#along with his blessed former wife
somedaytakethetime · 10 months
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belit0 · 1 year
ahh, i just found out tobirama was about 40 when he became hokage! which makes him even hotter🤭. can you do a hokage tobirama and his young pregnant shy wife meeting his family and like people around the village
I need to EXPLICTLYYYY know where you got that information from bc confirming that he was a daddy brings a different flavor to his character🫠❤️‍🩹
For clarification purposes: Madara is blind in this piece. Hashirama healed Izuna before he died, under Madara's acceptance of peace, and Aniki never took his younger brother's eyes, preferring to go blind rather than steal his sight.
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No one dares to look him in the eye, let alone question the possessive hand that won't let go of (Y/N)'s hips. Her belly is too prominent to deny the situation, but no one is used to seeing the current Hokage with his wife.
Senju Tobirama devoted himself to hiding the woman he promised as a bride, unable to tolerate stares at her and unfortunate comments. Both men and women would send lust and desire toward her, and he would have no way to stop them all. What better remedy than to shelter (Y/N) until his ownership is undeniable?
Tobirama can be quite capricious.
The man even went as far as not allowing his own older brother to meet her, Hashirama himself excluded from the equation. To think that the former Hokage could betray his younger brother like that was ridiculous to everyone, but it wasn't about lust with him. No.
Tobirama hid (Y/N) because he refused to lose the one ray of light in his life (after Anija's solar shower, of course). His past is made up of death and disappointment, built as an unfeeling weapon of war by his father, robbed of the ability to empathize with anyone until the creation of Konoha.
His wife brought a peace he didn't know he needed into his life, a breath of fresh air even as nations struggled to not cooperate with peace, freedom among so much horror and suffering. (Y/N) showed him that life could be spent out of survival mode, that he could relax for sleep and accept another person into his bed without danger.
Having found what he always sought without knowing it, Tobirama could not afford to lose it.
Keeping her away from everything and everyone (beyond his possible jealousy) was also composed by the need to protect her, to remove her from the spotlight that inevitably comes with being the Hokage's future wife, to prevent her from being used against him. The albino's attitudes were based on affection, but now that (Y/N) is round with his creation, full of him, he can't help but proudly display her.
He strolls through the market streets with his head held high and his wife tightly in his grip, shooting hostile glances at anyone who looks at them for more than five minutes at a time. Of course he expects people to be surprised, but he doesn't want her to end up with the evil eye either.
"Hokage-Sama! Here, here!" shouts a little old lady from his favorite food stall. He can't ignore people from his village, those who trust him, and comes up to her stall to give her a smile unbecoming of Tobirama. "You look very happy, Hokage-Sama!"
"Ah... how could a man not be, having such a beautiful woman by his side?" And (Y/N) blushes, waving slightly at the little old lady and trying to hide the redness of her cheeks behind the sleeve of her yukata.
The elderly woman smiles, and hands them both a small package of food without accepting anything in return, "here, here, take this, enjoy life!" She practically pushes them out of her stall, and they resume walking to the point they agreed on with Hashirama.
People stare and stare at them, some even dare to congratulate the Hokage, give him blessings, ask if he could feel how many children are there. Some inquiries make him uncomfortable, and with just a blunt look he gets rid of those prying eyes.
They receive more gifts along the way, offerings of love and respect, food and decorations, townspeople declaring their eagerness to meet the Hokage's offspring. Tobirama would not expect to have interacted with so many people in such a short distance, and his social battery is noticeably drained, squeezing (Y/N) more and more protectively against his body.
By the time they reach Hashirama's house, the Hokage no longer wants anything to do with anyone.
"Ayoooooo! Tobi! You made it!" his older brother waits for them sitting at the door, like a little kid waiting for his dad to come home from work. The problem is, Hashirama is not a child, and not little one either. He pounces on the two, wrapping his arms around them and pressing their faces to his chest, invasive and effusive as always but enhanced by (Y/N)'s presence.
"Aaaa! (Y/N)! Finally released from your confinement! It's so beautiful to finally meet you!" Anija lets go of him, only to squeeze her separately, give her kisses on the crown of her head and clench her cheeks like a grandmother. Yes, Hashirama could be compared to a grandmother. "Have you looked... I mean, in there? See what's in there? We could ask Izuna to-"
"No. It's a surprise." Tobirama pulls (Y/N) out of his arms, and hugging her enters the house he knows by heart. He heads straight for the courtyard, where he knows Hashirama (who comes behind him with his head down and feigning sadness) enjoys afternoons of tea.
Of course, he does not expect the surprise his brother has prepared for him there.
The whole clan, the whole damn family is gathered around a huge table, different from the one Anija prefers for his solitary lunches. Sitting in the two main seats, the Uchiha brothers, who have no business in a Senju house, full of Senju men and women.
Is this what peace looks like? Graphically represented? Tobirama wants to vomit.
"TOBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!" He is greeted by his entire family as a whole, and the elders soon hover over both of them. Females kidnap (Y/N) to shower her with questions and love, all a carbon copy of how Hashirama behaves but boosted to the tenth.
The albino is also abducted, but by the young men and his older brother, who seems to have regained his cheerfulness. They sit him down in front of the Uchiha brothers, and it's like sending a cow to the slaughter.
"Tobi Tobes... I didn't know your family called you like that, neither that your wife was SO pregnant... He hides too many things from us, right Aniki?" Izuna starts, as usual, not missing a chance to poke him with whatever comes in front of him.
"How many children do you have there? 3? She's... prominent!"
"Get my wife out of your mouth before I make you remember why the war existed in the first place." It's a blunt threat, and the young men around him tense up. Peace is old at this point, but the habits of a life that no longer exists are hard to forget.
"He's joking! Yes, yes, he's kidding! No tobi?" Hashirama tries to disperse the waters, and it works, at least with those who don't know them inside out. Madara knows what's coming, and so does he somehow.
"You want me to see how many are there? With the Sharingan, I mean... it's not like I actually want to get inside-"
"Izuna. Enough." Aniki tries, and succeeds until the albino glares at his little brother.
"Madara... you're blind, but if only could you see the size of that woman's belly..."
"IZUNA!" This time it's Hashirama, who gets indignant every time the Uchiha speaks so lightly about his brother's eye condition. Maybe it's the way they both have of cooperating with the situation, but it's still terrible in his ears.
The Uchiha leader chuckles under his breath, and it's all the validation Izuna needs to go on.
"So, what do you say, Tobi Tobes, want to check it out?" and before he can activate his Dōjutsu, two huge branches stop them both. Tobirama, who was in the process of pulling out a kunai and jumping to his throat, is imprisoned in his seat. Izuna, about to reveal the mystery the couple wanted to keep, has a huge trunk wrapped around his head in the eye area.
"Fuck you."
"Fuck you too."
"Fuck all of you guys." And everyone turns around in surprise, because this time it's (Y/N) doing the talking. She puts a hand on her husband's shoulder, dodging the wood on him, and gives a pleasant smile to the Uchiha brothers. "We'll find out how many children are here at the time of delivery, for the time being, I appreciate your efforts, Lord Izuna."
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Curt Devine, Casey Tolan, Audrey Ash, and Kyung Lah at CNN:
Last month, Russell Vought sat in a five-star Washington, DC, hotel suite, bowing his head in prayer with two men he thought were relatives of a wealthy conservative donor.
Vought, one of the key authors of Project 2025, a right-wing blueprint for a second Trump term, expected the meeting would help his think tank secure a substantial contribution. For nearly two hours, he talked candidly about his behind-the-scenes work to prepare policy for former President Donald Trump, his expansive views on presidential power, his plans to restrict pornography and immigration, and his complaints that the GOP was too focused on “religious liberty” instead of “Christian nation-ism.” But the men Vought was talking to actually worked for a British journalism nonprofit and were secretly recording him the entire time. The nonprofit, the Centre for Climate Reporting, published a video of the meeting on Thursday – offering a window into the thinking of one of the top policy minds of the MAGA movement, who’s been floated as a possible White House chief of staff. Trump has publicly rejected Project 2025 as Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign has sought to tie him to some of the plan’s most extreme proposals. But in private, Vought said that those disavowals were merely “graduate-level politics.”
Vought said his group, the Center for Renewing America, was secretly drafting hundreds of executive orders, regulations, and memos that would lay the groundwork for rapid action on Trump’s plans if he wins, describing his work as creating “shadow” agencies. He claimed that Trump has “blessed” his organization and “he’s very supportive of what we do.” “Eighty percent of my time is working on the plans of what’s necessary to take control of these bureaucracies,” Vought said. “And we are working doggedly on that, whether it’s destroying their agencies’ notion of independence … whether that is thinking through how the deportation would work.” In discussing Trump’s plan to carry out the largest deportation in US history – which the former president has called for publicly – Vought said the expulsion of millions of undocumented immigrants could help “save the country.” Once deportations begin, “you’re really going to be winning a debate along the way about what that looks like,” Vought said. “And so that’s going to cause us to get us off of multiculturalism, just to be able to sustain and defend the deportation, right?”
The video is the latest example of secret recordings exposing political figures’ private comments. The tactics used by the Centre – which created fake websites and a fake LinkedIn profile to deceive Vought – are typically rejected by mainstream American news outlets. But using hidden cameras and deceptive practices in reporting is more common in the UK, where the Centre is based, and it’s been on the rise on the fringe of the US media as well. The conservative group Project Veritas has long conducted sting operations and published selectively edited videos, and earlier this year, a liberal activist released audio recordings of conversations she had with Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito and his wife, as well as Chief Justice John Roberts.
An elaborate ruse
Vought served as the director of the Office of Management and Budget under Trump, where he made a name for himself as a policy wonk committed to the MAGA movement. In public, Trump repeatedly praised Vought for doing an “incredible” and “fantastic” job at OMB. After Trump left office, Vought started the Center for Renewing America, a nonprofit that describes itself as the “tip of the America First spear.” CRA was one of many right-leaning groups that partnered on Project 2025, a more than 900-page blueprint for Trump’s second term that was led by the Heritage Foundation. Vought personally authored the project’s chapter on the executive office of the president, and his group contributed to several other chapters of the plan as well. Vought also served as the policy director of the Republican National Convention committee that rewrote the GOP’s official platform this year – a sign of how central he is to Republicans’ policy goals. 
Last month, Vought’s team was approached by employees with the Centre for Climate Reporting, which has previously published investigations into climate negotiations and Saudi Arabia’s energy policy. The Centre spun an elaborate fiction, with a journalist and a paid actor posing as the brother and son-in-law of a reclusive New Mexico investor. The nonexistent patriarch had watched Vought’s appearances on Steve Bannon’s “War Room” show while recuperating from an illness – and wanted to make a seven-figure contribution to CRA after previously focusing his philanthropy on classical music, they claimed. The meeting took place on July 24, the week after the Republican convention, at the presidential suite of the Rosewood hotel in DC, where the Centre had placed several hidden cameras and microphones, Carter said. After the Centre’s employees suggested starting the meeting with a prayer, they peppered Vought with questions about his work and views, the video shows.
CNN reports a secretly recorded video by Centre For Climate Reporting featuring Project 2025 co-author Russ Vought discussing his secret work preparing for a second Trump term that includes drafts for executive orders numbering in the hundreds.
See Also:
MMFA: In undercover interview, Project 2025 architect gets candid on the initiative’s radical goals and connections to Trump
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Blessed Are The Meek 2
Summary: you are trapped in an awkward circumstance with a widowed commander. (Handmaid AU)
Warning: this series will contain violence, dystopian aspects, rape and noncon, blood, coercion, sterility, and other dark elements. Please read these warnings and beware.
Character: Tommy Shelby
Note: thank you for following along. I’m sure yall didn’t expect to write Tommy again but here we are. Also feedback and comments if you dont mind. Maybe a reblog. 💕💕💕💕
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The morning is marked only by the distant sight of wispy clouds strewn over the grey sky. The colourless world skews vaguely with the passing of time, making the minutes, hours, and days near interminable. The night you spent in dread of the coming dawn, thus you were already away, mopping the foyer with some foolish thought of being arrested on a clean floor.
The mulch of tires comes with the rumble of an engine. You close your eyes and grip the wooden mop handle. You knew better than to take the Commander’s threats lightly. You stand paralysed; you might accept your fate but it doesn’t make facing it any easier.
The pounding at the door shakes you. You leave the mop in the bucket and wipe your shaking hands on your apron. You pull open the arched door to greet the duo on the doorstep. One man, a Commander you’ve seen before, the other in full black; he may be an Eye.
“Commander Hansen,” you pronounce coldly, “under his eye.”
He smirks and gives you that sly look that makes his blue eyes twinkle. The same leer he gave to the household’s former matriarch and their fleeting handmaid. The kind that is most ungodly.
“Here to see the boss man,” Hansen declares, “he must be around. I hear he’s a hermit now.”
“Yes, Commander, I will go–” You back up as your smock ripples around your legs and his eyes stray down to the cinch of your apron.
“Hansen,” the sonorous voice fans down from the stairs; not loud but deep enough to reach you. 
You step back and fold your hands over your apron, chin down. There is some hope in that the visit is not entirely expected. Commander Shelby steps onto the lower level, a pipe in his mouth as he hums and approaches his guest.
“What is it?” He asks harshly as he pulls the pipe free, letting it smoke freely before him.
“I am here on behalf of The Committee. Your peers,” Hansen replies sharply, “making sure you are more than an empty seat.”
Shelby taps the pipe and curls his lip. He beckons the men inside with a curt wave as he backs up. He pauses and you sense the roiling detest of his gaze, “coffee, it is early.”
“Yes, Commander,” you take the order and await their departure before moving.
They ascend the stairs, leaving a trail of crumbling dirt to mar your morning’s work. You spin without mulling over it and go to put on the water. It is good at least to have some necessity. To be more than an aimless shell, wiping down already scoured countertops, dusting barren corners anon.
You come to the office door, the voices carrying down the hall as you approach. You enter with a tray in your hand, set with a carafe and matching cups, a sugar dish, and creamer. There is also a small pot of tea as you know Commander Shelby does not drink coffee. You place it on the round table and fill each cup.
Commander Hansen requests a touch of cream, and his companion, silent, accepts a plain black. You bring Shelby his cup of tea and he accepts it only after a stiff pause. He does not drink but puts it down beside a closed ledger. 
You back away and retreat to the hallway. You will wander and wait for the ring of the bell should he require anything further. As you pull the door into the frame, Hansen’s voice rises.
“As I was saying, The Committee thinks that a wife…”
You shut out the last part of the sentence. It is not your concern. You go back to the first floor and sweep up the clumps of soil left in the foyer. The task is taken without urgency as you try to fill the early void of the day.
The men emerge again and leave without a word. You don’t expect courtesy. A martha is a piece of furniture, a fixture of any household. Expected but not prized.
You listen to the engine roll over and the tires crunch. The house returns to its previous stillness and you to your restless pacing, duster in hand but mostly unneeded.
A metallic clang frightens you. You’ve not heard that noise in some time. The bell that beckons you.
Your heart clutches and you set aside the duster and rush up the stairs. A stitch sews into your side at the effort. You are no young woman and certainly no one would mistake you for one.
You near the office door and find it closed. You steel yourself as you face it and raise your fist to knock. Before you can, Shelby’s voice calls from within. “Enter.”
You obey and ease the door open. Shelby stands at the window, his back to you, his shoulders made broader by the cut of his vest. The smoke of his pipe tickles your throat.
He doesn’t need to give an order. You gather the empty cups onto the tray. He puffs quietly.
“The car must be readied,” he declares to the pane.
“Commander,” you affirm.
“I don’t want to see you again today. I've had enough of your face.”
You nod and take the tray. His cup is empty, as is the tea pot. His words are betrayed by his actions. It is not that he doesn’t need your work, it is that he resents it. As much as you resent him and this world. On that, you can commiserate.
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kana-daydreams · 4 months
𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐤𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 || 𝐔𝐬𝐨𝐩𝐩
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summary: you— a princess. a delicate and fragile flower aka 'the damsel in distress’ give the Great Usopp a 'great' surprise. genre: gen cw: minor spoilers. ice hunter arc wc: 0.7k
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“Princess, this is the day your eyes get the blessing of witnessing the Great Usopp vanquish his enemies.”
Atop the edge of an ice outcropping inside a glacier cave, you stand behind Usopp, gaze riveted on him in absolute awe as he aims his slingshot down at the overbearing husband and wife couple displaying too much PDA for everyone’s comfort— especially Sanji’s.
“I am blessed.” A dreamy sigh falls from your lips as you swoon over Usopp’s macho pretense—and him.
You were a princess distances away from home, fortunately rescued by the straw hats after they'd found you lost at sea.
And a princess who'd undeniably found herself smitten with a pirate. Heart captured by both his bravado and amusing fabricated tales he’d regale you with whenever you felt homesick.
You cheer Usopp on watching in anticipation as he takes aim down at the couple.
“You’ve incurred the wrath of the almighty Usopp-sama!” His voice bellows with confidence before releasing the projectile that zips down in the direction of the woman, and explodes upon impact, erupting a burst of flames in her face.
“Oh, Usopp! That was amazing!” You gush and Usopp smiles in pride from your praise. But you immediately notice his boastful smile replaced with a taut line and his brown eyes drawn wide as he looks down in the direction he’d sent his attack, all the blood drained from his face.
You follow his gaze to see the husband of the woman— a man with blonde hair, cowboy-inspired attire paired with ice-skates and tacky blue eyeshadow— who'd been knocked unconscious by Usopp, speeding towards you both, his features laced with piercing anger.
Scared out of his wits, Usopp grabs your hand in his, pulling you along with him as he whisks off, steering you both in the opposite direction.
Momentarily, coupled screams of fear and anger echo off the cave's ice walls as the man's chase of you and Usopp in particular persists, Sanji joining the party seemingly out of nowhere. 
However, the chef's chase abruptly comes to an end—Usopp his former target—when he remembers the man’s partner he’d unsurprisingly fallen head over heels for, lying injured and alone in the cold from Usopp’s attack.
“How dare you hurt my honey, Arbell.” The wannabe cowboy's voice rains contempt as he aims a kick in your direction. 
Usopp releases his grip on your hand and shoves you aside the same time the man's leg connects with his side, sending him crashing into a nearby wall. And as he does, a dreadful scream parts from your lips. “Usopp!”
The man stalks towards Usopp’s injured form that slowly keels over from the impact, plummeting to the ground with a heavy thud.
“This is what you get for hurting my honey!” The man moves to land another one of his brutal kicks on Usopp’s vunerable form, but before he can land a strike, your hand seizes his leg with a tight, blood-clotting grip.
“You fuck!” 
The piece of shit that attacked Usopp peers down at you, horror filling his face when he sees your angered expression accompanied by the suffocating feeling of your unadulterated rage.
Like a fish on dry land, his body thrases in your hold in an attempt to release his leg from your iron grip.
“W-What are you doing?!” He quivers out when your other hand wraps around his free leg. His question is soon answered when you twirl your body around at lighting speed, release him from your grip and send him flying off and into the distance.
A loud boom resonates around you and the ground vibrates in an almost violent quake, but you pay it no mind, rushing to attend to a half-conscious Usopp.
You gather his limp form onto your lap clothed by your thick winter attire. “Usopp my beloved, are you okay?” You inspect him thoroughly for any injuries, pulling a handkerchief from your coat pocket and wiping away the small patch of blood you notice smeared on the left corner of his lips.
It takes a minute for Usopp to gather himself before he answers. “I’ve had worse.” He heaves a cough, then another. “By the way princess"—his voice is rapsy as he speaks and eyes half-lidded as he stares at you, both curious and amazed—"you handed it to that guy pretty good. Why didn't you tell me and the others you had devil fruit powers?”
You smile a bright smile down at him, face warming from his praise. 
“Because, I don’t.”
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kandisheek · 2 months
Cap-Ironman Rec Week 2024
Time Travel Tuesday: July 23rd
Prompt: Rec all those great fanworks where Tony or Steve (or Tony and Steve) travel to the past or the future or to an alternate past or future and discover unexpected realities and new truths!
I absolutely love this trope! And we are truly blessed in this fandom to have so many fantastic authors tackling it. Here is a very small selection of my favorite time-travel / timey-wimey-shenanigan fics:
-- And Has Time Enough by wanttobeatree
Tony asks if they have met. It's a matter of perspective. (A Time Traveller's Wife AU.)
-- Double Time by Sineala
Cassino, Italy, December 1943. Special Agent Tony Stark, former Marvels adventurer, is sent to investigate a Cosmic Cube found by the Invaders -- and it's the perfect opportunity for him to rekindle his secret romance with Steve Rogers. But when Hydra attempts to steal the Cube, an inadvertent wish for help leads to the appearance of a Tony from the future of another world: Director Stark of SHIELD. This Tony is a man with a lot on his mind. He refuses to tell them anything about the future, but he seems to know much more than he should about Captain America. And something's happened that's clearly killing him inside, but he's not talking. When Director Stark's failed attempt to return home leads to the unexpected appearance of another visitor from his universe, all the lies come undone. Now there are two wars to fight, and the second one could ruin all of them.
-- A Shadow Hanging Over Our Fate by CaptainDean13
The Avengers get sent back in time to WWII where they run into the Howling Commandos... complete with Bucky and Steve. Little hard to explain that away, especially when you are trying to keep some major secrets. Secrets like how you ended up in the future and why the hell Bucky is now a scary (reformed) assassin with a metal arm, not to mention that you married your friend's son.
-- The Good or Bad Thing by petreparkour
“It’s the metal suit,” Thor informed Steve, his normally-booming voice tinny over the SHIELD comms. “What did Stark call it—Iron Man?” “But he’s down here,” Steve protested as the Hulk roared in Stark’s face, startling him into waking with a shout. “How could—” “It’s damaged,” Thor reported. “But it looks different. More advanced. And he—ah. He’s carrying you, Captain.” “Please tell me nobody kissed me,” Stark breathed out, and then Stark’s voice suddenly came over the comms, but the man lying next to him hadn’t moved.  “Guys, come on, you’re killing me here. What is it, 2012? God, I hate time travel. First, I'm fighting Thanos. Now, I have to deal with my past self and Thor's bad haircut? Oh my God, Cap, yes I hacked their comms, they’re my comms.” Steve nearly opened his mouth to protest that he hadn’t said anything when he realized that this replica of Tony Stark wasn’t speaking to him.
-- Calls Me Home by steve-capsicle-rogers (adorable_lab_rat)
Tony can't help but notice the far away look on Steve's face. The visible pain and loss. It wasn't right and giving Steve back everything he'd lost was the right choice. The right thing. And honestly Tony didn't do the right thing near enough.
-- A Hundred Times, Once by FestiveFerret, SirSapling
The shrill tone of his SHIELD beeper pulls Steve out of sleep and into battle. He fights robots, he fights Tony's shameless advances, he fights the exhaustion that threatens to take over him, drown him. And then the next morning, he wakes and does it again. Exactly the same. And again. And again. And again.
-- hunters seeking solid ground by laramara
In the wake of the battle with Thanos, Steve feels unmoored in a way he hasn’t since before he ate shawarma with a group of virtual strangers and thought maybe, maybe he could one day find a place here. Steve returns the stones, and has a few unexpected interactions and makes some decisions along the way.
-- The Butterfly Effect by itsallAvengers
While fighting with Loki, Steve Rogers from 2012 hears the two simple words: "Bucky's alive." And the whole universe ripples with the aftershocks.
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N 3 W B E G 1 N N 1 N G S : S A T A N
C H A P T E R 1 N E
Warnings: Not in this one so much. Referencing to events of SE7EN series, a short chapter, chapters 2 and 3 is where it's going to be at, there is mentions/references to how Heeseung obtained his y/n, pregnancy, the members are all 7 princes of hell, mentions of demons and angels.
“What’s going on with you? Ever since you came back from your last visit from the mortal realm with Asmo, you seem out of it.” 
A small breeze swifts through Sunghoon’s hair while Jungwon steps into the scene of his royal abode. Each brother inherited their own lavish palace, stationed in separate regions throughout Hell, courtesy of the eldest brother. Within their respective estates, the brothers meticulously designed and decorated the dwellings to reflect their tasteful fashion, mapping out the aura of his own personal nature. Despite being one of the infamous Seven Princes of Hell, Sunghoon had always adored the color white. It reminded him of his formal hearth back when he and his siblings resided in their former master’s Heavenly kingdom, as his main ArchAngels. Keeping in memory of the past, his kingdom flourished in lush white Lilies, surrounding the beige, and gold infrastructures that outlined the points of his castle. The interior matched with tapestries, draperies, and ornaments of similar colors, never to extend past the hues of the soft and natural palettes. 
He doesn’t answer his younger brother, at least not immediately. Detracting his mind, he changes the course of the subject by asking how the Queen and King are fairing. 
“They’re doing well. I stepped in for a visit just yesterday, the Queen is handling the pregnancy rather well, considering she had only adjusted to immortality not long before conceiving.” 
Dragging his finger along the white satin threaded backdrop, Jungwon softly chuckles as he makes his remarks regarding his eldest brother, and his new found bride. “She’s adjusting well….perhaps not by choice, either way, she at least knows her place is by Heeseung’s side.” 
Nodding, Sunghoon’s attention drifts back to the moment when he saw you. In spite of meeting you for a few seconds– if you can even call it a meeting, subsequently you had unknowingly created a stir within Satan himself. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but there was something about you that he couldn’t get off his mind. Not a moment had passed since, where he didn’t think of who you were, what continent you came from, or what name you were blessed with upon your birth. Some days, it was more frustrating than nostalgic when drafting the details of your face in his mind, since he couldn’t quite figure out what it was that caused you to become engraved in his heart. Surely, this couldn’t be the very thing that had caused his elder brother to become engrossed with his mortal bride, thousands of years before she even came into existence. This couldn’t be the same tortuous ache that pained him all that time, forcing him to lay dormant in a state of unconsciousness and choosing to dream of her versus spending his time awake. This couldn’t be…
“Where is Heeseung? Is he currently in the Sanguis Orchid Palatium?” 
Jungwon nods with a sly smirk, sensing the urgency of his elder as he immediately exits the great hall. Using the ranges of his abilities in dark magic, Sunghoon transports to the home of his eldest sibling. Arriving at the grand entrance, Heeseung’s empty throne lays ahead, paired with the seating that belonged to his beloved wife. In front of the two royal stations, was the massive pedestal bed that Heeseung had specially made, all for him to keep a solid sight on his darling wife while she laid scantily dressed. The flashback image of when the Queen was initially brought to Hell, abiding by a contract she wouldn’t have been able to escape from, travels in and out of Sunghoon’s memory. At the time, the Queen was transitioning to her immortal state, and succumbed to the King’s maniacal sense of affection and obsession. Never affording the opportunity for her to leave his sight, Heeseung entrapped his lovely darling eternally, not even allowing her to sit on the throne beside him, finding it more suitable for his queen to be in front and in plain view. His twisted obsession had triggered him to become mad with love and possession, opting to observe and study his wife nearly every day, never retiring from his indulgence in her. Even now, after one year’s time had past, the Queen lives a life where she no longer is limited to remain on the boxed framed bedding, shrouded behind sheer chiffon of the canopy that framed the bed, however, she will always remain under the watchful eye of her husband. A price to pay for eternal love and protection. 
“They must be inside the palace.” Mentally remarking their absence from their usual standing at the great entrance, Sunghoon makes his way down the elongated pathway that led to the large double doors. The passageway was lined by a parallel row of demonic guards that rendered respect to the demon prince. Breaching the monumental entrance, the sentinels that manned it bowed politely before opening the double doors, admitting the crown prince his entry. Greeted by the massive marble hall, lined by mirrored glass frames, Sunghoon swiftly walks through one regal chamber after another. 
“Your highness, are you here to seek out His and Her Majesties?” Greeted by the precedent chamberlain up ahead, Sunghoon emits a single nod in response. 
“Very well, right this way.” 
The sovereign attendant guides the Hellish prince to the colossal ballroom, which contains a lustrous detail of dark marble walls and flooring, with brass ornaments that symbolizes a Gothic love story, all lining the mighty and elegant pillars that surround the room. Ahead, Heeseung lazily sits in his second throne, with his very pregnant wife atop his lap. In spite of being in the late stages of pregnancy, the queen’s immortal standing allowed for her to remain in her usual appeal, one without a large belly. It was the aura surrounding her that strongly indicated the strength and development of the child she carries, and while she didn’t carry a large belly, there was indeed, a belly. It was subtle and rounded, smaller than what it would be had she still been mortal, yet the fact she was indeed showing could only mean that the child was much stronger than the average offspring, and possibly is taking more after its father. Yet then again, it is the offspring of the Devil. 
“Sunghoon…” Heeseung calmly greets; his deep voice faintly echoes and travels down the narrow corridor hallways. 
“Heeseung, my lady, good to see you both.” Emitting a small bow, Sunghoon lets out a comfortable tone as he greets the pair. Chuckling, the elder strokes his chin as he grows wide eyed from the sudden appearance of his younger brother. Slyly smirking, Heeseung’s devilish senses proceed him, further expanding his great wisdom and intuition. “You have something on your mind–or rather, someone…” 
Sunghoon displays a stunned countenance before relaxing to his composed manner. Chuckling, he closes his eyes as he nods, tilting his head to the side as he swoops his side part. “Has it become that obvious?” 
Responding with his own deep chuckle, Heeseung faintly nods before shifting his gaze upon his queen. Snaking his hand around her waist, he cups the subtle belly protruding under her silk dress, and leaves a tender kiss on the side of her head while issuing gentle taps of his finger tips. “Pretty, sit here for a moment and wait for my return.” She nods gracefully in response, however, contrary to her seemingly obedient nature, a golden chain formulates out of particle speckles that appear out of thin air. Binding her by the ankle, the other end of the chain slithers and encircles around Heeseung’s wrist. No matter how far or wide the owner travels, the piece extends and retracts at the will of its master, in this case, it was Heeseung. It would appear that the King of Hell had every ounce of trust in his Queen, but maintained reservations for closure and comfort in knowing that she remained bound, should he be further than one-arm’s distance away. 
The two walked across the ballroom, stationed between two pillars that faced a large balcony that overlooked the entire region. Heeseung’s castle resided on the highest peak in the underworld, quite fitting for the Prince of Darkness. 
“So who did you see on your last visit to the human world?” Peaking a brow, Heeseung admires the wide open view as he beckons his younger brother. 
“What makes you think it was a mortal?” 
Hearing Sunghoon out, Heeseung flares his traditional smirk as he side-eyes his sibling. “I never said that it was…” 
Sunghoon gives out a series of blinks before sighing in defeat. Heeseung was far too clever to be dragged into the trenches of a guessing game, or perhaps the former was simply terrible in drawing out explanations. Either way, Sunghoon punches through the icebreaker and cuts to the point. “When you saw the Queen, was it the same?” 
Heeseung side-eyes his brother once more, this time without a smirk accompanying it. Clicking his tongue on the roof of his mouth, he glances over his shoulder and peeks at his beloved, remaining poised and obedient on his throne. Switching his gaze back on the horizon, he understood the pain that Sunghoon was breaching, he understood it all too well. However, his younger sibling has an advantage, one that wasn’t afforded to Heeseung himself, at least not for seven thousand years time. Imparting the only guidance he had to offer, he comforts Sunghoon’s mind and provides a calming solution to the storm that was brewing in his demon heart. 
“Do you think of her night and day?”
“Do you know where to find her?”
“Then go get her.”
Sunghoon slowly turns and faces his elder, pawning a reflective stare, only to find Heeseung’s side profile kissed by the permanent moon’s light, enhancing his noble elegance. His eyes remained thoughtful, taking his heart back to a time where he recalled the feeling of longing and desiring for the one thing that remained unreal for so long. His silence spoke louder than any word in existence, and he knew that his message was received.  With that, Heeseung softly pats Sunghoon’s shoulder, before turning away to tend back to his queen. Committing a half turn, watching as his brother takes the queen's hands, and aids her to stand all the while caressing her cheek, Sunghoon reflects back to a time when he and his brothers witnessed a change in Heeseung. Back to a time when he blocked the sight of his eyes beneath black lace, and silently waited for many years, until the time finally came when he rediscovered his love, looking exactly the way she had when he traveled through the corridors of time and became mesmerized by her image. 
And here, he now stands, emotionally resembling his elder brother’s past, although unlike Heeseung, Sunghoon is presented with a choice, one that he does not have to wait seven thousand years for. 
Stroking her cheek, Heeseung dispels a hazy gaze under heavy lids, admiring the most precious wonder in his lifetime. Watching as she turns, looking past the sheer curtains that shelter the grand ballroom of the open air that ties with the deep horizon, she remarks Sunghoon’s sudden disappearance. “He left?” 
Turning his face in the same direction, Heeseung smirks as he softly grips the side of his beloved’s neck. “Yes, as he should.” 
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sailtomarina · 1 year
Fake love
She’d watched him these past few years—not in some obsessed manner, but off-handedly, a vague noticing of her surroundings. They dabbled in similar social circles of influence. They didn’t clash, per se, but there were often conflicts of interest that, more often than not, swayed towards Hermione. When a decision was made in her favor, their eyes would catch and he’d nod, eyes flashing with what she imagined was begrudging respect.
After the passing of his wife and a period of solitude, he began appearing with different women over the years. Beautiful by definition, exceptional inside and out, those who attended draped over his arm drew in crowds like an aphrodisiac. They were actresses, scientists, journalists, and even musicians. To appear with Draco Malfoy was to underline yourself as someone worth knowing.
To appear with Draco Malfoy was to accept a one-time deal.
These women who showed up at his side and enjoyed an evening of spotlight never appeared again, at least as his partner. They’d very often end up even more successful after the event, and were always gracious in their talks about the Malfoy heir, but there was never any discussion of any kind of long-lasting relationships.
Hermione’s own romances were varied and memorable in their own wonderful ways. She didn’t regret any of the connections made, instead cherishing the moments in real time. Sometimes, they’d last only a month, and at other times, they’d go on for up to a year. If she was honest with herself, she’d admit that she couldn’t imagine holding onto any single person longer than that. There was too much to do, too much to see and experience. How could she hold someone else back when she herself still wanted more?
It wasn’t much of a surprise when Witch Weekly started musing about the likelihood of a Granger-Malfoy match. Both were prolific leaders of their generation in their chosen fields. They attended many of the same functions, were conveniently single, and deliciously forbidden in every possible way. 
Hermione traced the phrases in her mind as she followed Malfoy’s movement across the ballroom. “Most eligible wizard”, “Golden Girl on the rise”, “Imagine their children”—she needed to hunt down this Marnie Scribe and her ridiculous quill. It wasn’t that Hermione was mad about the gossip. It wasn’t malicious like the Rita Skeevey articles of her past, Azkaban bless her, nor could she deny the appeal. Draco Malfoy was objectively a wizard worth consideration.
No, what she had issue with was the very notion that she’d allow herself an ounce of fake love for a step up.
Maybe it was petty of her to remember the glittering smiles and echoing laughs of his past partners, but she didn’t want to be associated with him in that way. She didn’t want to give anybody the room to accuse any future success with his influence. Hermione might find him sexy as sin, but she knew a trap when she saw one.
His eyes caught hers across the room. If she looked away now, it’d be obvious she was affected. She lifted her chin along with her eyebrows. He tilted his head and smirked. With a brief comment to the group beside him, he pressed forward, destination clear.
She desperately wanted to furrow her brow and scowl at him, but his former listeners were aptly watching the impending collision. Was this the moment that Draco Malfoy enchanted Hermione Granger?
Now that he stood in front of her, towering from above like a goddamn lamppost with his golden white hair, she couldn’t stop herself.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
There was that bloody smirk again.
“If you didn’t want my attention, Granger, you shouldn’t have let me catch you looking.” With a bow and a raised hand, he invited her to dance to the slow waltz just beginning.
There was nothing for it now that they had everyone’s attention and he just stood there in expectation.
She slid her hand into his and felt the tightening of his cool fingers around hers. He drew her into his frame, expertly maneuvering her across the floor like the perfect gentleman he was raised to be. She’d swoon if she wasn’t so mad at him.
“Careful, darling, you’re starting to show your fangs,” he said with amusement coloring the laugh in his voice.
She schooled her features into submission. “This is not what we agreed on.”
“Maybe I’m done with agreements.”
“Maybe I’m done with you.”
“You don’t mean that.”
“I will not be another check on your list of conquests.” The growl in Hermione’s voice was clear.
He spun her out without warning, sending her heart swooping into her throat. When he curled her back in, she found herself closer than before. Some might say, inappropriately close.
“You’re not.”
“Why should I believe I’m any different?”
The hand at her waist tightened, and she saw the faintest strain around his eyes. “Because I’m telling you that you are. You are different, Hermione.”
Why did the sound of her given name on his lips make her want to throw all caution to the wind?
“Prove it.”
The predatory grin that spread across his face was one she never saw outside of their one-on-one time together. Seeing it in public, now, with her in his arms and the eyes of the crowd fixated on them both, Hermione felt a heady concoction of excitement and fear.
Everything was going to change.
WC 911 Twitter prompt from @DramionePrompts
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Eddie Kingston Backstage at G1 Climax
Warning: Smut/Sex
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I cried tears of joy when my husband Eddie Kingston received the call asking him if he would like to participate in the 2023 G1 Climax. It was a dream come true for him. For the first time I was happy about my injury. My arm was broken in two different places during a match with Willow, and I wouldn’t be back in the ring for at least twelve weeks. Now this was a blessing because I would be able to be right there and watch Eddie complete.
July 15, 2023. Hokkaido.
I had seen Eddie tense before, but the last two days he was in a state I had never witnessed. Since arriving in Japan all Eddie did was work out and watch former G1 matches on his phone. While all the other competitors were focused and working on perfecting their matches, they also were taking time to socialize and appreciate being at the biggest professional wrestling event in the world.
I found a little locker room away from all the hustles; then texted Eddie instructions on where to find me. It took forever for him to make his way to me.
“What did you need sweets?” Eddies eyes locked on his phone and whatever match was on YouTube.
I took the phone out of his hand, ignoring the brief anger that was shown in his eyes. “What I need is for you to enjoy being here and for you to relax.”
Eddie sat down on a bench. “Do you know how much this means to me and how important it is to me? I want to be booked to win” He sighed. “I want to relax, but my mind won’t stop racing.” I kneeled in front of him ignoring the cold cement floor. He turned his hat backwards and shrugged, it was his way of saying what do you want me to do about it without words.
“You need to just breathe and get out of your own head.” Eddie rolled his eyes at my words. I could tell he was about to walk away, so I grabbed his thighs. “Please, love.”
His eyes became darker, he sat up straightening his back. I know my husband and he loved the powerplay of seeing his normal bossy dominate wife on her knees and saying please. Eddie had been so focused on the tournament it had been more than a few days sine that last time he fucked me. Eddie’s smirked and started to play with my hair. “I think my wife should help me out.”
I could see the outline of his cock growing in his basketball shorts. This was not my original plan, but excitement coursed through me, my panties becoming wet. “I need to lock the door.”
Eddies hands tighten in my hair, “fuck that you need to help me relax now.” I moved my hands from his thighs to the top of his basketball shorts, pulling them down along with Eddies boxers. He lifted his ass up so I could pull them all the way off before he sat back down. I left little kisses along his thighs leading up to his dick. It was swollen and almost purple. My husband needed to cum, and I needed to help him.
I licked the long vein running on the under side of his cock, Eddies hand slide down with mine and held them. His left hand wasn’t as tight, making sure he wasn’t too rough with my injury. But still making it known that he wanted my mouth only. My tongue covered every inch of his member and balls before French kissing his tip. I took my own advice and relaxed my mouth, before taking him in my mouth slowly. I was eventually able to take all of him in, hollowing my cheeks. My eyes glanced at the unlocked door, but instead of being worried it made me wetter knowing anyone could walk in on us.
Eddie seen me looking at the door. “Let them walk in on us.” He began to thrust. “I want everyone to see me mouth fucking my gorgeous wife. On her knees like a whore.”
The words, Eddie’s deep voice, and his Yonkers accent making me moan. My clit was tingling, and my pussy hole wanted to be filled, but I focused on my husband.
Eddies hand were gripping mine, when he moved them both to my good arm, using his strength he pulled me off his dick and into a standing position. My lips pouted, I was just starting to taste his precum.
“Don’t fucking pout.” Eddie unbuttoned and unzipped my shorts. “I want you to ride my dick, but first I want you to turn around and pull down those shorts and show me your ass.” I did a half turn and did what I was told, kicking them off while leaving my shoes on. Then slide my thong down bending over so far that I was sure he could see my glistening pussy lips.
“Fuck Mama.” I wouldn’t be surprised if my husband could see my juices running down my thighs. After my mini show I straddled Eddies thigh, he gripped my hips and lowered me down on his cock.
Four days without him inside me was way too long. I can feel his dick throbbing even when I was all the way down. Eddie moved his hands to my bottom. We both froze after all this time; he still took my breath away with his thickness and length. I leaned over and kissed him; it was teeth clashing into each other rough. My husband pulled away first and began to thrust upwards. I met him with each thrust, and then moved my hands to his shoulders, so I could take over.
This was not a quick backstage fuck; this was to get Eddie to relax. I nipped his ear and licked his neck. “Let me do all the work, love.” Eddie frowned at my words. I leaned back so he could have a full view of me batting my eyelashes and licking my lips. “Please.” Eddie put his hands behind his hands, signaling that he knew he was going to let me do all the work.
I put my feet on the bench to give myself momentum. I worked my hips up and down, sometimes going fast, sometimes slowly rocking my hips. I pressed down and grinded on Eddies lap going around in circles. Making sure to kiss his chest though his shirt and grip his hair.
He was getting close, his hands moved down, one on my hip, The other snaked down to play with my clit. Eddies groans were getting louder. The way he was rubbing my bud in fast circles, using my own wetness as lube was putting me over. I wasn’t going to last much longer.
“Just know baby that after you fill me up, you’re going to be wrestling in the G1, with your wife sitting backstage watching you, with your cum leaking out of me.” My words made Eddie moan swear words into my ear, before saying my name. He tensed one last time and claimed my pussy as his own. I felt his hot cum go inside me and with Eddie still stroking me I wrapped both arms around him, not caring about my cast. And shook as I came.
After catching my breath, I Slowly stood up. Eddie looked down at the mix of our cum on his cock and laughed. “We didn’t think this part through.”
I smirked at him “Yes, we did.” I used my thong as a makeshift towel cleaning the inside of my thighs, then carefully cleaned the cum off Eddies dick, before sliding them back on. Eddie eyebrows rose. “I wasn’t lying about watching you with your cum all over me.”
“Fuck sweets.” The idea was turning Eddie back on again, but he knew it was time to go back to work. And actually, enjoy it now. Eddie stood up, pulled his clothes back up and embraced me in a hug. “Thank you.” He kissed my forehead “for everything.” Eddie helped me into my shorts. Then together we walked back into the G1 world.
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sketchfanda · 6 months
A Little Moxxie Love:2 Squirrels and an Imp!!
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Skullfuck Productions was an enigma to some, a production and publishing company for material of the adult entertainment variety, or to be more blunt and direct, they did porn. Porn of a very high quality at that, enough to have fans equally among the heterosexual and lgbt community alike in terms of its demographics and have established working partnerships with notable studios such as Double Z, owned and operated by the one and only Zigzag herself. It was said that SF Productions own CEO was an enigma, any to nobody but a select knew who he was or what he looked like but his fans and critics could agree on one thing. The man knew how to make some smut!!
Mr.Sketch as he was known of course, had more that his share of secrets and chief among them was that he wasn’t event human and his studio was based in Hell itself!! And every once so often he was always on the lookout for new talent or for his current roster crop to prove they had what it took to be sexy bitches and absolute unit studs. Especially at the monthly parties he’d host in his personal penthouse in the living world, which could be considered the lewd equivalent to Queen Bee-elzebub’s regular get togethers, a veritable sea of bodies human, demon and furry alike enjoying some good food and drink and a little casual consensual fun. It was also a good chance for regulars to more or less show off their talents and prove to the flaming skull headed head honcho they had what it took to be the next big thing for future projects.
Which of course brings us to the latest ongoing party and a dispute that was drawing quite a few eyes and ears for attention as a pair of squirrel babes were busy glaring at each other with such intensity thst if they were lasers? They’d have no doubt burned each other’s heads off, but what did you expect when it came to Marika and Sarita? The bimbo and the shortstack squirrel were both nympho sluts and proud of it, far as they were concerned God had blessed them with their bombshell bodies and the libidos to match but as Hughlander once said, there could be only one!! Yes indeed Marika and Sarita’s arguments were a regular occurrence at gatherings like this and naturally these disputes could only be settled by what could be called slut-offs!!
Among the guests eavesdropping and rubbernecking on this ongoing war of words between the nympho squirrels was Verosika Mayday herself, as ever in tow with her entourage of succu-bitches. Reclining like the boss slut she was on a couch with a drink in hand, (nothing liquor loaded of course, she promises, just some Shirley temples and Roy rogers) as she observed with a devious eye. Before turning to sneak a glance at one of the bodyguards she’d hired for extra security currently standing on either side of Tex in the form of Moxxie and Millie (Blitzo was willing to be reasonable for the high price his pop star ex was offering for this gig), the former to be exact who was looking as stylish and adorable as ever. Shooting a little wink and blowing a kiss his way at how shy he seemed at the current environment he was in, no doubt the casual sexual nature of the part and the near to full nude dress code was a it overwatch for him.
Millie of course had been beyond ecstatic and excited when she found out their job was being a security escort for the succubus pop idol at a party hosted by her favourite Smut provider. She was a fan of the works of Mr.Sketch’s body of work so the fact they were at a soirée like this with a chance to even see and meet him in person was a dream come true. Hence how and why Moxxie came along, he couldn’t disappoint his wife and cost her a chance to meet her personal fave writer and director so he was willing to endure being around so many bombshells. He figured the worst they’d have to deal with was a possible cat fight brawl set to breakout between the two squirrel babes, it was looking to be as unpretty as it sounded before Verosika suddenly spoke up, catching everyone’s attention as she tapped a fork against her glass.
Verosika:*Soon as she saw all eyes in her, Sarita and Marika included, she smiled as she spoke up.*”You know, if you really want to have a slut off, I know just the guy for the job…”*The succubus pop star gestured to Moxxie, much to the sweet possum’s equal parts shock and confusion.*”This little stud would be perfect for a game of endurance, first of you two fuzzy tailed hoes to outlast the other and milk him dry is the winner, and the boss man can decide the prize…” *Moxxie could only drop is jaw and not be able to muster a word at the fact Verosika was setting him up like this, feeling like he on a platform for a hangman’s noose when the two squirrel hotties turned their eyes on him. No doubt they were thinking of calling bullshit on him but nope, it was clear they were at their point of their argument where they’d take any kinky idea on board.*
Before he knew it, Marika and Sarita bother grabbed him by his cute little bow tie, Millie cheering her man on while Verosika shot him a wink and a smile as the party goers hooted and hollered knowing they’d be in for a show if they managed to find a monitor to view. Mr.Sketch had private rooms set up with hidden cameras for the voyeurs among his guests, after all you can’t host a party with porn stars and those of the sexually liberated persuasion and not expect a free show to happen. Moxxie soon finding himself in one such room as the squirrel hotties threw him onto the bed as Marika and Sarita battled to be the first to get him naked, starting with his pants. Not able to much but pray for his survival if these two’s combined libido would kill him.
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Marika:*Face to face with Sarita as they were stripping The imp, throwing his coat, bow tie and shirt aside. Their efforts for his pants being offset by one another’s hands smacking and slapping each other away.*Back off bitch!! I get first dibs on this shrimp!! He’s gonna know heaven from me over a shorty like you!!”*The back and forth wasn’t helping Moxxie’s growing fear induced boner as the pair of stunner’s movements was making their big furry fits bounce and jiggle, risking inevitable nip slips from their bikini tops. Not to mention the overwhelming scents of their perfume was as intoxicating as the pheromones Verosika and her girls gave off, which was really wesring down his resistance.*
Sarita:”As if you wanna be!! A runt like this needs a real classy lady like me to get him off!! One round with my hand and tongue and he’ll be-!!”*Whatever Sarita was about to say next and any retort from Marika came to a halt as got Moxxie’s pants off, boxers and all as they beheld his fully nude body. Eyes wide as they felt their pussies gush and soak their things and thighs, looking in with erotic shock and awe at his imp cock in all its erect glory as inches of crimson red, veiny womb hammering pussy pounding fuckmeat pulsed and twitches as If sensing the presence of two very horny ladies. Suddenly it became clear to them why Verosika nominated this little dude as their personal judge for this slut-off as their hands grasped and began to stroke it. Making him groan and and shudder as their bimbo brains flipped switches off into full on horny mode, telling them to get right to having this slab of sexmeat rock their world.*
Which they certainly did as they got right to conducting fellatio upon Moxxie’s cock as they assaulted his length and girth with sloppy licks and kisses. Shifting between battling for control and dominance or just going with the flow and tolerating one another’s presence as they sucked and blew on his cock and balls, drowning them in their saliva. Lipstick marks designating their battle to claim this imp as territory as the imp could only groan against being caught between their competitive onslaught but he coild only handle snd endure so much. He wasn’t some sex toy they were going over using, he was a man damn it!!
Before Marika and Sarita knew it, they found him sitting up and grasping them firmly by the fur or hair in their sweet sexy little heads and proceed to unleash his pent up lusty frustration. Masacara tears flowing down their pretty faces as they found themselves on the receiving end of deep, powerful facefucking. Those heavy crimson balls slapping their chin as inches of his length and girth shoved and jackhammered into their mouths as he forced them to deepthroat it. Choking and gagging on it as flowing hearts began to form in their eyes at such assertion of dominance.
Marika has had her share of big cocks, certainly a fact and not an understatement especially ranging from partners with bodily sizes going big to small. From rhinos and dogs, particularly hellhounds to bulls and stallions and Moxxie was putting the latter two to shame and then some. Sarita much as she was loathed to admit was quite the size queen herself with a taste and presence for well endowed parters that could use her like a fleshlight and split her in half and yet the imp was definitely a whole new level for her. Their juices soaking their thongs and thighs with sticky warmth as their mouths and throats became an oral preview for what awaited their pussies.
But oh to say nothing of the flavour of his pre as it dazzled their tastebuds, making their nerves tingle with erotic delight. More so as their dominant little possum came and blew his load, showing their faces and ties and spraying into their mouths with his jizz. Gasping and moaning as they made out and snowballed, swapping the cream between them with a metal, shared sloppy desire. Gazing in awe at that saliva soaked alpha male imp dick as it twitched and pulsed, still hard and ready to go.
As the squirrel duo cleaned off one another, forgetting their mutual contempt for one another, they proceeded to remove their bikinis and things, exposing their tires and snatches before moxxie in all their furry naked glory. Brains having gone fully into bitch in heat mode as they began making out with the imp, caressing snd groping as they sandwiched his compact red frame between their warm furry figures. All the while hidden cameras within their private little love-nest broadcast and streamed this little threesome to a few select monitors scattered throughout the penthouse. First come first serve for those who wanted the best view of the action.
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Marika”Aaahn, damn daddy….I can barely sandwich your whole slab here..You liking these big furry titties daddy? Aaahn You bitch..” *That last remark was directed to Sarita who was eating out her pussy while she gave Moxxie a titfuck. Hands clasped together with his as he thrust his shaft between her furry mounds, making her kiss and lick it whenever it reached her dicksucking lips. Sarita shooting a cheeky wink and a smile her way as she teased Marika for having such a tasty and pretty pussy gushing so much. Mutual as their lust was, they were still rivals.*
Sarita:”Oooh fuuuckfuckfuckfuck!, I’ve never felt this good before don’t stop fuck me me daddy! Fuck me hard, harder!!” *The high class squirrel slut cried out with little to no shame or sense of inhibition as she bounced on Moxxie’s jackhammering dick. Arms and legs draped around the imo as he performed a standing fuck, feet firmly planted on the mattress as his hands squeezed her juicy furry bubble butt. Marika kneeling and hugging their little stud judge from behind as her tits massaged and pressed against his back as she kissed and licked along his neck. Taking delight in seeing Sarits reduced to a total whore state.*
Marika:”Ooooh good dsddy I think I’m seeing heaven!!”*Not that she was any different or better herself of course as she was flat on her back, taking it from Moxxie in a mating press. Her ass feeling the force of those heavy balls smack against them as his cock jackhammered into her greedy snatch. Sarita laying behind them, lounging on her front as she licked and kissed where their loins met and connected. Her tail wagging sensually and seductively as she awaited her next turn while shaving her self some schaudenfraude at Marika’s expense.*
Sarita”aaahn you’ve cum so much and you’re still so hard…wreck me daddy…”*The shortstack squirrel pleaded as she laid on her back, head hanging off the edge of the bed as she found Moxxie shoving that addictive dick of his right into her mouth. Her mascara tear streaked face burning with her lust as her eyes twinkled with lust at those balls smacking her forehead. Her throat swelling from now deep and filling his cock was all the while Marika ate out her pussy as her bimbo arch rival returned the favour from before. An eye for an eye as they say,*
minutes passed into hours as Moxxie fucked the two squirrel sluts either one on one or two on one depending who had the need or not to catch their breath and recover their energy. Seated lotus to sideways spooning, to having one sit on his face as the other rode him cowgirl style to fucking one in missionary or doggy style as she ate the other girl out. Their fur becoming sleek and sticky with his cum, that is when it wasn’t being pumped down their throats, up their booties or filling up with wombs. Millie, Verosika and her crew among those who got a good monitor viewing spot as they enjoyed their man prove himself an absolute sexual unit, and they weren’t the only notable figures watching, for in the private room of the host himself at this moment….
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Sketch:”I want a name to go with that face and find out where he lives. A guy like that is too good to pass up, GET!! ME!! THAT IMP!!”*The skullheaded smut magnate declared on his phone and to an assembled crew of employees, non chalant to the fact he was doing so naked in bed while having his succubus personal assistant deepthroat him. Never let it be said that their boss didn’t enjoy the luxury and perks of his work, you didn’t put out the kind of work he did without around the clock hands-on experience. The creative enigma liked what he saw and right now, he knew he wanted Moxxie as his next big star. You didn’t get an imp like thst every century or so!”
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eleanor-bradstreet · 2 years
The Balcony
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Benedict Bridgerton x Sophie Beckett Rated: 18+, explicit sexual content Word count: 1k
Summary: Newlywed Sophie and Benedict enjoy each other on a moonlit balcony.
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Sophie stood in her robe, staring out at the moonlit fields surrounding the cottage. It was achingly beautiful, the land she was fortunate enough to call her home. That she found herself on a small balcony of a stately house that she was able to call her own was also a blessing she could never have imagined in her former life.
As she stood quietly enjoying the cool night air and surveying the shadowy vistas beyond, suddenly a soft kiss pressed itself to her neck, and warm fingers grasped her waist. It was her husband, another wonder she could never have hoped to lay claim to and yet, here he was. 
“What are you doing out here?” He murmured against her skin.
She smiled at his touch but didn’t turn around. “The moon was so bright, it woke me. I wanted to see how everything looked outside.”
“Mmm,” she could feel him grin against her neck before his slow, soft kisses continued. “And what do you think?”
An arm wrapped itself around her waist and he pressed the full length of his body against hers. Sophie felt the rigid evidence of his desire on her backside and nearly gasped when she realized that he was completely nude, standing out in the open with her on the balcony. But she smirked instead. She should know better by now that Benedict wouldn’t give a second thought to being naked anywhere on his own property - inside or out. And that he wanted her again, when they had made love just hours earlier when going to bed, that shouldn’t surprise her either. He was insatiable and, she had to admit, so was she. She was always ready for her husband, always eager to seize the opportunity to have him as close as possible, to demonstrate the passion she felt for him.
“I was thinking,” she spoke slowly, her breath growing deeper, “that I can hardly believe how lucky I am, to experience all of this.”
A hand slid deftly into her robe and fingertips began to swirl, teasing her at the center of her sensations. Sophie sank against her husband with a sigh of pleasure, reaching back with one arm to hold his neck.
“To experience you.” She breathed.
Benedict’s breath was hot in her ear as his fingers twirled faster. “You must know that luck had nothing to do with it.” He purred. “You made me love you, with your deeds and words, your mind and your beauty.” His fingers moved to find her slickness and spread it across her opening. “You worked to be everything that you are, and that is what I could not help but love.”
A quick shift of her robe and now he was between her legs, his tip pressing along the length of her slit. “That is why I married you,” he whispered, then glided into her with slow and delicious pressure. They both groaned and Sophie gripped his neck tighter. “That is why you have all this, as my wife.”
Breathing heavily, Benedict kissed her neck, sucking at the skin and inhaling her scent. Then his hips started to move, slowly, pumping in and out of her. “You deserve this,” he gasped, “you deserve this.”
Sophie moaned quietly, something in her gut tightening at the pleasure of Benedict inside of her, but also the heartfelt tenderness of his words. She angled her hips back toward him, riding along as he pressed into her. Her eyes were closed, lost to her feelings, when he whispered again.
“Look at your grounds.”
She did as she was told, opening her eyes and releasing her hold on him to lean slightly forward and grasp the balcony rail with both hands. The moonlight still bathed the land in a radiant glow, and the adrenaline in her blood now brought everything into sharper detail. It was breathtaking.
Benedict held her hips as he bucked into her more quickly. “It’s yours,” he groaned. “It’s all yours. Everything. To do with as you wish, Mrs. Bridgerton. Tell me that you know it’s yours.”
Sophie’s breath was growing ragged. The pleasure her husband stirred in her and the depth of his devotion were overwhelming. 
“It’s mine,” she rasped, taking in all that she saw.
“Tell me you know you deserve it.”
Her voice grew bolder. “I deserve it.”
His thrusting had grown rhythmic and intense, his voice tight. “And what will you do with it?” 
Sophie felt so glorious, she could barely think, wanting to melt into the stone beneath her. “I will build our life here,” she gasped, “and I will safeguard it. I will make you happy, and I will love you every day. My husband…” It was getting harder to speak, and she started to mewl. “Benedict…I love you.”
A growl escaped his chest and he pressed against her back, bringing a hand between her legs and circling his fingers rapidly. Sophie moaned and her knees buckled. She gripped the railing for dear life as heat and tightness built within her like a kettle about to boil. They moved together, two bodies hot with passion, stirring the cool night air, their gasps lost to the shadows.
In time, Benedict could feel Sophie quiver and knew that she was close to her release. His fingers continued their dance, pressing harder. “Sophie, my love,” he groaned, “I’m yours. Tell me you know that too.”
Sophie whimpered, wound so tightly she knew she was about to burst. She couldn’t help but drop her head and clamp her eyes shut as she cried out, “You’re mine. You’re mine, Benedict. And I’m yours.”
The surprise of her returned oath undid him and he came, pulsing with a heat and intensity that nearly choked him. The sensation of Benedict throbbing within her pushed Sophie over the edge simultaneously. Her face contorted into a scream but she stayed silent, finding it impossible to breathe while spasms of ecstasy rippled outward through her body. Benedict wrapped both arms around her, and together they moaned and shuddered through their aftershocks, riding out one of their most exquisite climaxes in memory.
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Tagging: @angels17324 @broooookiecrisp @bridgertontess
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If you end up not continuing from the ashes do you think you’d maybe give us the plot line of what you think the story was gonna turn out (or is gonna turn out depending if you continue it or not)
I can do that :)
but buckle up cuz this is gonna be long (ridiculously long). i'll try my best to explain what i had planned for all of the povs in from the ashes as they do eventually become one pov (reader's).
Part 1 cuz tumblr said it was too long 😅
pt2 here
I'll start off with what would have been part 50 so if you haven't read up to that on my Ao3, i would go and catch up otherwise you might get confused 😅
alright, i'll start with jaime's pov since his was going to be the next one i would have posted.
he would actually go on to investigate the murder of Nuahlin the former chief of the Fiery Hands. and unfortunately Tyrion would involve himself too only wanting to help out. Surprise to absolutely no one, the murderers are Dritan and Tejas. Two of the Fiery Hands who had a major problem with you allowing Inniros to live though he should have been executed for the murder of fellow Hands. Tyrion is the one to actually find out. Tejas tracks down Tyrion with the plan to kill him. Turns out there's actually more discontent soldiers who think reader is a false prophet. They don't believe Azor Ahai would ever allow a darkin to live after killing one of his sacred fighters (they don't know the truth that Nissa Nissa was actually the first darkin blessed by R'hllor)
Jaime kills Tejas and goes after Dritan. They fight but Dritan was fighting dirty with poisoned blades. Dritan ends up getting away. Dritan escapes on the first ship that was leaving: to Yi Ti 👀👀
oh and also Tyrion maybe becoming a red priest
Reader isn't having a good time being a basic captive of the Morghons. The city that they hail from resembled a jagged, black scar from above. they put you in an isolation cell to alert a fourth Morghon who is their leader known as Augur. Without Lightbringer or Latilth, reader is absolutely alone to question what the Augur had predicted.
there are other creatures that walk on two legs who live in the same black city that the morghons do. with them they fill a small council room with reader in the middle facing the Augur who is basically like their leader since he's the strongest (magically)of his brethren. she's shown far into the future. they do confirm that she will end the long night and defeat the Others as well one day become Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. but further than that is where they're concerned. of the consequences of magic reentering the rest of the world stronger than ever thanks to reader and hatching the first dragon in centuries.
greedy people start making the journey to Asshai, infiltrating the city to find what other secrets lay in the dark country. many will challenge not just the morghons but those of the winged men and would bring upon dragon hunting. wars involving magic would inflame the known world. to save everyone from this ultimate fate, they figure it be better to let the Others take over rather than reader stopping them.
this pisses reader off so much. like they just expect her to let everyone she loves die? the augur calls her selfish and that azor ahai sacrificed his own wife for the production of Lightbringer. and you know what? something snaps in reader. she'd never asked for much of the world. hardly ever was she selfish. this though- she'd allow herself to embrace the anger she felt and be fucking selfish
and in that well of fiery hot fury, she also felt something familiar. darkins. the further she let herself burn, the closer she felt the presence. r'hllor's white flames swirl around her, burning those close and setting them immediately ablaze.
slowly, the darkin emerge; obeying the call of their champion. what rumbles the citadel was the emergence of latilth from the shadows. they had brought her along
this is where Master Ameer (the darkin that came from the city of winged men), Djal and Ovsanna are introduced.
after defeating the morghons (well, more like killing most of them), they leave to go back to the manor of shades but the morghon's giant dragon confronts reader and latilth. he's no longer aggressive toward them and follows them back. (and yes, this dragon kushul and latilth will eventually have babies together lol)
tywin in volantis! and he brought the lannister naval force for reader only to find jaime severly wounded and tyrion sparring with the fiery hands. you bet tywin gets fucking humbled in volantis and grudgingly acknowledges that joanna wasn't crazy
and now we must turn to cersei in astapor 😬 keeping true to her word, phiobe helps cersei become even crueler. phiobe uses slaves for cersei to practice on. definite fruity elements between cersei and phiobe; moreso on cersei's end cuz phiobe is not interested lol. they return to the sea and do make it to yi ti where cersei is brought to prince Heiu
and she meets the rest of his women
he's young and takes a big interest in cersei which upsets his other courtesans especially who had been perceived as the head of his harem: Lady Li-Xue
the second night there, lady li xue sent an assassin to cersei's room but the assassin was killed before cersei could even react. it's dritan who has taken a position of guard in Prince Heiu's palace
"I hear you sent the darkin after your sister. i want her dead as well"
a weird ass relationship between these two develop. he helps her get rid of her competition. he's in awe when he see's cersei kill someone for the first time.
prince rhaegar! now where the hell has he been? on the way to asshai. alizah is with him as are her two fiery hands and his own men (griff, arthur). this is what everyone has been waiting for!! 😂 the reunion of reader and rhaegar! he and his troops march through asshai to the mountain range and immediately met by Loviisa
brought to the manor of shades, rhaegar meets the other darkin as well as melisandre, weles and ray. inniros, reader and rhiannon are out flying with latilth
see you in part 2 :p
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Chapter 38
30th August 1997
"700? You must be joking!", Camilla exclaimed, looking at her sister in absolute disbelief, but Annabel beamingly confirmed: "700, Milla. 200 more than planned." "And… have they all paid yet?", Camilla asked, still not convinced and anxiously. There surely had to be a catch somewhere. They had really put their heart and soul into the planning of this event, "an evening of enchantment, fascination and the unexpected", as it said in the official invitation, tickets purchasable for 100£ each. A follow-up to last year's soiree, a huge fundraising event for the NOS, set to take place at Talisman Antiques, Annabel’s business in Dorset that was housed in a former brewery, on Saturday, 13th of September. The acts were booked, the ticket money was in, donations had flowed in, the cheques had been banked, the catering organised, and as the excitement of the day grew nearer there was mounting speculation in the press that the Prince of Wales would attend. And he would, along with both his sons, as well as Thea, Tom and Laura - it'd be their big day, the first, official, public appearance as a modern, loving, blended family. It’d be their next and hopefully final step into public acceptance, smoothing the way for another big event that might be happening in the year to come… There was pressure on the Church of England to allow second marriages, especially after Princess Anne had got married for the second time to Sir Timothy Laurence in the Church of Scotland five years ago - certainly nothing that was possible for the future Head of the Church of England - but things had to be renews, and both Charles and Camilla were well aware that it all was under hot discussion so, if they were lucky, there’d be an opportunity for them to be husband and wife, rightfully, legitimate and even with the blessing of the Church of England, in the not too distant future. “They have, sweetie, so it’s all settled!”, Annabel declared solemnly, reaching for a bottle of champagne out of the ice bucket on the table, popping it giggling.” Cheers to you both and finally some brighter days ahead for all of you!”, she added, looking at her sister full of pride and joy. God knew what a long and painful way she and Charles had come and it was the most heartwarming thing ever to see them both and little Thea finally heading into the right direction of a happy future together. Nobody could possibly deserve it more.
“Alright, Bells, thanks for coming, and… for everything.”, Camilla candidly said to her sister, as she kissed Annabel goodbye at 10 pm. She took a taxi back to Stourpaine as she wanted to spend the last Sunday of the summer break with her husband and children at home, while Camilla was quite enjoying the few days on her own while Thea was joining her father and brothers in Scotland. Their relationship had improved so much over the past few months, it had been an absolute delight and of course she had agreed when Charles had asked to invite her to stay with them at Birkhall for a couple of days before school started again. William had been a sweetheart and very welcoming towards his little right from the start, the two of them had been exchanging letters and met a few times since their first encounter before New Year’s Eve one-and-a-half years ago, and even Harry seemed to slowly but surely have come to terms with it all and had been more friendly and open-minded towards both of them recently; at the beginning of the summer break, they had all spent a day together at Highgrove, walking around the gardens and estate, watching squirrels and birds, playing games and having a nice little afternoon tea picnic on the wildflower meadow. It had been wonderful and it all felt just right now, she couldn’t wait for their very special night to come only two short weeks from now… Naturally excited, but also blissful, grateful and full of sweet anticipation, Camilla fell into a deep and peaceful sleep at around midnight, right when the 31st August 1997 was creeping up…
The ringing phone rudely shook her out of sleep at 5 am and while she was tumbling through the house to answer the call which could only come from one person, she was already preparing herself for some heartbreaking news… Had something happened to the Queen Mother or Princess Margaret? Or maybe the Duke of Edinburgh? “Please don't let it be the Queen…”, she prayed as she finally reached the telephone down in the entrance hall, anxiously answering the call with a trembling but loving: “Darling?” Silence. She could not say whether it was one minute or several, or maybe only just a few moments that she only heard his uneasy breath and a quiet sobbing at the other end of the line and she became more frightened by the second. “Darling, what’s wrong?”, she tried again, almost in panic. Goodness, there hadn’t something happened to Thea in the end…? “She’s dead.”, he finally managed to say with a trembling voice, and Camilla’s heart clenched. “Who, Darling?”, she wanted to know, tumbling over to the living room in order to switch on the television. Whatever had happened, it would surely be on the news already. And while she was trying to find the remote control, her Prince sobbed heartbreakingly, before he finally announced: “Diana.” Camilla almost burst into laughter. This had to be a joke. Just yesterday afternoon they had been giggling about the pictures of her latest “summer romance” with Dodi Al-Fayed on a yacht somewhere - she couldn’t be dead. Married in Las Vegas perhaps, or pregnant with twins - but not dead. “There.. There was a car accident.”, Charles went on and, indeed, the BBC were bringing an exclusive, showing the most awful scenes of a completely damaged Mercedes that had obviously crashed against the walls of the Pont de l'Alma tunnel in Paris. “Oh my God…”, Camilla exclaimed in shock, letting herself sink down on the sofa. How the hell could that have come about? What on earth had she been doing in Paris?
“Darling, I… I don’t know what to do!”, Charles sobbed so heartbreakingly and desperately that it made her cry as well. “My sons… they’re orphans now!” He almost sounded like an injured animal and it took everything in her not to burst into tears as well. No, she had to be strong for him now. “Darling, listen. Your sons are no orphans. What happened is just terrible… but William and Harry are no orphans. They still have you. And you love them so much and will be the most amazing dad for them. You’ve already been ever since. You three will get through this together…”, she promised him though she herself had nothing but question marks on her mind right then. She hadn’t grasped the whole situation completely but she knew it would change everything for them. But that didn’t matter at the moment. “Darling… What shall I do? Shall I wake them up and tell them now? Shall I let them sleep?” He was obviously completely helpless and Camilla wanted nothing more than to pull him in her arms and hold him tightly. "Let them sleep, darling.", she suggested. "Let them have a few more hours of peaceful rest before…" …before their world will be shattered into pieces and their childhood would be over from one second to the other, she thought, but didn't dare say. Oh God, these poor boys. "You know, I… I might go to Paris and…bring her home.", he went on and Camilla agreed: "Yes darling, of course you might. That sounds like a good plan." "I will depart before lunchtime, Sarah and Jane will join me. My mother thinks I shouldn't go. But isn't that the least I can do to… honour the mother of my sons?", he sounded so desperate, it almost broke her heart. "I think that's a very kind and dignified idea." She really did think so. Of course, Diana hadn't quite made things easy for them and she had been especially angry after her interview, but never had she ever wished her dead for one second. She was still a mother to her young boys als this tragedy was just absolutely horrible for everyone involved.
"They're going to blame me!", Charles suddenly sobbed and Camilla felt a stab in her heart. She hadn't even thought about that yet. "Oh Darling, don't be silly. Nobody will blame you. Of course what happened is terrible but clearly not your fault. You didn't force her to go on that trip, did you?" "I didn't. But, you know, if… if we were still married she hadn't been there." "Darling, please. You're talking nonsense. I think you'd better try to rest a bit yourself, before you tell the boys, how about that?" "Y-yes, you're probably right…", he said. "But… darling… when I go to Paris… Can you please come and pick up Thea? I don't want her to be… you know… here with the others when I'm away, especially in this situation…" "Yes, of course, my darling!", she replied. "But you know how long it'll take me. 9 hours by car…" "Ah, no, darling, don't go by car. I'll let someone arrange for you to fly, privately of course. I know you hate it, but… Special circumstances, you know…" "Sure, darling. I'll be there. Always. I love you and I'm with you in this.", she promised lovingly before hanging up the phone, bursting into tears.
*Side Notes:
The planned evening at Annabel's business is real, every detail mentioned happened as described. There were indeed rumours about The Prince of Wales attending, as well as the young Princes. Tragically, following a certain event on 31st August, the whole thing had to be cancelled last minute. You can read it all in the Penny Junor biography from 2017: "Linda Edwards had telephoned Camilla the moment she heard about the accident to say they ought not to go ahead. She found her patron in a state of shock – desperately worried for the Prince and his two sons – and Camilla agreed: the evening couldn’t just be postponed, out of respect to the Princess it had to be cancelled. Camilla’s concern was that the charity wouldn’t get its money. But although they offered refunds to all 700 people who had bought tickets, very few asked for their money back and many more sent in additional donations. They raised £80,000 in all, but there was no party."
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cryo-lily · 4 months
For the swtor ask game 3, 17, 26 & 34 for Issie!
Thank you Thank you for the ask! [ask prompt]
(Adding a read more because I got carried away with some of the answers)
3. Do they fit in with their faction or were they sort of born into it?
Honestly? Not really. Isadola was born to an exiled/former sith lord and rouge cipher agent, in neutral space. Only to be eventually found by the republic after the latter tried (and succeeded) to kill the former due to some old grudges. So Issie is almost literally a daughter of Imperials found by the republic and taken in by the republic by sheer chance they found her first after her mother's death. She survived and lived in the republic for decades but never really felt she belonged anywhere amongst the republic anywhere she went.
For Issie's Sith AU; it's not too much different for Issie (or Atteia as she took on a different name) where the Empire found her first instead of the republic. Different timelines, same result more or less. Except Issie tried to make herself belong even if it meant suppressing a lot of herself to do so and losing parts of herself along the way that took her a long time to regain when she eventually left the empire. Like mother like daughter on that account huh?
17. Do they have family? Silbings, parents, children?
Yes she does! Her mother is Tilera Colet Shir (said former sith lord), and Donovan Teiner (The former cipher agent gone rouge due to his own ambitions). That dynamic is a whole other rabbithole, but to sum it up, Donovan views Issie as a mistake that needs to rectified (for the mere crime of existing outside of his sphere of control). And Tilera viewed her as more or less a blessing after everything she's done, "A light born from my darkness" as she used to say in confidence to her droid R3-M1.
No siblings, maybe a few half-siblings that share their father's distaste of their half-sister (haven't too far in writing Issie's personal arc that starts when the Nul plot ends to name them or flesh them out more beyond their existence).
She does have (or eventually has) children, at least when this whole Nul plot ends anyway, with her wife Lana. They eventually have 3 biological daughters (little human/miraluka hybrids), and adopted another. First born was/is Kelsa Tilera (named after both of her grandmothers), then a month or two after she was born Issie & Lana ended up adopting an orphaned (force sensitive) chiss girl, Orla Cevrus, that had stowed away on an Alliance supply ship and ended up more or less on their doorstep to only then quickly steal their hearts. A few years after that they later rounded out their chaotic brood with Katarina Lina and Anira Candora
So their order, by age at least, would be Orla, then Kelsa, then Katarina, then Anira being the baby of her sisters. They were all given Lana's surname, as Issie didn't want them to bear the stigma that came with her surname.
26. Do they have any vices?
Oh boy does she! I mean... Yes she does. Issie is hot mess before she slowly starts to clean up her act. One that hasn't changed is she 100% drinks. She used to use some illicit substances and smoke, which she slowly began to give up as her personal life began to stabilize, which now is a once in a blue moon kinda thing.
Before when meditation wasn't really working for her she would turn to such in a heartbeat for some stress relief or to take her mind off of things. Now during her Alliance days, she's picked up some healthier habits, but when her old childhood friend turned smuggler throws some wild parties... well... she still likes to enjoy herself. That's not crime right?
34. Any major flaws?
To be honest? Only one comes to mind. Which is the attachments Issie develops with those closest to her. It's one of the reasons she started to drift away from the Jedi order the closer KOTFE rolled around, and she eventually left the order. Issie lost almost everything in her life before the Jedi found her, she doesn't want to repeat that past of hers again. She watched her family droid, R3-M1, fatally throwing his self at the pirates attacking their village to allow Tilera & her to escape, only to then watch her mother die at her father's hands (if by proxy) after rescuing and protecting her in their escape attempt from the same pirates a few days later.
Issie can't handle going through that loss again, especially not with those that have managed to get past the walls, masks, and facades she's built up over the years. So it's one of the reasons she throws herself into danger to even at least try to protect the ones she loves. Whether she's learned the right lessons from it all is still very much in the air before she gets closure on that chapter of her early life.
Heck it's probably one of the reasons Issie sustained the latest major injury that she has. Just before the Nul plot starts during a mission that went to hell, Issie, in probably an desperate act of protection or reflex, pushed Lana out of the way of an attack that led to Issie breaking her spine. Issie had for a couple of months lost the ability to walk before her new spinal implant was able to take, and recovery was tough as some of the very same of those closest to her had to help her out of her own head to begin to recover properly. Now she partially wears the new outfit she does to hide the spinal implant and back brace she wears.
She's still yet to confront the very issue that causes her to throw herself aimlessly in harms way for everyone close to her.
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princess-ibri · 2 years
So!! I think I've finally figured out how I'd chose to being Concept Art Elsa into my DisneyVerse. Ive wanted to for a while as I really liked her design and the more spunky vibe we got from her. So here we go!
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I always try to use an actual fairytale base for things in my DisneyVerse when I can, so I've based her new backstory off of a couple of wintery stories, the Russian fairytale Father Frost, and a different Snow Child story then most think of, where a woman apparently gains a child by swallowing a snow flake--which is where this story begins:
Once upon a time a Merchant's wife, who had longed for a child for many years but never been blessed with her wish, happened to swallow a snow flake while staying in Arendelle for some months while her husband traveled. Unbeknownst to the woman, this was on one of the days when the former Queen Elsa was visiting her old home and entertaining with her magical snow--snow which had unknowingly created Life before...
9 months later, the Merchant's Wife gave birth to a child with skin as white as snow, hsir as black as a winter's night, and eyes as blue as the deepest ice. And though she was always much colder than a child should be, the deepest chill never seemed to bother her in the slightest, and she loved nothing more then to spend hours playing in the snow when winter came.
Unfortunately the woman was not so blessed, and one winter in the child's third year she took ill from ataying out with the child in the old and so died, leaving the merchant alone to raise a child he was never sure or not was his, and either way he felt had cost him his wife, and so gained his ire. He married again a few years later, to a wealthy woman with a daughter of her own, with skin like a peach and hair like sunshine, everything the Snow Child was not, and who gained all the affection of their parents, leaving the Snow Child to be neglected and shunned.
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But the Snow Child had a secret, she not only felt more at home out in the snow than in a house before a fire, but she found she could control the snow as well. Sending gusts where she would and calming or increasing it according to her moods. For a few years she was able to hide her powers, but eventually her step-sister discovered her secret, and told her mother.
The woman, who had never cared for her strange step-daughter, now feared the child as a witch, and conspired to be rid of her once and for all.
The next time the family traveled together on a journey, the woman sent the Snow Child out in the dead od night under the pretext of an errand, and before the child could return packed up and moved the family out of the town, leaving the child alone and abandoned in the snow and the darkness as a storm swept in.
But she was not alone for long...
For that night the Snow Queen Elsa traveled in the storm, and she saw the child left out alone, ragged and bare footed. She swept down to save the child from freezing to death--only to find that the child didn't appear troubled at all by the cold surrounding her. The Snow Queen came closer, and sensed something of her own power surrounding this strange child left in the snow, and she knew then she could not simply take her to the nearest kind villager to be tended to...
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And so the Snow Child came under the care of the Snow Queen. She was given the run of the magical ice palace where the rest of the Snow Queen's creations dwelled, where she was the most content and where she could learn to harness her powers under the Snow Queen's tutelage and watchful care...
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So yeah! Thats the set up for my story for Dark Haired Elsa, who I'm thinking of calling Flykra, which means Snowflake in Old Norse according to the internet x)
I see her as being a very feisty and outspoken child as soon as she actually feels safe to be so, and a bit of a handful for Elsa who really never expected to be anything more then the Cool Aunt to Anna's kids. I think she and Elsa get along fairly well overall but there's definitely tension that comes up from both of their past trauma's bouncing up against eachother. Especially as Flykra hits her teenage years and her powers start to grow even more.
But there's a lot of love between all the family still, and Flykra loves getting to hangout with her new cousins and the Northhuldra and the trolls and just getting into good clean trouble now and then.
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I'm definitely seeing this concept art by Claire Keane as Asta and Flykra hanging out now x)
(This would all start a couple of years after my Frozen 3 idea. So my DisneyVerse Frozen Franchise Timeline would go
Frozen - 1843
Frozen 2 -1846
Frozen 3/Frozen the Series - 1847
The Snow Child - 1866 (Flykra is 17)
East of the Sun West of the Moon - 1870 (Asta is 18)
The Snow Queen--1950s
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transman-badass · 1 year
Okay here's what I've got for this Southern Gothic idea
@cljordan-imperium @words-after-midnight @
this is going to be one of my darker stories so under the cut it goes.
The story involves a transman historian returning to the town one of his ancestors founded in Alabama. It's not for pleasure - he has no fond feelings towards the South - but rather he's following up on a theory of his. During the Civil War and Reconstruction period there was a female abolitionist who wrote under the name Mary Tuesday. She was a widow, or spinster, in her 30s, who dedicated her life to the cause, and to charity, and was extremely well-liked by those around her. As the story goes, Tuesday went down to Alabama after the Civil War to help with Reconstruction efforts, but her group was attacked by ex-confederate bandits. The supplies were stolen, the men were killed, and Tuesday taken, along with any other women, presumably to a brutal end. But the historian has a theory, one that's gaining popularity among his peers - Mary Tuesday might have been an early transman, living a double life as a man unknown to most. And the protagonist suspects Tuesday might have survived and escaped the attack.
So down the protagonist goes to the south, to face off the ghosts of the past - his own included. Most people don't recognize him, he transitioned after he left. The class divide, between his lower middle class/working poor upbringing and the world of the upper middle and higher, is immediately on display. He's allowed to stay in a former plantation outside of the city, which he has mixed feelings about. The plantation was the home of the man who legend says led the attack against Tuesday, a man so infamously cruel, even years later, when the town put up statues of quote unquote 'southern heroes', they refused to honor him. They say the only person he loved was his wife Dolly.
And sure, they say the plantation is haunted. Sure the town has some spooky tales, most well known to the protagonist being the local boogeyman figure [that I haven't named yet]. But the ghosts they say still walk the streets and houses turn out to be very different from the ghosts the protagonists actually encounters.
This story is partially a vent. I've lived in the south my whole life. I'm not a fan. All the bad things are true, and all the good things seem locked behind a paywall. And the bigotry is getting worse, at least, that's how it feels in this small town I live in. It's all Jesus, no love. Though I will say, I have never, in all my 30+ years, heard 'bless your heart' used as an insult. Last time I heard it, the full sentence was 'bless her heart, she's so deaf she can't understand me on the phone', said with a smile and small shake of the head.
Another thing that inspired this story was how many damn stories written before the millennium romanticized the south and the confederacy. I was looking through books that are probably long out of print and just boggling at them. The past really is a foreign country.
Other inspirations include Ghostland - highly recommend that book.
I aim to have a reasonably diverse cast, just like the south I've known my whole life. Don't plan to have any romance right now. There isn't really an external goal here. I don't know who's gonna read this, and when I first thought of the idea, I joked that I'd be cancelled for it. I'm writing this story for me, I think, more than some of the rest I've worked on. But if you like this idea, you're welcome to join me.
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