#ahsoka is obi-wan's current and capable secretary/admin assistant
tennessoui · 2 years
au where anakin is a very overworked and tired (post)graduate student and obi-wan is a high-up business man who keeps accidentally running into him:
a blond haired, blue eyed man hands him his morning coffee one day, and he takes it without a second’s thought, even though the man is judging him for his coffee with four sugars and four cream.
a day later, he’s letting a cashier scan his groceries and it’s the same man? with the same expression? judging him again for what he chooses to buy?
and then a few days later, he goes out on a date and the person who is his server just HAS to be the same man!!! he even asks and the man arches his eyebrow and says that his name is anakin and if obi-wan doesn’t bother reading name tags then that’s his problem
(it’s the same man)
over the weekend, obi-wan looks out after his 17th floor business meeting and he sees Anakin with the hair and the eyes cleaning his windows but he’s actually fallen asleep so there are no blue eyes to get lost in, and in fact obi-wan has such a heart attack that the man will somehow fall that he wakes him up, forces him to land (anakin thinks he’s going to be fired the whole time, but he’s honestly too exhausted to care), and then offers him a full-time job as his secretary on the spot. with benefits.
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