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Tokyo Revengers [Male Reader].
[Nome] estava deitado na cama, sentindo a dor latejante por todo o corpo. Ele se sentia culpado por estar "doente" e dando trabalho ao seu amigo Draken.
Ele sabia que estava causando uma grande preocupação para Ken, mas se sentia impotente, pois não conseguia se levantar e cuidar de si mesmo.
Ele podia ouvir Draken andando de um lado para o outro do quarto, tentando encontrar algo que pudesse ajudá-lo a melhorar. Mas o Alpha infermo sabia que não havia nada que pudesse ser feito para que ele se sentisse melhor. Ele se sentia fraco e desanimado, não só pela "doença", mas também pela culpa.
[Nome] lembrou de todas as vezes em que o loiro havia o ajudado, sem hesitar, quando precisava. E agora, quando Draken precisava de sua ajuda, ele não conseguia nem sequer se levantar da cama… Ken precisava de sua ajuda?
Desesperado, [Nome] decidiu que tinha que fazer algo para retribuir a bondade de Draken, mesmo estando enfermo. Ele recolheu todas as suas forças e, com muita dificuldade, conseguiu se levantar da cama. Ele caminhou lentamente até a cozinha, onde o Alpha loiro estava preparando uma sopa quente.
Ao ver [Nome] de pé, Draken ficou surpreso e aliviado. O Alpha fez questão de sentar-se na mesa e conversar com Draken enquanto tomava a sopa.
— Acabar isso você vai deitar!
— Eu estou te dando trabalho Ken… Você tem que dar atenção a Mitsuya, ele é seu ômega… Você não está sendo pago pra cuidar de um Alpha doente e inútil como eu.
Draken ouviu atentamente as palavras do outro e cada fala dava vontade de meter um murro na cara do Alpha fraco.
Ele colocou a mão no ombro do Alpha e o olhou nos olhos, passando uma mensagem de conforto e compreensão e em um movimento rápido ele juntou os lábios dele aos seus.
[Nome] estava sentindo-se cansado e fraco após passar dias lutando contra uma febre alta. Mas ao sentir a mão de Draken em sua bochecha e os lábios juntos, algo em seu corpo pareceu responder, embora ele mal tivesse forças.
Foi um beijo gentil, quase como um pedido mudo por permissão. O Alpha fraco sentiu seu coração acelerar e, apesar de estar fisicamente fraco, ele se sentiu tentado a se entregar ao momento.
Após se separarem,[Nome] olhou com tristeza nos olhos. Não estava pronto, não queria outro relacionamento… Não por agora.
— Eu… Sinto muito Draken mas… — Ele começou a falar, trêmulo e com medo. Mas sentiu uma mão em seu queixo levantando levemente seu rosto o fazendo olhar para o alpha loiro.
— Eu sei [apelido], você acabou de sair de um relacionamento e saiu machucado. Você não está pronto pra entrar em outro tão cedo,eu entendo e respeito isso. — Falou olhando em seus olhos com um sorriso discreto nos lábios. — Mas quando você se curar,desejo que dê uma chance a mim e a Mitsuya.
Um rubor tomou conta do seu rosto e você acenou positivamente,com o coração mais leve e sem um certo peso em suas costas.
— Eu agradeço por compreender Ken! E com toda certeza,darei uma chance a vocês! Eu agradeço tanto por terem cuidado de mim. — [Nome] o abraçou,com toda força que tinha em seu corpo.
ㅤ ㅤ ◍ ִ ✿̶̷ ׄ 🍒🫀⃤ ׄ ִ ⥀ 愛
Três meses tinham se passado e [Nome] estava melhor,um sorriso tomava conta dos lábios do Alpha enquanto andava pela rua vazia.
O cheiro de terra molhada predominava ao local, indicando que tinha chovido durante a noite e o ar frio se chocava contra o corpo do homem.
Seus passos eram leves, quase dançantes, enquanto ele apreciava as gotas de água que ainda escorriam das árvores e telhados. O aroma fresco da terra molhada impregnava o ar, envolvendo-o em um abraço revigorante.
Os raios de sol timidamente surgiam entre as nuvens, dispersando o cinza do céu e iluminando o caminho à sua frente. Ele sentia o calor suave do sol em seu rosto, e isso apenas aumentava a sensação de contentamento em seu interior.
[Nome] observava os transeuntes com um olhar curioso e benevolente, cumprimentando-os com um aceno ou um acolhedor "bom dia".
Seu sorriso irradiava bondade e alegria, contagiando todos ao seu redor. As pessoas que cruzavam seu caminho encontravam em seu semblante a promessa de um dia repleto de oportunidades e momentos felizes.
E assim, ele seguia seu caminho, com um sorriso iluminando seu rosto, em harmonia com o mundo ao seu redor. Sabia que havia muito a ser vivido e desfrutado, e cada respiração era uma renovação.
Com passos calmos ele andava olhando para o céu com um sorriso bobo nos lábios. Se sentia tão idiota por tá rindo assim mas amava o fato de estar se sentindo livre.
Ele estava tão envolto que nem percebeu alguém vindo e acabou esbarrando na pessoa e ela caiu no chão e rapidamente, [Nome] correu para ajudá-la a levantar.
— Desculpa, eu não vi você,estava envolto em pensamentos. — Disse [Nome], sem olhar o rosto da pessoa.
— [Nome]?
Ele sentiu o sangue sair do rosto e os olhos se arregalaram,o alpha engoliu em seco e olhou para o rosto da pessoa.
— Kisaki?
ㅤ ㅤ ◍ ִ ✿̶̷ ׄ 🍒🫀⃤ ׄ ִ ⥀ 愛
— Não Kisaki,meu relacionamento com eles acabou no momento que aquele laço se rompeu. — Neguei com a cabeça, levando o copo de café aos lábios.
Aquele gole quente e reconfortante era exatamente o que eu precisava naquele momento. Enquanto o líquido escorria pela minha garganta, senti uma sensação revigorante percorrer meu corpo.
Era como se cada gota de café trouxesse consigo um novo fôlego, dissipando a exaustão que eu nem sabia que consumia meu ser.
— Mas por favor! Por favor [Nome]! Eles estão morrendo,os visite só uma vez. — O loiro pediu,eu pude ver seus olhos suplicantes e pude ter certeza que não era mais uma ladainha que ele sempre fazia.
— Eu também estava quase morrendo,os chamei pela antiga marca e quem disse que eles vieram? — Falei em um tom ríspido,afastando o copo e o colocando na mesinha que nos afastava.
— Eles não saíram daquele quarto.
Ok,essa fala me fez parar por um momento. A única coisa que lembrava eram os lençóis sujos do meu suor,o banheiro com a banheira cheia de água e logo após eu desmaiei…
Kisaki pareceu perceber que eu travei e viu isso como um gatilho para continuar a falar.
— Não deixam ninguém entrar,pois lá ainda tem poucos resquícios de seus feromônios. Consegui dar um jeito na casa junto a Hanma mas não conseguimos entrar lá. Tivemos que enfiar sopas na goela deles,se não os mesmo não comiam. Estão morrendo [Nome], eu sei que você pode ter ódio,rancor, não querer mais olhar na cara deles mas… — Ele parou por um tempo, olhando para a xícara de chá que tinha em mãos. — Me ajude a salvá-los, vá lá apenas uma vez e veja o estado de ambos… Estão deploráveis.
Eu soltei um suspiro baixo de exaustão, mas soube que não pode me dar ao luxo de recusar,aquilo ficaria em minha mente me perturbando.
— Bom, se eu estou indo com você, então vamos nos mover. — Disse para Kisaki - esse que rapidamente se animou.
ㅤ ◍ ִ ✿̶̷ ׄ 🍒🫀⃤ ׄ ִ ⥀ 愛
Estava lá, a porta, e eu não sabia o que fazer, só que sabia que precisava entrar. Me sinto nervoso, com a respiração ofegante e os dedos suados. Com minhas mãos trêmulas e um coração acelerado, me aproximei lentamente. Era como se eu não tivesse ar suficiente para arriscar passar por aquela porta.
Pensei em tudo o que poderia acontecer do outro lado daquela porta. E então,peguei a maçaneta,girei e empurrei a porta para frente e entrei. Agora, estou aqui… Estou aqui dentro novamente.
A sala de estar e a cozinha possuem um charme simples e acolhedor. Os móveis são modestos, mas bem cuidados, e a decoração é discreta, exalando um senso de cuidado e conforto.
Na sala de estar, há um sofá de tecido simples, porém confortável, acompanhado de poltronas estofadas. Uma pequena mesa de centro fica estrategicamente posicionada, com livros e revistas dispostos de forma organizada.
As paredes são pintadas em tons neutros, transmitindo uma sensação de calma e tranquilidade. Quadros com imagens bucólicas ou fotografias de momentos especiais que eu tive com os dois adornam as paredes, dando um toque pessoal e acolhedor.
Próxima à sala de estar, encontra-se a cozinha, que também tem uma simplicidade encantadora. Os armários são de madeira envelhecida, mas bem conservados. A bancada é de azulejos coloridos, adicionando um toque de personalidade.
A cozinha possui apenas os utensílios básicos, mas eles são mantidos de maneira arrumada e organizada. Há um fogão simples, uma geladeira compacta e uma pia com um pequeno balcão para preparação dos alimentos. A mesa e as cadeiras na cozinha também são modestas, mas bem cuidadas, fornecendo um espaço aconchegante para refeições em família.
Apesar da simplicidade, a casa está arrumadinha e limpa. O aroma agradável de limpeza e frescor preenche o ambiente, pois a casa é constantemente arejada.
— Estão no quarto, né? — Perguntei após terminar de reparar a casa,me virando para Kisaki que acenou positivamente.
Engolindo em seco caminhei em direção ao corredor, deixei meus feromônios saírem livremente pela glândula. Tentava me manter calmo e deixar o meu cheiro mais confortável possível.
Puta merda,o que eu fiz da minha vida para resolver voltar para esse lugar?
#leitor masculino#male reader#fanfic#imagine#dom reader#alpha reader#omega x#omegaverse#tokyo rev x reader#tokyo revengers#tokyo revengers kisaki#izana kurokawa#izana x reader#kakucho#draken#mikey sano#mitsuya takashi
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Please a part 2 to Surprise! You're a dad! Rindo x reader.
Title: surprise you're a dad!
Chapter: 2
Fandom: Tokyo revengers
Characters: Haitani brothers
Fic type: fluff, omegaverse
Pairings: Rindō Haitani x reader
Warnings: male reader, reader insert, omegaverse, mpreg, birthing, male giving birth, Omega male reader
Did you know?
The brother of your baby daddy was somehow more persistent than the actual baby daddy?
Because apparently that was a thing!
Ran bad been persistent despite his brother keeping his distance, popping up randomly to spend apparent quality time with his 'brother-inlaw' and following him around like a lost puppy "do you have ultrasound photos?" He asked curiously as he sat in (name)s little house, Rindō may have not wanted to take a role in the babies life but Ran did.
Ran was deeply obsessed with family, the brothers having grown up without their parents and raised primarily by their grandfather whom they loved dearly "you know... You don't have to do this" (name) whispered, it felt nice to have support even if they were probably doing it out of guilt of their siblings negligence "I know Rindō doesn't think the pup is his and I know you're probably doing it from pi--" "did I ever say I was doing it from pity?" Ran cut the Omega off seriously "I'm not here for pity purposes, that's pathetic of me to do and I stated why I'm here."
The Alpha pointed to the others belly "I'm here for that little pup in your belly and by extension you, I know that kids a Haitani, you think I haven't done digging on you Mr Dean's list? Besides you reak of Rindō" he said simply and (name)s eyes watered, he had been alone for months and having his pups uncle support him made his heart melt "be this pups god father" he said simply and Ran smiled softly, already feeling a soft spot for the spikey omega "I'll make sure that kids cared for"
For the past month and a half, Ran had been a good support while Rindō seethed, he was unsure how to handle the fact he could be a father and outright refusing the omegas claims even if he didn't seek him out.
What if he was waiting to just drop the kid on him or collect child support when the kid was older! Guilt him with a baby!
He wasn't fucking having it.
And he was pissed that his brother would spend money on the Omega and all that shit, ignoring his inner instincts to be near the Omega who had his claim bite and dive harder into work to avoid dealing with the situation.
It wasn't until the dead of night when Rindō went into a convenience store to grab a drink, finding a particularly annoying job as Ran and kakucho waIted outside on their bikes "your total is 2.48, cash or card?" Rindō looked up from his phone to see (name) sitting there bored, staring at him with disinterest s his hand rested o his stomach "why the fuck are you here?" He snapped and (name) rolled his eyes "working? What else would I be doing, hosting the met?"
"It's like two am! Youre an Omega!"
"I'm doing what I must to care for my pup, I don't need your concern" he waved Rindō off, already annoyed and the other rolled his eyes "clearly since you're taking handouts from ran" that struck a chord with (name) who stood up angrily "I haven't accepted shit from him, he comes over to see ultrasound photos and bother me for tea!" The Omega raged "I am not some gold digging Omega looking for a wallet, I was fine before this and I don't need you making wild accusations when I wasn't even seeking you out" (name) was not afraid to go toe to toe with the other, close to baring his fangs the sound of the doors chime went off "Yo Rinny, Kakuchos getting t...ired" ran looked at the angry Omega and his brother and sighed "Rindō can you behave for once? Sorry my brother was an iPad baby" Rindō looked betrayed at his brother who in turn looked at him "I think we need a family sit down" Rindō seethed out and Rindō wanted to pull his hair out.
"Sorry you were dragged here" (name) said to the Kanto Manji man who he learned was named kakucho, offering him tea as they sat in (name)s house, Ran buying the Omega new furniture despite the omegas protests "the fuck is even happening?'" the Haitani brothers were arguing in the backyard as (name) sighed "Rindō is the father to my pup, I don't want him to be in my pups life and he doesn't want to be in the pups life but is convinced I want to baby trap him despite me repeatedly telling him I don't want him in my life" the Omega said calmly and at a semi fast pace "Ran is hell-bent on being the uncle to his niece and keeps buying me things despite me not needing it and I just want to raise my child and not deal with any of this" kakucho was shocked at this as he looked at (name) who looked done.
"Rindō? Really?"
"Why don't you want him in the kids life?" Kakucho asked and (name) sighed "you know what job you have, what you do every day and what you're becoming... Could you imagine a child being mixed in that?" He looked serious as he stared at kakucho who didn't hesitate to answer "it would put a target on them" "exactly, my daughter would be targeted immediately... I just want to raise my kid in peace"
"Would you ever let him be in his kids life?"
"If he wanted sure but he doesn't and I'm not keen on someone who blames Soley me for something that takes two to tango" he grumbled and kakucho snorted "well I'm glad the kid has an uncle at least"
"Ran will be a good uncle, he's already obsessed with his niece" (name) joked as the Haitani brothers walked in bruised and quiet "Rindō what do we say"
"Sorry for being an asshole"
"I am now aware you have no interest in baby trapping me for money" he grunted angrily and (name) rolled his eyes "glad you joined the party" (name) huffed as he sipped his tea "again sorry you had to be dragged into this" he said to kakucho who was fairly surprised at how calm the other was, being in the same room as some of the most dangerous men in Japan.
"This was surprisingly pleasant despite it all" he said back as (name) tried to get up to walk to the door, taking a moment before getting up triumphantly "thank you again for the tea"
"Of course, drive safe"
"I won't!"
"He's pleasant" (name) said simply as kakucho drove off and the Haitani brothers were sitting on the couch, (name) sitting on the comfy chair as they fell into silence "if you ever decide... That you want to be in this kids life, you're welcome to- don't worry you don't have to pay anything but if you ever decide you're welcome" an olive branch, Ran was already a big part in the pups life and he wanted Rindō to have the option if he wanted.
"I'll consider it when we do a paternity test"
"We can absolutely do one and I can't wait to tell you to pound sand when it comes back a match" (name) said calmly and Rindō glared and Ran sighed, these two were oil in water.
How did they even get far enough to mate?
Beyond him.
It would be six weeks later that (name) went into labor, terrified of being alone as a nurse comforted him as he had a contraction "I'm here for my niece" Ran said calmly, hair cut and in a suit and sunglasses. Thankfully that new tattoo he got covered by makeup as he plopped beside his almost brother in law "oh and you" he teased as (name) glared "not- fuck!- the time right now!"
Five hours it took for (name) to birth a beautiful baby girl, the first thing they noticed was her face, she had (name)s hair and skin but... She looked like Rindō even as a newborn "well we may not need that paternity test" Ran joked and (name) wanted to sleep.
But they did a paternity test and surprise surprise!
Rindō was a dad.
And ran watched as Rindō sat shocked "was there not a thought in your head that you could be the father of that child? You wanted (name) enough to claim him but so easily believed he was screwing other guys"
"I-i just..."
"Do you want to be in your daughter's life?" Ran asked genuinely and Rindō nodded slowly, head in hands "you for some ass kissing, he's not gonna trust you one bit"
"That's a weird way of apologizing"
#tokyo revengers x reader#tokyo revengers x male reader#tokyo revengers fluff#male reader#omegaverse#omega male reader#x male reader#rindou x male reader#haitani rindou x reader#rindou haitani#anime x male reader#anime x reader
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Bonten x goth omega reader where bonten finally meets the baby? 🤷♂️
Title: Gothic Baby
Fandom: Tokyo Revengers
Pairing: Bonten x M! Gothic Reader
Warnings: fluff, ABO, and Bonten being oblivious sires.
The small Victorian baby carrage didn't make a sound. The only sound coming from the Omega and pup was the dark but soothing song the Omega was humming for his pup. The surrounding workers didn't dare make a sound. Unless they wanted to anger the excutives once more.
(Name) ignored the stares. Only watching as his adorable pup watched him with wide eyes. His humming had come to a stop once he finally arrived at his destination. (Name) didn't even knock as he opened the meeting door. He gently pushed the carrage forward and gracefully walked into the room.
(Name) was leaving his pup with his sires today while he did some....errands. (Name) headed towards Mikey and lened down for a soft kiss and a slight nuzzle. Out of the whole pack, (Name) enjoyed Mikey's scent the most.
Mikey let out a soft snort of amusement and returned the affection before looking down at his pup. Well it could've been any of the Alpha's pup but as a pack it was all of their pup. But from the black hair and eyes there was good chance the pup was his.
The pup was wearing his favorite bat onesie and stared up with curious wonder. Mikey slowly reached out for the pup and wait a moment before the pup reached back with a warm and gummy smile. All the sires had learned through experience that the only person who can pick the pup up is his dam. He had to want to go to his sires if they wanted to hold him.
The scars on Sanzu, Takeomi, and their last nanny was proof of how much their pup was like their Omega. While there was no doubt that the pup was theirs but he was like their Omega in everyway but his looks.
(Name)'s painted lips lifted into a small but soft smile which warmed their hearts. (Name) pressed a soft and quick kiss to the pups head before turning back towards the door.
"I fed him an hour and a half ago and he slept a little on the way. So you'll need to feed him again and set him down for a proper nap as well."
(Name) softly pressed a kiss to the excutives lips before taking his leave with another kiss to his pups head. While (Name) left the excutives couldn't help but stare in awe of their Omega. Even after giving birth their Omega still managed to keep his very small waist that was tightened with his corsets.
Mikey rolled his eyes in amusement at the others. While he did enjoy his Omega's taste in old Dark Victorian style. They had more important matters to attend to. A small babble caught their attention and brought a smile to their faces. This couldn't be too hard, right?
Wrong. They were terribly, terribly wrong. (Son's Name) let out another ear peircing wail and Kakucho who was holding the pup winced. They had fed him, burrped him, and now they were trying to put him down for a nap. But he just wouldn't calm down enought to go to sleep!
Mikey rubbed his temples. He could feel his migrane getting worse and he couldn't understand why his pup was so upset! Eventually he took the pup back and tried scenting him. While he stopped wailing he was still crying.
Mikey was about to give up when the pup was gently removed from him and (Name) slowly held the baby upside down. The excutives heart stopped and they tried to stop him but (Name) sent them a seething glare. They all held their breath as (Son's Name) yawned adorably and actually fell asleep.
The Bonten members stared with wide eyes as (Name) started humming a different but still dark song as he kept (Son's Name) upside down. After making sure he was actually asleep (Name) carefully set him in the carrage. After tucking him in and placing a soft kiss to the pups forehead. (Name) turned back to his Alpha's with a very dark and heated glare.
"How long was my pup upset for?"
The excutives turned to Mikey and he sighed. Their pup was exactly like their Omega. This parenting job isn't going to be as easy as they thought it would be.
#male reader#x male reader#tokyo revengers#tokyo revengers x male reader#bonten mikey#bonten ran#bonten kokonoi#bonten sanzu#bonten rindou#bonten#bonten takeomi#bonten mochi#bonten x male reader#male omega#male omega reader
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I don’t speak to whores
Pairing: Bonten x AroAce!GN!Reader
Genre: Crack, SMAU
Word count: 500ish
Warnings: Canon divergent, profanity, ooc, whore behaviour, NO ROMANCE, just reader bullying Bonten
The breakfast passed with Kazutora stubbornly trying to get to know Kakucho better - no matter the man’s valiant attempts of evading Kazutora’s curiosity - the latter was a relentless chatterbox in hours even Sanzu would find ungodly early to try and speak.
By ungodly early, Kakucho means before 1 p.m.
He picked up on the fact that Kazutora was apparently an early bird, the habit of waking up at 6 a.m. sharp still heavily instilled in him, even if it has been nearly a decade since he got out of prison - today was an exception, considering the events of last night exhausted everyone present, but still.
Kazutora clearly perfected the art of being both a talker and an excellent listener, with a soothing smile and perfectly placed nods whenever the conversation demanded it, bright, amber eyes shining with more life than Kakucho has personally seen in years.
It probably said something depressing about his joyless excuse of a life.
Kazutora’s optimism and genuine desire to get to know him made Kakucho feel exceedingly small. Kazutora, even while knowing his background, seemed kind, gentle, lithe shoulders perfectly relaxed even in the company of a wanted criminal, silky smooth hair cascading down his back, back slightly slouched so his collar bones were revealed, showing off the end of his tattoo.
You seemed to ignore the conversation between the two men entirely, only offering brief, sarcastic commentary upon request, busy braiding and unbraiding a small section of Kazutora’s hair as if it were the most interesting thing in the world.
The coffee was better than anything Kakucho has tasted before.
“So yeah, y/n loves to trash Fight Club, but they rewatch that damn fucking movie at least once every other month.” Kazutora smiled at your scowling face, only a roll of your eyes indicating your true annoyance as you proclaimed Kazutora a traitorous bastard, letting go of his hair only to take hold of it again.
“It is a homoerotic, satirical movie mocking toxic masculinity, and then dudebros salivate over Tyler Durden and call him an alpha male. That man is a peacock*. I’m not admitting I like that shit publicly.”
“I think Ran likes that movie, actually.” Kakucho remarks, tilting his head - he’s pretty sure Ran told him about it before.
You snort, shaking your head.
“Of course he does.” You clicked your tongue, “He doesn’t get it. Next you're gonna tell me he loves Clockwork Orange too."
“Y/n is a bit of a movie snob.” Kazutora took your hand into his - he glances up at you, silently asking your permission - upon a slight nod of your head, he smiled, planting a soft kiss on your wrist.
Such an innocent little gesture.
It has Kakucho's chest aching.
"I don't think he does." Kakucho tilts his head, scratching his cheek, "He mentioned how he hated the main character."
Your quirk an eyebrow, sipping your coffee.
"Well. Maybe he isn't a hopeless dumb bitch."
"He truly isn't that bad."
You choked on your drink, glaring at the scarred man - he shrunk under your gaze.
"Get out of my house."
a/n: i'm alive. shockingly.
Taglist (i need to start a new one so please do say if you wish to be tagged):
@rinsie @r-xochitl @7rkx @sunahyejin @yamaguccitadashi @minoozi @trashmemebitch @sup-zfam @xashiui @hana-patata @erza-uzumaki @sh4nn @sisnot @kneeapartman @anahryal @reiners-milkbiddies @satsuri3su @aretheea @bluerskiees @winterv-black @astropheia @requiem-of-a-fool @kunikya
(rest of taglist in the comments, so sorry if i tagged anyone twice!)
#tokyo revengers#tokyorev#bonten x reader#bonten x y/n#kazutora x reader#kakucho hitto#kokonoi hajime#sano mikey manjiro#haruchiyo sanzu#ran haitani#rindou haitani
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ꨄOur Betaꨄ
Oneshot - Yandere Omegaverse Au
❦After saving her omegan boss and coworkers, Y/n is ordered to stay on watch because of their induced heat by traitors. Because she’s a beta she is the most trusted candidate. Who knew it would turn out like this?❦
Sano Manjiro, Sanzu Haruchiyo, & Haitani Brothers x Reader
Press the link for part two!!
Part Two
Not fully proofread
Japanese language is red
I apologize if I get any Japanese etiquette or culture wrong, I literally have to research the culture for some of my fandom stories so if anything is wrong, please excuse my ignorance.
✩Y/n is 18+. I picture her as a black female but you can see her however.
✩Some parts of the story may not be realistic or factual. After all, this is a work of fiction.
✩Although it's a dark 'romance,' I do not condone any of the behavior displayed.
✩Dark content such as: gore, violence, triggering topics, graphic scenes, vulgar language, explicit sexual content, etc.
✩There will be scenes that involve non con and/ or dubcon so don’t read if that makes you uncomfortable
✩That being said, this story is for 18+ only.
Our Beta
Being an executive for Bonten has its pros as well as its cons. The materialism and connections bring limitless pleasures when one is into that kind of thing. Cons being the risk of either getting caught by the police or killed by the hands of one’s enemies.
Everyone is at some kind of risk. Luckily, Y/n being one of the new executives results in her staying in Bonten’s headquarters most of the time. Usually working under Kokonoi as he supervises their finances. She helps with paperwork and takes on more of a secretary role, though being able to see every confidential file under the name ‘executive.’
Unfortunately, considering the only betas of the group being her and Koko; Takeomi, Mochi, and Kakucho being alphas, her and her supervisor had to complete a quick rescue mission for the omegas of the group who had been forced into an induced heat by a group of traitors, as well as including some of the betas and omegas from their security to help rescue them. Which brings them to this moment in the car full of whining omegas.
The thick smell of pheromones and slick fills their senses as Koko speeds down the road and Y/n eyes the window in the passenger seat. The men in the back damn near naked as they use part of their own clothing as a way to make small nests, eyebrows furrowed as sweat falls with their hands desperately pumping themselves.
“F-fuck, it hurts!” Rin exclaims as he viciously rubs his cock, desperate for a release.
“How long do heats usually last when they’re induced by a drug?” Y/n questions Koko. He shrugs.
“It could vary. A normal heat lasts at least a few days whereas, depending on the drug, could be a full week or more. Maybe even less.”
Mikey leans his head back as he lifts his legs more, gaining better access as he uses his slick as a lube before plunging his fingers into his anus, rubbing his cock at the same time as he breathes heavily out of his mouth.
“How are we going to get them out of the car? They can’t go out like that, they’d kill us once they're back.” She says.
“They don’t really have a choice. They can thank us for saving them before those cretins could rape them. Also, I have things I need to do so you will help the security team bring them in and you’ll be on watch.”
“Shit.” Sanzu whimpers as tears fall from his eyes, seeking to fill and be full as his fingers vigorously go in and out of his ass, his cock pulsating as he jerks it.
“Me?!” She exclaims. Koko side glances.
“Who else? The other executives are alphas and as I said before, I’m too busy. We have to take over considering this is an unexpected circumstance. Boss isn’t in his right mind. Nobody else is trusted enough to stay on watch, though the guards will be right outside the door.”
Ran bites his lip as his eyes lazily drift to his cock, thrusting his hips into his hand as he tries to keep as much control as possible, failing miserably as his body continues to heat up, blood drawing from his lip. All of the omega’s eyes are hazy as they work themselves up.
Once Kokonoi drives up, he parks in front of the lobby of the shared estate. They all have their own individual homes but this was the easiest decision. They have their individual rooms anyway, but Y/n was informed to take them to Mikey’s master bedroom considering it is spacious along with the huge bed the omegas will share since they should stay together considering the lack of chosen alphas. The men were carried to the designated room as Y/n follows, Koko already gone in the car.
As they were placed on the bed, they began to scrunch the blankets and clothes as nests, fully laying in their bare forms as they tried to orgasm. The air is thick as their scents fill the room, fumes would be seen flying in the air if possible. When Y/n begins to walk out, a voice calls out to her.
“Y/n! Com… come ere’!”
She turns and walks toward Sanzu who called her from the side of the bed farthest from the door. When she stands over him, he grabs the top of her suit and pulls her over, causing her to bend as he crushes his lips against her. She immediately tries to pull back, failing as he gives an ungodly grip to the back of her neck, holding her in place.
Her eyes widen as she finally pulls away.
“S-Sanzu! You can’t…!”
“B-beta! Touch me!” He demands, sitting up as he snatches her suit jacket, forcing her on top of his naked body. She gasps as she tries to release herself as he pulls her hips down on his erection, thrusting his hips.
“Goddamnit! S-Sanzu, stop!”
Her jacket is pulled off behind her by another culprit as Sanzu rips her blouse, revealing her bra. Hands slide up her stomach, reaching her breasts as they cup them. She leans her head to see who’s grabbing her from behind as kisses and licks are placed against her ear and neck.
“Ran! No!” She yells, only for him to shove her upper body over Sanzu, gripping her pants as he tears them apart. He continues to tear down her pants legs as she struggles against Sanzu’s wrapped arm around her waist. Mikey and Rin watch as they continue to please themselves, moaning and breathing heavily in desperation.
“GUARDS!” She screams desperately. The door slams open as they look in surprise, covering their noses.
Mikey sits up and glares at them with his piercing, black eyes causing them all to flinch.
“If you interfere, I’ll kill all of you as your loved ones watch.” He threatens. Y/n gasps as they all rush out of the room.
“Beta.” He catches her attention considering he’s still her boss. He motions for her to get closer, ignoring Sanzu and Ran assaulting her body.
“Come here Beta.” He growls. She immediately pushes herself away from the two as they allow her to move, holding back to obey their boss’s wishes. Her eyes widen when the pale man pulls his legs up.
“F-fuck me. Fuck me right now.” His voice slightly trembles as the pain becomes unbearable.
“M- Boss, I-I can’t do that.”
“I’ll fucking kill you if you don’t shove your fingers inside of me.” He glares. A grip tightens around her neck as she’s pulled back into a chest.
“You better listen, Beta.” Rin whispers, squeezing harder.
“B-but you’re only in heat! I can’t take advantage of that and I’m not even an alph-!” She shrieks as her shoulder is bitten roughly, blood dripping down as the hold on her neck tightens even more. Mascara runs down her face as tears fall from the pain, her face scrunched before she’s released.
She finally uses two of her shaking fingers to gather slick before slowly pushing into her boss’s anus, hoping to not trigger pain to save herself from getting threatened anymore. She thrusts her fingers back and forth steadily as the tip of her fingers reach the spot that causes his body to jolt as he thrust his hips.
“Ah! Yes, Beta just like that!” Mikey moans as his head falls back with his mouth slightly open. As she’s bent over, Rin tears her panties off as Ran shreds her bra. Sanzu forces her head to Mikey’s cock.
“Suck it, Beta. Pleasure your king.” His piercing gaze boring into her eyes as he shoves her head down, Y/n resisting by pulling back as she stops her hand movement.
“That’s too much, Sanzu. I can’t.” She whimpers as she feels Rin’s tongue enter her pussy, his hands pulling on her thighs as he pulls her over his face, the back of his head hitting the mattress under her.
“Guys, please! Wait!” She cries as Ran sticks two wet fingers into her asshole.
“I’ve never seen such a slutty beta. Bent over on all fours, so wet for omegas in heat.” His raspy voice states, thrusting his fingers as Rin sucks her clit. A hand grabs her head as it pulls her forward, dark eyes staring into her gaze.
“Do it, Y/n.” Sanzu states. “Boss won’t have to kill you if I get to you first.”
She continues her movement as she eases her mouth on Mikey’s head, attempting to go slow until he thrusts into her mouth. Sanzu’s hold tightens, some of his fingers falling to grip the back of her neck as he holds her head in place while his king thrusts relentlessly into her mouth. She gags as she’s forced to breathe from her nose, saliva and slick falling from her mouth as she thrusts her fingers into his hole. Ran accelerates his thrusting as his fingers hit her walls, Rin continues to suck and lick her clit as his fingers enter her vagina, immediately thrusting fast after he finds her g-spot.
Her body convulses as her legs tremble, all the sensations of her body being used for enjoyment overwhelming her as she shuts her eyes. Tears continue to fall at the pain in her throat, slightly gurgling as she’s drowning with semen. She opens her eyes to Sanzu staring intently at her, watching her pleasure their boss who’s moaning and whimpering as he violently thrusts his hips in need.
Ran climbs over Rin’s body as he replaces his fingers with his throbbing cock, groaning as he pulls her all the way to his base. She clenches in pain, the pleasure of her pussy being eaten and fingered causing a conflicted feel as her asshole is stretched to fit his girth.
With one last thrust, Mikey’s body convulses as he moans out her name, releasing into her mouth as Sanzu forces her to swallow it while biting his lip with a smirk. Breathing heavily before it steadies, their boss falls into a deep slumber. Ran and Sanzu smile as Sanzu gently moves Mikey to the side. She grips the sheets as Rin pushes himself up to where their faces meet.
Without any warning, Rin pushes himself inside of her. She grunts as her face falls onto his shoulder, only for her face to be grabbed and propped up.
“You’re not done, Beta.”
Sanzu shoves his cock into her mouth, holding her head as she’s plummeted by the brothers, roughly. All of her holes are filled as she’s forced into being bitched.
“You look like an omega, Y/n. So full of our cocks, ready to be bred.” Rin taunts as he grabs her neck.
Heavy breathing and moans filled the air followed by Y/n’s occasional grunts and wails as she’s fucked relentlessly by her dangerous coworkers. They become sloppy with their movements as the thrusts harden, followed by grunts and whines from the omegas.
“F-fuck Beta, s’ good!” Ran almost whimpers as he tightens his grip, red hue on his face as he leans over to wrap his arms around her, rubbing his face against her back as his usual neat hair is unkempt, falling over his face.
Rin’s face curls as he thrusts, squelching sounds coming from all of her holes. He stares at her scrunched up face as she’s face fucked. He slightly sits up to leave nurturing kisses on her bruised neck, sucking as his omegan comforts her. He grabs her breasts and gently rubs her nipples.
Sanzu stares at her watery eyes with his own hazy blue orbs, breathing heavily as he’s mesmerized by the tired look on her face.
“My pretty beta. Good Beta, good.” He praises as he pets her head.
Finally, both of the brothers release deep inside of her with two strong thrusts as Sanzu orgasms deep into her throat. She reaches her own release as the pressure builds, her body convulsing as well as trembling. She falls weakly on the Haitani as she breathes heavily, almost crying from joy as it is all over, for now at least.
They all shift as they use the torn clothes for nesting as they bury themselves into each other, including a sleeping Mikey. They all fall into a deep slumber.
The induced heat ended up lasting a week. On the last day, after he was informed by the guards, Kokonoi knocked on the door. Once he heard the, “Come in,” he turned the knob and walked into a messy room. His eyes widened when he saw Y/n, sleeping as she’s sprawled out on the bed naked, wet, and worn out. The omega men were dressing themselves as they normally would, seemingly unbothered by the knocked out woman.
“B-boss?” Koko questions. Mikey just ignores him as he sits on the foot of the bed. He dismisses the rest of them, the men walking out with one last look at Y/n. When it was just Koko and Mikey, he walked toward him.
“Her job title has changed. Chain her if you have to because she’s not leaving this room. All of the executives except the alphas are permitted to enter. Guards stay outside this door at all times.”
Once he walks out of the room, he stops and turns back to Koko.
“Get her on a schedule to be cleaned.”
Kokonoi could only stare in shock as his boss walked away like nothing crazy had happened. He turned back to look at the woman once more before shaking his head. He walks toward her and taps her head, her eyelids barely opening as she eyes him with a blurry vision.
“K-koko? P-please get me out of here.” She murmurs before falling back into slumber.
“I apologize, Y/n. I was not expecting this to happen. I guess we should prepare, hm?”
#yandere#yandere x reader#tokyo revengers#tokyo rev smut#bonten#bonten x reader#sano mikey manjiro#sano manjiro x reader#sanzu haruchiyo#sanzu x reader#rin haitani#rin x reader#ran haitani#ran x reader#haitani brothers#omegaverse#omegaverse au#a/b/o#a/b/o dynamics#yandere tokyo revengers
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Can i ask for some nsfw headcanons for Alpha Izana, Rindou and Koko?
(Thank you for this request, I think I like ABO smut stuff more than yandere theres just not a big enough fanbase. I oughta add in a hybrid au too! -Ms.Mac)
Yandere! Alpha Izana
He meets you at the orphanage and basically imprints. Your soft sweet scent and pretty doe eyes, something in Izana (that he doesn't really understand) tells him that you belong to him.
(I know not everyone likes this trope buuut) You're his fated mate, he realizes years later when he finds you again. And now he understands why as a kid you belonged to him.
No one was allowed to play with you and you weren't allowed to smell like anyone else.
Now that he's finally presented and he can smell the omega on you he stakes his claim.
You're very willing of course, something in you always wanted Izana back, but something about the way he tells you you're never going to leave him doesn't exactly encourage you.
You build a nest in his den though, make sure its so nice and pretty, and Izana is doing everything to protect you. He has guards watching his place and Kakucho is standing guard right outside.
Knots you a few times before bonding you. It had to be perfect and you had to be saturated in his scent before he could really mark you.
When he bites you feel everything coming from his; Possession, Obsession, crazed fixated, no one can have you no one will take you
It'll be alright. It has to be. Your fated couldn't possibly be bad right?
Yandere! Alpha Rindou
You're the cute Omega next door that he's been enthralled with ever since you moved in.
The second he saw you he thought you were the most perfect innocent thing on the planet. The second he smelled you he knew you were his.
Tells his brother he's staking his claim. He knows you're the one and he wants you to be his alone. His brother allows it (Because he's got his own omega he's been thinking about)
Is marking his territory and now your apartment door smells like him. So does your clothes and all the appliances he's borrowed from you.
His brother asks you to go over and check on him since Rindou 'wasn't feeling well' but you're shocked when you show up (with soup and medicine) and he's in full rut.
Pretty baby let him have you, for whatever reason his rut addled brain makes him try to court you first? He's literally taking you in his arms and showing you his den.
He's shoving all his pillows and blankets at you giving you a plushy he's been saving for you, even bring out all the food in his fridge.
Pretty much an archaic tactic at showing a mate that an alpha can provide safety, comfort and food.
Then he's crooning deep and proud for you, like its a serenade, and you really fall hard for it all.
You tell him you'll help him with his heat just this once since he's borderline feral, but what you don't know if every load you take and every knot he gives you is just sinking you further and further as his.
When this is all over you're not going back home.
Yandere!Alpha Koko
Thank fuck an alpha on this list that knows how to court.
He knows he's not the strongest, and he knows he's not suavest, guy on the planet, but what he is; A provider.
You never need to worry about paying for food or clothes. He's got you. Your nest is filled with materials he bought (and thoroughly scented)
And he even payed for that very pretty and very expensive collar around your throat. Its basically an engagement ring and a big statement that says this Omega is spoken for.
Koko makes sure you have only name brand everything. Even appliances (and hidden cameras you don't know about shhhh)
Such a good Alpha. He even supports you when you suddenly loose your job? They won't tell you why, but you're fired now. You also can't seem to get another one no matter how hard you try!
Now you have to move out of your apartment, but its ok! Koko to the rescue. His pent house is big enough for you two (and many many pups)
Well since you're hear you two need to talk bonding and marriage.
"I know it's scary baby, but it's the next natural step. I mean we're practically bonded now."
He owns you if it isn't perfectly clear already.
The way he knots you and scents you and just completely destroys you in the "perfect nest" you made kinda seals that idea.
It's only a few months later when you've got a bonding mark on your neck and a pup in your belly that you start to wonder if Koko was really courting you or if he was buying you....
#yandere tokyo revengers#yandere izana#yandere izana kurokawa smut#yandere izana kurokawa#yandere rindou haitani x reader#yandere rindou haitani#yandere kokonoi hajime x reader#yandere kokonoi hajime#yandere kokonoi
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Alpha!Kakucho and Omega!Izana sweet kid, pt. 2
Fluff, no gender mentioned
"Oh ohhh"
Izana notice you spilling some milk on your tummy and they both let out soft chuckles, finding your innocence and messiness absolutely adorable.
Kakucho: "Oh my goodness, look at that! You got your tummy all messy, huh?"
He says with a smile and reaches over with a napkin he had in his pocket, and gently dabs the milk on your belly to dry it off. Izana watched the scene with a laugh, he found it endearing that you made a little mess and that Kakucho was cleaning you up as usual. He smiled and ruffled your hair affectionately, looking at you with a mix of tenderness and protectiveness.
He found it really cute that you were so innocent and messy sometimes, it made him want to spoil you and keep you safe from harm even more.
"I don't want the high chiaaaie"
Kakucho chuckled and smirked at you, thinking you were adorable and bratty with your statement. He loved when you got sassy and stubborn, and he found it cute.
Kakucho: "Oh really? You don't want the high chair? Why not?"
He said with a small laugh in his voice, finding your behavior extremely endearing. He loved how independent and opinionated you were despite only being 4.
"I want to be on dada lap!!!"
Kakucho chuckled and found your demanding attitude adorable, he loved when you were bossy and assertive like that. He couldn't help but find it cute how you stubbornly stated what you wanted.
Kakucho: "Oh darling, you want to sit on dada's lap? Are you trying to bribe me with your cuteness?"
He said with more laugh in his voice, finding your demanding behavior absolutely adorable. But he knew he couldn't resist you when you were being super cute like that, you were his weakness. Kakucho laughed again and found your attempt at feeding Izana cute, he loved when you tried to be a little 'big kid' and behave more grown up than your age. He and Izana both found it adorable and sweet whenever you tried to imitate adult behavior.
Izana laughed as well at your attempt to feed him, finding it endearing that you were trying so hard to act older than you really were. He thought it was endearing how you tried to mimic what adults do, and he found it adorable when you tried to feed him, just like you saw him and Kakucho do for you. "Papa say aaaa." They both chuckle at your demand again, finding you so cute and endearing with your bossy attitude. Izana loves how demanding you get at times, and he finds it so adorable and sweet whenever you tried to act more mature than your age.
Izana opens his mouth for you and says "aah" playfully, pretending like he's going to let you feed him but secretly planning to give you a raspberry on your hand instead. Izana was caught by surprise as you suddenly kissed him instead of feeding him a nugget. He wasn't expecting the sweet gesture and found it so damn cute and sweet. He couldn't help but grin widely at your innocent and adorable act, he loved that you loved giving kisses.
He and Kakucho both smiled and chuckled slightly at your cute little gesture, finding it really sweet that you chose to give a kiss instead of feed him any of your food. He thought it was cute that you chose to show your affection in your own little way. Kakucho smiles as he watches Izana's surprise, finding it extremely cute and endearing that you kissed him instead of feeding him. He also chuckled at your action, thinking you are absolutely adorable at how you love to show your love through affection and kisses. He thought you were so innocent and sweet, and he finds your innocence and affection incredibly adorable. He couldn't help but find it funny that you were being a little jokey earlier but now were giving kisses. It was a contrast to your previous bratty behavior but it was so cute, you really knew how to play up your cuteness.
"Now candies." You say firmly.
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Songs for Tokyo Revengers characters because why not (lots of Mountain Goats because their discography may well encompass the full range of human experience)
This Year - The Mountain Goats
This Condition - Stoj Snak
Trying Times - Black Guy Fawkes
Cry for Judas - The Mountain Goats
Graffiti - CHVRCHES
Meet Me At Our Spot - THE ANXIETY
Up The Wolves - The Mountain Goats
Bird Set Free - Sia
Getting Scared - Imogen Heap
Stay - Monika Linkyte
Heel Turn 2 - The Mountain Goats
Koko and Inui:
Alpha Rats Nest - The Mountain Goats
Come Over (again) - CRAWLERS
Watch - Billie Eilish
Izana and Kakucho:
Achilles Come Down - Gang of Youths
#tokyo revengers#takemitchy#hanagaki takemichi#manjiro sano#hakkai shiba#izana kurokawa#kakucho#yuzuha shiba#hajime kokonoi#seishu inui
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Just for fun, i tried to imagine who would be what in a omegaverse
They are Alphas: Mikey, Izana, Draken, Baji, Ryusei, Ran, Benkei, Taiju South, Smiley, Akkun
They are Alphas BUT doesn't look or act like Alphas: Koko, Shinichiro, Shion, Makoto
They are Alphas but sometimes people thinks they are Betas or Omegas (yes that's different from the one above): Mitsuya, Yuzuha
They are Betas: Naoto, Hina, Takeomi, Pah, Akane, Kazushi, Yumi
They are Betas who act more like Alphas: Kisaki, Hanma, Sanzu, Kazutora, Kakucho, Mucho
They are Betas who act sometimes like Omegas: Takemichi, Peh
They are Omegas: Emma, Hakkai, Takuya
They are Omegas who can DESTROY the people who direspect them/try something on them: Wakasa, Inupi, Chifuyu, Senju, Angry, Rindou
I finds that very funny the idea that Waka and Inupi are omegas who acts like if they were alpha to the point that people doesnt' realize first that they are omega, or they can destroy the ones who try something.
Same for Shin and Koko, they are alphas but doesn't act like alpha. People could see Shin as a omega because he is caring, emotional, and has raised his siblings. Meanwhile nobody would guess that Waka is a omega at first.
Koko doesn't act like a alpha the most of time, he never reacts to omegas, only to Inupi (they are soulmates, that's why).
Ahaha yes it's fun 😆
I am not very knowledgeable on omegaverse (besides the usual things that are common knowledge in the fandoms - I was there when SPN fandom invented omegaverse lol) but yes, sure it's funny and interesting when characters turned out to be something different/you wouldn't expect!
Shinwaka and kokonui <3
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TOKYO REVENGERS OMEGAVERSE (boarding school au!) ☆ part. 1
୨୧ yandere! alpha! tokyorev x omega! f! reader (harem : mikey, draken, mitsuya, chifuyu, kazutora, baji, ran, rin, izana, kakucho, kokonoi, inupi, sanzu, kisaki, hanma)
— you're joining an elite all-boy (and alpha) boarding school and they all turn out to have a very dark affection for you.
cw : reverse harem, yandere themes, harassment, bullying, blackmailing, stalking, possessive and controlling behaviour etc.
a/n : I had the idea thanks to this post and from the kdrama hierarchy I just finished watching + I hope it's not messy + they'll be multiple parts to it I think...
having a girl attend an all-boy school is unusual, but an omega enrolling in a place filled with alphas is almost unheard of.
let's simply say that your father was suddenly transferred to another school, forcing the both of you to move in tokyo in the course of a week only. your dad is offered a room directly inside the building with other of his colleagues and for convenience, his only daughter was allowed to reside here as well.
the school is pretty far away from the rest of the city too, and with all the wealth this school has accumulated, they find the generosity in themselves to let you attend classes with the others in exchange for your father's appreciated hard work.
there aren't a lot of students you point out, but they seem to all stand out in their own way. your class is composed of the elite, boys all born with a golden spoon, privileged lifestyles and a brilliant future.
you're intimidated at first, scared even, not used to being surrounded by so many alphas at once. you feel like a prey once you enter the classroom for the first time, the news has passed around quickly and the students grew very curious of the sweet faced omega who was going to join them soon.
you quickly got to learn the name of the rep, who has been nothing but welcoming to you and made your arrival as pleasing as possible. mitsuya made sure to show you around, he was kind and reliable, giving you his number almost immediately after your first encounter.
you had spent the day glued to his side, shyly smiling to his friends and listening attentively to the advices he gave you. the next morning, you came a bit sooner, rushing over to the empty seat he had kept for you right in front of him, happily thanking him for his kindness.
mitsuya is quick to present you his closest friend draken, a big and strong alpha who's just that tall you can't help but notice him. despite his menacing appearance, draken is calm and collected and keeps his pheromones in check. you even notice how pleasantly odourless the whole classroom has been since your arrival. you had expected to feel your nose burn from the intense pheromones and testosterone alphas usually emitted, but you had to admit they were rather well behaved and you mentally thanked them for their thoughtfulness.
draken helps you out during sport lessons, shows you how to score when playing basketball, catches the ball for you before gently handing it to you and makes sure the others are being careful around you.
mikey's the one who offers you his sweater once it gets cold during the late night classes or when it gets dark outside and going back to your rooms through the immense garden is a bit of a challenge. he doesn't really let you argue and throws it over your shoulders, he doesn't give room for discussion and you're too cooperative to refuse anyway. you notice that the others instinctively act a little less clingy when he's interacting with you, you find their group dynamic quite interesting and you like how comfortable they make you feel.
his scent often lingers on you for hours afterwards, even going the next day with a tiny patch of mikey's distinctive aroma on your shoulder. you sometimes see him eyeing that exact spot with a lot of intensity that if often destabilises you. when you look up at him with a puzzled look, he simply gives you a kind smile, hiding behind it how possessive you make him.
you later meet kazutora, who doesn't waste time introducing himself to you. you notice that he's pretty popular, always in the middle of all conversations, laughing loudly with the other boys and receiving every invitations to every parties. he always tries to get your attention one way or another, bragging about his good grades, casually flirting with you before someone else reprimands him for that. you should come and see one of his game soon ! he's in the basketball team with draken and the both of them would love to see you cheer on them in the bleachers.
chifuyu's room's right next to yours. when mitsuya first showed you your room, he had called him to help you unpack and settle here comfortably. chifuyu's awkward but he's got the spirit, almost choking on his own saliva once he catches a sniff of your sweet scent for the first time. were all omegas supposed to smell this good or are you just the exception ?
then there's kisaki, who visits you quite often, pretending that he likes it better to be in your room after classes only because it's easier to talk without the hubbub of other students. you notice how sweaty his palms are, nervous gaze desperately trying to find something to look at if not your chest, and hands fixing his glasses every minute or so. he helps you out with your homework, of course your level is nowhere near theirs. they're the elite, born and raised in the best conditions possible to rise and become part of the top of society. he's sighing a lot, slightly mocking how hard you find your homework even though all of them are able to finish them with ease. he explains it all, shaking his head at how cutely dumb this pretty omega is and how helpless she'll be once thrown into the big wide world. will you be able to survive on your own ? kisaki is skeptical...
by hanging out often with kisaki, you're naturally bound to meet his best friend, hanma. he's exactly what you would think of when imagining a "privileged delinquent". he smokes behind the building, skips classes but still manages to score high and doesn't take shit from anyone. you would find funny how easy life is for them if the power they hold over the teachers and their school headmaster wasn't pretty horrifying. the hierarchy clearly wasn't anything close to normal, as every family of those students were very influential, a tantrum from one them is all it would take to have a teacher fired on the spot. you quickly learned that when a new professor tried to teach hanma some manners and reprimand him for carrying cigarettes with him. the poor man didn't get the justice he should have had and instead was gone the next day.
but no matter he says, hanma is actually pretty thoughtful. he always tells you to stay away from those toxic garbage and that only he is allowed to do that. he makes sure to never smoke near you and sprays perfume before coming over to you. you can scold him all you want as well, he likes to hear you nagging him. but that's just you, nobody else.
anyways, hanma warned you that if one of those assholes (students and teachers alike) were to bother you, you should simply talk to him about it. he seemed very adamant about making your year here very pleasant and you thank him for that, even if you don't necessarily approuve of his methods.
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lately you've been feeling like somebody's following you... but you simply shrug it off as baji is always with you. he's confident and assertive, you don't feel nervous around him. he's part of the swimming club and invites you over during his competitions. he drags you to one of the privatised pool under his name at your school and helps you out in the water, enjoying more than he should how you cling to him whenever you get too tired and he won't let you go back to edge. he feels your soft boobs pressing against his firm skin and sees the sweet panic in your eyes and his instincts jump out immediately.
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saint valentine's near and you can practically hear them all whine with impatience. of course their adorable omega was going to bake something, isn't she the best ? tight apron tied around your perfect waist, you're trying hard to make as many chocolate as possible, putting them in small boxes and decorating them with a pink ribbon.
you're glad they let you use their own kitchen, the one you and your father had along with his colleagues was nothing sort of dreamy, used and damaged. theirs was huge, clean and filled to the brim with the latest and most sophisticated tools you could only dream of. they told you to use it whenever you had something you wanted to bake instead of that poor excuse of a kitchen, living inside that garbage was a crime they thought, they couldn't let their precious omega walk around in such filth...
sanzu almost begged you to bake some chocolate for him, you even thought he was gonna end up on his knees from how hard he was pleading... you laughed a bit at his antics and gave him his holy grail with your usual smile that never fails to make him want to bite your cute cheeks. mikey's eagerly waiting for his own share of chocolate and you promptly give them all theirs without forgetting to thank them for how kind they all were since the beginning of the year.
· · ୨୧ · ·
that's... weird. you never thought you would've felt unsafe inside the buildings of this school with how protective they all were. but again, you should have expected that from at least one of them, you're in an all-alpha school after all...
but now you're all alone, the late night snack you left your room for tightly held in your fist and frantic eyes searching around you for anyone awake at this hour too. you didn't think someone would actually assault you in such a place, but here you were...
the corridor is empty, dim lights don't help your vision at all and the foul scent of an alpha is invading your nose.
the boy starts to dig his nose inside the crook of your neck and you physically recoil at the intrusive action, shaking at how forcibly submissive it makes you.
lucky for you, the lights turn on and a familiar small group of alphas arrive after a minute only. mikey's the one to give the first blow before leaving the rest to baji and sanzu. kakucho is as kind as ever, the most reassuring person you could wish for and softly makes sure you're alright after the small scolding of mitsuya. of course you should've called one of them if you were hungry ! only a helpless omega like you would have done that, so vulnerable and in need of a saviour... how did you even survive on your own before meeting them ?
you honestly can't answer nor think straight anymore next to the pleading of the beaten up boy, the two angry alphas spreading pheromones you wish you didn't smell because of how strong they are...
· · ୨୧ · ·
#cannelle★#omegaverse tokyo revengers#tokyo revengers a/b/o#a/b/o tokyo revengers#alpha tokyo revengers#hybrid tokyo revengers#tokyo revengers headcanons#tokyo revengers hybrid#tokyo revengers omegaverse#tokyo revengers x reader#anime omegaverse#omega!reader#omegaverse anime#alpha x reader#tokyo revengers omegaverse headcanons#tokyo revengers omegaverse drabbles#tokyo revengers omegaverse scenarios#tokyo revengers omegaverse imagines#yandere tokyo revengers#tokyo revengers harem#harem tokyo revengers#tokyo revengers yandere#alpha tokyorev#omega tokyo revengers#tokyo rev x reader#tokyorev x reader#yandere tokyorevengers#alpha tokyo revengers imagines#mikey x reader#alpha mikey
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I remember the tr era so well I still love my boy kakucho :) I’ve fallen down the attack on titan wormhole again :) oh genshin and star rail too I recently got Seele and Wriothesley,currently saving for Furina!!! - Kaku anon :)
SAME the tr era was so fun tbh still love my boy rindou 🫶🏼 he’s so boyloser cringefail 🫶🏼🫶🏼 OOO i heard the last episode of aot came out recently !!!! what did you think about the ending of aot actually i’m curious bc like i kinda don’t know how i feel about it lowkey
wriothesley !!! he makes me laugh, he just reminds me of the alpha wolf meme everytime. i’m excited for furina too !!!! a few more days until she’s out 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 star rail has been rlly fun for me recently too, i pulled for topaz and she’s rlly fun heheh also SHES SO 🫦🫦 but i’m excited for hsr next patch ARGENTIIIII !!!!!
#i’ve also been playing baldurs gate 3 and that game lowkey consumed all my attention and focus for like a month straight#so genshin and star rail kinda took the backseat for me#but it’s ok soon it’ll be new patch and i’ll be back on da grind 💪🏼💪🏼#kaku anon
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Kakucho and Izana.
Tomando coragem, [Nome] abriu aquela porta com determinação, compreendendo os desafios que poderia enfrentar. No entanto, ao fazê-lo, um intenso e nauseante fedor invadiu suas narinas, deixando-o temporariamente sem palavras. Era como se um coquetel desagradável de odores desencadeasse uma reação visível em seu rosto. Mesmo assim, [Nome] não se deixou abater pelo odor pungente e persistiu, adentrando o local.
A banheira estava vazia, isso era bom. Mas a porta ainda estava quebrada e o quarto foi deixado como se lembrava, exatamente três meses atrás.
Os olhos dele se focaram em duas figuras deitadas sobre a cama, com passos calmos ele se aproximou e ao sentir os feromônios fortes aqueles seres ronronam. Agora o alpha estava parado ao lado da cama.
Kakucho estava acordado, ele foi o primeiro a ver você. Os olhos enchendo de lágrimas e ele se agarrou a ti, segurando com toda força que tinha no corpo pálido e desnutrido.
— [Nome]... é você mesmo? Ou é apenas uma alucinação por causa da fome? — A voz dele estava quebradiça e rouca, como se não tivesse sido usada por um bom tempo.
Seu nariz se contraiu novamente ao se agachar consideravelmente ao ficar na altura do outro que estava sentado, o ômega fedia. Tinha remela nos olhos, a roupa tinha manchas amarelas grandes, cabelos desgrenhados e oleosos.
— Eu, eu voltei Kaku, sou eu.
Foi como uma barreira se rompendo, ele desabou a chorar, suas respirações ficaram ofegantes, e algumas lágrimas e lágrimas começaram a descer de sua face. Ele pensou em te tocar mas memórias voltaram à mente dele e aparentemente ele tomou consciência que estava sujo.
Kakucho, que se sentia tão sujo por dentro, se desesperou, você estava vendo ele e. Um estado tão deplorável. Ele sentiu que nada mais importava, que nem sequer consigo mesmo ele podia se manter limpo e correto.
Suas lágrimas desciam pela sua face enquanto ele se sentia cada vez mais sujo e desprezível. Ele era incapaz de entender como você voltaria para cá, voltaria para eles... E, como havia chegado a um ponto tão baixo... Um ponto em que ele se sentia como se nem sequer pudesse se olhar no espelho e se reconhecer.
— Venha cá, eu vou te dar um banho. — [Nome] falou, pegando o ômega nos braços. Ele estava leve, muito leve. O alpha tentou manter a expressão neutra enquanto carregava o outro para o banheiro do quarto de hóspedes.
O hitto colocou o rosto na curva de seu pescoço, respirando profundamente os feromônios que sua glândula soltava.
“ Foi como Kisaki falou, tudo está limpo, a casa está em perfeitas condições. Menos aquele quarto. "
— Kakucho, fique aqui quando eu preparo a água, okay? — O de pele [clara/escura] falou deixando o ômega sentado na cama. Imediatamente ele negou, não queria sair de perto de você, ele temia. Temia que você fosse embora após ver o quão nojento ele estava.
— N-não! Por favor. — Ele pediu agarrando o seu sobretudo, esse que você tirou e deixou com ele.
— Ali, eu vou estar ali no banheiro. A porta vai ficar aberta.
Ele te seguiu com os olhos, você caminhou ao banheiro e começou a encher a banheira pra dar banho nele. A todo momento ele não desviou os olhos, segurava seu sobretudo com força perto do nariz, inspirando seu cheiro.
Após encher a banheira com água morna e muito sabonete líquido, [Nome] voltou e pegou nos braços, o ômega deixou o seu sobretudo na cama enquanto era levado para o banheiro.
Kakucho tirou a roupa e entrou na água sem esperar nada, com as mãos cobrindo o rosto, estava com vergonha do que tinha conseguido.
O cheiro da roupa suja e do suor que emanava daquele menino era quase insuportável.
Com cuidado, o Alpha pegou a bucha de banho e o sabonete e logo começou a limpar o ômega. Passando suavemente pelo corpo desnutrido.
Kakucho suspirou profundamente, sua pele tinha muitas manchas escuras, era um mistério como ele ainda estava de pé. Suas costelas, seus joelhos, seus cotovelos, ele não passava de pele e ossos... Ele não conseguia mais se conter.
— [Nome]... Eu estou tão… — Soluçou, com a cabeça baixa e os olhos fixos na água, a pele se arrepiava com seu toque leve e com a água morna.
— Pode me dizer. Estou aqui, vou cuidar de você.
— Todo esse tempo... Todo esse tempo... sozinho…— O ômega continuou tremendo, sem conseguir falar direito, ele abraçou os joelhos contra o peito, chorando como uma criança. — Com aquele fedor, com aquela higiene ruim... Eu merecia morrer... Eu mereço morrer, eu… eu não cuidei de você, não mereço continuar, você quase morreu neste lugar… eu não mereço.
Você ficou calado enquanto enxaguava o corpo dele com uma pequena vasilha, tirando toda a espuma.
— Obrigado [Nome] … — Ele agradeceu, sua expressão mudou para um sorriso triste.
O ômega fechou os olhos e se concentrou, tentando relaxar na água, esquecendo todos os dias ruins que teve desde o rompimento do laço e a quebra da marca. Queria sentir o toque do Alpha para acalmá-lo.
Internamente [Nome] agradeceu Kisaki por deixar uma sopa de macarrão pronta antes de sair. O cheiro ótimo entrava em suas narinas. Após colocar Kakucho sentado na cadeira foi servir um pouco da comida a ele.
Ele estava com roupas antigas do alpha que tinham ficado, mas estavam limpas graças aos amigos dos ômegas que vinham, limpavam a casa e lavavam a roupa. Tentavam cuidar dos dois que se negavam a sair do quarto.
O estômago do ômega roncou ao vê-lo, ele olhou para a tigela com fome, os olhos arregalados de alegria, e não hesitou em comer.
— Onde você esteve? Todo esse tempo separados… — Disse entre ruídos famintos, pegando a colher e começando a comer. Ele estava consideravelmente melhor com sua presença ali.
— Eu estava com Draken e Mitsuya, passei um tempo com eles e então coloquei minha própria casa em ordem.
— Mmm… — ômega continuou comendo, suas sobrancelhas se movendo descontroladamente cada vez que ele comia um pouco do macarrão. — Eu estava realmente preocupado… — Ele comentou em voz baixa, tentando parar de comer enquanto falava.
O grito alto chamou a atenção de ambos e logo [Nome] começou a caminhar novamente em direção ao quarto que Izana estava.
O Alpha o viu. Ele estava fedendo, tinha olheiras profundas e chorava. Parecia que ele não tomava banho há semanas. Estava magro, muito magro.
— Izana. — O chamou, olhando o estado deplorável em que se encontrava, por um momento você sentiu pena. Ele estava muito pior que Kakucho.
Ele fungou, olhou para o de pele [clara/escura] e depois olhou para baixo novamente, os olhos se enchendo de mais lágrimas.
— O-oi… — ele murmurou antes de esconder a cabeça, não ousando olhar para o homem novamente por medo, vergonha e constrangimento. Ele começou a murmurar desculpas. Tinha sentido seu cheiro mais forte e sabia que você estava aqui.
— Você está horrível. — Disse olhando para ele, depois se aproximando e passando os braços pela cintura do outro homem, ajudando-o a se levantar.
O menino se assustou um pouco ao sentir os braços em volta de sua cintura, ele fungou alto e fechou os olhos com força ao aceitar ser levantado.
— Sinto muito! Sou tão fraco e patético! Senti sua falta! Eu sei que tava errado, eu sou um idiota [Nome]! — ele chorou como um garotinho, abraçando [Nome] com força, pois não queria soltá-lo.
— Ah, Izana. — O Alpha o carregou cuidadosamente até o banheiro onde uma banheira com água morna já estava preparada.
O menino estava agarrado a você como um bebê, parecia com medo de deixá-lo a qualquer momento. Ele fungou e olhou para a banheira.
— I-Isso é para mim? — Perguntou suavemente, com lágrimas em seu rosto. Ele fungou novamente, envergonhado de sua situação lamentável.
— Sim, é para você.
— Eu não sou realmente digno disso… — O platinado enquanto tentava se livrar do alcance de [Nome], mas ele estava se agarrando com força. O alpha o colocou dentro da água, um suspiro baixo deixando os lábios dele.
O Hitto olhou para o rosto do alpha novamente, nunca tinha sido tão próximo e íntimo. O ômega era tão fino que cada osso estava delineado sob sua pele.
— Espero que você não se arrependa de me trazer aqui. Não pensei que ainda estaria aqui depois daquelas... — Ele não conseguiu completar e sem evitar que lágrimas escorressem pelo seu rosto.
— Coma Kakucho, você está muito magro, você e Izana. — [Nome] mandou enquanto fazia um suco natural de laranja, colocando água fria na jarra.
Izana balança a cabeça e toma um gole de sopa de macarrão. Apenas com o banho ambos já estavam bem melhores, Izana também vestia roupas limpas que já foram suas, estavam largas nos corpos dos ômegas.
O platinado mantém os olhos baixos na tigela, seus movimentos são pequenos, para não incomodar ninguém. Sua respiração se aprofunda, ele se acalma, dá outra mordida e come devagar, saboreando o sabor.
Há um silêncio, apenas interrompido pelos pequenos movimentos dele com a colher.
— Obrigado…
Sua voz é baixa e gentil, você sabia do que ele estava a agradecer. Ele estava agradecendo por tudo que você está fazendo até agora.
— Assim que vocês melhorarem eu vou embora.
#leitor masculino#male reader#imagine#fanfic#dom reader#alpha reader#omega x#omegaverse#izana kurokawa#izana x reader#tokyo revengers izana#kakucho#kakucho hitto#tokyo rev x reader#tokyo revengers kakucho
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Back to you part 2
Angst, omegaverse, male reader
(name) just stared at the blond man holding him close, this is what he wanted for years.
Its what he dreamt of.
But more than anything?
He was absolutely filled with a rage he didn't think was possible.
"Shit--" Mikey was pushed away from him as an angry omega glared at him "I lost my baby because of you" (name) spat out, body shaking not from fear but from everything Mikey's actions had put him through emotionally and physically. "(Name) it was for--" "I dont give a FUCK what it was about, all I know is one day my mate is there and the next hes dead! I HELD A FUNERAL FOR ALL OF YOU! I LOST MY BROTHERS! I THOUGHT MY ENTIRE FAMILY HAD DIED!" (Name) screamed as he pushed mikey back, the Alpha letting him do this because... He knew be deserved this.
"You promised Manjiro" (name) had fat tears rolling down his face "I was holding your grandfather's hand as he passed, did you know that? While you were off doing god knows what? Instead of seeing his last living grandchild he saw the broken grandchilds mate who he abandoned" (name)s voice was venemous as he looked at mikey dead in the eyes. "Those closest to my heart faked their deaths and abandoned me" (name) was now laughing and Mikey never felt fear in a long time but for once?
He was terrified.
(Name)s face went serious as he stormed out and into what seemed to be a lounge "(name), its a pleasure to see you again" Ran said calmly, assuming the poor heartbroken omega would run into his alphas arms.
But he was dead wrong.
"Get the fuck away from me before I burn this god forsaken building to the ground" (name) said coldly as they looked to see Mikey looking disheveled but not in a post sex way, in a he got his ass beat way.
"(Name) we can explain" Kakucho tried to appease the half-feral omega who wanted nothing more tham to beat the ever living shit out of them "I dont need one" (name)s tone was cold "You guys wanted to play crime lord without an omega keeping the boss weak" (name) said simply, it was obvious despite his rage "you guys killed his heir by the way also this piss idea made him look like absolute shit"
"Watch --" Sanzu was cut off with a harsh glare "watch what Haruchiyo? Watch the fact my loved ones live their happiest lives as i deal with the loss of literally my entire family? The child I was going to tell my Mate about when he was supposed to get home? Only to find out he died with everyone else and THEN after years find out oh look theyre alive and living the life of luxury" (name) gave a cold cruel laugh "elaborate to me, what should I be watching?"
They remember how (name) was before they left, sweet and always deverted to Mikey no matter what.
This was a stranger.
A changed person.
A person hurt beyond repair.
"I spent my life mourning a fucking lie" (name) said almost methodically.
"I wasted my life mourning a man who clearly didnt love me"
"I did love you" Mikey was forceful as he grabbed his mates shoulders and looked at him with a desperate expression, the face of a man who wasnt ready to lose his mate "dont you love me?"
"I always loved you" (name)s voice was empty "but I also know betrayal, you betrayed me... You all did"
"And didn't you teach me never negotiate with traitors?"
The room halted as mikey looked at him horrified "you cant leave " Mikey said almost begging "what like how you left me? At least im giving you a warning" (name) fired back and tried to escape mikeys hold but the alpha held him tight.
"Please..." He begged and (name) was cold.
"Where was my chance to plead for you to stay? Why do you always get the options?" (Name) snapped as he started struggling to get out of his hold, it seemed after all these years mikey got stronger somehow.
(Name)s inner Omega pleaded with him to accept their alpha but (name) absolutely refused.
What mikey did was beyond exuse.
(Name)s body went limp as he spoke "after this, I dont think I can look at you guys... At least for a very long time..."
The room was filled with so many negative emotions, it was almost suffocating.
(Name) eventually broke free and wandered to the elevator, the guards looking at Mikey for what to do and the alpha rushed to hold (name) "p-please..."
"Keeping me here wont fix things"
"Please let me fix this...please"
#tokyo revengers x reader#tokyo revengers x male reader#male reader#bonten x reader#omegaverse#omega male reader#mikey tokyo revengers#mikey x male reader#mikey x reader
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Hello! well first request and i'm nervous but anyway do you accept an omegaverse? how about bonten with an omega only he is goth like a vampire (if you want you can add something else or maybe a pregnancy if you wish :) ) thanks! (and sorry for my bad english, i'm not english speaking)
Title: Gothic Mood Swings
Fandom: Tokyo Revengers
Pairing: Bonten x Pregnant Goth Omega Male Reader
Warnings: Swearing, and mentions of punishment (not like that y'all)
The guard gulped as the phone rang. Nervous sweat sliding down his face. He knew this was a bad idea but they didn't know what else to do! Soon a click was heard. Nothing was said for a moment until deep voice was heard, "Speak." The guard nervously cleared his throat. "Sir. He closed himself in his coffin and we can't get him to come out."
There was a sigh from the other end. "What happened?" "He tried hanging upside down but got caught up in his morning sickness and got sick everywhere. He then got hungry and searched the cabinets and after not finding what he was looking for, closed himself into his coffin instead of laying in his nest." There was a humming sound and the sound of papers being shuffled.
"Alright we'll be back soon. So keep an eye on him until we get back. Understood?" The guard nodded and quickly agreed as the call ended. The guard let out a sigh of relief. Knowing he won't get too punished for calling his boss. I mean it was for the safety of their Omega and future pup. So hopefully the punishment won't be too bad.
Mikey ran a hand through his hair letting out a deep sigh. He had so much paperwork that needed to be done, but his Omega and pup were more important to him. Mikey carefully got up and texted the others to let them know they were needed at home.
On they're way home they made a few pitstops. One at a nesting store. Then next stop was at a store their Omega frequently visited. Finally they stopped at a restaurant their pregnant Omega has been eating so much of recently.
As they arrived at the mansion the pack lives in. Multiple guards met them outside. As they bowed the Bonten members made their way inside. When inside they took off their coats and shoes. Knowing their Omega worked hard on cleaning the mansion. They didn't want a repeat of last time.
Last time Takeomi has came in with muddy and wet shoes. Completely ruining the freshly cleaned floors. Their Omega had been so upset, he literally USED Takeomi to clean the floor. Like we're talking, used Takeomi as a mop to clean the floor. While it aroused most of the Alpha's, the others had be slightly horrified how their tiny Omega used a fully grown MAN, to mop the floors.
They didn't want a repeat of that. Especially Takeomi. After that they put away their shoes so nobody gets hurt. Mikey started up the stairs and the others quickly followed. Wanting to comfort their Omega. They know he's having a rough time with the whole pregnancy. It's been taking a huge toll on them all, but especially on him.
As they arrived to the door seperating the pack from their Omega, they could smell the annoyed pheromones coming from inside. Mikey shared a look with the ones holding bags for their Omega and motioned them forward. Kakucho, Mochi, and Rindou stepped forward.
Mikey carefully opened the door. Making sure they were all releasing calming pheromones. As they all entered there was a slient shuffle coming from the closed coffin in the middle of the room. Sanzu stepped forward and tapped a small rhythm on the lid of the coffin.
A few seconds passed beofre the coffin cracked open. A pair of (E/C) eyes peered through the crack. Sanzu bent down and chuckled. "Alright baby. Come on out. We know your upset. So we got you some stuff." He montions to the others who are holding bags.
The coffin fully opened and a gorgeous male with mid length (H/C) hair carefully sat up pouting. His (E/C) eyes sweeping past his Alpha's. He nods towards Kakucho who carefully placed the bag beside the coffin. Knowing it was warm and didn't want it hurting the Omega.
(Name) smelled the bag and hummed then carefully removed the food. He opened the box and smiled at the spicy yaskisoba inside. Then Mochi stepped forward and set and another bag by the coffin. (Name) carefully opened the bag and was welcomed with a fuzzy black blanket covered in his Alphas sents. (Name) smiles brightly and shoves his face into it taking a deep breath.
Finally Rindou reaches into his bag and held out a stuffed bat. (Name) perked up and quickly snatched it and finally started releasing happy pheromones. The others relaxed and smiled at the happy pregnant Omega. (Name) kissed Rindou's cheek and started purring happily.
Maybe they won't punish the guard for interrupting them today. Since they got to see their Omega happy and purring again. It feels like its been a while. After a few bites of food (Name) turned glaring at the now relaxed Alphas. "Now which one of you assholes has me always craving SPICY FOOD?!" They slumped. It was nice while it lasted.
#male reader#x male reader#tokyo revengers#tokyo revengers x male reader#male omega reader#poly! bonten#bonten x male reader#bonten kokonoi#bonten#bonten mikey#bonten sanzu#bonten ran#bonten rindou#bonten mochi#bonten kakucho#bonten takeomi
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Already wrote 7k words and he's still not accepting shit it's really funny to write 😭. Though i dont know what i wanna do with it yet- maybe i could send u the version full of holes that i have (i tend to write scenes in random orders and not finish them) for some ideas 👉👈 ? And yes she would be an alpha! I manage to write top kisaki once in a while but I really can't when it's with hina or takemichi (for the moment, shit always changes with me). I do have sort of a wip of kisahina as teens (hina pov where she's filled with doubts cos michi is a beta and kisaki just presented as an omega- it's kind of shit but I like her pov).
Ur right tho kakucho and mikey are also very similar but what if he was jealous/resentful of Mikey? I'm actually always hesitating when writing kakucho between him following izana without questions and just always being supportive of him (to an unhealthy amount) or more rebellious~not really the word but something like that. Like I love the version of him where izana is just perfect in his eyes and just hurting and if he hurts other people it's not his fault but I also love him as a reluctant participant... I'm not sure. The fic is actually kisaizamai with hankisa endgame (uhhhh I can explain) but it's actually very dead dove if I can use that as an adjective, like rife with violent, abusive relationship and non-con so idk if that's okay with u (it's okay if it isn't of course). It's an au where takemichi was actually mikey's mate, kisaki still killed him (two birds one stone move) but that actually let the dark impulses get completely control of mikey (or he just snapped mental illness style, ur pick). So it's basically a long fic of kisaki losing lmaoo
To go from there to hinakisa yuri 😭 I have diverse tastes hm but they are literally doomed! I could sooo see kisaki trying to secure a place in the world for herself and hinata but she never asked for that, only wanted her friend to stay with her (u hurt me with that sentence -> hinata dies... vampire hinata? Vampire yuri period sex who said that)
I havent played the game unfortunately but ive heard of it, its on switch right ? But wait a min I actually like the dragon idea, like shin sacrificing a sacred dragon (ooh taboo and forbidden, maybe they're going extinct/they're sentient or something) to revive Mikey but ofc dark magic means consequences hence the dark impulses. But also what if the visions takemichi has of the future are actually something related to that- like the spirit of the dead creature speaking to him to fix the wrong that has been done (vocabulary changed to fit the mood). Shin's death was always funny to me with how mundane it was (weird sentence out of context), plus the mixed interests of bajitora trying to do something nice for Mikey and getting bit in the ass is also an interesting nuance. So the searching for a cure is really digging into that!! Something illicit like stealing the bike, naybe the cure is something nobody can touch except royalty, maybe it can cause a big cataclysm if its used. And maybe shin was disoriented after the spell and stumbled out of his tower and bajitora thought he was a guy there to stop there from reaching the cure, a knight they would be ready to kill for their friend?
Yes like what about tenjiku 😭 there are so many of them. I can see him as a bodyguard! Tho I wonder about his connection with shin and the dragon then...
not written with the same characters but
"kisaki" is homonymous with the japanese word for queen/empress (more specifically: the king/emperor's wife) and idk i feel like there's something to be done with that
#this au is so random i feel like a five year old but its also so funny so who cares#i was actually fixing my sleep schedule but now its 6 am. sigh.#im a bit scared of posting stuff on the internet now cuz someone on twt saw one of my post and commented on it i wanted to perish :<#the realities of being perceived by people online#same with the type of fic i read and write which is heavy on dead dove#i know some people perceive that as endorsing but its really not idk its kinda therapeutic for someone with related trauma#but even without that fiction is fiction and its different from reality and filtering exist#anyway rant over
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Twin Size Mattress
》 Hot Mess - Part 4
Word Count: 1.2K
Pairing(s): Alpha!Sanzu x Beta!Reader, Omega!Mikey x Beta!Reader, & Alpha!Kakucho x Beta!Reader
Warning(s): None.
Authors Note: You thought I was dropping this, didn't you? Wrong! 😌
You're not sure what you thought would happen when the heat was over.
The beaming sunshine smile you'd gotten from Mikey had knocked all sense out of your head and you'd spent the final day tangled up together while the alphas went back to working. It had been such a whirlwind experience that you weren't entirely positive what was supposed to happen, now that tension had been cut, things were… different.
Sanzu was more subdued, offering you one of his dress shirts while your only clean outfit was being cleaned; mouthing gently at the healing mate mark now adorning your skin.
Kakucho had made everyone breakfast, pressing a kiss to both of your heads before disappearing from Mikeys bedroom.
Mikey… well, Mikey was grinning at you; sprawled out on his mattress and staring as you munched on the toast that'd be left behind.
"What?" You finally blurt out, feeling bashful under his unwavering attention, and he chuckles.
"Just happy." He should be, considering the four of you'd spent the last four days buried inside one another. His platinum hair is brushed back from his face as he frees you from the weight of his gaze.
"I wanna take you somewhere." It’s the beginning of the end for you, but you don’t know it at the time.
After finishing breakfast and getting dressed, the omega leads you to the ground floor— and then the basement garage. You’re more than a bit surprised to see the motorcycle he drags you over to; it takes a beat longer to process that it’s his. And its old.
“My brother owned a bike shop,” He’s passing you a helmet as he speaks and you try to act like this isnt weirdly intimate.
“When I started Toman I was riding around on a moped.” The thought earns a giggle as he gestures for you to join him on it, and you’d be lying if you tried to say that it wasn’t comforting that you could use this opportunity to cling to him some more. The conversation halts as he drives, but neither of you seem to mind. It isnt until he pulls up to a vaguely familiar shrine that you remember how little you actually know about your omega.
“My brother died when I was a kid, so I made my own family.” His fingers lace with yours as the two of you leave the bike behind in favor of heading up towards the temple, arms swinging like kids. You like it. Like him.
“The Tokyo Manji Gang, right?” You know a bit of the local history, but not enough to feel comfortable reciting it. Mikey doesn’t seem to care, just nodding at the educated guess.
“It… didn’t really work out in the end. I— Man, this is harder than I thought.” He’s pouting a bit, and it’s such a marvel that when he turns to you and the mostly blank expression is plastered back on you feel an ache in your chest.
“I like this lifestyle. The violence and the power— but I loved my family. I disbanded Toman in it’s prime because it was the easiest way to get everyone that I loved out.” Draken. You’re not sure why, but it feels like he’s specifically referring to the alpha nobody speaks about. There’s so much history there that you’ll probably never know.
At least, that’s what you think for about two more minutes.
“Sanzu wouldn’t leave me,” Mikey continues, softening marginally, and you know you should turn around. The presence behind you isn't even subtle; you don't know how you missed his approach.
“But Draken couldn’t watch me turn into this person. I… was angry about it for a long time, but now I’m kinda glad.” When his gaze flickers over your shoulder you swallow thickly.
The smell of gasoline is strong, barely masked by his natural musk. Alpha. Your alpha. Mikey brought you to your alpha. Panic is prickling in your limbs — the thought that he’s going to leave you now making your stomach lurch — but he just squeezes your hand.
“Huh, so you weren’t kidding.” You like his voice. It’s deep and soothing and you want to melt into him already. Mikey’s almost laughing at you when he untangles your fingers and gently turns you.
Draken is beautiful. Not like Mikey and Sanzu, who were almost feminine in their features. His were defined and— and the man was a fucking mountain. How tall was he? His hair is dark, pulled into a ponytail as he cocks his head to one side, hands tucked into the pockets of his jumpsuit.
“You could have put in a little effort.” Mikey even sounds different when he scoffs at the larger man, who’s dark eyes narrow over your shoulder.
“You’re one to talk. What is that, pajamas?”
“So what if it is? I just got over my heat—“
“—Just shut up, would you?” Draken snorts, a small smirk on his face when he turns his attention back to your stiff form.
“Nice to meet you, beta.” Mikeys fingers flex on your waist before he’s pushing you forward hard enough you stumble into Draken with a squeak. The alpha grabs for you on instinct, arm curling around your back to help you regain your footing as he chides the shorter male with a low growl.
“You’re both being weird about it.” You know you are, but you flinch at the bland retort anyway. Your body is stuck, refusing to step away from the larger male as you breathe him in. Not that he seems to mind, rubbing a slow circle between your shoulders as he glares over your head.
“We’re strangers, Manjiro.”
“No, you’re pack, Ken.”
They’re both right, in their own ways.
Since Draken had been outside of his own circle — denying every screeching instinct by sheet force of will, it seems — it was no surprise that he had that mindset. The man may as well be a beta, for all the alpha behaviors he was exhibiting. Sanzu had been hostile and dismissive, but even that was more in line with pack behavior than the awkward greeting happening right now.
“It’s nice to meet you, too, alpha.” Your murmuring when you offer up your name, but know he hears you from the way his body trembles at the soft affirmation. Mikey snickers behind you and honestly you’re still so off-kilter from his shift in personality that it leaves you fumbling to come up with anything intelligent to say.
It’s going to be a long day, you decide as you force your trembling legs to step away from Draken and look at both men. They’ve completely disregarded you to bicker and tease one another like children, and it warms you from the inside out to know that even though they’re not together in the traditional sense, they definitely don’t have any bad blood.
At least not anymore.
The three of you settle down outside the shrine on the cement steps, realizing that Mikeys intent is just… this. Introducing you to your other alpha. It makes your heart swell with affection, even as he snarks at the larger man. Your omega is something special, for sure— and you wonder if any of the others have realized that, yet.
《 Part 3 《
》 Part 5 》
》 Taglist: @divine-dogs-cafe , @armycandy10, @tenrichouku
#hot mess#hm#✒️ . kai fecit#sanzu x reader#sanzu haruchiyo x reader#kakucho hitto x reader#kakucho x reader#mikey x reader#sano manjiro x reader#manjiro sano#sano manjiro#hitto kakucho#kakucho hitto#sanzu haruchiyo#haruchiyo sanzu#alpha!kakucho#alpha!sanzu#alpha!draken#omega!mikey#beta!reader#omegaverse#tokrev#tokyorev#tokyo revengers
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