#all mimsy were the borogroves{sayings}
zahri-melitor · 6 months
Now, you see I was gonna say Orca, but then went... maybe not... how about Mad Hatter? Just wanted to pick someone less likely to be talked about.
Orca is interesting and I would like to read more with her but I haven't hit any of her post-Flashpoint stories yet, and what we have pre-Flashpoint is pretty minor.
Plus, you raised Jervis Tetch, and I have the perfect answers for him.
The thing about Mad Hatter as a character is that he's rarely treated seriously, but when he is it's a delight. Interestingly one of the things about Jervis as a character is that he and his tech are used by other villains quite often to cause problems in villain-heavy events - he's mentally controlling a villain and ordering him to do another villain's will.
But Mad Hatter, as a Mad Hatter story: it needs to be silly. It needs to lean into the Lewis Carroll of it all. He needs to be changeable in mood and unable to follow normal ethics because he's rating everything on a fantasy scale others can't quite understand. And it needs that feeling of loss of control and autonomy.
My recommendation is Detective Comics #787, Mimsy Were the Borogroves, which embraces both the silly of Hatter and the tragedy at the centre of his character.
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twstedstoryshop · 3 years
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Sorry I couldn’t add Rielle into this! I want to have more information on him before I can try to think of ideas for him. But for now, please enjoy our other two RSA boys! -Shopkeep
Che’nya and Neige Love Language Headcanons
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The mischievous soul of Royal Sword Academy. Being in a relationship with Che’nya would be a fun ride from the get-go. He’s always bringing something new in your life so you better get used to surprises! Be they pranks or heartfelt gestures.
Che’nya shows his love the best through Physical Touch and Gift Giving!
Che’nya’s touches are gonna be surprises half the time. You might feel a teasing poke at your side, a swipe of a tail tickling your nose, and suddenly his head pops into existence to give you a quick kiss on the nose!
He often likes to play this game of disappearing and reappearing to pepper kisses all over you before finally he relents and holds you into a tight hug.
There are times where he does want calm, intimate moments though. He’d sweep you up into his arms and steal you away into the high branches of a nearby tree. Since you’re so high up, you have no choice but to hold on tight to the catboy. Something he may or may not have planned from the beginning.
He’d happily entwine you in his arms, his fluffy striped tail coiled around you too. All the while, he hums one of the many jaunty tunes he knows.
As a whimsical cat, Che’nya cannot help but to act on feline instincts. One of those instincts being to bring gifts to his beloved partner.
He tends to give surprise gifts around special occasions or when you feel glum. He wants to see you light up and turn your frown upside down.
The gifts come in a variety of objects, from candies suddenly raining above your head or your boyfriend’s head popping up with a freshly picked rose between his teeth. Maybe throw in an eyebrow wiggle for good measure~
He may even gift you a song if he feels extra chipper that day! You’ll feel an invisible force take your hand and you’re spinning in the middle of the rose garden. Bit by bit, Che’nya reappears, crooning as he slyly dances with you between the roses. 
“ ‘Twas brilling and the slithy toves, did gyre and gimble in the wabe! All mimsy were the borogroves and the mome raths outgrabe~!” “What silly song are you singing to me, kitten?” You laugh. “A mad song, my fishlet! But if it makes you happy, is it all that bad?”
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Oh, you’re lucky dear reader, if you happen to have Neige as your fated partner! Because your romance would be on par with a fairytale love story. It feels like the world gets a bit more rose-colored and the birds sing even sweeter whenever the two of you are together.
Neige shows his love through Words of Affirmation and Acts of Service, but really that boy could show his love through all the love languages.
I feel it in my bones that Neige would absolutely be the kind of guy to say the cheesiest, most sappy, lovey-dovey stuff to you with such an earnest look on his face. He seriously means every single word and you’re gonna have to sit through it all.
He’s saying stuff like, “I always knew we’d meet someday and I’m so happy that it’s you, my love,” or “Every time I look at you, it feels like spring has come again!”
If you ever feel grumpy or sad during a bad day, Neige is there to comfort you with a gentle hand. If it makes you happy, he’d be more than willing to maybe sing a sweet, romantic song or offer comforting words with that endearing voice of his.
His favorite moments are when you and him can relax on a nice, sunny day, your head in his lap while he sings to you. His hand brushes gently through your hair and a few animal friends come close to enjoy the peaceful scene.
Also, congratulations, you also managed to score a boyfriend willing to do any chore or service out of the goodness in his heart. TREAT HIM WELL!
A messy room? Dirty clothes? Haven’t had a hearty meal in a while? Neige is on it! He is whistling a happy song as he takes care of all your needs should he notice you’re too busy to take care of yourself properly.
He’d insist for you to relax while he does the chores and it makes him feel accomplished that he can provide for you.
What he loves the most though is when he can cook for you and see you eat away with gusto. He makes a mean gooseberry pie that’s simply to die for. Neige secretly also adores the image of your cheeks full of food. You remind him of an adorable chipmunk~
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ashenwren · 4 years
tag meme: list 3-5 snippets of literature/media that live in your head rent-free to the point where you have them memorized; write them down from memory, no cheating allowed!
Thanks so much for tagging @vishcount , this was such an interesting tag meme to think about! :D I also have a terrible memory, so these might not be exactly word-for-word correct ^^;
“The kind of person he is, I know it well.”
This is the scene from Ultimate Note when Panma tells Wu Xie for the second time that being with Xiaoge will eventually cause one of their demises. And this is what Wu Xie says in response. I don’t know why, but this one really stuck with me, even more than the other very great pingxie lines! I think there’s something about Wu Xie’s unwavering belief and confidence in Xiaoge? And the fact that he might actually be the only one in the world who truly understands xiaoge?
“It cannot be anyone but you.”
From the Guanyin temple confession scene in the Mo Dao Zu Shi novel! It was just very sweet and pretty much the culmination of wangxian’s relationship.
“Do you know why your grandfather named you Wu Xie? You’re the purest child the Wu family has had in generations.”
This one has been playing over and over in my head, partly because I’m using it as inspiration for my Wu Xie drawing for his birthday event next month! I just love it and Wu Xie’s character so much, you guys have no idea ^^
“My candle burns at both ends, it will not last the night. But ah my foes and oh my friends - it gives a lovely light!”
Poem by Edna St Vincent Millay. This poem stuck with me ever since I read it as a kid! It’s somehow so sad but bright at the same time, and I really feel it. Kind of gives me WWX vibes too?
“T’was brillig and the slithy tothes did gyre and gimble in the wabe. All mimsy were the borogroves and the momeraths outgrabe”
Okay ending with a super silly one now, but I have the first stanza of the Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll memorised for some reason? I really don’t know why, but it is so fun to recite out loud :D 
Tagging: anyone who sees this and would like to! ^^
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histrionic-dragon · 5 years
Old science fiction titles
People joke about fanfics with their melodramatic all-lower-case titles that are probably song lyrics and often have parts (in parentheses), but you know what? That’s just carrying on an old tradition.
Don’t believe me? Check out Original Series Star Trek episode titles.
- Who Mourns for Adonais?
- And the Children Shall Lead
- Is There in Truth No Beauty?
- Whom Gods Destroy
- Let that Be Your Last Battlefield
- For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Let’s go beyond TV. What are some "notable” SF short stories? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_science_fiction_short_stories
- But Who Can Replace a Man?
- The Beast that Shouted Love at the Heart of the World
- Mimsy were the Borogroves   (poem reference!)
You want song lyrics?
- Buffalo Gals, Won’t You Come Out Tonight (Ursula K. LeGuin)
You want titles that are lines from Romantic poetry? Alice Sheldon/James Tiptree Jr. wrote “I Awoke and Found Me Here on the Cold Hill’s Side,” which is from a Keats poem about a knight and one of the fae (”La Belle Dame sans Merci”; “ O what can ail thee, knight-at-arms, /      Alone and palely loitering?)
I’m just saying, if I saw something on Ao3 titled “for the world is hollow (and i have touched the sky)” or “I awoke and found me here (on the cold hill’s side),” I would not be at all surprised, and I am pleased that we’re carrying on this gloriously dramatic tradition.
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devilsskettle · 4 years
tagged by @ofthelostandfound (thank you <3) to list 3-5 snippets of literature/media that live in your head rent-free to the point where you have them memorized; write them down from memory, no cheating allowed*:
(i have no idea about grammar and punctuation for any of these lol)
- What a piece of work is man. How noble in reason, how infinite in faculties, in form and movement how express and admirable, in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god! The beauty of the world, the paragon of animals. And yet to me what is this quintessence of dust? Man delights not me. No, nor women neither, though by your smiling you seem to say so (Hamlet, Shakespeare)
- Of comfort no man speak. Let us talk of graves, of worms, and epitaphs. Make dust our paper and with rainy eyes write sorrows on the bosom of the earth. Let us talk of wills and choose executors - and yet not so, for what may we bequeath save our deposéd bodies to the ground? Our land, our lives, and all are Bolingbroke’s, and nothing may we call our own but death and that small model of barren earth which serves as paste and cover to our bones (Richard II, Shakespeare)
- Of course she wakes the dragon. Love always wakes the dragon and suddenly, flames everywhere. I can tell already you think I’m the dragon, that would be so like me, but I’m not. I’m not the dragon. I’m not the princess either. What am I? I’m just a writer. I write things down. I walk through your dreams and invent the future. Sure I sink the boat of love but that comes later. And yes I swallow glass but that comes later. And the part where I push you flush against the wall and every part of your body rubs against the bricks, shut up, I’m getting to it. For a while I thought I was the dragon. I guess I can tell you that now. And for a while I thought I was the princess cotton candy pink sitting in my room young and beautiful and in love waiting for you with confidence but the princess looks in the mirror and only sees the princess while I’m out here slogging through the mud, breathing fire, and getting stabbed to death. Okay, so I’m the dragon. Big deal. You still get to be the hero (Litany in Which Certain Things Are Crossed Out, Richard Siken)
- ‘Twas brillig and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe, all mimsy were the borogroves and mome wraths outgrabe. Beware the jabberwock, my son, the jaws that bite and claws that catch, beware the jubjub bird and shun the frumious bandersnatch. He took his vorpal sword in hand, long time the manxim foe he sought, then rested he by the tumtum tree and stood a while in thought. And as in uffish thought he stood, the jabberwock with eyes of flame came whiffling through the tulgey wood and burbled as it came. One two one two and through and through the vorpal sword went snicker-snack. He left it dead and with its head he went gallumphing back. And hast thou slain the jabberwock? Come to my arms my beamish boy! Oh frabjous day, calloo, callay! He chortled in his joy. ‘Twas brillig and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe, all mimsy were the borogroves and mome wraths outgrabe. (The Jabberwocky, Lewis Carroll)
- Give me blood and rage and a heart for horror; teach me to be tough enough to face this world still standing. Make a Fury of me. (Finding Ariadne, Elizabeth Hewer)
tagging anyone who feels so inclined <3
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chibinightowl · 6 years
Down the Rabbit Hole, Chapter Six
Raise your hand if you thought I’d forgotten about this fic? Nope! Thank you everyone, and especially @tanekore, for your patience! Probably two chapters left!
Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three, Chapter Four, Chapter Five
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Tim-Cat spares a quick glance at Jason before returning his attention to the Red Knight and the Bandersnatch.
“It means I have shit luck.” Jason sighs because the universe just loves to use him as a punching bag. If the Red Queen is who he thinks she is, then there are probably going to be all kinds of other baddies to deal with on the other side of this hedge.
He and his subconscious need to sit down and have a little talk because seriously, what the fuck?
“What’s the plan, Cat? You know this place, I don’t.” Contrary to popular belief, not all his plans include kicking down the door and shooting everything that moves, although in this particular case, he’ll probably have to.
An assault rifle would be handy right now. Or better yet, an RPG.
“I’m thinking,” Tim-Cat snaps. “The Bandersnatch doesn’t like the rain any more than I do, so it’s possible we can just wait him out. Once he retreats, it’ll be just the Red Knight.”
“Seems like using both of them is overkill.”
“It is, which leads me to believe we’re expected.”
“After what I did to the Jubjub bird, I sure fucking hope so.”
The Cheshire Cat looks like he’s about to reply when a piercing scream rips through the night, louder even than the storm thundering overhead.
Jason blinks hard and tries to shake the ringing from his ears. There’s no doubt about it.
The Red Queen is Harley Quinn.
Tim-Cat’s ears have flattened against his head. “I hate when she does that.”
“Yeah, she’s shrill in my world too.” And completely nuts, but ever since Harley gave her puddin’ the big fuck you, she seems to have settled down; rumor has it that she’s in a relationship with Poison Ivy now. Tim’s been meaning to track that down and see if there’s any validity to it. Jason doesn’t care in the slightest.
At least until it impacts him in some way.
They watch as the Red Knight silently dismounts, running a hand along the sleek fur of the Bandersnatch’s back. The touch speaks of ownership, rather like how Damian behaves around Titus. He disappears through the hedge, but not before another lightning flash reveals the knives sheathed on his thighs and the sword strapped to his back. Jason is no stranger to a knife fight; however, he’s a bit rusty with swords. His best bet is to take this guy out at long range.
Still, Jason frowns at the way he moves, his long strides familiar. Whoever is under that armored helmet, it’s not the Joker. But who else could it be? A fighter for sure and one he knows well, which narrows the list of possibilities down quite a bit.
The Bandersnatch backs himself up so that the hedge provides shelter from the rain. Water sprays everywhere as he shakes, then settles back into a crouch. His eyes gleam red as lightning streaks overhead.
“Do you think the brat the Red Queen spoke of is Tweedle Dum?” Tim-Cat asks in a low tone. His hair and tail are soaking wet. “He’s quite nimble, much more so than his brother.”
“If this Tweedle is anything like my brother Dick, then he can probably contort himself out of just about anything.” Jason unsnaps one of the holsters strapped to his thigh and draws out his favorite gun. It’s time to get down to business. “What are some of the Bandersnatch’s weak points?”
He purposefully doesn’t call it a cat. His companion probably wouldn’t like the comparison. And people say he has no tact.
Tim-Cat sniffs. “I do a lot of crazy things but getting up close and personal with the Bandersnatch is not one of them.”
Jason sighs, wishing he were anywhere but here. “Okay, here it goes.”
Crouching in the brush, he takes careful aim. With the clouds and rain, visibility sucks, and he wishes that he’d been wearing his hood when he got gassed because then he’d at least have infrared and night vision in the display. Then again, if he’d been wearing his goddamned helmet, none of this would be happening in the first place.
Hindsight’s a bitch.
The Bandersnatch is a pale blur under the shadows of the hedge and Jason waits, needing to time this perfectly.
Lightning streaks across the sky and Jason fires, the retort loud as the gun expels gases from burnt gunpowder and the bullet exits the barrel at supersonic speeds.
Out of nowhere, small figure suddenly uses the back of the Bandersnatch as a springboard to vault out into the open.
It’s Tweedle Dick.
The boy staggers as he hits the ground, some injury preventing him from nailing a landing the real Dick could do in his sleep, but it doesn’t stop him from trying to run for cover.
At the same time, the Bandersnatch cries out in pain as his eye explodes, blood running down the gaping wound. He rears up and shakes his massive head, crying out again before collapsing to the ground.
“Shit!” Tim-Cat doesn’t waste anymore words. As soon as the Tweedle appears, he’s already moving, racing across the grass to grab the boy before disappearing entirely.
Well, that didn’t go exactly as Jason thought it would, but whatever, he’s got the opening he needs. He bursts out of the underbrush and books it for the hedge. The cries of the Bandersnatch must have alerted the castle and the Red Knight has to be on his way back.
If it were Jason’s kitty that just got shot, he sure as fuck would be.
The big beast is still breathing as he squeezes past it, its bulk mostly blocking the pathway carved through the hedge. It’s tempting to shoot again to make sure it stays down, but Jason is fairly sure he’ll need every bullet he has when he faces whatever else this night brings him.
On the other side of the hedge, he emerges just as lightning cracks again, illuminating an altogether too familiar sight.
Arkham Asylum.
It’s no castle, but it doesn’t need to be. The old Gothic building looks like it belongs in a horror flick. Jason hugs the dark hedge, using it for cover as he scopes out the area. An ill-maintained lawn full of dead weeds lead up to the main entry. From the front, everything appears the same as what he’s used to when he’s wide awake.
And if that’s the case, then screw going in the front door. There’s a side entrance and a back door, as well as a rooftop hatch that leads into what’s still the attic.
Thank fuck he has his grapple gun. It’ll save a lot of time.
The lightning flashes again and in the ensuing darkness, Jason runs across the lawn, swinging wide to avoid the main path. Thunder finally booms overhead, and the rain falls harder. The weather sucks, but it provides him with the needed cover to make it to the side of the Asylum. Another flash and the grapple line shoots upward, catching on the edge of the roof.
Back home, breaking into Arkham isn’t quite so easy, but he knows better than to let his guard down. He’s about to deal with Harley Quinn and considering just how fucked up his subconscious is, that means the Joker can’t be far.
On the roof, the hatch is exactly as he remembers it, a heavy steel plate that’s a bitch and a half to raise on his own. The opening is a gaping maw of utter blackness and Jason can’t suppress the shiver that runs down his spine. This fall isn’t going to be like his last one, he just knows it.
He digs into his jacket for a glow stick. Cracking it, a lurid blue light appears and he drops it down through the hatch. Other members of his family use green ones, but he refuses to. The color connotation messes with his head.
The glow stick doesn’t go far and lands on the wooden floor of the attic.
Well, guess he was wrong then. Jason lowers himself through the opening, hanging on to the edge with his gloves before dropping the rest of the way through. It’s only a few feet and he lands with a soft thud that raises dust.
He picks up the glow stick and looks around. No one has been up here in years, not with the layer of dirt and grime everywhere. Formerly white sheets cover unused furniture and there are stacks of boxes and trunks scattered around with no rhyme or reason.
Orienting himself, Jason picks his way toward the back of the attic where the stairwell leading down into the upper level of the Asylum should be. The dust is almost overwhelming, so he searches for his rebreather, quietly berating himself for not thinking of it sooner.
In fact, he really needs to get his head in the game because now that Tweedle Dick apparently managed to mostly rescue himself, he’s got one less concern to deal with. All that matters now is the vorpal sword.
The rebreather helps and he’s at the top of the stairs in no time. As he pockets the device again, a sudden thought has him pause.
What does the sword even look like?
Jason wants to kick himself in the ass for not asking the White Queen or the Cheshire Cat when he had the chance. Knowing his luck, there will be hundreds of swords in here and he’ll have to test each one to see if it goes snicker-snack like the poem promises.
“’Twas brillig, and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe; All mimsy were the borogroves, and the mome raths outgrabe…” he recites under his breath as he starts his descent. The nonsensical words had always stuck with him and he remembers what Tim-Cat said earlier about the mome raths disappearing from the White Knight’s old home.
His hand is on the doorknob when he hears the quiet sneeze from somewhere behind him.
Instincts kick in and Jason has a gun in hand, thumbing off the safety as he whirls around to face whatever danger that just announced itself.
Tim-Cat is crouched at the top of the stairs, rubbing his nose. He sneezes again and his ears twitch in agitation. “I hate dust.”
Jason points the gun at the ceiling and clicks the safety back into place. “Jesus fuck, Cat. What the hell are you doing here?”
“Helping you, remember?” he replies testily.
“I thought you’d stay with Tweedle Dum,” Jason says. He doesn’t want to admit that he hadn’t fully believed the Cheshire Cat would put his hide on the line to help him find the sword. “Transporting two kiddos in one day has to take a lot outta ya.”
“It does.” Tim-Cat rises and gracefully descends the stairs, stopping on the last one so that they’re eye level. His tail is noticeably angled up and away the floor, still dripping from the rain. “But I said I would try and protect you while you search for the sword. I meant it and rescuing Tweedle Dum hasn’t changed that.”
There are a number of things Jason can say, first and foremost that this is a dream and he can’t be killed, but the little niggling doubt in the back of his mind asks if he’s absolutely certain about that. Second, and he really doesn’t want to think about this, is that everything he’s experienced since he got a face full of that gas is real and that damned sword is his only way back.
Instead, he takes the time-honored path favored by all Bats. Avoidance.
“How’s the kid?” he asks, holstering the gun.
Tim-Cat shrugs. “Alive. Saying something about a trap before he passed out, but we already knew this. I don’t know how he was even able to move. He’s got broken ribs and his foot shouldn’t be able point in the direction it is.”
“Adrenaline is an amazing thing.” Jason rests a hand on the doorknob, then asks one more question. “How did you find me? I thought you didn’t teleport around here?”
“I don’t. But in case you haven’t figured it out yet, I do more than just vanish and reappear elsewhere. I can sense you, which makes it very easy to track you, even up the side of the castle and into a dusty attic.”
Jason recognizes the less than subtle rebuke for what it is. The Cat is clearly ruffled by more than just the rain and he remembers his words from earlier that were pretty much an invitation for him to stay. An image of his Tim flashes before his eyes, one with that devious little smirk that never bodes well for anyone (including him).
It doesn’t stop him from releasing the knob again. Jason grips the back of Tim’s neck, gloves catching in the wet strands of hair. “I’d ask if that makes me special, but we both know the answer is no. It’s just something you do.”
“You are such a jackass.”
“Like you’re any better, Cat.” Jason punctuates the statement with a kiss, capturing those lips that look and feel just like Tim’s. If he has to stay here, if he’s completely trapped (if this isn’t a dream), then he could possibly find some semblance of happiness in these arms.
That is if the pain of what he’s lost doesn’t drive him mad. Tim.
If there’s ever been a shred of doubt that he loves Tim Drake, it vanishes from his mind.
Jason draws back and releases the Cheshire Cat. “Come on. Time to find that sword.”
As they exit the attic, neither one notices the ruby red eyes of a dark green lizard slowly blinking after them.
The upper levels of the Asylum are a bust, not that it’s really any surprise. The Arkham of Jason’s memory uses the above ground levels for offices, treatment rooms, and guest facilities. Everything is all nice and shiny to divert attention from the real dangers below ground. This version seems to be following the same pattern, a fact which puts Jason more and more on edge the lower they get.
Although that could be the complete lack of noise coming from anywhere besides the storm still raging outside.
Even Tim-Cat is on edge, ears and eyes darting all over. But it’s his tail that reveals just how agitated he is as it lashes from side to side.
“Simmer down, Cat,” Jason says after he almost shuts a door on Tim’s precious tail.
“I hate this,” the Cheshire Cat replies in a low tone. “If I dared to use my power here, we’d have found the sword by now.”
“Yeah, I’m sure you’re right. But at least this way keeps us from having to face the Red Knight. He’s probably pissed about what I did to his pet.”
“I’d be pissed too if someone shot me in the face.”
Jason shrugs, not wanting to get into it. He did what he had to like the good little soldier he no longer is.
Their search of the upper floors complete, they cautiously pick their way toward the stairs leading down to the main level. Jason kneels a few feet back from the balustrade and listens intently. There’s some light coming from below, the source still undiscernible from up here. What disturbs him though is that his memory of reality is now distorted because what he sees isn’t the main entrance for Arkham. Wide and expansive, the open space with its fine wood panels and vaulted ceiling belongs right out of Gone With the Wind or, worse yet, Wayne Manor.
The sudden change is unsettling, and Jason is reminded yet again that his subconscious is a dick.
The silence drags on.
“Have you ever been here before?” Jason asks, inching his way closer to the rail.
“A couple of times,” Tim-Cat replies. He hunkers down beside him and peers into the shadowy twilight below. “There’s a parlor just off the foyer where the Red Queen would make us wait whenever the White Queen visited. I remember a fireplace and some hideous paintings. From what it looks like, the parlor door is open and that’s where the light is coming from.”
Jason’s memory helpfully provides an image of the guest parlor at the front of the manor that Alfred keeps pristine. No one is allowed in there on pain of no dessert unless guests were present, and the really good manners needed to make an appearance.
To him, as well as Dick, having to sit in that room while Brucie did his thing was a punishment. Thank god he doesn’t have to go through that anymore. As the only little bird in residence, that falls to Damian now.
“Are you ready?” Tim-Cat asks, tearing Jason from his thoughts.
“I really wish I had one of Tim’s drones on me right now.” And his hood while he’s at it because for all he knows, the Red Knight has been quietly stalking them from room to room this entire time and is just waiting to say boo when they head down those stairs.
“I don’t know what that is, but it’s not too late to change our approach.” Tim-Cat shuffles a little closer to the stairs. “We can still backtrack.”
Jason is about to reply when something breaks the long silence. Wild and maniacal, it’s a sound that sends chills down his spine and a flash of terror in his heart, a reaction he doesn’t think he’ll ever be able to fully suppress.
Tim-Cat hisses and scrambles back, ears pressed flat against his skull and tail stiff from fear. “No. Oh, no. No, no, no. She’s released him.”
There is no doubt Jason knows exactly who he’s talking about, but he still has to check. “Him who?”
“The Jabberwocky.”
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coin-river-blog · 5 years
The software developer known as Deswurstes revealed last week a new project he’s been working on that allowed people to upload files up to 1MB in size to the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) testnet. On April 7, Deswurstes launched the first BCH mainnet version of Blockupload, a desktop platform that allows people to embed larger files into the blockchain without the need for the Interplanetary File System (IPFS).
Also read: Uyen T Nguyen: The Powerful Young Woman Behind the Alleged ‘Satoshi Affair’
Blockupload Allows for 1MB Uploads Embedded Into the Bitcoin Cash Chain
The developer known as Deswurstes or Mcccs has announced a new project he’s been working on over the last eight months called Blockupload. The platform uses a BCH Op_Return transaction and P2SH in order to allow individuals to upload files to BCH up to 1MB in size. The upload size is higher than the Bitcoin Files project allows, which is roughly a max of 5kb or less, but when using IPFS Bitcoin Files can upload much larger files. Deswurstes says his project doesn’t need IPFS and the open source repository on Github explains that Blockupload is a “user-friendly tool to upload your files to the BCH chain.”
“Last week I’ve introduced Blockupload so people could upload files to the BCH Testnet chain,” Deswurstes detailed on Sunday. “This week I’ve changed it so that we can show the power of on-chain scaling by making it work on the real Bitcoin Cash.”
In order to give our readers some insight into this new project, news.Bitcoin.com tested Blockupload Sunday afternoon. The platform is fairly intuitive and users simply choose a file of up to 1MB in size to upload and Blockupload will tell them how much it costs to embed the file. Users must check the disclosure tab, however, which explains that the uploader understands files should not infringe copyright law and cannot contain classified information. All of the content added to the BCH chain is solely the uploader’s responsibility, the website details.
After choosing a file (a rare Pepe GIF) that was 899KB in size to test the app’s features, the platform generated an invoice address after “Continue” was pressed. In order to upload the Pepe GIF, the invoice asked for 0.04BCH or roughly $15 to embed it into the chain. Once the transaction is paid, the platform gives the user a window to add a change address during the end of the process as well. Following the change address output, Blockupload gives the user a hash so anyone can download the specific file after it’s broadcasted.
‘All Mimsy Were the Borogoves’: The Debate Over Uploading Arbitrary Data
Because $15 is pretty expensive to add an animated Pepe GIF to the chain, a text file was uploaded instead. Blockupload provides users with a notepad-like window so they can type or copy and paste any text they want into the upload window. The Blockupload platform will then convert the writing into a .txt file. Uploading a text file is significantly cheaper than embedding a larger file as the price to upload the Jabberwocky poem is only around 0.0002BCH or 6 cents.
The Jabberwocky poem is a very short nonsensical piece of writing by Lewis Carroll, the author of Alice in Wonderland. The poem’s text can be found in this specific BCH address and the hash from that address can be used to download its .txt file using Blockupload. In the address’ output section where the poem is located, the Op_Return can be seen in the UTXO data.
On social media forums like Reddit’s r/btc, the platform was welcomed by some but not by others. Some BCH fans expressed the opinion that using IPFS is a better and far cheaper alternative. The cost to use Bitcoin Files is a good example compared to the cost of a 1MB upload on Blockupload, which is currently around $15. BCH developer Jonathan Toomim explained that the Sia protocol would be even more appropriate to use than IPFS. Meanwhile, other people thought the idea was great for anti-censorship and one person emphasized that right now the biggest threat on the web is censorship with scary regulations like EU’s Articles 11 and 13. Essentially, they believe that individuals and organizations will pay for immutability if the web becomes far more censored in the future.
What do you think about Blockupload? Do you think uploading large files is a cool idea or do you think it is unnecessary? Let us know what you think about this project in the comments section below.
Disclaimer: Bitcoin.com does not endorse this product/service. Review editorials are intended for informational purposes only. This is the first release of this particular software and early versions can often be buggy. Readers should do their own due diligence before taking any actions related to the mentioned company or any of its affiliates or services. Bitcoin.com or the author is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any content, goods or services mentioned in this article.
Image credits: Shutterstock and Blockupload.io
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Tags in this story
1MB uploads, BCH, BCH OP_RETURN, bitcoin cash, Bitcoin Files, Blockupload, embed files, Files, Jabberwocky, Metadata, Mimsy Were the Borogroves, N-Featured, Op_Return, Output, Rare Pepe, transactions
Jamie Redman
Jamie Redman is a financial tech journalist living in Florida. Redman has been an active member of the cryptocurrency community since 2011. He has a passion for Bitcoin, open source code, and decentralized applications. Redman has written thousands of articles for news.Bitcoin.com about the disruptive protocols emerging today.
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