im in the hallway by Tom's office." Audrey told her. Willow nodded her head at the older women before giving Penelope's hand a squeeze before making her way to the hallway.
"Everything alright?" David asked, putting his arm around Penelope. She shook her head and leaned against her father's side, "Willow told Michael she loved him and he didn't say it back. They argued and haven't talked since."
Audrey had a sympathetic look on her face and David placed a kiss on his daughter's head, "Everything will be okay."
"Ladies and Gentlemen, the bride and groom will now dance alone."
Everyone let out cheers as Grace made her way to Tommy, who was waiting for her with his hand held out.
Penelope smiled at the two, loving how happy they were. Despite everything Grace did to the Shelby family a few years ago, Tommy had forgiven Grace for what happened. Of course Polly hadn't. John and Arthur weren't happy at first but once Grace reassured them she wanted nothing to do with the business and wouldn't even think about hurting Tommy again, they were happy for their brother. Finn didn't really have an opinion on it since he doesn't really remember much about when Grace was around. Ada was happy for her brother, knowing better than anyone being with someone that their family didn't like.
Penelope felt a hand on her back and turned to see Finn. She moved from her fathers embrace to Finn's, "Everything alright?"
"Mhm." Finn answered, placing a kiss on her forehead. She closed her eyes as she tucked her head in the crook of his neck, just wanting a moment's peace before something else happened. People were slowly making their way out on the dance floor and Finn whispered to her, "Would you care to dance?"
She moved to look up at him as she smiled and nodded her head. Finn pulled out her on the floor as he placed one hand on her waist and the other holding hers as she placed her hand on the back of his neck. Penelope looked over to see her parents and smiled at the sight of her father looking at Audrey like he was her everything.
"You really look beautiful." Finn told her and Audrey smiled up at him. She ran her nails lightly over the back of his head, "you make me so fucking happy, Finn Shelby."
"And you make me really fucking happy, Penelope Longfield." Finn leaned down and placed a kiss on her lips. It was a short but sweet kiss but those were Penelope's favorite.
Finn pulled away as Isaiah tapped him on the shoulder, Arthur behind him, "C'mon."
Finn placed a kiss on her forehead before following after his best friend and brother.
Penelope smiled as Johnny Dogs appeared in front of her, "May I have this dance, Ms Longfield?"
"Of course you may."
Penelope let out a loud laugh as Johnny spun her around, "And where did you learn to dance?"
Johnny sent her a cheeky smile, "Us gypsies do have a lot of weddings, Penny. We pick up a thing or two after a while."
"Oh, I love a good Lee wedding." She laughed as Johnny spun her around again, ignoring the looks they were getting from Grace's relatives.
Johnny Dogs was a good friend of her fathers and she absolutely loved the man. He would tell her stories of the traveling gypsies and everything they did and she had been fascinated by them since. Bonus for her since her boyfriend happened to be part gypsy.
They danced together for a few more minutes as David and Audrey walked over to them, "Mind if I cut in?"
" 'course not David! As long as you don't mind me dancing with Audrey?" Johnny asked as David nodded his head. Johnny spun Audrey away with a loud laugh and David and Penelope shared a smile at their antics.
"Whatever 'appens tonight, you stay in the house or you stay with Finn and your brothers." David mumbled as Penelope nodded, "I'm assuming it's safe since they've let Finn and Isaiah get involved."
Most of the time, Finn and Isaiah were used to keep watch or act like guards for Penelope and Willow when they were working the men in David's casino's. But it had to have been a safe thing tonight with Finn and Isaiah allowed to be involved.
"James and Camden are with them. They won't let anything 'appen to them." David reassured her
It's true. James and Camden knew how much Finn and Isaiah meant to their sister so anytime they were allowed to be included, they made sure the two younger boys were out of the line of fire.
"He make you happy? Finn." David asked after a moment. Penelope looked up at her father with a smile and nodded, "I've never been this happy before. I love him, Dad."
David, Audrey, and Polly knew they would end up together. As kids, they were attached to the hip. John and James went to school together, when they bothered to show up, and Finn would always accompany John on his way to the Longfield house. You wouldn't see one without the other growing up. They were each other's first kiss, first crush.
They had been down by the canals with John and James as they were doing Blinders business after picking the two up from school and Finn had told her that someone at school was giving him shit for not having kissed anyone yet so Penelope just laid one on him. And after that moment, they both realized they had feelings for each other.
"Your brothers told me about your bet you placed earlier." David said, causing Penelope to sigh, "Before you start, it's all going to the foundation and I wouldn't have done it if I thought Finn would lose."
David just laughed, "I know, Penny. I'm the one who told John to have Finn race. Don't think I forgot that the fucking calvary almost left my boys to die."
It wasn't often David often talked about what happened during the war. David's pride and joy was his family. His kids meant the world to him and to hear that he almost lost two of his children, nearly killed him.
"And there you were in the kitchen threatening us if we broke Tommy's rules." Penelope teased
"That was before the Russians decided to crash the wedding." David spoke in a hushed tone, causing Penelope to stop in her tracks
David ushered them into a quiet corner, looking around to see if anyone was listening, " Winston Churchill is having Tom do business with the Russians. One showed up today so a few of the boys went with him to pick up some money."
Penelope's eyes widened in disbelief, "You let your sons and my boyfriend go with Tommy to make a deal with Russians?!"
Russians were crazy bastards. They only drank vodka, fucked anything that moved, and felt no remorse for anything. And the fact that her father let her brothers and Finn willingly go with Tommy?
"I wouldn't have let them go if I wasn't sure it would go right." David responded. Penelope ran her hand over her face as she looked up at her father, "The minute this goes south, and it will, you pull James and Camden from this. I know Polly won't let Finn get involved."
What Penelope said was true. Every plan Tommy had come up with the last few years, had always backfired. The battle with Billy Kimber a few years back blew up in his face, resulting in Tommy getting shot and Danny Whizbang getting killed.
2 years ago at the Epsom Derby, Lizzie almost got raped because Tommy got held up by Sabini and then he almost got killed.
It was almost a matter of time before the deal with the Russians went wrong. And Penelope would make sure her family and Finn wouldn't suffer.
"I promise I'll pull the boys as soon as it goes wrong." He assured her
James, Camden, and Finn walked over to the father and daughter and the two Longfield boys looked confused as they did, "why is Mum dancing with Johnny Dogs?"
They all looked over to see Audrey laughing as Johnny tried getting her to do a dance with him.
"Excuse me, boys." David laughed, making his way towards his wife. The three boys turned back to the blonde, who stood there with her arms crossed over her chest and the three shared a look before turning back to face her.
"Russians?!" She spoke, "You're doing business with fucking Russians?"
James quickly shushed his sister as they moved closer to her, "Everything is fine. Tommy knows what he's doing."
"C'mon." Camden mumbled, ushering them out of the room. Penelope linked her arm with Finn's as they made their way through the house for the second time that night.
"Where are we going now?" Penelope groaned as Finn pulled her along, following after her brothers. They made their way to the clearing where the races took place and she noticed John and one of Grace's relatives fighting.
"We can't go to a fucking wedding without you lot getting into a pissing match." Penelope groaned as Camden stripped down to just his pants as his suspenders were hanging off his pants. James and Finn followed suit, handing the blonde their clothes as Finn wrapped his coat around her once more.
"You've got to be fucking joking." She scoffed as they walked over to the circle of men, cheering on John as he had the upper hand.
Penelope huffed before walking over to one of the brick walls, placing James and Cam's coat on it before hauling herself up on the wall to sit and watch the fight. She had discarded her brother's clothes on the ground as she placed Finn's next to her.
She could hear James and Johnny Dogs cheers over everyone else's as they encouraged John. She pulled out Finn's cigarette case, pulling one out and lighting it with his lighter. She didn't smoke very often but since she was about to see her brothers and possibly her boyfriend get into fights, she needed something to take the nerves away.
Camden was up next and she sat up straighter. Camden was a fighter; boxing with her father in Tommy's gym almost everyday. He even started to train Finn and Isaiah a few years ago. And that was a sight Penelope loved to see.
Camden was a fighter. He was well built with muscle. He was without a doubt a carbon copy of their father. He preferred using his fists over using a gun.
For every hit the other guy got in, Cam responded with three. After a bit, Penelope noticed it was the guy who told her that she had no business at a race. She felt a smirk make its way across her face, knowing Camden picked him for that reason.
The guy went down after another minute and she let out a loud cheer, causing Camden to look over at her and smile.
Isaiah was up next and she knew his opponent wouldn't stand a chance. When Isaiah wasn't doing stuff for the Shelby's or her dad, he was boxing with Finn and Camden.
And she was right. Isaiah was beating the crap out of this guy. Camden and Finn could be heard over everyone's voice, knowing it was an easy win for him.
Penelope had realized she hadn't seen Willow in a while and just figured she had found Michael.
She jumped when she heard a gunshot and looked around before she landed on Tommy and Grace's uncle. Tommy nodded his head once at her, letting her know everything was okay.
Penelope put out her cigarette as Finn walked over to her. She looked up at him through her lashes as he placed his hands on her thighs, "It's the end of the night. And I found you."
Penelope smirked as she walked her fingers up his bare torso, watching as chills appeared as she lightly grazed her fingers over the skin before wrapping her arms around his neck, "Mm, you did. And I did say if you won the race, your reward would be worth it."
Finn leaned down to press his lips against hers as she pulled him closer. He pulled away and chuckled at the pout on Penelope's face, "I was thinking...a headjob. And if you behave, I'll reward you."
Penelope was taken back by his demeanor, not used to him being in control. But she liked it. A lot.
"Well then Mr Shelby, Let's not leave you waiting."
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sestra-inestro · 5 years
The Carry On - (4/5)
Pairings: mob!Bucky x fem!reader
Warnings: swearing, angst, smut 18+, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex, mentions of violence, typos because I didn’t edit this and wanted to get it out quick sticks before I start my next exam.
A/N: my beautiful people I’m back. I just wanna say thank you to all the lovely messages you’ve all sent I loved them and they helped me. I did see them and they lifted my heart. I know I didn’t reply, if I did it would’ve replied in my other blog and that’s a secret 🤫 but I do really appreciate them because you are the best 💛 also sorted things out with my family. Yeah, had my dose for ETERNITY. One exam down and two more to go.
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It had been a peaceful and reviving six months. You had been able to fix your apartment up again and let in the light. After tearing Bucky a new one, you immediately jumped into rebuilding your life without him.
You went back to work at a new vet clinic. This time, one more in the rural area. The clinic was in the middle of a small town that was surrounded by farm land. You had allowed yourself to forget about Bucky for a while. You took your ring off and focused on all the new clients that came by the clinic.
The loveable sheep-dog, Samson that you had just groomed happily jumped up on your legs. The smile you wore crinkled your eyes as you smiled down at him.
“Awh, I’ll see you next week, buddy.” You bent down and petted his chest, the dog lifting his head up in response. “I’ll miss you.”
His owner, Maria, smiled down at the two of you. Since you began working here, Samson has become less scared of the vet.
You stood and tried to brush some of the dog hair off you pants. You smiled at Maria.
“See you next week?”
“He’ll be pulling me out the door this time.” Maria winked and walked to the door.
“Bye Samson.” You waved the the happy sheep-dog walking out the door, not taking notice to who was holding the door open for them and stepping into the clinic. Without a pet.
Your eyes wandered up the well built pant leg connected to a beautiful white pressed shirt with its chest buttons undone. A black coat gently lain over the top of the broad shoulders and down to the deep red rose that was held in his hand. He held the door open for Maria and smiled down at the dog when he sniffed the cuffs of his pants.
The unmistakable piercing blue eyes turned to look at softly. The blue had grown beautifully light. His face was cleanly shaved and his hair had grown out a bit, almost touching his shoulders. He looked soft, gentle and loving.
You were to mesmerised with his changes features to notice that he had come to stand in front of you and offered you the rose.
“Hey, June.” His voice was easy. Not the voice that had scared you months back.
“Bucky.” You breathed out. Your face had heated up at his smile. He had that effect on you still.
Bucky has started to feel awkward when you stood still staring at him with his hand extended offering you the rose. His eyes flickered back and forth between your face and the rose before you got the hint.
“Oh.” You stuttered.
You reached forward and took the rose by the stem, trying your best to not let your fingers touch his. “Thank you.” You look back up to his eyes and once again, your breath hitches in your throat.
He was the same handsome man that you had first met in your old clinic. You watch as his eyes scan over your body. You watch them stutter and soften at your face and they see the tiny healed scar on your cheek.
One you don’t forget he had given you.
“So,” You started. “You didn’t miss a day.”
“Not a chance.” Bucky shook his head and you watched as his hair moved with his head. You liked his hair longer.
“How did you know I was here?” You ask, raising a brow.
Bucky shifts in his spot. “I looked you up yesterday. I guessed you’d been working in a clinic somewhere.”
You nodded silently. You knew he would’ve gone to find you, you just didn’t think so early.
“I, uh...” Bucky started. “I wanted to ask you on a date.” He lowered his head and his eyes looked to you.
Your body tenses and Bucky notices. You open your mouth to respond but Bucky speaks quickly.
“Just dinner. Nothing more.” He reassures you.
It’s not that you’re scared you’d do it again. You’re afraid you might fall back into the same routine with him and you hate that possibility. You’ve felt so free these couple of months and you’d like to keep that freedom. But at the same time, you’re true to your word despite other people who aren’t.
“Fine.” You say.
Bucky’s face immediately picked up. You could see the hope spark in his eyes.
“Okay.” He breathed out. He couldn’t help the smile that was growing on his face. “Um, what time do you finish?”
“Six thirty.” You watch him check his watch.
“I’ll pick you up then?” He asked. He didn’t want to push any boundaries while he has a chance.
“Sure.” You push your lips to form a smile. But you can’t help the tinge in your chest as you see his smile before he turns to leave.
You look down at the beautiful rose in your hands. He used to give you bouquets, but you actually really liked the flower. You hoped to god that this wouldn’t end in a shit show.
6:30 came way too quickly. You mentally wanted the time to slow down, but with every minute that went passed, the more the anxiety grew in your chest.
Unfortunately, you had to end your shift some time. And as promised, he was there. Waiting for you just outside.
He spotted you as you walked through the clinic doors, a big smile on his face.
Your mind jumped for a second at his smile. You’ve never seen him look so innocent.
“I hope you don’t mind us taking my car?” He asked as he opened the door to the car.
You scrunched your lips into a smile. “No it’s fine.”
You stepped into the car and he closed your door, walking around and climbing into the drivers seat.
“I hope you don’t mind my having dinner in my uniform. It’s comfy.” You said, putting on your seatbelt.
“Of course not. It doesn’t matter what you wear.” Bucky gave you a bright smile before driving out of the clinic car park.
Your heart warmed at his response, allowing you to relax a little.
“Good.” You smiled back at him.
He drove to low-key restaurant with pasta and chicken (sorry vegans, I ain’t bout that life). After you guys ordered you sat and stared at him. The way he sat with himself was like he had less on his mind. He was living in the now and seemed clearer.
He gave you a closed mouth grin and rested his hands on the table.
“So...” The tension rose in the air. “How have you been there last few months?”
You took a deep breath. “Well, I’ve been working a fair bit. I’ve managed to get into a great clinic, been seeing a lot of horses and sheep dogs. My main clients.” You smiled at the thought of the animals. “It’s been a good few months.” You admit to him.
“That’s good. I’m glad.” Bucky smiled at you.
It made him happy that you had overcome what happened and turned it around.
“What about you?” You asked. To be fair, you were scared to hear his answer. You didn’t want to know about the business anymore and you didn’t want to know about Steve or what had come of the rest of the house staff after what happened with Rita.
“I took a very big break.” He looked down at his hands. “I went to see a therapist. I’ve also been attending a support group.”
Your brows raised in surprise. “Really?” You didn’t think a support group would’ve been the best considering he’s one of the biggest crime lords in the country.
“It’s a very unofficial support group because it’s mainly criminals.” He chuckled lightly. “But it’s been much better than sitting with someone by myself. I’ve also been attending some kick boxing. Physical therapy release recommended by the therapist.” He finished. He was certainly proud of himself with the progress he’s made. And so were you.
He’d found a way to let out his paranoia and his stress that’s not onto other people.
“So you’ve been seeing a therapist.” You fought the soft smile that was threatening to grace your face.
“Yes. It’s all been helping with the PSTD and my ways around people I care about.” He fiddled with his hands.
You nodded and looked down. “Good. That’s good.”
Bucky sighed. “I’ve been doing my best to get better...” He paused. “For you.”
You swallowed and listened to him.
“I know what I did was bad, and I’ve been beating myself up about it. But I’m working hard to fix it.” Bucky’s chest filled with the same anxiety he felt six months ago when he received the divorce papers.
You watched as he into the little bag he brought but was interrupted when the food arrived.
You smiled up at the waitress as she placed your plate in front of you. She smiled back.
But your mood instantly fell when her smile turned into and smirk and she leant down further to place down Bucky’s plate, her eyelids heavy and her cleavage on display.
You frowned at her behaviour. Do girls really still have the nerve to catch a taken mans attention. It’s obvious you two are on a ‘date’.
But is he even taken? Do you still want to be married to him? Do you even love him?
You watch as his eyes widen and he looks down at the food.
“Is there anything else you’ll be needing tonight?” The waitress said in a sultry voice to Bucky.
“Um, no that will be all thank you.” Bucky mumbled and gave a tight smile.
The girl still gave him her best ‘fuck me’ eyes and you strained yourself to stay in you seat.
“Thank you.” You said loud and firmly, making the girl give you a hard look before sashaying away.
You glared at the back of her head before turning to your food.
“Now, now, babe. You know I only have eyes for you.” Bucky said, smirking at you.
You rolled your eyes. “Eat your food.” You told him before cutting into your food.
Bucky chuckled before getting to his food.
It was no lie that this new Bucky has some sort of effect of your feelings. His smile and the light of his eyes made your chest flutter. He was a completely different person than he was six months ago. In just this short amount of time, he had shown and told you just how much he had done to change. And it has worked.
He wasn’t forceful, he was careful, he was polite and respectful.
Your brain was hurting with how much your mind was turning and you couldn’t keep it to yourself anymore.
You were both almost finished eating when you spoke up.
“Bucky,” You said suddenly, bringing the silence to an end and causing Bucky to look up at you. “I can’t...not talk about it anymore. I need to talk about it, it’s driving me crazy.” You said quickly.
Bucky nodded and put his knife and fork down, swallowing his food. He knew exactly what you were talking about. And he would listen to anything you had to say.
You took a deep breath before continuing. “I know that you’ve changed for the best and that makes me so happy and proud. But I can’t forget what happened.” You took another deep breath, trying to push down the tears a little longer. “I can’t excuse what you did. To me and to Brunner.”
Bucky’s eyes cringed when you mentioned the dog. That had haunted him the most because he knew it would hurt you the most.
“That Bucky that killed that dog? I will never be able to forgive.” Bucky closed his eyes at your words. His heart was starting to break a little once again.
“I don’t want to be scared of my husband anymore.” You said with a shaky voice.
Bucky opened his eyes again, tears rimming his orbs and sadness filling them.
He slowly reached for your hand and you didn’t pull away. His giant hand encasing yours in a warm embrace.
“I am so sorry.” He said slowly and quietly. A hot tear rolling down his cheek. “I have never been more sorry for my actions in my entire life. I hate myself for what I did to you and Brunner.”
Both yours and his hearts took a slash at the name of the pup he bought you to love.
“What I did was unforgivable. I laid my hands on you in the worst way and I took his life.” Bucky slowly let go of your hand. “I know you will never put up with that stuff. And I will never expect you to.” Be wiped his face before continuing. “But I have tried so hard to change for you. And I will forever continue to.”
He reached in the bag again and brought out the same yellow envelope you had sent him months ago. He brought the divorce papers.
He gently placed the on the table between you two, watching you carefully as you observed the envelope. You would’ve thought he’d thrown it out.
“I can’t promise you that I won’t ever unintentionally hurt you ever again. Because...” He stammered over the words the say to you. “I don’t know what will happen.” He said truthfully. “But what I can promise you is that I will never lay my hands on you like that again. I will always do my best to be there for you and love you and support you. I will never intentionally bring you harm in any way. And I will always be by your side. No more doing things by yourself when we should be doing them together.” He reaches for your hand again and squeezed it. “I promise to love you for the rest of my life, and spend it all proving that to you that.”
You were so glad that you were a fair bit away from the counter where that dumb waitress was sitting, so she couldn’t see you cry.
Looking into his eyes you saw nothing but truth. He gave you your time and he did what you wanted and so much more. He changed for the better and he was owning up to it all. You knew he meant his promises, but you couldn’t help but be hesitant. Can you blame yourself? Horrible things had happened between you two, but the amount of good outweighed the bad. Some of the best times of your life had been with Bucky and you had never loved anyone the way you loved him. He’s telling you what he will do, but the only way he can prove it is if you give him the chance to do it.
“If anything,” You lifted your finger to him. “And I mean anything, like that happens ever again you will never see me again.”
Hope bursted through his chest as he took in your words and you could see his eyes lift up.
“I will leave your ass hard on the cold floor and never come back, do you understand me?” You told him sternly.
He sobbed in relief, a weight completely lifted off his chest as he rose from his chair on hot on his knees in front of yours. His hands gripped yours and he peppered kisses all over your knuckles.
“I love you.” He mumbled against your skin. “I love you so much.”
You tried to keep your stern face on but you couldn’t help but smile. It wasn’t until he touched you that you realised just how much you missed his touch.
He looked up at you. Beautiful big blue eyes looking at you lovingly and you couldn’t help but melt. “Thank you.”
“Oh I’m not done yet. I just have a few things that I want, first.” You said, gripping his hands.
“Anything.” He said immediately.
“I want to keep working at the clinic. I love my job and I don’t want to give it up again and become a house wife.”
He nodded his head, still holding your fingers to his mouth. “Absolutely.”
“That also means not so much protection.” You pointed out. “You could trust me to be safe for six months. I’ll be okay.”
Bucky sighed but nodded. He knew you could handle your own, and Sam being around wouldn’t hurt. Plus you liked Sam.
“And one more thing.” You paused. Bucky heart dragged its way back into his chest and he waited for your call. “The things we are supposed to do together, I will not do alone anymore.” Your eyes looked down at him full of hope and love. “Because I can’t do this alone.”
Bucky shook his head and placed another kiss on your hands. “You will never have to ever again.” He promised you.
You wriggle one of your hands out of his grip and let your fingers grace his cheek. He leans into your touch and closes his eyes.
He’s craved your touch for so long and as he finally felt your finger tips and right now he was lapping it up and treasuring the moment.
He opened his eyes to see your beautiful ones, gazing right back at him.
“I love you.” He whispered to you.
A smile spread its way across your gorgeous face. “I love you.”
He smiled as the warmth finally spread through his chest.
“Should we start over? Go back to the first date?” Bucky suggests but you shake your head.
“Fuck going back, that times too much time and I’m ready now.” You said causing him to chuckle. “Let’s just pick up where we left off and carry on, but like this.”
“I’m happy with that.” Bucky smiled and nodded. “Should we get outta here?”
You sighed happily. “Yes, lets go.”
Bucky stood from his place and raised a hand to catch the waitresses attention. She came over with the check and you reached into your purse to pay for your food. But by the time you pulled out the money, Bucky had already given her the pay and she was walking away.
He smiled down at your frown. “My treat.” He leant forward and kissed your forehead.
You didn’t object to him, he was being sweet.
You stood and swiped the divorce envelope off the table and held it under your arm.
Bucky offers you his hand and before you take it, you drop it into the trash as you walk passed it.
You laced your fingers with his and kissed his cheek. He pushed the door open and held it for you. Heading down the steps of the entrance Bucky felt something in his pocket.
“Hold on a sec.” He pulled out what seemed to be a folded piece of paper.
Frowning he opened it and read the writing, his eyes going wide.
“What?” You frowned.
“Uh...” He stammered and offered you the paper.
Call me when you’re done with the bitch in the scrubs X
Followed by a phone number.
“That bitch.” You said and took a step towards the restaurant again but Bucky stopped you.
“Hey now.” He pulled you to face him with a smirk on his face. “She’s not worth it.”
My, how the roles have changed.
“You know you’re the only one I will ever want.” He leant in to give you a cheeky kiss but you pulled him against your lips hard and your hand travelled down to his ass and gave one of his butt cheeks a hard squeeze.
You pulled away and Bucky was dazed.
“Let’s go home so you can eat me out.” You said before pulling him to the car.
And that’s exactly what he did. As soon as you got into your apartment your clothes were off, his head between your legs that were thrown over his shoulders and your fists clenching the sheets as you moaned and called his name into the night.
His tongue happily lapped over your clit, causing your body to jerk and your hips to grind further into his face.
His hands caressed and massaged the skin of your thighs as he moaned into your core, sensing vibrations through your body. He wanted to give you his all.
“Baby.” You panted as waves of pleasure rolled over you. “I’m gonna come.”
He took his mouth away from your core and latched onto your thigh as his fingers found their way to your clit and rubbed furiously.
Your back arched and your legs trembled as the fast motion on your clit took you straight through your orgasm and into your high. You moaned out his name and came.
Bucky connected his mouth again to clean up your release and gave you a firm kiss on your clit.
“You’re so good, baby girl.” Bucky gave your pussy a gentle rub. You moaned at his touch.
He climbed up your body and left kisses on his way. Your legs instinctively wrapped around his waist and he lined himself up with your swollen and sensitive entrance that was growing slick with arousal again.
You gripped onto his forearms and pulled his lips into a passionate kisses. You could taste yourself in his mouth and he brushed the baby hairs that stuck to your sweaty forehead out of your face.
“Love me.” You whispered into the kiss.
Bucky kept your lips connected as he pushed into you, your pussy taking him so well, wrapping around him like a vice.
You moan at the feeling of him inside you once again and how much you missed him.
He moaned into your mouth as he pulled out and thrusted back into you again.
He made love to your body for as long as he could that night before tiring you out, leaving your body buzzing with pleasure and your clit pulsing.
You come out of your little recharge nap to find the bed empty. You sit up and see you’re in the middle of the huge bed and the bathroom light is illuminating parts of the dark room. Focusing your eyes, you can see Bucky standing and facing the mirror, shirtless. You sat up and adjusted your view to see him better. He was just standing there in the mirror. Frowning, you pulled back the covers, slipped out of the bed and padded your way over to him.
Coming into the bathroom you finally saw his face, conflict on his face as he observed himself. Your eyes take to his back, seeing the lash scars across his back and the horribly puffed scar circling his shoulder.
Your mind floods with horrid imagined images he described of his time as a hostage with Hydra. The shit they did to him breaks a man, and he broke in his own way.
You lean forward and gently place both your hands on his arms, bringing yourself forward to kiss at the scars on his back and you feel him tense up at your touch. You close your eyes and pour as much love as you can into your kiss.
You instantly feel Bucky relax. You moved your arms to wrap around him behind and rest on his stomach. His fingers caress the skin of your hand.
“I regret the man I became.” His deep voice mumbled. You kiss his shoulder and let your eyes connect with his through the mirror. You can see the emotion swimming in his blue orbs.
“I was paranoid. I needed to control everything. I didn’t think before I made a move because my body instantly reacted.” He confessed. You could see he was close to tears so you held him a little tighter.
“I have a cursed mind and I’m clinging onto something so beautiful,” He continued. “and all I did was hurt that beautiful thing. The worst pain I’ve ever felt was the pain I brought on myself.”
Your eyes soften at his voice and you rest your head in the crook of his neck, still looking into his eyes through the mirror. He leans his head on yours and holds your hand in his.
“I will always be happy with you. But I’m afraid that I put you in danger.” He closes his eyes. “I don’t want to do that to you. I love you too much to do that again.”
You turn and kiss his head. Your heart was squeezing in your chest at his words.
“You’ve been getting help. That counts for something. You’re doing something about it.” You mumble against his skin. “I haven’t felt as safe with you as much as I did this evening, I can tell you’ve changed. And no matter how much I try to deny it I love you just as much.”
Bucky opens his eyes to look at yours again and you see the tears rimming his eyes.
You hold him to your body and fix your hands securely around his chest.
“You do so much and you don’t even know it.” He told you. “I appreciate you so much.”
“I love you.” You whispered to him.
“I love you.” He said and turned in your arms.
He gently took your lips with his and you could feel his emotions pour into the kiss. You returned the passion and wrapped your arms around his neck. His hand travelled around your waist making sure he can feel every inch of your skin. He squeezed down you sides and hooked under your thighs. You stepped up and wrapped your legs over his hips, his hands supporting your behind and cradling you in his arms. Your lips danced together in sync and your bodies pulled closer together.
His feet moved the both of you back to the bed and laid you back down. He was going to worship your body some more before falling asleep with you in his arms once again.
The Carry On taglist: crossed means not working
@amazonianbeauty @oceanmermaidwitch @kiwi-comics @veronawrites @oofiloveseb @jinaaaannnnn @bluerorjhan @just-a-littlebit-of-everything @mrsbarneswillseeyounow @some-random-stranger-007 @formulafun @chipilerendi @sasbb23 @slcvely @indigobl00d @harrison-shot-first @linkingdolans
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