#all the things she posts in her insta are highly personal stuffs + she doesn't care how it looks like
maeflower · 1 year
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my mcs + social media / alma wiseman (ft. @griffin-wood's button maia!)
x, playlist
so alma's info dump (bc i got lots of brain rot while working on this hdjhj):
loves puppies, rom com and everything sweet. hobbies include volunteering at local animal shelter & playing games (which she streams at twitch), esp animal crossing
usually very, very shy, easily intimidated and socially awkward. but turns 180 degree when talking about or handling tech stuffs, she becomes very serious and terrifyingly competent
her insta handle matches with sally! hers is .zip bc she's a hacker & sally is .jpg bc she's an artist
doesn't like having her pictures taken but loves taking pics of her beloved ones (& things). that's why her insta handle is .zip bc she posts compilation of all her favourite things
definitely has borrowed annie or cass several times to do a puppy photoshoot session. has been granted the puppies coparent title by kent
best friend w @/griffin-wood's maia! idk the kind of multiverse power needed to make 2 buttons existing in the same timeline sdjhk but they're def going to underground music venues together or having double dates w glitch & kent every weekend
she loooves leverage, it's her fave tv series growing up. she learned hacking bc she wanted to be like hardison and her moral alignment chaotic good mostly came from watching the show. fave character is def parker
the muppet highlight story is for nick and her friends bc.. she loves muppets! she still sleeps with her old kermit the frog plushie until now
likes things the old fashioned way: flowers before date, being serenaded, love letters. keeps every poetry glitch's ever written for her in a box under her bed
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nancydrewwouldnever · 2 years
This is going to sound like a rant because well it's a rant and I'm getting the worst colds in my life this month and I'm under the effect of powerful meds lmao
First things first. Thank you so much for sharing the beautiful ❤️ picture of your sweetest bestest boy Billy, and very sorry for your loss.
Then, been reading your last posts as well as the one from yesterday (?) about mourning the image Chris had sold and i can't agree more but i have my own take. I hadn't been a fan for long, started around 2019, i never cared about cap or marvel, came to like him because he seemed a decent actor and not too problematic (had heard about his philandering, fuckboi ways, knew about minka & jenny, etc etc) and tbh it's not only the disney pr machine, his interviews where he parrots about wanting a wife and kids without actually doing anything conducive to that, or my own delusions (i don't think too highly of myself lol I'm not a raging beauty or anything special so of course I thought a peasant like myself would never have a chance with Captain all american internet bf), but there were people inside the fandom who were also hardcore promoting that image of him, that he was essentially a nice guy who was looking for stability. I believed those tall tales. I found the lily james stuff annoying already but stuck around. Enters instagram. All i see is young girls (I'm on the older side, therefore too old for grandpa evans) going nuts about likes and follows. Didn't really pay too much attention, i wanted to believe he was better than this. Then along comes Alba. A literal nobody -for reference I'm typing this from Europe, yeah no one knows her here- and all the assumptions i had made about him come crumbling down. She's an unknown and untalented 'actress' who dropped out of hs, not tall or particularly beautiful and the only thing she's good at is looking younger than her actual age and also taking off her clothes. It sounds ridiculous and parasocial yup but there were a couple nights i couldn't sleep because one of my faves had become a total joke in my eyes. I'm staying not even for the dragging but for people like you, maddy, ginger, mar and the female friendships i made on here and insta. I'm repulsed by him. I think he's the typical creep who once they turn 40 they start chasing the young ones to relive their glory days. He'll never find the love he claims to want, cuz prob he doesn't really want it. It's obvious he hasn't grown a bit not even after Slate. He hasn't learned a single thing, about himself, women, life... He'll remain stunted. And i agree with what you're saying about his self-esteem, but he's said arrogance is his biggest flaw so I do think now his 'pissiness' w the fandom and why he doesn't anything only trollba dumps is because he's somehow mad his fans didn't fall for his shit this time, girls found her nasty roles and photoshoots and let's be honest i doubt his hollywood colleagues are impressed with his sugar baby. I don't think he'll ever change or get therapy, which is sad. And i also have the feeling he only went public with this chick because his fans once again caught him with the hand in the cookie jar. So he's still trying to sell that he's a great serious committed bf. Who flies you back in economy, draws stuff on your chin and records you while he makes you look stupid. Sorry for the length of this, i needed to vent
Personally, I don't think it's a hand in the cookie jar situation (because that cookie jar was breadcrumbed from for months before the first NYE trip took place), but don't know exactly how to explain the whole mess.
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Not the previous anon but what I feel about this label-less relationship (considering that yeah I like him and I consider him attractive, but I also have mixed opinions about how he behaves in romantic relationships) goes a bit like this. It's a dumb analogy but bear with me please. In my life (I have a legal adyacent job), I have seen many glamorous jobs with high salaries, a certain lifestyle that comes with it, many perks that come with a job, etc. But at the end of the day, it's public knowledge that people working these jobs are sitting at their desks over 60 or 70, hours a week, without being able to disconnect themselves. That's the less glamorous part of the job. Sure, you can get a fancy house and car, nice clothes and whatever with your high salary but you're also constantly exhausted. Many people straight up quit the profession after some years.
So for me, a romantic relationship with him (not that it's on my cards being able to even be acquaintances with him lol) feels a bit like seeing a fancy job offer advertised on Linkedin. I see the fancy trips, the Ludlow stays, his pool, the constant photoshoots, etc. And that's it. God knows what goes behind the scenes that isn't posted prettily on social media. He seems to have a very unique personality, maybe a bit too intense even (just from what we know about his relationship with Peyton or Sadie, maybe he doesn't know how to let go). Would I be jealous of any girl who gets the nice, fun parts of a relationship with him? Sure. But if I were in the place of the girl (Madison in this case), I'd really ask myself if the nice things are worth the possibly not so nice stuff? She has already gotten maybe one or two mean comments when she commented on the nursery post. Who knows if she got any DMs in a similar sense. Feels like even being showed off on his stories won't get her necessarily good rep. Maybe Lauren or the other girls were more used to it because they have insta profiles where tbh you see a bunch of random people either praising them over their pictures from photoshoots or just being straight up weird and creepy under a swim suit picture. Feels like Madison is used to another type of social media experience -friends and colleagues from the dancing world who are generally very kind to e/o. SO YEAH there's that. It feels like, for the sake of her mental sanity, it's best if she doesn't confirm anything. Sorry for the long ass message.
No worries about your message being long. I agree with the first half of your ask. That social media distills down the look of someone's lifestyle to only show the highlights. And the highlights of being with someone like Cam include fun travels and interesting photo shoots. But that the reality is probably more humdrum that what appears.
As for the negativity received on social media by his partners, I really don't think any of that would make a huge impact. I can imagine myself dating someone exceptional and wonderful, but a downside to that being jealous, anonymous trolls trying to make me feel bad about myself. Would I really give up an amazing relationship and life for some internet chatter? Would anyone? It's not gotten overwhelming to the point they couldn't even turn on their devices without being harrassed. And if it did ever get that bad, deactivating would've been a perfectly reasonable option.
The main issue with Cam, I think, is that he's been a performer from a very young age. He didn't have a male role model growing up, and he is very much an artist to his core. Being a boyfriend in all of the traditional ways we expect might not be in his DNA, and someone like Madison, who is also forever creating and making art and seeing the beauty in the mundane, might be perfect for him right now. It seems like an undemanding, highly encouraging relationship between two people who aren't forging a romance, so much as pushing each other to fully explore their passions.
So, that's my take on what we're seeing and why it's working for them at the moment. (I came upon this conclusion earlier today while brushing my teeth. 🦷)
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#interesting#but I get I wouldn't want my real me out there either#but I wouldn't really call it insincere mor like keeping a low profile#he's always professional#maybe that's why we perceive him as 5 people in one#he has so many sides because he never reveals himself fully so you only get these little glimpses
I think the deal with Aleksi is just that he's uncommonly good at code-switching. He's highly adaptable, and the way he acts and carries himself changes depending on the situation at hand—not in a conscious "pretending someone you're not" way, but in terms of instinctively matching the tone and "language" of a situation or person. From personal experience, the real Aleksi probably isn't any one of these multitudes; he is the multitudes. Versatility and variety strike me as a core part of him as a person (see also: his music tastes, plural).
That said, the reason he's so professional on social media might just be because he doesn't seem like much of a social media person otherwise. Read: if he didn't have stuff to promote he'd probably be the guy who goes off grid for three months, posts one (1) thing, and promptly disappears back into the abyss for another three months.
Y'know, introvert stuff I guess?
That reminds me of something my mum recently told me about something she had talked about with my one-time therapist years ago. That depending on who I was with, a group of people or one person, that I was a completely different person, always portraying someone else but not the person she knew me as.
And I never thought about it more of except for in of course you start to mirror behaviours when spending time with people, much like you unconsciously slip into the accent of the person you're speaking with.
So maybe he does it all consciously or doesn't even really notices.
See, he's so good at it that many people didn't even pick up on him being introverted before his red flag tiktok came out.
And if you look at his insta the overwhelming majority of his posts is connected to his job/band/music. The captions almost always are about concerts/the album/future stuff, except for a few selfies scattered in between. I bet if people wouldn't bug him about Rilla, we would see even less of her😄 And from his pictures alone we also wouldn't have been able to guess he was friends with Robin because there's nothing there to find, just professional stuff.
He was more open and willing to show off himself in his old facebook era from the posts we had digged out once. Now there's nothing private or funny or random about his pictures. (But he's still not a Tommi).
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eeemarvel · 3 years
Hope you're having a good week!
If every single OC (including the villains) and the YOI cast were at a slumber party together watching a horrow movie at night in the thunderstorm, who would be be fine/laughing and who would be the scaredy cats?
I wasn't going to answer asks until I had officially caught up to my own writing and stuff but I absolutely adore this one.....Also, I've seen one and half horror movies and it will definitely show.
Victor isn't scared at all but he is definitely talking throughout the whole thing when characters do stupid stuff or when something suspicious happens that no one else notices. It's because he's kind of taking the plot personally. I mean, he's not the only one taking it personally, but he is the most vocal about it.
Victor, throwing popcorn at the screen: "You can trust me." Yeah, right! You know who else said that? Styx. And he ended up stabbing me in the kidney.
Chris: That one's on you, love.
He's pointing accusatorily at the screen at bad guys like
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and when he notices sus stuff, he usually notices it before everyone else so he looks positively unhinged until he's eventually proven right.
Victor: Wait, why doesn't he have a shadow?
Robin: ... because he's in the kitchen...?
Victor: Uuuuuuh....the lights are off, it's sundown and the windows are open for dramatic effect but he doesn't have a shadow. No, no, let's keep watching, I could be wrong. I'm just saying that it's weird that he's the only thing in the entire room—oh. And there ya go. He was a demon. That explains it.
Victor is also the guy who yells at the characters for doing DUMB STUFF like investigating things that are most definitely haunted, leaving their friends behind when they know danger is present, or moving into houses that have seen the murders of entire families (Why on Earth would you try to fight that thing?! Yakov, are you seeing this?! Run, 0 star civilian, run! Find a hero!)
Yes, he's being a bit of a pain but in his defense, it's a miracle that he even has free time to do this; he spends most of his waking hours being highly suspicious and cautious of the world around him and it's hard for him to turn it off. No one really minds though. Except Yuri who minds that Victor exists in the first place.
Yuuri isn't really scared but he can't stand to see people scared and/or in pain so he often flinches when it happens on screen or he turns into someone's (😏😏😏) shoulder. Unlike Victor who is constantly pointing out all the suspicious stuff, Yuuri just kind of watches quietly. Unless of course there is a poorly done fight/action/violent scene. It's one of his biggest pet peeves in movies.
Yuuri: Ok, I've seen what a head looks like with its ear severed off and this is not it.
Kenza: .......I'm sorry????????????
Yuuri's face when he's supposed to believe that someone just got shot but the effects are lacking:
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Phichit is talking through the movie with Victor because they're both trying to piece things together and make sense of everything. Only difference is that Phichit is on edge and scared the whole time and always falls victim to jump scares. After screaming his head off, he laughs hysterically as he catches his breath at how ridiculous he looked.
Phichit: Oh my god, why is she opening the door?? She should be running!
Victor: But that would make too much sense!
Phichit: Why is she doing this to me? Why—OH MY GOD, I JUST REMEMBERED SHE THINKS IT'S GONNA BE HER DEAD DOG.
Victor: And we all know—
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Chris is a thousand percent not paying attention. His attention is split between his insta where he's posting #movienight #sleepover #horrornight with candid pics of everyone and like 50 selfies, the popcorn, whoever is currently leaning their head on his shoulder, his cat napping in his lap, and Victor's outbursts
Victor: How many times do we practice monster attack evacuation drills in this city?? How is this even a plot point??
Chris: Everyone in this city is so bad at following directions—if a Spring Gate resident was in a horror movie, they'd be the first to die.
Victor: ....... Ok you're right but—
He'll sometimes catch like 2% of the movie. This is usually for when an actor delivers a line badly or someone gives a character a weird look for no reason at all. So, if someone asks him how was the movie, he'll say it was "funny" for this reason and this reason only.
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Yuri P. starts off fine but gets progressively more scared as time goes on and it's all Victor and Phichit's fault.
Victor: Well, that's not suspicious at all.
YP: What.... what do you mean?
Victor: Yuri, no one is that in to animal pelts in a horror movie unless it's gonna come up later.
YP: But there are no animals in this movie so it's unrelated, right?
Victor: ....
And then whenever Phichit screams, Yuri screams louder...
Phichit: AAAAHHH!!!!!
*person entering room on screen is smol son and not a monster*
YP, punching Phichit's arm: Why'd you scream?!?
Phichit: the music was intense! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Somehow, Yakov and Lilia have both been dragged into this movie and they're not amused at all. They're beyond bored, appalled at all the bad decision making, unfazed by the gore, violence, and horror aspects, and feel no sympathy when someone dies horribly if they felt as if the character was acting foolishly. Sometimes, Yakov will snicker quietly to himself when Yuuri complains about the unrealistic depictions of violence/actions/etc. He'll also glance sideways at Yuri P. if he sounds particularly scared, but doesn't say anything. He's already asked YP once if he wants to go to bed so he won't push the matter. Lilia honestly has no concept of how scary this movie is for normal people so she hadn't even considered that maybe the movie is too much for YP.
But, in general, Yakov and Lilia are both like:
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Except they can't actually leave because the entire agency will hound them for weeks if they do.
Celestino is suffering. He's scared senseless. He came out to have a good time at this sleepover do some quality bonding time, but he's feeling very attacked and very vulnerable. If he's sitting by Victor, he's holding Victor's hand. The hand that Victor keeps using to point angrily at the screen. Who am I kidding, he's holding the closest hand to him, regardless of whether or not it's Victor. When everything is done, he's a good sport about the light, playful teasing but makes everyone promise to not force him to watch another horror movie.
Minako can not stop laughing. It started off with concealed giggling. But as the movie progresses and they're in the thick of the horror, she's just cackling uncontrollably which makes Lilia roll her eyes and Yuri P. very confused and even more scared than before.
Minako: *low snickering*
YP: .....what?
Minako: Nothing, I'm sorry.
*silence and then more snickering*
Minako: *incomprehensible wheezing and pointing at the screen*
Yuuri K. is mildly embarrassed as Minako hits his arm and points at the movie but he is trying very hard not to laugh with her. No one knows what they think is so funny..... except ofc for Lilia but she'll never admit that. She understands. But she is not amused.
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I'll continue this soon because there's just so many characters but i looooooooove this ask :'))))
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