#algkjflgkk honestly daisuke's supposed to have been around since literally 1st singularity
dnangelic · 1 year
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"a real shame you weren't here when we had to do a museum heist. a tragedy, really." instead the guy who is 90% of the reason for security around chaldea's grails gained heist experience. "then again, i guess we might've gotten in your way, yeah? you don't normally work with a team, right?"
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phantom thieves never really were known to flock together , right ? it was just the principal of things . it was the boundless mystery and impressive theatrics ! there could only ever be one proud , glorious thief in the spotlight ! all the rest distracted good eyes and seriously cramped an individual's style ! ... or something like that . in reality , at least a part of it probably had to do with the fact that a phantom thief's existence had to be illusory . no interviews , despite endless call-cards and flashy performances . no caught trappings , despite every good chase . they were always alone simply because they had to be in order to maintain their dreamlike mirages ; who else could ever be trusted to keep these sorts of enormous secrets otherwise ? it was no different from the way that magicians clutched and kept their cards close to their chest --- had daisuke still been back at home , breaking into one location after another at the behest of his mother and ancestry ... wouldn't he have simply kept up the heists until he could peacefully take the secret of his phantom self to the grave with him ?
( hm ~ she has a point , you know . )
bowing his head and then his whole body before the other , daisuke lets out an awkward , apologetic laugh . ' did i really miss something like that ... ? aw . ' a tragedy indeed ! even if he wouldn't have been able to contribute in the face of other legitimate legends , he still would have liked to browse a museum . when was the last time he had visited one , rather than being thrown into some kind of perilous wasteland with nothing more than the master and a handful of other servants to keep them safe ? ' honestly , i feel a little out of place sometimes ... back at home , my mom would send out the calling cards for me a lot of the time , and wiz has always been willing to help me . not to mention , i don't really know whether or not anybody could say dark and i were ever working as a 'team' together ... ' things like this got complicated , and quickly . ' b-but , i'm still here now , at least ! and if there's ever anything i can do to help , then i'd be happy to give it my best ! even though it's a little embarrassing ... ' spontaneously transforming and shocking one individual after another , cleaning up after dark's own messes , etcetera , ' whether or not you're ever with me on a mission of some sort , i really hope we can still be --- '
( oh ? )
' f ... f -- i really hope that we can get along well , master-san --- ! '
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