#also apparently female oni's are likely good with magic and dark spells does that make lloyd and garmadon a trans icon /JJJJJJJJ
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ninjautizm · 1 year ago
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I found out some stuff about Oni's and I have a whole bunch of new headcanons for Lloyd and Garmadon..
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impracticaldemon · 8 years ago
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Chapter 7: The Shinsengumi of Fairy Tail ~ A Guide
Note:  The REAL Chapter 7 is in progress, but a number of people commented that although they really liked the story, they were getting confused by all the names.  So welcome to Levy’s Guide to the Shinsengumi of Fairy Tail!
My fabulous NEW GAJEVY CHIBIS (!!!) were created by MintAnneComics.
(Please don’t reproduce my commissioned art without asking me, thanks. :)
Fanfiction copy of the chapter is linked above. Text is posted below.
Chapter 7—The Shinsengumi of Fairy Tail
Author's Note: It is taking me longer to finish writing the final chapter of this Gajevy story than I had anticipated. In the meantime, I wanted to address the comment that although the characters are entertaining, it isn't easy to keep track of who is who without knowing more about the Shinsengumi. Consequently, this "chapter" is actually a short "cast of characters" that I hope will be both interesting and helpful to those of you who have tried to follow my rapidly-expanding list of players! For what it's worth, I had to do this for my other Shinsengumi-related story (now at 81 chapters) for similar reasons—it's just easier to keep track of what's going on when you know who is who and how they are connected.
All of those listed are real historical characters, although their real life counterparts did not necessarily have the same appearance as described in this story. I note, however, that Hijikata Toshizō was described as being "as handsome as an actor" and had a number of women interested in him. He never married. Moreover, since this story is at least partly a Hakuouki cross-over, many of the physical descriptions and some of the general concepts are taken from that particular Shinsengumi setting, to the extent that they fit in well with Fairy Tail. Fairy Tail remains the major/intended basis for this story.
Part I—Shinsengumi
Kondō Isami, Commander—the current overall leader of the Shinsengumi; Levy has seen him but rarely interacts with him; she doesn't know if he is one of the People
Sannan Keisuke, Colonel or Deputy Commander—the military and tactical advisor and second-in-command of the Shinsengumi; Levy has rarely seen him and knows little about him; he was seriously injured in battle before she arrived and has been reclusive ever since
Hijikata Toshizō, Vice Commander—the day-to-day leader of the Shinsengumi and currently the functional second-in-command; Hijikata is known for being a stern disciplinarian, which has earned him the name of "Oni no Fukuchō" (the Demon Vice Commander); Levy has met him a few times and has mixed feelings—he seems very strict, but also seems to have compassion, although he doesn't let it interfere with the efficient running of the Shinsengumi; Levy now believes him to be one of the People
Okita Sōji, First Division Captain (Dragneel Natsu)—brash, fiery-tempered and more than a little bitter; supposedly used to be a lot more cheerful and easy-going, but Levy hasn't seen much of that; he and Gajeel seem to have a semi-friendly rivalry; Dragon Clan [actual appearance: pink hair, green eyes]
Nagakura Shinpachi, Second Division Captain (Alberona Kana)—cheerful, outgoing and hard-drinking, popular with his (her) soldiers; Levy was shocked to discover that "Nagakura" is actually a woman, and wears almost as little under her illusion spell as "Nagakura" wears in general (which isn't much!); one of the People, probably one of the Yōsei (Fairies, for lack of a better translation); Levy wonders why Nagakura has a reputation for frequenting the higher-priced brothels given her actual gender
Saitō Hajime, Third Division Captain (Fullbuster Gray)—quiet, reserved and clearly one of Hijikata's most trusted officers; generally works well with others and has a good relationship with Gajeel (unknown why); has a slightly strained relationship with Okita/Natsu (unknown why); is cautious, but seems disposed to be kind to Levy; probably one of the Yōsei but may have some Oni (Demon Clan) blood (rumour only because he is a surprisingly powerful fighter for one of the Yōsei) [actual appearance is midnight blue/black hair and eyes]
Inoue Genzaborou, Sixth Division Captain—does not appear to be affiliated with the People, or maybe Levy just can't tell; seems much calmer and more normal than the others, appears older but is probably only in his early thirties
Tōdō Heisuke, Eigth Division Captain—described as generally cheerful and full of energy, but currently still under medical care following a brutal head-wound received at the Ikedaya Inn (where Levy was working in Chapter 1) during the raid; it has been implied that Heisuke (who tends to go by his first name, unlike most people) is one of the People and may have been attacked by one of the People (of the Oni/Demon Clan) at the Ikedaya; Levy has not spoken with Heisuke much because of his serious injury (also, the others seem very protective of their comrade)
Harada Sanosuke, Tenth Division Captain (Scarlet Erza)—tall and friendly, with bright red hair and superb weapon skills; clearly one of Hijikata's most trusted officers; one of the Yōsei Clan like Levy, she keeps her red hair visible because it makes it easier to distract people (by illusion) from her true appearance as a woman; PAGE [actual appearance is similar to shown appearance, but female and shorter]
Tani Mantaro, Second Division Vice-Captain (Redfox, Gajeel)—frequently fills in as captain for the other divisions when there are injuries; close friend of his roommates Yamazaki Susumu and Shimada Kai; Dragon Clan (Levy's mentor, despite having hurt her and attacked her foster-mother Keiko-san during the Ikedaya Inn raid) [only the red eyes are concealed]
Yamazaki Susumu, Inspector (Lahar)—one of the Shinsengumi's spies and internal investigators, Yamazaki is a skilled shinobi (similar to a ninja) and also the doctor/medic of the organization; currently teaching Levy magic; member of the Yōsei clan [true appearance has purple eyes]
Shimada Kai, Inspector and also Second Division Vice-Captain—as big as Gajeel and very broad, Shimada is friendly and easy-going; like Gajeel, he is often placed in whatever Division needs him most and he can lead if required; his main job is to work with Yamazaki/Lahar as a spy/investigator; he does not appear to be one of the People, but Gajeel and Lahar seem to speak freely around him so Levy assumes that he is [appearance is black hair and dark brown eyes—quite normal, just very big]
Yamato Daisuke, Page to Harada Sanosuke (Marvell, Wendy)—appears to be about thirteen or fourteen and about two inches taller than Levy; is actually a girl of fourteen and about the same height as Levy (4'8" or 4'9"—note that average height for women in Edo Japan was about 4'10"); although unspecified, Levy believes that Yamato/Wendy is a Yōsei because of her dark blue hair; Levy knows that Wendy has the ability to heal others and has learned how to fight and hit but is quite gentle
Yukimura Aki, Page to Yamazaki Susumu (and general) (Levy, former alias "Aoi" meaning blue; last name and family unknown)
Part II—Fairy Tail Guild (Post-Split)
The Split occurred when Dreyar Laxus, the grandson of then Guild Master Dreyar Makarov, successfully attacked and took control of both Fairy Tail Guild and the title of King of the small kingdom containing the Guild. Several Fae (the People) sided with Laxus-sama and some Fae were captured or killed during the brief and violent civil war; the Fae who fought hardest against Laxus-sama (and who weren't captured or killed) eventually retreated and have been in exile ever since. Quite a few are in Kyoto, as the large population makes it easy to blend in. Also, Kyoto is more or less central while still being quite some distance from Fairy Tail Guild.
Kazama Chikage (Dreyar Laxus)—blond and arrogant, Laxus does not change his appearance although he uses a bit of power so that humans find it intimidating but not especially strange; he is searching for the missing Fae of the original Fairy Tail; apparently he showed up at the battle near the Imperial Palace and may or may not have recognized Hijikata Toshizō and Gajeel as Fae (unclear—maybe not)
Amagiri Kyūju (Justine Freed)—lean with long green hair; met with Saitō Hajime (Gray) during the battle near the Imperial Palace—may or may not have identified him; also noticed Levy but likely didn't recognize her as Fae thanks to Gray; he is an Oni (Demon Clan) with very strong powers
Shiranui Kyō (?)—Harada (Erza) mentioned having met another of Laxus' allies, but Levy didn't catch any names or other comments other than the fact that Erza thinks that she may have been identified
Please leave a comment in the notes if you found this interesting or helpful!
Thanks for reading, and I’ll have the new chapter ready soon.
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