#alex hØgh andersen gifs
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#tw blood#vikings#vikingsedit#perioddramasource#perioddramaedit#weloveperioddrama#filmtvcentral#tvedit#filmtvtoday#ivar the boneless#heahmund#eliscreations#jonathan rhys meyers#bishop heahmund#ivar ragnarsson#alex høgh andersen#alex hogh andersen
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VIKINGS 5.03 Homeland Dir. Steve Saint Leger
#ours#gifs#eli#vikings#vikingsedit#history vikings#perioddramasource#perioddramaedit#weloveperioddrama#filmtvcentral#tvedit#filmtvtoday#dailynetflix#dailyflicks#eliscreations#ivar the boneless#alex høgh andersen#hvitserk#marco ilsø#ubbe#jordan patrick smith#tw blood
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Frederikke Dahl Hansen & Alex Høgh Andersen
En Af Os Ryster
#Alex Høgh Andersen#alex hogh#Frederikke Dahl Hansen#En Af Os Ryster#ivar the boneless#i couldnt possibly gif THAT whole scene holy balls
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this kinda character list of my favs
roman godfrey from hemlock grove
Ivar the boneless from Vikings
Hannibal and will from Hannibal
negan smith from the walking dead
homelander from the boys
Lucas hood from banshee
Tommy shelby from the peaky blinders
#roman godfrey#ivar the boneless#hannibal lecter#will graham#negan smith#homelander#lucas hood#hemlock grove#vikings#nbc hannibal#the walking dead#the boys#banshee#bill skarsgard#alex høgh andersen#mads mikkelsen#hugh dancy#jeffrey dean morgan#antony starr#tommy shelby#cillian murphy#peaky blinders#want to make a list of my favs#i would have added alot more#I think I have thing for cheekbones
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Alex Høgh Andersen as Bjørn Jepsen & Thomas Hwan as Pelle 2023 · Den Som Dræber - Fanget af Mørket · S1·E01 · Crime
#alex høgh andersen#alex hogh andersen#thomas hwan#lgbtedit#tvedit#darkness: those who kill#those who kill#den som dræber - fanget af mørket#gay#lgbt#gay couple#queer#lgbtqia#lgbtq+#couple#couple hug#lovers#romantic#passion#1x01#beautiful men#affection#intimacy#longing
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Ivar the boneless || imagine
Метки: ранения; флафф; лёгкая грусть
Слов: 1 118
Потерять тебя даже на день из виду уже было для Ивара трагедией. Но когда тебя нигде не было после битвы, он чувствовал, как паника захватывает его. Но Боги явно всё же сжалились над ним, когда его люди принесли тебя, без сознания, израненную, еле дышащую, в грязи и крови. Ты на руках одного из крупных мужчин. Прикрытые глаза, свободно свисающая рука, заставляя на мгновение задуматься, что ты ушла из этого мира, грязные волосы с остатками опавшей сухой листвы, твоя кожа частями виднелась из-под слоя грязи, одежда помятая, но кажется её было больше раньше.
Он выдыхает с облегчением, но в груди сердце предательски сжимается. Это было чудом, что тебя смогли найти. Его люди говорят, что ты была у какой-то женщины в жуткой хижине, может именно она не позволила тебе умереть.
Твоё бессознательное тело лежит на вашей с Иваром кровати, ты накрыта мехами, рабы очистили тебя от всей грязи и распутали твои волосы. Единственный свободный целитель обработал раны и наложил повязки.
Ивар наблюдает за его работой, глаза слипаются от усталости. Пара свечей возле тебя дают немного света. Ивар занял бывшую королевскую спальню, расположившись там с тобой.
Когда старый и на вид дряхлый мужчина заканчивает, Ивар смотрит на него с ожиданием. Старик кажется совсем напуган, и заставляет Ивара понять, что ничего хорошего ждать не придётся.
— Говори уже, — рявкает Ивар.
— Она дышит, но раны серьёзные... должно быть она потеряла много крови. Нельзя быть уверенным, что она придёт в себя.
Ивар опираясь на костыль поднимается со своего места, делая всего пару шагов к кровати, на которой тебя расположили.
— Её кожа выглядит хорошо, нет бледности мертвеца, она дышит, и заражения ран тоже нет. С чего бы ей умирать?! — С каждым словом он наращивает интонацию и в конце срывается на крик.
Старик вздрагивает. Ивар убил бы его во время рейда, если бы тот не назвался знахарем. С другой стороны допускать саксонца к раненным воинам было бы глупо. И теперь Ивар думает, что идиота следовало лишить его тупой головы.
— Проваливай. Если она выживет, может быть я сохраню и твою жизнь.
Старик исчезает быстрее, чем Ивар успевает дойти до кровати. Его силуэт тенью падает на стену с окном, через которое Ивар может увидеть полную Луну. Он хочет думать, что это хороший знак, что завтра ты придёшь в себя, скажешь ему почему оказалась так далеко от поля битвы, а он скажет, что ты больше не будешь девой-щита. Он предложит тебе стать его женой, и ты согласишься. Ивар протирает глаза, указательным и большим пальцем, опустив голову.
Свечи с твоей стороны единственное, что помогает ему видеть в ночной темноте комнаты.
Раздевшись, он ложится рядом с тобой, дотрагивается до твоей щеки, удивляясь нежности кожи. Как он мог допустить тебя до войны, такое нежное, хрупкое и беззащитное создание. Безусловно, ты доказывала из раза в раз своим умения в битвах, и он восхищался этим, но сейчас смотря на тебя и видя последствия сражений, Ивар не понимает, почему не решил держать тебя подальше от всего этого. Ты точно разозлилась бы, услышь его мысли.
Ты не приходишь в себя уже пару дней. Это пугает Ивара, но ты дышишь, а твои раны не заражены, тебе меняют повязки все эти дни. Некоторые уже начали говорить о твоей причастности к Хель, и как ты держишь путь в её царство, Ивар не хочет слышать эти глупости.
Он готов начать свой очередной день, снова оглядываясь на тебя, в надежде увидеть, что ты шевелишься. Опять жалуешься на жару от мехов и проклинаешь яркий свет проникающий через не зашторенное окно.
Но всё происходит немного по-другому. Ты хмуришься. Медленно открывая глаза. Ивар срывается со своего места, направляясь к тебе. Он садится на стул рядом с твоей стороны кровати.
— Ты слышишь меня? — его тон озабоченный, а взгляд переполнен тревогой.
— Ивар... мы в Англии? — он не думал, что твоим первым вопросом будет вопросом об Англии, но это лучше, чем ничего.
Твой голос сиплый, тихий, почти неслышный. Горло ужасно болит. Тебе нужно попить.
— Да, мы в Англии. Ты пропала во время боя. — Страх и гнев смешиваются в едино. — Где ты была?! Я искал тебя несколько дней! А когда нашёл, ты ещё два дня лежала без сознания! Я переживал за тебя! Ты могла умереть! — его голос наверняка доносится до обитателей первого этажа.
Ты хмуришься, чувствуя пульсирующую боль в голове и поднимаешь руку, чтобы коснуться лба, а заодно прикрыть глаза от режущего света.
— Пожалуйста... Ивар...
Он замолкает. Понимая, что не имеет права кричать на тебя. Всё это время он думал, что потеряет тебя снова в любой момент. В этот раз лишится тебя навсегда. Если при твоём исчезновении он мог бы надеяться, что ты жива, просто пропала без вести, то в этот раз ты была бы очевидно мёртвой.
— Извини. — Он видит твоё вялое состояние, заставляющее его снова чувствовать вину. Не стоило позволять тебе участвовать в этой битве. Что если бы всё закончилось намного хуже для тебя, Ивар не знал бы, что делать. Но теперь ты поправляешься, и он испытывает облегчение. Ты снова с ним. — Я боялся, что больше не увижу тебя.
Он хочет добавить, что боялся не только этого. Кошмары об одиночестве, страх потерять дорогого ему человека и любовь всей его жизни преследовали его всю эту неделю, пока тебе не было рядом и пока ты была без сознания. Но Ивар умалчивает о том, насколько был напуган.
— Я подам тебе воды, — произносит он, поднимаясь со своего места и подходя к продолговатому и узкому столику у стены, на котором раньше были размещены иконы и свечи. Теперь же здесь кувшин с водой и немного фруктов, которые удалось достать.
Наливая воды в чашку, Ивар проливает немного, но наполняет стакан полностью. Он подходит к тебе, и ты дрожащей рукой забираешь воду.
— Что произошло? — твой голос настолько тихий, что Ивар с трудом расслышал тебя. Опираясь на локоть, всё ещё лежа в кровати, ты подносишь кружку к губам. — Только не крич��...
— Ты потерялась после битвы, должно быть была сильно ранена, и в бреду забрела слишком далеко в леса. Мои люди искали тебя несколько дней, пока не наткнулись на хижину какой-то старой женщины. Она наверное спасла тебя.
Ты допиваешь стакан залпом, не думая о том, может ли тебя стошнить этой же водой или нет.
— Когда тебя принесли, то нашли много ран. Ты потеряла много крови и поэтому пролежала два дня без сознания здесь.
Ты оставляешь стакан, и ложишься обратно на подушку, медленно, без резких движений. Всё твоё тело болит. Сил совсем нет. Твои руки тряслись, когда ты держала чашку, и ты уже устала, даже если ничего не сделала. К счастью, Ивар ничего не спрашивает, а значит ты не должна говорить.
— Я рад, что ты пришла в себя.
Переведя на него взгляд, ты стараешься передать ту же любовь, которой он оградил тебя. Ивар тянет к тебе руку, смыкая свою ладонь над твоей.
— Позову ��екаря, может он сделает что-нибудь полезное.... Или я наконец прикончу его. — Ивар поднимается со своего места, не замечая твоих слабо закатных глаз, и покидает комнату.
#imagine#русский imagine#imagine на русском#ivar the boneless imagine#ivar imagine#ivar#ivar the boneless x reader#ivar x reader#ivar x you#vikings imagine#alex høgh andersen#ivar the boneless
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PIC — a short movie by Stefan Pflug, 2023.
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one of us shakes
I loved it, they're both really good actors! Gifs out of movie order but oh well! This is what happens when the weather's a bit dodgy. Lol 😊😊 maybe they'll submit it for a film Festival like IFC or Sundance? Here's hoping continued success and excellent projects for them all. 😊
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#alex høgh andersen#alex høgh andersen gifs#alex høgh andersen edit#danila kozlovskiy#danila kozlovskiy gifs#danila kozlovskiy edit#gifs vikings#vikings gifs#gifs#gifs ressources#ivar the boneless#vikings
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Pick Two:
I need some help picking the subjects of this year's Holiday Moodboards. So...let the voting begin!
Sihtric (1)
Finan (2)
Osferth (3) - I
Uhtred (4)
Alexander Ludwig/Bjorn Ironside (5)
Jordan Patrick Smith/Ubbe (6)
Marco Ilsø/Hvitserk (7)
Alex Høgh Andersen/Ivar (8) - I
Cowboy Ryan (9)
Harald Sigurdsson (10)
Evidently I have a type. Anyway....voting ends December 3. Let's cast those votes 😁
#vikings#vikings valhalla#the last kingdom#arnas fedaravičius#alex høgh andersen#marco ilsø#jordan patrick smith#alexander ludwig#ian bohen#leo suter#ewan mitchell#mark rowley#alexander dreymon#holiday special#arnas fedaravicius
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Alex Høgh Andersen — acting & modeling.
#alex høgh andersen#alex høgh andersen avatars#alex hogh andersen#alex hogh andersen avatars#avatars#rpg#roleplay#400*640#request
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Part 4, 1st half (sequel #4 to UNLEASHED, UNDENIABLE, and UNEXPECTED)
Alex + Modern Ivar
Mentions of Female Reader + Hvitserk
If you're new here and want to catch up, just go to my pinned master list.
A special thanks to my Beta reader @lostasalice-thisway ! Couldn't have done it without you! 😘 I hope you guys like it!
Summary: During a hot weekend between Alex and his best friend, Ivar, it turned into an entire relationship between the two of them that neither of them had seen coming. Now, that they are just getting into the swing of things and finding their groove with navigating their relationship, Ivar's ex fiance comes back into the picture, with his child he didn't know existed, and it seems she's sure to shake things up.
Warnings, The sequel in general: Totally NSFW, Unprotected anal sex (male receiving), oral, male to male contact and more, a bad case of the feels, language, smut, with me, there is ALWAYS smut. 🤣 Each chapter will have its own warnings.
This chapter: Language, smut including anal and oral sex, explicit phone sex, major case of the feels, *inaccurate medical descriptions, diagnosis, and practices,* manipulation from Katia that's next level low even for her, drugs, *some parts may seem irrelevant, but trust me, every character and situation play a very relevant part in the bigger picture*
Please leave a comment and let me know what you think!
Words: I don't know; too MANY to count, so many that I split this chapter into 2 separate parts!
This is part one.
*Let me know if you want on or off the tag list!*
Note from me: My apologies for how long this has taken, but hopefully, the length of this chapter will make up for it.
@tessakate @lonewolf471 @lostasalice-thisway @vero-maris-zamo @noway4u @istorkyou @chapada010101010 @galaxy-1000 @twistergirlie @covidinducedsocialreject
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/7c2c49f2c4106a5f98bd14538cf21e5e/b8c9c9ba96ec8257-51/s540x810/b7ebf10d6e7fc357c5b53293d2dcab884482d99f.jpg)
As Alex and Ivar got out of the car at the airport, Ivar asked him, "Are you sure you'll be ok taking care of things at home while I'm gone? Katia seemed all too eager for me to leave. It was a bit unnerving."
"I'll be fine. Sara will be there with us a lot and will take care of things when I can't be there. I think maybe Katia is just still trying to accept everything. Stop worrying," Alex assured him,. he was right.
Alex grabbed his bags as Ivar protested. "Look, you're doing all of the work for our buisness all alone. The least I can do is carry your bags inside for you," Alex demanded as they began walking to the doors of the airport.
"I really hate that I'm not going to be there when you present your project, though."
"Ivar, again, stop worrying. It's going to be fine."
Ivar had been debating whether he was going to travel for Steven's buisness proposal at all. He couldn't help but feel guilty for leaving all of his responsibilities for Katia and Ivy on Alex and for missing his presentation, but Alex had insisted he go. He'd promised he would ask for help from Y/N and Hvitserk, in addition to Sara, if he needed it.
Trying to clear his mind, Ivar took a deep breath. He also knew this was going to be difficult for him to be away from Alex for so long. With the exception of when they'd first gotten together, they hadn't really went more than a day without seeing eachother. "Well, I'm just going to miss you."
"Ivar, it's only going to be a week. I think you can handle being away from me for that short amount of time."
Ivar grabbed his bags from Alex and sat them down in the floor beside them. He wrapped his arms around Alex and pulled him close. Lovenly brushing a strand of hair away from Alex's face and tucking it behind his ear, Ivar said, "Love, that's irrelevant. Any amount of time away from you feels like a long time." Still holding his cheek, Ivar pulled him in and gave him a sweet kiss.
As Ivar's heart began to beat faster, and his face felt hotter, he pulled away from Alex. Intently looking into Alex's eyes, Ivar told him, "Honestly, I really just want to be inside you so badly right now."
Blushing and caught off guard, Alex said, "Ivar, we were just together last night, and holy shit, we're standing in the middle of the airport."
"Yeah, well, that was last night, and where we are is irrelevant, too. You know this by now," he laughed.
Alex answered him, "Well, you have to leave, now. When you're done, and come back, I'm all yours," Alex smiled, bashfully.
"Yeah, you promise? But for how long?" Ivar flashed his devilish grin to him.
Shrugging, Alex said, "Well, that depends. How long do you want me?"
A serious look spread across Ivar's face as he asked, "Umm, what about forever?" Alex gulped as Ivar continued, "You know, for better or for worse?"
Alex's heart completely stopped, and he felt like he was going to pass out. "Umm, Ivar, wh-what are," he stumbled over his words, "What are you saying?"
At that very moment, they heard the announcement over the intercom for Ivar's flight. It was actually the last call for his flight. "Oh, uh, shit. Umm, ho-how did we miss the first calls for your flight? You should go before you miss it," Alex studdered. His heart was racing, and he felt his cheeks redden.
Ivar was lost in his thoughts and stood, staring blankly, at Alex. "Hello? Ivar? Did you hear? Last call for you flight."
Ivar didn't say a word, but yanked Alex to him in a tight embrace. He held him for a lingering moment, hearts pounding, before leaning his head back and then kissing Alex so passionately, as if he was going away to war. His hand snaked up through the back of Alex's hair as he held him tenderly in his arms.
Finally, they broke their embrace, and Ivar bent down to grab his bags. Alex stood in the same spot in a complete daze. What had just happened?
Ivar placed his hand on Alex's cheek and gave him another quick kiss. He said softly, "I love you."
Alex looked at him quizzically as he said, "And I love you."
"Alex, I'm sorry. I've got to go. I-I'm, uh, I don't know what I was thinking here."
Alex's heart sank. Shit, it had all been an accident! Ivar hadn't meant what he'd thought afterall. "It, umm, it's ok, Ivar. Don't worry," the words spilled from his mouth without him really registering anything he was even saying.
Ivar placed his hand on Alex's cheek again, "No, Love. I mean I'm sorry to dump such a deep concept in your lap minutes before I leave you. We have much to talk about, so much to discuss, but umm, not now. Not here. Forgive me. I have to go. We'll continue this later." He gave him another quick kiss, "I'll call you when I land, Love. I love you." He winked, "Dearly."
Alex stood frozen in his spot as he watched Ivar walk away, looking back and blowing kisses.
Seriously, what had just happened? Did Ivar just tell him, without actually telling him, that he wanted to marry him? Was he really that committed to their relationship? He pretty much, in a very Ivar way, had almost proposed, right? No, no. There's no way he'd been thinking of marriage. No way. Alex stood, lost in his thoughts, for several more minutes before a lady with a crying baby walked by, and snapped him out of it. He knew he needed to get out of there, get some fresh air, clear his mind.
The entire drive home Alex kept thinking of Ivar's words. "Forever, for better or worse." What else could he have been referring to?
Alex shook his head and decided to just drop it, as best he could, at least. He knew Ivar already had a lot on his plate. His life had changed so much in the last almost year.
Aside from how difficult it had been for Ivar to leave Ivy as she sobbed for him, Alex also knew how Ivar's confidence tended to fade some at the thought of being alone and leaving Alex for so long. He'd had a fear of coming home to an empty home ever since Katia had left him like that years ago. Alex knew that, but when Ivar had told him how it still haunts him, even when they still didn't even live together, even with leaving him only for a week, his heart broke for Ivar. He'd reassured Ivar that they'd speak everyday and that he was definitely not going to disappear while he was gone.
When Ivar thought of meeting Steven alone, he'd almost backed out several times. It had taken Alex's encouragement to get him to follow through with it. He didn't think he'd ever quite understand why Ivar would doubt himself so often, but he was pleased to know that Ivar trusted him enough to believe him when he told him he could do this, that meeting with Steven wasn't going to be as bad as he thought.
When Alex thought about how vulnerable Ivar still was about such an important thing for their buisness for so many different reasons, he chopped the whole forever talk up to just being Ivar's nerves and insecurities of being alone and of them being separated.
Ivar told him in the airport that they'd talk more about it, whatever it was, later, so he decided he wasn't going to ask Ivar anything about it. He didn't want to bring it up and accidentally put Ivar on the spot, especially, feeling pretty certain, now, that it was only his insecurities talking. If it had been more than that, well, he'd wait for Ivar to say so.
He did his best to push it all out of his mind. He knew he was delusional to even think Ivar meant such a thing. They'd only been together for close to a year now, and he knew Ivar was never the type to make such major life decisions so quickly. So he did his best to put it all under lock and key before he got back to Ivar's.
As Alex walked into the house, Katia was setting the table. He instantly felt sick at what he thought she must be conjuring up in ber head already. As he got closer to the dining table, he noticed there were three plates, and Sara came through the door. Alex sighed a breath of relief to see her there, too, as she said, "Oh, hi, Alex. I just got Ivy settled, and she's finally sleeping. She really had a hard time with not having Ivar here. Does she understand that he's going to be gone for at least a week?"
"I wouldn't think she'd understand it, but he's been talking to her all week and trying to reassure her that he would be back. So, maybe it is just kind of sinking in?"
Bringing the salad bowl to the table, Katia interrupted them, "My Ivy is just that intelligent. She definitely understands, but I think she'll be fine with Alex and I when she gives us a chance." She smiled widely at Alex, placed her hand on his shoulder, and squeezed as she walked back to the kitchen for the rest of the food. "Don't you think, Alex?"
He visibaly tensed up, "Oh, umm," he was lost, trying to decipher her intentions, "Umm, well, yeah. I mean. Maybe."
Sara, sensing something was off and not wanting to get involved, said, "Well, Katia, I guess I will see you tomorrow morning?"
"Yes, but umm, please stay for dinner. I already have your place set." Sara looked to Alex, and silently asked with her eyes if it was okay with him.
Alex whispered, "Yes, please stay. Oh God, please stay." She smiled and then tried to hold back a giggle.
"Well, thanks, Katia. Do you need any help?"
"No. This is the last of it." Katia sat the food down on the table. "Let's eat."
Sara and Alex both went to wash their hands in the kitchen while Katia insisted on making their plates. "What's wrong, Alex? You're going to be here with her all week. Isn't that what you agreed to with Ivar?" Sara asked him quietly.
He explained how uncomfortable Katia had been making things, and how he just had a sickening feeling about it all.
"Well, I'm here to help. Just let me know if you need me to step in for you. Ivar asked me to do just that, actually. Perhaps he had the same feelings you do?"
Alex just looked at her and shrugged, hoping he was just being too sensitive.
"Are you guys coming back, or are you too busy in there getting acquainted with eachother?" Katia laughed from the dinning room.
"See what I mean?" Alex's eyes widened at Sara.
To Alex's surprise, once they all sat down to eat, it went quite well. Katia managed to reel in her crazy comments, and they had nice conversations. Alex and Sara both praised Katia on her cooking, and he could tell she definitely enjoyed the compliments. Maybe that's all she needed, just to know she's accepted and appreciated.
Alex was lost in his thoughts of how he could maybe make things easier for them all if he showed her she was appreciated when Sara's words brought him back to the moment, "I'll see you tomorrow morning, Katia. Thanks again for dinner. And Alex," she said as she stopped by his side on her way out the door, "Just let me know if you need me to stay late or come early any day this week." She placed her hand on his shoulder and patted it in an effort to tell him it was going to be ok as she continued out the door.
He went to get the dishes from the table and take them to the kitchen. Katia told him she'd do it, but he told her, "You know if you cook, I clean. That's how we do it around here. I appreciate you cooking for us, so this is the least I can do."
Katia leaned against the counter beside him, "Well, thank you. It really means a lot." Alex felt like she had more to say, but she seemed to hesitate. He waited as patiently as he could while he cleaned the dishes. She looked quite pretty he thought, but there was certainly something mischievous about her.
"You two seem to really hit it off," she began.
"What? Sara and I? Yeah, I mean, she's nice," he answered her, the confusion of her comment spreading across his face.
"And she's really pretty, too. Don't you think, Alex?"
"Well, I honestly haven't really given it much thought, but yeah, sure. I guess she's a pretty young lady."
"You know, I wouldn't ever say anything. You can trust me, Alex."
"Ok, spit it out. What are you getting at, Katia? I'm tired, it's been a long day, and I'm just ready to go to bed." The annoyance in his voice rang throughout the room.
"I just mean, I see the way she looks at you. Trust me, a woman knows these things, and Sara definitely wants you." She placed her hand on his shoulder as he turned the water off and placed the last plate in the dish drainer.
He instantly jerked away from her, repulsed. "What the fuck, Katia! You know I'm with Ivar. I would never do such a thing to betray his trust like that!"
"Oh, so you do find her attractive, too! I knew it!"
"Wait. What? No! That's not what I said, and you know it."
"Oh, Alex, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." She took a step closer to him, and he took a step backwards. "It's just that you didn't say you weren't interested in her. You said you'd never do such a thing to Ivar. And my proposal is this, I'll look the other way. I would turn a blind eye for you, Alex, and keep the secret between just the two of us. Ivar never has to know."
"What the fuck are you talking about? I can't believe you'd even suggest such a thing! I love Ivar, and I only want to be with him!"
"I'm so sorry," she lied. "I misunderstood you. Please forgive my assumptions."
Angry, but trying to control himself, Alex stood his ground as he snapped, "Katia, if this is any indication of how you're going to be this week, I'll just go home and have Sara and one of her assistants stay with you. It doesn't have to be me, you know. Your accusations are wildly absurd! I don't know what your angle is, but you can drop it! It's not happening! I will not put up with your bullshit the way Ivar does."
He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself just as she stepped closer and caused him to back into the wall.
She pressed herself against him. Her breath fanning over his face, she softly said to him, "I'm seriously sorry, Alex. I meant no disrespect. I must have misinterpreted Sara's shy glances at you." She lightly trailed her finger across his shoulder and down his arm. "We've finally gotten off to a good start. Please don't say anything to Ivar. It would disappoint him terribly if he has to worry about us while he's away. He really wants us to get along, you know. Umm, for Ivy's sake."
Seemingly unaffected by everything Alex had just said, despite her insincere apology, a smirk stretched across her face that made Alex feel sick as she continued, "At least, that's how he plays it off. Maybe when he comes back, the three of us can explore other, umm, options for our little, uh, I daresay, triangle?" she teased. "I've heard how the two of you like to share." She leaned forward as if she would kiss him on his lips, but he jerked his head away from her. She continued leaning forward and landed a small, wet kiss on his cheek before pulling her head away.
Alex's eyes nearly popped out of his head. He didn't know how, but she was definitely eluding to their experience with Y/N. He suddenly felt sick. He tried swallowing his emotions, not wanting to show her she was getting under his skin or how disgusted he was. He'd never want to be with someone that Ivar was once in love with, even if Ivar was there, too.
Releasing him, she whipped around and took a step away from him before looking back over her shoulder at him. "Or perhaps, if you're not interested in Sara while Ivar is gone, and you don't want to wait for him to return so we can umm, explore things," she played, "You know, you still don't have to be alone." She motioned up and down her own body as if offering it to him. "It's the least I could do for you with you so generously staying with me to help and all," she continued to smile at him mischievously.
He was completely bewildered. Surely, this wasn't really happening, and she was playing an evil joke on him. Why would she suddenly offer herself to him like that after all this time trying her hardest to get Ivar back?
She turned her head back toward her door, and slowly walked to it. Opening the door, she looked back at him, still standing frozen in the same spot. "Let me know if you decide to take me up on my offer, Alex. You know where I'll be. Goodnight."
Alex went upstairs immediately to take a shower. He felt dirty just from Katia's unappealing suggestions alone, not to mention how she'd trailed her fingers over his body. He hoped to be able to clear his mind. He assumed she was trying to test him so she could report back to Ivar. She clearly didn't know him well at all if she thought he was that easy.
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As he was out of the shower drying off, trying to decide if he was really going to stay there for the whole week like he'd promised Ivar, his phone rang.
Wrapping the towel around himself, he walked across Ivar's room and grabbed his phone from the bed. It was Ivar FaceTiming him. Wondering if he'd bring up anything he'd mentioned in the airport about forever, he smiled as he answered and sat down on the edge of the bed.
"Hey, Love," Ivar began and then noticing Alex with a wet head and without a shirt, teased, "Oh, have I called at the wrong time? Were you busy?"
Alex rolled his eyes, half smiling, "I just got out of the shower. So, you're already settled in where you're staying then?"
Ivar told him how he'd been met at the airport and driven to the hotel where Steven had already reserved and paid for his suite. "I'm not sure how to take it all. This is usually how I conduct buisness."
"Then, that has to mean Steven knows what he's doing. Just enjoy it, Ivar."
"Love, is everything ok? You look, umm, I don't know. Kind of stressed?"
Alex thought he'd done a good job at hiding everything. Apparently, not. "I'm fine, Ivar. I'm just, umm, well, I'm just missing you. It's strange being here without you." He tried not to let his mind wander to the ridiculous events that had just happened with Katia.
"I'll be back before you know it," Ivar seemed to accept Alex's answer. "In the mean time, why don't you show me what you're wearing now that you've just gotten out of the shower?"
Alex grinned and began to feel a bit more relaxed. He scooted up the bed and propped himself up on the headboard. "I was literally just drying off when you called. I just have a towel." He felt his cheeks burn.
Ivar's face lit up in the most devious way, "Oh, really? Care to show me which towel? You know, for educational purposes only," Ivar laughed.
Alex thought for a second, but then realized he had nothing to lose. It wasn't like Ivar had never seen him before. He tilted the camera down and showed the towel, still wrapped around him. "Is that towel good enough, Sir?"
"Absolutely not! That's such an older towel that I can't remember the last time I even used it. I don't think it will suffice. I need you to take it off."
Now, Alex's face flushed bright red. He wasn't sure why he even felt bashful, but he did.
"C'mon, I'm waiting," Ivar said, anticipation building.
"Fine." He loosened the towel and began to pull it off, and Ivar stopped him.
"Wait! A lot of good that does me if I can't see. I think you need to position your phone at a way better angle, and then, slowly remove it," Ivar continued to flirt in a demanding voice, "While I watch every move you make."
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Alex took a deep breath, "Well, I guess we're doing this," as he moved his phone so Ivar could see him. Ivar bit his bottom lip as he looked at Alex's toned muscles, still wet with drops of water, making him feel himself growing harder in his sweats.
His eyes raked over what bit he could see of the rest of Alex while he slowly opened the towel, sliding it from underneath himself, and dropping it to the floor. Ivar licked his lips and said, "This simply will not do."
"What?" Alex nervously yanked the phone back to his face.
"You need to look in the top drawer there in the nightstand and grab my iPad."
Not seeing Ivar's intentions, he asked, "Why?"
"Just do as you're told," he demanded, making Alex's stomach knot in the most delicious way. "I'll give you a few minutes to get it powered on, and I'll call you back. Answer from there this time."
"What? Why are you..." and Ivar ended the call. Alex, then, saw where this was going. His heart rate sped up thinking of Ivar's demanding voice. He'd never had any form of phone sex before, wasn't even sure what he was supposed to do.
He retrieved the iPad and got comfortable on Ivar's big, empty bed. Looking over to where Ivar would usually be laying beside him, he sighed. Maybe this would help with his stress, he sighed again.
The iPad rang, and he quickly answered to see Ivar laying on the hotel bed, completely naked as well, hair hanging down on his shoulders just like Alex preferred it.
"Well, hello, Love. This is so much better," Ivar grinned. "Wouldn't you agree?"
"Well, depends on what's next," Alex smiled.
"As if you don't know. This is the best we can do right now. So, I want you to listen carefully, and do exactly what I say, ok?"
"Ok," Alex eagerly agreed.
"Set the iPad up so I can see you. All of you." Alex busied himself doing as he was told. "Now, reach into the top drawer to your right, and grab the lube."
Alex gulped, but grabbed the lube. "No-now what?"
"Toss it to the side. For now," Ivar instructed. "Now, look at me. Look into my eyes. What do you see?"
Alex swallowed audibly, "I se-see your face."
"Looking up at you?"
"Yes," Alex breathed out heavily as he closed his eyes.
"Open your eyes, Love. Now, can you feel my hot breath on your chest? Can you feel my hot, wet tongue tracing your muscles every so lightly?" Ivar questioned him seductively.
"Umm, umm-humm." Alex moved his finger tips lightly across his chest, sending goosebumps across it.
"Now, grab your nipple between your fingers and squeeze it for me. Hard." Ivar licked his lips, then spit into his own hand, and grabbed ahold of his demanding rock hard cock. He slowly began moving his fist over himself as he watched Alex.
Alex lightly grabbed his nipple between his finger and thumb. He rolled it around. "That's it. Now, squeeze it." Ivar told him.
Groaning, Alex did as Ivar instructed, surprised at how aroused he was becoming. "Now, imagine that's my teeth biting your nipple. Can you feel it? Tell me how much you like it!"
Alex's eyes widened, "Umm, so much. It feels so good." He brought his fingers to his mouth and wet them. He then placed them back on his nipple and squeezed again.
"That's it. Feel my wet mouth on you, my sharp teeth biting you."
Noticing Ivar stroking himself, Alex's eyes widened even more. "Yes, Love, this is what you do to me. I want you so badly right now. I wish I could be inside you, making you scream my name."
"Fuck!" Alex winced at the visions flashing in his mind.
"You'd like that, too, wouldn't you? Feeling my thick cock pulsating deep inside you, thrusting so hard into you from behind? Tell me!" He was pumping himself harder with each word.
Alex whined, "Oh, fuck! Yes, I want you. I want you inside me so badly! I can feel you!" His ass cheeks instinctively clinched around nothing, and he whimpered. Ivar's words were causing Alex to come undone.
He rapidly moved his hand away from his nipple and grabbed himself. Just as he started to pump, Ivar growled, "No! I didn't tell you that you could touch yourself yet!" Alex whined, but did as he was told. "Now, I want you to suck your finger for me. Wrap your plump little lips tightly around your finger, and suck it for me."
Alex brought his hand to his mouth and staring at Ivar, he licked his finger from his knuckles up to his finger tip. He then stuck his tongue out and twirled it around the tip of his finger before slowly sucking it into his mouth, causing Ivar to moan as his hips bucked. "Damn! You're gonna make me come!" Ivar's strokes became quicker, yanking at himself viciously.
He breathed out heavily, desperately trying to keep control, "Now, slowly trail your wet, spit filled fingers down your chest, across your stomach, and to your dick. Don't grab yourself until I say you can." Alex did exactly as Ivar said. "Can you feel my wet tongue tasting you, licking your soft skin?"
Alex's eyes rolled into the back of his head as his back arched. "Did that feel good? You want me to suck you into my mouth, don't you?"
"Umm-humm," Alex mumbled, goosebumps spreading acroos his chest.
"Grab the lube beside you on the bed, Love." Alex did just that. "Put some in your hand, and then slowly grab yourself as I would. Imagine I'm right there with you, right between your legs, making myself comfortable as I suck you into my mouth."
A strained moan escaped Alex's mouth as he grabbed himself tightly, twisting his hand around his ready cock deliciously. "Now, move your hand like I would move my mouth, licking all over you and sucking you so hard. Can you feel the heat of my breath, the twirling of my tongue?" Ivar licked his lips as he watched Alex handling himself.
Alex could only moan as Ivar's hunger for him grew. He wanted nothing more than to touch Alex at this very moment. He imagined that the sweet, soft sounds escaping Alex's lips were because of how he moved deeply inside of him. As he continued to watch Alex, his hand gripped and sped up to a brutal pace on himself, feeling Alex clinching tightly around him. He bit his bottom lip and his head dug into his pillow.
As Alex yelled out, "Oh fuck, Ivar!" Ivar's body stiffened and violently twitched all over, releasing his load onto his stomach and down his knuckles.
He panted, "Alex," softly, trying to catch his breath. "Alex," he tried again, "It's your turn, Love. Come for me. Can you feel me deep throating your long, thick cock? Let go, and come for me. Coat the back of my throat for me."
Alex's hand tugged faster on himself as his thirst for Ivar intensified. Ivar's raspy voice in his ears gave the illusion that he was there in the bed beside him. "I, uh," Alex's breathing was irratic, "I want you, I need you inside me," he hissed.
Ivar's enticing voice began, "You continue your stroking as I am slowly kissing down your inner thigh. Feel me licking you, savoring your taste, right before I gently bite down on what's mine." Alex gulped as he trembled.
"Just as you're relishing in my starved kisses, I'm pulling away from you." As Alex began to whimper, Ivar quickly added, "Before you can cry out, I am abruptly flipping you over onto your stomach. You try to look back at me, but I press your head into the pillow." Ivar was nearly beginning to get hard again himself. "Can you feel me hovering over you? You feel my hot breath falling down on your back?"
"Ummm," Alex responded, eyes closed tightly, heat rushing through his veins.
"Answer me, Alex!"
"Yes, yes Ivar. I can feel you. I feel your weight, your heat, your body on mine. Oh, fuck, your soft skin!" Alex's chest was heaving, as he sharply inhaled through his teeth, toes curling.
"Good. Now, yell my name as I smack that luscious ass."
Ivar slapped his own thigh loud enough for Alex to hear as Alex wailed, "Ivar!"
"That's it. You know what I want. I want you to come screaming my name." Ivar licked his lips, watching Alex violently yanking himself with one hand and gripping the bed sheets with the other one. "I'm clasping your shoulder now, as I place my hard cock at your tight ass."
"Oh, Ivar!"
"Are you ready for me? You want this hard dick of mine to pound you to sleep?"
"Oh, fuck! Yes, Ivar! I'm so close! Fuck!"
"Now, I'm grabbing both of your shoulders for leverage. My chest is on your back, and I'm sweating all over you. Here I come, Love." Ivar thrusted his hips into thin air and yelled out, "I'm slamming into you relentlessly. Can you feel me? Your body is twitching all over, but I won't stop plowing you until you come! Scream my name, Love. Come for me screaming my name! Fuck, you're so fucking tight!"
Unable to control himself any longer and ignoring the previous mess he still hadn't cleaned up, Ivar grabbed himself again and quickly began pumping hard as his hips thrusted into his hand involuntarily.
Alex's back arched, his breathing was ragged as his ass clinched at Ivar's words. The heat in his body was about to boil over as he yelled Ivar's name again. Sweat rolled down his face and chest as his tight grip swiftly rotated up and down his solid rock hard dick.
"Scream my name!" Ivar demanded again.
"I-umm, Ivar!" Alex's movements faltered sloppily as he writhed intensely. He bit his lip before crying out again, "Iv-Ivar! I-I'm coming!" Pleasure consuming his entire body, he hit his climax, fiercely releasing his load straight up and then onto his stomach.
His entire body trembled as he slowly came down from his high. As he looked over to the iPad, ready to cover his face in embarrassment - how had Ivar made him come so hard when he wasn't even there? - he saw Ivar gripping his bed sheets almost as tightly as he was gripping himself just as he came again. "Fuck, Ivar! You're incredible!" he licked his lips.
Ivar studdered, "I, I wi-wish you were here with me."
"Ivar, we're pathetic. You haven't even been gone for an entire 24 hours yet, and look at us." He motioned toward both of their messes, laughing.
"I can't help it. This is what you do to me," Ivar laughed. "That was absolutely amazing, Love. I-I've never enjoyed phone sex quite so much," he blushed.
"Yes, it was. We should get cleaned up."
After the call ended, Alex laid on the big, empty bed, staring at the black iPad. He was a bit surprised at how Ivar was able to get him so hot just from a call and some words, some very enticing words, but still. He looked over to where he wished Ivar was laying beside him, where he should be and groaned. Grabbing Ivar's pillow, that thankfully still smelled like him, he hugged up to it. "This will have to do," he whined and fell asleep.
The next morning, before Alex had even gotten out of bed, he decided to not be alone with Katia while Ivar was away. If it meant paying Sara more to stay longer himself, he'd do it. He'd also asked Y/N to pay some extra visits as well. Once Ivar returned, he'd decide if he should bother him with anything about Katia. He just knew now wasn't the time.
Katia didn't seem to mind having the extra company around. She seemed to even be oblivious that there was a specific reason for it while Alex did his best to avoid her completely. She'd even invited Y/N and Hvitserk to have dinner with them, and Y/N accepted.
Alex felt uncomfortable with the whole idea, worrying that in Katia's sick mind, she may have somehow seen it as some twisted kind of double date.
"Alex, I don't think you have anything to worry about, really. She's definitely not brave enough to try anything that stupid with Hvitserk there. You know he doesn't really care for her and so does she."
"Yeah, I hope you're right," Alex said back to her, unable to match her certainty. "She just makes me feel so sick."
She patted his back as they walked to her car after class, "It'll be fine, you'll see."
To Alex's relief, dinner actually went pretty well. Of course, Hvitserk was his usual smartass self, but it wasn't anything to be unexpected.
As Katia and Y/N joined the men in the living room after dinner, Hvitserk told Katia, "Well, I know we don't always, umm, well, see eye to eye, but you really know how to cook. That was delicious. Thank you. And thanks for the invite."
Katia came around the sofa and sat on the arm of it right beside Alex, ignoring the other available places to sit. Alex instantly tensed up. She placed her hand on Alex's shoulder, "Oh, thank you, Hvitserk. Alex and I are happy to have the two of you over." She looked at Alex. "Isn't that right, Dear?" Hvitserk's eyes widened as Alex sat, frozen. "And he's just recently learned that he likes to eat whatever I have to offer," she smiled innocently, seductively licking her lips before biting her bottom one.
"What the fuck!" Alex immediately stood up, shaking his hands in front of himself. "What's your damn problem?"
Y/N was instantly at Alex's side, "Let's go outside for a bit, Alex. I think we could use some fresh air." She escorted him toward the front door, looking back at Hvitserk, telling him something unspoken with her eyes that he'd obviously understood.
Katia asked, "What did I say? I was simply discussing our.."
Hvitserk cut her off, "Oh, shut the fuck up, Katia. Nobody gives a fuck about your lies!" He stood in front of her when she got to her feet and attempted to step toward the door after Alex and Y/N.
Y/N closed the door behind them, but not before managing to grab the bottle of wine from the counter. She popped the top off, took a big swig, and handed the bottle to Alex. He gave her a curious look. "Do you mean to tell me you couldn't use a drink? I couldn't get anything harder without leaving your side," she laughed. "And I knew I didn't need to do that. So much for her not trying anything in front of Hvitserk, huh? Drink up."
Shrugging his shoulders, he turned the bottle up. "I wasn't going to lay one finger on her, Y/N. You know that."
"Yes, I do, but I wasn't sure what she might do or say once you said whatever you were about to spit out at her." In deep thought, he took another drink and then handed it back to her. "And you may not lay a finger on her, but I can't make that same promise," she smiled.
They stood in silence for a few more minutes, just passing the bottle back and forth between them. Alex then spoke first, breaking their silence, "Y/N, I don't know how, but I think she knows about you, Ivar, and I. That first night that we were..."
"I remember, Alex. I was there. You don't have to spell it out for me," her cheeks reddened.
"Oh, umm, sorry." He dropped his head. "It's just, the other night, she all but offered herself to me, saying how she knows that Ivar and I like to share." The look across Alex's face was, again, of disgust. "How could she know anything?"
"Umm, about that," she grabbed his hand. "Umm, Alex, I think she may have overhead Hvitserk and I talking about it."
"What? No! You're fucking kidding me! Please tell me that you're not serious."
"That weekend when Ivar went to your place, and we stayed here with Katia and Ivy. You remember?"
He took a deep breath, "Yes. Go on."
"Well, you know Hvitserk and his inappropriate jokes. He was being stupid and joking around with me when we were on the sofa. And umm, well, she walked out to use the bathroom, and we don't know how long she had been standing there, but her hand was over her mouth."
"Fuck! What did Hvitserk even say about it?"
"Well," she looked at him while tilting her head, "He was asking me umm, I mean, umm, he wanted to know, to compare.."
"Nevermind! Nevermind! I don't even want to know. It's Hvitserk. I'm sure I can derive, from that much, what he was comparing. Damn him!"
"Well, let's just say, none, of the three of you, have anything to worry about in that department," she grinned.
Alex slapped her shoulder, grinning, despite himself, "C'mon, Y/N, this is serious. What if she.."
The front door opened at that moment, "She's not gonna say another fucking word. And if she does, she will regret it."
Alex and Y/N both turned around to look at him, mouths open wide. "Wh-what did you do, Hvitserk?" Alex asked, worried.
He grinned, taking the bottle from him and turning it up, "Don't worry about it. If she doesn't behave, just let me know. And she won't say anything to Ivar, either. She knows he'll kick her out if she does."
"That's what I've been trying to decide, if I should tell him when he gets home," Alex ran his fingers back through his hair.
"Man, chill out. Worry about that when he gets back. Don't you have your presentation tomorrow? Concentrate on that, and fuck her!" Alex gasped, as Hvitserk slammed the bottle down and said, "Oh, shit! No! No, don't fuck her! Damn! You know what I mean!" He laughed and dropped his face to his hands.
Stepping between them and placing her hands on Alex's shoulders, Y/N intervened, "What he means to say is, you've got enough on your plate right now, so forget about her. Do you need any help in preparation for tomorrow?"
"Uh, actually, yeah, umm, I could use some help with getting everything in the car. That way, I won't have to do it all tomorrow by myself."
"Perfect, show us the way."
Alex had the morning to set up his presentation for his history class. He'd chosen to do his research on the ways of the Old Norse and Norse Paganism. He had several artifacts from the time on display that were passed down through Ivar's family, being a direct descendant of one of the old warriors who had even been a king, with information on each item. He also had a variety of photos on display that he'd spent many hours digging though the internet to find. As he stepped back to take a final look, he was finally satisfied with his work.
There were to be three finalists after each student had their time to present their project to the class. They would receive an award for being one of the chosen three, and that Friday night, those three would have a bigger presentation at the civic center in town, along with three finalists from each of the several other nearby universities. It would be open to the public. Everyone would then vote, and each university would have a winner who would begin a paid internship working with their professor as their mentor.
As Alex looked around, getting a little nervous when he saw everyone else's tables sat up, too, he could only dream of such an opportunity. He wasn't sure what everyone would think of his presentation, but he'd given it his all. He hoped it would be enough.
He knew just how right Ivar had been calling him a nerd back when they were still just friends, his nose always in the books, but he couldn't deny how facinated he was with history. It seemed like such a long time ago that the two of them were still only friends. He smiled to himself.
At that moment, his phone rang in his pocket, startling him out of his deep thoughts. Not even looking at who was calling, he answered, "Hello?"
"Hello, Love," Ivar's voice sang across the other end of the line. "Just wanted to remind you that you've got this. Take a deep breath, and just do your thang. You know your stuff, so stop second guessing yourself. You're going to shine. And remember, even if you don't win, you're still going to be an absolutely amazing history professor. So, just breathe, Love."
Alex smiled, warmly, at the thoughtfulness of Ivar taking the time to call. "How did you know I was second guessing myself?"
Ivar laughed, "I know you, Love. I'm so proud of you and all the hard work you've put into this. I hate that I'm not there to see it myself."
"You know I'll take pictures."
The two talked for a few more minutes before they ended the call, and Alex put his phone on silent.
After each student did their presentation, the history department professors gathered to discuss them. They took a final walk through the room, looking at everything closely.
Alex's hands were sweating, and his heart was pounding as they told the students to take a seat. He could only hear muffled sounds as he completely zoned out, and the minutes seemed to pass by agonizingly slow.
"Alex," one of his classmates tapped him on the shoulder, "Stand. They called your name."
"What? Oh, umm, huh?" Alex shook his head.
The other student motioned to the front of the room, "Go."
"Would you care to join us, Son?" His professor smiled. Surprised, Alex stood and walked to join him and the others. "And here our finalists, guys. Please congratulate your classmates, and thank you all for your hard work. Hope to see you all Friday night."
Alex was stunned. He was really one of the finalists? As students came up to shake their hands, Alex saw Y/N pushing through the crowd. She practically jumped on him with a huge hug. "Oh my God, Alex! You did it! Congratulations!"
With wide eyes, Alex said, "Wh-what? Did that just happen?"
"Yes! Let's go celebrate!" She grabbed him by the hand and headed toward the door. Trailing behind her in a daze, Alex couldn't believe he was one of the top three in his class. He couldn't wait to share the news with Ivar.
Ivar had been in the capital long enough to remember why he no longer lived there. He wasn't sure if it was because he was a bit older now and just wasn't into the loud noise, big crowds, and traffic, oh, so much traffic, or because he now had a family or what. And wow, he was a family man now. The thought really resonated with him as he smiled.
Pulling out his phone, he decided to call Alex. He figured he should be back home by now from his presentation, and he was excited to hear how he did. After several rings and no answer from Alex, Ivar hung up. He hoped Alex would call him back when he could.
He laid back on the hotel bed, hands tucked under his head, and thought about Alex. He hated being alone, he always had, but more than that, now, he hated being away from Alex. He'd never dreamed this was where their friendship would have taken them, but now, he wouldn't have it any other way. He thought about the conversation he'd began with Alex in the middle of the airport, of all places, and he smiled.
He, then, remembered his meeting with Steven the next day. He'd seen a couple of Steven's bars and was preparing in his head what advice he'd give to him. He was also looking forward to hearing whatever other opportunities Steven had to offer him. His mind worked overtime as he settled deeper into the bed and fell asleep faster than he'd even imagined possible.
When his alarm went off the next morning, Ivar reached for Alex in bed beside him. "Why did you set an alarm when you always wake up at the first sight of sunlight on your own anyway?" he grumbled, groggily. As he felt the empty bed, he sat up in bed and opened his eyes. Looking around the empty hotel room, he realized he'd been snuggled up to a pillow most of the night. "Fuck!" He grabbed his phone to check his messages, assuming he'd missed Alex's call sometime during the night. Nothing, not from Alex, at least. He had a few missed calls from Hvitserk, but he'd call him a little later. He thought it was odd that Alex hadn't called or at least texted, but he got his things together and went to take a shower.
Once he was ready for his meeting with Steven and waiting for his ride to pick him up, he called Alex.
Thick with sleep, Alex mumbled on the other end of the call, "Hello?"
"Did I wake you, Love? I'm sorry. I was sure you'd been awake a couple of hours already by now."
"What time is it?"
"It's 9 am." Ivar was truly surprised. Alex almost never slept in.
"Fuck!" Alex sat up in bed. Then, looking over beside him, he saw Y/N crashed out, face planted into the bed with her head under the pillow. She was only wearing one of Ivar's over sized t-shirts and panties.
"Fuck!" he said again, realizing he had no idea how either of them had ended up in Ivar's bed, and even worse, what had happened the night before. He quickly scanned the room for any sign of what had happened, and all he saw was both their clothes in a pile on the floor. He was, luckily, still in his underwear, but that did nothing to settle his sudden panic. What the fuck was he doing in the bed with her wearing only underwear to begin with?
"Alex? Everything ok?" Ivar asked, quickly wondering what was happening on the other end of the call.
"Umm," Alex grabbed his head as he realized how badly it was hurting, About that, I don't really,"
He was interrupted by Y/N's voice grumbling into the bed, "Shhh, why are you so damn loud? Ugh!" Suddenly realizing that was not Hvitserk's voice she'd just tried to silence, she jerked the pillow off her head and snapped her head toward Alex, who had the same look of horror across his face that she was now feeling. She quickly sat up in the bed and looked down at herself. "What the fuck!"
"Alex? Alex, what the hell is going on? Was that Y/N's voice I just heard? Where are you?" Ivar wasn't sure what to think, but he sat on the edge of the hotel bed, trying his best to keep his cool until Alex gave him some answers. "Alex?" he impatiently asked again.
*2nd part will be posted later today*
#alex hogh andersen#alex + ivar smut#alex hoegh andersen#alex hogh andersen smut#alex høgh andersen#ivar the boneless smut#ivar the boneless fanfiction#friends to lovers#love is love#alex høgh#alex hoegh#ivar smut#ivar the boneless#ivar ragnarsson#ivar lothbrok
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Frederikke Dahl Hansen & Alex Høgh Andersen
En Af Os Ryster
#Frederikke Dahl Hansen#Alex Høgh Andersen#alex hogh#ivar the boneless#i swear i have read a x reader fic that started like this :P#En Af Os Ryster
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My King Ivar!
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Everything is for real
ivar the boneless || imagine || часть 12
все части
Метки: дети; флафф
Слов: 609
Это могло стать лучшим временем для тебя, для любой девушки, оказавшейся в такой ситуации. Но ты не считаешь это таким уж хорошим временем.
Твоё тело изменилось, и тебе это не нравится, но ты не можешь с этим ничего сделать. Тебе приходится оставаться такой, ждать, пока всё это закончится. И может в лучшем случае твои изменения можно будет минимизировать. Ты лишь надеешься на это.
Ивар старался облегчить твою учить. Он был хорошим мужем, делая больше, чем ты могла бы представить.
Садясь на диван, и выдыхая, ты откидываешься назад, запрокинув голову.
— Ты сильно устала? — интересуется Ивар, когда подходит к тебе, усаживаясь рядом и кладя ладонь на твоё колено. Он старается всегда быть аккуратным и подбирать правильные слова, но не всегда это получалось легко с твоим теперь нестабильным эмоциональным состоянием.
— Сегодня не очень, — произносишь ты, погладив свой округлый живот. — Кое-кто пинался. Ему понравилось мучить свою мать, заставляя её постоянно бегать писать.
Твои губы растягиваются в улыбке, когда ты смотришь на Ивара.
Конечно, ты была в ужасе от своей беременности. Ты не могла представить, что будешь пузатой в ближайшее время в своей жизни. Но всё получилось так, что теперь ты замужем и ждёшь ребёнка, и время родов было всё ближе и ближе. Хотя беременность для тебя почти невыносима, ты всё равно благодарна своему мужу за его терпение и любовь. Он одаривал тебя стольким количеством любви, что иногда ты могла бы задыхаться от этого, но тебе не на что жаловаться. Ребёнок в тебе был от любимого человека, и ты надеялась, что станешь хорошей мамой. Ивар давал тебе всё необходимое, продолжая оберегать тебя и лелеять. Хотя в его мыслях были страхи. Он также надеялся стать хорошим папой, учитывая, что его ��тец был не важным. Ивар не желает стать, таким как Рагнар. Он верит, что вы сможете позаботиться о вашем будущем ребёнке лучше, чем справились его родители или твои.
Ивар не может сдержать улыбку от твоих слов. Он наклоняется к тебе, целует уголок твоих губ и кладёт ладонь на твой округлый живот.
— Ты уже решать, что это «он». — Твой муж смотрит на место, куда положил свою руку. — Мы должны сначала узнать пол у врача.
— Мы узнаем. Но что-то мне подсказывает, что это мальчик. У него будут твои глаза, твои губы и волосы. Но от меня он возьмёт... нос и скулы. Думаю это будет неплохо. — Ты кладёшь свою ладонь на ладонь Ивара.
Он утыкается носом в изгиб твоей шеи, вдыхая твой запах и наслаждаясь тем, что он дома, со своей семьёй, в месте, где никто не хочет вытащить из него что-то не дав ничего взамен, где его не пытаются критиковать и спорить с каждым его словом, просто потому что он самый младший брат. Он наслаждается чувством покоя, прикрывая глаза на мгновение.
Тебе не слишком нравится всё происходящее, но ты не можешь никуда деться.
Аслауг приехала в больницу, когда ты рожала вашего с Иваром сына. Женщина определённо любила Ивара, но именно сейчас она решила помочь тебе. Хотя её советы и могли быть полезны, учитывая сколько детей она родила, это не отменяло твоей усталости и нежелания с кем-то общаться.
Ивар вышел ненадолго, обещая принести тебе воды, больше ты ничего не просила. Аслауг оставалась рядом с тобой, любуясь малышом. Улыбка с её лица не исчезала уже некоторое время.
— Он похож на тебя, хотя глаза Ивара, — произносит твоя свекровь.
Ты лежишь рядом с маленькой кроваткой, где должен спать твой малыш.
— Как по мне младенцы все одинаковые, — признаёшь ты.
— Я думала также, пока не родила Хвитсерка, а затем всех остальных.
Ты не можешь не улыбнуться, даже если это немного вымученно. Слабость сильнее тебя.
— Поспи, я и Ивар будем рядом, когда ты проснёшься. — Она до сих пор держит малыша на руках и любуется им.
— Спасибо.
Ты прикрываешь глаза, сразу же подгружаясь в сон.
#imagine#русский imagine#imagine на русском#ivar the boneless imagine#ivar imagine#ivar#ivar the boneless x reader#ivar x reader#ivar x you#vikings imagine#alex høgh andersen
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