#all day instead..... i better not!! that shit can wait until william wisp isn't going through the horrors on my screen!!!!!!
intertexts · 4 months
GOOD MORNING. on my way 2 work hihi I hope you're enjoying greyscale purgatory <3 say hi 2 mark for me <3 something to keep in mind and make you more insane while you listen to the next handful of eps: remember the fact that in new haven wards universe william is living with david and changed his last name to bell. just a fun little fact to keep in mind. <3333 heheheehehehehehehe
HIIIIIII GOODMORNING<3333 i will say hi to mark for u. of course i will. woke up this morning and literally my first fucking thought even before i TURNED OFF MY ALARM was ohh my god..... william wisp... david bell....whaatttt the fuck...... anyway.man. im feeling very ahahahaha i changed my mind man i wanna get off this ride [it is too late im buckled in the roller coaster is going up] !!! anyway. im gonna have such a good time. itll all be fine im sure!!!!!!
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