#also also i have often wished that i had established captions for my header photos on these posts and i just decided what the hell!!
beesarthur · 5 months
The X-Files, 3:17: Pusher
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this smiling FBI agent stays safe!!!
What is the plot? The FBI and a local police department apprehend a man (Pusher aka Modell) at a Loudoun County grocery store. He had confessed over the phone (to FBI Agent Frank Burst, the guy with a great name) to a string of murders that looked like suicides. And once he's arrested, his poetic waxings about cerulean blue result in the officer driving the car driving into a cerulean blue truck and dying. (Modell escapes.) Later, at top golf, he drives an FBI agent to set himself on fire. In court, the judge finds him suspiciously compelling. Mulder and Scully combine their powers - and suspend any disbelief - to figure it out. At one point, Scully literally says "Mulder, no." And Modell literally says, "Mulder, yes."
What does this episode suggest about Mulder and Scully’s relationship with each other? Well, this is how Scully looks about Mulder putting himself in danger:
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...and this is how the episode ends:
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If I didn't know better, I'd say they were actively setting up a slow burn, etc.
Where are the aliens? unless they're responsible for Modell's brain tumor, they're not here
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