#alias brainrots always occurring behind the scenes i fear
meatriarch ยท 6 months
something to note re: maria's aliases that i hadnt thought of when making that quick post with the two additional personas being added but,
said before how as the aliases start with maria, then they end at magdalena -- and what i mean by that is, ofc maria is always the starting point to where she takes any of the aliases during hunts. and every single one of them, in turn, can switch and end in magdalena. magdalena comes out primarily later on, namely post-nancy acceptance into the family or when johnny kills her in order to keep maria ( & lee in nosy ) safe. but its the careful alias. the calculated one. the shut down, shut off everything -- brutal one. magdalena is where, especially, anything that nancy eventually teaches her re: her abilities comes into play.
and with paloma -- one of the two new aliases -- paloma i feel comes into play when nancy ran her little tests on her ( & lee ). we were chatting abt it earlier, and i know nancy pulls maria & lee into few challenging encounters in order to see if they're worth keeping around -- and part of paloma's thing is, biting off more than you can chew. theres something in maria, i feel, that shortcircuits during those challenges that hasnt happened yet in cc / nosy timelines, and it draws out something different in her. she returns after nancys finished in fairly rough shape i feel. moreso than she has with any other target, any other hunt -- because normally, she isn't alone like that. not completely. theres a type of rage, self-preservation thats drawn out from cornered prey animal.
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