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anastpaul · 8 months ago
1 June – Devotion for June – THE MONTH OF THE MOST SACRED HEART of JESUS In 1899, Pope Leo XIII Consecrated the world to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Since then, his successors have exhorted the faithful to turn to the Sacred Heart and make Acts of personal Consecration. They have also begged the faithful to offer prayers and penances to the Sacred Heart in reparation for the many sins of the

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apenitentialprayer · 11 months ago
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The Apparition of Our Lord to Blessed Margaret Mary Alacoque
Through this life of contemplation you [nuns] are the voice of the Church as She ceaselessly praises, thanks, implores, and intercedes for all mankind. Through your prayer, you are co-workers of God, helping the fallen members of His glorious Body rise again [
] In this way, you have become an image of Christ who seeks to encounter the Father on the heights.
Pope Francis (Vultum Dei quaerere, §9)
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catholicsapphic · 7 months ago
If Jesus showed up to her bloody and scourged at a dance and told her to join a convent, you know her visions are gonna be LIT đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„
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portraitsofsaints · 1 year ago
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Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque
Feast Day: October 16 (New), October 17 (Trad)
Patronage: those suffering from polio, devotees of the Sacred Heart, loss of parents
A nun of the Visitation order, St. Margaret Mary was most notably known for her visions of Our Lord and devotion to His Sacred Heart.
"And He [Christ] showed me that it was His great desire of being loved by men and of withdrawing them from the path of ruin that made Him form the design of manifesting His Heart to men, with all the treasures of love, of mercy, of grace, of sanctification and salvation which it contains, in order that those who desire to render Him and procure Him all the honour and love possible, might themselves be abundantly enriched with those divine treasures of which His heart is the source." — from Revelations of Our Lord to St. Mary Margaret Alacoque
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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dramoor · 2 years ago
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Blessed Mary of the Divine Heart and St. Margarette Mary Alacoque adoring the Sacred Heart of Jesus
(Art by Corrado Mezzana, 1922)
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daughter-of-mary · 5 days ago
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eucanthos · 1 year ago
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elemental traces no.17 ∈ 42 / tore-ador-a fighter
Aweng Chuol by EazyVisuals [face]
Jan van Eyck: Annunciation, 1434 [cloak]
Bouguereau: The Bather 1879
Mary Alacoque Waters: Girl painting [sleeve]
Agnolo Bronzino: Portrait of a Lady in red, 1533 [sleeve]
black unknown torso portrait white dots afro
Martine Sitbon: SS1998 Red Dress
Giuseppe Zanotti: hi heel pumps
Lucien Clergue: Nude No 4 [hand]
Single Use Medical Stethoscope
1920s chair nude [leg]
John Fotherby: Anatomy, 1729–30
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cruger2984 · 1 year ago
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THE DESCRIPTION OF SAINT MARGARET MARY ALACOQUE The Mystic and Promoter of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Feast Day: October 16
St. Margaret Mary was born at L'Hautecour (located in the Verosvres commune), Burgundy, France, on July 22, 1647 to Claude Alacoque and Philiberte Lamyn. Her father died when she was about eight years old, leaving her family in a precarious financial situation and at the mercy of some rapacious relatives.
As a young girl, she was stricken with rheumatic fever, and the resulting paralysis forced her to be bedridden for the next four years until the age of fifteen. It was during this time that she developed an intense devotion to the Blessed Sacrament and made a vow to the Blessed Virgin to consecrate herself to religious life. During these hard times Margaret continued her devotion to the Blessed Sacrament and Christ made His presence known to her. She later wrote, "At that time, all my desire was to seek happiness and comfort in the Blessed Sacrament."
She had three more visions over the next year and a half in which Jesus instructed her in a devotion that was to become known as the Nine Fridays. Christ also inspired Margaret Mary to establish the Holy Hour and to receive Holy Communion on the first Friday of every month. In the final revelation, the Lord asked that a feast of reparation be instituted for the Friday after the octave of Corpus Christi.
On May 25, 1671, at the age of 23, Margaret entered the Order of the Visitation convent at Paray-le-Monial. She pronounced her final vows on November 6, 1672 and took the name Mary. During her retreat before her profession, she had a vision of Jesus in which He said, "Behold the wound in my side, wherein you are to make your abode, now and forever."
The Lord continued to appear to her in visions and on December 27, 1673, the feast of Saint John the Evangelist, as she knelt at the grill before the exposed Blessed Sacrament, she experienced a vision in which the Lord told her to take the place that Saint John had occupied at the Last Supper, and that she would act as His instrument.
Jesus revealed His Sacred Heart as a symbol of His love for mankind, saying, "My divine Heart is so inflamed with love for mankind
 that it can no longer contain within itself the flames of its burning charity and must spread them abroad by your means."
She described that His Heart was on fire and surrounded by a crown of thorns. Our Lord told her that the flames represented His love for humanity, and the thorns represented man’s sinfulness and ingratitude. Jesus informed her that her mission was to establish the devotion to His Most Sacred Heart, and He revealed twelve promises that He would bestow upon all those who practice the devotion.
Margaret Mary told her superior, Mother de Saumaise, about the visions and was treated with contempt. She was forbidden to carry out any of the religious devotions that had been requested of her in her visions. She became ill from the strain, and her superior, looking for a divine sign, vowed to believe the visions if Margaret Mary was cured. Margaret Mary prayed and recovered, and her superior kept her promise. There was a group within the convent who remained skeptical, however. Her superior ordered Margaret Mary to present her experiences to theologians, but they were judged to be delusions.
St. Claude de la ColombiĂšre, a holy and experienced Jesuit, arrived as confessor to the nuns, and in him Margaret Mary recognized the understanding guide that had been promised to her in the visions. He became convinced that her experiences were genuine and adopted the teaching of the Sacred Heart that the visions had communicated to her. Her revelations were made known to the community when they were read aloud in the refectory from a book written by St. Claude.
Her revelations in the open, she encouraged devotion to the Sacred Heart, especially among her novices, who observed the feast in 1685. A chapel was built in 1687 at Paray in honor of the Sacred Heart, and devotion began to spread in other convents of the Visitidines, as well as throughout France.
Margaret Mary became ill and died on October 17, 1690 during the fourth anointing step of the last rites. As she received the Last Sacrament, she said, "I need nothing but God, and to lose myself in the heart of Jesus."
The devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus was officially recognized and approved by Pope Clement XIII in 1765, seventy-five years after her death. Margaret Mary was declared Venerable in March, 1824 by Pope Leo XII, and she was pronounced Blessed on September 18, 1864 by Pope Pius IX. The inauguration of the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus occurred in 1856, and Margaret Mary was canonized by Benedict XV in 1920.
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thepastisalreadywritten · 11 months ago
SAINT OF THE DAY (February 15)
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On February 15, the Catholic Church honors Saint Claude de la Colombiere, the 17th-century French Jesuit who authenticated and wrote about Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque's visions of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
When he canonized St. Claude in 1992, Pope John Paul II upheld him as a model Jesuit, recalling how the saint “gave himself completely to the Sacred Heart, 'ever burning with love.'
Even in trials, he practiced forgetfulness of self in order to attain purity of love and to raise the world to God.”
Born in the south of France on 2 February 1641, Claude de la Colombiere belonged to a family of seven children, four of whom entered the priesthood or religious life.
He attended a Jesuit school in his youth and entered the order himself at age 17.
As a young Jesuit recruit, Claude admitted to having a “horrible aversion” to the rigorous training required by the order in his day.
But the novitiate of the Society of Jesus focused and sharpened his natural talents.
He would later take a private vow to obey the order's rules as perfectly as possible.
After completing his order's traditional periods of study and teaching, Claude became a priest in 1669.
Known as a gifted preacher, he also taught at the college level and served as a tutor to the children of King Louis XIV's minister of finance.
In 1674, the priest became the superior of a Jesuit house in the town of Paray-le-Monial.
It was during this time, in his role as confessor to a convent of Visitationist nuns, that Claude de la Colombiere became involved in events that would change his own life and the history of the Western Church.
One of the nuns, later canonized as St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, claimed to have experienced private revelations from Christ urging devotion to his heart as the symbol and seat of God's love for mankind.
Within the convent, however, these reports met with dismissal and contempt.
During his time in Paray-le-Monial, Father la Colombiere became the nun's spiritual director, giving careful consideration to her testimony about the purported revelations.
He concluded that Sister Margaret Mary had indeed encountered Jesus in an extraordinary way.
Claude la Colombiere's writings and his testimony to the reality of St. Margaret Mary's experiences helped to establish the Sacred Heart as a feature of Western Catholic devotion.
This, in turn, helped to combat the heresy of Jansenism, which claimed that God did not desire the salvation of some people.
In the fall of 1676, Father la Colombiere was called away from Paray-le-Monial to England.
During a time of tension in the religiously torn country, he ministered as chaplain and preacher to Mary of Modena, a Catholic who had become the Duchess of York.
In 1678, a false rumor spread about an alleged Catholic “plot” against the English monarchy.
The lie led to the execution of 35 innocent people, including eight Jesuits.
La Colombiere was not put to death but was accused, arrested, and locked in a dungeon for several weeks.
The French Jesuit held up heroically during the ordeal, but conditions in the prison ruined his health before his expulsion from England.
He went back to France in 1679 and resumed his work as a teacher and priest, encouraging love for Christ's Sacred Heart among the faithful.
In 1681, Claude de la Colombiere returned to Paray-le-Monial, the site of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque's revelations.
It was there, during 1682, that the 41-year-old priest died from internal bleeding on the year's first Sunday of Lent, February 15.
Claude de la Colombiere was beatified by Pope Pius XI on 16 June 1929 – nine years after the canonization of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque. He was canonized by Pope John Paul II on 31 May 1992.
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anastpaul · 7 months ago
Our Morning Offering – 25 June – Be my Strength, O Sacred Heart! By St Margaret Mary
Our Morning Offering – 25 June – “The Month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus” Be my Strength, O Sacred Heart!By St Margaret Mary Alacoque (1647-1690)Visionary of the Sacred Heart O Sacred Heart of Jesus,I fly to Thee,I unite myself to Thee,I enclose myself in Thee!Receive my call for help, O my Saviour,as a sign of my horror of all within me,contrary to Thy holy love.Let me die rather a thousand

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creantzy · 8 months ago
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Acrylic on canvas, 40 × 40 cm
Reference: The Vision Of The Heart Of Jesus Of Blessed Marguerite Marie Alacoque by Antonio Ciseri
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famousharmonyluminary · 2 years ago
Najƛwiętsze Serce Jezusa
Od czasĂłw ƛw. Jana Eudesa, ktĂłry w Sercu Maryi nauczyƂ nas kontemplować samego Jezusa – Serce Serc – oraz krzewić miƂoƛć do obojga, kult Najƛwiętszego Serca Pana Jezusa rozpowszechniƂ się przede wszystkim dzięki ƛw. MaƂgorzacie Marii, zakonnicy ze zgromadzenia siĂłstr wizytek, ĆŒyjącej w Paray-le-Monial. 11 czerwca 1899 r. papieĆŒ Leon XIII w modlitwie prosiƂ Boga – wzywając wszystkich biskupĂłw do

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fatherbarnabas · 2 years ago
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Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque
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cristianesimocattolico · 2 years ago
Il Sacro Cuore di GesĂč, rifugio per la vita eterna
Inizia il mese dedicato al Sacro Cuore, oggi usurpato da ideologie contro Dio e contro l’uomo. Una chiamata a riparare, come giĂ  chiedeva GesĂč a santa Margherita. E anche il tempo propizio per iniziare la pratica salvifica dei primi venerdĂŹ del mese. Continue reading Untitled
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dramoor · 1 year ago
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Three relics of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, Relic of St. Therese of Lisieux, Relic of St. John of the Cross.
St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church, Winter Park, Florida
(Photos © dramoor 2023)
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aloysiavirgata · 5 months ago
She walks in beauty, like the night
Scully in the simplest, blackest silk. Scully pale, moon-kissed, vulnerable. Scully’s hair and eyes like where the stars are born.
Scully comes to him when even the moon is all but asleep, like a single calla lily from a secret admirer. Unbidden. Unexpected.
“Mulder,” she says, outside his open door, in a negligee that last shade of sky blue before it goes pitch black.
Spaghetti straps and a low décolletage, though not shockingly low. Lace trim, mid thigh. It looks like something Katharine Hepburn would wear to slap you.
Not you. Him.
Specifically him.
She looks up at him through her heavy-lashed, heavy-lidded eyes.
He stares at her for his own sake because deep in his 12 year old heart, no one would ever, ever, believe that nerdy Fox Muld-
Scully takes another step closer onto the sad oatmeal carpet of his hotel room. She has such pretty ankles, she has such pretty calves. She smells like honeysuckle and hot bike tires and buttery lobster rolls and the sweetest, purest moments of his life.
She tips her face up to him, Agent Scully does, all eyes and lips and cheekbones like a geometric proof.
“God,” he says. And he means it.
LA belongs to the sun and Scully is a San Diego baby but he knows, he knows, she is an East Coast girl at heart. He knows she loves the first retinal purple-orange sunrises of America and the first sapphire kisses of night. He knows she loves the stars by which her father learned to navigate. He knows she loves the distant moon.
He knows she loves blue crabs and wool duffel coats and khaki shorts and aspires to East Hampton in her most secret, silent heart.
One day he will make love to her in London because she will, he knows, hark to the call of the City. She is a creature of old stone and lichen and liminal space.
She is the answer to Samson’s riddle.
He’d rented a jet black ‘57 Chevy Bel Air because Christ, this girl. Abductions and cancer and the most awful brutality and stolen ova and Christ; this brilliant, moonbeam girl.
She sees the car and she says nothing. But her eyes, her eyes. Her Star of India eyes.
Scully sees the car and she smiles, shy. Scully squeezes his hand.
He fucks her - hard, desperate - in the Chevy out over Mullholland and she cries out for him because even Saint Teresa writhed in ecstasy.
He kisses her the way a mariner kisses his homeland soil because she is his human credential. He kisses her like a Torah scroll. He shudders, murmurs I love you, I love you into the hot, sweet dark of her mouth.
She is bleeding, just a little. She is bleeding in the warm caress of a Southern California night. She is bleeding as though she were a virgin and maybe she is; maybe there is sex and there is fucking and there is making love and there is This.
Are you there, god? It’s me, Dana.
She touches his sleeping rosebud lips. She touches his funny nose and his beautiful jaw and she doesn’t say I love you aloud like he had because she’d learned it was shameful. She’d learned to salute.
But it’s 3 AM, neither properly morning nor properly night. It’s 3 AM and she isn’t LA pretty, not by a long shot, but she’s here with him, with Mulder, who is very LA pretty and has money besides.
She’s too short and too pale and her nose is patrician rather than cute and she gets burnt instead of tan. She doesn’t laugh in the right places at movies. She likes copper because it burns green, she likes moths more than butterflies, she can quote Jane Austen’s most acerbic lines.
She thinks of Mulder swimming hard across the Vineyard tides, Mulder with his cinnamon skin in the whipped cream breakers. Riding a red fixed-gear along Lake Tashmoo, tugging his tiny sister along. Mulder basking on the beach like a young god of summer. Mulder with his heart afire like Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque.
Her father is dead and look, look Mulder has such a tender soul even if he’s Jewish and atheist, Daddy. Mulder has eyes like fern moss.
“I love you,” she says, her eyes brimming with tears, her eyes bright as the newest stars.
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