#all of jc's interactions with jl are extremely stressful and confrontational
llycaons · 1 year
I actually made the decision not to go into tags anymore because there's nothing good in there but I accidently swiped the 'for you' tab and got hit with deeply unserious content
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I actually think that under different circumstances wwx would be the favorite uncle. he's a very positive influence on jl compared to jc's constant negativity and criticism, encouraging him and teaching him genuine life lessons and entertaining him. jl almost immediately became protective of wwx and became fond of him only after a few meetings, which is what makes his turmoil upon realizing the truth all the most confusing and painful for him. they stull have a relationship even in the book, where wwx was actually responsible for his parents' deaths. that's huge, esp since he was pushed from such a young age that wwx was heretical and he needed to personally kill him should he ever reappear. but jc was one of his only living relatives growing up so of course they have a special bond
the rest of this is just. where? where in the text? 'raised jin ling on his back' come on. he was a sect leader and one of several caretakers of an heir to the wealthiest sect in the story, not a single father living in a shack lovingly spooning gruel into his baby's mouth in defiance of the evils at koi tower and subsistence farming without child support. and if there's one thing he dedicated everything to, it was finding and killing wwx once and for all. along with teaching jl that wwx was evil and that he should torture anyone who might be him. like jl's safety is important to him but that was NOT his life mission post-nightless. though maybe it should have been! we have seen that jc values family, he just can't manage to ever prioritize them they way he should, for everyone's sake, and seems to want to
jc did go through trauma after trauma! and it turned him into a bitter and hypersensitive wreck who reacts to everything with anger, criticism, and violence, not some heroic martyr who endures everything stoically and comes out as a perfect parent. he's a realistic figure and it's a shame his complexity is being stripped away bc people who claim to be his fans don't actually like him being flawed or reacting to situations in ways that are completely understandable
of course jl and jc love each other and jc is an important parental figure to jl but people really do just say anything. lmao
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