#all of Vetinari's weird little things that show some chercks and balances are aesthetic only
‘I need to know how to navigate this,’ Sicily says without preamble. ‘That wretched man has a bee in his bonnet about me. Thinks I have something to do with George’s death and I was trying to put it on you.’ 
‘Did you? And were you?’ Downey asks.  
‘No and no. It was there when I found George, just as I said. The thing is, I don’t have an alibi for the time in which it happened.’ 
‘And I know how the evidence looks. I am not so stupid as to believe that if I have nothing to hide I have nothing to fear from the police. I wasn’t born yesterday.’ 
‘I was never going to suggest such a thing. The Watch are horrid and I wouldn’t trust any of them an inch.’ 
Sicily tilts her head in slight acknowledgement of the one thing they apparently agree upon. She pours herself more tea, adds milk afterwards. She should add it first, Downey thinks, if she truly wants to be a proper lady as she is so clearly attempting to do.
Downey and Sicily said ACAB but only because they’re both terrible and don’t want to deal with the repercussions of their actions. They like to fuck around and aren’t interested in finding out. 
Vetinari: do stupid things, suffer stupid consequences. 
Downey: sounds like something that happens to other people. I have money, didn’t you hear? I shouldn’t have to face the consequences of anything I, or people around me, do. 
Vetinari: get out of my office. 
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