#akaashi rolling with it and getting infected by bo's cuteness
hyunjin-bun · 4 years
The  Good Mistake {Bokuto x Akaashi and Kuroo x Kenma}
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synopsis: Where Akaashi and Bokuto have to come to terms with how they feel and Kuroo and Kenma have to discover their feelings.
pairings: Bokuto x Akaashi and Kuroo x Kenma
genre: FLUFF! (or at least trying to be) crack (but like it wasn’t supposed to be that’s just what happened) mutual pining.
warnings: swearing that’s it i guess?
note: CHAPTER 3, Its long, its punny and I’m sorry😄 i couldn't stop laughing while writing this it just killed me. Bokuto seems like the kind of person who likes puns and is also a very quick thinker so this is what came out of that thought process. 🤷‍♀️ Also just to put it out there, these puns came from a video from a youtube channel called The Pun Guys (I’m Not smart enough to make up puns myself). If you’d like to be tagged just send me an ask (or a message if you feel to awkward with asks cos same👀💛)
Store Puns
The first thing Akaashi noticed when he woke up was a very loud alarm tone, the second thing was an arm curled around his abdomen. He looked to the side and was greeted by Bokuto’s face right next to his own. Bokuto’s eyes started opening slowly as he took in the harsh light from the sun’s rays that entered the room. They shot open when he realised the position he was in. He quickly untangled himself from Akaashi, “I’m so sorry.” Bokuto sputtered out an apology. “S’okay, it’s not the first time that’s happened,” Akaashi said.  
Bokuto had the habit of holding onto whatever he was sleeping next to and this time it just happened to be Akaashi. It happened when they were younger too but this time it felt different with Akaashi knowing full well what his feelings were. However, Akaashi did not know how this made Bokuto feel.  
Bokuto had only recently started to come to terms with his feelings. He liked Akaashi and he always has, since he met him when they were kids but he started to realise his feelings for him were stronger than those of a friend, they were more. More intense, more heavy, and were growing harder to keep under wraps.  
He was too scared to talk to Akaashi about it because he valued his friendship with him and didn’t think that Akaashi would ever feel the same way. He’s told Kuroo all about this and he’s told him to do something, take the first step and confess but whenever he tried he got freaked out and pulled away.  
Waking up with Akaashi next to him felt so right but he didn’t want to make Akaashi uncomfortable even though it had happened multiple times before. Akaashi looked more surprised than usual which is why Bokuto reacted the way he did.  
Akaashi cleared his throat, “So, um, when do you want to leave?” he asked as he stood up and stretched. Bokuto looked at him with a confused expression, “Huh what?” Akaashi raised an eyebrow at him, “To the store, Bo,” he said, seeming annoyed. Bokuto’s mouth formed a perfect ‘o’ as he remembered their conversation by the fridge. “Right yeah, we can leave whenever you’re ready, and we can take my car,” he replied with a yawn stretching his arms.  
Akaashi went to his room to get dressed leaving Bokuto to do the same.  
Even though the sun was shining it seemed like it was going to be a pretty cold day so he opted for a yellow hoodie and black sweatpants. He brushed his hair but didn’t do anything else, it was too much effort, and he was also starting to like having a fringe.  
He left his room and waited for Akaashi who also sensed the weather and was wearing a forest green hoodie and black jeans. “Should we tell Kuroo and Kenma we’re going to the shop?” Bokuto asked as he grabbed his keys. “Mmn, I told Kenma when I went to get dressed,” he said as he slid his hands into his pockets. Bokuto nodded and opened the front door, “Cool let’s head out then.”
It was cold and to make it worse it was windy, so they got in the car as quick as possible. Bokuto started the car but let it run a little bit to warm up so he could put on the heater.  
It was still quite early in the morning so not a lot of people were around, just the people who wanted to get shopping done before the rush of the weekend. Akaashi took out the list and grabbed a shopping cart, only a small one though, he wasn’t planning on getting much. Bokuto seemed to be getting hyped about something and a little perk became prominent in his stride.
Akaashi side-eyed him as they walked into the store, “What are you so excited about Bo?” Bokuto just shook his head a smiled but kept on walking, leaving Akaashi hopelessly confused. Going towards the milk aisle, they passed a stand with pretzels on it. Bokuto picked up the packet and showed it to Akaashi and said “Jake Baked? Definitely” Akaashi shook his head, they were not in need for pretzels “Akaaashiii,” Bokuto whined quite loudly “What Bo?” he responded looking too serious for his own good. Bokuto just pouted at him “You missed the pun. Jake looks baked right?” he said as he pointed towards the cartoon on the bag. Jake did indeed look baked but Akaashi just smirked and told him to put the pretzels down.  
They got the milk and some cheese since they were next to each other. Akaashi saw pasta on the list so he went down that aisle and he heard Bokuto gasp quietly behind him he turned around to find Bokuto with a box of Shirriff piecrust mix in his hand. “Pie shot the shirriff” he sang with a smile on his face. Akaashi got this one and just snickered at him but continued to walk but with a smile on his face. He got some linguine and Farfalle, Bokuto liked those specifically because they were shaped like bows.
They needed something sweet in the house constantly and since Akaashi liked baking, he decided to get muffin and brownie mix sachets. Akaashi was expecting something to stick out at Bokuto and he was excited about it. Bokuto could make a pun out of anything. As they were deciding on what to get Bokuto picked up a box of fudge brownies, “After a long day of tanning I get brown knees” this sent them both into a fit of laughter. Once they recovered, Bokuto put the brownie mix into the cart. “See going to the store can be fun even as an adult Akaashi.” Akaashi just shook his head again and smiled.
Akaashi needed some soap and shampoo but as they were looking at all the brands Bokuto picked up a bar of soap, “Yo Akaashi, Yardley call me anymore,” He said with a bad British accent. Akaashi burst out laughing, he hadn’t laughed like this in a while and it started to force out all the anxiety he had in his system that had been there since he woke up with Bokuto wrapped around him.  
It got to the point where they just wanted to look for puns so Bokuto ran off and came back with a nerf ball. He then threw it at Akaashi, “Hey that’s anerf” Akaashi deadpanned. Bokuto just stood there surprised “Oh my god you, just made a pun!” he burst out laughing, clutching on to Akaashi’s sleeve. Akaashi let out a small huff with a smile.
They needed some sauce for the pasta they had and still recovering from all the previous puns Bokuto picked up a box of fondue sauce. “Hey Akaashi, I’m fond-a-ue,” he said with an innocent smile then suddenly realising what he had just said. Akaashi, not realising he was making a pun, turned around blushing. He huffed out a puff of air, “Wait what?” Bokuto just still trying to understand what had just come out of his mouth looked up at Akaashi and spoke softly “I’m fond-a-ue, holy crap, Akaashi, I like you.”  
Akaashi felt like he was short-circuiting like a computer when you pour water on it, but the water was just Bokuto’s words making their way to his brain and his heart. “W-what, Bo, seriously?” he stammered as he felt his face heat up. Bokuto was awkwardly rubbing the back of his head “Um, well yes, for a while now. I’ve been meaning to tell you but I get scared and stop myself. I guess I thought delivering my feelings through a pun would soften the blow. It's okay if you don’t feel the same way, I just had to let it out because it’s been crushing me for so long an I-“ Akaashi put his finger on Bokuto’s mouth to shut him up “I like you too Bo.” He said stepping closer to the other, letting his hand fall.  
Bokuto’s face was priceless and Akaashi was so happy he was making it because of him. Bokuto, quick to recover from that, looked around and noticed they were the only ones in the aisle. “Can I kiss you?” he asked almost timidly
Akaashi breathed out. It got really hot in the small space between him and Bokuto, “Right now?” he asked. Bokuto rolled his eyes, suddenly gaining confidence after seeing Akaashi’s eyes cloud over “Yes Akaashi right now.” Akaashi nodded and so Bokuto took the last step to clear the space between them. His lips ghosted Akaashi’s, trying to see if he would stop him but he never did. He placed one hand on Akaashi’s waist and another under his jaw; he pressed his lips to Akaashi’s and nearly imploded inside when he kissed back. Akaashi curled his hand into Bokuto’s soft hair, tugging slightly.
It was as romantic as it could be having your first kiss in your local store. It worked well enough though. Akaashi was the first to pull away reluctantly but he didn’t want to make someone randomly walk down the aisle feel awkward. Bokuto looked at him hesitantly, “You really like me back” he asked. “Yes and I’ve also been too scared to say anything,” he whispered as he looked down. Bokuto caught his chin and set his face level with his own. “I think we should just be straightforward with each other next time huh?” he said with a smirk. He kissed Akaashi’s forehead and grabbed the cart, causing Akaashi to blush.  
Bokuto thought he looked so soft at that moment and he couldn’t help but hold out his hand for Akaashi to take, which he did. So together they left after buying the food and making more cheesy puns over the camembert they decided to get for Kenma since it was his favourite.
Akaashi finally felt at peace about his decision to move in with Bokuto. (And Kuroo and Kenma) whatever he was with Bokuto now and it felt like nothing mattered anymore.
(f in the chat for the poor, most likely sleep-deprived teller who had to watch this all go down.)
Tagging: @gabbywubby  @shou-kunn @currentconcern @super-noya @thequeenofpotatoeunicornss @pudding-head-kenma @thirsthourdemon
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