#alexa is the only acceptable answer i think
megumimania · 8 months
summary: your boyfriend hates modern technology.
warnings: sukuna x fem reader, sukuna is an old hag (affectionately), sukuna not fucking with consumerism is he in his marxist era?🤔, sukuna is a softie when he wants to be, sukuna is ooc because i hate writing mean men :), yuji being a hottie is my fav hc of all time, i can’t believe im giving amazon free promo 😞.
notes: i missed you guys!
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sukuna cant wrap his head around technology.
he doesn’t understand why companies sell ‘new’ phones every single year, when they perform the same exact functions as the previous one.
he doesn’t like how your coffee machine has too many buttons when all he wants in the morning is just a cup of black coffee to get him through the day. sukuna just prefers doing things the old fashioned way which makes him subject to teasing by you and his little brother yuuji.
he doesn’t care though, constantly talking about how he’s ‘escaped the matrix’ by not owning an up to date phone and only getting his news from the daily paper and tv. however his view on technology changed once you brought alexa home.
initially he thought that it was a speaker and was confused to why you bought another one. “it’s not just a speaker ryo,” you corrected him swiftly. “she’s a digital assistant that can tell you the time, the weather, recipes and she can even tell jokes.”
sukuna looked at you with the same wariness he’d give to a snake oil salesman. “can’t your phone do the same exact thing for less?” you knew he was lowkey right but your stubbornness refused to let him get the upper hand.
“that’s not the point babe.” you playfully rolled your eyes at him, carrying the box to the kitchen counter and setting it down with a loud thump. “now if you’ll excuse me i’ll be busy setting my alexa up.” you huffed as you opened the instructions trying to make sense of them.
sukuna looked over at your focused expression. your brow furrowed with concentration as you read the instructions. it was simple really and within a couple of minutes the alexa was ready to go and by the joyous look of pride on your face sukuna knew that he was going to be in for one hell of a ride.
and unfortunately he was right.
life with an alexa was hell. sukuna barely got through the day without hearing the monotone female voice rattle off the hottest food spots or tell you a stupid joke that was suddenly the most funniest thing alive. he used to make you laugh like that!
he felt like the speaker was taunting him. hell he couldn’t even have some down time with you without that stupid speaker getting in the way. it was literally like he was third wheeling all the time and he hated it. you were his girlfriend first!
sukuna didn’t like being second best. especially to a glorified speaker.
you and sukuna were cuddling on the couch together after finishing a movie—terminator 2 to be exact. “so what do you think of the alexa?” you asked whilst the credits rolled, mindlessly stroking his cheek with your acrylic nails whilst he rubbed your legs.
sukuna tensed at the question as he tried to think of a way to answer without sounding like a complete asshole. “well…im not really a fan.” you could already tell from the dry tone and his poor attempt of acting unfazed that he was lying through his teeth.
“if that’s the case then why did i find it in the bathtub?” you pulled up the waterlogged alexa in a ziploc bag. sukuna would usually have a sarcastic reply in his arsenal but he was now looking at you as if he was a deer caught in headlights.
“fine, i used the damned thing.” he raised his hands up as he accepted defeat much to your surprise. “it fell into the bathtub when i was trying to stream that megan the stallion song yuuji told me to listen to. he said something about the song needing to go number 1 on the charts.”
you sat back in disbelief. you didn’t know whether to be annoyed, angry or smitten with him. “i’m glad yuji is helping you become more cultured but why did my alexa have to die for such a good cause!” you wailed dramatically collapsing on the floor, clutching the alexa to your chest.
sukuna lifted you off the floor with such ease it almost made you jealous. “stop whining i already ordered another one. it should be coming in a few days.” he said with his usual gruff tone that was laced with softness, peppering kisses down your neck.
you giggled as his stubble tickled your skin. “that was quick, you missed it that much already?” you teased him whilst you hooked your arms around him running your nails down the nape of his neck.
sukuna rolled his eyes at your playful expression. “i’m still anti technology, don’t be fooled.” one thing sukuna was to his core was a hater but like most haters he rarely stood on business.
“whatever you say babe.” you hummed biting back a smile. you and sukuna knew give or take two months that he’d change his opinion about it.
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cantsomeoneelsedoit · 6 months
Ch 41: Couldn't Care Less About Pain
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Meeting for the first time, twice.
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Is it just me, or does this Andy kind of remind you of Frankenstein's monster? The expressions and the bandages remind me of when the monster was first on the run after he escaped from Victor's lab. Also, the name "Victor" hmmm... Is whoever "created" Andy in UU a literary Victor Frankenstein parallel? Is Victor a kind of Victor Frankenstein? Is Andy a kind of monster?
Anyway, they are in Longing! But he doesn't answer regarding the year. It's interesting that he can already speak Japanese.
If this part of Andy's past is just after the Civil War, then the US hasn't been in official contact with Japan for very long. How did he learn Japanese?
Maybe it's that only Victor's memories are locked in the memory card, but not his skills. If Victor could speak Japanese, then Andy can, too. Obviously, Andy could still speak English after Victor was suppressed, so there are some things that were passed along.
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Oh, Josh doesn't want this new chick moving in on her captain! (Captain of what, exactly?)
None of them trust Fuuko from the start, so she thinks of the best way to prove she's not a threat. It's a similar situation to when she earned the trust of the kids in Longing; winning people over is something Fuuko's going to be doing a lot in this story.
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Fuuko proved she knew Andy by identifying his tattoos and scar, just like Juiz did when she pointed out his mole! Poor Andy having people come up and tell him about parts of his body that he hasn't (knowingly) showed them!
But also--- damn, Andy has a lot of ladies after him! Everywhere he goes! Gina, zombie preschool teacher, Fuuko, Josh...
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The rescued children all return to their parents, and the group accepts a meal as payment. The woman at the bar has an apron that appears to say "Sunflower Saloon." They just can't stop naming things after sunflowers in this town, I guess. It's almost like Longing longs to be a certain way.
It's like a setting that the author reuses just because they like it so much. They even included a similar premise with the kids needing to be rescued. In some ways, Longing functions in the meta in the same way it functions in the story: as a movie set.
Shen told us in Ch 11:
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Yes, except the THEY in this sentence is the Author/God! They reuse this setting for all things Western. I'll bet we see Longing a few more times before the series ends.
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Alexa, please add "Quantum Leap/amnesia traveler" to the list of genres.
Andy's crew still doesn't trust Fuuko, and it gets even weirder when she said she knows him from his rampant nudity.
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Andy gives Fuuko the initiation test, and now she's looking as reckless as Anno Un! She was so sure that her Andy wouldn't have put real bullets in the gun. Again, she knew him almost better than he knew himself!
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And that's how Fuuko joined Cap'n Andy's Wild West Adventure Crew! And then, almost immediately, he loses everyone except her.
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I'm not even sure present-day Andy has ever made a face like this. It's so distant and cold.
What a disappointment that the saloon lady sold them out! I get that she was trying to protect the kids from more harm, but these are people who literally just protected the kids! What the hell, lady?!
OTOH, I think the narrative reason for having her sell them out is to prove to the readers that the bad guys shooting up the place wasn't any kind of effect from Fuuko's Unluck, from when Captain Andy caught her or when Josh touched Fuuko's hair, or any other theory. It was pre-planned before Fuuko even came into the scene. It would've happened anyway, because it's part of Andy's past.
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"It makes more sense to get in close." That's a line spoken by someone who has killed before and expects to kill again. And if Captain Andy were a villain, that'd be a pretty chilling thing to have him say! It's so detached from emotion.
But Fuuko knows his heart, and she knows how much each loss hurts him (even Red, who we hardly met...)
Compare this reaction to what he said about his war buddies in Russia and his tone when he told Fuuko they were all dead:
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He said they'd back them up when they need it! And he was looking forward to the restaurant (he was probably gonna introduce Fuuko to them!) And then he just says they're dead, just like that. And when she asks "what now?" he assumes she's talking about dinner bc he's not thinking about his dead friends OR dinner right now. He's pushed down grief for so long just to keep fighting! T.T He's a lot like Juiz.
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ansbobcar · 7 months
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EP 3. Day One
Link to the overview
_ _ _ _ _
The rain had died down when they lit a few candles around the office, silence filled the room. They both continued to stand, eyes glued to the other, awaiting a response. For Orter Madl, who so far has only understood the idea of relationships to be romantic or sexual in nature, he wanted to clear some of his own suspicions. “Are you interested in me? You suggested it adamantly after all.”
The light made it difficult to see any hint of a crack in her calm facade. The 23 year old woman revealed that she was in a similar situation to him: “My mother’s concerned that I’ll be left alone in the world when she passes because of her standards. You’ll probably put her at ease though.”
“This is only my second year on the job,” unconvinced by her reasoning.
“But we work for the same department so it’s more believable that we’d run into each other. Plus you overtook my position, there’s some merit to that.”
“How did we begin this ‘relationship’ then?”
“Nothing extravagant. We had lunch together one time and I accidentally confessed my feelings pretty straightforwardly but you were hesitant because of our positions so…” she gestured for him to extend their make-believe story.
“... we kept it a secret for a few months incase the relationship failed,” he continued.
“But then your parents started to bother you about your relationship status and…”
“You got irritated and had a chat with me tonight on whether we should continue dating.”
“And clearly the answer is-”
“Yes but it’s now public.”
Kaldo instantly reappeared in front of the blonde woman, and gripped onto her shoulders with disbelief, “the Rinka I knew hates men!” Shocked by this revelation, clearly this wasn’t her he told himself. She hawked at this statement before she kicked his shin. “Says the person who RUINED MY FAVOURITE SNACK WITH HIS HONEY OBSESSION!!” He yelped a foot away from her at this response.
“That was years ago,” he hissed; “I thought we already left that behind.” She crossed her arms sceptically towards him. ‘I guess it never left her then,’ bruised by her attitude. “Why didn’t you tell us earlier?” Kaldo faced them both.
“We were busy doing work, I didn’t think it would be such a big deal if we revealed it later.”
“Of course it’s a big deal! Rinka’s never ever accepted a confession before!”
“You think I confessed?” Orter adjusted his spectacles.
“You… didn’t?”
The blonde man slung his arms around their shoulders and pulled them close. “Let’s talk about this over some tea shall we? Rather than holding up the meeting coming up in a few minutes. Sophina’s gonna make you dump out your stock of honey you know?”
Time passed with little discussion until the others arrived and began their monthly meeting. Things have been running rather smoothly within the other administrations and so on without addressing the empty seat beside Tsurara.
It’s such a shame, the cold sensitive teen thought raising her hand up.
“Yes, Tsurara?”
“The Magical Items Department just lost it’s head, how are we going to deal with it?” She voiced her concerns towards the others. “They have to do a lot already even when Alexa was still here,” slowly hiding her voice beneath her scarf. Orter hid his clenched fist in muted irritation from this.
The vice director began his response. “Thank you for your concern, Tsurara. The Magical Items Department is currently running with two acting heads of their own. It’s an understatement to say that her involvement didn’t help them in regards to their efficiency though. I would suggest either Sophina or Rinka to oversee them work monthly but I know you’re both busy as it is.”
“Then are you suggesting this year’s Divine Visionary to become the new head?” The Flame Cane pointed out. “I have no issues with the candidates this year, they’re all rather capable but it’s still a big responsibility to bear.”
The last topic of conversation surrounded the affairs of the Magical Items Department and how it would be lead in the near future. To spectate the event would occur in a few more months, higher expectations were set for the near future regarding the strengths of a Divine Visionary. 
Growth and potential must be considered. Although, it would be preferred with they were two-liners in this regard. With that, the room was emptied leaving the previous occupiers alone by themselves.
“How does lunch sound instead of tea?”
_ _ _
For regular employees at the Bureau of Magic, the presence of not just 1 but 4 Divine Visionaries walking by in the direction of the cafeteria sent not only a large amount of eyes ogling at them but also shivers down their spines. It wasn’t a common sight to see so many in a single moment unless it was the ending ceremony of the Final Divine Visionary Candidate Exam, otherwise known as the Trimagicathlon between the 3 magic schools.
But why was Kaldo Gehenna glaring at Orter Madl and vice versa?!
Ryoh: What do you guys want?
Orter: Anything goes
Rinka/Kaldo: Fish n’ Chips!
“2 Fish n’ Chips and a 2 Steak and chips,” he told the canteen staff who with lightning speed places their orders down and slid some coins at payment. “We’ll return the plates and cutleries within 3 hours,” he waved.
“Where are we eating then? I don’t want to have the food go cold,” Rinka took out her wand. “Your office,” he gestured towards the brunette. “No problem… Quatre Deplaces,” she chanted, flashily removing them from the canteen.
That was so cool!
Immediately, they reappeared in the Magical Power Administration’s Head Office and thus the interrogation began.
_ _ _
Ryoh Grantz understands that it isn’t his place to question the romantic life of his own colleagues but for Rinka Ontarin, who he had met at the start of his fatherhood, she was basically a daughter to him. Who wouldn’t want to know how their handsome daughter started dating? THIS IS JUSTIFIED QUESTIONING!!
“What do you see in this guy, Rinka?” The skilled swordsman started the round opening his jar of honey to pour into his cup of tea. Bluntly yet without violence. “I guess an otter?” She replied, completely missing the point of the question as she set aside the fish fillet. Otters are cute though in her opinion. By extension, that meant she thought he was cute? Everyone used to call him boring though. The blonde father chuckled at her miscomprehension. “Let me rephrase his question: What do you like about each other?”
“She’s honest, and has looked out for me when I took over her position,” he answered while she reached over to grab his chips. He sighed at the annoying sight and instead cut the steak and her fish in half and gave switched their positions. “You should eat more red meat instead of potatoes.”
And with that short interaction, they knew, these two were just idiots.
Idiots in love.
Fooled by the idiots successfully.
_ _ _ _ _
Lol. Quatre Deplaces is a random spell I came up with. It's a short-distance-y teleportation spell. the Quatre is there to signal the amount of people. It basically times the power required for the spell to work.
I'll probably update next week.
EXTRA WORDS: I screwed up the pacing really bad. It's okay. You'll be caught by the whims of my writer rage/delusions. I just finished writing episode 6. Can't wait for the fangirl/sasaeng episode.
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lifeofkaze · 2 years
Moving On
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A/N: This story was written for the January prompt of @hp-12monthsofmagic challenge
Bringing friends to the Burrow during the summer break was somewhat of a habit for the Weasley children, and yet, Charlie Weasley had never really been one to invite people over. That wasn’t because he didn’t have any people to bring, he simply preferred sticking to a small but eclectic circle of friends. 
Lizzie Jameson was one of the exceptions. She was one of Charlie’s few regular guests at his home near Ottery St Catchpole, and Charlie would’ve been hard-pressed trying to think of a time when he wasn’t excited about his best friend’s stay. 
This year, however, things were different. He had been looking forward to Lizzie’s arrival, he really had, but when the lively Hufflepuff girl Apparated into the Burrow’s front yard, Charlie wasn’t the one to greet her first. Before he had even risen from his chair in the kitchen, his mother had rushed past him, pulling a bashfully smiling Lizzie into a smothering hug. 
“I haven’t seen you in forever, dear,” Molly Weasley cried out, cupping Lizzie’s face with both her hands and squeezing it ever so slightly. “Won’t you look at that, what a beautiful young witch you have become! And what a nice tan you got yourself! You must tell me all about your trip, Charlie was so frugal with the details. Did you get my birthday gift? I really hope you liked the chocolate Quaffle.”
Over his mother’s incessant stream of chatter, Lizzie raised an eyebrow at Charlie.
“I thought you made that one?” she mouthed, to which Charlie responded with a shrug.
“I came up with the idea.”
He was happy that he and Lizzie would finally get to spend some time together. At school, catching her alone was tricky; they were in different houses, and Lizzie had a plethora of friends and other extra-curricular activities to occupy her time. They saw each other during classes and their work for Professor Kettleburn, but even those Lizzie had come to leave in a rush more often than not.
Charlie knew the reason for it, of course. Lizzie now had a boyfriend, after all. 
He felt his excitement fade as he listened to his mother and his younger brothers, who had stormed into the kitchen upon hearing Lizzie’s voice, interrogating her on her boyfriend Orion’s shiny new career as rookie Chaser for the Montrose Magpies. Lizzie answered all of their questions patiently and with a proud smile on her face; for some reason, she seemed unable to even stop gushing about his new jersey.  
“The old ones were so boring, but this season, they’re stunning. Trust me, you’ll love them.”
Charlie raised his eyebrows fractionally. “I thought you were a Catapults gal, Snidget.”
Lizzie responded with a laugh. “They’ll have to share my love with the Magpies now, I guess.”
“So much for loyalty,” Charlie muttered to himself. He was surprised at how snappy he sounded, but a strange sort of irritation had taken hold of him ever since the topic had turned to Quidditch. Lizzie seemed to share the notion; her brows knit together in a frown, but before she could reply, Charlie’s younger brother Fred drew her attention.
“Don’t listen to him,” he smirked, his brown eyes flashing. “He’s just jealous he only gets to handle dragons instead of Snitches.”
“Others chase undying fame, Charlie only scary lizards,” Fred’s identical twin George sniggered. 
“Chasing scary lizards is a perfectly acceptable career choice if you ask me,” Lizzie jumped to Charlie’s defence with a stern look at them both. “And it’s not like Charlie isn’t his own kind of famous either. I have a lot of friends who are quite partial to him, actually.”
Knowing where this was headed, Charlie motioned for Lizzie to stop, but it was too late. His mother leaned closer with sparkling eyes.
“What kind of friends? Girls?”
Not minding him, Lizzie giggled in reply. “Yes, actually. There’s Janet, and Alexa, Elle, Madison, Rose, Millie… oh, and Ava.” 
At that, Charlie frowned. “Who’s Ava?” 
“I’m not sure you know her. I only met her properly last year.”
“What house is she in?”
“Ravenclaw. You might know her from Potions, actually. She’s rather petite, blonde, wickedly clever. She’s top of… well, almost all classes, really.”
“Does she like dragons and Quidditch?” the twins asked innocently, elbowing each other in the sides.
“Sadly, no and no.”
Charlie thought all of this rather odd. “And she told you she wanted to meet me?”
A faint dusting of colour rose to Lizzie’s cheeks. “She didn’t exactly say it, but I think the two of you would get along well. I can introduce you if you like?”
“Thanks, no need,” Charlie said abruptly and rose to his feet. He left behind a stunned silence as he walked through the kitchen door into the garden. 
As he crossed the garden towards the hedge separating the Burrow from the fields beyond, his thoughts circled around Lizzie and how strangely angry her behaviour made him. Was it too much to ask to not talk about her relationship for more than five minutes? Or his lack thereof, for that matter? There was more to life than dating and all the other things that seemed to consume all of Lizzie’s waking thoughts lately. When had she changed so much? 
When he reached the broom shed on the edge of the Burrow’s grounds, he unlocked the door and stepped inside. The dark, dry heat hit him like a Bludger to the face. He looked around. There were gardening tools, discarded furniture, and old plant pots littering the shelves and floors, and in a rack by the wall, the ragged broomsticks of the Weasley family were stored. Charlie took one of them out and put it back again, sitting down on a dusty sunchair instead. 
He was annoyed with Lizzie, and his mother, and Fred and George, but mostly, he was annoyed with himself. It wasn’t Lizzie’s fault that he was irritable, and she had only meant well. 
But what was so wrong about wanting to pursue his passion? Why did everyone always question him? His internship with the dragonologists in Wales during the first half of the summer was the first step to the career of his dreams, but instead of support, all Charlie received from his family and friends were patronising remarks.
The door creaked open, and a shadow blocked the light streaming into the shed. Convinced it was Lizzie, Charlie sullenly said, “If you want to play Quidditch, I’m sorry. I can’t provide you with balancing and broom surfing.”
“Oh, neither can I,” said the voice of his older brother Bill. “I’d break something even trying.”
Charlie’s shoulders relaxed as Bill sat on an upturned cauldron across from him. “What do you want?”
“I heard you stormed out on Mum. Do you want to tell me what happened?”
“Nothing,” Charlie shook his head. When Bill didn’t reply, the words suddenly came tumbling from his mouth. He told him about Lizzie, her repeated attempts at pitching him to various of her friends, and how strangely disappointed Charlie had been from the moment she had set foot into the Burrow’s kitchen.
“I don’t know,” he finished with a helpless shrug. “I just don’t understand why she’s changed so much.” 
“You have gotten older since you first met. People change when they grow up, and so do their friendships.”
“That’s not it,” Charlie insisted. “It only started after she got with Orion.” 
Bill made a contemplative humming sound. “Is that why you’re so upset? Because Lizzie has a boyfriend now?”
“Why would I?”
“You’re not jealous then?”
“Absolutely not,” Charlie said vehemently. He paused. “Should I be?”
“Well, is there anything on your part?” 
“Why does everybody keep asking me that?”
“You’ve always been close. More than close, even.” Bill shrugged. “You wouldn’t be the first person to fall in love with their best friend. It happens. I mean, you even kissed.”
“We… wait, how do you know that?”
Bill’s lips curved into a knowing smile. “There’s no secrets at the Burrow.”
“Okay, but even if we kissed, it doesn’t change anything. I don’t have feelings for Lizzie,” Charlie insisted stubbornly. More quietly, he added, “Or at least, that’s what I thought.”
“You don’t think that anymore?”
“I don’t know,” Charlie said, frowning to himself. “Everybody thinks there’s more to us, so what if they’re right? What if there is?” 
Bill was silent for a long time. “Do you remember the plush Erumpent I got for Christmas when we were small?”
“Mum and Dad got me an Erumpent and you a dragon. You loved that dragon. You took it with you anywhere.”
“Sounds about right.”
“People liked the Erumpent better, though. They kept asking you if you weren’t sad that it was way cuter than your dragon, and eventually, you believed them.” He paused. “Do you see where I’m going with this?”
“No, because dragons clearly are superior to Erumpents.”
“You changed your mind after people told you how to feel often enough.” Bill’s voice softened. “I know you want to please everyone, but you shouldn’t let that decide how you feel about something. That’s for you to decide, and only you. And if someone’s not happy about it, that’s their problem, not yours.”
“If anyone thinks Erumpents are better than dragons, they have enough of a problem as it is.”
With a laugh, Bill rose to his feet. “Think about it. Mum says dinner’s at six.”
Charlie stayed in the broom shed long after Bill had left. Their conversation ran through his mind over and over again. Bill suggesting that he was jealous was ridiculous. Why would he be jealous? 
Jealous. He let the thought sit with him, gave it a little room to breathe. It felt strange.
He remembered when he and Lizzie had come into this same broom shed during their Christmas break a couple of years ago. They had hidden from the twins and had found themselves under a mistletoe in the doorway. It was the only time they had ever kissed, but it had been Charlie’s first; both their firsts, in fact. Looking back, he wasn’t sure if the memory felt good or awkward. 
Bill’s words kept Charlie occupied over the next couple of days. He spent his time with Lizzie and his family, trying to put his issues aside, but they never quite left him alone.
By the end of the week, Charlie still didn’t know how to feel. Was he jealous of Lizzie’s relationship with Orion? Wasn’t he? The idea felt foreign to him, as if his mind refused to wrap around the concept of Lizzie being anything but his friend. 
The summer in Devon was kind, and the Weasley children made the best of it, spending their days in the garden from early in the morning. A pleasant breeze stirred the leaves of the trees in the orchard, and the scent of grass and honeysuckle hung heavy in the air. Charlie sat on the steps in front of the kitchen door, watching Lizzie playing tag with Ron and Ginny, an affectionate smile playing around his lips. 
Maybe he and Lizzie could have been more, he thought to himself. Maybe, if things had been different. If she hadn’t fallen in love with Orion, or if Charlie had known what he wanted from her when there had still been a chance. 
Ultimately, it was what it was. And that, Charlie decided, was perfectly fine. 
Further out in the garden, Ron and Ginny had left Lizzie to her own devices. She sat in the shadow of an old honeysuckle tree and was reading the letter she had received from Orion the other day. A soft smile formed on her features, the happiness radiating off her so strong that Charlie thought he could feel its warmth even from where he was sitting. It was then that something within him settled. If Lizzie smiled like that, he was satisfied, no matter who or what was the cause of it.
“Would you look at that, George?” Fred grinned as he slumped on the stairs next to Charlie. 
“Someone’s in love,” George sang, suddenly appearing on Charlie’s other side. In unison, the twins added, “Go on, make your move!”
Charlie stifled a sigh. “I’m not in love.”
“Then why are you staring?”
“I’m not staring.”
“You are staring,” Fred and George sniggered, fluttering their eyelashes and making kissing noises.
Ignoring the twins’ wolf whistling, Charlie rose to his feet and made his way over to Lizzie, who looked up from her letter with an apologetic expression.
“Sorry about them,” she glared in the direction of Charlie’s cackling brothers. “I told them to knock it off, but you know how they are.”
“It’s fine,” Charlie waved her off. He nodded at the parchment in Lizzie’s hands. “How’s Orion?”
“Are you polite, or do you really want to know?”
“Why wouldn’t I want to know?”
Lizzie suddenly looked sheepish. “I never thought you cared much.”
“Don’t take it personally, Puffskein. I had a lot on my mind.” 
“Do you want to talk about it?” 
“It’s fine.”
Lizzie tilted her head. “You know you can talk to me, right?”
A smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, Charlie nodded. “I do.”
Slowly, the smile returned to Lizzie’s face as she tucked her letter away and told him about Orion’s first days in Montrose. Her eyes were flashing with excitement, and the dappled light falling through the canopy above them made her hair look like dark honey. She did look pretty, smiling like that, and Charlie wondered whether there really wasn’t more to the thought.
The simple answer was no, there wasn’t. Lizzie was happy, and that was all he needed to know.
“Say, that friend of yours,” he said when she was done with her recount, “the one you mentioned the other day. Tell me about her.”
A knowing smile formed on Lizzie’s features. “Which one?”
Charlie searched his brain for any of the names she had mentioned and said the first that came to his mind.
“Uhm, Ada.”
“You mean Ava?”
“Yeah, Ava. Tell me about Ava.” 
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9 with demelurina
hello you probably forgot you even sent me a prompt because it's been almost a year but i finally wrote kind of a ficlet and i hope you like it
Prompt: "should i cook today?" "i--don't trust you with my kitchen, babe."
Warm breath on the back of her neck dragged Demeter awake, floating from darkness to the grey morning light. Lips brushed over the lobe of her ear. Demeter smiled lazily. She curled back into the warm body tucked up behind her. Wiry arms pulled her in closer and teeth grazed down to the lobe of her ear, tweaking gently.
Demeter blew out an amused breath. “Lemme turn.”
Bombalurina’s arms loosened just enough for Demeter to roll over. They tightened again as soon as hazel eyes met hers.
“Hello,” Demeter said.
“Mornin’,” Bombalurina answered. Her voice was still sleep-rough.
“Didn’t think we’d get to sleep in today?”
“I’ll be back late-ish,” Bombalurina said softly. “Depends on how long load-out goes.”
“Oh, right. Forgot about that.” Demeter yawned. She touched her nose to Bombalurina’s playfully, letting her eyes slide half shut. “Better make the morning count, then.”
Bombalurina’s lips curled slowly. “Oh?”
“Mm,” Demeter hummed.
She leaned in. Bombalurina’s lips met hers, slotting together for a long, slow kiss – lips pressing softly together in the quiet still of the morning. When they finally pulled apart Demeter licked her bottom lip. Bombalurina’s eyes were shaded to near brown.
Demeter smiled in satisfaction and closed her eyes. “Should I cook tonight?” “I– don’t trust you with my kitchen, babe.”
“What?” Demeter’s eyes snapped open.
Bombalurina was already cringing. “Didn’t mean for that to come out so quickly.”
Demeter sat up, knocking Bombalurina’s arms away. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Well I know you’re not going to break anything,” Bombalurina said hurriedly.
“It’s... more about... using the non-stick pans? On the stove?”
Demeter stared at Bombalurina until she winced.
“It’s only that last time there was a fire.”
“I thought we agreed that wasn’t my fault.”
“You were... ah... passionate in your own defense,” Bombalurina said, with the air of someone hedging their bets.
Demeter glared at her. “So much for the morning.”
Demeter skipped the end credits and started her third episode of Murder, She Wrote. Bombalurina was doing something in the kitchen that involved coffee– with cinnamon. Her favorite. When the various sounds of kitchen clattering stopped, Demeter crossed her arms and burrowed down into the sofa, determined not to accept any forthcoming apology. She focused on the screen, stubbornly watching Jessica Fletcher working on an archaeological dig until legs for days and a button-down shirt stepped in front of it.
Demeter grunted. Bomba knew what the button-down shirt did to her. “You’re blocking the TV.”
A coffee mug floated into her vision and back out as it was placed on the side table. Demeter looked down at it, then, finally, looked up. Bombalurina stood there, hands folded in front of her, looking pathetically sad.
“Alexa! What does–.” Demeter started. She paused, frowning. (Bombalurina tried very, very hard not to let her lips twitch into a smile but failed and frantically had to compose her face back into something sad). Demeter frowned harder. “What?”
Bombalurina managed to look even sadder. “What, ‘what’?”
“What is this?” Demeter asked, waving her hand in Bombalurina’s general direction.
“This is contrition.”
“Alexa!” Demeter barked. “What does ‘contrition’ mean?”
“Contrition is defined as sincere penance or remorse.”
Bombalurina choked on a giggle. Demeter huffed.
“Get out with your contritionalness!”
“It’s ‘contrite’, babe,” Bombalurina said.
Demeter threw a pillow at her. “Get out! Go dress!”
Bombalurina ducked away, finally letting out the laugh she hadn’t been terribly successful in containing anyway. “See you tonight!”
Demeter picked up her mobile and pulled up her messages with Munkustrap, typing furiously: How much should ‘contrition’ cost her?
6 notes · View notes
miladybianca · 1 year
(My Autobiography)
Sonder means that each random passerby is the main character of their own story, living a life just as vivid and complex as our own. We have our own stories, different experiences, and lessons to learn. Let me tell you my story. Hi, I am Alexandra Bianca Comandante Alcuetas. My grandparents from my father's side gave that name to me –Bianca, which means white or beauty. Only my family and relatives call me Bianca, then my friends and classmates call me Alex or Alexa. I'm currently 17 years of age, turning 18 this October 12. Time is so fast, isn't it? To start off, I will introduce my family. We are matrilocal; we are currently living with my mother's parents. Yes, we are an extended family. I live together with my mother's sister and her cousins. I have 2 siblings, they are both boys, and I am the oldest. Just imagine being the eldest and being the "unica hija" at the same time; well, that's a lot of expectations and responsibility. Going back, I studied my elementary years at Dasmariñas II Central School and completed my Junior High School at Philippine Christian University - Dasmariñas. I am finishing my Senior High School at Emilio Aguinaldo College - Cavite and planning to take college at De La Salle University - Dasmariñas.
If I wrote my story, one page would not be enough. Although a lot had happened in my life before, I viewed my life as boring, and I felt like something was missing, that feeling that life was the same every day. There's this feeling that I can't explain. I made myself active before, thinking I could find the answers I was looking for. I joined dance competitions and street dances like the Paru-Paro festival, became a choreographer in Junior High, joined cheer dancing in grade 7, and joined pageants and school activities. I was active in school activities as a member before. Then, I entered the life of being a student leader, still active, thinking it was easy but it wasn't. I experimented with things; I tried doing many things, thinking I would know myself more. Aside from that, I tried some things I never tried before. I tried creating a youtube channel – yes, I tried vlogging, and now I have 472 subscribers. I tried doing travel vlogs, cooking vlogs, make-up and DIY vlogs, challenges, and song covers and discovered that I have a talent for singing. So I joined Friends of St. La Salle Choir, now part of the music ministry in the DLSUD chapel, and it's been 3 years. I made myself busy, thinking I could search for the answers I was looking for. But in searching, I lost myself and did not value the things I already had.
Now I believe that it is true that you have to experience things for you to learn from them for you to find the answers to the what-ifs and questions running through your head. 2 years ago, my grandfather died. He died from COVID-19. I think it was the lowest part of my life, and it was very traumatic. There are a lot of whys running through my head. It's like I had fallen and didn't know how to stand again. At first, it is hard to accept and to start again. But as time passed, my family made me realize the true meaning of life. They made me feel the love that I had been longing for my whole life. I realized that everything happens for a reason and that nothing is permanent; everything we have now is not ours but God's. I realized that the love I am searching for is already given to me; I just don't see it. I searched for the answers that have been with me my entire life.
Now, what is more important, is that I learned my lessons and value and appreciate more the things and people in my life now. Ending this essay with a message for everyone that people come and go. "Change is the only constant in life." Nothing is permanent. Everything that is happening to us now has a reason, and it is we who decide whether to stay down or move forward and learn from it. It is we who decide our future.
3 notes · View notes
so uncomfortable
okay here's a tough question
I'm going to force myself to think about
lightly though and with only my fingertips
when did I become embarrassed for how and why
I choose to love someone?
I know that I try to be thoughtful and considerate with love
my mind is always looking for glimmers of joy
and in love everything sparkles a bit
especially if it's romantic love
just noticed a fly died in my tealight that's awkward
when I choose to love someone
I become aware of them and notice things
I do it naturally but in affection
I love to focus more on the things that bring delight
affection can be the beauty when things are bleak
if the first root stems from childhood
I could never seem to love anyone rightly or enough
to inspire them to keep loving me every day
suddenly their mood would change and I'd be
a stranger they hated or needed to get away from
god I hope I don't make my children feel that way
when I get overwhelmed and my first instinct is to isolate
but I usually explain to them what is happening with me
and reassure them that the situation has me out of sorts
and that I love taking care of them even if I get stressed
they never seem to worry that my love will go away
so I broke that cycle which means now
I have to address it in interpersonal connections
and the truth is that I can only love as me authentically
and value the opinions of people able to receive my love
instead of the projections of those who just can't seem
to find anything right with how I show affection
or think I'm not quite grateful enough for their regard
i fucking thank my alexa ok I know I'm appreciative
my youngest and wildest is named Theo
but at the park he would introduce himself as Io
and then when people called him by this name he gave
he wouldn't answer to it because he was so used
to listening for his given name Theo
he didn't know how to answer to the name he gave himself
I think that's how I feel right now
and people don't usually have to give themself a name
or maybe they do and I just haven't found something I
resonated with yet so I can make the connection to
something that does make sense in my mind
If I haven't been given love in the way that attuned
to my authentic self but only to the self
I constructed to survive the rejection of being myself
then of course I'm terrified of being given love
that will see me entirely and not go away
depending on the day or dysregulated mindset
you can dream of something your entire life
and suddenly feel like freezing or running
the moment you feel like it may approach you
new things are scary even if they are wanted
most of the love I was given was built upon enmeshment
I fell into the patterns easily because they are based
in deep insecurity and manipulation
I broke that cycle in relation to my children
the mother wound determines your inner voice
so now I need to break the cycle in relation
to myself and the people I choose to love
control is not love and healthy boundaries are not control
but loving limits you place around yourself to
protect yourself from enmeshment (ironic)
it's also nice when those are communicated
full moon this weekend in a time for release
moving out of cancer season (whew)
and into leo season and my ascending aspect
is purring and growling in my ear
I'm calling him Firenze or
Novafeltria if she's feeling divinely feminine
my inner royal court of wands
and we all know wands connect us to the creative
sacral cauldrons that forge our passion that is controlled
by the breath of our ever expanding and contracting diaphragm
which is like the function and structure of the iris of the eye
they both adjust the size of the opening (or aperture)
controlling the depth of field or focus of the scene
and how much light is exposed to the focal plane
I think all this means that I have to stop being a filter
or something and just accept my intensity?
I got a little lost in the constellation I was trying to draw
but it still sparkles, doesn't it?
I will sparkle for the right people
and accept that some people just don't like stars
and that's just something they have to deal with, man
0 notes
thedivinefish · 2 years
TGIWednesday: Help! I've fallen and I can't get up
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TGIWednesday News
This past weekend I had yet another roaring Saturday night on the couch watching 48 Hours (and accident/suicide/murder intrigue show) when I heard the chime of an email.  I noticed it was from our elderly neighbor down the street who was emailing to say that she had fallen and couldn’t get up.  Anyone else might not have seen or answered that email for a few days, but when you handle clients 24/7 and nightly prayer subscribers - I instantly hollered to my girlfriend (who was in the dining room deep into a the second story of a ginger bread house assembly project) and I said “Let’s go!” When we arrived, the kitchen area looked like a crime scene or a cat walked across the counter and knocked over random items.  There was a smell of burnt chili in the air and it was still on a hot stove.  She had struggled to crawl to her laptop to email us and I struggled to pick up my neighbor and lift her back into her motorized chair. She had taken off her 911 neckless because she was cooking and her phone had fallen out of reach.  Only my girlfriend would notice and say to our neighbor, "Is that an iPhone?"  And yes it was, "and do you have Alexa too?" And we hollered out to Alexa and she answered.  Our neighbor felt embarrassed and we said, “Hey don’t worry about it, it can happen to the best of us.” Before leaving we made sure she had her iPhone, her “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up” necklace around her neck and the knowledge to holler out for Alexa as needed.  How many rescue resources are at your reach as you read this now?  Sometimes you have to ask for help and contribution from others and Spirit will show up in the wildest ways and yes even rescue you!  Could you use my help? are you feeling extra-crispy?  If so, you can now  Book Appointments... View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins
TGIWednesday Download
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~ RESOURCES AT YOUR FINGERTIPS ~ I believe, think, know and feel that I need only call on others and Spirit in order to change whatever may be a liability that could turn into an asset.  I know, when, where, how and why to ask for help and contribution when I needed and to speak up for myself and others so that we can make progress.  I am ready, willing and able to move in forward action to co-create movement, changes and improvements in every area of my life here and now and so it is.  I am asking in all languages and throughout all timelines knowing that by taking daily action the rest of our lives will be the best of our lives!  
FREE Live Appearances
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COMING FEB 9-23RD FREE ONLINE SUMMIT Breakthrough Your Limiting Beliefs: Find Clarity, Understand Your Purpose & Quickly Remove Blocks to Creating an Amazing Authentic Life  with host Daniel Stather  
Free to Register - Click Here
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
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FEBRUARY 1ST "Everyone brings something of themselves to the table of life. For today I will not force or emit my drive and desire on others, but will accept them for who they are in the hopes that I can be accepted for who I am. Without judgment or the need or desire to force my will on others. I will go through today accepting and embracing whatever shows up."
From the Fish Box
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 Great News Jimmy! My husband had his Colonoscopy today and everything was fine.  No cancer!  I thank you from my heart for the prayers, your generous spirit and for just being BEAUTIFUL, CARING JIMMY.  - Ana / New Jersey
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Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day!  SUBSCRIPTION AUTO-RENEWAL ($95/mo - save $5) Purchase a recurring subscription  Update your prayers monthly. You can cancel or pause anytime.
Use PayPal for subscription Click here  Use Stripe for subscription Click here. 
30-Days of Prayer - $99
Self-paced Online Courses Available Anchors Away Masterclass & Mastery/Practitioner Certification
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We recently launched our new ANCHORS AWAY MASTERCLASS and what has come through from Spirit is truly a game-changer in the way we can ALL now clear off evil, dark energies, aliens and anomalies in a deep, profound and lasting way.   
I recorded a video to tell you more about how you can get access to my brand new Anchors Away Masterclass so you can learn how to protect and clear the 5 Anchors & more.
Watch the Video Now
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MLF MASTERY LEVEL 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime!
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
Learn About Certification Here
Module 1 has about 3 hours of core material and Module 2 contains about 8 hours.  Most people go through the course and take the test within a month but can be as fast as a week depending on how quickly you work through the pdfs, audios, videos, and testing.  Also, there are many hours of OPTIONAL reference materials.  
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
The Fish Market
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Featured Audio for February 20% OFF - automatic discount @ checkout MyBeliefWorks for Receiving Love in all Forms and Finding "The One"
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Healing and Grounding Mats for all occasions  Yes even Lily my cat uses the pet one!   View Grounding Mats here Enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at Checkout for Free Shipping
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Terahertz Frequency Wand If you haven't heard of this healing technology yet, you soon will. This is the most affordable wand/blower we've seen out there. View Terahertz Wand here Use 10% discount code: TSG10
**We are NOT involved in the sales or shipping process of any of these items, please contact them directly. 
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Below is list of over 35 titles in the MyBeliefWorks Clearings audio series, monthly Zoom clearing call replays and Guided Energy Processess. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
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We now offer digital Gift Certificates for gift-giving. Gift a free session, daily prayers or clearing audios/videos to someone special.  You simply select the denomination that matches the gift you'd like to give from the options on this page amounts from $19 - $225.
Buy Gift Certificates here
Receiving Abundance Freedom from Abuse Overcoming Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Healing Experiencing Bountiful Harvest Igniting Creative Spark Discovering Your Destiny Daily GPS Reset Releasing Dark Energies/Fears Crossroads -Decision Making Diet & Exercise Support Education & Learning Support Empowering the Empath Healing Family Relationships Attracting a Financial Windfall Gold Coin: More Money in All Forms Joy of Money Healing Body Disorders
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The 5 Anchors Process
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The Purple Rain Process
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The Magical Golden Key
Lucky 777  Mental Stress Relieving Holiday Stress Increasing Intuition Easing IRS Stress & Taxes 20% OFF  Finding Love & Romance Positive Money Mindset Moving Forward from Past Chronic Pain Relief Pet Healing Support Pro$perity Unlocked Improving Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling with Ease Work & Career Success Weight Loss Support Restoring Youth & Vitality
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View Full Zoom Replay Collection 
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments ???Transformational Healing of Body, Mind? & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!? ? View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins Search FAQ Access the FREE MLF Online Training Clearing Audio Downloads? and eBooks Get Certified in MLF Mastery or Practitioner Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Healing and Grounding Mats ...enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at checkout for Free shipping! Shop for ?Supplements ? http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2023 All Rights Reserved
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divinefishingtips · 2 years
TGIWednesday: Help! I've fallen and I can't get up
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TGIWednesday News
This past weekend I had yet another roaring Saturday night on the couch watching 48 Hours (and accident/suicide/murder intrigue show) when I heard the chime of an email.  I noticed it was from our elderly neighbor down the street who was emailing to say that she had fallen and couldn’t get up.  Anyone else might not have seen or answered that email for a few days, but when you handle clients 24/7 and nightly prayer subscribers - I instantly hollered to my girlfriend (who was in the dining room deep into a the second story of a ginger bread house assembly project) and I said “Let’s go!” When we arrived, the kitchen area looked like a crime scene or a cat walked across the counter and knocked over random items.  There was a smell of burnt chili in the air and it was still on a hot stove.  She had struggled to crawl to her laptop to email us and I struggled to pick up my neighbor and lift her back into her motorized chair. She had taken off her 911 neckless because she was cooking and her phone had fallen out of reach.  Only my girlfriend would notice and say to our neighbor, "Is that an iPhone?"  And yes it was, "and do you have Alexa too?" And we hollered out to Alexa and she answered.  Our neighbor felt embarrassed and we said, “Hey don’t worry about it, it can happen to the best of us.” Before leaving we made sure she had her iPhone, her “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up” necklace around her neck and the knowledge to holler out for Alexa as needed.  How many rescue resources are at your reach as you read this now?  Sometimes you have to ask for help and contribution from others and Spirit will show up in the wildest ways and yes even rescue you!  Could you use my help? are you feeling extra-crispy?  If so, you can now  Book Appointments... View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins
TGIWednesday Download
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~ RESOURCES AT YOUR FINGERTIPS ~ I believe, think, know and feel that I need only call on others and Spirit in order to change whatever may be a liability that could turn into an asset.  I know, when, where, how and why to ask for help and contribution when I needed and to speak up for myself and others so that we can make progress.  I am ready, willing and able to move in forward action to co-create movement, changes and improvements in every area of my life here and now and so it is.  I am asking in all languages and throughout all timelines knowing that by taking daily action the rest of our lives will be the best of our lives!  
FREE Live Appearances
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COMING FEB 9-23RD FREE ONLINE SUMMIT Breakthrough Your Limiting Beliefs: Find Clarity, Understand Your Purpose & Quickly Remove Blocks to Creating an Amazing Authentic Life  with host Daniel Stather  
Free to Register - Click Here
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
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FEBRUARY 1ST "Everyone brings something of themselves to the table of life. For today I will not force or emit my drive and desire on others, but will accept them for who they are in the hopes that I can be accepted for who I am. Without judgment or the need or desire to force my will on others. I will go through today accepting and embracing whatever shows up."
From the Fish Box
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 Great News Jimmy! My husband had his Colonoscopy today and everything was fine.  No cancer!  I thank you from my heart for the prayers, your generous spirit and for just being BEAUTIFUL, CARING JIMMY.  - Ana / New Jersey
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Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day!  SUBSCRIPTION AUTO-RENEWAL ($95/mo - save $5) Purchase a recurring subscription  Update your prayers monthly. You can cancel or pause anytime.
Use PayPal for subscription Click here  Use Stripe for subscription Click here. 
30-Days of Prayer - $99
Self-paced Online Courses Available Anchors Away Masterclass & Mastery/Practitioner Certification
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We recently launched our new ANCHORS AWAY MASTERCLASS and what has come through from Spirit is truly a game-changer in the way we can ALL now clear off evil, dark energies, aliens and anomalies in a deep, profound and lasting way.   
I recorded a video to tell you more about how you can get access to my brand new Anchors Away Masterclass so you can learn how to protect and clear the 5 Anchors & more.
Watch the Video Now
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MLF MASTERY LEVEL 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime!
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
Learn About Certification Here
Module 1 has about 3 hours of core material and Module 2 contains about 8 hours.  Most people go through the course and take the test within a month but can be as fast as a week depending on how quickly you work through the pdfs, audios, videos, and testing.  Also, there are many hours of OPTIONAL reference materials.  
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
The Fish Market
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Featured Audio for February 20% OFF - automatic discount @ checkout MyBeliefWorks for Receiving Love in all Forms and Finding "The One"
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Healing and Grounding Mats for all occasions  Yes even Lily my cat uses the pet one!   View Grounding Mats here Enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at Checkout for Free Shipping
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Terahertz Frequency Wand If you haven't heard of this healing technology yet, you soon will. This is the most affordable wand/blower we've seen out there. View Terahertz Wand here Use 10% discount code: TSG10
**We are NOT involved in the sales or shipping process of any of these items, please contact them directly. 
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Below is list of over 35 titles in the MyBeliefWorks Clearings audio series, monthly Zoom clearing call replays and Guided Energy Processess. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
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We now offer digital Gift Certificates for gift-giving. Gift a free session, daily prayers or clearing audios/videos to someone special.  You simply select the denomination that matches the gift you'd like to give from the options on this page amounts from $19 - $225.
Buy Gift Certificates here
Receiving Abundance Freedom from Abuse Overcoming Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Healing Experiencing Bountiful Harvest Igniting Creative Spark Discovering Your Destiny Daily GPS Reset Releasing Dark Energies/Fears Crossroads -Decision Making Diet & Exercise Support Education & Learning Support Empowering the Empath Healing Family Relationships Attracting a Financial Windfall Gold Coin: More Money in All Forms Joy of Money Healing Body Disorders
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The 5 Anchors Process
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The Purple Rain Process
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The Magical Golden Key
Lucky 777  Mental Stress Relieving Holiday Stress Increasing Intuition Easing IRS Stress & Taxes 20% OFF  Finding Love & Romance Positive Money Mindset Moving Forward from Past Chronic Pain Relief Pet Healing Support Pro$perity Unlocked Improving Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling with Ease Work & Career Success Weight Loss Support Restoring Youth & Vitality
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View Full Zoom Replay Collection 
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments ???Transformational Healing of Body, Mind? & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!? ? View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins Search FAQ Access the FREE MLF Online Training Clearing Audio Downloads? and eBooks Get Certified in MLF Mastery or Practitioner Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Healing and Grounding Mats ...enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at checkout for Free shipping! Shop for ?Supplements ? http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2023 All Rights Reserved
0 notes
TGIWednesday: Help! I've fallen and I can't get up
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TGIWednesday News
This past weekend I had yet another roaring Saturday night on the couch watching 48 Hours (and accident/suicide/murder intrigue show) when I heard the chime of an email.  I noticed it was from our elderly neighbor down the street who was emailing to say that she had fallen and couldn’t get up.  Anyone else might not have seen or answered that email for a few days, but when you handle clients 24/7 and nightly prayer subscribers - I instantly hollered to my girlfriend (who was in the dining room deep into a the second story of a ginger bread house assembly project) and I said “Let’s go!” When we arrived, the kitchen area looked like a crime scene or a cat walked across the counter and knocked over random items.  There was a smell of burnt chili in the air and it was still on a hot stove.  She had struggled to crawl to her laptop to email us and I struggled to pick up my neighbor and lift her back into her motorized chair. She had taken off her 911 neckless because she was cooking and her phone had fallen out of reach.  Only my girlfriend would notice and say to our neighbor, "Is that an iPhone?"  And yes it was, "and do you have Alexa too?" And we hollered out to Alexa and she answered.  Our neighbor felt embarrassed and we said, “Hey don’t worry about it, it can happen to the best of us.” Before leaving we made sure she had her iPhone, her “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up” necklace around her neck and the knowledge to holler out for Alexa as needed.  How many rescue resources are at your reach as you read this now?  Sometimes you have to ask for help and contribution from others and Spirit will show up in the wildest ways and yes even rescue you!  Could you use my help? are you feeling extra-crispy?  If so, you can now  Book Appointments... View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins
TGIWednesday Download
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~ RESOURCES AT YOUR FINGERTIPS ~ I believe, think, know and feel that I need only call on others and Spirit in order to change whatever may be a liability that could turn into an asset.  I know, when, where, how and why to ask for help and contribution when I needed and to speak up for myself and others so that we can make progress.  I am ready, willing and able to move in forward action to co-create movement, changes and improvements in every area of my life here and now and so it is.  I am asking in all languages and throughout all timelines knowing that by taking daily action the rest of our lives will be the best of our lives!  
FREE Live Appearances
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COMING FEB 9-23RD FREE ONLINE SUMMIT Breakthrough Your Limiting Beliefs: Find Clarity, Understand Your Purpose & Quickly Remove Blocks to Creating an Amazing Authentic Life  with host Daniel Stather  
Free to Register - Click Here
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
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FEBRUARY 1ST "Everyone brings something of themselves to the table of life. For today I will not force or emit my drive and desire on others, but will accept them for who they are in the hopes that I can be accepted for who I am. Without judgment or the need or desire to force my will on others. I will go through today accepting and embracing whatever shows up."
From the Fish Box
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 Great News Jimmy! My husband had his Colonoscopy today and everything was fine.  No cancer!  I thank you from my heart for the prayers, your generous spirit and for just being BEAUTIFUL, CARING JIMMY.  - Ana / New Jersey
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Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day!  SUBSCRIPTION AUTO-RENEWAL ($95/mo - save $5) Purchase a recurring subscription  Update your prayers monthly. You can cancel or pause anytime.
Use PayPal for subscription Click here  Use Stripe for subscription Click here. 
30-Days of Prayer - $99
Self-paced Online Courses Available Anchors Away Masterclass & Mastery/Practitioner Certification
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We recently launched our new ANCHORS AWAY MASTERCLASS and what has come through from Spirit is truly a game-changer in the way we can ALL now clear off evil, dark energies, aliens and anomalies in a deep, profound and lasting way.   
I recorded a video to tell you more about how you can get access to my brand new Anchors Away Masterclass so you can learn how to protect and clear the 5 Anchors & more.
Watch the Video Now
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MLF MASTERY LEVEL 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime!
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
Learn About Certification Here
Module 1 has about 3 hours of core material and Module 2 contains about 8 hours.  Most people go through the course and take the test within a month but can be as fast as a week depending on how quickly you work through the pdfs, audios, videos, and testing.  Also, there are many hours of OPTIONAL reference materials.  
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
The Fish Market
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Featured Audio for February 20% OFF - automatic discount @ checkout MyBeliefWorks for Receiving Love in all Forms and Finding "The One"
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Healing and Grounding Mats for all occasions  Yes even Lily my cat uses the pet one!   View Grounding Mats here Enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at Checkout for Free Shipping
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Terahertz Frequency Wand If you haven't heard of this healing technology yet, you soon will. This is the most affordable wand/blower we've seen out there. View Terahertz Wand here Use 10% discount code: TSG10
**We are NOT involved in the sales or shipping process of any of these items, please contact them directly. 
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Below is list of over 35 titles in the MyBeliefWorks Clearings audio series, monthly Zoom clearing call replays and Guided Energy Processess. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
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We now offer digital Gift Certificates for gift-giving. Gift a free session, daily prayers or clearing audios/videos to someone special.  You simply select the denomination that matches the gift you'd like to give from the options on this page amounts from $19 - $225.
Buy Gift Certificates here
Receiving Abundance Freedom from Abuse Overcoming Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Healing Experiencing Bountiful Harvest Igniting Creative Spark Discovering Your Destiny Daily GPS Reset Releasing Dark Energies/Fears Crossroads -Decision Making Diet & Exercise Support Education & Learning Support Empowering the Empath Healing Family Relationships Attracting a Financial Windfall Gold Coin: More Money in All Forms Joy of Money Healing Body Disorders
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The 5 Anchors Process
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The Purple Rain Process
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The Magical Golden Key
Lucky 777  Mental Stress Relieving Holiday Stress Increasing Intuition Easing IRS Stress & Taxes 20% OFF  Finding Love & Romance Positive Money Mindset Moving Forward from Past Chronic Pain Relief Pet Healing Support Pro$perity Unlocked Improving Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling with Ease Work & Career Success Weight Loss Support Restoring Youth & Vitality
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View Full Zoom Replay Collection 
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments ???Transformational Healing of Body, Mind? & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!? ? View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins Search FAQ Access the FREE MLF Online Training Clearing Audio Downloads? and eBooks Get Certified in MLF Mastery or Practitioner Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Healing and Grounding Mats ...enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at checkout for Free shipping! Shop for ?Supplements ? http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2023 All Rights Reserved
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TGIWednesday: Help! I've fallen and I can't get up
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TGIWednesday News
This past weekend I had yet another roaring Saturday night on the couch watching 48 Hours (and accident/suicide/murder intrigue show) when I heard the chime of an email.  I noticed it was from our elderly neighbor down the street who was emailing to say that she had fallen and couldn’t get up.  Anyone else might not have seen or answered that email for a few days, but when you handle clients 24/7 and nightly prayer subscribers - I instantly hollered to my girlfriend (who was in the dining room deep into a the second story of a ginger bread house assembly project) and I said “Let’s go!” When we arrived, the kitchen area looked like a crime scene or a cat walked across the counter and knocked over random items.  There was a smell of burnt chili in the air and it was still on a hot stove.  She had struggled to crawl to her laptop to email us and I struggled to pick up my neighbor and lift her back into her motorized chair. She had taken off her 911 neckless because she was cooking and her phone had fallen out of reach.  Only my girlfriend would notice and say to our neighbor, "Is that an iPhone?"  And yes it was, "and do you have Alexa too?" And we hollered out to Alexa and she answered.  Our neighbor felt embarrassed and we said, “Hey don’t worry about it, it can happen to the best of us.” Before leaving we made sure she had her iPhone, her “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up” necklace around her neck and the knowledge to holler out for Alexa as needed.  How many rescue resources are at your reach as you read this now?  Sometimes you have to ask for help and contribution from others and Spirit will show up in the wildest ways and yes even rescue you!  Could you use my help? are you feeling extra-crispy?  If so, you can now  Book Appointments... View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins
TGIWednesday Download
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~ RESOURCES AT YOUR FINGERTIPS ~ I believe, think, know and feel that I need only call on others and Spirit in order to change whatever may be a liability that could turn into an asset.  I know, when, where, how and why to ask for help and contribution when I needed and to speak up for myself and others so that we can make progress.  I am ready, willing and able to move in forward action to co-create movement, changes and improvements in every area of my life here and now and so it is.  I am asking in all languages and throughout all timelines knowing that by taking daily action the rest of our lives will be the best of our lives!  
FREE Live Appearances
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COMING FEB 9-23RD FREE ONLINE SUMMIT Breakthrough Your Limiting Beliefs: Find Clarity, Understand Your Purpose & Quickly Remove Blocks to Creating an Amazing Authentic Life  with host Daniel Stather  
Free to Register - Click Here
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
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FEBRUARY 1ST "Everyone brings something of themselves to the table of life. For today I will not force or emit my drive and desire on others, but will accept them for who they are in the hopes that I can be accepted for who I am. Without judgment or the need or desire to force my will on others. I will go through today accepting and embracing whatever shows up."
From the Fish Box
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 Great News Jimmy! My husband had his Colonoscopy today and everything was fine.  No cancer!  I thank you from my heart for the prayers, your generous spirit and for just being BEAUTIFUL, CARING JIMMY.  - Ana / New Jersey
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Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day!  SUBSCRIPTION AUTO-RENEWAL ($95/mo - save $5) Purchase a recurring subscription  Update your prayers monthly. You can cancel or pause anytime.
Use PayPal for subscription Click here  Use Stripe for subscription Click here. 
30-Days of Prayer - $99
Self-paced Online Courses Available Anchors Away Masterclass & Mastery/Practitioner Certification
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We recently launched our new ANCHORS AWAY MASTERCLASS and what has come through from Spirit is truly a game-changer in the way we can ALL now clear off evil, dark energies, aliens and anomalies in a deep, profound and lasting way.   
I recorded a video to tell you more about how you can get access to my brand new Anchors Away Masterclass so you can learn how to protect and clear the 5 Anchors & more.
Watch the Video Now
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MLF MASTERY LEVEL 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime!
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
Learn About Certification Here
Module 1 has about 3 hours of core material and Module 2 contains about 8 hours.  Most people go through the course and take the test within a month but can be as fast as a week depending on how quickly you work through the pdfs, audios, videos, and testing.  Also, there are many hours of OPTIONAL reference materials.  
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
The Fish Market
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Featured Audio for February 20% OFF - automatic discount @ checkout MyBeliefWorks for Receiving Love in all Forms and Finding "The One"
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Healing and Grounding Mats for all occasions  Yes even Lily my cat uses the pet one!   View Grounding Mats here Enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at Checkout for Free Shipping
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Terahertz Frequency Wand If you haven't heard of this healing technology yet, you soon will. This is the most affordable wand/blower we've seen out there. View Terahertz Wand here Use 10% discount code: TSG10
**We are NOT involved in the sales or shipping process of any of these items, please contact them directly. 
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Below is list of over 35 titles in the MyBeliefWorks Clearings audio series, monthly Zoom clearing call replays and Guided Energy Processess. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
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We now offer digital Gift Certificates for gift-giving. Gift a free session, daily prayers or clearing audios/videos to someone special.  You simply select the denomination that matches the gift you'd like to give from the options on this page amounts from $19 - $225.
Buy Gift Certificates here
Receiving Abundance Freedom from Abuse Overcoming Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Healing Experiencing Bountiful Harvest Igniting Creative Spark Discovering Your Destiny Daily GPS Reset Releasing Dark Energies/Fears Crossroads -Decision Making Diet & Exercise Support Education & Learning Support Empowering the Empath Healing Family Relationships Attracting a Financial Windfall Gold Coin: More Money in All Forms Joy of Money Healing Body Disorders
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The 5 Anchors Process
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The Purple Rain Process
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The Magical Golden Key
Lucky 777  Mental Stress Relieving Holiday Stress Increasing Intuition Easing IRS Stress & Taxes 20% OFF  Finding Love & Romance Positive Money Mindset Moving Forward from Past Chronic Pain Relief Pet Healing Support Pro$perity Unlocked Improving Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling with Ease Work & Career Success Weight Loss Support Restoring Youth & Vitality
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View Full Zoom Replay Collection 
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments ???Transformational Healing of Body, Mind? & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!? ? View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins Search FAQ Access the FREE MLF Online Training Clearing Audio Downloads? and eBooks Get Certified in MLF Mastery or Practitioner Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Healing and Grounding Mats ...enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at checkout for Free shipping! Shop for ?Supplements ? http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2023 All Rights Reserved
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davidstfde · 2 years
Scientific Temper in Children—Here's How Parents Can Nurture An Enquiring Mind
Have you ever wondered how Newton came to think about a falling apple? Have you ever thought that phenomena as bizarre as the speed of light made a genius out of Einstein? How do these people look at the world? How does the world seem so different to them?
This is nothing but what we call is ‘scientific thinking’ that differs them from the typical pattern of traditional thinking. The production of a scientifically literate population is a fundamental goal of our educational system. Virtually everything you can see, touch, taste, and smell is the product of a scientific process. And the scientific method isn’t just for big problems. It also applies to the little decisions in our life that make a big difference. Having a scientific mindset is an essential part of everyday life. It encompasses everything from waking up in the morning to cooking breakfast, driving your car, and even falling asleep.
Frequently, substantial effort has been devoted to determining how to increase the likelihood that, as students progress through school, they will acquire at least a mindset that they would use for critical and logical thinking along with a scientific temperament. To develop scientific thinking skill in students, we need to answer two questions- first, what is scientific thinking? And secondly, how can it be taught?
What is Scientific Thinking?
Scientific thinking is a particular form of human problem-solving that involves mental representations of hypotheses or conspiracy theories about the structure and processes of the natural world and various methods of inquiry used to determine the extent to which those hypotheses are consistent with phenomena. Basically, scientific thinking in simple terms is to think beyond the explanation that has been given regarding a certain topic. To ask questions of why? how? What if? etc. based on that certain topic apart from merely accepting the explanation that has been provided. There is a process of evaluating the evidence in scientific thinking.
Whether your child is a preteen or a toddler, she has a natural tendency to seek out reasons for the various mysteries of life that she comes across. Your child’s scientific temper is directly related to the environment she is in and the company she keeps. Therefore, your parenting style has a lot to offer towards the development of scientific temper in your child. There are a few ideas to nurture your child with which they can develop a scientific temper with evidence-based curiosity for anything happening around them.
Now we know why scientific temper and its development is necessary in a child but now let us understand how to develop the scientific temper in the students –
How to develop a Scientific Temper?
A pro-science home will encourage your child to make the most of his inquiring mind.
Here are a few tips like, encourage them to ask more questions and seek out answers on their own. Whenever they come to you for any questions, direct them to reliable sources like the encyclopedia or the dictionaries instead of directly giving them access to “google” or “Alexa”. Also, you can encourage them to watch more of scientific shows on the TV instead of only entertainment all the time.
Develop their critical and logical thinking skills to upgrade their IQ level.
Your child needs to use her reasoning and ask questions like, ‘Why is this happening?’ or ‘Is this the right way to respond?’ or ‘Who said this? Can I trust this instruction? Also, Do not hinder your child’s willingness to test so-called established ideas. One more thing to keep in mind is that never halt your child’s evaluation processes by saying ‘because I said so’. Instead encourage them to ask, ‘How do I know if this is true?’ or ‘How can I be sure?’. Another thing to do is teach your child the logical sequence of science. General principles can create specific instances like how the laws of gravity works. How physics work in real life. This will make them develop an interest right from the early ages.
Steer your child away from finding answers on the internet –
When your child will google their queries directly on the internet and get the answer their mind will not do any thinking. No brainstorming will be done and as a result, the children won’t develop any logical or scientific thinking skills. They need that ‘brain exercise’ to open up their minds and for that always encourage them to find the answers from alternative sources other than google.
Your child will use her knowledge with ease as you explore things together. Have discussions with them. To develop a scientific temper and encourage more and more young is what should be our motive and to ensure the same SFS Guwahati has always been engaged in continuous efforts to impart quality education and with the very same motive DIEP (Desalite Integrated Exam Prep) has been introduced for the students, an integrated coaching program that would be helpful for the students and enable developing the scientific approach to their thought processes. Hope this blog was helpful enough to let you develop that scientific thinking skills within your children. Nevertheless, in a world that is replete with misinformation, uncertainty, and flux, your child needs to be unreservedly reliant on his scientific temperament. This is a strength that will equip him to be an invaluable citizen of the world, regardless of the career path he chooses to embark on.
About SFS School, Guwahati
SFS Guwahati is one of the best Private CBSE School in Guwahati with Integrated Coaching, awarded with the “Certificate of Excellence” by Bharat Shiksha Puraskar and Ranked №24 across India for “Mental Health” Ranking 2021.
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devilyn · 4 years
drunken honesty | tsukishima kei
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— alexa, play: us by keshi.
maybe we’ve been
a little too guarded
from things that have hurt us
a bit more than we thought
— synopsis: drinking always made you more honest, which is how you ended up calling someone you shouldn’t have in the bathroom in the middle of a house party.
— genre: angst, happy ending (yay)
— word count: 1.9k
“Did you drink again?”
You wanted to lie to him. But you knew he would find you out right away no matter what. So you laughed weakly, the bass pounding against the bathroom door as if trying to force its way into your inebriated brain.
“You went to another party, and just expected me to pick you up after you got drunk again?”
His straightforward tone was always so cruel. It was one of the many reasons the two of you ended up breaking up. Even now, through the drunken haze that the many alcoholic drinks put onto your consciousness, he knew just how to hurt your feelings.
“I’m sorry, Kei,” you croaked out.
“You say that everytime,” he spit out like venom, as if the words hurt him too. “When will you learn to stop all of this?”
You bit back tears. The beat-up soles of your sneakers pressed firmly against the sticky bathroom floor as if they were the only thing keeping you grounded. You forgot why you called him in the first place. You couldn’t even remember why you had ended up at this party. It must’ve been Kuroo who dragged you along again, claiming that you needed to stop moping in your bedroom all the time. When in reality, he probably knew of your terrible drunken habit that was calling your ex-boyfriend.
“Drunk calling me isn’t going to get my attention the way you want it to,” he continued, your silence not stopping him. He was frustrated, you could hear it in his voice. “And it’s sure as hell not going to get us back together.”
“Come pick me up, Kei,” you finally pleaded. “I wanna go home.”
You heard him curse a few times, then the sound of his chair skidding back against the hardwood floor, and then keys jingling.
“You’re a fucking nuisance,” he grumbled, and despite the sting in your heart, you smiled.
“I love you,” you whispered, and you could picture him furrowing his brows and pushing his glasses back up against the bridge of his nose.
“I love you,” you repeated.
“I’ll be there in 15 minutes, so you better be outside or I’m leaving without you.”
The sound of him hanging up beeped through your handphone, and you closed your eyes.
“I love you,” you murmured again to a man who could no longer hear you.
Maybe, deep down, this was your plan. You could only be honest with him when you were drunk, which is why you ultimately agreed to Kuroo’s invitation. In reality, you could’ve asked Kuroo to get you a ride back to your dorm building, but you unconsciously called Tsukishima instead. It’s not like Kuroo didn’t know that either. That must’ve been why he poured you so many shots even before the party started.
You jumped as the pounding on the door grew louder. Only then, did you realize it wasn’t the music, but another party patron who was begging to be let in or else they’d pee their pants. Quickly, you fumbled with the door handle and wrenched it open. Sheepishly, you smiled at the group of girls who forced their way past you into the tiny bathroom.
In less than 10 minutes, you managed to track down Kuroo and yell over the loud music that your ex would be picking you up. If you weren’t drunk, you might have noticed the smirk tugging at the corner of his lips, but instead, you gave him a tight hug and bid your close friend goodbye.
This meant you only had to wait 5 minutes in the freezing cold for Tsukki to arrive. You stumbled over your feet a bit as you squat down to sit on the edge of the sidewalk, but ultimately managed to accomplish your goal safely.
Your breath came out in white smoke, and despite how cold it must’ve been, you couldn’t feel it over the heat that alcohol always brought to your skin. Your vision blurred, and you closed your eyes to force back the tears pricking at your eyelids.
Just a few years back, you had asked Tsukki out in this same cold. It took you three days to process the fact that he had accepted your confession, and that the two of you were then going out. Aside from the occasional teasing from his volleyball teammates, things were smooth sailing. Tsukki was a surprisingly sweet boyfriend behind his tough exterior, though he never let up on the brutally honest side of him that made him who he was. You never minded it--it was a part of him, after all. 
When did it all go wrong? Did university truly pull you two apart like everyone said it would? You had hoped that his friends would be right when they said you two would make it--that your relationship was strong enough to survive anything. But all it really took was a few glares, one or two missed dates, and a couple sharp insults under his breath, and you gave in.
It didn’t mean you loved him any less. But there were nights after the break up where you’d lay down and stare up at your ceiling, wondering why you gave so much of yourself to someone who, towards the end, never seemed to give you the same amount back.
“What? Now you’re going to catch a cold and call me over too?”
His voice used to be warm when addressing you, but was now as cold as it was to those he thought were a bother. It made sense. You were merely a bother to him now, after all.
“Kei,” you murmured, eyes still closed as he tossed what you assumed to be a jacket into your lap. “Why did you never let me in?”
A question you always wanted to ask him, but never had the courage to until you were drunk enough. The inquiry silenced him. It seemed he couldn’t even come up with an insulting jab in response to that. Instead, he grabbed your arm to pull you up off of the cold concrete, forcing the jacket around your trembling shoulders.
“I did,” he answered simply, and you could almost feel his sharp eyes narrow as you snorted. “I let you into my apartment multiple times.”
“You’re really cute when you act stupid,” you giggled, eyes fluttering open to look up at him. “Let’s stop playing around. Do you know why I broke up with you?”
“I never asked,” he responded snarkily under his breath, his hands steadying your form to make sure you didn’t trip over your own feet. You absentmindedly watched him pull the passenger side door open and help you inside the warm vehicle.
“It felt like you didn’t love me,” you told him anyway. “And you didn’t say anything when I suggested we break up, so I thought it was what you must’ve been waiting for all along.”
He was silent. With a sigh, he buckled your seatbelt before slamming the door shut and making his way over to the driver’s side.
“I realized, you know. That you never told me you loved me. Not once,” you continued when he was settled into his seat, the door closed behind him. His phone was hooked up to the car stereo, playing music quietly. But you knew he could hear you, even if some of your words were slurred. “I knew that you showed it in different ways. Like how you never missed my birthday even if I never brought it up, and how you’d ask us to eat together because you knew around what time of the day I’d get hungry.”
You turned to look at your ex, the tears finally streaming down your cheeks. He had his gaze focused on the road in front of him, hands clenched around the wheel despite having not released the parking break yet.
“But what am I supposed to do, Kei? What am I supposed to do when I don’t see those signs anymore?”
Were you still drunk? You didn’t know anymore. Maybe your body was forcing you to still be drunk so you could continue honestly telling him your thoughts. In reality, you suddenly felt very sober, especially as the sorrow built up in your throat.
"You just stopped one day. Stopped texting me what I wanted to eat for dinner, stopped remembering dates, stopped helping me study for exams," your voice trembled. "And you started ignoring me or genuinely insulting me."
You placed the heel of your palms against your eyes in an attempt to stop your tears. 
“I love you so much,” you breathed out between soft cries. “So what am I supposed to do when you don’t feel the same?”
Tsukki was silent as he put the car in drive and pulled away from the curb. His eyes never left the road, though you could see on his face that he was troubled.
You slid further down into your seat as if trying to make yourself seem as small as possible. You placed a palm over your mouth to hide your sobs, closing your eyes again, as if that would stop your endless crying.
Fifteen minutes must’ve passed. He had waited for you to stop crying before he spoke.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, the sound barely audible over the softly playing music.
You didn’t respond, burying yourself into his jacket.
“I’m really sorry,” he repeated. “For how I acted. For making you think I didn’t love you. For everything.”
His voice cracked as he spoke, and you could hear him curse quietly again, as if angry at himself for showing weakness.
“You know me,” his voice continued to quiver, “I’m a prideful prick. I never wanted to look weak in front of you, so I shut you out when things started getting tough. Volleyball and school got to me when I was frustrated, and I ignored you because of it, when I should’ve just told you honestly. I let you break up with me because I didn’t want to beg for you to come back, even if that’s what I really wanted to do deep down. I took my anger out on you when you drunk called me, because I was upset you kept coming back to me even though you broke up with me.”
You rubbed at your wet cheeks as his hand came over to rest hesitantly on your thigh.
“I love you,” the car rolled to a stop in front of your dorm building. “And I’m sorry it took this long for me to say it.”
He finally turned to look at you, and you could feel yourself tearing up again. His brown eyes reflected your sorrow, and you fumbled to unbuckle your seatbelt so you could throw your arms around his shoulders.
“You’re so stupid,” you cried, “A stupid idiot. I hate you.”
“I think I deserve that,” he laughed weakly as your arms tightened around him, hugging yourself as close to him as you could despite the awkward positioning.
“Next time, can we please just talk to each other?” You buried your face into the crook of his neck as his arms came around you to rub gently at your back.
“Yeah,” his tone was warm again, and it melted away any inebriation that may have still been in your system. “Let’s do that. Without the alcohol this time."
He pulled back to rest his forehead against yours, gazing into your teary eyes and snickering when he spotted your pout.
“Should I take us back to my apartment? I think there’s a lot we should catch up on.”
Your pout twitched up into a smile you could no longer hold back. “Mm. Let’s go home.”
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the-broken-truth · 3 years
Hi, it's the same anon who requested for the whole reader with the bow thing and I have only ONE thing to say: Perfection 🤩🤩 It was AWESOME and OMG, I can't stop gushing about it. Sorry 😅 But if it's not too much, do you mind making a part 2? You can conclude it if you want in part 2. I'm curious to know how she's going to react to when she finally gets kidnapped. Oh, you can make it like she's deathly scared of injections like me lol, I have a HUGE fear of them. So, like she's fighting some assassins and suddenly Damian pulls a sneaky move and sneaks up on her and pierces a needle into her skin and BOOM! She gets kidnapped. Btw, reader/ Alexa's inspiration to being single comes from the maiden Greek goddess of hunting Artemis. She's my inspiration too and she needs no man to take care of her :) Sorry for my rambling TvT And hope you have a nice day thank you <3
Broken Truth (Tail waves): So, Alexa shall have Trypanophobia - an extreme fear of medical procedures involving injections or hypodermic needles; I think I can make those words dance. I'm glad to know you liked it and Artemis is actually my favorite Greek Goddess.
Athena (Somewhere Else): WHAT DID YOU SAY?!
[Unknown Location]
[Alexa groaned as the aching in her head began to fade a bit before she opened her eyes - a white fog was all she saw; blinking a few times removed it and made her sight clear again and she took in the unfamiliar environment around her. She was in a brick room & from the light that came from the barred window - it was still daytime. The door that was across from her was black metal and - from the sliding viewer in the door - she could tell she was in a cell of some kind; a prisoner's cell? She wasn't sure. When feeling got back to the rest of her body, she looked around to see she was cuffed to some kind of metal wheel, her wrists & ankles secured over her head and spread apart so that they wouldn't touch each other.]
Broken Truth: For reference - Think of the contraption Heteric had Bruce secured in they captured him & Damian in Batman: Bad Blood.
Alexa (Looks at the contraption that held her - at the computer that as hooked up to it and the wire's connected to the machine, connected to her) (Thinking): 'What is this? How did I get here? Where even is here?'
[The girl knew panicking would get her nowhere so she closed her eyes and focused - trying to remember the last thing before she woke up here.]
[She was... She was in Gotham, she remembered that - making portals around her house. Why was she making portals there? She went deeper into her mind and found the answer - She received a present, no - it wasn't a present, it was a sword. A sword from the League of Assassins. Now, she remembered - It was an invitation from Talia Al Ghul & Ra's Al Ghul: An Invitation to join the League of Assassins, to join their family as the Wife of Damian. When she unsheathed the blade - there was a time & a location; they wanted to meet her. She knew they weren't going to leave her alone until she spoke with them.]
[At Midnight - The top of the Warehouse in the Abandoned Industrial District; the place she killed Talia's men with a single arrow.]
[Alexa's feet splashed in the shallow puddles that the pouring rain made when they reached the room - in her Archer's Gear but with her neck gaiter down, showing the glare on her face as she stood before Talia Al Ghul and her Assassins, her hand clenched around the sheathing of the sword she was given. While the protective clothing was waterproof, her dark brown hair was soaked in the downpour.]
Talia Al Ghul (Smiling at Alexa): I see you've got our invitation. What's your answer?
Alexa (Frowns and throws the sword to Talia's feet): I've told you the same thing for the last 6 months - I want nothing to do with you, your son, your organization, or your father! Nothing! I want you to leave me the hell alone and stop chasing after me as if I owe you something!
Talia Al Ghul (Frowning): I thought you would say that. (Snaps her fingers) Secure her for transport.
[The Assassins that protected Talia charged at Alexa, causing the Archer to summon her bow and begin the battle. Even in close combat, Alexa's skills with her bow her unmatched - one by one, Talia's men fell but she didn't look concerned. When the last one fell, Alexa pointed her bow at the green-eyed woman with a glare of hatred in her eyes.]
Alexa (Lightly Panting): You gonna stop sending men after me now?
Talia Al Ghul (Closes her eyes and nods): Yes.
[Alexa began to lower her bow until she saw the smile on Talia's face.]
Talia Al Ghul (Smirking and opens her eyes): Because we have you now.
[Alexa was about to question her when she felt a sharp pain in the back of her neck - the effect as instant. Alexa became sluggish as her vision blurred, making her drop the bow in her hands making it dispel away. Alexa began to fall forward but she was caught in the arms of another - the harder she fought, the more exhausted she became until her mind slipped into nothingness.]
Alexa (Opened her eyes - a glare upon her face as her brown eyes began bleeding gold): Those bastards... They drugged me and abducted me.
[Just then: The door on the far side of the room & two people walked in - The Familiar Face of Talia Al Ghul & An Older Man - He looked dangerous - he must have been the Head Demon: Ra's Al Ghul.]
Talia Al Ghul (Walks over to the bound girl with a smile): I see that you are awake.
Alexa (Narrows her eyes): What? Expected your little knockout serum to last longer?
Talia Al Ghul (Walks over to the computer and sits in the chair before it, typing away on the keyboard): A Cruel Method but necessary - without it, we couldn't have gotten you here unscathed.
Alexa: Maybe you should have just let me the hell alone like I asked you to do.
Ra's Al Ghul (Shaking his head): Out of the question - My Grandson loves you & you are more than worthy of becoming one with the Al Ghul family; you just need some time to realize that.
Alexa: If I didn't 'realize' that 6 months ago - then it's not gonna happen.
Ra's Al Ghul (Looks at Talia): Anything?
Talia Al Ghul: No, Father - nothing out of the ordinary. No genetic mutations could have caused this use of Elemental Magic. She appears to be completely human.
Alexa: Because I am! Gods, you both are morons, just like that overgrown child who can't accept 'no' for an answer.
Talia Al Ghul (Raises from the computer and stands before the bound Alexa): You just act accept the fact you are destined to be with my son.
Alexa (Scoffs & Chuckles): If I was destined to be with your son - The Oracles would have told me but - just like the Huntress Artemis - I don't need or want a man to take care of me when I can take care of myself.
Talia Al Ghul: It doesn't matter what you say - you shall be one with my son, he is away with his father for the rest of the month but that gives us enough time to groom you into a proper partner for Damian.
Alexa (Chuckles before full-blown laughing): AHA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!
Ra's Al Ghul (Narrows his eyes): I fail to see what is funny. With your hands apart, you cannot summon your bow or arrows, thus you are trapped here.
Alexa (Takes a calming breath): You really think my power is limited t using my bow and arrows - False, that's just what I prefer in a fight. (Narrows eyes with a wide smirk) Just where do you think the power in my arrows comes from?
[Before either Father or Daughter could answer - Alexa's right hand opened widely as blue electrical sparks danced along her flesh before spreading to the contraption that held her. Talia moved away just in time thinking the thing was going to blow but all it did was open the locks and Alexa was free, her hand still sparking with electric power as she lifted it to her face.]
Alexa (Smirks at Talia and Ra's): I do love the look on a person's face when they realized they bit off more than they could chew. (Holds her hand out in their direction - a blue ball of light begins to form in her palm)
[Ra's and Talia get out of the room just as a blue bullet of hot blue flame shoots past them and crashed into the wall outside the cell. Alexa moved her hand to face the wall that held the window and blasted it out - the smoke giving her cover to open a portal and jump through, it closed just as the smoke cleared and Ra's and Talia ran back into the room.]
Ra's Al Ghul (Clenching his teeth): Damn it, she's escaped us again. We'll never get her at this rate.
Talia Al Ghul: Relax, Father; I had a backup just in case something like this happened. (Walked over to the machine and clicked a few buttons on the keyboard when a small compartment opened and she reached in - pulling out a vial of blood)
[Alexa's Blood...]
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missbrunettebarbie · 3 years
All the Barbie protagonists I know -from best to worst
I feel like starting with a disclaimer that this is just my opinion, which should be implied. Anyway, this list took forever because I kept switching them. Look I am bad at picking favourites. The top 3 is actually pretty interchangable.
1. Eden Starling (Barbie in a Christmas Carol) - I love her with all my heart and then some. I love her design, her backstory, her personality, how unique she is from every other Barbie on the list. (Whoever came up with Barbie as Scrroge is a genius that deserves an Oscar) The fact that I relate to her in some aspects makes her even more loveable in my eyes. Also I think she deserves #1 spot because out of all the characters on this list she's the one I sorted before even rewatching her movie -and the rewatch confirmed the sorting. She's that memorable!
2. Princess Annika (Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus) - I love her too: her determination,her cleverness, her bravery, her justified anger. The "Destroy Wenlock!" speech alone guaranteed her a place in top 3. The fact that she doesn't back down even in the face of impossible odds - or maybe especially because the odds are impossible, her relationship with Aiden and with Brietta and her passion for ice-skating make her a very interesting character. Annika is a powerhouse and her entire journey is *chef's kiss*.
3. Merliah Summers (Barbie in a Mermaid Tale 1&2) - I think what I love about Merliah is that she put herself first, in both movies. Her first priority was her career as a surfer and only later did she come to accept her role as a mermaid princess. Her relationship with her mother is also great, I love them when they get along and I also love them when they don't - probably my favourite mother-daughter relationship from all the Barbie movies. Merliah's initial skepticism, her putside the box thinking and her competitive streak are delightful. Also her and Kylie might my favourite ship in the Barbieverse.
4. Blair Willows (Barbie Princess Charm School) - A Barbie with actual money problems?! Of course I was soft for Blair from the very begining. Her dedication and love to her adoptive family made her an instant fave. I loved that once Dean Privet helped her with her lessons she did her damn best to graduate from the school. She had her clothes torn, was accused of theft and looked in a safe, yet nothing stopped her.
5. Mariposa (Barbie: Mariposa) - I always had a soft spot for her as a kid. Her desire for adventure -for escape- the way she felt like she didn't quite fit in, her love for books, the somehow-anti-social attitude made her a perfectly relatable character in little!me's eyes. The way she refused to believe the rumors and the stereotypes in the second movie makes her even better. I loved her friendship with Catania and her romance with Carlos was cute too. Also her design might be my second favourite after Eden's.
6. Ro/Princess Rosella (Barbie as The Island Princess) - This movie is a goddamn masterpiece and Ro is a huge part of why. First I cannot help but be impressed by how adaptable she is: not only did she survive on a deserted island for ten years, she thrived. And then she had the courage to leave the only home she knew to go with Antonio and find answers about who she is. My heart ')). Then there is the fact that she risled her own freedom to help save the animals or how she was ready to step back and let Antonio do his duty and marry Luciana despite the fact that she loved him. And the ending wjere she finds her mother and starts singing the lullaby? It is what had cemented my love for this film and this character.
7. Corrine (Barbie in the three Musketeers) - In a lot of ways I find her and Merliah very similar -they both have goals they want to achieve and are somehow selfish because of it in the begining- but I think Corrine is a much kinder person: remember when she got that violin bow for one of the girls as a way to apologize? It felt like such a character establishing moment. I love that she took no shit for anyone, even the prince, and never faltered for one second in her desire to be a musketeer.
8. Princess Genevieve (Barbie in the 12 Dancing Princesses) - In a lot of ways she reminds me of Blair as she's a quieter personality but forceful in her own way. The way she always stood up for her younger sisters, her love for dancing, her relationship with her father and the fact that she was so heart-eyes when it came to Derek -seriously I don't think any other Babrie was so smitten with her LI from the very first moment- made sure she'll have a place in top 10. The only reason why she's not higher is because I love the others more.
9. Princess Annelisse (Barbie as Princess and the Pauper) - I think my favourite thing about Annelisse is that she completely understood her duties as a princess and was ready to sacrifice her personal happiness for her people. I also really like how she never shied from using her royal status- even if it didn't really work- or how she still tried to help the other taylor with the work when she was thought to be Erica, pity she had zero skill. Her relationship with her mom is my second favourite after Merliah-Calissa. Also collecting rocks is such an unique hobby AND she's a cat girl. Of course I love her.
10. Erika (Barbie as Princess and the Pauper) - Another cat girl! And so snippy and unafraid to be herself. Her dynamic with Annelisse is gold: Erika had all the reasons to despise Annelisse but instead clearly ~bonded with her from the very first moment and went along with an insane plan just to help her. Not to mention, she's the first Barbie who explicitly said "I am gonna fulfill my dreams and have the guy I love; what's this nonsense about choosing only one?" and I have to appreciate her for it.
11. Rapunzel (Barbie as Rapunzel) - The fact alone that she is best friends with a dragon gives her major points in my books. Her love of painting and the way she used it as a literal way of escape? Go, girl! The fact that she refused to let Stefan tell her his name just to make sure Gothel won't find out? Impressive and so spiteful! And the disgust in her voice when she realized Gothel had kept her prisoner for years because her father hadn't married her? Perfect.
12. Kristyn Farraday (Barbie in the Pink Shoes) - I really liked her enthusiasm for getting to actually be the characters she didn't even get to dance in the real world, the way her mind immediately internalized the rules of the fairytale-esque world despite how insane it was and how she refused to conform to the rules. I see the movie as an exploration of Kristyn's creepling fear of failure and the pressure she felt as a proffesional ballet dancer and seeing her come out triumphant on her own terms felt really good.
13. Actress!Barbie (Fashion Fairytale and Fairy Secret) - Probably the most three-dimensional of the "real" Barbies. I think what I like most at her is her determination to save Ken in the second movie. What can I say, I love a Barbie-in-shining-armour. I also like that she knew when to step back and let others do their jobs - in fact she doesn't so much in the first movie, just motivates people. If I had to pick a Barbie to have as a friend, I think she'll be my first choice. She seems like a good listener and someone who knows how to solve problems.
14. Elina (Barbie: Fairytopia 1&2&3) - She is an interesting character and one whose stories I do like, but something never clicked for me when it comes to Elina. Buut, this doesn't mean I don't appreciate her desire to save everyone or how she never drowned in self-pity when she was the only fairy without wings.
15. Clara (Barbie in the Nutcracker)- Clara doesn't get the chance to do much, but I love the glimpses of her intelligence we see (how she figured out the Nutcracker is Eric) or how she longs for adventure and excitment.
16. Thumbelina (Barbie present Thumbelina) - I like that she's an inventor and that she is ready to use Mackena to save her home, but overall I found her unimpressive.
17. Liana (Barbie and the Diamond Castle) - I always had a grudge on her as a child on Alexa's behalf. I always felt like Liana dragged her down. This being said, Liana is still a super smart cookie and very devoted to her friends so she avoids being even lower on the list.
18. Princess Lumina (Barbie: Pearl Princess) - The most memorable things about her are how she loooved having a job and how she refused to condemn the woman that may have raised her but had also kidnapped her from her family. Now both these traits should make her an intriguing character, unfortunately the movie is pretty boring and it never taps into Lumina's potential.
19. Princess Alexa (Barbie and the Secret Door) - Look I relate to her: Lover of books? Check. Desire to escape your life full of rules? Check. Not good with people? Check. But Alexa's development was so weird, the movie was very boring and felt like it had no trajectory and it affected the protagonist a lot.
20. Odette (Barbie in Swan Lake) - She just...doesn't do much. I wish we have seen her more involved in her own story. Not to mention I really didn't understand why she was so afraid of being in the spotlight or how being turned into a swan helped her get over it.
21. Starlight!Barbie (Barbie: Star Light Adventures) - I think my opinion of her -and the whole movie- can be summed up in the world "meh". There is simply no spark of life here.
22. Teen!Barbie (Barbie Diaries) - I have such an overwhelming repulsion towards "unpopular" girls wanting the be popular. Especially since I cannot see what exactly is holding Babrie back from being happy? She seems to have everything (great friends, nice life, good grades and music talent!), but doesn't care about any of it. Not to mention, she's the only Barbie who has to settle for a guy that was pining for her while she only saw him as a friend and I resent that.
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joyfulholland · 4 years
Sore Loser
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a/n: this is part 3 of The Coconut Debate and Bad at Excuses.  I’ve been trying to write something else but kept getting stuck and these just kind of come out of the chaotic good part of my brain. if anyone has any requests/prompts please send them in!
word count: 1226
Y/N changed the group name to Tom owes us all £10
Sam: I only accept cash
Harry: Can I have mine in the form of an amazon voucher?
Tom: I don’t owe you anything
Y/N: don’t be a sore loser
Harrison: Yeah a bet’s a bet
Tom: it didn’t count
Tuwaine: Yes it did
Y/N: you told me the ending
Y/N: and you said you weren’t going to give anything away this time
Y/N: therefore you owe us all a tenner
Tom: I didn’t think you counted as you’re my GIRLFRIEND
Harrison: Still counts
Harry: Pay up
Tommy to Y/N/N: don’t watch it without me
Y/N/N: oh come on that’s not fair
Y/N/N: how did you even know
Tommy: because I’m psychic
Tommy: and you’re predictable
Y/N/N: but you’re so busy and I’m going to see spoilers if I wait
Y/N/N: you saw how everyone found out about destiel
Tommy: ok fine
Tommy: how about we watch it at the same time? on the phone or something
Y/N/N: deal
Sam to Tom owes us all £10: Where do you keep Ketchup
Sam: Quick I’m trying to prove a point
Y/N: the fridge
Harry: Fridge
Tom: fridge
Tuwaine: Fridge
Harrison: The cupboard
Sam: Thanks to everyone except Harrison
Y/N: Haz you heathen
Harrison: Is it in the fridge when you buy it in the shop?
Harrison: No
Harry: You can buy multi-pack cartons of OJ not in the fridge and then you put them in the fridge at home
Tuwaine: And it says on the bottle to keep refrigerated
Harrison: I’m a rebel I live by my own rules
Tom: bullshit
Y/N to Harry: the only logical answer is to sacrifice the washing machine
Harry: I beg your pardon?
Y/N: sorry lol that was for Tom
Y/N: actually if you’re with him can you tell him that for me
Harry: He said to remind you of the fire sneezes and the plastic
Y/N: shit he’s right
Harry: What the fuck are you two talking about?
Y/N: where you would hide a baby dragon if someone came to inspect your house
Harry: Oh right
Harry: The oven?
Y/N: I thought of that but Tom said you’d have to take the grill shelves out and that would cause suspicion
Harry: Fuck this is hard
Tuwaine to Tom owes us all £10: Tom I’m not speaking to your girlfriend
Tom: why??
Harrison: She beat him at the bowling snapchat game three times in a row
Y/N: and he’s a sore loser
Tuwaine: No I’m not
Tom: lol
Sam: Don’t worry about it mate she’s undefeated on all counts
Harrison: I’ve never won against her
Tom: I refuse to play it with her now she’s too competitive
Y/N: that’s not true tom you’re just a sore loser too
Y/N: Harry if it makes you feel better you’re the only worthy opponent
Harry: Lol yeah it does thanks
Harry: Also Tom would like me to say he’s not speaking to you now either
Y/N: lol point proven
Y/N/N to Tommy: would you still love me if I only ever wore the colour brown
Tommy: different shades or just the exact same brown all the time
Y/N/N: does it make a difference?
Tommy: maybe Tommy: lol nah would love you no matter what you wore
Y/N/N: even if I exclusively wore a banana costume even when we went to bed
Tommy: even then
Y/N/N: I miss you
Tommy: I miss you too
Tommy: I’ll ring in a bit x
Y/N/N: can’t wait x
Harrison to Tom owes us all £10: What was the name of that song that was on that advert
Tuwaine: Well that narrows it down
Sam: Yeah might need a bit more than that
Harrison: the one with the singing
Y/N: Haz mate come on
Tom: literally still could be any advert
Harry: Specifics needed
Harrison: The one with the opera singing
Harrison: But then there’s the guy on a deck chair
Sam: The Alexa advert?
Harrison: YES
Harrison: What’s the song called?
Tuwaine: aren’t there two songs in that one?
Harrison: Yeah I want the second one
Harrison: Not the one from the Magic Flute
Tom: You can remember the opera but not the other song?
Harrison: I live a cultured life
Tom: once again I am calling bullshit
Y/N: I Feel Love Donna Summer
Harrison: Thank you!!
Harry: I reckon you could have just googled that for a much quicker result
Harrison: Shut up Harry
Tommy to Y/N/N: do me a favour and tell Harry you don’t know what a badger is when he texts in a minute
Y/N/N: alright
Harry to Y/N: Your boyfriend is broken
Harry: He’s claiming he doesn’t know what badgers are
Y/N: what?
Harry: I reckon its exhaustion from over work
Harry: It’s affected his brain
Y/N: no I meant what is a badger?
Harry: Oh you have got to be kidding me
Harry: When did he text you??
Y/N: Harry I have no idea what you’re talking about
Y/N: are you sure you’re not the one who is exhausted?
Harry: This isn’t funny
Tuwaine to Tom owes us all £10: You guys know that Snoop Dog Just Eat advert?
Harry: Oh god not adverts again
Harrison: Let it go Harry
Tuwaine: Do you know how much he got paid??
Tuwaine: 5.3 MILLION
Sam: Damn
Tom: tbf it was a catchy song
Y/N: doggy dog christmas
Tom: exactly what a great lyric
Harrison: I liked the puppet one
Sam: Yeah did that money cover all the adverts because he did more than one
Tuwaine: No idea just says 5.3 mil
Harry: I want a takeaway now
Sam: You just sent me a snapchat of your lasagne
Harry: I know but now I want something from Just Eat
Harry: Snoop has tempted me with his lyrics
Tuwaine: Maybe that 5.3 was well spent if he’s tempting you and we’re just talking about it
Y/N: Harry as if you’re sending Sam snaps when you aren’t opening mine
Harry: it’s because I know yours is a game of wild checkers and I want to give it the proper commitment
Y/N: okay forgiven
Tom: I feel like I need to stage an intervention for you two about your snap game habits
Y/N: you’re just jealous that I don’t play with you anymore
Harrison: Why did you send Sam a photo of your lasagne?
Harry: I wanted him to give it a score out of ten
Sam: I gave it an 8.5
Tommy to Y/N/N: just arrived at airport x
Y/N/N: counting down the hours x
Tommy: like the tiktoks?
Y/N/N: yes but I’m not actually recording it
Tommy: so you’re just saying them out loud to yourself?
Y/N/N: no don’t be daft
Y/N/N: I’m telling them to Tessa
Tommy: oh of course my mistake
Harry changed the group name to Tom owes us all £20
Y/N: lol I knew it
Harrison: This is easy money
Tuwaine: Tom it’s like you’re not even trying
Sam: We’ll have the full 50 soon
Harry: I might wait to cash out until we do then have one big amazon voucher
Tom: I’m not paying any of you a single penny
Y/N: lol such a sore loser
tagging: @geminiparkers​ @rebekkah4766​ (please message me if you want to be added!)
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