#also also disclaimer I've not played the mainline games for a few years so if my memory is off pls forgive me thanks
muninnhuginn · 2 years
Top 5 Ace Attorney characters and why, including spin offs!!
1. Miles Edgeworth
2. Phoenix Wright
3. Mia Fey
4. Ema Skye
Couldn’t decide who to pick for 5th so just did top four.
Went slightly overboard with my reasons so I’ve chucked them below the cut.
Miles Edgeworth
I probably don’t show it too much nowadays but he is one of my all time blorbos ngl. His character arc is just so well done over the trilogy and then tied off with a bow in the Investigations games.
So, like, with Edgeworth the thing is that his dad was a defence lawyer and that one aspect plays out into the first trilogy pretty strongly. Phoenix becomes defence before of Edgeworth whilst Edgeworth is pushed into the role of prosecution because of von Karma. If not for DL-6, the trajectory of both of their lives would have been so different. And it’s not until von Karma is gone that Edgeworth is free to explore what he himself wants his role to be.
Of course, being... not the most emotionally aware or communicative he takes a long route about it (“accidentally implied I committed suicide” is an original detour, I’ll give him that :V). But as of 3-5, he’s in the position where he takes on Phoenix’s role and is therefore able to see what could have been if he had grown up to be a defence lawyer instead of being forced into prosecution. It’s not an ideal situation, but it’s super important character-wise that he has that opportunity and it forces him to consider his own role as prosecution/defence. And tbh I would've been happy if they'd finished it there with him, but then we have the Investigations games which actually tie off the stuff with his dad and take him to his final decision. Even though he was initially forced into it, he is now proud to be a prosecutor. That’s the role he wants to take.
I’ve barely even said anything about DL-6 either but the first game actually does a lot of heavy lifting in terms of his character because it’s there that he takes his first step and chooses not to head down the path he was straying towards (evidence forgery, lack of belief in defence attorneys in general). Instead, he takes on the view that defence and prosecution working together will get to the complete solution and they both have to trust in each other and try their hardest to get there. But honestly, Edgeworth’s character develops in every single game pre-time skip even if it’s clearly not easy for him. And speaking of not easy for him, I really like how his fear of earthquakes is kept up throughout and never diminished. It was a refreshing treatment when I’m used to a lot of series introducing a phobia just for it to be overcome and never mentioned again.
Anyway, on top of all the stuff above, I like him because it feels like you really have to earn it as the player before he has his first breakthrough? And even once he's had that he's still fairly abrasive/arrogant/lowkey socially oblivious (which makes his interactions with characters like Gumshoe hilarious) but there’s now an understanding underlying his interactions with Phoenix. (Also, even before he mellows out it’s fun to see him going full fan about Steel Samurai)
Phoenix Wright
I know people who say player characters have no real personality because they exist to be projected onto and whilst I can see why that comes about I don’t actually find it an issue with Phoenix? Probably helps we get peeks at him from other POV characters at times, but honestly his inner monologue is just incredibly entertaining. And the disconnect between what he’s thinking (read: snarking or panicking about) vs what he actually says and does is a great source of humour tbh.
My main issue with him comes from the way that in aa4 he gets this alternate characterisation and then come aa5 that’s just... entirely wiped? I’m under the impression there was a load of rewriting/re-steering the series and aa4/5 fell victim to this, but I can’t help but feel if you’re going to overhaul a character like that you should at least try and commit to it? Carry over some more poker references or ways of acting so it doesn’t just become some bizarre aside. Show that even if Phoenix has mostly returned to “normal” that that entire saga (which in canon lasted years) has had an effect.
But like, even despite that, he’s one of my faves. He’s impulsive and doesn’t have his brain screwed on at times but once you’ve earnt his loyalty you have it for life. Mainly though, he’s hilarious.
Mia Fey
Honestly I was pretty neutral on her until aa3 and then her arc there is actually what won me over. Mia as a rookie especially was really humanising? For the first two games most of what we saw of her was this mentor figure who would guide Phoenix but mainly existed as a mentor before anything else. And then third game comes along and we get to see she bluffs it just as much as Phoenix and also she has terrible taste in men. She gets annoyed with terrible defendants (Phoenix), terrible prosecutors (Edgeworth), and just like Phoenix later on, she’s determined not to give up despite setbacks.
And I do really like her connections because that’s where her role shines. She’s Maya’s sister, she’s Phoenix’s mentor, Godot ostensibly killed to save Maya for Mia. Something something that post about haunting the narrative. That’s Mia, affecting the story long after her death. And she drags herself back into the story to get her closure, protect Maya, and pass the torch onto Phoenix. She gets the closest thing to a happy ending she can get. And then she’s gone. For real, this time.
Ema Skye
This is probably my scientist bias I cri. But she's one of the few characters you actually get to see grow up because of the age she is in the first trilogy/investigations vs second trilogy. So you can kinda compare and contrast how bubbly she is initially vs her later “done with everything” self but with the excitement still peeking through. It’s surprisingly realistic how she changes and is much better handled than Phoenix’s equivalent personality shifts imo.
I'll freely admit there are characters with much more to them but eh. Her theme is catchy, she’s a scientist, she likes chocolate fingers, I’m a simple person.
I have some characters I suspect would make this list from dgs if I could just make myself finish the games >_< (I've been stalled mid game 1 case 3 for months now). I don't want to put anyone from that there until I've finished.
Also shout out to Apollo and Maya who both have plenty of good writing behind them but just don't click as the type of personality I'm interested in :pensive:.
Bonus worst characters round: Hotti, toothbrush guy, the Badgers.
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buttonbee-kirby · 3 years
Sky Waltz Appreciation Post (Kirby Soundtrack Soliloquies #1)
As I mentioned in a previous rambling, my favourite part of the Kirby series might not actually be the copy abilities, the lore, or even Kirby themselves - it might actually be the music. Video Game Music (VGM) is probably my favourite genre of music, and there’s just something so undeniably catchy, moving, and iconic as the Kirby series soundtracks.
{Disclaimer: I am not a music major, so please don't expect a lot of in-depth analysis or technical terms. I just love what I love.}
I could ramble on and on about my favourite soundtracks, composers, and motifs, but today I want to highlight what is probably my favourite song in the entire series. I've given it quite a bit of thought, and over the years I've finally come to the conclusion that it's Sky Waltz, which premiered in Kirby's Return to Dream Land.
This song is first heard in World 5, Nutty Noon, and while there are so many banger songs in this stage (Sky Tower is phenomenal, the Boss Rush music is bombastic), there is something so simple and serene to this song. I love the way the violins build up to some great climax only to slow and rhythmically descend back down. I've already promised that if I ever get married, this song will play at my wedding. If I can get my future partner to agree, it's going to be our first dance.
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Songs like Green Greens, Bubbly Clouds, Fountain of Dreams, they all get the hype and remixes they deserve throughout Kirby's games, as they should. Even newer songs like Dried Up Sea from Planet Robobot. Song of Supplication from Star Allies, and even Sky Tower from RtD have seen remixes in later titles and get waves of praise in YouTube comment sections, Discord, and other forums. Fun fact, Sky Tower has made an appearance in every mainline Kirby game since Return to Dream Land, and even some of the spinoffs (we’ll see if this holds true for the Forgotten Land) Sky Waltz should absolutely be given the same treatment: the fact that it's one of the few 3/4 songs in the Kirby series, the way it makes you feel like you're lightly jumping from cloud to cloud in its intro and then slowly floating down with a parasol during the violin solo, it brings me so much joy.
So to celebrate Sky Waltz, here are three remixes, official and unofficial, that are worth listening to while you're writing, cooking, or just relaxing. Links are embedded in the titles since I can't post more than one video per post.
1) Dreaming of Skies at the Fountain of Rainbows
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While this track features more songs than one song, I still consider it a Sky Waltz remix since it does play the entire piece in its intro. Also, I only learned this existed and more people deserve to know about this, so I’m using this as an excuse as well. Included with the official, physical release of the Kirby Star Allies Soundtrack (Limited), the Kirby Arrange Selection mp3 player features a variety of arrangements from across Kirby's history, with two of them dedicated to Kirby's Return to Dream Land. Sky Waltz gives it a bright start to set up the more energetic Super Ability before finally finishing off with a calming rendition of Grape Gardens and Rainbow Resort. I would recommend checking out the entire collection, but this one is easily my favourite.
2) Sky Structure by azifly
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Now let's take a look at a fan remix with an interesting twist. This composition takes the soundfont from Kirby Canvas Curse (which deserves its own music post) to recreate Sky Waltz from a fantasy sky kingdom at sunset to a utopian, bumping city in the early morning. It also takes inspiration from Tiny Town, which I struggle to explain since I’m not a music major, but if you’ve heard it before or listen to it now, you’ll see what I mean. I'm honestly shocked how well Tiny Town works with this piece, and I wish azifly would make more remixes like this in the future. Definitely check out their channel, while they don't have a ton of songs and they haven't posted in quite a while, what is there is worth a listen for sure.
3) Sky Waltz by Jonathan Aldrich (Art by torkirby, Kyle Smith)
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This. This is what I want to be played at my wedding. I can just see myself gliding across the floor before getting thrown into the air during the final climactic build. Their additions to the piece feel like a natural extension and gives Sky Waltz the arrangement it deserves. It kind of reminds me how they extended certain pieces in Super Kirby Clash (another game with a killer soundtrack I need to talk about). If Sky Waltz were ever given another official remix, I would want them to do what Jonathan did. Jonathon has many other phenomenal piano remixes to check out (their rendition of Earthfall is spectacular) and they seem pretty active, so be sure to send a few likes their way.
That's all for now! Let me know which one was your favourite or if you'd like more ramblings discussing Kirby music. I could do mini-essays, Top 10 lists, whatever sounds interesting! Here's hoping Sky Waltz gets some love in Kirby and the Forgotten Land or in the 30th Anniversary Concert this summer.
- buttonbee
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