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My AIESEC experience
It’s a wrap!
My whole 6 weeks experience in Vietnam has been amazing. Vietnam was initially not my first choice. I applied for Vietnam as my application from Taiwan didn’t give me any response. As a consequent, my manager encouraged me to choose Vietnam due to their quick response. I had a pleasant interview session with the Opportunity Manager for the project I applied, hence having a great impression on Vietnamese. It’s more like a casual conversation to achieve understanding and expectation in Vietnam whether I’m able to adapt the local life, we also chatted about my country, the convo held around 1 hour. I got accepted for the interview on the same day (I think everyone who applies will get accepted though)
I have never intended to go Vietnam, it was never in my bucket list. I know completely nothing about Vietnam except hectic traffic, Vietnamese cuisine, conical hats and history. My head was full with doubts and uncertainties when I made my decision for it. Besides that, I had to pay for Aiesec Fee to the local chapter in my uni which I don’t really know what was it for, they say it’s for facilitation fee but the ones who facilitates are volunteers too, they aren’t even paid for their job. I was anxious the few days before arriving to Vietnam. We had to pay IPS-incoming preparation seminar (a seminar where pay the local AIESEC facilitators in Vietnam) fee too when we reach Vietnam. VISA I had to apply for a visa too as I will be in Vietnam for more than 30 days. It’s my very first time applying visa, actually a visa is not necessary if I’m doing border run where the money spent on visa is equivalent/cheaper for a trip to Phnom Penh, Cambodia. It came to my realization that most of the interns didn’t apply for visa too, they did a border run to Cambodia. I was so dumb that I thought that the payment to apply visa online is just enough. The online payment is just for the visa form. I had to pay $25 again when I arrive Vietnam. Lmaoooo the online payment for a form of 3 papers is such a scam. :P
But of course, there will be risk of not applying visa as well. Sometimes things can happen unexpectedly like you are not allowed to leave your volunteering place or such.
OPS(Outgoing Preparation Seminar) & IPS(Incoming Preparation Seminar) There were lots of talks on becoming world citizen?- kinda pointless sometimes but I think it helps manages fear for people who are afraid of the unknown. We had lots of bonding activities in my campus for the OPS.
IPS was great! I really enjoyed the bonding session with the local Vietnamese and people all around the world coming Vietnam for volunteering. Blind spots Initially, I only wanted to volunteer locally. I didn’t know I signed up for the Global Volunteer where I get to volunteer abroad. I did ask my local chapter whether I’m capable enough to teach children even when I don’t have a teaching qualification. They say they will facilitate me.
I didn’t really get a teaching training during my internship, but I did ask for suggestions on how to teach. (It’s actually volunteering but everyone say as internship I don’t even know why either). I guess not everyone comes with the same aim, I personally think interns in my place including me didn’t do a great job to empower the kids to learn English. Most of them were reluctant to learn English even till the last day I talked with them, they rely too much on Google translate during our conversation. I tried my best to learn Vietnamese, hence they only want me to speak Vietnamese not English :( Yeeks.
I enjoyed my stay in the province, although it’s isolated from the city where everyone gets to hang out together quite often. I didn’t get my cert and departure support wasn’t that pleasant. heh Experience & Vietnam It’s literally amazing, it was truly an eye-opening experience for me. The only barrier was the language as it’s really hard to communicate in English in non-touristy area. I was well fed, I’m obese right now, it’s really wrong because Vietnamese are all so skinny, probably they are really hardworking? Vietnamese, especially women, are the most diligent persons ever. The sisters in my workplace just keeps working, I really wished that let me help them more. Everyone here is friendly, despite the language barrier, they will just hold your hands and guide you along.
I talked with the kids about their big dreams and future. Every country is beautiful in its own way, I think politics are what making people’s life worse. On the other hand, I can’t believe that education is not free in Vietnam, some kids are illiterate because they are special kids?? Those kids were not dumb at all to me. They can’t even read their own mother tongue. I wish someone out there can help them to achieve their dreams because everyone deserves education, it’s freakin 21st century y’all.
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Merhaba, arkadaşlar,
Bugün sizlere, çokça soru aldığım, 4 benzer fiilin farklarından bahsedeceğim. Å synes, å tro, å mene, å tenke
Kurs talepleriniz için, lütfen, [email protected] üzerinden irtibata geçebilirsiniz.
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Kali ini gak bakalan bahas tentang tempat seru yang ada di China, how to get there, ragam wisata dll. I'm going to tell about why I have been there. Nah, salah satu impian yang benar-benar ingin kuwujudkan waktu kuliah adalah ikut Exchange. Waktu itu pilihannya gak sebanyak saat ini, informasi juga tak seluas sekarang. Masih jernih dalam ingatan liat booth tulisannya AIESEC terus ada banyak bendera negara menghiasi meja nya.
Waktu itu yah langsung membatin "Ya Allah this is what I'm looking for". Pas melipir ke sana, langsung daftar, tanya-tanya proses seleksinya, isi form, kumpul berkas. Belum ada istilah daftar online, submit berkas, pokoknya masih pure formulir dalam map. Isi biodata sama essay-nya ditulis manual. Sebenarnya, saya agak syok waktu dijelaskan kalau ini full biaya sendiri. Keluar negeri mau dapat duit dari mana kan yaaa. Cuma... ada rasa dalam hati kalau ini bisa kok. Ambil aja dulu formulirnya.
Sampai kos, saya ingat betul harus menyiapkan waktu khusus untuk isi form nya. Dari sekian banyak negara kupilih 3 prioritas. China, India, dan Prancis. Pas formulir ini kukembalikan, sebenarnya masih ditahap mikir uangnya dari mana, tapi yaudahlah, pokoknya proses ini kulalui sampai benar-benar mentok, entah akan bagaimana akhirnya.
Long to short, masuklah email kalau berkasku lulus, tinggal tahap wawancara. Nah, waktu itu PPAN juga buka pendaftaran, bedanya ini dibiayai. Kumasukkan juga berkasku dan benar-benar kulewati proses seleksinya yang panjang. Sampai tiba di suatu titik, saya merasa yang ini tidak sreg di hati. Bukan tidak bagus, malah program ini luar biasa bagusnya. Cuma prosesnya tidak membuatku nyaman, entah apa. Sementara AIESEC tinggal wawancara dan saya malah lebih enjoy, lebih senang melalui prosesnya meski biayanya masih abstrak.
Akhirnya seleksi paling akhir di PPAN ini kutinggalkan. Seingatku (soalnya udah lama, takutnya salah) saya tes wawancara 1x terus masih ada wawancara berikutnya. Tapi saya berhenti disitu, cuma melewati 1 tes wawancara saja. Durasi waktu Exchangenya pun lama, beberapa bulan, bagus sekali sebenarnya tapi saya harus mengorbankan masing-masing satu semester di dua jurusan yang sedang kujalani dan ini akan membuat proses kuliahku semakin berantakan. Agak susah dijelaskan, intinya kuliah di dua kampus dengan jurusan berbeda itu mengatur jadwalnya setengah mati. Benar-benar susah.
Akhirnya saya pulang dan mempersiapkan tes wawancara untuk AIESEC. I prepared for it seriously. Seleksinya di lantai 2 salah satu kafe besar di Perintis, dari tempatnyapun dibuat sangat nyaman. Programnya kurang lebih 2 - 2,5 bulan tergantung nanti lulusnya di mana. Bahkan ada yang 3 minggu saja tapi ini tidak kuprioritaskan karena terlalu singkat untuk ukuran Exchange, pengalaman yang didapat cuma sedikit.
Wawancaranya 2 jam full english. Kujawab dengan apa adanya tanpa perasaan nerfesh, tertekan atau apapun itu. Saya harus memilih 1 dari 3 pilihan negara yang kutulis di form. Akhirnya kupilih China. Karena posisinya di tengah-tengah. Kalau Prancis terlalu mahal, dulu sempat cek harga tiketnya, haduh sudahlah. Sementara India cenderung lebih murah tapi kemungkinan batalnya suatu proyek itu ada. Jadi, salah satu tujuan organisasi ini adalah kemampuan leadership. Makanya ada pertanyaan khusus saat wawancara, seandainya sudah sampai di negara tujuan ada masalah yang membuat program itu batal, apa yang akan kita lakukan. Jadi, kita ditantang bagaimana memimpin diri sendiri kalau terjadi hal-hal di luar dugaan. Meskipun program batal itu jarang terjadi, tapi bagaimanapun pernah terjadi.
Sebelum terlalu jauh, let me explain how this program works. AIESEC saat itu adalah organisasi kepemudaan terbesar di dunia, salah satu programnya Exchange. Kalau kita lulus seleksi wawancara. Berarti statusnya EP (Exchange Participant) lalu masuk di sebuah situs yang didalamnya ada lebih dari 1.000 program di seluruh dunia. Harus pilih salah satu sesuai negara yang dituju, nanti pihak AIESEC dari universitas tersebut akan wawancara kita secara langsung via skype.
Dipertengahan tahun 2014 masuklah email yang isinya saya lulus wawancara. Dikasi manager untuk membantu proses pendaftaran ke luar negeri. Tapi waktu itu saya masih ada tanggungjawab sebagai pengurus inti di organisasi plus orang tuaku tidak ada dana. Harusnya berangkat Juli-Agustus tapi akhirnya mengajukan pengunduran jadwal. Kirim pesan ke ketuanya, bertanya saya boleh tidak mundur ke program winter, saat urusan organisasi selesai di bulan desember dan orang tuaku ada waktu menyiapkan dana. Daaaaan disetujui.
Managerku namanya Juju, lewat tulisan ini juga mau bilang "Thank you banget ya juuu. I'm nothing without you". Pertemuan AIESEC ini banyak sekali tapi saya gak pernah hadir 1x pun karena ngatur jadwal kuliah luar biasa bingung juga. Tapi Juju hadir mewakili EP nya, dan hasil pertemuan itu disampaikan terus ke saya. Dia saaaabar sekali mendampingi saya karena prosesnya memang panjang. Setiap pertemuan EP dan managernya masing-masing hadir bersamaan, sementara Juju cuma datang sendiri. Jadi, benar-benar berutang budi sama dia. Setiap stepnya diarahkan, dibantu, dibuatkan mini poster waaahhhhh Juju tuh saya sampai bingung mau berterima kasih dengan cara bagaimana.
Akhirnya pilihanku jatuh di program winter di Shanghai, terus wawancara via skype, kirim short video tapi tidak lulus. Masukkan lagi pendaftaran di AIESEC Renmin University of Beijing. Informasi wawancaranya ngepas banget sama Pleno salah satu organisasi fakultas. Untungnya Pleno itu di rumah pengurus, kupinjamlah kamarnya sebentar untuk wawancara plus pinjam modem entah ke siapa waktu itu. (Masih jamannya pake modem 😆😅).
Daaaaannn lulus. Start dari situ sampai Visa dan Passport selesai plus barang bawaan dipantau terus sama Juju. Orang tua juga punya waktu setengah tahun untuk mengumpulkan biaya tiket PP Jakarta-Beijing transit Hongkong harganya 10 juta. Ini gak mudah sih menurutku karena saat itu orang tua membiayai 2 kuliahku plus kuliah adekku di kampus swasta terbaik di Jogja yang SPP nya huuuaahhh. Menjelang berangkat di bulan Januari kusampaikan kalau urusan tempat tinggal, makan, transportasi ditanggung sama penyelenggara. Mama sama Bapak tidak usah khawatir kataku, padahal tidak sama sekali. Karena yaaaa kasihan juga sama orang tua.
Akhirnya dibekali uang sekitar 5-6 juta saat itu yang mana ini jaaaauhhhh dari biaya yang tertera di email, 1/2 nya juga gak sampai. Jadi itenarary nya sudah lengkap termasuk perkiraan biaya untuk -+2 bulan. Sampai Jakarta pun masih mikir ini gimana nih tapi jauh dalam lubuk hati yakin kalau ini akan ada jalan keluarnya. Setibanya di Beijing ketemulah kita sama semua EP dari berbagai negara. Programnya dari Januari sampai Maret. Kita tinggal di hostel sambil bolak balik Renmin University pakai transportasi publik.
Nah lama-lama kok program yang kita jalani beda sih sama waktu wawancara. Jadi, ini kan temanya pendidikan, tapi kita di bawa ke TK seru-seruan main game sama anak-anak terus dikasi pelatihan handcraft sama ahli nya lah di Beijing, dan tiap hari ada kelas supaya kita saling mengenal sisanya jalan-jalan. Setelah 10 hari ketuanya dapat telpon, kelas berhenti sebentar terus pas telponnya ditutup girangnya luar biasa.
Ternyata tanpa sepengetahuan kami yang datang dari berbagai negara, program yang harusnya kita jalani batal. Entah gimana ada aturan pemerintah yang akhirnya berdampak sama program itu yang kalau tidak salah ingat siswa-siswa diliburkan. Jadi, selama 10 hari kami di sana dikasi program ke TK, handcraft, kelas itu tu sebagai pengalihan karena pengurusnya sedang putar otak gimana nih solusinya karena programnya batal. Nah, risiko yang paling dihindari saat wawancara dulu terjadi di program yang kupilih.
Akhirnya di waktu yang mepet itu mereka mengajukan proposal ke Jiayin, Cina utara yang berbatasan sama Rusia. Hari itu Ketua AIESEC dikabari lewat telpon kalau proposalnya diterima. Jadi kita hanya punya beberapa hari sebelum berangkat, program itu dibongkar ulang dan kita para EP ikutlah merancangnya. Daaaannn surprisingly pemerintah di sana akan membiayai seluruh kegiatan. Seeemuanya. Dari Beijing kita berangkat naik kereta +- 30 jam. Start dari sana di sediakan bus, dikawal sama polisi, disediakan hotel terbaik, dari sarapan sampai makan malam semuanya ditanggung, disediakan tempat wisata, disambut dengan press conference, diliput sama tv, dan setiap keluar hotel pasti dikawal.
Kita bikin program di anak SMP-SMA, programnya dibikin seru seee seru-serunya. Ada kelas motivasi, kelas fashion, kelas survival life, kelas budaya, free class, waaahh banyak banget pokoknya. Satu tim ada 2 orang (Saya sama Jennifer jadi wali kelas di ruangan pertama kelas SMA, tugasnya membuka dan menutup acara di kelas tiap pagi dan sore terus yang bertanggungjawab sama anak wali ya kita berdua tapi tidak stay disitu) melainkan setiap hari kita keliling mengisi satu kelas ke kelas berikutnya dengan tema yang berbeda. Pokoknya ini kerenlah. Oia Jennifer ini buddy ku, dia orang China. Jadi setiap EP akan diberikan 1 buddy selama program.
Endingnya ada pameran dari setiap negara. Menariklah ini, karena para EP datang dari berbagai negara membawa banyak sekali informasi dari negara masing-masing ke pedalaman negeri China yang dikemas dalam program kelas yang menarik. Gak ada bosannya sama sekali. Program itu ditutup dengan acara besar yang dihadiri sama orang tua siswa-siswa. Bahkan malam setelah acara penutupan itu siswa-siswa tu masih berdatangan ke hotel bawa banyak sekali hadiah dan kenang-kenangan.
Masih jelas banget dalam ingatan, malam itu badai salju sekitar -36°C, pokoknya kita gak boleh keluar. Tapi Jennifer kerjasama sama siswaku gimana caranya saya bisa keluar dari hotel karena besok pagi kita sudah meninggalkan tempat itu. Saya keluar dari kamar, pura-pura jalan santai terus Jennifer mengalihkan perhatian orang-orang supaya saya bisa belok ke arah pintu. Ternyata siswaku menunggu disana, disediakan jaket tebal terus kita lari lewat lorong yang gelaaappp sekali.
Ada drama singgah ke rumah kenalan/keluarganya buat ambil sepatu tebal karena saya keluar pakai sendal. Itu perdana saya keluar malam karena memang badai salju itu bikin tempatnya sepi serasa kota mati. Sampailah di sebuah kedai makan dan ternyata siswa-siswa kelasku semuanya menunggu di situ, dibikinkan surprise, ditraktir makan, di ajak main game.
Waaahhh ini nih benar-benar unforgettable moment. Sampai ini kutulispun rasanya berkaca-kaca pernah punya kenangan yang indah seperti ini. Besoknya pas kita keluar hotel, siswa-siswa semuanya sudah menunggu di luar, masih sempat salaman sebelum naik bus daaannn yaahh that's why I hate goodbye. Nangislah saya waktu itu. 8 tahun berlalu mungkin mereka semua sudah kerja, atau bahkan sudah ada yang berkeluarga. Entahlah. But I really miss them.
Waktu itu China masih negara yang sosial medianya sangat privat, bbm, line, google, facebook di sana di larang jadi tidak bisa diakses. Komunikasinya cuma pakai wechat. Itupun sudah lama sekali. Akses ke murid-muridku juga sudah tidak ada. Malam itu benar-benar kebersamaan terakhir. I really hope one day I meet them. Pun jika tidak ada lagi rejeki bertemu mereka, I really thankfull karena kebersamaan dengan mereka itu berharga sekali.
Saya datang ke Beijing dengan perasaan deg-degan karena hanya pegang uang 6 juta yang cuma bisa dipakai untuk biaya hostel sebenarnya. Tapi Allah kasi perasaan tenang di waktu bersamaan karena ternyata sudah disiapkan rencana yang jaaauhhh lebih baik. This is one of my best experience, I'm feeling happy to write and remember it again in detail. Really happy for that. Di sebuah wilayah pedalaman, saaaangat terpencil tapi juga sangat berkesan -Jiayin, Heilongjiang, Cina Utara- 💛.
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Team Paws @aiesecglobal 🐾 It was truly a great experience working with you guys. Your dedication and hard work were truly impressive and greatly contributed to the success of the project. #aiesec #aiesecinmauritius #paws #sadsal #globalvillage #globalexchange #internationalvolunteer #volunteer (at PAWS Mauritius) https://www.instagram.com/p/CohKDyfOJQU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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My time at the University of Energy and Natural Resources has taught me that determination can overcome any obstacle.
While earning my Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering is a milestone, it’s the lessons in leadership, resilience, and problem-solving that truly define me.
Despite facing numerous personal, financial and academic challenges, I learned the value of perseverance, maintaining a positive mindset, and staying focused on my goals.
Support from friends, mentors and peers was crucial, and I am grateful for the encouragement that helped me push through difficult times.
Along the way, I made sacrifices and sought personal growth, becoming an active member of various student organizations like GHIE, MESA, and IMechE, while also exploring leadership opportunities through AIESEC and student politics.
Volunteering with the Ghana Red Cross Society, Armnesty International and others reinforced my belief in the power of community and service.
As I continue my journey, I plan to pursue a Master’s degree and remain committed to helping others succeed, offering support and guidance to inspire them to reach their own dreams.
Trust the process, and success will follow.
Thank you for being part of this journey, I am grateful 🥹 ❤️
#life#hope#graduation#bachelor degree#engineering#mechanical#master study#international#scholarships#friends#love#life lessons#motivationalquotes#self love#life quote#personal#motivation#viral#writing struggles#leadership#volunteering
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went through it today… aiesec meetings are hell and i am NEVER going again… i’m talking chants and choreographed dances. it was a saw trap
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Invest in yourself this year and go to Egypt
You will say "I am glad I went"
Hello everyone, in this blog I will talk about my own Egypt experience and information you have not heard before. I will do yourself a favor and make you go to Egypt this year.
First of all, I am sure that going to Egypt will be an excellent experience for those like me who want to get out of their comfort zone and have an unforgettable experience.
Egypt does not require a 90-day visa for Turkish citizens.You don't have any problems in terms of transportation, you can just take your passport and hit the road. If you are a student, getting a passport will be very cheap.
Arrange your departure date in advance and get it cheaper
Flight tickets are much cheaper than most countries, and if you follow the discounts of flight sites, transportation can be much cheaper. There are direct flights to Egypt from Turkey. I do not recommend a connecting flight unless it is very cheap.
I went in June and returned in July, and it had the same temperature as the hot cities in Turkey, and it was even cool in the evenings, so yes, it is a hot country, but definitely not unlivable.
Shawarma and Koshari
They use the Egyptian pound as currency and its value is lower than the Turkish lira, so you can easily have a holiday. Food and drink prices vary depending on where you go, but in general it is cheaper than Turkey. Although their food culture is similar to Turkey, they are slightly different. They cook more spicy dishes. The dishes you will encounter most are shawarma, koshari, hummus, falafel and kebab. You should be careful about accommodation because not every place is reliable, but of course, don't let this scare you, not every place is reliable where you live now.
They are very hospitable and nice to people, their culture is a bit similar to the Turks but be careful of getting ripped off by the Egyptians in Khan El Khalili because, like everywhere else, they try to take advantage of tourists when they see them if you had someone who speaks Arabic with you while traveling in Egypt. Most Egyptians speak English, do not worry about it, you can understand each other even using Google Translate.
The important things you need to take with you are a hat, glasses, sunscreen and moisturizer. But you can find everything you want in Turkey there too. If you are a student, do not forget to take your student card with you, there are discounts in some places.
Egypt is a big country, so of course it depends on where you go. I've seen dirty places, but I've also seen very clean places. Try to stay in central places where there are more people, you won't have any problems.
If you want to participate in a volunteer project, you can go to Egypt with Aiesec and have fun and an excellent experience, all by paying only your flight ticket. I went to Egypt with Aiesec and I was on a volunteer project where I spent time with the children and I had a great time. If you go with Aiesec, they also cover your accommodation and food needs, thus giving you the opportunity to learn and have fun there by just buying the plane ticket. There are many volunteer programs, I went to the teaching program for children, but you can also have a pleasant time by choosing a project according to your interests.
Before I went, I thought they would be very strict about this since Egypt is an Arab country, but I wore skirts and shorts in Egypt. But of course, this will vary depending on the environment you are in. It would be better to comply with the rules and culture of the country you are foreign to.
PYRAMIDS : Of course, the pyramids come first, they have a unique magic, never return without seeing them. You can see the pyramids for a very cheap fee with a student card. The horse and donkey keepers inside the pyramids may force you to ride. If you want to ride, you should definitely bargain because they charge a lot for the first fee, so they can give a lot of discounts.They ask for a separate fee to enter the pyramids, but in my opinion, there is no need to go inside because the inside is completely empty.
CAIRO EGYPTIAN MUSEUM : In this museum, there are many historical artifacts that you will admire and mummies that still have a lock of their hair.I was fascinated while visiting this museum.Also, there were a surprisingly many Turks in the museum.
KHAN EL KHALILI :This place can be compared to the Grand Bazaar in Turkey. Souvenirs and many other ornaments can be found here. Their prices are normal, but it would be better to have someone who speaks Arabic with you while you travel everywhere in Egypt, including this place.
MANGO TREE : As the name suggests, this place is a with a beautiful view full of mango trees and a very beautiful sunset.Do not leave Egypt without trying mango ice cream and mango juice.
ALEXANDRIA :Alexandria, another historical city in Egypt, fascinated me. I recommend you to visit the Library of Alexandria and many museums in that city.
FAYOUM : This is a city in Egypt and it has a perfect view ,you can also go sandboarding and safari here .
PLACES NAMED ARABIATA AND TREE TRUNK: These places are one of my favorites. While you can mostly have dinner in Arabiata, Tree Trunk might be a good choice to have a drink while enjoying the view.
It will be easier for you to learn at least Arabic numbers before going to Egypt.
There are almost no traffic rules and there are very few traffic lights, so be very careful when crossing the road because a car can appear from anywhere.
Egypt's nightclubs are very entertaining and the prices are normal,of course not every day, but if you want to have a lot of fun, you can go to a nightclub one day.If you like nightlife, I'm sure you won't regret it.
By the way, Arabic songs are very nice, my favorite is Arabic rap.
I leave my favorite song here :
In conclusion, if you want to go abroad, improve yourself, get to know different cultures, get out of your comfort zone, but you do not have enough money, Egypt is a perfect country for you. If you want it to be a little cheaper and want to work somewhere as a volunteer, going to Egypt with Aiesec will be a perfect step for you.
Thank you for reading this far. If you have any questions, I leave the adress below where you can reach me 🤠
Instagram : simgevnc
E-mail: [email protected]
All pictures belong to me.📸
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Day 17 -30/12/18
We were basically just chilling in our place today. So here’s my Breakfast. Lunch. and a coconut milkshake. I forgot to take picture of dinner but it tasted like home, the sisters prepared us veggie soup (it tasted like the soup my mom cooks for me) and fish. And we had a divine coconut milkshake yall !! divine!! it tastes like heaven.
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Zorluklar, yaşamlar, alışkanlıklar... Farklı kültürlerin olduğu bu coğrafyada bana hiç uygun olmayan, yadırgayacağım kadar abartılı bir yaşam tarzıyla karşı karşıyaydım. Bir de uçakta kadınlar Türkiye'nin durumuna laf etmişlerdi. Öyle bahsedince ben de kendimi medeni bir yere geliyorum zannetmiştim. Sabah uyandığımda düne nazaran daha iyi durumdaydım. İdrak etmeye çalışıyordum sadece. Hem çok karmaşık hem çok basit geldi her şey. Buradaki Aiesec ekibi yazdı hemen, buluşalım dedi. Bu hayattaki en sevdiğim şeydir zaten sürekli yeni yerler görmek ve yeni insanlarla tanışmak. Hollandalı, Tunuslu, Faslı birçok insanla tanıştım. Hepsi inanılmaz sıcak insanlar. Buraya adapte olmamı kesinlikle kolaylaştırıyorlar. Erkekler... Aaah ah bazılarınız her yerde mi aynısınız. Anneme ilk günden Tunuslu iki tane damat adayı buldum. Ablam biz Tunuslu istemeyiz, oralar cok uzak, veremem seni ama zenginse iç güveysi olarak gelebilir diye dalga geçti benimle. Ya çocuğun biri geldi adını söylemeden açık açık dedi ki: Are you single? O an boşluğuma geldi, yes dedim. Demez olaydım. Sonra soruyor mutlu musun bu durumdan diye. Çok mutluyum ayağı yaptım başımdan gitsin diye. Ama başladı kendisinin yalnızlıktan kaynaklı ne kadar mutsuz olduğunu anlatmaya. Banane aq. O gün Meryem ve Arca diye iki kişi daha geldi Türkiye'den. Evde Meryem'de bizle kalmaya başladı. Üç yataklı eve dört kişi tıktılar bizi. Bu halis mi? Yusuf diye bir çocukla tanıştık, Tunuslu. Biraz fazla yakın davranan erkeklerden. Arca'ya mukaddesi beğendim, tatlı kız, ben de zaten Türkiye'ye okumaya gelicem demiş. Allahın manyakları ya. Sanırım hep böyle yaptığım için Allah beni cezalandırıyor şu an karşılıksız olan sevgimle. "I have someone in my heart" diyemedim çocuklara da. Bu arada cidden ben ilk defa bu kadar çok hoşlanıyorum sanırım birinden. Şairin aklımda hep sen varsın dediği yerdeyim. Neyse sizi aşk hayatımla boğmayayım. Tunusluların şavurma diye bir yemeğini yedik. Bizim dönerli dürümlere benziyor fakat açıkçası daha güzel. Ama bunlar her şeye inanılmaz derecede acı koyuyor. Adamların tuvaletteki hallerini hayal bile edemiyorum. Sonuçta o acının bir yerlerden çıkması gerekiyor. Damak tadımıza çok uzak değil lezzetleri ama çoğu zaman hijyeninden şüphe ediyorum. Ona da yapacak hiçbir şey yok artık. Zehirlenip ölmediğim sürece her şey okey benim için. İlginç gelen şey, ülkede kocaman Atatürk isimli bir cadde var ve sahip oldukları Türk restaurantının adı Atatürk. Bizim liderimize bizden daha çok sahip çıkmışlar resmen. Assil diye bir çocukla tanıştık. Bence o asla diğerleri gibi değil. Buraya aitte değil. Çocuk hem dj, hem fotoğrafçı, hem doktor. Btw Türkiye'de veya herhangi bir yerde doktorluk garanti meslek olarak görünse de burda durum böyle değil. Sağlık sistemi kötü olduğu için çoğu zaman doktorlar iş bulamıyorlarmış. Çocuk o yüzden ekstra işlerde de çalışıyor. Sağlık sistemi berbat durumda. Ölmediğin sürece hastaneye gitme yani. Sağ girersin hastalıklı çıkarsın o kadar söyleyeyim. Boşuna sağlık sigortasına o kadar para döktük bir de. İnsanların anlattıklarından anladığım kadarıyla burda inanılmaz derecede Türk dizileri izleniyor. Bu nasıl bir hayranlık anlamadım. Bizden daha çok Türk dizisi izleyip, Türk ünlü tanıyorlar. Eve döndük daha sonra. Meryem evi görünce çıldırdı. O hepimizden daha titiz biri. Buraya alışması daha fazla zaman alacak gibi. Kız gelirken kendi tarhanasını, salçasını, şehriyesini, tuzunu, domates kurusunu bile getirmiş zaten. Değişik...
#gezgin#gezi#gezi rehberi#geziyorum#gezmek#tunusia#tunus#africa#medeniyet#love#atatürk#yemek#lezzet#acı
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sabahtandır kendi kendime ingilizce speaking pratiği yapıyom bu yaz ingilizcem B1 den C2 seviyesine ulaşacak. ingilizce altyazılı sonrasında altyazısız diziler filmler izlicem. makaleleri translate kullanmadan anlayacak hale gelmek istiyorum. ek olarak yeni bir dile başlamayı da düşünüyorum italyanca ya da ispanyolcaya merakım var, hayırlısı.
aiesec ile bi yerlere gidersem de tadından yenmez 🥳
paylaşmak isterseniz dil geliştirmeyle alakalı her türlü bilgiye açığım 💖
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"Hürriyet olmayan bir memlekette ölüm ve çöküş vardır. Her ilerleyişin ve kurtuluşun anası hürriyettir."
In a country lacking freedom are death and collapse. The mother of every progress and salvation is freedom.
'Where there is no vision, the people perish.' — Proverbs 29:18
Era Ar-Raayah vs STDI. Ambil STDI soalnya Tazkiyah dari Doktor UI Madinah
Baris pertama, Ar-Raayah Sukabumi. Daftar pertengahan 2013. Dari Ar-Raayah dan STDI, milih STDI, tapi tahun berikutnya balik daftar Ar-Raayah tahun 2014 dan kali ini ga keterima, pas daftar 2013 keterima tapi ga tak ambil. Sampai bela-belain naik bis soalnya saya bingung ya, otak saya improvisasi, kayak kok ga kuat lagi tes masuk Universitas, nanti ditolong HI UII dan masuk sebagai angkatan ke-1. Dulu aku pernah sering curhat sama oknum di HI UII tentang ini, tapi pada kaget dan menghindar. Intinya saya diterima lewat rapor.
2014, dari Tasik ke Sukabumi ke Ar-Raayah-nya pas galau ini kok daftar kedua ga diterima, dilihat hizb lain mungkin udah team Saudi Klasik jalur taat pemerintah, disenyumin Kamandaran gitu habis itu dikasih kurma sayonara. Situ barisan MIUMI gituan, mixing sama Ikhwani. Dua-duanya beda.
Baris ke-2,
A) Ustadz Abduh salah nulis Sukabumi, Jawa Timur. *Lokasinya STDI Jember, Tazkiyah ke STDI, tapi ketompo dan hanya 1/2 tahun habis itu saya putuskan keluar.
B) Lalu Ustadz Syafiq sebagai salah satu pengajar di STDI, Tazkiyah untuk, Muqabalah di UI Madinah 1/14. Tapi ga sepintar Ezzat saya. Shaykh-nya ngguyu, ngira akhwat mungkin. Diburu MBS modar, TUR aku yo pas tinggal neng Saudi Hajj 22🥊, 46 hari, walaupun panas ra lembab. Ra betah, untung ra ketompo. Kuwi isone nak neng mesjid anjes karo hotel mahal. Sıfate temporal. Nak piye orangan omom neng ndalan, mbuh nak njobo tetep gento po ra. Nak oknum Indonesia ketokke poreper. Dienteni Mongols.
Era Diselamatkan HI UII by Rapor SMA Teladan
Baris pertama, logo HI UII pada masa awalnya.
Baris ke-2 & 3, Udin Krakow Amin, saya banyak dibantu finansial💰 dari Dr. H. Mohammad Agus Samsudin, MM. Muhammadiyah punya, dipinjamkan uang kas saldo berjeti-jeti dan megang kartu ATM💳 beliau.
Begitu juga 💰 dari Kemahasiswaan UII, diberi 8 jeti, tiket pesawat Lufthansa Jakarta-Cracow PP 12 jeti beli di Gama Wisata. Jadinya saya cuma bayar 4 jeti aja.
Waktu itu kloter AIESEC awalan yang tren di UII, jadinya dikasih dapet bathi. Ada yang lebih awal dari saya bahkan penuh💰 lebih. Makin lama ditutup, berangsur, saya amatinya. Jadinya ada yang mandiri full.
Itu Aleksandra Kurek keteknya Kurekkan. Lahir sesuai KTP di Yogyakarta, bukan Jakarta.
Dulu pernah buat campaign itu Jogja Mendunia itu pas sebelum berangkat 8/15, tak post di Kitabisa, dikomen Sultan Arifan sekarang/pernah karyawan HUAWEI. Tapi 0 rupiah dapat dari Kitabisanya.
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27 de novembro de 2024
É estranho pensar que estou tão longe e como me sinto assim já faz um tempo.
Estranho como aquele guri do passado já é quase uma mera lembrança de uma pessoa que um dia eu conheci e me inspirou a viver muita coisa, mas que parece ter partido sem se despedir.
E não é que eu sinta saudade dele...
Acho que é para ser assim mesmo, eu sou uma nova versão minha, mais amadurecida, com novos desafios, novos pensamentos, sem paciência para muita coisa que no passado eram grandes preocupações. Com isso outras preocupações passam a me ocupar, novas ansiedades. 2 anos atrás quando eu fiz 25 anos eu lembro de ter a sensação de estar fechando um arco de alguns bons anos muito de muitas realizações, o qual posso dizer que se estendeu com a realização de mais alguns objetivos entre 2023 e 2024, que duraram um pouco mais para se materializarem, como finalizar minha graduação e iniciar um negócio.
Agora eu sou formado e estou encarando de frente minha vida profissional (sem faculdade e AIESEC)...
Pois bem, chega um novo arco de desenvolvimento do personagem principal, e puts, eu desacostumei a lidar com incertezas. Será que foi isso mesmo? Ou eu só parei de refletir sobre o que eu quero para minha vida e segui a boiada? Acho que isso tem me deixado mais aflito do que o desenvolvimento em si, não saber para onde quero ir conscientemente. Foi por isso que retornei aqui, meu refúgio em que diversas vezes encontrei não necessariamente respostas, mas clareza mental.
Nos meus textos anteriores eu sempre descrevia o momento o qual estava vivendo e o qual estava escrevendo o texto, então vamos lá. É uma manhã no final de novembro, deveria estar trabalhando mas estou refletindo sobre a vida, sinto que preciso deixar essas palavras aqui para minha mente flua menos atônita. Estou a 3 dias de partir para São Paulo para a etapa final do programa de aceleração que a Voylonge está participando, não sei descrever como estou me sentindo de fato, talvez um pouco inseguro, mas não bem nervoso. Também estou a procura de vagas de trabalho na Alemanha, recentemente passei por uma entrevista mas infelizmente não fui selecionado, então sigo aguardando surgirem novas oportunidades pela AIESEC. Também não sei como estou me sentindo com isso, um pouco indiferente, apesar de querer logo uma novidade.
Nessa semana, mais especificamente na segunda, resolvi retomar o estudo de alemão, e na terça, resolvi procurar um psicólogo e tentar por pra fora minhas angústias e dificuldades que estou tendo com meus próprios pensamentos incontroláveis e incessantes, as vezes chatos pra caralho. Eu sei que nada se resolve assim num estalar de dedos, é preciso ter constancia na construção dessa pessoa que eu quero me tornar, mas para isso eu quero projetar melhor a minha bússola.
Me preparar? Será que é essa a palavra? Não é se preparar para as situações que vou viver, pois sei que isso é quase impossível, coisas podem acontecer no meio do caminho. Mas, sabe, ter claro o que vai me guiar, o que vai me segurar quando as coisas não estiverem tão bem, de tomar decisões e passos com mais convicção de que é o que eu realmente quero pois se conecta com minhas convicções e objetivos. Inteligência emocional, ta ai uma palavra interessante a ser trabalhada pelos próximos anos.
É, eu parei de refletir, não, mas refletir de fato, aquele refletir que exige esforço, anotar, escrever, rascunhar, até desenhar se fosse preciso, ter aquelas momentos para isso, não apenas sair para caminhar e deixar a mente vagar. Até porque eu parei de me ouvir, de ouvir o meu eu aqui de dentro, estava sempre tentando silenciar a minha voz interna, sempre hiperestimulado por vídeos, músicas e redes sociais.
Bom, daqui a alguns dias eu e o Alex faremos novamente o year compass, diferente da última vez, dessa vez eu tenho bastante coisa para colocar como metas para 2025. Já fiz uma lista aqui com algumas coisas. 2024 já estava no meu radar de ser um ano meio incógnita, de transição do fim da graduação para a vida profissional, resolvi que não iria fazer grandes movimentações, iria me manter na mesma empresa para ganhar experiência, e realmente foi que aconteceu, enquanto isso estive focando na Voylonge e os aprendizados foram muitos.
Não prometo voltar aqui, como nunca prometi nos outros textos, mas talvez eu volte :)
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Brescia, lo “Youth Speak Forum 2024” all’Università: giovani e lavoro al centro del dibattito. Sabato 23 novembre 2024, nell’Aula Polifunzionale dell’Università degli Studi di Brescia (via Senatore Diogene Valotti 3), si terrà lo Youth Speak Forum 2024, evento gratuito organizzato da Aiesec Italia con il patrocinio del Comune di Brescia e dell’Università degli Studi di Brescia.... 🔴 Leggi articolo completo su La Milano ➡️ Read the full article
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