#airbnb management bristol
vanillatalc · 3 months
saturday posting
ben and clare have gone to see everything everything in bristol, and im anxious bc of the germ factor :( i do think it's proper + good that they go bc they really like this band. covid prevalence is pretty low atm too + objectively much less of a risk than it was in 2020 in terms of lingering problems - by far the biggest long covid cohort is actually still pre-vaccine, from 2020, the very first wave. just have to see what happens. we can always go to an airbnb again (me + ana) or send him to one lol. i also have a lot of valium should the next few days be a lot, anxiety-wise
had sex w/ ben last night (missionary/cowgirl, reporting this for hip-related reasons, neither position hurt) and made a mental note to see how the hip feels today bc one of my hypotheses is that sex makes it worse ( thumbs up emoji) but i did manage the walk to sainsburys ok (10m one direction 10m the other) without any pain so... ? i didnt try the longer walk bc i didnt feel like it and no one was around to pick me up if things went south tho
i have called the dr a lot the past few days re the hip + never got through. i was calling the general enqs line which is supposedly oepn until 6, but yeah im just gonna email later today instead bc clearly whatever the phone line SAYS is not real lol
also ana informed the group chat we were having sex lol
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moaandkin · 4 years
Airbnb Management Bristol
struggling for Airbnb Management in Bristol? Then, Moa & Kin is the right place. We are one of a select few Airbnb management companies in Bath and pride ourselves on having a professional and personal approach. Contact us to know more.
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welldresseddadblog · 6 years
Mid May it was time to visit the sceptred Isles of Great Britain for another getaway mini-break. Learning from previous experiences regarding the absolute density of experiences in the UK, we planned less travel and more local exploring this time. This also means spending less valuable time moving from overnight accommodation to new overnight accommodation, which again helps to avoid energy loss. This time it was more South Western areas that would be in focus, as in Glastonbury and the surrounding areas. This post will contain marginal coverage of menswear, but may be useful for travel tips! We’ve previously visited Bath and Bristol, which weren’t as great.
A word to start off with though, about getting around in the UK. There really is no substitute for renting a car. I’d love to say “take the train, take buses, they’re great! Cycle! Walk!”, but as far as I can tell it’s a mess of companies, a mess of pricing, and unless you’ve got oceans of time to spend travelling and waiting, it’s going to eat a chunk of your valuable holiday time. So, much as I hate to promote more travel by car, it really does make sense to travel by car. And car rental is surprisingly reasonable these days. I’ll offer up another observation: A lot of the roads in the UK were made a long time ago, before cars, or when cars were much smaller than today. This can be a challenge, in some cases quite terrifying, as you’re heading down a super-narrow road, hedges along the sides and trees growing overhead, and local motorsport heroes barreling towards you in a road space that seems frighteningly narrow. If you know you’re going to be travelling the small roads, get something small. This time there were three of us with luggage, and a lot of modern roads, so we treated ourselves to a larger than usual vehicle, a Vauxhall Grandland. A mini-SUV of sorts, I guess, but practical, comfortable and space for suitcases.
Stock up on water before a long day!
Google Maps is a must for serious driving. A removable holder is a boon.
Posing with an appropriate Stonehenge mug.
Flying into Gatwick late in the evening means less traffic about, which is helpful when readjusting from driving on the right-hand side to the left-hand side, getting the navigation working properly and finding the way to the destination. Rental cars should come with a lit up sign on the rear saying “I’ve just arrived, be gentle”, to warn aggressive locals wanting to get home as fast as possible that the driver ahead is going as fast as feels sane and safe!
At this point I’ll give you another premium travel tip: If you’ve booked an Airbnb, make sure to check that the address is complete and can be found in Google Maps. Not checking this can mean that you arrive in the general area, late at night, with no way of finding out where you’re staying. If you’re in more sparsely populated areas, mobile coverage may also be dodgy. And late at night means people are asleep, it’s very dark, house numbers can be impossible to see and you start wondering if it’s possible to sleep in the car. Yes, this happens. Luckily we found cell coverage, managed to Google up a photo of the frontage online, and found the right place. Oh, and I’d recommend you stick to the AirBnB’s run by “Superhosts” to avoid surprises. Airbnb has made it easy for everyone to allow strangers to stay in their home, which is a fine and dandy idea, but people are different, homes are different, and standards are widely different.
The grounds of Guildford castle.
Remains of Guildford castle.
Guildford was the nearest town and although we’d heard much about it before, we decided to head there. A quick Google showed there was a Park & Ride scheme, so we parked and took a bus to the town centre. A pleasant surprise really, as it proved to be a proper little town, in a sort of old-fashioned way, as there were plenty of shops, no obvious empty spaces, no noticeable vape shops and no huge shopping centre. Plenty of old buildings as well, and even a castle with excellent grounds, and no charge to walk around. I tend to stop by any charity shop that looks promising, as it’s one of the few ways for modern man to legitimately treasure hunt.
A peaceful demonstration for a free Stonehenge.
Obligatory Stonehenge photo.
Can’t fail to see they have a point.
Stonehenge is an odd place. A global icon, a pile of big rocks, a place of alternative worship, and now a genuine five-star tourist trap. We arrived by road alongside it, which means traffic slows to a halt for everyone to get the freebie look from their cars. Once you arrive at the new visitors’ centre though you’ve last all sight of the stones, as the visitors’ centre is a solid mile away. Which a cynical soul might suggest is to make more people pay the entrance fee, which includes a shuttle bus to the site. And therein lies a point, as the Stonehenge site itself is free to visit, but if you want the “official version” it’s very expensive (to the tune of 50 pounds for two adults and a child). To be blunt, to get closer to something you’ve already seen a million times on photos isn’t as big a deal as it’s cracked up to be. It’s kind of, just exactly what you expect. And a fancy visitors centre with a huge well-stocked gift shop doesn’t really make it a bigger deal (that said though, the Stonehenge X Barbour jackets they sold there weren’t bad if a very unlikely collaboration). The toilets are free though, which is handy. Check out here for more info about Free Stonehenge and how to visit Stonehenge for free.
  Kind of meagre selection and even more meagre discount offer, not very impressed, Trickers at Kilver Court!
  With the rapidly rising popularity of outlet villages, we thought we’d check in on a couple. Kilver Court in Shepton Mallet has a few interesting brands and as it was en-route we went by. Compared to most newer outlet-places it’s on the smaller side, with a limited number of brands, and sadly it proved not very worth the stop. At least for a professional menswearist. The menswear brands all har marginal presences and feeble discounts, not at all in the original and true spirit of outlets, but more in line with newer thinking of “everyone loves an outlet, let’s bung some stuff there and hope people are blinded enough by the discount idea that they’ll grab some of our stuff as well”. The Trickers shoe section was basically a table of shoes, so definitely not worth a visit. A waste of time really, though WDW did enjoy the Toast section (which used to have some good menswear as well, though sadly no longer).
    Glastonbury proved an absolute delight though. I’d heard it was a bit of a freewheeling place, with more Wicca and healing power shops than you can shake a wand at, and this wasn’t far off the mark. There was a relaxed and pleasant feel to the town though, so just going walkabout was nice. Plenty of hippies, street musicians and curiosa. Our Airbnb hos had kindly pointed us towards some recommended hostelries and these proved to be solid tips. If you’re heading that way, we found excellent food and drink at The Who’d A Thought It and Hundred Monkeys. Naturally, being in Somerset, proper cider country, it was great to be able to sample some top ciders straight from the barrel.
I’m not sure where I saw this, but no doubt it was Glastonbury appropriate!
Glastonbury had some nice street-art on offer.
Probably the most refreshing glass of cider I enjoyed all week.
  Thinking back, we did want to see the Glastonbury Abbey. As we often find these days though, there’s an entrance fee. And a cheeky one at that. If you’re travelling around seeing various places, usually several in a day, it’s just not on to request 21 pounds entrance for a family of two adults and a child. We want a quick peek around, not to stay the night. So a  sneaky peek in through the cracks in the gate or over the top of the wall will do. I find it much more palatable when entrance is free and there’s a voluntary donation box.
Panoramic photo of the view from Glastonbury Tor.
We did walk up to Glastonbury Tor though, a nice and not too taxing walk in the sunshine. As legend has it, the Isle of Avalon and the burial site of King Arthur (apparently a legend himself). The view from the top is stunning, you can see for miles and miles in all directions. Remarkably English Heritage has yet to find a way to charge tickets, so the entire experience is free, which only makes it better. On the way down we stopped by the Chalice Well, which proved yet another rip-off venture at 11 pounds for three. It’s not as if there’s anything to see there. Oh, ok, if you do believe that it’s a holy well and that the reddish well water is the blood of Christ after the chalice was cast into it. A simple chemical analysis shows the colour and taste is due to the high iron content though, so you have to be something of a believer to buy into the pitch. Granted, it’s not unpleasant to sit in the gardens and slow down for a moment, but at the end of the day, it’s a small park. We did hear mention of the bathhouse is open during the daytime and a popular haunt for skinny-dipping hippies. For the specially interested, I imagine.
Walking down from Glastonbry Tor.
My travelling companions for the week.
After the touristy trappings of Stonehenge, Avebury was something quite different. Much more like the holidays of my childhood really, with a careless pub lunch, a wonky icecream, lots of people milling around, noisy motorbikes and so forth. Again the parking was totally overpriced, though you could park there all day on the ticket (seriously though, Avebury is not a day’s worth of attraction, though you can pass your ticket on to someone else for a small bump in karma). The famous standing stones were there though, and available to touch, hug or take a selfie against. Not as iconic and well known as the ‘henge, but definitely a friendlier experience all around. And if you like your large, historic, mysterious, probably manmade bumps of ground, there’s also Silbury Hill nearby. It pays to read up a bit though, as the historical importance of the sites isn’t immediately obvious from what you can actually see.
Avebury offers unrestriced access to vertically aligned ancient stones.
The village of Avebury is situated inside the circle of stones.
The day after we noticed that the Clarks Outlet Village was also very close by, so we drove by there to take a look before engaging in more historical pursuits. Again, it’s the typical modern “outlet village”, which while it has a village-layout is really just a shopping mall by any other name. Its main characteristics are a poor selection of goods, goods produced to be “outlet products” and brands that really don’t belong there at all, and the whole bargain aspect of it is mainly in the advertising. The Clarks shop itself was large and well stocked, but the Clarks Originals section was more frustrating than anything unless you happened to have size 13 feet. No need to return here. To be honest, I’m not sure what I’m expecting at an Outlet place, though there used to be a lot of actual bargains on the previous season and odd stuff.
A very large Clarks shoe.
Another very large Clarks shoe.
I realise I’m sounding like an absolute grump. Full on Victor Meldrew. “Can you believe the price of admission?”. It’s so easy to focus on all that is disappointing and terrible, instead of seeing the positive sides of a trip. So to balance things out, I will make a point of mentioning that we had absolutely stunning weather the entire week (cynical voices are no doubt wondering if English Heritage has found a way to charge for this), the places we stayed were better or much better than expected, the rental Vauxhall Grandland was a good choice, comfortable and spacious and traffic was mostly blessedly light. And we had some great food and cider.
To add a little final interest to the garmsman, I can reveal that I mostly wore a pair of blue khaki trousers from Trickett, sneakers from Crown Northampton and a few white t-shirts. Functional and fine, perfect for a short holiday.
In summary, I’d very much recommend visiting Glastonbury and the Somerset area!
Trip report: Glastonbury and the South-West #cider #rant #englishheritage #stonehenge #entryfee #yikes #visitbritain #glastonbury #somerset #pie #avebury #guildford #ancient #historical #standingstones Mid May it was time to visit the sceptred Isles of Great Britain for another getaway mini-break.
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morningmeeting · 4 years
Your Daily News Brief, October 5, 2020
Cineworld (Mcap £350M) said it will close all its UK and US cinemas indefinitely, due to Covid. Shares are down 33% today.
Weir Group (Mcap £4B), an engineering company agreed to sell its Oil & Gas division for $405M to Caterpillar (Mcap $81B), the largest producer of earth moving equipment in an all-cash transaction.
Danimer Scientific, a US bioplastics company will go public through a SPAC merger valuing the company at $890M.
US House speaker, Nancy Pelosi promised support for the airline industry even if the broader economic stimulus plan isn't approved. 
Bristol-Myers Squibb (Mcap $133B) will buy MyoKardia (Mcap $12B) for $13B in a cash transaction.
c3.ai, an enterprise artificial intelligence software platform and applications company plans an IPO next year, valuing the company significantly above last round’s valuation of $3.3B. 2019 revenues were $160M, growing 80% a year.
Airbnb plans to raise $3B at a $30B valuation.
Google (Mcap $998B) will enforce its requirement to charge 30% on all revenues made through its platform starting September 2021, but agreed to delay this rule for Indian companies till April 2022 after more than 150 local companies announced plans to create an alternative app store.
Tesla (Mcap $400B) delivered 139k vehicles in Q3 (up 43% y-o-y and up 50% q-o-q), slightly above expectations.
Ola, an Uber (Mcap $65B) competitor, was banned from London by the TfL on public safety concerns. Ola said it will appeal. 
An antitrust report on US tech groups is to be released tomorrow in the US as part of the House antitrust panel investigation.
NEC (Mcap $16B), an IT and electronics company plans to buy Avaloq, a provider of financial asset management software for $2.2B. Avaloq 2019 revenues were $660M.
Seedrs and Crowdcube, UK crowd-equity fundraising platforms, announced a $140M stock merger.
Goldman Sachs (Mcap $69B) plans to acquire General Motors’ (Mcap $45B) credit card business for $2.5B.
Nexi (Mcap €11B) and Sia, Italian payment providers announced a €15B all-share merger.
Disappointing job numbers in the US were released on Friday. 661k were added in September, below the expected 850k. Unemployment rate stands at 7.9%
S&P 500 fell 1%, while Nasdaq fell 2.2% on Friday. Both indices were up 1.5% for the week. On Monday S&P 500 is up 1.3%, Nasdaq is up 1.5%.
FTSE 100 fell 0.4% on Friday while EuroStoxx 600 rose 0.3%. Both are up 0.8% on Monday.
CSI 300 is closed for holidays while Nikkei 225 rose 1.3% today.
EUR/USD rose to 1.1790, GBP/USD rose to 1.2980.
Gold rose slightly to $1915. WTI rose to $39.42.
US 10Y Treasury yield is up at 0.75% 
Kenzo Takada, founder of Kenzo, a fashion brand died aged 81, from complications linked to coronavirus.
Forbes released the list of top paid female actors. Sofia Vergara tops the list with earnings of $43M a year, followed by Angelina Jolie $36M, Gal Gadot $31M, Melissa McCarthy $25M, Meryl Streep $24M, Emily Blunt $23M, Nicole Kidman $22M.
Audio, Your Daily News Brief, October 5, 2020:
Your Daily News Brief, October 6, 2020:
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chaseguild · 6 years
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We had a wonderful time in Paris! We walked between 13-18K every day and explored a new district each morning after stopping at the local bakery for pastries - almond and chocolate croissants, eclairs, cheese puffs, espresso...it was wonderful. 
Fortunately, the group we went with was traveling with the same budget and the same expectations in terms of prioritizing sleep, good food and long scenic walks. Four of us woke up early one morning to visit the Louvre.  I was the only one who had to pay - 25 and unders get in free - and we were one of the first ones in the line. We headed straight to the Mona Lisa and admired her without the crowds that flood her the rest of the day. She is nice to look at but honestly, we all preferred the other paintings in the room. There’s a massive, detailed oil painting that takes up the entire wall opposite Mona Lisa but everyone is pushed up against each other trying to see the smiling lady...Apparently the museum gets nearly 9 million visitors a year but a huge portion of them only come to see Mona Lisa despite there being over 8 miles of art throughout the museum. We spent around 5 hours walking the many floors and corridors and sped through many of the repetitive Mary and Jesus paintings (remember the Uffizi, Mom and dad?).
We found it fascinating to be there during the peak of the flooding at the River Seine. As you can see in the pictures, the river was so high that boats could no longer go under the bridges and the pathways along the river were completely covered. The few buildings on the lower level of the Seine have been horribly damaged by the floods but fortunately, the flooding has been isolated along the river and one block away, you’d never know there was a problem.
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For our next trip, we’re heading to Bristol, England - consistently voted the best place to live in the UK. The city is known for it’s colorful houses, independent shops and marina area. If we have the time, we may swing over to Bath to check out the Roman-built baths and beautiful architecture. Our friend, Hannah (behind Sam in the photo on the steps), is driving up to manage her brother’s ethical clothing store for the weekend. His brother and all of his housemates are gone for the weekend, so she invited us to get a free ride and overnight at his house so we can explore a new part of England. 
In other, non-travel related news, Molly had a baby last week!! Hope Catharine Minerly! She’s super cute and we get to meet her in person the weekend of her church dedication, which has been helpfully scheduled for the weekend before Ben’s wedding in May! Abbie’s just gotten second overall in her Strongman competition and qualified for nationals while also getting a boyfriend at the same time! And Hannah is full on starting her nut butter business and a helpful educational blog about PCOS! And my parents are working as hard as ever and hopefully getting a holiday sometime soon. Sam and I have been working what feels like non-stop these last weeks, between his PhD writing (which happens whenever we aren’t doing something else), my normal job, both of our weekend music lessons and several other side jobs and volunteering positions. We participated in our church’s annual Scottish Ceilidh dance this Friday and have just two weeks remaining of our Thursday marriage course (intentional date nights where we watch a video and complete exercise books together while being served dinner). This Saturday, I started teaching private piano lessons for a family at their 3.5 million pound home outside of Guildford... They have a private tennis court, pool, 10 bedrooms, a tap with boiling water and a beautiful grand piano. It’s unheard of in the UK. Almost unheard of in the US.  Anyhow, it’s a nice change from the dingy little basement room in the Music Store where we normally teach. The days are slowly getting a bit sunnier and lighter over here. Soon it will be spring and the BBQs will begin. I cannot wait.
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travelasdesired · 4 years
I wrapped up my road trip through Wales in Chepstow. This charming little city on the border of England is the start of the Wye River valley and is home to several attractions, most notably Chepstow Castle and the Chepstow Racecourse. It’s also an easy drive to Tintern Abbey…the main focus for this part of the trip.
I set out from Fishguard fairly early. I wanted to get in as many castles as I could on my 7 day Cadw Explorer pass. I broke up the trip to Chepstow by staying the night at a fabulous Airbnb just outside of Swansea. On the way there I managed to visit two castles and one really cool restaurant/pet center/outdoor fun center.
Day 1
Laugharne Castle
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Outside Laugharne Castle
Inside the Keep
Laugharne Castle was my first stop on the way to Swansea. I wanted to make sure that the castles I stopped at were on the way to my destination. After all, this day was pretty much a travel day, sprinkled with some historical stops if I could get away with them. Laugharne Castle was about 10 minutes off the highway and set in the middle of town on the banks of the River Taf.
This castle is worth the visit. It is a good example of a Norman castle and it also had a brief life as one of the Tudor castles. The castle itself is mostly a shell but there is one tower you can climb for beautiful views of the estuary and the town of Laugharne.
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Interior of the Keep
One of the view from the tower
Kidwelly Castle
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Entrance to Kidwelly Castle
Inside on one of the interior 2nd floors
Kidwelly was my next stop. Again a quick 10 minute trip off the highway. By the time I had reached Kidwelly, which was about a 30-minute drive, the clouds decided to cover and the heavens opened. Lucky for me I happened to be one of the only people who decided to explore the castle that day.
Kidwelly Castle is massive and a lot of it is open to exploring. It is also one of the largest Norman castles still standing. You might recognize it as the castle that was in the opening scenes of Monty Python and the Holy Grail. (One of my favorites) Many of the towers are open for you to climb. The stairs are steep and close together so make sure that you’re wearing good shoes.
At this point, I had skipped lunch and needed something to eat. Luckily in Kidwelly, very close to the highway there is a great place to stop called Burns Parc Y Bocs Farm shop and cafe. There really is something for everyone here. The shop itself is geared toward pets/animals and grocer. Upstairs they have a beautiful cafe with delicious offerings. I had the Mac and cheese, it was really decadent but it was cold and a perfect substitute for soup. I would highly recommend stopping if you’re in the area.
Mac & Cheese at Burns Parc Y Bocs
Day 2
Swansea to Tintern Abbey
I got a later start than I meant to this day. The Airbnb I stayed in was so nice I didn’t want to leave it. The apartment was an old converted barn with one bedroom upstairs and the kitchen downstairs. I loved it. Here’s the link if you’re in the area and want to stay there. Linda and her husband are wonderful hosts. The Grooms Quarters
View from the Grooms Quarters
I knew I had about an hour and a half drive to Tintern Abbey. It was a gorgeous day. I really lucked out on my trip to the UK this year. Most of the way was highway, however, when you got past Chepstow and the Chepstow Racecourse the foliage began to cover the road and you felt like you were being transported back in time. There is something so beautiful about the drive to Tintern Abbey. It really makes you feel like you’re in another century.
Tintern Abbey
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Exterior of Tintern Abbey
View of Tintern Abbey from the road
As you’re driving all of a sudden your vantage point opens up and on your left is Tintern Abbey in all its glory. I was there in September. As I approached the Abbey I kept thinking how perfect it was in it’s setting. Set in a valley surrounded by the hills of Wales and feet from the Wye River you are instantly transported. I felt like a knight dressed in mail and seated on a horse could’ve ridden by at any moment.
The Abbey itself was magical. It wasn’t hard to envision what it had looked like with wooden floors instead of green grass. I imagined the stained glass that once must have sat in the stone frames. It really must have been a sight in its day. I think I could have spent all day just wandering around the ruins.
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Interior View of Tintern Abbey
One of the gorgeous windows that use to hold stained glass
Next door to the Abbey is a few eateries where you can get things like water and snacks. I ate lunch at the Anchor Inn, they had to best smells coming from their kitchen. It was also, literally next door to the Abbey. Although it was a little pricey the portions were generous and the atmosphere was perfect. They had several dining areas to choose from, a warm comfy pub, a bright dining room, a conservatory dining room, or you could eat outside on one of their many picnic tables. I can recommend that their burger is pretty tasty.
Chepstow & Chepstow Castle
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Just inside the exterior wall of Chepstow Castle
One of the interior courtyards
Entrance to the second keep
After lunch, I drove to Chepstow Castle in the heart of Chepstow. Not only was this my last Welsh castle but it was also the most interesting that I visited. The castle was made up of several keeps, each one seeming to increase in elevation. Set on a cliff overlooking the Wye River, this castle has quite a few of their battlements open as well as some of the keeps. Although I wasn’t the only visitor at the time, because the castle was so vast I felt like I was exploring on my own most of the visit.
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View from the second keep
Third and final keep
View of the Wye River
Before I knew it it was time to check into my hotel. I staying only a few blocks from Chepstow castle at the Beaufort Hotel. The rooms were clean and the staff was friendly. I stayed in what felt like an annex room but it was quiet and comfortable.
There are quite a few options for dinner in Chepstow. I was so tired from climbing castles and exploring Abbeys that I just ended up eating at a Wetherspoons pub called the Bell Hanger. If you haven’t eaten at one of these pubs in Britain, give it a go. The food is consistently good and cheap.
Next stop…Bath.
The next day I would get up and drive to Bristol which was the closest place I could drop off my rental car and it was also the end of my Welsh road trip. I know I’ve said it before but Wales is gorgeous, with so much to see and do. It really should be on everyone’s list to visit. If you’re looking for somewhere to visit with few tourists and breathtaking scenery, you could do a lot worse than Wales. Do you have a hidden gem that you like to visit? Let me know in the comments. Until next time.
Interior View of Tintern Abbey
Road trip through Wales: Fishguard to Chepstow & Tintern Abbey I wrapped up my road trip through Wales in Chepstow. This charming little city on the border of England is the start of the Wye River valley and is home to several attractions, most notably Chepstow Castle and the Chepstow Racecourse.
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moaandkin · 4 years
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Moa & Kin helps property management companies in Bath become more efficient and profitable. Start your trial today, no credit card required!
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destinyhixon-blog · 5 years
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When I first visited Panama City before a two oceans yacht tour on a luxury catamaran, the capital looked nothing like it does now. Even though this was just 12 years ago, there was a serious hotel shortage and a big underground market in apartment rentals to meet demand. (This was before Airbnb and when few had heard of VRBO.)
There were about 50 fewer skyscrapers in the city, no metro, and the wider Panama Canal extension that allows container ships through was still just a dream.
Back then, not so long ago, if you wanted to check into a luxury hotel in Panama City, there was The Bristol and...not much else. The big chain hotels had not felt comfortable enough to venture into Panama and it would be years before a 5-star hotel in Casco Viejo became reality.
There was a Radisson Decapolis then, which is still around, and it's still one of the coolest places to stay if you're into modern design and dramatic interiors. Just check out this shot from the restaurant:
That one is in the main business district, where cement mixers have been on overdrive for 12+ years now. Hotels with more than 500 rooms have gone up, including a Hard Rock and a Riu. For more sophistication, however, there are better choices, such as the Waldorf Astoria.
The most prominent hotel in the city was once the Trump Ocean Club, before that root word became so toxic that they had to change the hotel name and the management to reboot. It's now the JW Marriott Panama City and apparently more than 40% of Americans are willing to book there again: business has picked up substantially since the moniker switch. Marriott also has an all-suite hotel in a different part of the business district that's smaller but very comfortable. See our full review here: Marriott Executive Apartments Finisterre.
There's also a very nice Le Meridien Hotel Panama City if you have status with French chain Accor and want to rack up some points.
Panama City Panama Beach Hotels
If you're not coming to Panama City to hammer out deals in the capital, you can have a resort vacation without going very far. There's an area called Playa Bonita that faces the Pacific where there ships are coming into the canal, but it backs up to a rainforest where there's very little development.
There are a few resorts on this stretch of sand, places where you can kick back by the pool drinking cocktails before it's time to fly home. Or it's a great area to mix business and pleasure if one person has to go do business presentations and the other spouse does not.
There's another Marriott property on this beach if you're trying to earn or cash in Marriott Bonvoy points---the Westin Playa Bonita. Otherwise it's Secrets Playa Bonita, where you have an all-inclusive plan and don't have to sign for every drink and bite to eat.
Or the Rainforest...
Panama's capital is one of the few cities in the world that has a rainforest in its city limits. If you want to be in a real jungle instead of an urban jungle, consider a stay at Gamboa Rainforest Resort. This won't give you the kind of luxury hotel pampering you'll get at some of the others mentioned here, but it's a place where you can walk out the door and see monkeys and tropical birds. Yet you're just a few minutes from the Panama Canal and 15-20 minutes from downtown Panama City.
The post The Top Luxury Hotels in Panama City, Panama appeared first on Luxury Latin America Blog.
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mcfamrealty · 4 years
Resort Type Condominium for Sale in Alabang – Filinvest Belize Oasis
Belize, a resort type project of Filinvest name after the country located on the eastern coast of CENTRAL AMERICA. This TROPICAL HAVEN offers a very relaxed TROPICAL ISLAND EXPERIENCE and an ENDLESS VACATION OPPORTUNITES, recommended for families.
The project boasts a 70% green open spaces accompanied by the venti-lite concept with sky gardens and generous airwells to allow ventilation and natural light to pour through the halls – an innovation that marries function and style.
Contact: Michael Canino 09327173600 09179373514 09293785308
» Why Belize Oasis is a Good Investment? ··» It offers a Resort-Style Amenities ··» 70% Open Spaces ··» Low Density for each floors ··» It offers a venti-lite concept– an innovation that marries function and style.
» Places of Interest ·» MAJOR CBDs ·»• Filinvest City ·»• Makati CBD ·»• Bonifacio Global City ·»• Arca South ·» COMMERCIAL CENTERS ·»• Festival Mall ·»• Alabang Town Center ·»• Starmall Alabang ·»• South Park ·» HOSPITALS ·»• Asian Hospital and Medical City ·»• Ospital ng Muntinlupa ·» SCHOOLS ·»• San Beda Alabang ·»• De La SalleZobel ·»• FEU Alabang ·»• PAREF ·»• Woodrose ·»• Southridge
·» OTHERS ·»• Ninoy Aquino Int’l Airport (NAIA)
» Unit Size  and Total Contract Price: ··» 2 Bedroom Unit  - 41.65 sqm
Sample Computation for 2 BR (41.65 sqm) Option 1: Spot Cash » Total Contract Price : P4,536,800 (Discount, Tax and Misc Fee inclusive) » Reservation Fee 20k » Net Balance : P 4,516,800
Option 2: 15% in 30 months; 85% Bank Finance/Cash » Total Contract Price : P5,138,270 (Tax and Misc Fee inclusive) » Reservation Fee 20k » Net Downpayment : P 789,220.75 » Monthly Downpayment : P 26,307.36
85% Remaining Balance: P 4,329,050.00 Bank Financing (Indicative Rates) @ 7.5% interest ° 5 yrs - P 86,745.28 ° 10 yrs - P 56,016.85 ° 15 yrs - P 46,520.19
So what are you waiting for, “Make a mark, leave a legacy”
For more details, FREE site viewing contact:
Michael C. Canino Licensed Real Estate Broker and Appraiser Sun: 09327173600 Globe: 09179373514 Smart: 09293785308 Email: [email protected]
Website: www.propertyguidepinas.com www.mcrealestateph.weebly.com
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Viber / Wechat / Line / Messenger / Kakaotalk / Skype : mcrealestateph or 09327173600
==================================== Buying, Selling or Leasing your Properties? Need Real Estate Appraisal Services? Need Property Management Services? We can Help!!! Contact: Michael Canino, REB, REA Licensed Real Estate Broker and Appraiser PRC Real Estate Broker License No. 21484 PRC Real Estate Appraiser License No. 7252 Sun: 09327173600 Globe: 09179373514 Smart: 09293785308 Email: [email protected] Website: www.propertyguidepinas.com www.mcrealestateph.weebly.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/propguidepinas Twitter: www.twitter.com/propguidepinas Instagram: www.instagram.com/propertyguidepinas Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/propertyguidepinas ===================================
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biofunmy · 5 years
In Southern Appalachia, Searching for the ‘Big Bang’ of Country Music
While the rest of America was roaring to jazz during the ’20s, in a small corner of the South, where back roads snake through early-morning mist and porches are used for melody-making as much as sitting in rocking chairs, another form of music was quietly taking root. In the heart of southern Appalachia, at the convergence of northeast Tennessee and southwest Virginia, a set of early recording sessions, conducted by a New York City record producer over two epoch-making weeks in the summer of 1927, would catapult the careers of the Carter Family from Virginia, the “first family of country music,” and the Mississippi singer and songwriter Jimmie Rodgers, who would become known as “the father of country music.”
The tapes would become an inflection point in the history of what we now refer to as country music. And though musicologists may take issue with the assigning of its origin to any one time or place, the famous Bristol Sessions of 1927 were influential enough to be widely referred to as the “big bang” of country music, a topic that the documentarian Ken Burns is taking a broad look at in an upcoming series on PBS.
In April, I headed east of Nashville to the place where those early sessions were recorded, and where the music they gave birth to are celebrated: the Tri-Cities of Kingsport, Johnson City and Bristol, which is a two-state town straddling the border of Tennessee and Virginia. In 1998, Congress named Bristol the “Birthplace of Country Music.” Sixteen years later, the Virginia side built the 24,000-square-foot Birthplace of Country Music Museum, a sleek Smithsonian Institution affiliate and part of the nonprofit Birthplace of Country Music organization, which, during the third week of September, hosts the Bristol Rhythm & Roots Reunion, one of the largest assemblages of country music, Americana, roots and bluegrass in the United States.
While the Birthplace of Country Music and other museums in the area tell the narrative of this quintessentially American musical form, it’s the musical venues, ad hoc pickin’ parties and barn dances that are its soundtrack. I was hoping to sample all of them.
By foot, train, horse and car
After heading east toward the mountains, I hit the Cumberland Plateau and rolled down the windows to let in the cool air. Two hours on, I was planting my bags at an Airbnb rental in Johnson City, and the largest of the three towns in the Tri-Cities area. Johnson City appears on a number of lists of best places to live and visit, and is home to East Tennessee State University, which offers Appalachian-related studies. Ted Olson, a professor of American Roots Music in the Department of Appalachian Studies and an expert on the Bristol Sessions, said country music primarily sprang from two “seedbeds”: “One was, of course, Appalachia,” he said. “The other was the Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana area.”
If Bristol is the birthplace of country music, then Ralph Peer, the record producer from New York City, acted as stork. Mr. Peer, armed with new portable technology — including a type of carbon microphone that made sound recordings considerably truer — traveled to Tennessee to record what he called the area’s “hillbilly music.” He put out the word, and they came by foot, horse and buggy, train and car from the surrounding mountains to assemble in a hat warehouse on State Street in downtown Bristol, Tenn. In all, 19 individuals or groups recorded 76 songs.
Among them were A.P. Carter, who sang and composed; his wife, Sara Carter, on vocals and autoharp; and A.P.’s sister-in-law, Maybelle Carter, on vocals and guitar. Maybelle’s guitar style, a method for playing lead and rhythm simultaneously, called the “Carter scratch,” would change the course of acoustic guitar playing forever. The influence of Jimmie Rodgers, who had honed a blend of traditional country, blues, hobo and cowboy songs, would have an impact on a number of later artists, among them Muddy Waters and Howlin’ Wolf, and would earn him spots in the Country Music Hall of Fame, the Songwriters Hall of Fame and the Blues Hall of Fame.
Mr. Peer released the Carter songs “The Wandering Boy” and “Poor Orphan Child” from the Bristol Sessions that November. In December, he released “The Storms Are on the Ocean” and “Single Girl, Married Girl.” By the end of 1930, the Carters were becoming widely known. Jimmie Rodgers would record a number of songs with Mr. Peer, but it was “T for Texas” (recorded as “Blue Yodel” that November) that would sell half a million copies.
A complex tapestry
After a quick lunch, I headed to nearby Kingsport, the second largest of the Tri-Cities and home to Bays Mountain Park, a 3,550-acre nature preserve, park and planetarium. Spring in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains is nothing less than an endowment from the natural world: flowering dogwoods and pink redbuds, daffodils, crocuses and winter jasmine infuse the already verdant landscape. Along the way, signs for cavern tours and fossil sites beckon travelers to meander off road. The “Mountain Empire,” which spans a part of southwest Virginia and the mountainous counties in northeastern Tennessee, is also known for its walking trails and fishing lakes.
My goal was to meet Rick Dollar, former executive director of the Appalachian Cultural Music Association and a longtime torch bearer of issues surrounding the region’s musical history. Mr. Dollar had recently hosted Ken Burns’s documentary crew, who had been traveling through the area.
“Appalachian-style music has enhanced or motivated every style of music that you can think of — from blues to rock to country. And it all just keeps growing and changing every day,” said Mr. Dollar, who was, until recently, the executive director of the Mountain Music Museum, a small gallery that told the story of southern Appalachian music for more than 20 years before it closed this summer. Roy Acuff’s fiddle (which was found on Goodwill’s website by a volunteer) and first pressings of the Carter Family classic “Keep On The Sunny Side” were among the exhibits, all of which will go to the Birthplace of Country Music Museum or be returned to their owners.
We went on to discuss the period of the late 1920s and its influence on the region’s music. Mr. Dollar emphasized that the Bristol Sessions weren’t the only recordings made in the area. “What a lot of people don’t understand is that in 1927 and just after, there were sessions all around here, and they went on for two to three years.”
Johnson City, indeed, had its own set of sessions in 1928 and 1929, as did Knoxville, Tenn., the latter capturing a diverse gathering of African-American blues and gospel singers and musicians. The assumption that the songs that came from the Appalachian Mountains all passed through the hands of Scottish and Irish immigrants leaves out other groups in what was certainly a complicated tapestry of people who arrived in the mountains over the years. Leslie Riddle, an African-American musician and friend of A.P. Carter, would famously wander with him through the mountains looking for songs to record for Ralph Peer.
In the listening room
The following morning I woke early to explore the small towns in the Tri-Cities area, many with stroll-worthy town squares. Six miles east of Johnson City lies Jonesborough, the oldest town in Tennessee and home to the International Storytelling Center, which holds a widely attended National Storytelling Festival each October. Elizabethton’s downtown is listed on the National Register of Historic Places almost in its entirety, but it may be their 134-foot-long covered bridge over the Doe River that is the most photogenic.
Later that evening, back in Johnson City, I drifted into the Down Home to talk to Ed Snodderly, who owns the landmark listening room (a musical venue where talking is discouraged) that has hosted Townes Van Zandt, the Red Clay Ramblers, New Grass Revival, John Hartford, Jerry Douglas, Del McCoury and others. The club, which seats 150 in an oak-paneled room, offers a nice selection of beers and Tex-Mex food, all of which takes a back seat to the live music.
“Over the years, word of mouth has gotten around about the Down Home,” said Mr. Snodderly, a working singer, songwriter and musician who also teaches music at E.T.S.U. “In 1976, we opened up a place where people would have to listen to music or at least behave.”
That evening, no one talked over a nearly spectral folk duo from Nova Scotia, two women who switched from fiddle, banjo, guitar and mandolin while harmonizing to deliciously grim original songs, still somehow managing to incorporate foot percussion.
As I drove back to my Airbnb late that night, I thought about the people I had met so far, some more incidentally than others, but many who have lived shoulder to the mountains for generations. Ask five people what they think Appalachia is, and it’s possible to get five answers, because Appalachia is, according to some cultural anthropologists, a cognitive region — as much a state of mind, as it is a specific place.
On an overcast morning after coffee the following day, I departed Johnson City for Bristol, Va., and the Birthplace of Country Music Museum in the heart of town, an unmistakable brick-and-glass building that forms a dramatic V at the corner of Cumberland and Moore streets. Visitors open the doors to a two-story glass foyer and a sculpture, nearly as tall, composed of images of the 1927 musicians and the city of Bristol. The gallery is an interactive telling of the Bristol Sessions through images and artifacts, including relevant instruments like the fiddle, banjo, harp guitar, guitar, kazoo and jaw harp, as well as film and music. It also includes a 110-seat theater. Though the museum focuses on the 1927 sessions, it uses that story to tell ancillary narratives about the role of sacred music and life in Appalachia at the time.
The museum’s head curator, Rene Rodgers, said that explaining the story well was part of the mission. For instance, a Carter Family tree shows the original Carter family, which blossomed into three generations of musicians — to include A. P. and Sara’s children, Joe and Janette Carter, and the enduring group of Maybelle and her daughters, Helen, June and Anita, and their children. June Carter would famously marry Johnny Cash in 1957, and together they would become one of country music’s most enduring couples.
Jimmie Rodgers, who would die at 35 from complications related to tuberculosis, is featured in several places, from a panel on the stars of the sessions to a signed guitar and photographs. In honor of his contributions, Meridian, Miss., holds an annual Jimmie Rodgers Music Festival each May.
“I think the thing about our museum that works so well for the people who visit is that it has a really nice narrative arc,” Ms. Rodgers said. “We want them to understand that they [the Bristol Sessions] were a part of a larger picture that had to do with recordings in other places and technological developments in the recording industry at the time.”
After viewing the film “Bound to Bristol,” which explains why Ralph Peer picked the area to find talent, and some of the stories behind the artists who recorded, visitors come to the large round Bristol Sessions station. There they can listen to songs that were released after the Sessions, including “Are You Washed in the Blood,” by Ernest Stoneman & His Dixie Mountaineers, and “Bury Me Under the Weeping Willow,” by the Carter Family. Further into the exhibition, visitors can also hear interpretations by other artists, such as the Tenneva Ramblers’ “The Longest Train I Ever Saw,” later reimagined by Lead Belly as “In the Pines” and Nirvana as “Where Did You Sleep Last Night.”
Hill and hollow
Already at the Tennessee-Virginia state line, I decided to drive 25 miles northwest to the Carter Family Fold in Hiltons, Va., at the foot of Clinch Mountain, memorialized in song by the Carters and other musicians. The Fold is on Virginia’s The Crooked Road, a musical heritage trail that traverses 330 miles in the southwest part of the state. From the outside, the entertainment venue looks like a barn when, in fact, it’s a rather enormous stadium-seating venue that happens to hold 600 people.
I paid the $10 entrance fee and watched families and couples take their seats. Lone dancers and couples began flatfooting (some say clogging) or waltzing to traditional bluegrass by the Morehead State University Mountain Music Ambassadors. On sale were Mason jars filled with spicy peanuts, popcorn, hot dogs, chips and nonalcoholic drinks. A beagle puppy named Wilson, the apparent heir to Opie, the Fold’s mascot who had recently passed away, was getting a lot of attention. This was some good, clean fun, so cheerful it was almost head spinning.
While there, I met with Rita Forrester, the daughter of Janette Carter and granddaughter of A. P. and Sara Carter, who explained how the Fold came to be.
“When my mom got my brother and I through high school, she thought she would fulfill the promise she made to my grandfather and start music shows, and we all thought she was insane,” Ms. Forrester said. “She didn’t have tourism in mind. I mean, we are in the middle of nowhere. But the first night they spilled out into the road. That lasted about two years; we did the best we could. Then we built that big building next door.”
They spilled out of that larger venue when Johnny Cash came to perform his final concert here on July 5, 2003, a few months before his death.
While it was still light, I drove to the nearby Mount Vernon Methodist Church, a small, steepled sanctuary with a gabled roof. Clinch Mountain rises above the church, which also overlooks an extraordinarily green valley: hill and hollow. I found the headstones of A. P. and Sara Carter and remembered their 1928 song, “Will You Miss Me When I’m Gone?”
Perhaps you’ll plant a flower On my poor unworthy grave Come and sit along beside me When the roses nod and wave …
I was certainly in the middle of nowhere, but it still felt like a place that beckons people to return — one way or another. Appalachia, it appears, is a place defined as much by music, faith and family as it is by county and state line, and from where I stood that felt abundant.
Colleen Creamer, a writer based in Nashville, is a frequent contributor to the Travel section.
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azveille · 5 years
Cogent adds SIFMA lobbyist
COGENT ADDS SIFMA LOBBYIST : Dave Oxner is leaving the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association for Cogent Strategies, the lobbying firm started by Kimberley Fritts, the Podesta Group’s former chief executive. He’s the first lobbyist to join Cogent who didn’t previously work for the Podesta Group, which came apart in 2017 right before Cogent got off the ground. Oxner was managing director and head of federal government relations for SIFMA and before that worked as a senior adviser to Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.). “His unique understanding of banking, tax, cybersecurity and business issues gained during his time on Capitol Hill and in the private sector will prove to be an invaluable asset to Cogent clients,” Fritts said in a statement. He’ll start March 18.
Cogent represents 20 lobbying clients, according to disclosure filings, including AdvaMed, the car-rental company Enterprise Holdings and Sotheby’s, the auction house. The firm also lobbies for the Democratic Party of Moldova, according a Justice Department filing.
SNEAD HEADS TO ADFERO: Amos Snead is jumping to the public relations firm Adfero, where he’ll be executive vice president. He was previously a founding partner of the public affairs arm of the S-3 Group, which was created in 2016 when Snead’s Bryant Row Public Affairs merged with S-3. The rest of the public affairs team will remain at S-3. Jeff Mascott, Adfero’s chief executive, described Snead this morning as “an important catalyst for our continued growth as we explore expanding our services and opening offices in other cities” in a note to the firm’s clients.
INTERNET ASSOCIATION ADDS SUBJECT MATTER: The Internet Association has hired Steve Elmendorf, Jimmy Ryan and seven otherSubject Matter lobbyists to advocate on consumer privacy and data protection issues, according to a disclosure filing. The Internet Association, which counts Airbnb, Amazon, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Lyft, Microsoft, Twitterand Uber among its members, spent $2.6 million on Washington lobbyists last year but only retains one other lobbying firm: the S-3 Group. Both firms are bipartisan, but Subject Matter gives the trade group some additional Democratic firepower with the party in control of the House.
The 2020 Election. The new Congress. The Mueller investigation. … Keep up with POLITICO Playbook. Be in the know. Sign up today here.
Good afternoon, and welcome to PI. Tear yourself away from Michael Cohen’s testimony and send me some lobbying tips: [email protected]. You can also follow me on Twitter: @theodoricmeyer.
Join the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation and the secretary’s Office of Global Women’s Issues at the State Department on March 6-7, 2019, for the 9th annual International Women’s Day Forum. As part of the day’s programming, Anna Palmer, co-author of POLITICO’s Playbook, will lead a fireside chat with actress, singer, dancer and activist Keke Palmer, who has dedicated her life to philanthropy and activism for young girls. The full agenda and registration are available here.
WHAT HAPPENED AT TUESDAY’S HEARINGS: “The drug industry may no longer be able to take congressional Republicans' support for granted after the Senate Finance Committee grilled seven company executives on their pricing practices on Tuesday,” POLITICO’s Sarah Karlin-Smith reports. “The roughly four-hour Senate Finance Committee hearing didn't yield many fiery confrontations, and Finance Chairman Chuck Grassley indicated he will go slow pursuing pricing legislation.”
— “But the companies took hits from Republican lawmakers like Texas Sen. John Cornyn, who accused AbbVie of abusing the patent system by obtaining 247 patents to protect its multibillion-dollar arthritis drug Humira from competition for more than 30 years. … The tone was a marked change from past debates, in which drug companies largely avoided blame from Republicans for surging health costs and warned lawmakers against imposing regulations that the industry said would threaten research on cures.” Executives from Sanofi, Merck, Pfizer,AstraZeneca, Bristol-Myers Squibb and Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen Pharmaceuticals arm also testified. Full story.
— Companies also faced bipartisan criticism on the House side. "Indignation toward the credit reporting industry united the top Democrat and Republican on the House Financial Services Committee," as both called "for the shakeup of a business dominated by three giants: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion," POLITICO's Zachary Warmbrodt reports. "Financial Services ChairwomanMaxine Waters (D-Calif.) told executives for the firms at a hearing that they treated consumers like commodities and that the credit reporting system needed to be rebuilt 'from the ground.' The hearing was a showcase for a sweeping credit reporting overhaul drafted by Waters. The committee's top Republican, Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.), echoed Waters, saying the credit reporting system was 'broken' and needed 'major repair.'" Full story.
FLYING IN: Members of the American Association of Orthodontists are in town this week. Reps. Brian Babin (R-Texas), Jeff Van Drew (D-N.J.), Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.), Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.), Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.), Steve Stivers (R-Ohio) and Lee Zeldin (R-N.Y.) showed up to a reception on Tuesday evening at Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer’s office, which will be followed by meetings on the Hill today.
— Members of the Submarine Industrial Base Council, which represents suppliers of parts for submarines, are in town, too. They hosted their annual congressional breakfast this morning, which drew more than a dozen members of Congress.
NEW CONSULTING FIRM WILL WORK TO INFLUENCE STATE ATTORNEYS GENERAL: “The former executive director of the Republican Attorneys General Association and a top adviser for the Democratic Attorneys General Association are teaming up to form a new consulting firm focused on engaging top state law enforcement officials around the country,” POLITICO’s Daniel Strauss reports. “Scott Will, who previously ran RAGA, and Steve Jewett, a Democratic consultant who served as DAGA's national campaign director, are forming Attorney General Strategies, a bipartisan firm.”
— The firm's creation is the latest sign of the arms race for more money and firepower in both [attorney general] campaigns and efforts to influence attorneys general once they are in office.” The New York Times’ Eric Lipton in 2015 detailed the burgeoning business of lobbying state attorneys general, including Pam Bondi of Florida, who is now a lobbyist herself. Full story.
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New York City
I knew I’d like this place, but I still can’t believe how smitten I am! 
I arrived into Penn Station on Friday late afternoon and caught an Uber across the city to Gates Ave in Brooklyn where I’d sorted an Airbnb for 4 nights. I arrived, dumped my stuff and headed straight out. I got myself a Metro pass for the week and got on the J up to Marcy Ave to check out Idles exhibition launch (they’re a Bristol band - how could I not?!)... When I got back to my Airbnb one of the room mates was in and we ended up heading out for dinner and drinking Micheladas & tequila. What a welcome!!!
Saturday, my best friend turned up. We hit the Lower East Side - including Wall Street, Times Sq and the absolutely harrowing Ground Zero memorial. After grabbing food and a nap we headed up to Green Point to the epic Saint Vitus bar where I entertained the 15year old version of me with a hardcore gig followed by an epic New York House party at the Good Rooms.
Sunday I got to work on my Bushwick mural - I decided to compliment the interior of the space and go for a black and white mural with an art deco vibe. Pretty happy with how this turned out, might do more muted designs in the future... We committed to the city that never sleeps by going out (again) this time bar-hopping all around GreenPoint. Would highly recommend although that hangover was definitely one for the books.
Monday, as above - a bit of a struggle, but after a hearty breakfast in a diner, we managed to make our way down to the Staten Island Ferry to see the Statue of Liberty in all her glory. Well worth the trip and guess what - the ferry is free! We met up with some friends in Bushwick later that night and found an awesome bar on Jefferson (so much street art - I was in heaven!)... The bar closed at 2am but we remained in there until 4am putting the world to rights with a wonderful bar lady. Happy days!
Tuesday we checked into our fancy Manhattan hotel on the Upper West Side and took it upon ourselves to check out Grand Central Station, the Empire State Building and then down to the oldest bar in New York - McSorley’s Old Ale House - absolutely amazing!
After a filter coffee and a smoked salmon & cream cheese bagel I caught a yellow cab to JFK and I’m currently enjoying some recuperation waiting for my next flight.
Next stop: The Mighty San Francisco. Lets do this!
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This can be an obstacle for Flower (articulated through Shelter Paschall), Stella (Jessica Paquet ), Vegetation (Eileen Stevens ), Musa (Kate Bristol), Aisha (Alysha Deslorieux), and Tecna (Saskia Maarleveld) yet say goodbye to thus compared to concealing their enchanting trick off the globe as they attempt to lure the villain to all of them.
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creazionesitisite · 6 years
‘Airbnb bill’ grandfathers short-term rentals
The bill, which is on its way to be signed by Gov. Bill Haslam, essentially grandfathers short-term housing rental units unless the unit violates local law three or more separate times.
“The burden of proof that a violation of a generally applicable local law was a direct result of the operation of the short-term rental unit is on the local governing body,” the legislation states.
The Tennessee Hospitality and Tourism Association ended up being neutral on the bill.
“The House adopted a version of this bill last year which only applied to Davidson County and which we believed to be unconstitutional,” the association said on its website.
The conference report passed by a 67-23 vote in the House and 18-14 in the Senate. In the Northeast Tennessee delegation of state lawmakers, only state Rep. John Crawford, R-Kingsport, voted against it.
Kingsport City Manager Jeff Fleming expressed displeasure about the vote at a recent Kingsport Economic Development Board meeting but did not want to comment further.
A February fiscal note on the bill showed sales tax revenues collected would exceed expenses and estimated there are about 9,000 short-term rentals available in Tennessee.
State Sen. Jon Lundberg pointed out the bill should increase the value of properties up for rent on the Airbnb website.
“Candidly, Bristol never reached out and said a word (about the bill),” Lundberg, R-Bristol, said. “I didn’t hear from anyone in Northeast Tennessee. I think what we passed was pretty solid, which is if you’re doing those kind of rentals, you’re grandfathered in.
“The hotel association wasn’t too enthusiastic about it, but they were in my office one time. That’s it. Somebody passionate about something would be in my office every week of the session. Hearing from them one time wasn’t major.”
State Rep. Timothy Hill, R-Blountville, said he supported the conference report because it protects personal property rights. “The legislation grandfathers in any individuals that have taken the time, invested their resources, and are permitted, to keep their short-term rental in place,” he said in an email.
For more, go to www.capitol.tn.gov. The bill’s number is HB 1020.
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The post ‘Airbnb bill’ grandfathers short-term rentals appeared first on Finding 1 Bedroom Apartments Kingsport TN.
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moaandkin · 4 years
Moa & Kin provides Airbnb management services in the cities of Bath, Bristol & London. Spotless cleans, hotel quality linen, guest communications an industry leading channel manager will ensure your home(s) will be found and loved on major booking platforms.
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clairemckeever · 7 years
24 Hours in Bristol
Yes, I know, not a lot of time to explore one of England’s most creative cities but 24 hours was all I had in Bristol and, despite having so little time there, I somehow managed to pack in A LOT…
I knew I would love Bristol even before I visited the city - friends sharing stories about its vibrant street art scene, beautiful houses and laid-back atmosphere. And, as I wheeled my suitcase out of the busy bus station onto cobble stoned streets, and looked up at beautiful tall buildings that stood around the corner, I knew it wouldn’t let me down.
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Fresh off an early morning flight from Belfast, I must admit that food was the only thing I had on my mind as I hovered above the “Christmas Steps”, steep steps leading down to the city centre (seen above). Thankfully just over my shoulder lay Beatroot, a quaint and inviting cafe. Soon enough I was sat inside a quiet nook devouring a tasty veggie fry-up and looking out at passersby. Later, after a second flat white and savoring the opportunity to write a few notes in my notepad, I knew it was time to make my way to my Airbnb in the popular area of Clifton.
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As I continued up more steep streets (the city is known for them), I was rewarded by the university’s Wills Memorial Building which stood before me in all its grandeur. I then wandered on through the student area of Clifton, where colourful houses could be seen in the distance and trendy coffee shops and food hangouts lined up either side of me. It was all a bit dreamy - that is until a bluster of wind and rain brought me back down to earth.
Not long later I arrived at my Airbnb a bit wet and bedraggled, however, my mood suddenly lifted when I found myself stood in front of a grand Georgian terrace. As I let myself into the 1st floor flat with the keys my host had left in a nearby bar, I couldn’t get over how perfect the place was. The living room resembled something out of a period drama with its Tudor-style furniture and incredible sash window, and the bedroom, although simple, had all you could ask for - including a few extras such as fresh coffee and miniature toiletries.
After a brief rest, I ventured out into Bristol again to meet a friend who had only moved to the city a few years ago.  As we sat in Primrose, a quaint cafe in the the equally quaint Clifton Village area, she shared how her and her husband had been charmed by the city despite never living there before. Later - after copious amounts of tea - I said goodbye to my friend and she recommended that I dash up to see the much talked about suspension bridge that lay just five minutes walk from where we stood. As I walked up towards it, I was struck by the beautiful structure lit up against the early evening sky.
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I was quite proud of the fact that I made it back to my Airbnb soon afterwards to enjoy its surroundings and make a simple dinner for myself. However, it wasn’t long before I was back out again to meet another friend for a drink in The Quadrant, a trendy and pretty bar sat along The Mall in Clifton. He too had seemingly been charmed by Bristol and, even after living there for 10 years, he beamed as he shared how much he still loved the city.
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As I awoke the next day, I slowly checked out from my too good to be true Airbnb before making my way across town to catch up with another Bristol-loving friend. She was living in Gloucester Road, a grittier yet equally - if not more - charming part of the city. Not far from her house lay Gloucester Road itself, and as we wandered down it I was drawn in by eye-catching street art and a trail of vintage shops, bookstores and unassuming pubs and cafes. Soon enough we found ourselves sat in one of the pubs enjoying a famous Bristol cider and, in that moment, I was gladdened to have the chance to soak up my surroundings and my final minutes left in the city.
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Bristol is  a special place, and as I exited out of the city that afternoon - past the impressive BearPit, where the main display of Bristol’s street art lies - I was convinced it wouldn't be long before I would return to explore the city's steep and wondrous streets again.
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