#also Im sure you could put two and two together by now but yeah saki and shiho write most of the scripts together
lavenders-writing · 2 years
my epic and official review of FMN by @sipsteainanxiety below the cut <33
okay starting off with ch 27:
the eye contact through the mirror,, good shit right there
this is random but i keep thinking about the baby and i feel so :(((( and DDDDD: PLEASE they gotta be a family again i am beggingsgfhgf
"you could still pull up. i'll sure she'll understand" okay i pull up--
"gotta get that quality time in with your girl" amen sero, amen
"cowabummer, dude" HJDFK SERO I LOVE YOU he's really coming in here with some hit lines isnt he
he;s so nervous :(((( just wanna wrap him in a big hug he deserves one
the thought that bakugou, who's extremely calculated, is willing to just risk it all just to be with the person he loves means SO much my heart is aching but like in a good way
the art AWWWWWshfgfddsk he is SO. yeah love him
Dr BitchAss McGee better step back alright im not playing around this time bc katsuki is sad again and that is NOT allowed in this household
if this man doesnt stop clicking at me i swear im gonna click him into the next dimension
this bitch is keeping me in a WAREHOUSE??? didnt your mother teach you how to treat a lady smh
this woman sounding like the Joker by talking about society like get your clown ass away from me im not batman
lady im sorry your partner died but i literally barely remember that incident because SOMEONE took my memory so why tf am i here i mean i understand that youre trauma dumping but find a better outlet, sis <3
oh heres bitchass mcgee in the corner okay lemme at him
"you bounced back though, didn't you?" okay untie me and then say that to my face
YEAHHHH WOOOOO KATSUKI COME IN AND KICK SOME ASS WITH ME love how this violence will hopefully bring us together <3
AAAHHH i didn't think i'd be in the notes!!! tysm ily <333333 !!!!!! i wanna draw this lady now sjfhdg i have a mental image of her already
okay time for ch 28 hgskdghasghsdf
these two bitches with one needle trying to beat us like just accept defeat, sweaty <3
i should go back and take his wallet and socks; wallet bc it's funny and i can give it to the police and socks bc then he'll be very unconfrotable and thatll ALSO be funny
this lady has rabies or something omg
bitch stop playing with me like im a puppet this isn't some wack version of coraline where youre the other mother okay put me down i'll bite you
when i said to put me down i did NOT mean like that
YEAHHH WOOOHOOOO IM A BADASS what a power couple omg
AAAHHHHGHH YES this friendship with eijirou is EVERYTHING
mother and father, please give me my child back immediately :) (threat)
YES uncle ei awwwww my HEART omg
kissed sunsets awwwww PLEASE thats so cute
the fact that he kept everything where is was, like the SNEAKERS, im,,,, my heart hurts he missed yn so muchAND TH EBOOK AND THE MUG AND THE NOTES HNMNGMHNFHMNHMFNNFH IM IN PAIN!!! ABSOLUTE AGONY!!!!!!!!!
amazing job AS ALWAYS this had me absolutely captivated omg <33333
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
insert another witty tagline here???
Akitaru: "...Your mechsuit?" Victor: *shiny eyes* -outside- maki: woah! shinra: neato! Arthur: "!!! The metal goblins will eat us all!" iris: how does it work? karin: i just send power to it with these bad boys. *small bursts of fire from her palms* shinra: cool! Takehisa: "So, you're like a power source for the machine." karin: and its very cost effective! *goggles shine* Takehisa: "Hmm. One way to save on heating bills." -elsewhere- Kepuri: *crashed out on the couch* *snore* akaderu:....*holding her* Kepuri: =w= *yawn* "Thank you, cutie..." -elsewhere- Hibana: >_<; "Please stop tugging on Mommy's hair, sweetie..." hanako: but im boooooooored! >.< Hibana: *sigh* "Do you want to play a game?" hanako: *nod* Hibana: *smiles* "Want to put together a puzzle?" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: x_-; *has a black eye* reimi: O.O; Mr. Tsubaki: "...The Twins play rough sometimes..." reimi: yikes. Mr. Tsubaki: "Thank goodness I heal quickly...hate for others to see me like this." reimi: ^^; Mr. Tsubaki: "...I wish my Blossom were here to kiss and make it feel better." -\\\\- -elsewhere- Joker: "!!! The 8th got a new tech?!!" ivy: seems like it. Joker: "Hmph. What's wrong, they don't appreciate our Victor?!" scarlet: seems she joined on her own accord. Joker: "...I told Victor to keep an eye on her. We'll see what she knows..." -elsewhere- Kid: "Father...I think I'm almost ready..." lord death: specifically abouuuut? Kid: "...The big question." lord death: i see. graduation is just around the corner. Kid: *nods* "...I'm worried..." lord death: thats understandable, hell i was nervous then i asked your mother. (thinking: both of them....) Kid: *nods* "I just...want to face this fear...And...your support would mean a lot to me." lord death: *he smiles* hey, *holds him by his shoulders* you got this, kid. Kid: *tearful smile, nods* "Th-Thank you." -elsewhere- Wes: *pats Soul's back* "So proud of you." soul: yeah. just one more to go... Wes: *smiles* "How you plan to celebrate?" soul: kid said he was throwing a huge party at his place. Wes: "Yeah, Liz had mentioned it. Should be a big deal." soul: yeah. Wes: "You invite your friends along, like Lawless and Licht?" soul: i guess, even though they're still freshmen. Wes: "Might as well, to celebrate your accomplishment." soul:....*he smiles* Wes: *small laugh, as he noogies Soul* soul: h-hey! Wes: "Ha ha..." *pats his head* "Little bro." soul: ^^; -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *putting away items into a box* kim: getting ready already? hehe. Jacqueline: "I-I just like to be prepared, that's all. I thought I'd start with wrappin up breakables, then we can pack our daily items last." kim: good plan. Jacqueline: *smiles* "...This is exciting." kim: *she smiles* -elsewhere- Emine: *hands a box to Saki* "Here, hold this." saki: what is this? Emine: "Your problem now. Enjoy--I have to run before she kills me for taking this." saki:... 0_0;; Emine: "It's not like Mono needs them..." saki: O_____o;; -elsewhere- liz: oi! stocking! mail call! stocking:... !!! *opens the letter* *The letter explodes with confetti* stocking: ah!........*she looks at kid*.....guess who just passed the exams! Kid: *smiles widely* "Congratulations!" liz: congrats! -there was also a list of other names as well- stocking:....i have no idea who these people are. Kid: "...I guess your new colleagues..." stocking: maybe... liz: seems you start this fall. Kid: "..." stocking: ^^.... kid? you ok? Kid: *small smile* "Of course...I'm so happy for you..." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: *pats her hand* "You are going to be so good at this, and they are privileged to have you." stocking: i'll do my best! Kid: *smiles* "I know...I'm proud of you." -elsewhere- Gopher: *wearing a fake beard* kirika:....do i even want to know? Gopher: "A beard is supposed to be a mark of distinguished maturity..." *strokes his beard* "Do you like my beard?" kirika:....*yoink*...looks better without it. Gopher: o\\\\\o "R-Really?" kirika:.... 7////7 i-im just saying it cause beards dont go with baby faces. Gopher: "...'Baby face'?" *pout* "I want to look mature..." kirika:.... ^^ *hair ruffle* one day goph, one day. Gopher: -\\\\- "O-Okay..." -elsewhere- Arthur: *in a bathrobe with a toy Light Saber* shinra:... are you drunk? Arthur: "I am Luke Skywalker! Space Knight!" shinra: -_-; tamaki: i believe the term is 'jedi'. Arthur: "Face me, Vader! I must restore balance to the universe!" karin: *in vader mask* yo. Arthur: "!!! Have at thee, Prince of Darkness!" karin: *takes the mask of* eh? Arthur: "...Wait, I thought Vader was my _father_..." karin:..... *looks at shinra* shinra: he's....'special'. karin: ah, got ya. Arthur: "Still, the universe can be balanced only by your overwhelming darkness being pulled into the light!" *turns on the Light Saber, which makes noises* "We duel, Mother Vader!" tamaki: *sarcastic tone* please help us arthur, you are our only hope. Arthur: *smiles* "I know..." *rushes towards Karin with his plastic Light Saber* "AAAAAAAH!" -elsewhere- Shinoda: *staring at the apples at the grocery store* "...So round." soul: um...sir?....sir! Shinoda: "...Hmm? What? Sorry, I was lost in thought--" soul:.... right. Shinoda: "...How much to touch the apples?" soul:... O_O; -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, using his scarf as a pillow* reimi: you really like that scarf. Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* "It was a gift from my beloved..." reimi: i see....so are you two like....official? Mr. Tsubaki: -\\\- "M-Mostly...I mean she...um...well, she's with someone else." reimi:...that's rough, buddy. Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* "A...polyamorous relationship is challenging." reimi: ah. Mr. Tsubaki: "...It doesn't help that I kind of beat up her other boyfriend...I won that fight." reimi: ._. um.... Mr. Tsubaki: "...How does one apologize to their lover's boyfriend for trying to kill said boyfriend?" reimi:.... >->; Mr. Tsubaki: "...Maybe a cake? One that says, 'I'm sorry for trying to kill you'?" -elsewhere- Touma: "Excellent work..." mitsuba:..... Touma: "How have you adjusted to this schedule?" shinoa: i believe so. Touma: *smiles* "Good...Then we shall conclude this day..." -elsewhere- Kishiri: *collapsed on the floor, clutching his groin* hanako: hahaha! bubbledummy went down! gabriella: he sure did, hanako honey. Kishiri: *higher pitch* "Aren't you going to reprimand her for that?" gabriella: well, you were kind of being an a-...absolute mean butt, so....yeah. Kishiri: >< "All I said was, 'Wow, you look good despite having just had a kid!' It was a compliment!!!" -elsewhere- Vulcan: "YUU! YOU LITTLE SHIT!" yu: >^< lisa: *yaawn* what now? Vulcan: "I can't find that thing I was working on! The doohickey with the whatchamacallit..." lisa: you took it to your room so you could work on it before going to bed. Vulcan: "...Then why don't I see it?" *looks at his arm...which has a dent in the shape of the doohickey* "...Huh." -days later. it was finally the day of graduation- Kid: *fiddling with his cap* "...I can't get it just right..." stocking: *helps him* here. Kid: "..." *eyes wet* "Th-Thank you..." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "We...have come so far..." stocking: *she nods* -and so- lord death: you all have come so far in these past years. but do not think of this as an ending. think of it as the beginning of a new chapter in your lives. there awaits many opportunities for you. Yumi: *smiles* "Wave to your brother, sweetie." shiori: kid! papa! stocking: ^^ soul: *smiles* Patty: TT~TT Jacqueline: "..." *small shake* lord death: some of you may chose to move to parts elsewhere, but remember you are always welcome here in death city. some of you may chose to work with the DWMA and its joint branches. kim: *hand on jackie's shoulder* Black Star: "..." *looks at Tsubaki* tsubaki: *smiles* Black Star: *small smile* Harvar: "..." ox: we did it man. kilik: *smiles* pots: ^o^ Kid: *deep breath, sigh* -and so- sayaka: you did it guys! *hugs kilik* kilik: ^///^ aw. mami: *smiles* Crona: "..." *hugs Mami* mami: ^^ liz: time to get this party started! stocking: yeah! Wes: *at a DJ table* "...Um..." *pushes a button* soul: need me to help? Wes: "I...think so." ~i got a feeling~ ~that tonight's gonna be a good night~ Kid: *shifting nervously* stocking: come on kid, lets dance! Kid: "R-Right..." *smiles* stocking: hehe~ ^^ Kid: "..." *slowly gains in confidence, as he holds her hand and dances* stocking: ^^ Kid: "..." *slowly gains in confidence, as he holds her hand and dances* stocking: ^^ -as the party goes on- stocking: this is a great party, kid. you really went all out. Kid: "I-I tried...because this is a special occasion." stocking: it sure is. *smiles* Kid: "...For...many reasons..." stocking: yeah... Kid: "...Would you mind walking with me?" stocking: hmm? ok. ^^ Kid: *smiles, holds her hand...walking tall and confident, as he guides her to the garden...* stocking: *follows* *The swing chair in the gazebo is decorated with lights...* stocking: wow! did you do all this kid? it's beautiful! Kid: *smiles* "It had to be...to be right...and still, it is nowhere near as beautiful as you are...down to your very soul." stocking: aww. >///w///< you goof. Kid: *smiles, as he takes her by the hands, leading her to sit on the swing* stocking: *sitting down* this is nice....*nuzzles* Kid: *holds her hand, nuzzles back* "Yes...I think it could be better, though..." stocking: well you're here with me. and that alone makes it perfect. Kid: "...I agree. And I want that perfection to continue...forever." stocking: me too. Kid: "..." *looks seriously into her eyes* "Stocking..." stocking: hmm? Kid: "..." *stands up from the bench, puts his hand in his pocket...gets down on one knee* stocking: !! Kid: "Stocking Pheles, I love you. I cannot say enough how...how much I love you, care for you...want to be with you forever." *he pulls the box out from his pocket* stocking: *tearing up* kid... Kid: *he opens the box, revealing the ring* "Will you marry me?" stocking: *teary eyed* do you even have to ask?! *she hugs him* yes! Kid: *shocked...then starts to laugh, as he hugs her back* "Yes! Oh, Stocking, yes!" *kiss on her cheek, as he laughs happily* stocking: i love you so much! Kid: *smooch on her cheek* "I love you, too..." *crying* stocking: *kissing him, tears falling* Kid: *kisses back, feeling her tears on his face, mixing with his own* stocking: *continues for a while until she pulls back, wiping away his tears, holding up her right hand for him.* Kid: *looks confused...* "!!! Oh, right!" *slips the ring onto her finger slowly...small laugh* "Perfect." stocking: *smiles* it's beautiful. Kid: "It suits you..." stocking: *she hugs him* im happy....i didnt think i'd meet someone I’d love as much as you, yet here we are. Kid: *nods* "You make me see so much more of life...that makes me value it so much more each day..." stocking: *she smiles* im glad... *kiss* -back inside- liz: hey you two. tsubaki: ^^ kirika: where the fuck were you guys? Kid: "..." *smiles at Stocking* stocking: hey soul mind if i borrow this? *takes the microphone and motions kid up* may i have your attention please? -the attendies look up- otogiri: oh? Kid: *stands next to her, shifting a bit nervously* Belkia: "Huh?" *mouth full of cookies* stocking: guess who just got engaged! *points to herself and kid, showing off the ring* these two! ^u^ several attendies: IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME! Kid: ._.; "...What?" Belkia: *coughs, chokes on cookie* stocking: *kisses him on the lips* Kid: *smiles, blushes, returns the kiss* naho: *eating a snow crab, hard pat to belkia's back* Sakuya: *watches Belkia choking...shrugs, applauds Kid and Stocking* liz: TTwTT soul: congrats! Patty: *hugs Liz* kirika: ... 7///7 *claps* Wes: *applauds* Gopher: *smiles at Kirika* sayaka: woot! lord death: IM SO PROUD OF YOU KIDDO! Yumi: TT_TT "My babies..." shiori: ^o^ sissy! lord death: ah! shiori: big sis! Kid: "Awwww!" stocking: hehe ^^ Black Star: *already on stage, putting an arm around Kid* "So, what do you need your best man to do for you, buddy?" naho: i saved you from choking! Kid: -_-;;; tsubaki: ^^ Belkia: *glaring at the stage...points a finger at Kid--opens his mouth-- Sakuya: "Don't." *shoves a cookie in his mouth* otogiri: *tugs him by the ear and takes him outside* Belkia: >____< *muffled shouting and cookie crumb spitting* naho: jeez. Sakuya: "Hmph. Yeah..." *looks at Naho...blushes* naho: ^^ Sakuya: *small smile* higan: some people get so bitter about rejection, right sham? Shamrock: *curled up in the corner* "I want to die." T_T higan: *pap pap* -elsewhere- mephisto: *SCREAMS OF JOY* Mr. A: -__________- mephisto: MAH BABEH'S GETTIN MARRIED!! shura: congrats! Fujimoto: "That's great!" Mr. A: "...Anything on TV?" mephisto:...artie you could at least _pretend_ to be happy for her! she's going to be working with us soon you know. Mr. A: *pulls out a small flag, waves* "Yay." felisia: what's all the no- mephisto: *SMOOOOOOCH* felisia: O////////O s-sa.... mephisto: OUR BABY GIRL IS ENGAGED ISNT THAT WONDERFUL~? -he lifts her up and spins her around- felisia: >////< y-yes, it is! (thinking: oh god hes too cute for his own good) Fujimoto: "Aw, so happy for you proud parents." Mr. A: *now with a party blower between his lips* "PHEW!" shura: *shoves it in* Mr. A: o_O *almost chokes on the horn* shura: 737~ Fujimoto: "Ha ha ha! Let's enjoy a drink, to celebrate!" -morning- stocking: *kisses kid's forehead* morning handsome~ Kid: =////= "I'm worried I'm still dreaming..." *looks at her hand* -the ring is still on there- Kid: *smiles* "Then it wasn't a dream..." *smooch* stocking: hehe~ *kisses back* Kid: *smiles* "So much to do now..." stocking: yeah. Kid: "We'll have to discuss schedule, venue, guests...but first..." *hug* stocking: UwU~<3 Kid: " 'Mrs Stocking'..." -elsewhere- naho: belbel? you ok? Belkia: TT_TT "Leave me alone. I want to be with my beloved--" *holds up a Stocking plushie* naho: ._.; *slowly backing away* Belkia: "Only you understand me, my peppermint precious...I will be with you forever times infinity..." otogiri: -_-; lavender: on the bright side, you still have ayami. Sakuya: "...Okay, dude, no. You cannot mope like this. Right, Lavender?" lavender: right. Higan: "You need to keep busy. Like a hobby--" Belkia: "...Yes...A hobby...OF MURDERING THAT REAPER!" -CHOP- tsubaki: no. Belkia: *growls* "You can't tell me what to do! You aint my real mom!" naho: want to go to the amusement park? OuO Belkia: "...May I have a snow cone at the park?" naho: sure! ^w^ Belkia: "...Okay. Let's go..." naho: yay! -elsewhere- chie: !! uh...yohei? *legs shaking* Yohei: "...What is--" O________O "..." *taps GET on the head* "Auto-dial, hospital..." chie: I THINK THE BABY WANTS TO COME OUT NOW! saki: easy there. Yohei: "...If the hospital does not get here, trust me, our child will be fine..." *already putting on gloves* -and so- Yohei: "...My God..." chie: *teary eyed* he's beautiful... toru: *crying* Yohei: *small laugh, as he wipes his tears* "Toru...We're here, son." chie: *she smiles* he has your eyes. Yohei: *chuckles* "He has your smile..." Yohei: "Hey, Toru...Happy to see us?" toru: ....*smile* ^o^ Yohei: "Ah, there it is--your mother's smile." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "Is this the last box?" kim: i think so. Jacqueline: *picks it up* "Oh, heavy!" kim: need help? Jacqueline: *nods* "Two of us should be able to lift it." -elsewhere- Wes: "How's the job hunt going?" liz: i think i might work at deathbucks again for the summer Wes: *nods* "That should be good. You like your boss there?" liz: yeah. -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: =w= "Just let the tension out of you...You should totally get the foot massage while we're here." fang-hua: i guess. Tsukiyo: *looks at Fang-Hua's nails* "Want a mani-pedi?" -elsewhere- Akitaru: "So, Dr. Itou, how are you acclimating?" karin: doing pretty good so far. Akitaru: "Well, personally, I'm glad someone Nozomi knows is here." karin: *she smiles* dont you mean someone she know-zomis? ayyyy. Akitaru: "..." *wide smile* "Ooooooh!" -elsewhere- Hibana: "And time to shampoo, Hanako!" hanako: *nod* Hibana: *pours some of the no-tears shampoo into her hands, then massages them into Hanako's hair* "Oh, you're going to need a haircut soon, kiddo!" -elsewhere- PlushFix: "GUESS WHO'S BACK!" saku: *stomps on him* too noisy. PlushFix: "OW OW OW OW oooooo OW OW OW!" mimeca: D8 hina: yikes, savage much>? PlushFix: "...Just a love tap, I'm sure. Saku probably just wants me bad--" -shiv- saku: <die.> PlushFix: "..." *smirks* <Can't kill me that easily...> hina: i got beer cans, anyone want some? PlushFix: *raises paw* -elsewhere- Crona: "..." mami: are you alright? Crona: "...I feel conflicted about graduation...What happens next?" mami: maybe we could find jobs someplace in the city. Crona: *nods* "...Would I be good at anything?" mami: im sure you would. ^^ Crona: "..." *nods* "O-O-Okay...I'll try." -elsewhere- Yumi: *crying* lord death: honey?! are you ok?! *worried* Yumi: *nods* "I-I'm fine...I just needed a good cry..." *Hug* lord death:.. *hugs her and rubs her back* Yumi: *sniff* "Th-Thank you...This is all so fast...Our babies..." lord death: *he smiles* Yumi: "..." *smiles back* "They are grown ups." lord death:....*remembering asura*... Yumi: "...??? Death?" lord death:.... *hugs her* Yumi: "..." *holds him* "It's okay..." lord death:...thank you. i love you. Yumi: *smiles* "I love you, too." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *at the Asakusa onsen* =\\\\\= "Ah, this is wonderful...My back was killing me." kabuki: *enters* Mr. Tsubaki: *looks* "Oh...Hello. Kabuki, isn't it?" kabuki: yes, that is correct. and no, im not in the wrong bath. ^^; Mr. Tsubaki: "???" *looks up and down* "Oh...Huh. Thought hadn't crossed my mind. You get that a lot?" kabuki: more frequently than you would think. ^^; Mr. Tsubaki: "Huh. Well, hop on in. I'm Tsubaki." kabuki: so i've heard. Mr. Tsubaki: *smile* "I hope good things." -elsewhere- Fujimoto: *walking with a limp* "Hmm...Rain's coming." kyouko: hey, take it easy there. Fujimoto: *smile* "Sorry...Guess I over-estimated." kyouko: ... -elsewhere- Relan: *in a suit* -\\\\- shinra: special occasion? Relan: *nods* "A g-g-g-get-together at Mikami's...I was trying this out..." shinra: it looks great....is there a plus 1? ^///^; Relan: "..." *smiles, kisses Shinra's cheek* -elsewhere- ???: "Soul..." soul: *smiles* hey maka... Maka: *smiles back* "Hello." soul *hugs* well, im finally out of school...still working to become a death scythe...im just 1 soul away, plus a witch soul..... Maka: *hug, closes her eyes* "I'm so proud of you..." soul:...*tears falling* its not fair....you should have been there with us! Maka: *crying* "I-I know...I'm sorry..." soul:........*hugs her*.......kid and stocking are engaged now... Maka: *holding onto him* "That's good...great..." *sniffs, smiles* "I'm happy for them." -elsewhere- Child #1: "WAH! Mommy! That weird magician man stole my balloon!" mom: *PUNCHES BELKIA* here you go sweetie~ naho: jeez belbel -_-; Belkia: *punched in the cheek, his words a little muffled* "I wanted a balloon, so I took it. I take what I want..." otogiri: a terrible mentality, really. Belkia: "Oh, at least _I_ want something--someone! What is it that you desire, Otogiri?!!!" Sakuya: ._. "..." *steps back* "Oh boy..." otogiri: ............what did your family to do you? Belkia: "...Don't." otogiri:.....nevermind. Belkia: "...I'm going back on the roller coaster." *slumps away* naho: >w>;;;; ......say! how about we check out the haunted house guys? Sakuya: "Y-Yeah! Good idea..." ^^; Shamrock: "...Is that too scary, Himawari?" himawari: ..... Shamrock: *points to a teacup ride* "Or that one?" himawari:...*nod* lavender:...should i talk to him? Higan: *nods* "I think that'd be for the best. Don't need him upsetting Tsubaki and getting all of us in trouble..." lavender: *she nods*.... hey belkia, you wanna talk about it? Belkia: *pouts* "What is there to talk about? My sweet girl is engaged, and all I need to do is kill him and make her mine..." lavender: well, you still have that girl from the hospital, right? Belkia: "..." -\\\\- "Y-Yeah...I'm just...losing Stocking is...hard." lavender:... *sigh* listen bel, it can hurt when someone you really like doesnt return your feelings. but just cause it doesnt work with one person doesnt mean it wont work with someone else. some people do get lucky and find their other half on the first try, but most of the time its a lot of trial and error. Belkia: "...So, practicing, like on a magic trick?" lavender: right! Belkia: "O-Okay...How do I practice on girls?" lavender: maybe taking that girl out to dinner somewhere? Belkia: *nod nod* "Just have...figure out a way to get the doctors to let her out..." *looks at Lavender* "...Could you help me?" lavender: sure...what did you have in mind? Belkia: "I need someone to distract the doctors...nurses..." lavender: way ahead of you~ Belkia: *smiles* "Thank you...I'm sorry I've been a butt." lavender: eh, its fine. *pats his back* Belkia: "...I'm going to have to apologize to the others...Sham is going to laugh at me." lavender: i'll make sure he doesnt do that. Belkia: *nods* "I owe you." -elsewhere- Kid: *looking at a map* "Hmm..." liz: what'cha lookin for? Kid: "A venue for the wedding..." liz: how about the death room? Kid: "Hmm...That would get around size limitations. Thank you!" liz: *she smiles* Kid: "..." *small laugh, squee!* "I'm getting married!" liz: *she smiles* im so happy for you guys! Kid: "That...means so much." *hug* -elsewhere- Lawless: *humming* romina: ya'll're in a good mood today. Lawless: *smiles* "Indeed!" *holds up a test* "BAM!" romina: oh. julian: wow! congratulations! Lawless: "Yep! Thanks for the help with studying! Wait 'til you see my semester grade!" -elsewhere- Lily: "You seem a little distracted~" misono: ? Lily: "Any plans for summer?" misono: i havent decided. Lily: "Maybe a vacation? Or a job? Or studying?" misono: perhaps. -elsewhere- Nurse: "And how are you, Ayami?" ayami:...well... Nurse: *small smile* "That's good. May I get you anything?" ayami: not right now... Nurse: *nods* "Well, press the call button if you need anything. I'm going to go on my break..." *exits for the hallway* ayami:.... Nurse: *walks around a corner--and spots someone approaching* "???" nurse?: just checking in on miss kazuho. Nurse: *nods* "Just did so...You new here?" nurse?: yep, name's cathrine~ Nurse: *looks at 'Cathrine'...smiles, nods, offers a hand to shake* "I'm Alex. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask." 'cathrine': *smiles* well, i actually have a delivery for miss kazuho. Alex: "Oh, that's nice...She rarely gets any deliveries. Is it from her family?" 'cathrine': from a friend. Alex: "Well, go on ahead...and I'll see you around." -she goes in- ayami: ?? *The delivery box shakes a bit* ayami: ?? *The box opens, as Belkia, in doll forms, crawls out* ayami: !!! b-belkia! Belkia: *inhale* "Jeez! Next time, let's put air holes inside!..." *waves at Ayami* "Hi." ayami: *hugs him close* Belkia: o\\\\o "...You okay?" ayami: im...better now... Belkia: *small smile* "That's good..." *small hug* ayami: ^^ Belkia: "...Um, 'Nurse'? Could we have some privacy?" lavender: oh! right. *goes outside* Belkia: "..." *smiles at Ayami* "I wanted to see how you were...Any update on your release date?" ayami: i should be out tomorrow... Belkia: "...Where will you go?" ayami: home most likely... Belkia: "...Do you live with anyone?" ayami: m-my parents...but they're away most of the time... Belkia: "...Oh. Um...Maybe...you and I could...meet?" ayami: l...like...a...d-d-date? Belkia: "..." *nods* "Like a date." ayami: *tears of joy* yes! Belkia: *nervous grin* "Great...Maybe this weekend, then?" -elsewhere- Vulcan: "Work!" *bang* "Work damn you!" *bang bang bang* -elsewhere- shinra: *adjusting his bowtie* so when are...we..... *JAWDROP* THIS IS MIKAMI'S HOUSE?! Relan: ^^; "Yeah...I bet one of its bathrooms is bigger than the entire 8th." iris: so many people here. Relan: "Look rich...I wonder who else--" -bump- shinra: ack! im sor- oh. hey mikami. like old times, eh?.....hehe... ^^;;;; mikami: !!! mr kusakabe! i d-didnt see you there. ._.; Relan: *meek wave at Mikami* mikami: *smiles* well, make yourselves at home. Relan: "Th-Thank you for the i-i-invitation. You have a lovely home." shinra: *looking around, notices the coat of arms*...huh..... *he notices a few members of haijima as well as the 3rd are there too* Haijima Executive: "Ah...You are that small boy from the 8th." shinra: !! *salutes* si-sir! i mean- *ahem* hi. Haijima Executive: "Hmmm..." *looks at Shinra's shoes* "...Had best work on those." shinra: r-right... .///.; (thinking: shinra you idiot!) Relan: *holds Shinra's hand, smiles* Haijima Exec: "You lose your shoes frequently, yes? The boy with the hot feet?" shinra: y-yeah. i got these ones fire proof. iris: SHINRA YOUR PANT LEG! shinra: eh- O_O ACK! iris: *gets the extinguisher and snuffs him* shinra:...thanks iris. Haijima Exec: -_-; *groans, turns to leave* Relan: "...I-I-I'm sure the rest of the party will be fine..." shinra: i hope so... [ Giovanni: *WHEEEEEEEEZE* shinra: .________________________________.;;;;; Giovanni: "Kusakabe...Relan...Tiny nun." shinra:...hi. OwO;;;; Relan: ._.; "S-Sir!" *salutes--with the wrong hand* Giovanni: *looks at Iris* "...Your name." iris: iris. a sister from the 8th! Giovanni: *wheeze* "Commander Giovanni...You are Hibana's sister?" iris: yes. we were both raised at the sol temple. Giovanni: "...Then you would know much about the Princess." iris: OwO;;; Giovanni: "Let's begin with her allergies..." iris: why? Giovanni: *towers over Iris* "So I know every last detail about her...FOR SCIENCE." iris: o.o;;;;; ???: mr giovanni, do you mind _not_ harrassing the other party goers? shinra: eh? that voice.... !!! vivian: hello~ ^^ Kishiri: *waves* "Yo." Giovanni: *groans* shinra: hey. i take it you guys got an invite too? vivian: indeed. dear papa is a branch manager after all~ Kishiri: "And I'm her Plus One~" shinra:....who are you and what have you done with toru kishiri? Kishiri: "...Ha ha. Real funny. I'm still the same Kishiri--" vivian: *HUUUUG* ^w^ Kishiri: -\\\\- Relan: "...This is creepy." shinra: O.O;;; -elsewhere- Black Star: "Where did Lavender and Belkia go?" naho: they said they needed to- lavender: im back~ Black Star: "??? Where were you guys?" lavender: hospital. Belkia: -\\\\- Black Star: "..." *facepalm* lavender: not to worry, we didnt kidnap anyone. Belkia: "Just visited Ayami, that's all..." tsubaki: ah. Belkia: "...and scheduled a date with her." naho: woah! Belkia: "Y-Yeah...So, um, I'll be getting a good suit to wear..." lavender: you can borrow one of sham's, he has loads of good suits. Shamrock: "...Fine. Just don't get anything on them." Belkia: "...Like blood?" Shamrock: "...Yes." -elsewhere- Shotaro: *shiny eyes* mana: ?? Shotaro: "Tiny Chie/Yohei spawn!" mana: yeah...so cute. toru: *asleep* io: bah! saki: that's your cousin, io. isnt he cute? Tool: *smiles* "Got some familiar resemblance." nea: awwww. Shinoda: o\\\\o "So tiny." lin: HESOCUUUUTE! Emine: "...Yes." Shotaro: *looks surprised at Emine* mana: aw, he does care. Emine: *glares at Mana* "...I'll get you for that. Later." -elsewhere- Kid: ^w^ stocking: well arent you just in a good mood~? Kid: "Yes..." *smooch on the forehead* stocking: ^^ Kid: *hug* "Would you mind if we discussed some plans, maybe tomorrow afternoon?" stocking: im all ears. Kid: "Excellent...I have a few options for what we need..." -elsewhere- Kuro: *in cat form...and a dress* "...I hate you." misono i thought you liked the attention? onsen guests: so cuuuute! Kuro: "Hmph...Dress isn't the right color." -elsewhere- Victor: *reading on the couch* nozomi: *writing down notes while listening to music* Victor: "???" *looks at her page* -elsewhere- Anya: "Are new students moving into the dorm this year?" tsugumi: i think so. Meme: "You working on the orientation for them, Tsugumi?" tsugumi: eh? me? Meme: "You know so much about the school and the dorms, so who else to teach them?" tsugumi: hmm... well, i'll do my best. ^^; Anya: "...I suppose we'll be able to help as well..." -elsewhere- Arthur: *pulls up the blanket* "Comfortable?" tamaki: yeah. Arthur: "..." *hug* tamaki: =w= Arthur: *strokes her back* tamaki: =//////= Arthur: "...You have lovely shoulder blades." tamaki: 7//////7; Arthur: *smooch* tamaki: >/////< Arthur: *smiles* "You're cute when you're embarrassed." tamaki: =///n///= oh shush. Arthur: "..." *smirks* "Gladly." *kisses her lips again* -elsewhere- Yohei: "It's okay...Just let it out, buddy." toru: *crying* chie: ^^; Yohei: *patting Toru's back* "Mommy and Daddy are here, Toru...It'll be okay." chie: i think someone needs his nap~ Yohei: *nods* "Here we go, buddy--off to get some sleep." *lays him down in crib* -elsewhere- Higan: "Think things will go okay for Belkia?" -a few days later- Jacqueline: *looking around* "So big..." kim: it's cute. Jacqueline: *nods* "Which room did you want to take?" -elsewhere- Kid: *looking at a seating map* "Hmm...Anyone in your family not to seat next to anyone in my family?" stocking: i'd recommend keeping uncle astaroth in a corner....or uncle ass-taroth XD Kid: "Ha ha...Let's see, that leaves some students and teachers, where to seat them...Certain vampires will need to be watched." stocking: tsubaki has it all taken care of. Kid: "Oh, good...I feel like I'm forgetting someone's invitation..." stocking: ?? Kid: "Didn't we have another classmate? 'Gyro' or something?" stocking: oh yeah him. i forgot he actually goes here. Kid: "I guess we have to invite him. But we'll have to figure out how to afford all the meals..." -elsewhere- Belkia: "H-How do I look?" naho: it looks great! lavender: great job on your hair, too Belkia: "Th-Thanks...I tried to look good for--Um...I mean..." lavender: *smiles* i know. Belkia: "...Well, then, I'm off! Don't wait up for me!" lavender: *she smiles* i think this might be good for him. Sakuya: "Hope so...Think we can trust him around Ayami? What if he hurts her?" naho: i suggest we follow him! Sakuya: *nods* "I like this plan." Shamrock: *shiny eye* "I can put my training to good use..." naho:...training? o.o Shamrock: "Espionage, surveillance--assassination if necessary--" Sakuya: ._. "...Not. Necessary." naho: O.O; Shamrock: "Still, we need to be stealthy. Fortunately, I have camouflage for you..." naho: oh? OwO Shamrock: *holds up all-black uniforms of jeans and shirts with ski-masks* Higan: *holds up an all-black cat-suit for Lavender* lavender: nice. tsubaki: maybe drop the ski-masks? ^^; Shamrock: "What if someone recognizes us, Tsubaki?" Sakuya: *holds up sunglasses* -and so, with some wigs kept in belkia's closet- naho: cute ^^ Sakuya: "...I don't think this is my color." Shamrock: *adjusting his wig* lavender: it's nice. the ponytail suits you. ^^ Shamrock: X\\\\\- Sakuya: "How we tracking Belkia? Where's his date?" naho: remember that fancy restaurant? Sakuya: "Oh, that one? Okay...Got to get close. Maybe someone as a waiter--" Higan: *waves* naho:....can you do this? Higan: "I've been a struggling artist for decades. Of course I know how to be a waiter." naho: i believe the decades part. Higan: "Hmph..." *takes Naho by the shoulder* naho: hey! >3< Higan: *drops her in a chair before he spins around--and is in the waiter outfit, with a notepad* "Good evening, ma'am, and welcome to our fine establishment. I can take your order in a moment, but first off, would you like something to drink?" *smile* naho:... *blink blink....thumbs up* Higan: *smiles* "Then let's head out." Shamrock: *jealous of Higan's waitering...* -elsewhere- Belkia: "I-I'll get your chair..." ayami: *she smiles* Belkia: "Th-That is a nice outfit." ayami:... t-thank you... Belkia: "...Never noticed your eye color before..." ayami: .///////. t..thank you... Belkia: "..." *clears his throat* "Um...What do you think you'll drink?" -at another table- Shamrock: "Just be natural..." naho: *leans against sakuya* ^^ Sakuya: -\\\\\- Shamrock: D: lavender: eh, guess ya cant win them all, buddy. Shamrock: X_TT;;; Sakuya: *talking into Bluetooth* "Higan, do your thing..." Sakuya: "...The waitering. Not anything pervy." Higan: "Hmph..." *approaches table near Belkia, listening into on Ayami..." ayami: your hair looks...nice today. .////. Belkia: "Th-That means a lot...I did it for this d-d-date..." ayami:...*smiling* Belkia: "...Heh. Um...Well, let's order! Where is that waiter..." ayami: ... Higan: "Good evening. I will be your waiter. How about I start you with some drinks--" Belkia: o____O ayami: i'll have...iced tea please... Belkia: "Um...I'll have some tea as well..._MR. WAITER_..." *glare* Higan: ^^ "Of course. One moment." *looks at Ayami* "You look like such a nice couple." ayami: >//////< Belkia: .\\\\. *nervous laugh* "M-Maybe I should've ordered something harder..." -elsewhere- Black Star: "...Think they're okay?" tsubaki: i hope so. himawari:.... lilac:.... Black Star: "...So, since we got the place to ourselves, you guys want to do anything? Maybe a movie?" otogiri: ...sure. tsubaki: ^^ (thinking: sure is quiet) Black Star: "Great! Himawari, Lilac, what would you like?" -elsewhere- toru: *asleep in his crib* Yohei: *smiles...* "So tiny." chie: *she smiles* we're parents ^^ Yohei: "Hee hee...You were great." chie: aw thanks...and as a plus, i can finally start working off this baby weight. ^^; Yohei: *smiles* "I know...and I think you're beautiful." chie: >w< mono:...the baby's kinda cute i guess... 7,7; Yohei: *smirk* "Thank you for that high compliment." Assi: "I-I like babies!" toru: *crying* chie: ah! *picks him up* shhh, its ok sweetie. Yohei: *glares at Assi* Assi: *hides behind Mono* mono: -_-; Yohei: "Just for that, I'm putting you on diaper-changing duty..." Assi: "...Heh...'Duty.'" Yohei: "...Get your boyfriend out of my face, Mono." mono: *pulls ashi by the ear* s-shut up dummy. >n< Assi: Q~Q "My ear..." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *knock knock* blair: yes~? oh! kim and jackie, what a surprise! kim: hi, were new to the neighborhood. Jacqueline: "We baked some bread to bring over." blair: aw, why thank you~! nagisa: *peek* kim: oh, hi there. nagisa:...h-hi. Jacqueline: *smiles, waves* "I'm Jacqueline, and this is Kim. We are friends of Blair." -elsewhere- Relan: *sipping his drink* -elsewhere- Belkia: "How is your meal?" ayami: its really good. thank you ^^ Belkia: *smiles* "Yes, it was tasty...Do you tend to like this fancy food?" ayami: it's... a lot fancier than...what im used to... Belkia: "Well, what are you used to? Like, excluding fancy foods, what are your favorite meals?" ayami: i guess i like to have pancakes. Belkia: "Oh, me too! With topppings?" ayami: *nods* sometimes i put another pancake on top of it. Belkia: "Like a sandwich?" ayami: *nods* or i guess it'd be a 'panwich' in this case. Belkia: "...Ha ha ha ha! Oh, that's good!" ayami: hehe. ^^ Belkia: *smiles at her* "I'm glad to see you smile again." ayami:... *blush* Belkia: "...You are enjoyable to be around. You seem very...invested." ayami: eh? me? Belkia: *nods* "You seem to be focused on your goal...What do you do during your free time?" -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *playing with Nagisa's doll* nagisa: hehe ^^ Jacqueline: "And what is their [the doll's] name?" blair: *showing kim a map of the little neighborhood* here's the fortune teller's house, here's a magic shop... nagisa: it's bebe! Jacqueline: "Aw, that's cute! Bebe!" kim: cool... hey, that's the mascot of the charlotte candy company, right? nagisa: *she nods* they also make the best cheesecakes in the whoooole world! Jacqueline: *smiles* "Maybe we can cook you a cheesecake the next time we visit." -elsewhere- Black Star: "Zzz..." tsubaki:...*smiles as she puts a blanket over him and kisses his forehead* -knock on the door- Higan: "Yo." tsubaki: welcome back guys. Sakuya: -_-;; "Glad to be..." *shudder* "Belkia seemed creepier when he's acting halfways normal." naho: *excalibur face* it felt unreal. my head hurts now. Shamrock: "But our reconnaissance went excellently." *beaming with pride* otogiri: and belkia is...? Sakuya: "..." *looks around* "Um..." lavender: ..... *griiiiiiin* he went back to her place it seems~ otogiri:.....*FACEPALM* Shamrock: "...I do not feel comfortable monitoring _that_." Sakuya: >_____< -elsewhere- stocking: mmmn~<3 *nuzzle nuzzle* Kid: *smiles* "Feeling good?" stocking: yep....*kisses the ring* hehe~ Kid: ^^ "I'm so happy you said 'yes.'" stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "...Have you considered a location for the honeymoon?" stocking: hmmm... i was thinking maybe the lodge we went to? you know, that lodge~? *traces a finger up his chest* Kid: o\\\\\o "The one where we...first...you know?" stocking: mmmhm~ 7w7 Kid: *small laugh* "Th-That would be an appropriate location..." *he leans to her ear, whispers* "I think we can find new tricks while we are there~" stocking: oh my~ Kid: "Maybe we need some practice first..." -elsewhere- Belkia: *looking around* ayami: i hope you're....c-comfortable. Belkia: "M-Mostly? I mean...aren't there others in this house?" ayami: sometimes. but my parents are usually at work... Belkia: "...Ah. So...We're alone?" ayami:.............*she nods* Belkia: "...Oh...Um...So..." *rubs the back of his neck, laughs nervously* ayami: ?? Belkia: "..." *sits down...pats a hand next to him* ayami: *she sat next to him* Belkia: "...I enjoyed tonight." ayami: i enjoyed it too....it was..the most fun i've had in a long time. Belkia: *small smile* "You...deserve it." ("Tsubaki wanted to let people continue to have fun...") ayami: *blushing* Belkia: "..." *puts a hand on her shoulder* ayami: o/////o Belkia: "I...Um, that is to say...It's just that...Well...Is this okay?" ayami: y-yeah...its fine... Belkia: "..." *leans his face closer to hers* "Is this...okay?" ayami: *blushing brightly* -smooch- Belkia: o\\\o "...Mmm..." -\\\\- ayami: -//////////- *wrapping her arms around his neck* Belkia: *lets her, as he puts his arms around her lower back* ayami: *soft moan* Belkia: *pulls back a bit, looks at her* "...Damn...So good..." ayami: *panting* .//////. Belkia: "..." *he puts his hands along her hips* ayami: *pink in the face* Belkia: "...You have soft lips..." *gets closer to her face* ayami: mmmn~<3 Belkia: *his lips reach her neck* ayami: y-you can...bite... Belkia: "...Not to draw blood, though...Okay?" ayami:...are you sure? i-if you..wanted to...i wouldnt mind... Belkia: "D-Don't say that...A taste of blood can...unleash something awful..." ayami: ?? Belkia: "...I don't want to hurt you..." *kisses along her neck, forming a hickey along it* ayami: ah-ahhhhh~! Belkia: *smirks lightly, his hand moving down her hip along her leg* ayami: mmmn~ Belkia: "God, Ayami...You are...beautiful." ayami: .////////. y-you're just...s-s-saying that.... Belkia: *puts a finger to her lips* "No, I do not. I mean it." *he approaches her ear* "From your eyes...to your skin...to that delicious neck of yours..." *kisses behind her ear* ayami: *moaning* Belkia: *his hand is along her leg...now moves up under her dress* -elsewhere- stocking: i feel as if a heavy burden has been lifted. but i dont know why. Kid: "??? Maybe the completion of school and your new job?" stocking: more like a pest has been eliminated in some way...*shrug* i dunno. Kid: "Hmmm...Well, I'm happy you feel relieved." *smiles* -elsewhere- Arthur: *turns in bed, mutters in his sleep* "M-Milk..." *sits up* tamaki: zzzzz.... *asleep in her undies* Arthur: *steps up out of bed...without anything on...and goes out to the kitchen...* tamaki: zzzz... Arthur: *opens the fridge door, takes out the carton of milk...starts drinking from it, as he walks back to the bedroom...* tamaki: zzzzz.... Arthur: *re-enters the bedroom...puts the carton on the bedstand, crawls back into bed...rests his head against Tamaki's chest* tamaki: *still asleep* Arthur: "Mmm..." *kisses her chest* tamaki: O/////O -SLAP- tamaki: =///n///= Arthur: "AAAH!" *falls back, knocking into the nightstand--which sends the half-filled carton of milk flying--* tamaki: NYAH! Arthur: o_o;; *Door slams open* tamaki: Q///~///Q Takehisa: "It is 2 in the morning! Why are you--?" Arthur: o\\\\\o Takehisa: "..." *closes the door* shinra:... O.O;;..... *backs away slowly* i just needed the bathroom i have nothing to do with this. Arthur: "..." *looks at Tamaki* tamaki: Q.Q -morning- Belkia: *soft murmur* =w= *yawns* ayami: zzzz.... Belkia: "..." ("Oh, yes...") *smooch* ayami: mmmn... *opens her eyes*...*she smiles* so..it...wasnt a dream then... Belkia: "It felt better than a dream..." *takes her hand* "Like magic..." ayami: *blushing and looking at him*..you look...lovely....with your...hair down.... .////. Belkia: ^\\\\\^ "Thank you...I don't think anyone has ever called me 'lovely'..." ayami: ^^ Belkia: "..._You_ are lovely." -elsewhere- Kid: "Good morning." stocking: morning~ Kid: *smiles* "You look pleased." -elsewhere- Victor: "What was all that noise last night?" karin: not sure. i hear weird noises at night all the time. Victor: "??? You mean construction?" karin: yep. Victor: "Huh. Amazed you can sleep through that." karin: ^^ -elsewhere- Yohei: "Zzz..." chie: zzzzz... Yohei: *yawn...* *looks at the baby monitor* toru: zzzzz.... Yohei: *smiles...* *hugs Chie* chie: =w= Yohei: "I love you." chie: i love you too, honey~ Yohei: *smooch* chie: mmmm~ u////u Yohei: *sighs* "How about I get you breakfast?" chie: i would like that. Yohei: *smooch on the forehead* "Be right back..." *gets up...* -elsewhere- Sakuya: *yawn* naho: zzzz... Sakuya: *lies back down beside her, holding her in his arms* naho: =w= Sakuya: *cuddles* -elsewhere in the house- Higan: "Mmmm..." lavender: oh~ Higan: "Wake-up call..." lavender: message received~<3 -in the living room- Belkia: *slowly opens the door...tries to sneak in...* otogiri: good morning. Belkia: o\\\\\o "...I am not here..." otogiri: ... Belkia: "...I thought I said not to wait up for me..." otogiri: you sure took your time. Belkia: -___-;; "Who's counting...?" -elsewhere- Patty: "Hello, tiny humans!" *waves at daycare children* takuto: haha! kurome: hehe! shiori: ^o^ Patty: "Now, we play _and_ learn!" *holds up giant toys for one- to two-year-olds* liz: ^^; Patty: *picks up Takuto* "Would you like to play on the suspended chair?" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *looking over patients' files* fang-hua: morning doc. Mr. Tsubaki: "Oh, good morning, Fang-Hua. How are you?" fang-hua: well...tsukiyo on the other hand....*sweatdrop* Mr. Tsubaki: "???" Tsukiyo: "...Owie...Help me up, Fang-Hua..." Mr. Tsubaki: -___-;;; "What did she do?" fang-hua: she slipped. Mr. Tsubaki: "...Why is she in a bathrobe?" fang-hua: it's....a long story. Tsukiyo: "How do you slip, buddy--with clothes on?! I--Ouchie!" TT~TT fang-hua: easy there. Mr. Tsubaki: *sigh* "Let's check that leg--" Tsukiyo: "DON'T YOU LOOK UP MY LEG OR ANYTHING, YOU PERV!" Mr. Tsubaki: "...Hello, pot. My name is kettle. A pleasure to meet you." fang-hua: *small chuckle* Mr. Tsubaki: "Calm down. I'm trained in medicine and take my work seriously...Fang-Hua, help me lay her down...Okay, now let's see..." *traces a finger along the ankle* "Yes, it is twisted..." Tsukiyo: .\\\\\\\. ("...He's touching there...") fang-hua:... Mr. Tsubaki: "I'm going to put your leg in a splint to let the ankle heal. And let's reduce the swelling and check on those bruises. Any other injuries?" Tsukiyo: "..." *blushes intensely* "I...have some chest pains." fang-hua: *CHOP* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *snort laugh* "And now head injuries." Tsukiyo: "STOP MAKING FUN OF ME! I twisted my ankle and fell hard--of course I'd have pain on my back and chest! Stupid perverted handsome nurse--" Mr. Tsubaki: "...'Handsome'?" Tsukiyo: *incoherent screaming* fang-hua:...*face palm* Mr. Tsubaki: "Okay, I'll check for bruises. I'll leave to let you change into the hospital gown. I'll knock before I come back in..." *exits* Tsukiyo: *glares as he exits* "Fang-Hua, stay here with me. I don't want that pervy handsome nurse trying anything on me, like touching me or anything..." *takes off the bathrobe* fang-hua: somehow i doubt he will. *sweatdrop* *And so...* Tsukiyo: *blushing all over, as she has lowered the gown for Mr. Tsubaki to check* Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmm...Yes, you did bruise yourself on your chest. That should heal, but I want you to put on this ointment--" Tsukiyo: "WHY DON'T YOU JUST PUT IT ON THEN?!" >\\\\\\< fang-hua: i'll do it. Tsukiyo: o\\\\\\\o Mr. Tsubaki: ._.; "...She really can do it herself. It is written on the instructions. Here. See? Right here? Is everyone here at Asakusa really weird, or is it just Tsukiyo--?" Tsukiyo: *glare* "Fine! I'll put it on myself! Thank you for the prescription and the splint! I'm so happy for your help!" -elsewhere- Hibana: "I left Hanako at daycare. Now, back to work..." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *texting Kim* [how's work going?] kim: [doing well. kinda quiet today tho. also this weird family is her and the dad is really hyped.] Jacqueline: [at least it's good to see people hyped about visiting the zoo. got time to meet for lunch?] Vulcan: "LOOK AT IT! So majestic!!!" lisa: ^^; -elsewhere- Akitaru: "And that is why firefighters always need protection. Are there any questions?" shinra: *shakes head* Arthur: .\\\. Takehisa: "Be sure to inform others about your location in any burning building over incom. Communication is vital." tamaki: understood. Akitaru: "Keep all of this in mind, especially before you go back to see Vulcan--" shinra: right. Arthur: "Hmph. I hope this time goes better than last." -and so- shinra:....!! hide. iris: *ducks behind an abandoned jeep* Arthur: *stands a second too long* shinra: *yoink* Arthur: *pulled down* "Ouch!" *looks over the jeep at...* Giovanni: *wheeze* Vulcan: *glare* shinra: (thinking: mikami's not here this time...somehow i feel that is a good thing.) *listening* Giovanni: "Have you considered my offer? Do not bury your talents in this landfill: join with me, and you may improve the condition of all humankind--" Vulcan: "Shove it." Giovanni: "..." iris: he seems pretty stubborn.. Arthur: *points* "Look! A wondrous steed!" *A small robotic puppy yaps and walks by Vulcan towards Giovanni* shinra: shh! iris:...so cute. Giovanni: "...Is this not the first robot you created, when you were a small boy?" Vulcan: "..." Giovanni: "Do not waste your time on childish pursuits, Vulcan. You and I could--" Vulcan: "You killed them." shinra: ?!?! iris: ?!?! Arthur: "?!!" shinra: (thinking: giovanni...a murderer?....and he works so close with relan and mikami...if he does anything to hurt them, i'll never forgive him!) Vulcan: "The day you came...to demand my father and uncle work for you...was the day that they just happen to turn into Flame Humans..." iris:... Arthur: *looks behind him...* *whispers* "Look at that cross over there..." iris:...!! *teary eyed* shinra:.... (thinking: i guess a lot of us have lost something to the flames.....does arthur....?) Giovanni: "Simply because my 3rd had to put down your father and uncle--" Vulcan: "The same day they transform, you just happen to be there? That is no coincidence!" *SMASH* shinra: !! Giovanni: *slams his cane against the Robo-Puppy, knocking it down* Giovanni: *turns around, not facing him* "Foolish child. You cannot continue to work without the materials you need. Please consider my offer, Vulcan: I would hate for something to happen to you." Vulcan: "..." Giovanni: *begins to walk away* iris: *covers her mouth in shock* Vulcan: "..." *watches Giovanni exit the junkyard...before he turns to return to the workshop* shinra:.......... yu: oh! its you guys again! shinra: !!! Arthur: "WE WERE NEVER HERE!" *tries to dig a hole to hide* iris: arthur.... -_-; shinra: dammit arthur you're embarrassing us. Arthur: "Dig, dig, dig a hole--" Vulcan: "YU! What the hell is going on?! Are those gophers back?! Hang on, I'll get my camera to document them--" shinra: we're not here to steal! lisa: i'll get the shotgun! shinra: O___O iris: we would like to request an audience with you sir! Vulcan: "...Lisa, you can put away the shotgun...YU! WHY ARE THEY BACK HERE?!!" -after a few minutes, shinra explained the situation- lisa: 'investigating internal affairs of the brigades'? what do you kids think you are? the scooby doo gang? or hell, maybe even the armed detective agency? Arthur: "...I do have a sword, so--" lisa: not what i meant. shinra: i think we can help yo-OOU! O.O !!! iris: EEK! *BOING* Arthur: "..." Vulcan: "WHO DID THAT?!!!" shinra:....*looks at the squirrel*.... *SCREEEEEAMS* iris: *bumps into something, and orb, but she catches it* phew.... Arthur: "...Why is it leaking? Should I keep holding it?" Vulcan: "L-Look, you weirdos! Don't touch anything else here!" *glances at Shinra and Iris* iris: s-sorry.... Vulcan: "!!!" *snatches the orb from Iris* "Do not touch this!" iris: i-im sorry! *Another set of animals have their heads blow off their shoulders--before the elephant atop the workshop flies up and away* shinra: ARTHUR YOU ARENT HELPING! Arthur: "I am too busy holding this odd creature...Also, it is leaking on my feet." Vulcan: "...Ha. Ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha!" shinra: h-hey! what's so funny? Vulcan: "Hee hee hee--you weirdos! You aren't typical Fire Brigade people, are you? You're too silly! Ha ha ha!" shinra: then...maybe you'll consider working with us? ^^;;; Vulcan: "Ha ha ha--hell no." shinra: TTwTT Vulcan: "But I can't let you go back to your boss without something to report...Let me show you something." Arthur: *still holding the leaking squirrel* shinra: ?? Vulcan: "Step outside. Yu, clear some space in the junkyard..." yu: right. *Later, outside* Vulcan: *sets down the orb* Arthur: "...Did the Lady of the Lake hand that to you?" Vulcan: "..." *looks at Shinra and Iris* "What?" shinra: dont mind him. iris: did you build this yourself? Vulcan: "Yes, with my father and uncle...This was what I have been putting my work towards...and what Giovanni wants to stop." shinra: what does it _do_? Vulcan: "It shows you a history...forgotten..." *Vulcan presses a button--the orb open up, releasing what looks like smoke* shinra:....!! woah! iris: is...that an elephant?...it's so furry! Vulcan: "It's an ancestor--the mammoth! And look at that animal!" *points behind Shinra* shinra: ?? woah! *A giant bird stands behind Shinra, before it expands its wings* shinra: WOAH! Arthur: "...I don't see any dragons, though." -elsewhere- Chef: o____o "...How many wedding cake samples are you going to try, ma'am?" stocking: am i telling you how to do your job? didnt think so. liz: dont mind her, she's just antsy ^^; Chef: "Y-Yes, ma'am..." *holds up another set of slices of cake* Patty: "I don't see what the big deal is, Stocking. I mean, it's not like if something goes wrong your wedding will be ruined, signaling that your relationship with Kid is doomed for all eternity--" liz: sis! not in front of kid! -BONK- stocking: stop that. Patty: X___X Kid: *already in the corner, growing mushrooms* Q~Q stocking: its ok kid. it's going to work out, i promise. Kid: *nods fervently* "I-I know...I love you." stocking: i love you too, honey~ *kiss* Kid: ^\\\^ *instantly happy, flowers fluttering around his head* liz: aww. -elsewhere- Yohei: "Zzz..." toru: *crying* Yohei: *yawns* ~___~ *walks over to Toru's room...looks into the crib* "Hey, little man..." *reaches to pick him up* toru: *crying* Yohei: "Okay, buddy, meal time..." *walks down to the kitchen* Yohei: *opens the freezer, pulling out a bottle of milk* "Heat this up..." get: ^o^ *heating it* Yohei: "..." *checks...* "Okay, it's done. Thank you, GET." toru: TT~TT Yohei: *puts the nipple onto the bottle* "Here you go, Big Man. Drink up." toru: *drinking* ^u^ Yohei: *smiles* "Thank your mom for that, buddy." toru: ^o^ chie: hehe~ Yohei: "Hey, speak of--" *holds up Toru to her* "Say 'Hi, Mommy!'" toru: ^w^ chie: how're my special guys doing~? Yohei: *yawn, smiles* "Super...You?" -elsewhere- Higan: *wince* tsubaki: something wrong? Higan: "...I pulled something." tsubaki: oh no! otogiri: where? Higan: "Lower back. I was bending over to tie my shoes..." tsubaki: can we help? Higan: "I don't know...It is so sore..." lavender: want me to try rubbing it? Higan: =\\\\\= "Y-Yes..." lavender: ok. *massaging* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *knocks on Kim's door* *yawn* kim: yeah? Jacqueline: "...Are you able to sleep? I...can't. My room is quiet..." kim:...did you want to sleep in here? Jacqueline: "..." *small blush, nods* -morning- Jacqueline: "Zzz..." -elsewhere- shinra: and that's what happened. Akitaru: "Wow...Why did he have that laser light show of animals?" iris: there were even animals i never saw before... shinra: even some creatures that went extinct... he seems to have good intentions. Arthur: "...Where were the griffins?" Akitaru: *nods* "An environmentalist...who wants a new energy source...That is noble." tamaki: wish i could have been there... Arthur: *nods* "It was impressive effects." Akitaru: "Shinra...You think we can convince him?" shinra: i think we can, if we just try. (thinking: maybe by investigating the 3rd?....i just hope relan and mikami are ok...) Akitaru: "Did anything else interesting pop up during your visit?" shinra:...... can i talk to you alone, sir? Akitaru: "..." *nods* -shinra explains the situation with giovanni, as well as mikami- Akitaru: "...We are the check on the other brigades..." shinra: should we check them out, then? Akitaru: "...Keep an eye on them. But let's wait and see what Giovanni's next move is." shinra: ok... (thinking: i hope relan is ok....) Akitaru: "...Hey. Don't worry. You got this." shinra:...thanks. -later- shinra: [ya. pretty cra-Z, right?] Relan: [one way of putting it. holographic light show of animals?] shinra: [ya. still, what i heard about giovanni... kinda freaks me out. *shuddering emoticon* you sure you're ok?] Relan: [i don't know. people around here look nervous. waiting to see what the commander does next] shinra: [be safe.] Relan: [always. <3 u] shinra: *smiles* [ <3 u 2. if things get 2 hectic, you're always welcome @ the 8th] Relan: TTWTT [that means so much to me...] -elsewhere- Kid: *looking at flowers* "Smell good." stocking: they're beautiful. Kid: *smiles* "Shall we go with these?" stocking *she nods* Kid: "Very well--let's count the number of lilies and roses...Multiple by 8..." stocking: *smiles* hehe~ Kid: "When do you try on dresses?" stocking: uh-uh-uh~ *wags her finger* the groom isnt supposed to see the bride in her wedding dress until the wedding~ *wink* Kid: "Hee hee...I know. I just wanted to know when so I can schedule some activities too...Some surprises..." stocking: well, maybe later in the month~<3 Kid: "It's a date." *smooch* stocking: hehe~<3 clerk: ugh, get a room. Kid: "...Do you have one?" clerk: O___O stocking: >w> Kid: *smirks* "I thought not." -elsewhere- Vulcan: *repairing the puppy-bot* lisa: .... Vulcan: "...Damn it...That bastard did a number of you..." *pops open the top of the bot's head* "...Gonna be weeks before I find replacement circuits..." yu: do you want me to find some? Vulcan: "...What else would I expect you to do? Also, pick up some more sodas." yu: ok teacher. Vulcan: "DON'T CALL ME THAT!" yu: s-sorry little shit! >~< Vulcan: "That's better. Also, pick up something for Lisa, too." -elsewhere- himawari:.... Sakuya: "Yo, Himawari. Want a drink?" himawari: !!...im...fine...for now... Sakuya: "..." *small smile* "Cool." *pulls out a carton of orange juice* naho: im glad she's doing better now... Shamrock: *enters* "Use a glass. Do not drink from the carton." Sakuya: -__-;; "Fine...Dad." Sakuya: *nods, watching Shamrock sit by Himawari* Shamrock: *smiles* "I could make you something to eat." naho: *slight pout* Sakuya: "???" naho: its not that im not happy for him…but my otp...TT.TT Sakuya: "..." *pats her shoulder* "Truly a loss...but you still got those magazines under your bed." naho: yeah...and watching the guys at the onsen. so much material to work with! Sakuya: "...You're still doing that?" naho:.... qwq;;; Sakuya: "..." *smirks, as he takes her hand* "Come on..." *leads her away* naho: hmm? Sakuya: *brings her to her room, shuts the door behind them* naho:..... o///o um...s-sakkun? Sakuya: *reaches in her bookshelf, pulling out some photographs she has hidden* naho: O////////////O s-s-s-s-sakkun! Sakuya: “Hold these...and I want you to look at them..." *he gently pushes her to sit on the edge of her bed* naho: o-ok... Sakuya: "Do you like what you see in those photographs?" *he kneels onto the floor* naho: y-yes... ./////. huehuehuehue..~ Sakuya: *his hands rest on her knees, massaging them lightly* "You like seeing two attractive men together, don't you?" naho: y..yes... .////w////. Sakuya: "Look at those photographs...and imagine those men in them touching each other..." *his hands slide down her knees...up to her thighs* naho: .///////////. a-ahh... >////. Sakuya: "And does seeing those men together excite you..." *looks up her legs* "It looks like it would it..." *he lets his lips rest over her underwear* naho: *soft moan* s-sa-sakkuuuun! Sakuya: *his tongue presses along her through the underwear, feeling her wetness* naho: *moans* Sakuya: *he slides her underwear aside to see her...kissing along the right side* naho: >/////~/////< Sakuya: "Imagine those hunky men, one of them just burying his neck into the other one..." *lick* naho: ahhhh~ Sakuya: *holds her legs, as he continues to pleasure her before finally pulling down her underwear and climbing atop her* naho: *blushing* s-sakuya... Sakuya: *slips the photos out of her hands, then reveals a condom in his hand, which he puts on while lifting up her skirt* naho: *bluuuuuuuuuuuush* Sakuya: "Do you...want to?" naho: i-i-i-if you'd l-l-like... Sakuya: *smiles gently, as he lays down closer to her, kissing her cheek lightly* "I love you." naho: i-i love you too. ^^ Sakuya: -\\\\- "O-Okay..." *he guides himself into her...slowly...* -elsewhere- Higan: *contented sigh* =w= lavender: feeling better i take it? *in the hot tub with him* Higan: *nods* "Back feels so much better..." *his foot passes along hers* lavender: oh~ hehe~ Higan: *smiles* "I don't know that I've taken photos of you with your hair down..." *he rubs along her foot* lavender: ^^ Higan: "..." *slides along the tub to sit next to her...holds her hand* lavender: oh~? Higan: *brings her hand over to her own stomach...sliding it down* lavender: ah~Higan: "One of our responsibilities is to take care of ourselves..." *slides her fingers along her sex* lavender: *moans and starts fingering herself* Higan: "Just extraordinary fingers...as I know..." *kisses along her neck, as he begins to stroke his member* lavender: oh~<3 Higan: *rests his face along her breasts, licking them* lavender: a-ahhh~<3 -inside- himawari:..... Shamrock: "...Are you okay?" himawari:....*nods* Shamrock: "..." *pats her shoulder* himawari:...thank you... Shamrock: *smiles* "I am glad you are here." himawari:....*leans against him* the others..... Shamrock: "??? 'The others'?" himawari: from....from the theater.....they..... Shamrock: "..." *solemn nod* "...We miss them..." himawari:...i ran away...i was caught.....*dull eyes* i was....punished...for being bad.... Shamrock: *shakes his head* "No, you were not...It's not your fault, Himawari..." himawari:........ Shamrock: "..." *holds her hand* "You are alive...This is a gift to embrace." himawari: ...... *slight blush* Shamrock: *smile* "Come on. I want to show you something..." himawari: ?? *Shamrock leads her to the garden, pointing to a flower* himawari: ah... Shamrock: "You may not realize how many unfortunate moments that small seed had...before it could show itself to the world." himawari:..... Shamrock: "...It takes time. You cannot change what happened before...and you can work with what you have...to be brilliant." himawari:...*smiles* Shamrock: *smiles at her...gives a soft squeeze to her hand* -elsewhere- Emine: "...Babies..." lin: awwww.... Emine: "...Tiny." lin: hehe~ -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *making her bed* kim: i was thinking about checking out the neighborhood. Jacqueline: "Oh, that would be fun." *smiles* "Want some company?" kim: sure. Jacqueline: *picks up her keys, wallet, phone, and sunglasses* "...That is a lovely skirt." -elsewhere- Kid: *looking at photographs* kirika: what'cha lookin at? Kid: "Some photographs from the last five years..." kirika: ah. Kid: *taps one photograph* "This was when you and I had to do chores around the mansion, as punishment for our fighting." kirika: oh yeah. Kid: "...Kirika, I want your advice." kirika: oh~? Kid: "I am determining my Best Man..." kirika: ah...didnt black*star claim the title? Kid: -_____- "I was hoping to exchange..." kirika: i dunno then. Kid: "...I know I can have groomsmen...Maybe 8 best men..." kirika: do that. Kid: *nods* "Very well." -elsewhere- Relan: "...Feeling better?" mikami: yes... Relan: *smiles* "...Hey. Has the Commander asked you to do anything recently?" mikami:...other than the incident at the workshop and blood tests...no. Relan: " 'Blood tests'?" mikami: *she nods* Relan: "Because of your...powers?" mikami: you mean...my hair? Relan: *nods* mikami: the commander said something about me being 'special'....im not sure what he means. Relan: "...Please be careful." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "This is a nice cafe...Comfortable seats, good music, tasty pastries..." kim: the style's not that bad either. Jacqueline: *smiles* "Will be good for finishing some paperwork over a cup of tea or coffee..." *takes a bit from Kim's cookie* -elsewhere- Belkia: "Hello, hello!" ayami: hello. ^^ Belkia: "Hee hee..." *takes off his hat--and pulls out from it a flower* ayami *she smiles* thank you. Belkia: *smiles back* "How are you?" ayami: feeling better. Belkia: *beaming* "I'm sure I'm partly responsible for that~" ayami: hehe. ^^ Belkia: "Did your doctor prescribe anything?" ayami: i am on some anti-depressants... Belkia: *nods* "That is the responsible thing to do..." ayami: *she smiles* my mom called today. Belkia: .\\\. "...Oh?" ayami: i...told her about you....all she said was 'that's great'....she sounded busy... Belkia: "...That's good. Do you get to see your mother often?" ayami: i usually see my family during holidays. Belkia: "And the other times...you're on your own?" ayami: most of the time, yes. Belkia: "..." *holds her hand* ayami: *blush* Belkia: "I'm sorry they are not around as often." ayami:...*hug* Belkia: *pats her back* -elsewhere- Sakuya: *sighs* =w= naho: =w=~<3 Sakuya: "That felt great." *smooch* naho: thanks sakkun~<3 Sakuya: *smiles, strokes her arm* "I don't mind your interest in boy-on-boy...and I hope that helped." naho: it did.*smiles and hugs* Sakuya: *hugs back, kisses her shoulder* "I love you." naho: i love you too~ Sakuya: *stretches* "What you up for? Maybe a shower? Or a snack? Or nap?" -elsewhere- Shotaro: *holding Toru* "Am I doing it right?" chie: you're doing great. setsuna:...*smiles* Shotaro: "Hee hee...Hey, Toru! How are you?" toru: ^o^ io: toto! saki: that's right io. Shotaro: "They look so alike--like their mothers." saki:....*she smiles* Shotaro: *sniff sniff* Q~Q "Oh...I think someone needs a diaper change..." -elsewhere- Kid: *hug* stocking: hehe~ Kid: "I'm sorry I was away..." stocking: its fine. Kid: *smiles* "But I think it'll be worth it~" stocking: *smiles* Kid: "I was also thinking...Do you need anything for teaching? A new computer, perhaps?" -elsewhere- Arthur: "Doctor? There is some weirdo at the front door for you?" karin: ya? *she goes to check* yes? Johannes: *excited waving...he's holding a doll* karin: hey johan! *wave* tamaki: *looks at the doll* Johannes: "How's it goin', Doc? Settling in here?" *notices Tamaki--extends a hand* "I'm Dr. Johannes Mimir Faustus! Are you a cat-person?" tamaki: um...i guess you can call me that? nozomi: is this a friend of yours, dr itou? Johannes: "A fellow doctor OF SCIENCE!" *waves at Nozomi* "I've known the Doc for a couple weeks now, and when I heard she was here, I wanted to check it out! Usually I'm only around vampires--" tamaki: v-vampires?! O___O; maki: *at full attention* do tell. Johannes: "Yeah, really handsome vampires! Always hanging out together with their eves, doing all kinds of guy stuff together--" maki: *nosebleeding* shinra: >_>;;;; uhhh... Johannes: "And they hang out at this onsen around town--" maki: WHERE IS IT I MUST KNOW!! Johannes: *draws a map onto his hand* "Just follow this path--" -and so- shinra: -__- i cant believe you dragged us here. maki: ^^ tamaki: i cant believe she convinced the commander to let her take us here. Arthur: "??? Well, I could definitely use a bath." shinra: no kidding. Hugh: "FOOLS!" tamaki: what the-?! Hugh: "...I'm down here, you tall persons!" iris: aww, how cute. Arthur: "..." *looks down* "Oh. A child--" Hugh: *kick to the shin* shinra: *snickers* Hugh: =\\\\\= *smiles at Iris* "Why thank you, ma'am..." Hugh: "Did you want to bathe?" tetsu: want us to get you a room? maki: I'LL PAY EXTRA FOR THE VAMPIRES! tetsu:...ok. i'll let them know. Hugh: .___. Kuro: *from the hallway* "What's all the noise...?" tetsu: some girl wants to meet you guys. mahiru: w-wait what? misono: *facepalm* Lily: *walks in, shirtless* "Hello, lovelies~" *hugging Misono from behind* misono: LILY! COULD YOU NOT?! >///< maki: O///////////w///////////O *VIBRATING* mahiru: is she...ok? Arthur: "...Sure." ???: "Oh, you all are here. Hey, Mahiru!" mahiru: hmm? *looks over* shinra: ?? Sakuya: *waves* mahiru: sakuya! great to see you. Sakuya: "Hee hee. See you all are holding up alright." naho: OuO lilac: *peeeeek* shinra: ..... (thinking: i feel so out of place right now.) ???: "Um...Excuse me? I wanted to--!!! Shinra! Iris!" *hug* shinra: rel! Relan: ^w^ naho+maki: O///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////w///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////O uzuki: what is this, hug central? kaori: ^^; Lawless: "Hurry your ass up, Soul! I want to get the good part of the bath--...Oh. You all are here." Sakuya: "...Oh, great." licht: hey. lilac: !!! *hides behind sakuya* Q~Q Sakuya: *pats Lilac* "It's okay, don't worry..." Lawless: "...Great. This will be crowded...Bunch of naked guys all up against each other--" naho+maki: *NOSEBLEED* *KO* Relan: D: "What happened to them?!" shinra: for maki, this is normal...as for the other girl...- Sakuya: "It-It's normal..." -_-;;; *picks up Naho* "A bath will help." lilac:.... Lawless: "...Maybe we'll use a different bath..." -elsewhere- Shamrock: "A bit quieter here..." tsubaki: *she nods* Shamrock: "I can now clean up the kitchen, make everyone's beds--" Shamrock: *opens Lavender's door* lavender: ahhh~<3 Higan: "...Oh, hey, Sham. Want in?" Shamrock: x\\\\\\- "...I'm barely surprised." lavender: *just getting a back rub*...what? Higan: "Yeah, lie down. I can get those knots out of your back--" Shamrock: *already shut the door* lavender: jeez, no wonder he's stressed. Higan: "Given all he's been doing since C3, yeah..." lavender:...he needs to go on a vacation. Higan: *massages her back* "I can arrange that. Someone owes me a favor." lavender: *smirks* -later- Higan: *drops a pamphlet in front of Shamrock* Shamrock: *looking over his newspaper* "...What?" Higan: "Vacation. You. So, get the fuck out." Shamrock: "..." tsubaki: what he means to say is, you've been working really hard, so why not take a break? Shamrock: "Tsubaki, I appreciate this. But if I am not here, this house would be engulfed in the flames of chaos." lavender: hey, during the time you werent here, we managed....no offense. Shamrock: D:< lavender: hey. *pats his back* dont take it wrong, we do care about you. we dont want you to overwork yourself. Shamrock: "...F-Fine...Where is this vacation locale?" -and so- Shamrock: "...This is...not a _terrible_ hotel..." *traces finger along cabinet* "...Dusty, though." himawari:..... Shamrock: "..." *looks at the beds* "Which one would you like, Himawari?" himawari:......i'll let....you pick... Shamrock: "...Well, you may have the one closer to the bathroom so if you get up in the night...but then that would be noisier being near that one...Um..." himawari: ?? Shamrock: "...Well, I'll let you take the one near the bathroom, and we can swap if that helps." *smiles* himawari:.... Shamrock: "...We have plenty to do here in this part of town. Or we can look at the pool in the hotel. Or watch a movie. Or have a meal..." himawari:.....*nod* Shamrock: *smiles, opening the menu* "Want a burger?" -later- himawari:.... !!!! *she sees someone down the hall* Touma: *whistling* himawari: *frozen in fear, eyes dull* Touma: "???" himawari: *trembling, eyes wide with shrunken pupils* Touma: "..." *smiles, as he walks towards her...* himawari:....... *she doesnt budge* Touma: *walks by, and whispers* "We meet again..." *keeps walking* himawari:...*still frozen....tearing up* Touma: *smiles, as he enters a private elevator to his room...the doors closed just as--* Shamrock: "Himawari?" himawari: !!! *she turns, still teary eyed* Shamrock: "?!! What's wrong? What happened?" himawari:...im sorry...mr touma....*shaking, eyes dull* Shamrock: "Mr. T--!!!" *looks around...* "...Himawari...Let's return to our room." himawari: ...... Shamrock: "..." ("And try contacting someone for help...") himawari:...... Shamrock: *leads her to the room...locks the door after them* "...Himawari, I'm sorry..." himawari:.......*still trembling* Shamrock: "..." *holds her* "Do you want to leave?" himawari:...i dont...want to...ruin the trip...for you... Shamrock: "...Your safety is all I want for this trip..." himawari:..... Shamrock: "...I will not let you get hurt...but I am going to contact for some back-up..." himawari:..... Shamrock: "...Just wait..." *pulls out his phone, calls...* -elsewhere- Jun: "He's still at the conference?" yumikage: seems like it. new kid went with him. tsurugi: why wasnt i invited? *pouts* Jun: ("New kid...") "...Hm. Where was that conference again?" yumikage: i think somewhere in glenwood heights neighborhood. Jun: "...I'm going to take my lunch break." -elsewhere- Higan: *on the phone* "..." *nods* "Okay...I'm going to have Lavender with us..." lavender: ... Higan: "And the rest know we may need you there...Okay...Tell her to hang in there." lavender: *nods* Higan: "...Lav? You want to try talking with Himawari on the phone?" lavender: ok. -elsewhere- Yumi: *taking Shiori out and spots--* "Oh...Look at the baby, Shiori." shiori: *wave* hihi! Yohei: *smiles, waving at Shiori* "Hey, buddy, say 'hi' to the kid over there." toru: ^o^ chie: ^^ Yumi: "Such a happy young man." *waves Shiori's hand at Chie and Yohei* -elsewhere- Kid: "And reservations for the honeymoon lodge are booked..." stocking: yay! *huuugs* Kid: *hug* stocking: im so excited! Kid: "Just wait for it...This will be excellent!" stocking: i know it will. Kid: *smiles--then stunned* "Um...Who _is_ going to marry us?" -gilligan cut to- justin: e-eh?! m-m-me?! O.O marie: as a possibility, nothing is concrete yet. Spirit: "So, you up for this, buddy?" justin: i hope so...this sort of thing isnt...what im used to. ._.;;;;; Spirit: "Hey, come on! It's not that hard! Here, we can practice. Marie will be Stocking, I'll be Kid--" marie: nah. -elsewhere- Arthur: "Zzz..." tamaki: zzzzzz Arthur: *turns over in bed, his mouth near her ear* "...love..." tamaki: O/////O Arthur: "...love you, Tamaki..." tamaki: O////////////////////////////////////////O Arthur: *hug* tamaki: ./////////////. Arthur: *small kiss in his sleep* tamaki: >////< Arthur: "Zzz..." *his hand rests along her chest* -POW- tamaki: =n= Arthur: *knocked to the floor, pulling the blanket with him* "??!!" -morning- Shamrock: *seated on the floor in front of the hotel room door...asleep* "Zzz..." lavender: *light slaps to his cheek* eeey wake up. Shamrock: "Wh-Huh?" lavender: *in her undergarments* mornin sham. Shamrock: "...I thought you were getting your own room?" Higan: "Checking on you." *shirtless* lavender: and himawari. Shamrock: "!!! Himawari! Is she okay?" lavender: yeah, she's right here. himawari: zzzzz.... Shamrock: *sigh of relief* "Goodness..." lavender: ... Shamrock: "...I'll...go get you all breakfast." himawari:....... -at the hotel cafe- Shamrock: *comes to the cafe--* Touma: "Hello." Shamrock: "!!!" -no one else seems to pay mind to the situation- Touma: "Been awhile, Prisoner #108." Shamrock: *glares* Touma: "Relax...No point making a scene. Not when I want to see where this goes..." Shamrock: "...I can kill you where you stand." Touma: "And I have two vampires in your room that will be dead if you do--and another that will be back under my thumb if you don't shut up and listen." Shamrock: "!!!" Touma: "I have a message for your new master, Miss Nakatsukasa. Tell her I have a proposition...and she should consider it. I would hate for her to get a bad deal..." Touma: *leaves a $100 bill on the counter* "Ma'am, this gentleman's breakfast is on me..." *turns to leave* Jun: *at another table...overhearing* -elsewhere- Vulcan: "Lisa, I got what you wanted." lisa: awesome. Vulcan: "You're welcome. I also picked up something for movie night." lisa: oh? Vulcan: *holds up 'Lion King'* yu: woah! Vulcan: *nods* "Can try it out on new home theater..." -elsewhere- Victor: *putting drops into a solution* nozomi: *taking notes* Victor: "Hmmm...Low sulfur in these remains...Odd." nozomi: how so? Victor: "Sulfur is the third most abundant mineral in human bodies...but it's hardly here in this sample. Almost as if not quite human..." nozomi: what do you think that could mean? Victor: "Potentially a fundamental change to the body's chemical composition upon transformation into a Flame Being...perhaps the sulfur is depleted with the amount of flames generated..." nozomi: that does make sense.... Victor: *nods* "We'll know after additional samplings...How goes your research?" -elsewhere- Giovanni: *looking through a photo album* soldier: sir? Giovanni: "??? What?" soldier: nothing sir.....what are you looking at? Giovanni: "...Documents." *the photo album is opened to Giovanni next to a small boy...holding a robo-puppy* -elsewhere- Kishiri: *half of his face is covered in marker* TT_TT hanako: ^w^ Hibana: *snapping pics* "This is going online." *picks up Hanako--smooch* Kishiri: TTT_TTT gabriella: our baby's a little artist! Hibana: "We are going to need another fridge for all her artwork!" -elsewhere- Shamrock: "...and that is what happened." lavender: shit.... Shamrock: "He likely knows our location...who knows who else he has here..." lavender: ....we need to get her somewhere safe... Shamrock: "...He already knows about Tsubaki housing us...Where else is there to go?" -and so- mahiru: you want us to do what now? Shamrock: "Just for awhile..." mahiru: ....alright then. kaori: we'll set up a room for her. Shamrock: *nods* "Thank you." kaori: it's not a problem. uzuki: *looks at higan*... O-O;;;; Higan: "..." *waves* "Hello." uzuki: IDONTKNOWYOUWEHAVENEVERMET! *exits* kaori:...?? Higan: "...Huh.” lavender: weird. Higan: "...Familiar..." lavender: maybe. *shrug* Shamrock: "...Right. Well, then..." *looks at Himawari* himawari: *grabs his arm*.............. Shamrock: "...I can stay with you, if you want, Himawari." -elsewhere- Takehisa: "Do you feel better, Maki? You seemed...off a few days ago." maki: im goooood~<3 =u= Takehisa: "..." *stares at Shinra* "What did you do to her?" shinra: why am i getting blamed?! Takehisa: "Because it's always you, Designated Protag." shinra: THAT'S WAY TOO META! Takehisa: "Then get back to work before I bring a wall down onto you!" *looking more annoyed and frantic than usual* shinra: ok ok! jeez. Takehisa: "...I will work on paperwork. Nice, happy paperwork. Maki, come along, as I need your signature..." maki: okaaaaay~ shinra:....i think we broke her. tamaki: no shit. -elsewhere- Lawless: *in an afro* romina: ..... julian: what in blazes...?? Lawless: "And check these out--!" *he lifts a leg to show he is wearing roller skates* "Disco!" licht: ..... Lawless: *starts singing, dancing on the skates* "Oo-ee-oo-ee! Oo--" *slips, flying up and falling, landing on his head* "OUCH! The afro did nothing to cushion the fall!" licht: rest in peace. he died as he lived; a pretentious and melodramatic idiot. julian: (thinking: a lot like a certain pianist....namely you. -_-; ) Lawless: "...I'm deader than disco. HA HA H--Ow! It hurts to laugh now..." X~X -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *asleep, dreaming* "Mmmm~" fang-hua: ....... *reading* Tsukiyo: *sleep-dreaming* "More, Commander...yes, with that hottie nurse..." fang-hua: ._____________.; Tsukiyo: *still sleep talking* "Oh...Fang, welcome..." *smile-drooling* fang-hua:.......... *pours water on her face* Tsukiyo: *slight gargling sound, sitting up in shock* "HUH-WHA-WHERE?! ..." *looks up* "...Oh, hey, Fang! What's up?" -elsewhere- Jeje: "...I can't find it..." metsu: maybe i can help? Jeje: *nods* "It was an old book..." -elsewhere- Kuro: "Cat cafe." mahiru: yep. it's the perfect job for us both! -elsewhere- marie: *siiiighs* another date gone down the sink... Stein: "...That bad?" marie: yeah, my date kept trying to off himself. TT~TT Stein: "...What the hell?" marie: it gets weirder, he tried to talk me into a double suicide! Stein: "...You know that you should never consider that." marie: i wasnt going to! eventually his coworker had to come pick him up...they're sending a fruitbasket to my apartment as an apology. Stein: "...Is it organic?" -elsewhere- Anya: *listening to music while reading...* mio: what'cha listening to? Anya: "...P-P-Piano playing..." mio: cool. Anya: =\\\\\= *while reading her romance book, she imagines...* (dream!licht: fly away to heaven with me, my angel~) (Dream!Anya: *in white dress with angel wings* "Oh, yes, my love~") mio:....*takes out a juicebox....and squirts it up anya's nose* (Dream!Lawless: *in a red suit...smiles at Anya*) (Dream!Anya: "???") (*In the dream, rain breaks out open, drenching Anya...*) Anya: *snort* "ARG! What the devil?!!" mio: you ok? Anya: "Not when you are shoving fruit juices up my nasal passages!" -elsewhere- Relan: *flipping through images online of cosplay...* -elsewhere- stocking: =_____= ugh. frickin mr kaoru.... Kid: "Rough day?" stocking: yeah, the teacher cut off in the middle of class for a fucking booty call. so unprofessional. Kid: "...Jeez. What a weirdo." stocking: at least he's far more tolerable than triple A batteries. Kid: *smirk* "Rather low bar..." stocking: X'D Kid: "Let's have some tea and let you relax." stocking: yeah, i would like that. Kid: *smiles, as he heats water* "...I think this work is good for you." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: *serves her tea* "Your students are so lucky..." stocking: i guess. Kid: "..." *small laugh* "I am lucky, too...'teacher.'" stocking: 7w7~<3 Kid: *holds her hand* stocking: *smiles and kisses him* Kid: *smooch* =w= stocking: ^////^ Kid: "And when you have your students, you'll have any help you need from the DWMA, too." stocking: that's good to know. Kid: *rubs along her hand* stocking: *blush* Kid: *smiles* "I can also help with studying..." stocking: i would like that. Kid: *nods* "I think I know some ways to help with retention and memory. I heard walnuts are rich in brain-fuel." -elsewhere- Vulcan: *singing along to 'The Circle of Life'* lisa: vul, you're drunk, please get some sleep. Vulcan: "...'Kay." *collapses on the couch* lisa:...*sighs and puts the blanket over him* Vulcan: =w= "Hakuna..." -elsewhere- Benimaru: *looking at produce* kirei: how about these? *she seems to have let her hair grow a bit longer now* Benimaru: *smiles gently at her* "Yes. Those look great." *looks at her hair* kirei: *smiles* we'll be taking these please. Fruit Stand Employee: *nods* "Very well--whatever for the Commander and his wife--" kirei: O///O Benimaru: ._. "...Just the fruit, please." -elsewhere- Black Star: "...Himawari and Shamrock...C3..." tsubaki:..... -the phone rings- tsubaki: yes? Touma: "Miss Nakatsukasa." tsubaki: *frozen in fear*...yes? Black Star: "!!!" Touma: "You have been keeping secrets..." tsubaki: *trembling*...what do you want? Touma: "...You." tsubaki: !!!! Touma: "You have been holding out on me, Miss Nakatsukasa...I had no idea two of my former...associates were now in your possession. We have to speak if you wish to continue keeping them." tsubaki: ....i wont let you hurt them. we're under agreement. any subclass that finds their way under my care is protected from C3 harming them! Touma: *finally loses control* "Agreements change when you take what belongs to me!" tsubaki: !! shuuhei: mr touma.. Touma: *looks at Shuuhei* "What?!" shuuhei: *adjust glasses* perhaps it'd be in best interest not to lose your cool. Touma: "..." *inhales, exhales, smiles politely* "We really should speak soon, Miss Nakatsukasa. I'm sure we can arrange an exchange that is suitable to both of us." tsubaki:......*hangs up....collapsing to her knees and crying* Black Star: *rushes to her, hugging her* tsubaki: *holding him* Black Star: "It's going to be okay..." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." reimi: you ok? Mr. Tsubaki: "I worry..." reimi: hmmm.. Mr. Tsubaki: "...I may visit them soon..." reimi: you mean...- Mr. Tsubaki: "Just for a bit...and I think you should meet them as well." reimi: would that be ok? Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles, nods* "I think so." -elsewhere- Benimaru: *looking at one of the photos of him as a child* "..." kirei:...*she smiles* Benimaru: "...They say I look more like my mother." kirei: ah. Benimaru: "...I wonder..." kirei: hmm? Benimaru: "...Would she think I'm good at parenting?" kirei:...im sure she would. Benimaru: "..." *smiles* "Thank you. She would...appreciate you." -elsewhere- Shamrock: "..." *opens a case...* lavender: ?? Shamrock: *inside is a sniper rifle* lavender: .____.; Shamrock: "...What is frustrating is that I lost my good eye for this kind of thing..." lavender: just....what are you planning with that thing? .____.;;;; Shamrock: "This is going to end in one way: with someone getting hurt. And it is not going to be anyone in this family." lavender: .... Shamrock: "...He's not going to stop...He could make this a war..." lavender: ...... *thinking back to what mr tsubaki had said* Shamrock: "...I will be careful. You know we cannot let them hurt Himawari." lavender: *nods* Shamrock: "...And don't tell Tsubaki. She will not like this plan..." lavender: .... Shamrock: "...I'm going to patrol..." lavender: hey sham...be careful, ok? Shamrock: "...Roger." lavender:..... (thinking: i really hope you know what you're doing...) Shamrock: *exits with his case...* -later, sunset- Touma: *in his hotel room, in slacks and a white shirt, sipping on bourbon* -knock- maid: you called, sir? Touma: "..." *looks through peephole* -she seems to be a fairly attractive young lady, presumably mid-late 20s.- Touma: *smiles, opens the door* "Hello..." maid: room service. *smiles* Touma: *stands aside* "Yes, thank you..." maid: *starts cleaning* Touma: "...I appreciate your assistance..." maid: just doing my job, sir. Touma: "....I always appreciate having someone take such care...You are quite organized..." maid: oh, thank you. *friendly smile* Touma: "You're very welcome, Miss..." maid: *nods and starts making the bed* Touma: "And it is satisfying to hear someone so polite...You have a kind voice." maid: oh, um... Touma: "What is your name?" maid: oh, it's lana. Touma: "I am pleased to meet you." *takes her hands, which envelope hers* "I am Taishi Touma." lana: nice to meet you mr touma...arent you part of that conference being held here? Touma: *nods* "I am. We are trying to solve various challenges..." lana: sounds interesting....ok, that should be everything. i'll just be going now, sorry to bother you, sir. Touma: "Do you have a moment?" lana: hmm? Touma: "You see, I have this chilled bottle, and it would be a shame to let it go to waste." lana: i appreciate the offer, but i really shouldnt be drinking on the job. Touma: "Would one small glass be so bad?" lana: just the same. and i have other rooms to work with. Touma: "...Well, when you get off of work, I would like to thank you..." lana: *nods and exits* Touma: *smiles, watching her* ("She wants me...") -elsewhere- Black Star: "...She's sleeping..." tsubaki: zzzz..... Sakuya: "That's good..." *pats Naho's shoulder* naho: *frowns, worried about tsubaki* Black Star: "...This Touma guy...is a bastard..." naho: he suuuuuuucks. >Xp Sakuya: "Putting it mildly...After what he's done, I want to rip his throat out..." naho: same! otogiri:... Black Star: "Not sure we can get away with that. Lord Death requires more info before giving permission for a kill..." otogiri: not to mention being the vice branch manager of a powerful organization... Black Star: "I think Lord Death has assassinated heads of organizations...but it gets messy..." naho:..... Black Star: *sigh* "We just have to get stronger for this...Keep our guard up...Get more allies..." naho:...*nods* Sakuya: "Maybe you should try some of your DWMA buddies. Got to be someone up for putting a little fear into C3 jerks." tsubaki: i'll see what we can do. Black Star: "!!! Oh...You're awake." *smiles* tsubaki: i've kind of been awake for a few moments.... Black Star: "Glad..." *pats her shoulder* -elsewhere- Victor: "Here's the next results, Doc." karin: thanks. *examining the papers* Victor: "So, Doc...You've known Nozomi for a bit, yeah?" karin: yeah, her father and i went way back...*sad smile* Victor: "...I'm sure he was as honorable as his daughter." karin: *she nods* he was so close to finding a cure for all of this...*sigh* what an ironic way to go out... Victor: "..." ("Or intentional...if someone _wanted_ to stop him from finding that cure...") "I'm sorry." karin:...he was a good man. Victor: *nods* "...You and Nozomi memorialize him?" karin: *she nods* Victor: "..." *looks away* "...I'm glad you do so..." karin: you lose anyone either? Victor: "...I lose count..." karin:..... Victor: "...I'm almost done with these tests. Then I'll take a break..." -elsewhere- Kid: =w= stocking: *panting* =u= Kid: "M-My...You are...enthusiastic today." stocking: *nuzzle* =w=~<3 Kid: *holds her* "...Have I told you how perfect you are?" *small squeeze* stocking: mmmmn~<3 Kid: "...You do have a beautiful body...I love how you are..." stocking: *kisses his neck* Kid: "A-Ah! <3 " stocking: still sensitive~? Kid: =\\\\\= *meek nod* stocking: hehe, cute. *kiss* u///u Kid: *small moan, as he kisses back* stocking: god i love you so much... Kid: *holding her close* "I love you, too...." stocking: *smiles and kisses her right ring finger* im so happy... Kid: *smiles* "I am, too...I cannot wait to marry you..." stocking: ^^ Kid: "...But, good things are worth the wait..." *kiss on her neck* -elsewhere- Arthur: *practicing with his sword...* karin: *shiny eyes* did you build this?? Arthur: "??? The sword? Not quite...Not alone." karin: is that plasma? Arthur: *nods* "I send it out through my flame abilities...like a blade. Because I am a knight." karin: that's so cool! Arthur: -\\\- "Th-Thank you, Doctor..." -elsewhere- Shotaro: *on the rooftop* "Is the TV on yet?!" *adjusts the satellite dish* mana: yeah! Shotaro: "Great! I'll be right down--" *slips on the roof* o____O -catch- chie: careful there. *she caught him with a shadow net* Shotaro: "...Neat! Can you make a hammock for the backyard with one of these?!" chie: ^^; toru: *giggles* Yohei: "Your mommy is very impressive, Toru." chie: aww. toru: ma! ma! chie: *shiny eyes* ahhh! Yohei: "So smart!" -elsewhere- Shamrock: *enters an abandoned room...across the street from the hotel* "..." -someone watches- Shamrock: *assembles his rifle...looks out the window* ("Where is that bastard...?") ???:....mr vampire? Shamrock: "?!!" *turns around* mafura: hiya mr vampire! ^^ Shamrock: "...Oh no--" mafura: ~? Shamrock: "Wh-What are you doing here?" mafura: mr touma asked mafura-chan to follow you. he saw you out the window. Shamrock: "...Oh no...You, um...aren't going to tell Mr. Touma, are you?" mafura: tell him what? Owo Shamrock: "...How about you not tell Touma that you saw me? And you let me run away?" mafura: ~? Shamrock: "...I'm going to leave now. Excuse me." *makes a run for it* mafura: .......~? Shamrock: *leaps from window to fire escape, looking for an exit down the alley* -at the hotel- Touma: *sipping a glass of milk, smiling* -knock- lana: me again. i heard there was a spill? (thinking: he requested me personally....red flags much?) Touma: *smiles* "Yes, sorry. I knocked over a glass of wine that I left on the table..." lana: ah. *looking around* *The bed looks made, its bedsheet pulled down slightly. Two glasses of wine are on the table, along with a tray of cheese and crackers. A jazz song is playing, one that pulls in the listener...* lana: *red flags going off* where's the spill? Touma: *stands, walks towards her...and passes in front of her to go around the table, to point at a large spill left under the table* "Right here." lana: ah... *she gets to work* Touma: *watches her work...staring along her body* "Thank you...If you don't mind, I do have an appointment soon, so I will go shower while you clean." lana: ok then. *trying to hurry up* Touma: *takes his bathrobe and enters the bathroom, shutting the door...leaving it open just a crack* -after a while, she finishes up and begins to leave- Touma: *exits* "Oh, you have finished!" lana: yeah. i'll just be going now. Touma: *he is in his towel* "Hold on...I am sorry for this last-minute request. I owe you..." *walks to his pants hanging on his chair, removing his wallet and holding out a $100 bill* lana: this much, really? Touma: *smiles* "I have found that, when you see good work, reward it, as you never know when you may require such assistance again in the future. Thank you, Lana." lana:...*she takes the money and nods, leaving* Touma: "If I ever need assistance, I know who to call." *smiles, waves* -she leaves- Touma: *smiles...as he removes a roll of tape, putting it along the table to pull a few of Lana's fingerprints* -elsewhere- lavender:..... himawari:.... Higan: "...He hasn't called in?" -knock- lavender: !!! Higan: "..." *looks out peephole* Shamrock: "..." Higan: *opens the door, letting him in* Shamrock: "..." *looks pale* lavender: sham holy fuck! Shamrock: "I...ran..." *collapses* lavender:... himawari:.......*leans against him* Shamrock: "..." *holds onto her* "We can't...We can't..." lavender: ....we should head home.. Higan: *nods* "Get up, buddy. We need to be with family again..." Shamrock: *shaking* -and so, they made it home- Sakuya: "..." *hugs Shamrock* naho: *hug* Shamrock: "?!! Wh-What is this?" naho: we were worried about you guys! >n< Shamrock: "..." *pats their backs* "We-We appreciate it..." naho: ^^ tsubaki:.... Shamrock: "...Ts-Tsubaki? I...couldn't do it..." tsubaki:....*hugs* im just glad....you're all ok... Shamrock: X_T *hug* -morning- Arthur: *yawn* tamaki: zzzz.... Arthur: *smiles, sliding out of bed, going to the kitchen...returning with a bowl of cereal and milk* tamaki: *nyaaawn* Arthur: "Good morning...love." tamaki:... o///o Arthur: "I, um...got you breakfast?" *passes the tray to her* -elsewhere- Hotel Clerk: "Lana? You okay?" lana: yeah, just had a hard time sleeping... Hotel Clerk: "...Is Sheryl still giving you a hard time?" lana: what? no...it's actually- Touma: "Ah, good morning!" *waves at the Clerk* "I wanted to tell you what a fine job Lana has done." lana: !! Hotel Clerk: "..." *puts on a smile* "Happy to hear, sir! Lana is an excellent employee, because we strive for excellence at--" Touma: "Good morning, Lana." *smiles* lana: m-morning. Touma: "I have meetings today, so I anticipate you will be cleaning my room while I'm out." lana: probably, unless someone else gets to it first, haha. ^^;;; Touma: "I hope not. I don't think anyone does the work as well as you." Clerk: *suspicious glance* lana: ^^; Touma: "And as incentive--" *pulls out a $100 bill* Clerk: *EVEN MORE SUSPICIOUS GLANCE* lana: oh, no i really couldnt sir. and to be honest i really shouldnt. *uneasy, but trying to remain calm* Touma: "..." *smiles* "I admire your ethics, Lana. I hope you are repaid in kind for how you have been so good to me." lana: y-yeah... Touma: *exits* Clerk: "W...T...F?" lana: yeah, red flags much? Clerk: "I'm reassigning your floor and sending Goliath to tend to Mr. Touma's room..." Goliath: *giant gorilla man* "Yo." lana: thanks. Clerk: "And if he tries anything, let me know...He has money, but I may have something to help..." lana: *she nods* -elsewhere- Shamrock: *shaking in bed* tsubaki: i brought some tea. Shamrock: "Th-Thank you..." *struggling to reach the cup...shaking* tsubaki:....*pats his shoulder* Shamrock: "...He knows...He has to know..." tsubaki:.... Shamrock: "...I can't do anything. I'm useless...and now he is going to hurt you and everyone else..." tsubaki: .....*hug* you did your best. we'll keep everyone safe. Shamrock: "I failed you...young master...Himawari..." tsubaki: *pats his back* it's ok... Shamrock: *slowly calms down...tries sipping the tea...* -it's chamomile- Shamrock: *yawn* "It is relaxing..." tsubaki: *smiles* i figured you'd like it. Shamrock: "..." *small smile before he yawns* tsubaki: you should get some rest. Shamrock: *already collapsed on the bed...* "Zzz..." tsubaki:....*tucks him in* Higan: *smiles, watching* "You're good at that." tsubaki: thank you. Higan: "Got another Team Mom in this house." tsubaki: eh? naho: actually 3, tsubaki, lavender, and sham. lavender: aw. Higan: "3 Moms...We can call you '3M,' 'cause you stick together." naho:....huh? Higan: "You know, 3M. They manufacture tape. Stick? Sticky? Stick together?" naho: booooo. =n= lavender: ha! Higan: "At least someone appreciates my jokes." *smiles* naho: sure old man, sure. Higan: "In any case, glad that there are a bunch of you. I know the others need it..." -elsewhere- Vulcan: *playing around with his projector* -elsewhere- Akitaru: *dancing in his office* maki: hmm? Akitaru: "I heard that dance can limber me up for more lifting." maki: ah. Akitaru: "I even thought about this--" *holds up a brochure for ballet* maki: oh? Akitaru: "Yeah. Might give me something to do outside of the firehouse." maki: sounds like fun! Akitaru: "I know, right! I was trying to convince others to join in, but they weren't interested--" Takehisa: "..." shinra: hey arthur, you should give it a try. Arthur: "...I am a knight. Knights don't wear tights." Takehisa: "...Should you tell him?" shinra: hey, it'll increase your smooth moves! plus i bed you'd impress tamaki with it. Arthur: *suddenly in tights, leaping around the room--and into a wall* tamaki:... Akitaru: "...Call for medical support." Arthur: X____X -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: T_T fang-hua: you ok? Tsukiyo: "Just stressed...Everything keeps changing around here." fang-hua: ...*pats her back* Tsukiyo: "...Maybe I need a vacation." fang-hua: if it helps... Tsukiyo: "...I hope so..." -elsewhere- Emine: "Lin..." lin: yes? Emine: *holds up black roses* lin: aww, thank you. *hug* Emine: -\\\\- "You are...welcome." lin: ^///^ Emine: "..." *rests his head against her shoulder* lin: ^^ *pat pat* Emine: *small kiss on the cheek* -elsewhere- Touma: *enters hotel lobby* mafura: *staring at the fish tank, making faces* Touma: "...Mafura? What are you doing?" mafura: fishies. Touma: "You like staring at them, huh?" mafura: shiny... Touma: "...Would you like a fish?" -elsewhere- Hibana: "The wait is the hardest part..." *staring at microwave* hanako: *watching* Hibana: "You'll like popcorn, though. Very fluffy!" hanako: *waiting* *POP* hanako: wah! Hibana: "Hee hee...That's why it's called *pop*corn..." hanako: hehe ^^ gabriella: ^^ Hibana: *opens the microwave and pulls out the popcorn, pouring it into a tiny kid-size bowl* "Here, sweetie. Try some." -nom- hanako: mmm. ^^ Hibana: "I know, right? Wait until we try some seasoning." ^^ -elsewhere- shinra: *asleep*..... ???: "...Burst..." shinra: ?? (thinking: im in that dark place again....?) ???: "...It is beautiful..." shinra: ?? -the area changes to resemble vulcan's shop- shinra: ??? *KNOCK KNOCK* shinra: ?? ???: "We have come for you, Vulcan..." shinra: ?!.... !!! *A portion of the roof falls down, slamming Vulcan down onto the floor* shinra: *tries to kick it away, but something pulls him back* ?! Hood: *clutching him by the back of his neck* "Hello...Devil." shinra: !!!! Hood: *to other hoods* "Bring the mechanic. We will have good use of him..." shinra: stop it! *bolts awake* -PUNCH- tamaki: MOTHERFUCKER! Arthur: "...Run." shinra: w-what? Arthur: "She's going to kill you, man..." tamaki: shinra! what the fuck is wrong with you you just started screaming bloody murder and decked me! Arthur: *nod nod* "Yes, what is the fuck wrong with you?' shinra: *shivering* Arthur: "??? Oh no..." tamaki:....is it the dreams again? shinra:...*nods* Arthur: "...Tell the Commander?" tamaki:......*awkward hug* hey there, its ok... shinra: *whimpering* Arthur: "..." *pat pat* shinra: *calming down a bit* Arthur: "...Maybe do something to get your mind off of this?" shinra: ...maybe. tamaki: maybe you can watch funny videos? or candy kit tutorials? that always helps me calm down. Arthur: "Funny cat videos--" tamaki: shut up. Arthur: ^^;; "Or maybe talk with Iris and Relan?" shinra:..sounds good. -at the 3rd- Relan: Q_____Q "So...angry..." mikami: *pat pat* ryuuko: .... Relan: "Why is the Commander acting out like this?" mikami: i dont know....*putting disinfectant on relan's cheek* Relan: "I-I thought I was getting better! I've been trying so hard--and I--and I--I just want to be good!" mikami: .... *hug* ryuuko: *pats his back* Relan: *slowly calms down...* mikami: would you like to visit shinra? Relan: *nod nod* -later- shinra: hey re-....!!! rel! Relan: *recoils, covers his face* shinra:...*hugs him* who did this? Relan: "...H-He didn't mean to...I think..." shinra:.....*rubs his back* its ok..im here..iris is here... iris:....*hug* Relan: *crying* "I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." iris: it's ok...you didnt do anything wrong... Relan: "...I'm weak..." shinra: you arent weak... Relan: "...I'm not a flame person...I can't give last rites...I'm useless..." iris: even if you dont have those abilities, that doesnt make you useless. you can still help in your own way. Relan: *sniff* "Not when I'm so slow...not strong..." shinra: .....you do have strengths. you're kind, you're a good listener. Relan: "...I am?" shinra: *he nods* Relan: *sniff* "Th-Thank you..." -elsewhere- Mikuni: *in a bikini* metsu:.....*not even phased in the slightest* Jeje: "...Why?" Mikuni: "Summertime!" metsu:...it's still april... Mikuni: "...Early summertime!" -a few days later- kirika: congrats on parenthood. Giriko: TT~TT "My baby..." kirika:...she's got your eyes. Giriko: *sniff* "S-Such a beautiful babe..." *stroking her hair* baby: *asleep* arachne: *holding her* Giriko: "She'll need a name..." arachne: hello anna. anna: ^o^ Giriko: "..." *smiles widely* "Perfect!" kirika: cute. Giriko: "Hey, Anna..." -elsewhere- Patty: *face down in bed* liz: feeling ok? Patty: "...Job interview..." liz: oh....want to talk about it? Patty: *lifts her head* "I'm not sure it went well...I was applying for a promotion at the daycare..." liz: *listening* Patty: "...and I don't think I made a good impression. When one of the interviewees didn't say 'gesundheit,' I made him sit in the corner...with no juice box..." liz: *nods* Patty: "...I shouldn't have done that to the boss..." -elsewhere- Shamrock: *yawns* himawari: zzzz... Shamrock: "??? When did you get here?" himawari: zzzz.... Shamrock: "..." *looks at her* ("Maybe she is hungry?") himawari: *hugs his arm* Shamrock: "..." *holds her* himawari:...*small smile* Shamrock: "..." *smiles* -later- Shamrock: "...Good day, all..." lavender: mornin' naho: morning~! Sakuya: "Yo." Higan: "Hey." Belkia: "SHAAAAAAAM!" *glomp* lilac: !! Shamrock: "Unhand me! I was morose, not dead!" tsubaki: feeling any better? lavender: yeah, you were in there for days... Shamrock: "..." *sniffs himself, grimaces* "Oh, no..." lavender: you ok? Shamrock: "I have a very strict cleaning schedule--and I smell now..." lavender: then go take a shower then. Shamrock: "...I was going to make food for Himawari, though..." -later- Shamrock: x\\\\\- "So relaxed now..." otogiri: that's good. Shamrock: "Now, I can cook..." lavender: alright then. Shamrock: *cracks eggs to start omelets* -elsewhere- Lawless: *reading* licht: *practicing piano* Lawless: *starts reading his poetry in time with the music* "And lo it fell..." romina: *practicing her punches in the gym room* *The punches and music start to form a music...Lawless keeps reading* Lawless: "...from up the new empire..." kranz: *smiles* (thinking: i love it when a good morning comes together) -elsewhere- Shotaro: *opens the cabinet* "Darn...All the cereal is gone." -elsewhere- Spirit: "Any better luck on the dating circuit, Marie?" marie: not yet, but i have gotten a few messages. Spirit: "Oh? On a dating site?" marie: *nods* Spirit: "Anyone with potential?" marie: still reviewing. Spirit: *nods* "Want me to take a look?" marie: are you ok with that? Spirit: "If you don't mind, I don't. Why, anything embarrassing?" marie: not really. Spirit: *looks at the candidates* "...Ugh. I saw that guy at bars years ago...Skeevy." marie: alright then. *deletes the message* Spirit: "Huh. Lawyer. Separated. Looks like a younger picture..." -elsewhere- Kid: *reviewing papers* stocking: *napping* Kid: *looks over the seating chart...* "I think that will be a good place..." stocking: zzz... Kid: *smiles at her, as he leaves and returns with donuts...* stocking: *yawwwn* Kid: "A treat for you~" stocking: *kiss* Kid: -\\\\\- -elsewhere- Relan: "Zzz..." shinra: .....*strokes his head* Relan: *small yawn, smile* "...Hey." shinra: feeling better now? Relan: *nods* "Very much so." shinra: *smiles* mikami just called. she and ryuuko are looking after buttons for you. Relan: "D'aw..." *hugs Shinra* "That's so kind." shinra: *he smiles* look, mikami posted this to her instagram. -the picture is of buttons with a message of 'get better soon, relan'- Relan: QWQ -elsewhere- naho: *focused* Sakuya: "How's it looking?" naho: *writing stuff down* Sakuya: "Naho? What are you writing?" naho: *she's working on the class assignment Sakuya: *pouts, returns to his assignment* -elsewhere- Shamrock: *inhales, shaking a bit* tsubaki: are you alright? Shamrock: *smiles* "Yes...Just the sensation of breathing..." lavender: *snoozing, higan's hair draped over her like a shawl* Higan: "Zzz..." *happy smile* lavender: *nuzzle* Higan: *yawns, holds her* tsubaki: *smiles* Shamrock: *smiles as well* "Peaceful." tsubaki: *nods* Shamrock: "...I want to stay here." tsubaki: hmm? Shamrock: "It is peaceful here..." tsubaki: *she nods* Shamrock: "...I want to thank you...especially after how rude I have been to you..." tsubaki: *smiles* Shamrock: "You truly are a patient person..." tsubaki: thank you. ^^; Shamrock: "...Please take good care of him." *serious face* "Because if you hurt my young master, I will break you..." tsubaki: owo; Shamrock: *happy face* "Himawari, would you like some juice?" himawari:...yes please Shamrock: "I hope grape juice is okay..." *pours some* -elsewhere- stocking: *hugging kid* Kid: *weak smile* stocking: it's ok kid... Kid: "...I know...I just feel...that pang of sadness now and then." stocking: *nods and rubs his back and shoulders* Kid: "..." *holds onto her, crying a bit* stocking: *kisses his forehead* Kid: *hugs her* "I just...do not know what will happen next. And sometimes that scares me, you know?" stocking: *nods* Kid: "..." *holds onto her* "Please...don't go." stocking: i wont. i promise. Kid: "..." *nods* "Could you just...hold me? And I can hold you?" stocking: of course kid. Kid: *does so, still crying but holding her close* stocking: *hums gently* Kid: *holds onto her...closes his eyes, sighing* stocking: i love you kid... *kisses his ring finger* Kid: "I love you, Stocking..." *holds her, crying* stocking: *kisses him* Kid: *kisses back, hugging her* stocking: hmmm.... Kid: *yawns...closes his eyes* stocking: .....*rubs his back* Kid: "Zzz..." stocking: *smiles* Kid: *lies in bed, sleeping* stocking:..i love you kid....so much. Kid: *smiles in his sleep* stocking: *strokes his hair* Kid: *sleeping soundly* -elsewhere- naho: we're home~! Sakuya: *waves* Shamrock: *smile* "How did your day go?" naho: it went well. *smiles* Sakuya: "Yeah. A little worried about the essay I wrote..." tsubaki: if you guys need any help, let us know, ok? Sakuya: "...Thanks...Um, how good are you at sentence structure?" -elsewhere- Vulcan: *looking at a photograph* lisa: *also looking* Vulcan: *taps it* "There's Dad." lisa: ah...*smiles* Vulcan: *taps again* "And my uncle." lisa: i see. *The picture is burnt in the corner* lisa: who's that? Vulcan: "...Someone lost." lisa: oh... Vulcan: "..." *places the photo back on the wall* "...You feed the animals?" lisa: *nods* put food out for the cats this morning. Vulcan: *smiles* "Thanks..." -elsewhere- Gopher: "..." *clothes ripped, covered in mud* kirika: holy fuck, what happened?? Gopher: *sniff* "I...had a bad fight..." kirika:...where are they? Gopher: "Th-They hang out at this bar...even though they're underage..." kirika: *cracks knuckles* im going to whup their asses. Gopher: "...I-I know you can...but they may be drunk, which could make them more violent--" kirika: tch-, i've handled way worse.....way worse.... *And so* Drunk #1: *towers over Kirika, growls* kirika: *KICKS HIM IN THE JUNK* Drunk #1: Q_____Q *collapses* Drunk #2: "She hit Big Freddie! Get her!" kirika: *grabs a chair and slams it at him* *Chair smashes...* Drunk #2: *still standing--with splinters dug into his chest* "...Ow!" -later- kirika: *panting, bloodied, but alright none the less* heh...ow... Gopher: D: "You're hurt!" kirika: i-im alright. i gave those assholes a good what for... *wince* Gopher: *supports her, even as he cringes from his own pain* "L-Let's get to medical..." kirika: good call. -later- lord death: it was a noble thing you did today. extremely stupid and reckless, but noble none the less. Stein: "...Honestly. These are pretty severe injuries..." kirika: how bad? Gopher: "Very noble!" .w. Stein: "Deep cuts. One cracked rib. Sprained ankle. Oh, and I'll have to take that arm off--" lord death+kirika: WHAT?! Gopher: D:< Stein: "...Kidding. Doctor's humor." kirika: dude, that was a shit move. i mean, it's bad enough i lost my eye already. Stein: "...I thought it would lighten the mood--" *PUNCH* Stein: *collapsed on the floor* Gopher: .^. kirika: dude holy shit. Gopher: "Never dare toy with her like that again! Or I will double your pain!" Stein: Q___Q "How did you learn to throw a punch like that?" Gopher: *holding his hand, which is now bloody from the punch hitting Stein* Q___Q kirika: jeez goph, take it easy there... Gopher: *hug* kirika:...*pat pat* Gopher: *calms down* Stein: "...What, don't I get a hug?" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "Oh, dear--chicken pox." hinata: =3= Mr. Tsubaki: "And if you caught it, your sister may as well...But we really got to be careful for any adults who have never caught it--" hikage: Q-Q Mr. Tsubaki: "...Given your proximity, you're probably going to get it. I better get more lotion and medicine for you. Be happy you are not adults: chicken pox can be fatal for them." hinata + hikage: D8 Mr. Tsubaki: "...Relax. You'll be in bed for a few weeks at most. And you can play connect the dots with the patterns!" -elsewhere- Yohei: *holding Toru* "It's okay..." toru: guuu... Yohei: "Daddy's here...You'll be okay..." toru: .....zzzz chie: poor baby. he just woke up crying.. Yohei: "A nightmare, maybe?" chie: ...maybe... Yohei: "...Hope he can sleep through for a few more hours." chie: *nods* Yohei: *yawn* "Maybe the same for us..." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "Hi, Blair!" blair: hey girls~ kim: sup. Jacqueline: "We brought over some tea and snacks, if you're interested." blair: that sounds lovely~ kim: we got it at that market you recommended to us. Jacqueline: *nods* "Quite a selection." *goes into the kitchen, returns with plates* -elsewhere- Yumi: *shivering* lord death: *holds her* it's ok...kirika's alive, isnt she? Yumi: *nods* "It just gets to me sometimes, you know?" lord death:....*he nods* she's a passionate kid. Yumi: "...She's growing up. Able to take care of herself." lord death: *he nods* she's a strong kid. always in the moment. Yumi: *small smile* "I wasn't used to a stongwill child like that..." lord death: in that regard, she's an excellent 'other' for kid. not in a romantic sense, obviously. consider it like this; kid is the left brain, while kirika is the right brain. Yumi: *nods* "Yes, I can see that...although, the two tend to clash..." lord death: true, but if they somehow manage to put their differences aside, they'd make an excellent wonder duo! Yumi: "...Please tell me you aren't imagining them dressed as superheroes." lord death: *thinking about them as badass mafiosos*....nope? Yumi: *smiles, small smooch on the cheek* "Good." -elsewhere- Relan: *finishing another waffle* iris: how did they turn out? shinra: yummy! Relan: *mouth full, gives a thumbs up* -elsewhere- Kid: *yawn* stocking: morning. Kid: *smiles* "Morning." stocking: hehe~ *smooch* Kid: *smooch* "...Thank you." -elsewhere- Kuro: *cat screech* mahiru: ?? kuro?? Kuro: *pawing at small bird toy* -elsewhere- Benimaru: "Come back with that money!" bandit: *running* reimi: *pulls a wire, tripping the thief* Benimaru: "Excellent..." *kicks the bandit as he falls* bandit: ah! p-please! i need that money for my medicine! Benimaru: "...Which medicine?" bandit: i have a frequent cough! *cough cough.....very fakely* Benimaru: "...Here, I can treat that--" *pulls back his fist* bandit: *wince* kirei: *puts a hand on benimaru's shoulder with a worried face* Benimaru: "..." *sighs, picks up the bandit* "Let's get you to the jail." -elsewhere- Lawless: *looking through music albums* tsugumi: *listening to music* Anya: *picks up an album--then spots--* "!!!" licht: *also listening to music* Anya: .\\\\. *scooch scooch closer* "..." *looks over his shoulder* -seems he's listening to bach- Anya: "...So, you've gone back to Bach?" *pauses* licht: *he hasnt heard her* Anya: "..." *pokes his shoulder* licht: hmmn? what? Anya: "...You are into Bach?" licht: i'm a fan of the classics.....because.... *pose* im an angel. Anya: o\\\\\\o *swoon* mio: *facepalm* licht: *hasn’t even noticed* Lawless: D: *already caught Anya before she hit the floor* "Are you okay?!" Anya: "...Yes?" Lawless: ^\\\\\^ licht: i see you finally got a girlfriend, hyde. Lawless and Anya: o\\\\\\o "WH-WHAT?!" licht: i give you my blessings because....*pose* im an angel. Anya: *passes out again* Lawless: o\\\\\O;;; tsugumi: anyaaa!!! D8 ao: how sweet~ Anya: *mutters in her stupor* "Shut up...Ao..." ao: 7w7 Lawless: "...I, um, maybe should set you down, get you a drink..." -elsewhere- Hibana: *hug* gabriella: u///u Hibana: "So happy..." -elsewhere- Harvar: *asleep on the couch* ox: im home! Harvar: *opens one eye, as if he wasn't even asleep* "Okay." ox: mom's doing well. Harvar: "...I'm glad." -elsewhere- Takehisa: *looking through toolkit* karin: need something? Takehisa: "I was hoping to work on my bike, but I can't find the screwdriver..." karin: here you go. do you want that in regular or sonic? Takehisa: "...What?" karin: *holds out a regular screwdriver, as well as a sonic screwdriver replica from doctor who* Takehisa: "...Oh. From that show." *takes the regular screwdriver* "Thank you." karin: no probs. Takehisa: "...I hope to have this bike running well soon. Just about tightening it..." -elsewhere- Yohei: "Just adjusted GET, and..." chie: *watching* Yohei: "Okay. Time for GET to teach shapes..." get: ^o^ Yohei: "Look at his torso at each new shape projected..." toru: *shiny eyes* Yohei: ^^ "You'll be learning circles, squares, and triangles in no time." -elsewhere-
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