#aka the only parts of the game that aren't painfully shallow and trivial
psalmsofpsychosis · 1 year
i think i'm a hilarious person because i heartily dislike J*di S******r's Cap Stainpiss for the exact same reasons that i... absolutely adore D*n Dj*rin.
D*n is a very private person; he's very contained and his morality is very insular, untouchable, almost pure. He's a gorgeous personality because he's a dickhead who'll do his own thing, and he's got the grit and gore to back it up too, S1 and S2 Dink Djaling was never portrayed as a character with a hive for a brain, he was always self driven.
But Cap Testtits always had a hive full of bees for a brain. He was a constellation of voices, his own becoming one true resonance by the end of F*llen O*der. He was open and receptive and responsive, for better or worse. That was his most distinct quality, he took people in, a close range fighter at all times; there's a reason F*llen O***r Cat doesn't do blasters– he's an upclose and personal fighter, always having one foot in the doorframe, he's involved with the characters emotionally, mentally, physically. That's how he wins.
The way they made him in S*rv*vor is not bad persay, but it's highly incongruent with what he was in FO. It's a good look on any other character that starts as an insular and internally conflicted, private character that are in a battle with themselves first and foremost, but Cat Dentist was never alone in his fights, his story literally starts with him reaching out to someone else and endangering both of them because of it. JS Cat would've been a fun character if he wasn't precaded by FO Cat, he would've been mildly entertaining, if a bit bland to work with. But he's an insincere, trendy grimdark reconstruction of one of the most heartfelt and sincere and true stair warts characters in recent years so the way i remember him is not with fondness, it's with deep disdain of people who'll shit on every good and hopeful story just to sell it to 21th century comfortably constipated nihilists who think it's "human nature" to grow apathetic and disinterested. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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