#all bunnies that I've met give me so much anxiety because it seems that EVERYTHING you do makes them scared
elbiotipo · 5 months
I don't hate bunnies but I could never have one as pet, of all domestic animals I've met I've never seen one so afraid of everyone and everything, I feel like I'm hurting bunnies just by looking, they're just too fragile for me.
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quirkdotcom · 4 years
The Arrangement //
Shoto Todoroki x Fem! Reader
Part One: The Mall Incident
Part Two
Summary: Your father is a particularly strong pro hero, and owns his own agency, however, he seemingly has picked an opportunity for you to be the tie between his agency, and pro hero Endeavor's agency.
Authors Note:
One; I'm planning this to be a three part fic, my next update hopefully on Friday May 15th ! Let me know if you'd like to be on this specific taglist, or even a taglist for anything I post !
Two; I wanted to have a little fun in this, so I added in an OC of mine! I made the reader attend an unnamed school, where her friends wouldn't be main characters from MHA, and decided to throw in Maiko (my OC) anyways, I hope you enjoy !
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"A student from UA? Is father okay? I thought he hated that school?" You had to stop yourself, had you really heard your mother right?
She sighed heavily, shaking her head slightly, "He does, however, your father is willing to look past the fact as long as everything goes according to plan" 
This time, it was your turn to sigh.
This 'plan' was one of you meeting some student, your parents meeting, and at the end of the day, agreeing to a marriage after graduation.
You knew that you really had no choice in the matter, which is why you had never put up a fight about it, but it didn't mean that you were particularly happy about it.
Quietly, you stood up, excusing yourself from the table and your mother, leaving the dainty tea cup where it sat.
"Well, since the meeting with this student will be this weekend, I'm going to go out and buy an outfit for it." You bowed your head slightly before turning and leaving the room.
Now out of sight of your mother, you stretched, stifling a yawn as you made your way to your room, grabbing your phone from your pocket, sending a quick message to your closest friend, asking if she'd accompany you to the mall.
The two of you attended a private academy focused on teaching it's students to not only strengthen their quirks, or accelerate their academics, but also in etiquette and manners. Everything was about being proper and elite.
It was the very same school that your father had transferred to after his time at UA.
You personally didn't quite like it there, at times some students tried to pick on you, or the teachers would reprimand you for even the slightest mistake.
But, just like the marriage arrangement, you had no choice in what school you attended, your father was hellbent on you following his steps, and staying the hell away from UA.
Regardless, you had eventually made some friends, and for the first few years, you scored in the top of your class.
"Oh, (Y/n) while you're out, would you mind picking up a few things for me?" Your mother's voice rang out from behind your door, breaking your train of thoughts.
"Just make me a list, and leave it on the counter!" 
It didn't take long for you to change out of your uniform and into something comfier, or for you to grab your messenger style purse, or to find the list from your mother. With your father gone, there were no distractions or unnecessary lectures.
What took the most time was getting to the mall. You could have driven, but it was nice out, the sky was clear of clouds, and there was a light breeze that flowed through the leaves in the trees.
So, you took to walking. Though, when you got to the mall, your best friend was standing with her arms crossed and a bored look on her face.
"(Y/N)! There you are! I've been waiting for hours!" She gave a dramatic sigh as you walked over.
"Calm down Maiko ! " you chuckled, she was almost always over dramatic, something that had drawn you to her in the first place.
She gave you a playful wink, and nodded her head to the doors, starting to walk inside, "Whatever, we both know that I can't calm down," she paused, giving small jazz hands, "I've got constant anxiety" 
"Ah, the curse of having a third eye quirk," You followed behind, then moved to the side of her. 
"Oh! What's the occasion for today's trip?" Maiko tucked a piece of light brown hair behind her ear, eyeing you as she waited for a response.
You hesitated, she still didn't know about the whole arranged marriage, and it had been about a month since you had found out.
"Oh...my family and I are meeting another family for some business thing, so I needed to get a new outfit in case they have a son or daughter our age, " You spouted off a lie, knowing that she'd fall for it, only because she trusted you.
"Ooooh another potential merger for your dad's hero agency?" 
You nodded, pausing as your stomach gave a quiet rumble. 
Despite the lunch you were having with your mother earlier, you didn't really eat. 
"Hey, let's get something to eat first," You point to the nearest food outlet.
Before you know it, Maiko and you are each tossing fries to the other, both failing to catch most in your mouth, but you are having a good time regardless.
Once out of fries, you and her are left with your milkshakes, hers chocolate, and your's strawberry. Something kind of impulsive as you haven't had one strawberry flavored in a few years.
"Hey, I think we could probably take these with us to go look for an outfit," Maiko picks hers up, already a third of it gone.
With a nod, you stand up, grabbing your shake and bag, waiting for Maiko before heading off to your favorite store.
"Hey what about this?" She held up a pleated, light blue skirt, it would stop just above your knees, and complimented you very well, "It even has real pockets!"
"And I could wear it with this shirt...and maybe the jean jacket we found earlier?" You smiled happily, holding up a plain white t-shirt, a small v neck cut, nothing too extreme but not too plain.
Your friend placed the skirt into your basket, and you followed suit with the shirt. All that was needed now, would be to grab the jean jacket from earlier.
However, as you turned, you ran into a...hard surface and along with you, came your half finished milkshake.
You stumbled back, eyes wide as you realized what had just happened.
"Oh my gosh, I am so-"
But the male cut you off, his voice monotone as he did, "Save it, just move out of the way, I need to clean my shirt," 
You quietly moved to the side, watching as the moody stranger walked away, leaving you and Maiko to recover.
He had red hair...well only half of his hair was red, and the other half was white, leaving you to wonder how much hair dye it had taken to get it to look so perfect. 
"Well...I wish I could've helped you see that coming...but uh..I got the jacket?" She smiled sheepishly, causing you to let out a nervous laugh, releasing the tension you didn't know you had.
"Okay, cmon lets go pay!" You turned, still reeling from the encounter with that guy..but hey, at least you wouldn't be seeing him again! 
So, with that thought in mind, Maiko and yourself brought your chosen outfit to the front counters, paid and left the store.
"Hey, are you doing anything tonight?" You turned to Maiko after some five minutes, a thought in the back of your mind, nagging at you since you had left the house to meet her. 
"I don't think so! Why, is your mom cooking tonight? Anything she makes is always better than your dads...or yours," she poked her tongue out at you.
"Wha?! Hey! Im not that bad of a cook!" You pouted and crossed your arms, turning away from her, "Well I did have something to tell you but now its not happening," 
She immediately moved in front of you, "Wait no! Your cooking is good! Just tell me the news!" 
"It'll have to wait for my house, it's kind of big news…"
And with that, the two of you set off for your house, Maiko calling her mom and letting her know where she'd be for the night. 
The walk was spent talking about anything and everything, and at one point Maiko tripping and you having to catch her, but hey, that's what friends are for. 
As you approached your house, you spotted your fathers car in the driveway, causing you to screw your face up in dread. 
Hopefully he didn't have a lecture for you, especially if Maiko was here. You had always hated how he seemed to pick on you whenever your friends were over.
And much to your dismay, when you walked inside he met you with a sour look, "(Y/n), where have you been? Don't forget about this weekend's meeting, not to mention the exams coming up," 
You bit back a response about how the exams were two months away, and instead just nodded your head, busying yourself with slipping your shoes off, "I was buying a new outfit for our meeting. I told mother before I left."
He paused, now eyeing you and Maiko, "And came home with...Fujino was it?" 
She nodded, even though she practically lived at your house for a week at a time due to the amount of sleep overs you had, your father had barely bothered to remember her name. 
"Im sorry for not telling you ahead of time, Sir." She bowed her head slightly, only really apologizing because she knew that if she didn't, it would come down on you. 
"Make your way to (Y/n)'s room, I still need to have a few words with her," he commanded, waiting for her to go up the stairs before he continued.
"And (Y/n), do not forget how important this marriage arrangement is. The Todoroki family is powerful, Endeavor is rising in his ranks as a hero, and his son will follow suit. You have to make sure that you are seen as exemplary, no mistakes can be made. Do you understand?" 
You paused, heart hanging heavy, "Yes father…" 
Once he let you go, you made your way to the top of the stairs, seeing that Maiko was waiting for you, a worried look in her eyes, "So...a marriage proposal?" 
"Welcome to the news I had for you…" 
You two moved into your room, the bag of clothes dropped onto the floor, and you climbed onto your bed, grabbing an orange bunny plush, hugging it to your chest.
"Okay so I wanted to tell you about the arrangement but...I dunno, its hard. I'm having my choice taken away from me and for what? So my father and this other hero to have a more powerful agency?" 
"(Y/n)...im so sorry that you've been going through this alone. I'm here for you, whatever you need!" She moved to a swinging chair you had, sitting in it carefully as she thought for a moment, "So, you've never met this guy or his family?" 
"At most I know his family name. But Im too busy focusing on school work to pay attention to how his father is "So high up the ranks" or whatever. Its like my father thinks that this 'Endeavor' guy is the number two pro hero or something…" You puffed out a breath of air, pursing your lips as you thought quietly. 
Maiko stared at you for a few minutes, blinking a few times as she tried to break the news to you. 
"Uhh..Endeavor...as in Enji Todoroki?" 
You looked up, nodding quietly at her puzzled look. 
"(Y/n) he is the number two hero...or wait..if All Might retired a few years back... then number one actually!" She hummed as she herself started to think but eventually shook her head, eyes widening. 
Maiko quickly pulled out her phone, typing hurriedly into it and gasping, "(Y/n) wait! His son goes to UA! His son is reportedly one of the Big Three of his class!" She stopped, scrolling, "uh oh…" 
At this, you scrambled from your spot to her, pulling the phone from her hand to look at what the cause of this 'uh oh' was. 
It was a picture.  A picture of Endeavour's son. He had red and white hair, and a glare so deadly it probably would kill someone on sight. 
But what got you more was the fact that this was the guy from the mall earlier.  You had totally spilled a strawberry shake all over the number one hero's son, and the guy who you would be marrying after graduation. 
"This is...this is fucked. Im so screwed! Not only did I embarrass myself but now I've probably made it seem like im a clumsy girl who likes to shop all the time and now this...Todoroki guy is going to tell his father about me and then it'll ruin the arrangement and my father will kill me." You spouted off more worries until Maiko grabbed your shoulders, shaking you lightly.
"Hey! We aren't planning your funeral yet! Maybe we can meet up with him before you have to meet with his dad! I think I know one of the students at UA!" 
You looked to her, your breathing returning to normal as you nodded along, maybe that could work after all.
"Okay so, we ask whoever you know to get his number and text him about how it was me who spilled the drink and I wanted to apologize...and that Im also the girl he's meeting this weekend!" 
Maiko punched her fist into the palm of her hand, "Okay, lets set this plan into action! I'll text Kirishima!" 
You eyed her, realizing that you had never questioned how she knew anyone at UA, "While you do that, mind explaining to me about whoever this Kirishima is?" 
She only smiled for a moment, putting her phone down after sending him a message about Todoroki, "Oh! He and I work in the same coffee shop! Not everyone is super rich you know, but he's pretty nice guy, kinda cute too. But, you know how my mom is. Im surprised that she let me be friends with you, I swear, she's scared of anyone!" 
You gave a 'Mhhm' to her, knowing full and well that this was the coworker who she tended to talk about but never named, knowing that you'd probably show up to her work to try and get more information.  But hey, you'd leave it at that for now. 
"Well...I guess that now we wait for Kirishima to hopefully send us Todoroki's number?' 
"Now we wait! And with our good luck, by Wednesday we can smoothen out what happened at the mall…" 
You nodded once, as much as this plan seemed rickety, you were willing to take the chance. While you hated the idea of a marriage to whoever this young hero may be, you know that if you messed it up, your father would never let you live it down. 
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