#all of what they're doing there DOES eventually help out because vincent's body was very much just. dying. slowly
ruvviks · 10 months
drastic + vincent please :3
DRASTIC [x] characters >> vincent mayer (oc), vitali dobrynin (oc) context >> july 2077; vincent and vitali are in tucson to try and figure out a way to stop vincent from dying after johnny silverhand has been successfully removed from his head total >> 1.6k words warnings >> death mention, hospital, needles, surgery mention
‘Vincent. Can you hear me?’
Wakey wakey.
Vincent could barely open his eyes, eyelids and head still heavy with sleep. The air surrounding him was surprisingly cool; as far as he was concerned it was the middle of summer, and he was in Arizona of all places. Wasn’t it supposed to be sweltering?
Someone gently took his wrist. The action itself did not hurt, nor did the feeling that followed– but it caused him instant discomfort that bordered on pain, the sensation cramping up his entire arm and it took him a second to realize it was the work of a needle that was stuck in the top of his hand.
He was in the hospital. He had just gotten out of surgery.
His eyes finally opened, bright light pouring in from the window on his left and momentarily blinding him as he groaned and tried to adjust. The nurse beside him gently placed his hand back on the mattress and hummed a song as she checked something on the screens, gloved fingers rapidly tapping on the keys of the digital keyboard as she typed in some information.
The soft hum of the devices around him was like a lullaby and Vincent slowly exhaled as he closed his eyes again; but a sudden weight on his chest– as well as the sudden realization of what the surgery had been for to begin with– violently ripped him back to reality and he gasped for air, as if all oxygen had suddenly been taken from his lungs.
‘Easy,’ the nurse said, placing a hand on his shoulder to prevent him from sitting up. ‘You’re alright, Vincent. Everything is fine. Try to breathe as normal.’
Easier said than done. He had a fucking cybernetic lung now– and sure, it worked, but the idea alone was more than enough to cause involuntary tears to well up in the corners of his eyes as he could feel his irregular heartbeat in every single inch of his body and his unstable breathing scraped painfully past the dry inside of his throat.
Ever since he had arrived in Tucson it had been one surgery after another. Preventive measures for the most of it– save from the removal of a bullet shard that had still been stuck in his head, the last bit Viktor hadn’t been able to dig out before– replacing damaged organs where possible and removing previously installed implants to minimize risks.
And none of it had helped so far.
Vincent was still very much dying, despite all their efforts. Initially thought to be the damage the Relic had caused in his body, irreparable at that; not so irreparable anymore but with all holes patched and the ship still sinking, he couldn’t help but wonder if Soulkiller was still working its magic.
Sure, the program had been on the Relic itself– but then again, all technology had gotten damaged by that bullet and with Johnny’s engram overwriting his psyche and then his psyche overwriting all of that to separate himself from the biochip, who knows what kind of malware had managed to sneak its way in in the meantime?
‘There’s a visitor waiting for you,’ the nurse said, shooting Vincent a gentle smile after he had managed to settle down again. ‘Would you like me to get him for you?’
‘Yes please, thank you,’ Vincent replied, not needing to ask for a name to know exactly who she meant, and he couldn’t stop his heartbeat from rising in excitement and relief when she left the room to call the man in.
It still managed to catch him off guard, to see Vitali Dobrynin out of his usual work attire. A sight he had gotten to grow more familiar with over the last few months– the whole situation with Johnny had driven Vitali out of the office often enough for Vincent to catch him in simple sweatpants and a hoodie on the regular– yet it still felt a little strange to him. “The man sleeps in a suit,” Jackie had once jokingly told him. Vincent wouldn’t have batted an eye.
‘How do you feel?’ Vitali softly asked as he sat down on the edge of the bed, sleeves of his flannel loosely rolled up and only partially covering his forearms. His hands were clasped together on his lap– for once not a single ring adorning his slender fingers– and he nervously ran his thumb over the side of his index finger.
‘Little strange,’ Vincent admitted as he reached out to take Vitali’s hand in his own. ‘The more I think about breathing, the harder it gets. I know it’s just between my ears, but– you know.’
Vitali quickly nodded, a light smile on his face as he shuffled a little closer and leaned in to press a kiss on Vincent’s temple. Which, of course, also caught him off guard; with the complete chaos of the aftermath of the attack on Mikoshi he had continuously forgotten about the fact he was dating the fixer now, and now that they could finally have some time for themselves it still did not feel entirely real to him.
‘Don’t you think all this is– I dunno, maybe a lil’ drastic?’ Vincent quietly asked, allowing the other man to cup his cheek and run his fingers down his face. ‘I mean– I don’t feel much different than before. Just increases risk of cyberpsychosis if anything. Even with all the removed implants.’
‘You might not feel it now but something is still happening in your body,’ Vitali simply replied, the pre-programmed answer he had been giving Vincent for weeks now. ‘Sooner or later you will start feeling it. And then you’ll be glad we had precautions done before it got too bad.’
‘Costs a shit-fuckton of money.’
‘Which I have.’
‘Well, I don’t.’
‘You don’t need to.’
Vincent clenched his jaw and exhaled sharply, the action causing his chest to tighten a little and he winced, brief panic overtaking him; but nothing else happened, the cybernetic lung doing its job perfectly fine, and he allowed himself to relax again.
It did not feel right to let Vitali pay for his surgeries. He had done so from the fucking beginning, no less– when Vincent had gotten a correction surgery on his chest and Vitali had told Viktor to put it on his tab, despite Vincent continuously telling him he’d get the eddies himself after his recovery.
But Vitali was a stubborn man– painfully so, insisting on helping Vincent wherever and whenever he could. Out of the goodness of his heart, of course; but definitely so out of guilt as well, having to live with the knowledge he had not been able to save T-Bug and Jackie and because of that so desperately trying to save Vincent while he still could.
If he even could.
Vincent lowered his gaze, softly biting the inside of his lip as Alt’s words echoed through his head again. He was dying; there was no denying it, even if he didn’t feel it just yet, and if they wouldn’t figure out what exactly was going on with him he wouldn’t make it to the end of the year.
If he had done the calculations right, he’d be on his deathbed on Vitali’s birthday of all days. He couldn’t do that to him.
But perhaps Vitali was right. Perhaps the surgeries did help and would at least give him a little longer than what Alt had predicted. Perhaps Alt had not even told him the truth; perhaps whatever was going on with him in that moment was only temporary and the effects would wear off the more time would pass.
But with more and more of his body turning into a machine, Vincent could not help but wonder if it wouldn’t just have been easier to transfer his psyche onto a fucking biochip too.
Would’a been a copy, V, you know that. At least you’re still you, now.
But for how much longer?
Even Johnny– or, well the voice in Vincent’s head pretending to be Johnny– couldn’t answer that.
Vitali suddenly turned, pulling his legs onto the bed and moving closer until he was sat directly next to Vincent, leaning back against the raised mattress. He wrapped his arm around his shoulders– and Vincent in return moved closer without hesitation, burying his face in his boyfriend’s chest, grateful the painkillers were numbing most of the pain in his upper body.
‘We will figure this out, my love,’ Vitali softly mumbled and planted a kiss on the top of Vincent’s head. ‘I promise. I’m not giving up on you.’
He had paused all his business and tossed aside all his responsibilities to help Vincent find a cure. Had left Night City behind– had left his business in the hands of Mikhail– and even now weeks later he was still there by his side, paying for his surgeries and keeping him company through it all. Of course Vitali was not giving up on him– and Vincent had never received such devotion before, to the point he had no idea what to do now that it had fallen right into his lap.
‘I love you,’ he simply whispered in return, on the verge of choking back tears when he felt Vitali momentarily tense up. ‘I love you so much.’
He didn’t know how much time he had left. He didn’t know if Alt was right, he didn’t know if any of what they were doing there was helping him at all–
But at least he wasn’t alone.
At least he had Vitali.
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Movie Review | The Raven (Corman, 1963)
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This review contains mild spoilers.
You know we're off to a good start when a movie opens with horror legend Vincent Price sitting in a chair wagging his finger. There's gonna lots more sit down finger wagging and lots of Price and other horror legends making funny faces. Turns out he's trying to conjure a raven through the magic of 1960s optical effects, and indeed one does come to greet him, only to immediately start talking shit. So we get a few minutes of Price reacting to a bird that's being really condescending without much cause. It turns out the raven is a magician, and needs the help of Price to turn himself back into a human by preparing a complex potion.
"Well, you got some dried blood of a bat in the house?"
"I beg your pardon?"
"Bat's blood! Dried or evaporated, bat's blood."
"How about some chain links from a gallow's bird? Jellied spiders? Rabbit's lard? Dead man's hair?"
"No, we don't keep those things in this house. We're vegetarians."
Anyway, it turns out Price has less than he needs to for a full serving, so the raven gets turned into Peter Lorre but with a raven's body, so we get Price now acting alongside Lorre in a stupid looking bird suit. Eventually other characters enter the picture, namely Boris Karloff as a more sinister magician who may or may not have wronged the others, although who started it seems to be up for debate.
This is the third of Roger Corman's Edgar Allan Poe adaptations I've seen this week, and it's definitely the lightest in tone. As you can probably guess from the above, what happens isn't all that terrifying, but it is pretty funny in a "sitcom doing a Halloween special" kind of way. The reason to watch this is obviously the presence of Price, Lorre and Karloff, all of whom are having a ball playing off each other and lounging around in the production design. While Corman isn't an absentee director here by any means, you do get the sense he was happy to sit back and watch these legends goof around. The handful of other actors don't make too much of an impression, with two exceptions. There's a young Jack Nicholson, who brings humour of a less intentional variety as Lorre's dorky son, mostly because this is the dorkiest Jack has ever been. And there's Hazel Court as Karloff's wife, who is perfect for the movie's campy wavelength and deserves an Olympic gold medal in heaving for her performance here. That being said, this is the second of these where Vincent Price gets cheated on by his super hot wife who he mistakenly believes is dead, and I have to wonder how Corman's marriage was doing at the time.
Like The Pit and the Pendulum, this mostly takes place in a handful of sets and benefits from the same appreciation for texture. Every costume in this movie looks like it would feel very nice to the touch. Even Peter Lorre's bird costume. The climax is a magical duel between Price and Karloff, which Corman directs the shit out of with a barrage of dramatic close-ups, canted angles and optical effects. It's a good demonstration of the importance of direction, because it's really just the two actors sitting in chairs twirling their fingers and raising their eyebrows and probably looked a lot lamer on set. Or maybe not. Price and Karloff look like they're having a lot of fun, and the energy is infectious.
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
Hii uhhh this is for mermay, but it's not one of the fills so please feel free to ignore this if it doesn't catch your interest!!
Idea;; within a mostly-canon setting, Duck is turned into a merperson (probably while they're trying to deal with one of the abominations, but that part's flexible) and has to deal with it while still trying to like,, function. He gets a magic disguise, but hijinks ensue.
Here you go! I attached this to "Summer rain" and another mermay prompt. It's SFW
The last time he went flying through the air and into the water while fighting an abomination, he almost died. So he’s none too pleased when he surfaces from being chucked in Lake Brahe.
“What the fuck Indrid?!”
“I’m so sorry” Mothman flaps above him, both sets of hands tapping together anxiously, “I promise this is for the best but I’ll admit the exact process might have been overkill.”
“You fuckin’ think??” Duck kicks towards shore, grabbing his hat as it tries to float away, “the others are still back there with that thing. And I fuckin hate bein’ chucked into things without warnin.”
“I don’t think there are people who do enjoy such things.” Indrid alights on the shore Duck is swimming towards.
“Well then don’t fuckin do them.”
“It is for your own good, Duck Newton.”
“Yeah, heard that one before.” He hits shallow water, wades to shore trying to shake his hat dry, “now c’mon, fly me back so we can-”
His legs crumple, sending him face first into the lake. Crawling is no good, his whole body contorting and shaking, his throat and lungs burning. He claws at the pebbles and sand, coming away with fistfuls, grabbing for something, anything, to pull him from the water, as if reaching shore will free him from the pain wracking his body.
The world is coming in photo negative now, flashes of color that don’t make sense, the crack of his bones filling his ears. He might he crying, the pain is too deep to tell what else he’s feeling or doing.
“Help” he rasps into the night air.
Human hands cup his face, guide his aching head down across bony legs, “It will not last much longer.”
“Am” he gasps, feels the Sylph turn their bodies for some unknown purpose, breathing easier after he does, “am I gonna die.”
“No. And before you ask, your powers would not have done much for you if you still had them.”
“Fuck” he whimpers.
“Agreed.” Indrid strokes his hair, “five more seconds. Four, three, two, one.”
Duck passes out before Indrid can say anything else. He’s roused by the footfalls of combat boots and wingtips down the beach.
“Duck, Indrid-OH HOLY SHIT!”
“He’s not-”
“No, Ned, he is very much alive. Had I not moved him when I did, he would have suffocated before you could get him to any water.”
“Thank god.” Ned must be by his head.
“Aubrey, can, can you, it hurts-”
“Ummmmm” His friend sounds like she’s trying to come up with a comforting explanation, “which part of your tail hurts?”
Duck sits bolt upright, then falls back into Indrid’s arms, staring at the deep green and silver tail where his legs should be.
“How are you doing?” Indrid, red glasses glinting and pink and yellow sweater hanging off his tall frame, perches on a rock.
“Great. I’m a regular, breakable dipshit who turned into a fuckin merman without warnin, I had to have Barclay call work and tell ‘em I got a flu so they won’t fire me for disppearin, anything my friends bring me to eat gets soggy, and I ain’t seen my cat in three days.”
“So...not good then?”
Duck raises an eyebrow. Indrid smiles, not his usual confident, casual one. He looks unsure, which is in and of itself kind of unnerving.
“No, Indrid. Not good at all.”
“Ah. Apologies, I sometimes have trouble parsing certain tones.”
Duck swims closer, “Sorry.”
“It’s quite alright. You have every reason to be angry and upset. Even with me.”
“Pretty sure you didn’t curse me.”
“No. But had I moved faster, gotten to you all sooner, you would not have been in it’s path at all.”
It’s so matter of fact. The same way Indrid talks about anything troubling.
“Certainly my most newsworthy failure”
“Had you not arrived at the cottonwood, it would have been rather bad for me.”
“Oh, don’t worry about the eye. It hurt, but I have felt far worse.”
“And I have yet more bad news; while I can make a charm that will allow you to be in your human form for up to six hours at a time, the properties of that abomination mean eventually you’ll have to return to water.”
There’s a flicker in the smile, so swift Duck wonders if it’s only because his eyes are no longer human, slit pupiled instead of round, that he sees it at all. Or if it’s because this is the first time they haven’t been surrounded by heat, noise, or danger.
“Indrid, you know I don’t blame you, right?”
“Of course, Duck. I was merely being thorough in my apology.” Now it’s his normal, wide smile, but too tight across his teeth.
“He was before my time.” Vincent grins as he sets the DVDs on a well-dusted shelf, “though if Woodbridge is anything like he is now, I doubt they got along. The other ministers say he was...determined when he left. Like he could conquer any challenge earth presented during his quest."
Indrid’s glasses slip down his nose and he pushes them up before Duck gets even a glance at his eyes, “Now, where did I put that pin…” He pats his pockets, freezes when Duck manages to set a hand on his shin.
“Indrid, I mean it. Didn’t blame you then, don’t blame you now. Hell, from the sound of it you saved my ass, big time. So, uh, what I’m tryin to say is thanks. For lookin out for me.”
He squeezes in what he hopes is a friendly fashion. Indrid chirps, once, face losing all trace of eeriness. Then he schools it back to normal.
“You’re welcome. Punching aside, I’m quite fond of you. I’m going to use this for your charm, if that’s alright.” A souvenir pin from the Monongahela's tenth anniversary sits between slender fingers.
“Holy shit, I been lookin for that for ages. I, uh, I try to-”
“Collect them, yes. I saw that in a conversation between you and Juno. I was going to give this to you anyway, goodness knows it took awhile to find it in the trailer, but now it can serve a greater purpose.” With that, he pulls a folded piece of paper from his pocket. Duck’s image unfolds before them, Indrid smoothing it out and setting it on the rock as he begins working. Duck watches with interest, notices the process is much slower than it was when Indrid disguised Billy.
“Am I harder to get right than Ryan Gosling?”
“Yes. Well, not technically, no, but with Billy I just needed him to look human. I need you to look like, well, you. Such a fine specimen requires the utmost care.”
Duck’s about to toss back his usual line he gives to guys who compliment him, then realizes flirting with the Mothman might be weird, or that Indrid may not have meant it as anything more than some clinical, Sylph observation of humans. He tries to distract himself by swimming, but his tail still won’t do what he wants much of the time.
“You’ll have greater success on your back.” Indrid says without looking up.
He’s right, and Duck manages to swim without difficulty, tail shimmering in the sunset. The one time he glances at his friend, Indrid is staring at swaying and rippling in the water.
When the Sylph finally calls that he’s done, Duck speeds to the rock, let’s Indrid pin the charm to the collar of his undershirt that he keeps wearing because he’s still a human, dammit, just one with an inconvenient tail and he’s not gonna start skinny-dipping in a national forest. Again.
Duck flails when legs replace his tail, Indrid’s hand grabbing his a moment before he needs it to and helping him onto dry land.
“It’s fuckin perfect!”
“Wonderful!” Indrid claps his hands together, “what would you like to do? I may need to escort you for the first day, to be certain there’s no flaw in the charm.”
Duck studies the pink light tracing the angles of Indrid’s face, “Wanna meet my cat? She looks like a bobcat that lost a bar fight, but she’s sweet as can be.”
Indrid’s grin turns genuine for the first time all day, “I would like nothing better.”
The mothman becomes a staple of his life after that. With the charm, he’s able to help the Pine Guard track and slay the abomination, go to work, look after his house, and generally convince anyone not in the know that he’s totally fine. But he has to return to the lake every day, spends his mornings and nights there, even his lunch breaks when he knows he needs to give the charm a break then. It’s far enough away that he’s in no danger of being seen by civilians, but at least once Indrid had to fly him to it before they ran out of time (and Aubrey had to teleport them there, which made him nauseous).
Indrid keeps him company, sometimes with the others and sometimes on his own. He finds waterproof cards and games, listens to Duck talk about work and tells him about his travels. At first he worries Indrid is only doing it out of guilt, but as the weeks go by he comes to see that Indrid likes him. He laughs at his jokes, gives him as close to his full attention as he can, even scratches his scales with his mothed-out claws when they start driving Duck crazy with itchiness.
His friend always goes home to sleep, which is why, as Duck is drifting on his back, half snoozing and half star-gazing, the red eyes high in a tree come as a surprise. He’s on the other end of the lake, doesn’t seem to see Duck as he spreads his wings and flaps into the air. Then he nosedives, pulling up before he hits the water and then skimming across it in broad strokes. He shoots upward, spins, and then repeats the routine.
Duck’s seen him fly during fights and to escape the Cottonwood. Never like this, never so free and graceful. It’s such a joyful sight, makes Duck wish he had wings of his own so he could join him, dance across the stars and their reflections.
He swims towards Indrid, begins mirroring him on a whim, twisting, diving, and leaping as best he can in time with the cryptids flight. Pushes his tail to carry him faster, farther, all for the sake of keeping pace with the beautiful monster in the sky.
Surfacing after a particularly giant splash, a voice lilts down from the sky.
“Race you to the other side.”
Duck loses, but only just, cackles when Indrid buzzes him so closely he can feel the tickle of his feathers. When the mothman finally lands Duck swims to him, scooting up on land so he can watch Indrid fluff and clean his feathers.
“I come to this lake to practice flying without fear of being seen. I assumed you were asleep but, ah” his antenna twitch, “I’m glad you weren’t.”
Duck stretches, moans happily when Indrid gently glides his claws up his tail, “Me too.”
“Same time tomorrow night?” Soft hope flutters between them.
“Yeah.” He grins up at the cryptid, “bring your A-game, I’m gonna carb load tomorrow mornin so I can kick your butt.”
“I look forward to it.”
It’s been a month and a half since he transformed, which puts them smack in summer thunderstorm season. Duck’s used to it, though he’s more than a little nervous about what will happen if lightning hits the lake. Luckily, tonight it’s just soft summer rain instead of electricity and drops the size of robin eggs.
Indrid isn’t faring as well. The rain droops his antenna, compresses his fluff until Duck can see he’s still a twig under all those feathers. He shivers, chirrs in discomfort and shakes off his wings, but stays put on his favorite rock.
“There a reason you ain’t just turnin human? Could put on a raincoat that way.”
“I” Indrid sneezes, “I want you to feel comfortable. It can be so unpleasant, feeling like the only non-human in a place.”
Duck swims to the rock, flicking his tail up and down as he float, “You’re always changin form to make me comfortable.”
“Yes. Because I want you to not be unnerved by me.”
“But what about what you want?”
A feathery shrug, “That doesn’t matter.”
Red eyes glare at him, “I am well aware of how I look, Duck. What people think of me. Would you have spent even a fraction of the time you have with me if your transformation had not forced it?”
“Y-fu-uh-I mean not no?” He sinks into the water as resignation becomes visible on Indrid’s inhuman features.
“I’m glad for our friendship, Duck. And I don’t doubt that you’re fond of me now. But please don’t pretend I was your first choice for company.”
“I mean...you weren’t. But that’s because we barely knew each other, hell, you only got back to town three months ago.” Duck takes the hand nearest him, “if this happened to me now? You might be the first person I’d want lookin out for me.”
Indrid chirrs, dips his head down to rub his cheek against Duck’s hand. Suddenly he wants nothing as badly as he wants to get Indrid warm and dry so he can run his fingers through every inch of those feathers.
“May I turn human?’
“Of course. Means you can come swimmin with me.”
Indrid, now in a tank top and yoga pants, cocks his head, “Why?”
“It’ll be fun?”
“My kind are not the strongest of swimmers.”
“Good thing I got a tail and gills, then. Besides, you’ll stop feelin as sticky from the humidity if you’re in the water.”
Indrid pulls off his shirt and pants, revealing duck-patterned boxers, and cautiously wades into the lake.
“Ooohhhh, that is so much better” his sighs, too blissed-out to notice the sudden drop, and only just manages to grab his glasses before going under. Duck zips forward, hoisting him easily into an embrace as he splutters.
“Blechhh, I despise the taste of lake water.” He clings to Duck, skinny legs teasingly tense around his tail.
Duck rubs his tail up and down his inner legs soothingly, “you, uh, want somethin to get rid of the taste?”
“Please.” Indrid smirks, clearly expecting a goof. When Duck tips his glasses up his forehead, he goes stone still.
“Can I kiss you?”
“This was not in any of the timelines.”
“Just came to me now. And that ain’t an answer.”
Indrid nods, tips his face forward to bring their lips together. Duck sighs, floats lazily backwards as Indrid slips his tongue between his lips. When they part, there are more stars in his eyes than in the whole milky way.
“Do you want some good news?” Indrid nuzzles his neck with an adorable trill.
“Lay it on me.”
“The futures just shifted; Aubrey and Janelle will have a cure for your condition tomorrow.”
“Hell yeah.” Duck flips them upright, Indrid “eeping” and holding tighter, “can’t wait to stop worryin’ about whether I’m gonna start suffocatin on land. And, uh” he nips Indrid’s lower lip, forgetting about his sharpened teeth until the Sylph lets out a little moan, “if you ain’t busy tomorrow night, like to take you on a date.”
Indrid beams, “I’d like that so very much. Though I will admit, I’m going to miss how this looks on you.” He squeezes his thighs around Duck’s tail.
“You can always whip me up one if we wanna, uh, relive the fun parts of this experience.”
“True. And with that in mind, my sweet; how do you feel about wings?”
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ruvviks · 11 months
failure, ghost and monster for vincent, cato and eddie 👀👀
oc asks!
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FAILURE: What's your OC's greatest failure? Have they been able to move past it? Does anyone else know about it?
to cato herself, her greatest failure is not realizing one of her squadmates was betraying kang tao. she still believes she should've seen it somehow because then kang tao wouldn't have had to hunt her and the rest of the squad down at all; to her it feels like she let down the rest of her squad, her friends, and they're all most likely dead now because of it
she hasn't been able to let go of any of it yet and mostly doesn't talk to people about any of it either, not wanting to bother them with it. she does eventually end up asking vitali for more help, which he of course is more than willing to do
GHOST: Who or what haunts your OC? What happened? How do they live with their ghosts?
cato is still haunted by her old squadmates from kang tao and it will probably take another while before she will be able to let them go. she still often finds herself thinking of a funny remark to say in response to something that one of them would've liked, or ends up buying lunch for herself and one of her squadmates completely on autopilot when in the store. it's been years at this point but because she's never allowed herself to fully work through any of it, they're still a pretty big part of her life even when she doesn't fully realize this herself
MONSTER: Is your OC monstrous in any way? Is there something that makes them monstrous? Are they aware of their own monstrosity? Do they accept it or reject it?
cato is not monstrous in any way. her alignment with kang tao could be seen as monstrous by some but all she ever wanted to do was to be able to provide security to people who needed it; nothing more, nothing less
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FAILURE: What's your OC's greatest failure? Have they been able to move past it? Does anyone else know about it?
eddie doesn't really have any big failures in his life. some people could say that his failed marriage is one, but to eddie it's not necessarily all that failed since they're still on speaking terms with their ex and they have shared custody of their daughter
GHOST: Who or what haunts your OC? What happened? How do they live with their ghosts?
eddie isn't much of an overthinker but his way into the mercenary life is still something that haunts him a little bit. i still haven't gotten the detes of the situation down entirely but he had never killed anyone before that and then suddenly found himself with a dead body at his feet and while he acted entirely out of self defense and it was unavoidable, he can't get it out of his head
MONSTER: Is your OC monstrous in any way? Is there something that makes them monstrous? Are they aware of their own monstrosity? Do they accept it or reject it?
eddie is also not monstrous at all they're a sweetheart <3
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FAILURE: What's your OC's greatest failure? Have they been able to move past it? Does anyone else know about it?
to vincent, his greatest failure is allowing t-bug and jackie to die. he still blames himself for their deaths and feels like it could've all been so easily prevented and he will never stop beating himself up for it
he also sees him losing contact with his siblings as a failure because he misses them a lot :( he wouldn't know how to get back in touch with them and thus hasn't done that yet, but there's something i got planned for the timeline that will get him back with his family soon enough >:^)
GHOST: Who or what haunts your OC? What happened? How do they live with their ghosts?
vincent is still haunted by the memories of t-bug and jackie, but he's also haunted by johnny in a way. he still has the man's voice in his head, and it's definitely not johnny anymore but it feels like it's him to vincent. his friends would definitely be aware of that but it's very difficult to talk to him about it because he doesn't want to hear about the possibility of it not being johnny; he's scared of the voice going away and the silence in his head can be so overwhelming at times
MONSTER: Is your OC monstrous in any way? Is there something that makes them monstrous? Are they aware of their own monstrosity? Do they accept it or reject it?
vincent often thinks of himself as a monster because of several of his friends being dead and he blames himself for it, but really he is a little guy. look at him. that's not a monster that's a sweet little angel boy with crippling anxiety. he needs a nap
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