#also a tiny tim in the bg if you can spot the man
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comicteaparty · 6 years ago
November 29th, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on November 29th, 2018, from 5PM - 7PM PST.  The chat focused on Numb by Niina Eveliina Salmelin.
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Numb by Niina Eveliina Salmelin~! (http://www.NiinaEveliina.com/numb/)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
Hi folks! I'm the author of Numb and actually managed to wake up and join in the chat. Looking forward for the discussion and trying to avoid spilling any spoilers (edited)
glad to see you could make it~!
i think my favorite scene was perhaps the one in carl and the thief's...mind space for lack of a better phrase for it. i really enjoyed seeing the possession kind of presented as a physical dilemma of sorts and not something that just happened and carl was just gone. but i also liked the entire eeriness of it cause it really opened lots of question doors and set up that intense sense of yup, something definitely is wrong
Hiyo, I'm here, though at a moment's notice I'll need to drop everything and help put the little one to bed. ^^ I also only managed to read to the end of Part 5 (so to the end of 2017).
Yeah, some good eerie scenes in general. Rebel, do you mean the bit where Carl was bricking up Carl behind the wall...?
Also, hello to author/artist.
yes that scene
Hello, glad you could make it!
Ohh the possession sequence was a real joy to do, with figuring out how to do the visuals for it.
That was an interesting visual. As for me, three scenes kind of stand out, let's hope I remember these...
I liked the bit near the start when Carl was talking about Amy's imaginary friends. Partly because it made me think of my own daughter (still very wee, granted), and partly because something seemed to be happening in the background, some guy with a hood, and little things like that amuse me. Neat way to make possible exposition less boring.
Second scene that I thought was great, mostly for comedic value, was when Susan was leaving the hospital to have a smoke, and then her cigarette wasn't there - Levi had it. Because of Nikita. Nice sign of things being more than they seemed. Less violent than the vase too, subtle.
in regards to the first scene i think the event that was going on in the bg was the woman getting possessed by the thief. or at least she looks very similar to the woman who later brings the thief to carl
Rebel: Oh wow, good catch.
i loved nikita's choice of trying to send susan a sign. cause that was hilarious and i wish wed seen what susan was thinking. did she think she was crazy? did she think levi was a weirdo? who knows
nikita is a great trickster though
i loved him freaking out those old ladies with their nasty gossip
Yes, this is correct @RebelVampire. It's that kind of pretty vague hint that readers can spot on their second time. I love putting small things like that in stories
I wonder if maybe Susan thought that she'd put the cigarette there, because who else could it have been, and then forgotten.
That cigarette gave Susan hard time, for sure
Oh YES, that scene with the ladies going off on that kid, and then just the image of them with their cups upended on them, that was great too.
I'd forgotten that one.
Here's the big one for me though. That scene with Susan at the bottom of the stairs, calling out to Carl. Where the blood underneath her kind of bled (literally?) into the shading of the stairs, and it was just red, and dialled the creepy factor up to 11 for me.
I think it's safe for me to say my favourite part as well? Even though it's really hard to pick, it's gotta be the moment after Thief/Carls attack, where Levi and Nikita meet again. Nikita allows Levi to help him up. and there's a tiny bit of trust formed there, as they walk out the house together. (Also, a big part for me to love that moment was the fact that I was finally able to get Levi out of that hospital bed.)
I'm not big on horror, but I'm not so bad with watching it, because usually I can mentally write off supernatural stuff as "not real". So I could appreciate the weird, eerie stuff up to that point, but it didn't make me flinch. But that bit with the stairs - and maybe it's because I kind of saw it coming during the confrontation - that was too real. Too much. Had to walk away from my binge for a few hours there. (I mean this in a good way.)
Niina: That was nice, yes. Levi was kind of at a crossroads there, and it's good that they were able to help each other out, even when Nikita brushed him off.
Gossip grannies always manage to bring out a response out of people @mathtans This kind of stuff is really interesting to hear. I'm glad it was still a good kind of shock for you!
Very effective use of colour, and maybe angles and such too.
I'm big fan of horror, so I sometimes have to wonder when I do certain scenes: when it's too much. Hearing this kind of perspective is always good.
yeah the color work whenever the basement became involved was really great. cause basements are creepy as is, so it was great to see them become as creepy as i expected. lthough i think what really dialed the creepiness up for me in that scene was susan calling out to carl that she thinks shes hurt. because at that point its such a no duh thing that susan's helplessnesss really sinks in. and nothing is more worrisome about the supernatural than the realization you cant do shit about it. Niina: I did enjoy that moment of bonding and understanding. Especially given that Nikita seems kind of stubborn and it was good to see him accept he needed help.
One of those "okay, overloaded now" moments. Tough for me to say exactly why.
Rebel: Yeah, the calling out probably helped cement it too, now that you say that. In particular, that she thinks he might help. >.<
I think what makes it horrific, is that Susan and Carl were so close, so there's no way she could have seen it coming. Just a 5 mins ago before thief arrived, Carl was just nagging and worrying about her.
Since I don't read a lot of horror, I may not be your target audience either. It's tough for me to say what is or isn't too much there.
Funny thing too btw, I didn't really like Susan. Personal pet peeve about smoking, and she also seemed like something of a killjoy, or one who dishes things out but can't always take it when things turn back towards her novel.
But that death... damn, didn't deserve that. Felt bad.
its okay math. im not the target audience either, though for the opposite reason. im so numb to it that things that should be scary im just like "seems like a normal tuesday to me." XD
(Assuming it's a for sure death - I haven't gotten into the 2018 stuff yet. Maybe she's a ghost now.)
Oooh, title drop by Rebel.
not even on purpose
missed opportunities
i will spoil it and say its a for sure death minus the ghost issue
which i wanna give props to that
so few stories actually kill someone off
to the point i lived in denial
and was like "nah susan is fine someone will get her help nobody ever dies"
There is that. Well, that's sad.
Should've died of cancer!
I don't know (about the target audience thing), I find it really hard to put Numb in only horror category and see it more as a mixture of different genres. I'd like to think that all kind of readers will get something out of it. Of course, they have to be able to stomach those extreme scenes as well @mathtans hahaha!
Yeah, it's not for sure horror. There's elements of fantasy too.
I'm bad for recognizing genres. Particularly with my own stuff.
speaking of susan, though, i can see where shed be irritating. but man did carl's nagging about her book feel so relateable because writing is hard and somedays you just want to think nothing about book writing
QUESTION 2. Many of the supernatural events are driven by the appearance of the “thief.” Who or what do you think the thief is? Why is the thief continually transferring bodies? Additionally, what is the thief even running from so desperately? What does this have to do with all the voices, including Tim’s, that Carl hears when he becomes possessed? What do you think the thief’s end goal is? How do you think the thief was able to touch Nikita, and why did the thief seem so sure Nikita was going to hurt it? Also, how are Nikita and the thief connected, if at all? Lastly, do you think Carl will recover from the thief’s possession, or is he forever doomed?
hello thursday book clubbers! Hi @NiinaEveliina I really enjoyed reading your comic! regarding 'extreme scenes' do you really think that the scenes from numb were extreme? what's everyones opinion on level of blood violence?
Also, Levi's apartment and stuff for Susan issues. Though apparently she writes well, according to Nikita.
@mathtans It's fun to see that perspective on Susan! To me her smoking was actually really important. In my childhood most of my family, friends and people around me were heavy smokers. Still they were the ones to tell me hardest "never you start ok" and I actually never have smoked a cig in my life, probably because of those smokey lungs were so much against it, ironically So there's something very nostalgic about her to me.
I didn't have an issue with the blood. But it's not really a squick for me, and I wonder if watercolours mutes it a bit?
I'd agree with mathtans that the abstraction of the art really created a bit of distance for me from the horror elements, muted it a bit perhaps?
Niina: That's neat background info! Yeah, my family has some history of asthma and I have an allergy to smoke in particular. So I'm prejudiced against smokers. Nothing personal.
I'm not sure if it distanced me from the horror, just the violence.
@chateaugrief I'd say the overall themes are pretty heavy and the obvious scenes like throwing Sue down the stairwell and Nikita getting knife'd. From the audience reactions, I'd say those would be the most 'gorey'. @mathtans yeah, all good :)
good point, there was still major suspense
id say the scenes in numb were still pretty extreme though, but thats in comparison to contemporary webcomics. and a good majority of "horror" webcomics are actually real mild in comparison. but thats just my opinion and based solely on my reading repitoire, and horror is hard to come by in webcomics in general unless you go looking for it.
Regarding the latest question, not quite sure about thief's origins, assuming it's only one person - because I'm pretty sure Tim merged with the thief. Remember how Levi remembered that Tim had changed a bunch before he died? I think there's something to that.
yeah, im 100% aboard the tim got possessed train
it is the most logical sense
And I gotta say I'm happy that the visuals have been there to distance people from the violence. Because I never wanted Numb to be that kind of shock violence, in-your-face kind of mess. So it was my aim to find balance between the extreme nature of the violence but still keeping it, you know, tasteful.
that's interesting, @RebelVampire because i've seen a lot of creators tag stuff with the tiniest bit of blood as mature, even in a non-violent context. I didn't think Numb was particularly gory, despite the scenes mentioned. The framing of the shots made them practically happen offscreen...which only heightened that suspense and atmosphere. Was very well done I thought
Yeah, some of the framing was pretty well done. Like in the scenes where Carl has the knife.
yes, those eyes staring out of the blacked out face!
So Tim merged with the thief... is he a part of thief now then? Or did he kill himself to try and get away, and is now part of a band of ghosts trying to take thief down? I'm not clear whose side he's on.(edited)
I better keep my mouth shut while the Thief talk, this is very interesting to follow
nah i wouldnt say it was gory at all, but it was extreme in other ways which is why id still label it as extreme. becuase suspense can do a lot to make mild gore feel extreme. and more the issue with numb is it was realistic. because susan's death was something that could happen to anyone. so gory? definitely not. but extreme in the sense that it would unsettle ppl a lot and probably require a mature tag, yes probably. but again, specification this is compared to contemporary webcomics
if we start including other mediums its super duper mild
@RebelVampire This is very true
I mostly just read webcomics for this chat. I don't know what's mainstream.
i'm such a newbie to webcomics that I probably take my expectations from other mediums. why I'm here, I want to learn.
no time like the present to get started.
i feel like tim merged with the thief? like i kind of dont feel like you escape the thief once it possesses you
so @NiinaEveliina how did you decide on the style of art that you chose?
more likely i think levi mightve killed tim in self defense or something?
so tim is stuck forever
💩💩💩YY 💩💩💩
So I've only gotten to the point where Levi is in the hospital and he claims that there was someone there on the street. 9v9llll And I'm already quaking in mah boots. OH MAN... hides in non-existent sheets
Maybe thief is a soul fleeing the grim reaper... except Nikita told Susan to move away from the voices after death, and she'd be fine. So maybe thief is the grim reaper, gone a bit off in the head?
i kind of get the impression that the thief is an escapee, like the thief escaped a larger entity or escaped death itself. and now its on the run trying to avoid death
cause death sucks
who wants to be dead
thats who
💩💩💩YY 💩💩💩
This silly bean was not expecting this and now I'm not sure if I have the guts to continue. ; V ; slowly clicks next page
Rebel: Oh, maybe. I hadn't considered that (the self defense). Fun fact, it occurred to me that Levi indirectly killed Susan. Because if he hadn't delayed her with his talk about Nikita, she would've left the house to look for Amy, rather than getting locked in by Carl.(edited)
that was one of the funniest moments when Nikita says 'will you trust me if I tell you that dying is bad and you don't want to be dead'. (edited)
Y'know who sucks? Thief. Death seems like the better alternative.
Cuz thief tries to be charming and stuff, then pushes your friends down a flight of stairs.
Going back to chateau's remark, yeah, watercolours is an interesting medium. I think we've only had one other webcomic here that uses them.
i've seen a lot of webcomics that use digital media that's made to look like watercolor though. It's quite a beautiful look done well!
man that moment with nikita telling susan about death really sticks to me now that i know susan be dead for real. cause the entire time i was like "this is strange advice for a character who isnt going to die."
and then the death was real
so now im like "great and depressing advice there nikita"
as another thief theory, i think the thief continually is transferring bodies to get rid of the voices of all the souls its kind of absorbed along its travels, but ironically the more it transfers the mroe souls it gathers
a tragic cycle
That's a great theory. Snake eating it's own tail sort of thing.
it did appear to absorb souls didn't it? I just realized that
incidentally, I found that listing the characters for every page was Super Useful for me as a new reader to keep everyone semi-straight in my head. Kudos
@chateaugrief I decided the artstyle based on what I wanted to learn to do basically. I was terrible with watercolors/colors in general, and knew that if I used those in Numb, I'd HAD to learn them eventually Of course now they play such a big role in the comic, I cant even imagine numb without color anymore. Otherwise the cartoony/mangaish mishmash style was chosen because it allows me to really have fun with character expressions and go wild with them. I also take lot of inspiration from animation, and wanted to give a sense of movement to the characters with my best ability.
Related to thief, I wonder what the deal is with the wheat field.
the wheat field seems related to death in some way? cause it conveniently showed up when susan died
so maybe its the grim reaper?
@NiinaEveliina thank you so much for choosing color. I have to thank every comic creator who goes the extra mile and uses color. It's hard, but it's so worth it! Really makes the story pop. How could those pages with the blood look half as good in black and white?
or the bad grim reaper
grain reaper
You win the evening with that comment.
Hey there!
@chateaugrief heck yea, color all the way!
Hope I'm not too late.
back on the character styles being a mix of manga and western, I thought that was a very interesting balance, I tend to prefer western style so that's what I saw...but now thinking about it I can see the influence of both. Interesting line to walk!
tbh, all these thief, nikita's advice and the field theories are making my day
Manga/western mixes are perhaps one of my favorites so it's always good to see works that adapt to that style~
@chateaugrief Theres a big blend probably because my childhood influences came from all directions, western, euro and japanese comic were all around from an really early age, so they have fused together in my style I think
@NiinaEveliina any works that you consider to have particularly inspired you?
Maybe when thief started out, they didn't possess people. Hence hanging around in forests as a disembodied voice. Maybe the people thing is more recent.
Maybe it's something Tim did.
QUESTION 3. Nikita is perhaps the most mysterious individual in the story. How do you think Nikita became a ghost (or whatever you think he is)? How long do you think he’s been that way? What might it have to do with what he told Susan after he found her injured? Why do you think Nikita has been avoiding Levi since the incident at Carl’s house? Is it fear or is Nikita just still mad about Levi’s dealings with everyone? In the comic, we also see some of Nikita’s life. What do you think happened to Nikita’s dad and mom given the medicine both seem to require? Who is Misha, and why did it cause Nikita’s mom to have a temporary meltdown? What do you think happened with Nikita’s relationship with Julia, whether in the past or in the current timeline?
thats an interesting thought that tim did something
maybe tim was the first
started the whole chain
sounds plausible. I'm not to the part where we see nikita's backstory yet...at least I don't think I was
Tim performed a ritual. Bad Tim.
I was curious as to why Nikita just 'dropped Levi as a friend' after being friendly to him. I didn't understand why he did it. It felt like Nikita overreacted to whatever it was Levi said, and i couldnt' see why.
@chateaugrief Donald Duck stories from the great Carl Barks and Don Rosa, Bone from Jeff Smith, Battle Angel Alita, Rumiko Takashi's work and Sandman are the first few comics that pop to my mind. The list is endless There's also huge influence from films on numb. Old italian horror films such as Suspiria and the beyond are great examples, especially for the trippy visuals.
Here's one thing I wondered about Nikita and his interactions. When he threw the vase, it was like there wasn't a vase in the room. When he spilled the chess pieces, the guy thought he hadn't brought them. Can Nikita actually destroy our reality? Or are our brains that desperate to think of explanations for the stuff he does?
Levi has issues. Don't want them to rub off. ^^
@NiinaEveliina ah .... some one's I've seen and some I haven't. I'll be sure to check them out
i think its the latter, that our brains reject the supernatural so hard core we invent whatever seems the most logical to compensate.
cause susan especially seems that type
@chateaugrief I swear the list changes every time I'm asked, there's just so many :D
who will pick any reason that does not include the supernatural
OH. Just thought of something. Carl could see Nikita. Tim could see things too, and possibly Amy. Maybe thief can only possess people who can see things like Nikita. Might be why he never tried for Susan.
The only way to protect yourself is not to believe.
i suppose thats possible, although we have an immensely small sample size
and couldnt carl only see nikita after he was possessed?
Carl gave Nikita an apple in an early scene.
But yeah, not necessarily enough people to draw conclusions.
i dont remember this. i remember carl giving an apple to the lady that was possessed by the thief
Oh, was it the lady? Maybe I got crossed up. It was the first time we saw Nikita, outside the hospital?
Ah, you're right, wires got crossed. We saw that apple later, and it was kind of rotten, so that makes sense too.
on a side note, i enjoyed thief!carl punching nikita. cause the look on nikita's face was priceless. not that i cheer for his pain, but man was that a great expression because he didnt expect it at all
True that.
I wonder if being in the proximity of death made him visible and corporeal to everyone. That's why Susan could see him.
i think more likely the thief was special and susan was the one whose dyingness made her able to see him
since the topic of nikita and levi's relationship was brought up, i feel like nikita is just slow to trust and i feel like hes been a ghost long enough that hes not as used to having to tell ppl where hes going and such
speaking of punching Nikita...he was a ghost right? do ghosts bleed? perhaps the punch made him non spectral?
punched straight out of the afterlife.
i feel like it did make him non spectral
although im really curious about whether or not he couldve actually died again
Maybe Nikita's having issues as a ghost, because he can't take his meds any more. Gets harder and harder to talk to people.
I feel like it might've been worse than death. Even after the wounds "healed", Nikita said it still hurt.
only thing creepier than a ghost is a ghost obsessively swallowing adhd meds
punched straight out of the afterlife... just to get stabbed. No wonder he's salty(edited)
"One Punch Carl".
Carl was the boss. I liked his character. Susan was a bit hard on him, seemed to see criticism from him at every turn, but I felt like it was genuine concern coming from him.
I could be confusing Susan with the other girl....
i see both sides of the carl susan relationship. cause im sure his concern was genuine, but at the same time i also understand how concern eventually becomes nagging
ya know who really got the short end of the stick in all this story though?
amy basically has little to no agency
and all this bad shit keeps happening
and everyone is lying to her
I do shake my head at the one Carl scene. Where his daughter, who's already established as someone who maybe skips classes, talks about going into the woods. And Carl's like, "yeah, don't do that, okay go out to the bus now". Like, maybe watch her board the bus? What did you have to do that was so important?
about whats going on
yes that was the other girl! couldn't remember her name she had so little agency
Yeah, Amy's imaginary friends even gave themselves up for her.
poor girl, she was trying
I'm really bad with names, usually. Not sure why I haven't tripped up yet. Maybe it's the reasonably sized cast?
Or the tags.
I really liked the tags
but I only discovered they were there at about chapter 3
it really cleared up the characters a bit for me, but i'm kinda fuzzy on some of them
math you havent even gotten to the sadder part with the imaginary friends XD
that broke my heart a bit for them
cause tbf they probably arent imaginary
Oh noes. O.o
I wondered about that.
but that is debateable tbf
i dont think theyre imaginary though
Okay, we haven't had enough crazy theories yet. So, Nikita's dad is really also Tim's dad. They're half brothers. Boom!
cuse if they are amy is super creative and has way better designed imaginary friends then i ever did
tbf I think Amy is super creative. She was trying to do drawings and stuff. (Though she may be creative but not have art skill.)
and she was very young, she was definitely trying. She's not dead yet is she? plenty of room for character development
Also, she's adopted. Boom! shrugs
amy definitely isnt dead
QUESTION 4. Levi has his own mysteries and problems going on, past and present. What do you think happened between him, Susan, and Tim given certain flashbacks we’ve seen? What do you think Levi and Tim saw that day in the woods, and why were only Levi and Tim able to see it? Why did Levi lie to dream Susan about not seeing Tim sometimes in his dreams? In other words, what is Levi emotionally avoiding? Do you think that Levi will be able to get over what happened at Carl’s house? Also, do you believe that he will be able to help Amy? What about Kiwi who seems to have known Nikita and who is now Amy’s roommate? Finally, do you believe Levi is safe from the thief, or are the two destined to encounter each other again?
is the dad
Levi and Tim seemed to see an opening, if memory serves?
Also, Levi seems to have trust issues. Like, he doesn't seem to think anyone will believe him. Including himself, maybe.
i think levi is more afraid of being alone and ostracized
that is the impression i get from him
which is why he does what he must to fit in with the club
Actually, Tim was always Levi's imaginary friend. Levi believed so hard that Susan could see Tim too.
Yeah, he doesn't want to be alone, I can see that.
im still gonna go with the levi hurt tim in self defense when tim went psycho possessed. and that in turn tore the group apart cause nobody wanted to talk about what happened.
that would be an amazing twist for tim
What if Levi actually was the first one possessed by thief. And it ended up going to Tim. And that's why Levi has abandonment issues.
I can't tell if I'm doing crazy theories or normal ones.
i think that one still qualifies as crazy but i mean its not implausible
I really don't have enough info to make theories.... these sound good. I could go with any of these
Do we know much about Carl's wife?
no but i assume dead
because youre not to the part but they send amy to an orphanage
because they cant get in contact with any other relatives
Gotcha. Wondered if Levi knew her in some way. Not sure if it's connected.
tbh ive really been trying to figure out how carl knows them and what the nature of their relationship is
cause carl has like 10 to 20 years on them
Yeah. School related? Carl's job?
and im not sure if this is like one of those small town where everyone just knows everyone
Anyway, you'll have to theorize without me. Time to put little one to bed.
i wondered about that, Carl looks about 50, so were the levi/susan crowd about in their 20's or perhaps late teens?
ok. thanks for coming, math~!
levi is apparently late 20s and susan early 30s
by their cast pages
@mathtans thanks for joining the chat and giving numb a change despite not being such a horror fan!
I may have been thrown off by the lack of visible employment by the levi/susans, though maybe I just missed that. I've got to learn to slow down when i read webcomics. There's such a temptation to go so fast!
The ages are pretty vague, because I don't want to forget and then conflict myself later, but it wouldn't be much of a spoiler to give a little background on Carl and Susan (I think it's on their cast info pages as well so it's not a spoiler even) but Carl was a family friend to Susans parents, who were working a lot and going abroad, so Carl looked after Susan a lot, and is basically her father figure. Carl knows Levi and Tim through Susan, since those three were childhood pals.
that makes sense, it makes sense of the character dynamics too.
ok that does add more context and makes more sense. and also explains why carl keeps nagging susan like a dad
or kept
cause susans dead
and carl is close to dead
now im sad
pretty unlucky family, perhaps a familial curse?
i just hope amy is not next on this path of death and destruction
now that susan's dead I'm going to have to adjust my feelings on who is the protagonist of the story. I would have said her over Levi, but I guess it's all up to Levi now.
Being amy is suffering
Speaking of protagonists and plots and stuff @NiinaEveliina do you have a completed plot/script for this comic or are you more freeform making it up in episodes as they come?
i always felt levi was the protagonist, though susan was a main character for sure. but susan seemed to have a smidgen less agency than levi in terms of who the protagonist is.
@chateaugrief Everything is on my head, as I'm dreadful at actually writing things down, but the whole story has a script/plot that I follow. But I'm open with it in a way that I know what will happen, but HOW it will happen is free to change if the story seems to drift more to other way. As I have done this comic further, I learn to know the characters more, so some actions I planned for them may not make sense anymore, or just that they would go about it differently. Those kind of things may change.
I have vague idea how many pages the story will need, but as I do chapters, I don't have set page number for them. (that's something I will start using on my next project after numb, but with Numb I'm gonna roll with the flow)
I always wonder about the page numbering thing because of the strict expectations with print form comics on page counts and things, at least in American comics. It always sounded very hard to structure your story around pages that way
Yeah, but I can see the perks in that too. Helps you to trim down the story and keep on track with things.
that's something I really should ask, you use some very complicated page layouts, and I think they flow quite well. How do you plan your pages, do you begin with the panel structure and fit your story to the panels or what?
choosing panel structures has always been mysterious to me
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Niina Eveliina Salmelin, as well, for making Numb. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Niina Eveliina Salmelin’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: http://www.NiinaEveliina.com/numb/
Niina’s Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/A3202ONF
Niina’s Redbubble: https://www.redbubble.com/people/Speardog?asc=u
Niina’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/NSalmelin
Comic Tea Party- Thursday Book Club
Next week’s Thursday Book Club will be about Pin Porter Girl Detective by Robin Gee and Ethan Bartlett. For participants, you have the next week to read as much of the comic as you would like~! We hope to see you on Thursday, December 6th, from 5PM to 7PM PST for the chat in #thursday_bookclub!
Comic’s Main Site: http://pinporterdetective.com/
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