#also I didn't watch the Dream team panel so maybe if some anons could fill me in on how that went that would help
thebanterboys · 1 year
Okay so I think I managed to watch the majority of the Banter panel (the livestream on the Vidcon YouTube channel had way too many ads but it got better for the last thirty minutes or so if anyone wants to watch it there in HD) I mostly watched it through a fan's livestream on Twitch lmao
My thoughts:
Sapnap and George need to go to therapy man (or "marriage counseling" as Karl said) It was interesting to hear the perspective of Larray, Skeppy, and Kreek in regards to SNF fighting (Larray was on George's side, Skeppy and Kreek were on Sapnap's side...Karl didn't really take a side he just relayed a fight from the airport and gave his perspective) It seems like Sapnap gets really sensitive at perceived slights from George and it escalates whenever George makes snarky replies back but George doesn't try to "de-eslcate" it as Sapnap said. I really hope they can actually work on this because hugging it out isn't a permanent solution but since this was a panel being livestreamed to an audience of thousands I understand they couldn't really get into it lol
Lot of Pixel Playground shout outs from Karl which I guess makes sense since Kreek was there. Its so crazy to me how popular that channel is and the growth it has had over just the two months since its first upload. It has double the amount of Banter subscribers.
I kinda felt bad for Kreek and Skeppy because they didn't really get to talk much it was mostly the Banter boys and Larray talking the whole time lol
All the zodiac sign talk was pretty funny though lol
I was surprised there weren't any audience questions but there were still at least a lot of audience participation with everyone shouting out video games, Sam & Colby, and their verdict on whether Sapnap or George were in the right about their fights (I think asking the audience to raise their hands about this was a misstep because its not like any of them have actually seen SNF fighting irl like the people on the panel) This is a case where I actually would like to know Dream's perspective on SNF and their fights because he knows the most besides Karl but I don't think he would ever get into it cause he wants to portray the Dream team as one big marketable plushie family and discussing how much they fight would hurt that image.
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