#ally of Wonderland
marigoldwriter · 29 days
If there's a couple that I've NEVER seen anyone shipping, but that I've been shipping since I was little, Idk why, but I've always thought they were cute together, it's Freddie x Ally from the Disney animated series, "Descendants: Wicked World".
I've never seen anyone say anything but I love their interactions in 'Wicked World', I've always thought since I was young: "Oh, they would make a good couple", randomly.
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casinotrio1965 · 4 months
Disney Descendants : Scene From Freddie's Shadow Cards
  As Freddie waded through the murky water, listening to Ally list off more imaginary illnesses, she made a mental note of all of the creatures of the swamp her father had told her about over the years.
  Obviously there were the gators. Those were dangerous. The egrets—tall white birds with pointy beaks—were only a problem if you were a frog. Crayfish could pinch you under the water, but nothing deadly. And she wasn’t even going to think about the scorpions and anacondas.
  But as she ticked off the animals on her fingers, she had the feeling she was forgetting something. Something important. Something big. Something…
  Freddie heard a vicious snarl and froze in her tracks.
  Something like that.
  Jordan, who clearly failed to notice that Freddie had stopped, ran right into Freddie’s back, nearly knocking her down in the knee-deep water.
  “What’s the deal?” Jordan griped. “Why are we stop—” But she never finished her question, because suddenly she saw the thing too.
  It was standing on a rock in the middle of the swamp, like a king of a small island, completely blocking their passage.
  It was huge. It was terrifying.
  And it was angry.
  The beast opened its mouth and let out a roar, showing off its humongous fangs.
  “What is it?” Jordan whispered, her voice trembling.
  “I think it’s a—” Freddie started to say, but she was interrupted by Ally, who was excitedly moving toward the terrifying creature.
  “Aww! It’s a big kitty!”
  Freddie tried to grab Ally to pull her back, but Ally was already too far ahead and approaching the giant cat, which snarled and hissed at her.
  “Come here, pretty kitty!” Ally cooed.
  “Ally!” Freddie whispered frantically. “Come back! That’s not a kitty. It’s a cougar!”
  But Ally ignored her and kept moving forward, her hand outstretched.
  Freddie couldn’t watch. Ally was about to get her hand chomped off by a vicious cougar!
  The cat roared again and lashed out at Ally with an angry swipe of its paw. Ally yelped and jumped back, landing on her bottom in the swamp water. After a moment, she pushed herself back to her feet and placed her hands on her hips. “How rude!” she scolded the cat. “Naughty kitty! Naughty, naughty kitty!”
  The cougar hissed in response, shaking its head.
  “Ally,” Jordan warned, “I think we need to turn back. That is not a kitty. That is a very angry cougar and—”
  “No,” Ally retorted. “We came this far. I’m drenched in muddy swamp water. I’m covered in mosquito bites. I am not turning back just because this kitty doesn’t remember its manners.”
  “Ally,” Freddie said, her wide eyes pinned on the cat, “it’s a wild animal. It doesn’t know any manners.”
  “Nonsense,” Ally insisted. “That’s no excuse. Mum says everyone should have good manners. I’ll just have to explain that to him.”
  Freddie was starting to lose her patience. She would’ve liked to just grab Ally and drag her away, but she didn’t want to get any closer to that ferocious cat. “Ally, you can’t explain anything to a wild cougar.”
  But Ally ignored her. She placed her hands on her hips and in a stern yet patient voice said to the cougar, “Now, you listen here, kitty. Just because you live in a swamp, that does not give you an excuse to be rude.”
  The cougar hissed and spat, clawing at the air with its mighty paw.
  “That’s a good point,” Ally said, as though actually responding to something the cat was saying. “We are strangers walking through your home. So why don’t we all get to know each other. My name is Ally. And this is Freddie and Jordan.”
  Jordan gave a weak, petrified wave, but Freddie refused to move.
  “Freddie,” Ally admonished. “Say hi to the kitty so you’re not strangers anymore.”
  This is ridiculous! Freddie thought.
  Freddie had always suspected Ally was a little peculiar, but now she was sure of it. In fact, this girl had to be mad as a hatter. And she was about to get them all eaten because of it.
  “Freddie,” Ally warned again.
  “Hi, kitty,” Freddie said reluctantly.
  “Very good. Now what is your name?” Ally asked the cougar.
  The cat roared and crouched low, looking like he was ready to pounce.
  “Ally,” Freddie said. She was terrified now. “He’s about to attack.”
  “Biscuit!” Ally exclaimed. “Well, that’s a lovely name.”
  Biscuit? Freddie thought. Is she serious? Where does she get this stuff?
  “Now, Biscuit,” Ally went on. “I would like you to be a good little kitty and lie down so I can pet your belly.”
  The cat couched lower, narrowing its dark vicious eyes at Ally and flicking its tail. It was definitely going to attack.
  Freddie readied herself to run. Ally could do what she wanted, but Freddie was not going to get mauled by a swamp cougar.
  “All the way down,” Ally commanded, pointing toward the ground with her finger.
  Then, just when Freddie swore it was about to spring into the air and make a delicious lunch out of Ally, the cougar lay down instead. Freddie’s eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.
  Was that a coincidence?
  “Good kitty,” Ally commended. “Now roll over.”
  The cat rolled onto its back, his legs sticking straight into the air.
  Freddie couldn’t believe what she was seeing!
  “There you go,” Ally said, approaching the cougar. She slowly extended a hand and scratched its stomach. The cat began to purr.
  “Is this for real?” Jordan murmured to Freddie out of the side of her mouth, keeping her gaze locked on the scene in front of them.
  “I’m not sure,” Freddie admitted.
  “Good Biscuit,” Ally trilled, reaching up to scratch the cat’s neck.
  The cat purred louder and let his head hang back.
  “Pretty kitty.”
  The cat licked its paw and rubbed its ear, grooming itself. Ally laughed. “Yes, you are a pretty kitty. Yes, you are!”
  Careful not to scare the creature, Freddie slowly approached and gaped at Ally in wonder.
  “What?” Ally asked, seeing Freddie’s astonished expression.
  “ So you really can talk to cats?”
  Ally tilted her head like she didn’t understand the question. “You can talk to anyone.”
  “No, I mean, they can actually understand what you’re saying,” Freddie clarified.
  Ally stood up and wiped her slightly dirty hands on her dress. “Of course they can, silly.”
  Then she walked around the rock, where the subdued cougar was still lying, and continued wading through the swamp. Freddie just stood there, still in shock, as she glanced back and forth between Ally and the wild cat, which right then looked no scarier than a stuffed animal.
  Maybe she’s kind of a genius.
  “Hey, slowpokes!” Ally called back to them. “Are you guys coming or not?
  Freddie looked at Jordan, who looked back at Freddie.
  “Uh, did Ally just save us from a swamp cat?” Jordan asked.
  Freddie nodded, still completely stunned by the recent turn of events. “I think she did.”
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hannahhook7744 · 2 months
Ally of Wonderland Edits;
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Baby Ally, baby Pin, Alice, Pinocchio, and their four cats.
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Dino the cat (Ally's pet) edit.
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Bulletin board.
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Audrey, showing off her new jacket: you like? It's designer.
Ally: do you think the reason why your parents constantly send you expensive gifts is because they're trying to make up for the fact that they don't love you?
Audrey, shrugging: I don't know, probably. It's cute though right?
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Disney Descendants characters I think deserve a gun:
Harriet Hook (enough said.)
Sammy Smee (They are not paid enough to deal with all of this without a gun.)
Uma (Do I think she deserves a gun? Yes. Do I also think that she is having too much fun with her swords and sharks to actually use it? Also yes. I'd say to just give it her first mate, but unfortunately, he is very firmly on the second list.)
Jane, daughter of Fairy Godmother (I said what I said and I am not taking criticism.)
Audrey Rose (I think she'd have a blast with it.)
Carlos de Vil (He does have a gun. Right?)
Li Lonnie (Lonnie with a gun would solve so many problems.)
List of people that should not have access to a gun under any circumstances:
All three Hook siblings. (Not only is there very very hight chance of raining bullets, there is also very real possibility that they'd turn it against themselves within the first two hours. Like, fifty percent chance.)
Ginny Gothel (Same reason as above)
Ally of Wonderland (...I don't think she knows how guns work. I don't want her to figure it out. Regardless, she'd be a danger to herself.)
Celia Facilier (Actually, no. She'd get half the Isle and half of Auradon to do her bidding within the first hour and it would be hilarious to watch. She can have a pass.)
List of people that should actually get a gun:
Sammy Smee ✨ (only under the assumption that they don't turn it over to Harriet though.)
Carlos de Vil ✨ (So many problems would be avoided if Carlos had a gun.)
Evie Grimhilde ✨ (She deserves a treat.)
Li Lonnie ✨
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tiredflowercrown · 1 year
I did a thing.
Anyways please enjoy!!
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dragoneyes618 · 2 years
Down the Rabbit Hole
Takes place in @panthera-tigris-venenata’s Ally of Neverland AU.
Alice was missing. 
This did not necessarily mean anything, Alice’s mother and father and older sister all told themselves. Alice was a big girl now, fourteen years old. Probably she’d just gone for a walk in the woods and lost track of time, or gone to the library and forgot to leave a note, or some such. She would be back soon, and they would scold her in relief. This did not necessarily mean anything.
But she wasn’t in her bedroom, and wasn’t in the kitchen, and wasn’t anywhere in the house, and wasn’t on the grounds, and the two maids and Alice’s governess hadn’t seen her, the groundskeeper hadn’t seen her, nobody had seen her-
As much as they tried to deny it, this brought back memories of the last time Alice had been missing, seven years ago. She had been gone for three days, and had reappeared at sunrise on the fourth in the middle of the garden, near the fence, hysterical, screaming about rabbits and caterpillars and broken mirrors, her dark hair a tangled mess, her hem and sleeves stained with blood from the countless small glass shards that had cut her hands and feet.
They knew, now, what sort of realm had set its sights on their daughter. It was for this reason that the groundskeeper was under strict orders to fill in any hole dug by any animal that appeared on the grounds, whether rabbit or mole or hedgehog, and that the Liddel house was unique in all of London in that it possessed no mirrors, not even a pocket one for the master of the house to shave with.
The day after Alice had been found, every single animal on the Liddel estate had died.
Mice, squirrels, hedgehogs, even a few unlucky birds had all been found dead in the garden, on the walks, on the threshold of the house. Even Dinah the cat had not escaped; she lay at the entrance to Alice’s room, her scarlet blood staining the rug.
They had not died of illness. Every single animal had been neatly decapitated, its head lying beside it.
It had been seven years, yet Alice still flinched at the sight of her own reflection.
It had been seven years. Surely the Land of Wonder would not try to reclaim their daughter?
Alice had been gone for approximately six hours by the time the door knocker pounded weakly against the locked door. They all jumped up, frantic; Alice’s mother opened the door and gasped in horror as her younger daughter came stumbling in.
The first thought that crossed their minds was that this had indeed been a repeat of seven years ago. Alice’s face was haggard, the cloth of her dress torn. She looked like she’d been in a waking nightmare, and her feet were bare, scraped and dirty. She clutched a big package wrapped in dirty cloths tightly to her chest.
They ushered her in, embraced her, sat her down. Alice’s sister went running to get her a soothing drink, Alice’s favorite; warmed milk - not tea. Never tea - with honey.
“What happened?” Her mother asked her. “Where have you been?”
“Was it-” Her father hesitated, leaning forward.
The package moved.
Everyone inhaled sharply.
Alice presented the package to them. Not a package after all, but an infant, a mere baby; a little girl of perhaps a year old, clad in filthy rags and wrapped in an equally filthy blanket, with wisps of blonde hair and eyes closed in uneasy slumber.
“No,” Alice said quietly. “Not Wonderland.”
“The Isle,” her father said quietly, after. “The Isle of the Lost. You’ve really been there.”
She nodded.
“And you took...” Her mother hesitated, gesturing toward the baby. Alice didn’t know her name.
“Her mother gave her to me.” They’d given the baby a bath - she’d screamed, but Alice had held her and sang to her and the baby had calmed down enough to fall asleep again as they were dressing her in an old dress of Alice’s that her mother had found in the back of a drawer, yellowed from thirteen years of disuse. Alice’s sister was currently hunting through the kitchen for appropriate food to feed the baby when she woke.
“The Isle...of villains?” Her father asked. “With a baby?”
“There’s lot of babies there,” Alice said. “Little kids, too. Younger than me.” She took a shaky breath. “It’s not just the villains there. All the babies - the children - it’s horrible there, they have no shoes, they’re all so skinny, there’s no food for them - her mother, she begged me to take her away from there-” She was crying now. Her mother drew her into a hug, and Alice let her.
“I promised, Mum,” she whispered. “I promised her mother I would take care of her. We can take care of her, can’t we?”
They could take care of her. They could take care of an innocent baby. But-
“The Isle,” her mother breathed. She met her husband’s eyes; they were each thinking the same thing.
Alice squinted up at them. “What about it?”
“She’s from the Isle. There were rules, set in place when the Isle was created....”
Alice’s father nodded. “No one may exit the Isle. To assist anyone in doing so may lead to being exiled to the Isle yourself.”
His words fell like pebbles into a silent well. No one moved.
“But she’s just a baby!” Alice’s eyes widened, still a child, so young, so sure that her parents could fix everything. “We wouldn’t get in trouble just for a baby, would we?”
“We would.” He hated to say it, but someone must. “You would be sent to the Isle, Alice. All of us as well, if we try to keep her.”
“But we can’t-” Alice’s eyes were like the sky, pale blue, just before a storm darkens them. “I promised! I promised her mother, I promised!” A mother who would rather be separated from her own child forever than see her grow up in her home.
“Perhaps an orphanage, or foster care?” Alice’s mother suggested. “She would still have a good life...” Better than the Isle, went unsaid.
Alice’s father shook his head. “We’d have to explain where we got her from. There would be questions. I suppose we could leave her on the doorstep of an orphanage or something...” He didn’t want to, none of them wanted to abandon a baby at a doorstep without so much as a note, with no guarantee of her being well cared for, but it was the only option.
“No,” Alice gasped. “We can’t. I can’t. I promised I would take care of her. I have to-” She was crying again now. “You don’t understand, you didn’t see, I promised!”
She jumped up and snatched up the baby.
“Alice!” her mother cried, reaching toward her, but she was already at the door.
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wafflesex · 1 month
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I just want to point out: the twins hesitate to leap deeper into the darkness to save Azul, not because they fear for their own safety, but because they trust Azul to handle himself.
When the darkness tries to swallow Azul a second time, the twins have no issue letting him fall, allowing him to freely confront his deepest, darkest self. Alone.
“What did I tell you?” Floyd says in the end. “Leave Azul alone and he’ll figure out how to fend for himself.”
See, for the twins, there’s a reason Azul leads Octavinelle. There’s a reason he’s their Housewarden. There’s a reason they grew legs and followed him on land.
Azul embodies Octavinelle’s spirit of independence—of always taking responsibility for one’s actions, no matter the consequence. He overcame this darkness before, on his own terms, with his own set prices. He can and he will do it again. Distrusting Azul’s process would mean, in effect, distrusting themselves.
So while the twins’ approach might seem cruel and cold to the rest of the dream hopping crew, the truth remains as it’s always been: the trio’s relationship operates on trust—on the understanding that even in the ocean’s darkest depths, neither one of them needs to tell the other how to glow.
Azul is stubborn. Azul is resourceful. Azul is Azul. And nobody knows that better than Jade and Floyd.
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princess-ibri · 5 months
Just a fun question. So as we know from the sequel, Wendy has two children and one got to visit Neverland.
What do you think John and Michael are up to? Do you have a next gen storyline for them? If so, what is the relationship like with the Darling cousins?
Hey! Sorry for the wait. I don’t really have a storyline for the other Darling siblings, I figured they just grow up and deal with life (and world wars) as well as they can. But I do have a family tree I’ve been sitting on for a while!
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I always thought Alice and Wendy ought to be related to explain their facial similarities in universe, and as I’d already named Alice’s daughter Mary-Jean in my Canon Descendants rewrite it worked perfectly to have her be Mary from Peter Pan.
I decided to make Anita be John’s daughter based on her maiden name being Darling in the live action Cruella movie. And while that movie isn’t canon to the DisneyVerse I did like the thought of tying her into the family.
The Alice in “Alice’s Wonderland Bakery” is said to be the great granddaughter of the og Alice so I made her the daughter of Michael to round all the Darling siblings out (plus try to get her as close as possible to a time when tennis shoes existed).
I knew I wanted to tie in Lizzie from the Tinkerbell movies somehow, and having her be the younger sister of Wendy’s eventual husband felt like a good fit. Maybe the two girls meet later and bond over their mutual magical experiences and that’s how Wendy meets Edward.
I already had a daughter for Jane as part of the Canon Descendants rewrite (and a name for her thanks to the original book), so it made it easy to just tie her into the family tree down to Gwendolyn who appears as a Wendy descendant in the Tinkerbell books.
And that’s the family tree!
I imagine that overall it’s a very loving family that, if not always getting up to magical adventures, definitely get into plenty of mundane ones together
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clouwn-core · 5 months
*Savanaclaw Headcanons !!!
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Heartslabyul Headcanons
Savanaclaw Headcanons (YOU ARE HERE)
*Octavinelle is next and im so excited to get to drawing them
*also this jack and epel drawing again now that the headcanons are out
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yuri-is-online · 11 months
Bitch the Pot (Trey Clover x Reader)
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Trey's birthday is coming up and you really want to buy him a present.
But what if he doesn't want it? What if he just thinks of your efforts as annoying, or even worse what if he sees right through you and makes things awkward. What if he stashes things away and makes fun of them later, years later when he barely remembers your name.
What if he's secretly looking forward to your presence and hasn't even considered he'd be lucky enough to get a gift. What if... what if...
notes: they/them used for Yuu, we're going to hurt comfort town choo choo mother fuckers, I am using the Hitchhiking Ghost names for the Ramshackle Ghosts because I am unoriginal, the more I think about Trey the more I realize Idia is right, Trey's a skethcy mfer and yeah that's hot. If you like this check out my masterlist for more fic.
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You didn't want to indulge Trey's teeth thing.
Sure it will make him happy, smooth over all your little insecurities pricking at your heart as you poke through the second hand store for what you had thought would be a really cute idea on your way here but now weren't so sure about. Besides you are pretty sure that everyone else is going to buy him a bundle of floss and call it a day, well other than Rook who has been waxing poetic about how he had "the most fitting cap for the Rose Chevalier" so all the more reason to put a little less of a personal interest into your gifting and more of a thoughtful touch.
As thoughtful as you could afford anyway. You aren't even sure Trey likes these sorts of things, though that worry is sort of drowned by how surprised you are to find nice looking china in Crane Port's equivalent of a Good Will. There is a nice selection of tea cups, mismatched saucer plates, and the odd pot sat all by its lonesome all with neatly written prices on stickers you don't look forward to scrubbing off.
Afternoon Tea Special~ Pick one Pot, 4 cups w/ saucers, creamer, and sugar bowl: all for just 25 T!
Cute, and not a bad idea you supposed even if it did feel a bit overkill. Your original intention had just been to pick up a sugar bowl and maybe one cup, something for him to put candies in that had a lid so no flies could get at his violets. But it really would be a shame to pass up such a nice deal and hey, if Trey didn't like it he could just ditch it with the Heartslabyul kitchenware once he graduated and never speak to you again.
"Oh this is such a cute little selection!" The lady at the counter's eyes practically sparkle as she carefully wraps up your choices in tissue paper.
"It's a birthday gift." You can't help but mumble and the sparkle flutters out to her entire body, ah that's right, this lady always did look a bit bored when you came in. It seems like you have fed her and her knitting circle for the rest of the week.
"Well then this won't to at all." She huffs and stops wrapping up your order and bends under her counter, the tell tale ruffles of paper and boxes sounding oddly comforting as she produces what you think is a hat box and proudly begins to organize the mismatched set and fetches out even more tissue paper. "Must be for someone important with how long you've been eyeing up a sugar bowl." She wiggles her eye brows. You try to keep your focus on said bowl, you didn't realize she'd been watching you but then again you have been coming down here every spare weekend to stare at it. This shop was nice, it had a bunch of cheap clothes and nick knacks that were used sure, but a life saver for someone from a completely different world. If the lady is thankfully not offended by your silence. She simply tacks your receipt to the box and sends you off with a wink.
"Thank you for your purchase! Please come back soon!" And tell me all bout it! You swear she says it but you don't hear it, too much blood is thrumming in your ears
The hat box is not out of place among the gifts on the party table, so trey doesn't have an excuse to stare at it even if his eyes keep coming back to it. It's lavender, plain save for the cream bow he hopes Yuu tied around it, and had been decently heavy when he picked it up before Cater scolded him about playing favorites.
"Be a good Senior and eat the cookies we made for you until Riddle brings out the cake." He flicks his nose with a knowing look. "Normal people save the best for last right? I'm sure Yuu-yuu will be fine with waiting, since they can barely look at you today~" And of course like a fool he whips his head to look, startling them and proving Cater's point as they immediately scurry back to Ace and Deuce.
"Screw you." He's only half joking but Cater's fully laughing and probably already took a picture. "I'm just worried they felt like they needed to bring a gift I would have been happy just to-"
"No you wouldn't have." For someone who likes lying to himself Cater really doesn't seemed thrilled with his choice to gaslight himself. "You would have spent the rest of the night thinking 'ooooh it'd be really nice if I got something from Yuu, I wonder if they hate meeee, I should make sure they think I don't care about helping them some more so they leave me alone and I don't have to think about how nice it would be to-'"
"Cater!" Trey has never been so grateful to hear Riddle yell about anything in his life. "Could you please help me with the cake? I was going to ask Yuu but they had to go back to Ramshackle."
"Yuu's back at Ramshackle?" Trey reaches to adjust his glasses, trying to ground himself.
"Yes, they said they were feeling sick and-" That's all Trey registers, though he hears the rest "went back to lie down, Grim insisted on staying to make sure the food didn't get them sick." It's his party, he can't just leave that would be an extreme violation of the rules but Cater's earlier accusation comes back to him. Make them think I won't care about them. It's not intentional, he thinks it's obvious he always will but then again-
"Fifteen minutes." Cater whispers under his breath.
"You're delusional." Still Cater doesn't sound mad. "Eighteen."
"Twenty." He's already snatched up the hat box and making his way towards the doors.
"Awww Yuu." Phineas would pat your head if he could. "I'm sure it's not that bad, you're just overthinking things."
"Yeah I think anyone would be happy to get a gift from you!" Gus tries, all three ghosts perking up slightly when you smile just a bit at his encouragement. "And if not then well..."
"I know I'm just being dramatic but I couldn't stand waiting anymore." You don't mention how Ace and Deuce had been teasing you, not wanting to relive the absolute embarrassment of having been caught staring at their Vice-Warden one too many times for dots to remain unconnected. "I asked Grim to bring back some cake but I don't know if he'll remember."
"Oooh let's take bets on it!" Ezra cheers and a familiar, unexpected laugh interrupts sending the ghosts scattering and leaving you at the mercy of a familiar face.
"I think it's safe to say that would be a pretty obvious bet." Trey sets the hat box on your coffee table, folding his strong arms and firmly sticking a lump in your throat. "You should have bet on me."
"Returning your gift is not bringing me something." You huff and Trey has the decency to look a bit awkward.
"I'm not here to return it, there's rules to gifts you know." Oh no. "For example, on our birthdays, the Queen of Hearts says we get to ask for anything we want." He finally moves, unfortunately for you he's decided to use his height to his advantage and lean over the table to crowd you back into the couch. "And I spent a long time thinking about what I should ask for from you."
"Um- I well-" You're looking everywhere but him now, as if you were before. "I did get you a gift though?" He laughs.
"And you ran away before I could thank you." Trey begins to unwrap the ribbons, slowly as if he's waiting for you to look at him but not wanting to deny his curiosity any longer. "But that doesn't change the rules. Sorry, I didn't make them."
The sugar bowl is the first piece he finds, the shop lady has to have set it on top on purpose. His eyebrows raise, not in disappointment you think, curiosity hopefully as he slowly opens the rest of them.
"Sorry." You immediately say to fill the space out of habit, and Trey stops his examination to look up at you.
"What for?" He picks up the sugar bowl, just as amused as you with the clover flowers patterned across it in a nice twist on his name and half the accessories he owns. "Don't tell me you want this stuff back, its mine now."
"No! I'm glad you like," you cringe at the question in your tone and cower at the smirk on Trey's face "I mean I hope you like it."
"A hand picked tea set from the Ramshackle Prefect? It's perfect. Especially for a birthday gift for me." He carefully wraps up the cups and their saucers, silence once again falling over the room as you wonder why he hasn't called you out on your lie, the self doubt suggesting he hadn't noticed. "I meant what I said earlier you know."
"What, about making demands of me?" You say.
"Hey chill I only sort of meant it like that." He doesn't even bother trying to hide his amusement. "I mean betting on me. I know it might sound strange to hear me say, but I do have things I think are worth extra effort. And if I have to put in a lot of it to get you to understand that I am glad you are in my life, then I'll just have to do that." So he did know you weren't sick, and was just dancing around the subject to be polite as usual.
"Happy birthday Trey." Because what else are you supposed to say, and he tries his best to not let his disappointment show as he takes his opened gift back to the rose garden. "I'm- I hope you have a nice time at your party."
He pauses at the threshold of your dorm, the wicked smile returning. "I think I know what I want to ask you to do."
"Oh no." You did not mean to say that out loud.
"Mhm. But you are going to have to come back to Heartslabyul to hear it, but after the party, we can use our cups." Our cups he says, as if you had picked out any cups that were supposed to represent you.
He noticed, of course Trey noticed that there was no trace of Yuu in this very you gift. But he could fix that, if you would just give him a chance. And maybe get the calm celebration he actually wants when you do.
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alliellama · 2 years
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happy valentine day :]
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casinotrio1965 · 4 months
Disney Descendants: Info I Got from Freddie's Shadow Cards Book
Ally can apparently talk to and understand ALL cats even wild ones like cougars! she probably got that from her parents Alice and Pinocchio ! xd Alice tried to teach Ally croquet but Shes not very good at it xd also, Opal has long honey colored hair and brown eyes that were lined with golden shadows Also Opal has visions and can read peoples thoughts
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hannahhook7744 · 2 months
Mad for Tea is such a cute little shop;
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Ally: the horrors are endless. but we stay silly :3
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Ally of Neverland 2
First part to be found here
Alice lands, again, impossibly, at her feet.
(„Maybe that's because you are a cat,“ notes Cheshire Cat's voice in her head, „Are you sure you are not a cat?“
„I am a girl,“ counters Alice. Somewhere on the way, she lost one of her words: Just a few hours ago, she'd have answered that she is a little girl. But now, no. Her answer is truthful, she feels. She was on the Isle of the Lost and she is not little anymore.)
Even more impossibly, the baby is still in her arms.
It's not crying anymore and Alice can't tell whether that is good or bad. The child appears shell-shocked, bright blue eyes staring at everything and nothing at once. Alice waves her hand before the child's eyes: they track the movement, if only just barely.
That's good, right?
„That's right, little one,“ she whispers, „Stay with me. Forget the rabbit hole, all is well now. You are safe.“
(The baby makes a confused babbling sound at the world „safe“. Alice doesn't try that hard to understand.)
She wonders if the little girl will remember the rabbit hole, or the Isle.
She wonders if some half-way sane memories will stick in her brain, stubborn and clinging like the pitch, like misfortune.
She hopes not, but she knows time waits for no one.
It runs on its own merit, mostly forwards but also sideways and upwards and however it wishes, and girls and white rabbits are left to chase it forever and more.
(Or run from it?)
Also, speaking of time.
Alice adjusts the baby girl on her hip again and says: „Come along now; it's teatime.“
…Can babies this old even walk? How old is she anyway? What is her name?
No, no.
Worries second, teatime first.
Alice sneaks into her home through the side entrance and makes leeway to the kitchen: if she remembers well and if the time runs as it should, there should be some scones left.
She hopes the baby likes scones.
She sets the little girl on the counter and shakes off her arms, which were getting quite tired, thank you for asking.
Then she immediately takes the baby back again when she sees her reach for a knife with worrying certainty.
„No!“ Alice scolds, „You don't need the sharp knives for tea time: butter knife is quite enough!“
She sets the girl down, so she could grab the scones, but she takes care to check that no sharp objects are in reach this time. She promised to take care of her, after all. Moments later, she has found the scones – which means that time does run as it should! – and gave one of them to the baby. Before Alice can even blink, the scone is gone, eaten, and it makes her worry about the passage of time again, but hey, what can one do?
She stuffs her pockets with some more tea scones and measures up the tea pot with a careful gaze: she probably won't be able to balance the baby and the teapot at the same time, will she?
No, water will have to do.
So she gives the child another treat and takes her up again; the baby babbles happily, if somewhat confusedly, and makes another grab for the knives over Alice's shoulder. Luckily, Alice doesn't see, and even more luckily, her little arms don't reach.
The two girls sneak their way out of the kitchen and towards Alice's room.
The two girls are stopped in their tracks by Mrs Liddel, coughing to get her daughter's attention. 
„Hi mom!“ Alice slowly turns around, an awkward smile on her lips.
She watches her mother's expression freeze and shatter.
„What do you have here, Alice,“ she asks, voice cold as ice.
„Ehm, a teascone. For teatime, you know,“ Alice replies, digging around her pockets, „Do you want some?“
„You have a baby, Alice. Why do you have a baby.“
Alice's mind blanks; she did not prepare any reasonable answers to this outlandish question. So she blurts out the first thing that comes up her tongue:
„Wait, you can see it too?!“
„Yes, Alice. Now, why do you have the baby?“
„…Some nice lady gave her to me. On the Isle of the Lost.“
It is the most interesting thing, that this is the first time Alice hears her mother swear.
„Alice, you need to give it back. Wherever you found it, you need to give it back. Its parents probably miss it terribly.“
Alice straightens her back and answers with all the certainty of her whole fourteen years:
„I’m not giving the baby back. Her mom gave her to me and told me to run.“
„Alice,“ sighs her mother, „Use your words. Tell me what really happened.“
„I already told you!“ argues Alice back, and as her voice rises, the baby flinches a bit, not that anyone notice, „Her mama gave her to me, on the Isle of the Lost, and told me to take her!“
The little girl buries her face in Alice’s hair, tugging at it and chewing as babies do, and they have almost the same colour of hair, did you notice?
No, no, no. Alice isn’t listening, she is not.
She is telling the truth, you know? And she did promise to keep the baby safe.
„You need to give the child back.“
Alice looks at the child and sees the Isle in her eyes: Alice runs again, and then she is falling.
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