#ahmed Johnson
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bigredsweetiepie · 5 months
Happy birthday to @mary-aisha !
I hope you enjoy these pieces :)
This audio clip I extracted was from a Kane and Lita segment shortly after they got married. He’s talking to her and teasing her about Matt Hardy but…. Just listen to his voice here 😳🥰😍
A flexing Kane !
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…. And Isaac Yankem getting a pearl river plunge …… (Jerry saves him shortly after )
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muldoonlives · 1 year
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skeletonrodeoqueen · 2 years
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guyincognitojr · 5 months
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Most Beloved WWE Wrestler Tournament
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blowflyfag · 1 year
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Pro Wrestling Illustrated : APRIL 1996
Know What? Ahmed Johnson’s Got A Gripe…
You would too, if you were one of the most powerful wrestlers to hit the WWF in a long time, were undefeated in the federation, were champion of the USWA, and you still weren’t getting any respect.
By Bryan Ethier
Transcript Below!!!
BREAKFAST: Two grapefruits, half a cantaloupe, a bowl of bran flakes, two pieces of dry wheat toast … and a bad dream. 
Ahmed Hignson bites into the overripe fruit, spewing a fountain of acidic juice across the kitchen of his Memphis hotel suite. 
“I’d like to shoot juice in Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler’s eye,” Johnson mutters. He spits a seed across the room. It flicks off a painting hanging on a wall. “In your eye, all you doubters,” Johnson cries. 
[Ahmed Johnson is proud of the fact that he is the USWA heavyweight champion. Proud, but not satsided. He thinks he’s entitled to a shot at the WWF title. So far, no one is listening.]
Does Johnson seem upset? It’s barley 8 a.m. on a glorious Monday morning. What mood will he be in when he steps into the square circle later this evening? Ornery, as rankled as a cornered stray cat with a foul-smelling mouse dangling before its nose. 
[Johnson overwhelmed Lawler for the USAW belt November 6 (above), then did the same to a challenger Tracey Smothers a few weeks later (right). You would think the WWF would be happy to give such a popular powerhouse title bouts.]
But who can blame Johnson for being a trifle piqued? Every morning he dines on carbohydrates, proteins, and a bowl of humility with hollandaise sauce. Worse, he has only the memory of what is now a bad dream to serve as a dining companion. 
The bad dream? Well, actually, it’s Johnson’s own mental replay of one of the greatest nights of his career: November 6,1995. That was the night he beat Lawler to capture the USWA heavyweight championship. More impressive was the sight of Johnson body slamming Lawler 10 straight times before polishing off the king of narcissism with a lung-deflating powerslam and pin. 
A nightmare for Johnson? But he won, you say! True. Unfortunately, it was a victory that has gone totally unnoticed by the WWF and its fans. In fact, since that night in Memphis, nor one WWF official, promoter, or spokesman has publicly acknowledged Johmson as the USWA heavyweight champ. 
“I think I have a legitimate gripe,” Johnson acknowledged during a recent trip to Memphis, his eyes burning with bitterness and resentment. “I’m a champion, and I should receive the same level of respect as a Bret Hart or a Razor Ramon. Just because I’m a new guy on the block, they consider me just an up-and-comer. A champion is a champion, regardless of whether it’s in the WWF or the USWA.”
Johnson may acknowledge that fact, but others haven’t. Certainly not Lawler, who was humiliated by Johnson on that memorable autumn evening, but has an excuse ready.
“Ahmed Johnson is just a chump, not a champ,” Lawler argued. “I had an off-night. Less than 24 hours earlier, I found out my favorite NFL team, the Cleveland Browns, was moving to Baltimore. I was heartsick. I couldn’t sleep the night before. I was tired, and my reflexes weren’t as sharp as usual. Give me a fair shot at Ahmed and you’ll see how long the chump stays on his feet!”
According to reliable sources inside the WWF, Johnson has approached WWF President Gorilla Monsoon on several occasions, demanding a title shot against WWF titleholder Bret Hart. 
“I have the greatest and utmost respect for Bret,” said Johnson. “No wrestler can match his scientific skill in the ring, but he will not be able to escape my power. When I lock on a bearhug, I am like a python; he is my quarry.”
There may be some truth in Johnson’s assertion. At 6’4”, 255 pounds, the Pearl River, Mississippi, native has the chiseled physique of a world-class bodybuilder. Although he has limited technical skills, Johnson can out muscle virtually any wrestler in the world. Twice this year he has bodyslammed 589-pound Yokozuna, a feat previously accomplished only by Lex Luger. That alone sent shock waves through the WWF.
[Before Ahmed did it twice this year, only Lex Luger had been able to bodyslam Yokozuna. After Luger did it, he got a World title shot. Johnson is angry that he keeps getting fed mid-level wrestlers as opponents.]
[If he can’t get a match with Bret Hart, he’d settle for an Intercontinental title match against the “Bad Guy.” Johnson handled himself well against Razor Ramon during the wildcard match at Survivor Series]
[Owen Hart could tell you how effective Ahmend’s modified power bomb is. One knock against him is that he lacks technical skills. That didn’t seem to hurt him against the lighter, quicker, Owen.]
“That proves nothing … absolutely nothing,” declared a stunned Jim Cornette, Yokozuna’s manager. “Look at the tape. It’s more of a hip toss than a bodyslam. Besides, you don’t earn a shot at the WWF World title without first gaining more experience and wins against the best wrestlers here. There are a lot of guys who should get shots before him. Yoko, Owen Hart, and Davey Boy Smith come to mind immediately.” Despite a penchant for hyperbole, Cornette may be on the mark on this one. Although Johnson is undefeated in the WWF, he has yet to prove himself one-on-one against a top-of-the-line wrestler. Most of his victories have come against mid-level wrestlers such as Rad Radford.
“What else do you expect from me?” asked Johnson. “Do you think Diesel or Sid or Mabel or Razor Ramon is going to step in the ring against me? I’d dismantle them all. With one devastating powerslam, I could squeeze all the air out of their lungs.”
Such matchups would not only serve Johnson well, they would add a spark to the WWF. Fans have received Johnson enthusiastically, for he wrestles cleanly, is polite in and out of the ring, and comes off as intelligent. 
“He has all the gifts of a potential champion,” said Brian Christopher, who has seen him in the USWA. “He is not patient, which is a good sign, actually. And he’s the kind of athlete who plays well to an audience; he feeds off fans’ cheers. That’s why the whole USWA situation bothers him so much. He just wants to be able to walk in a WWF ring and have a fan shout, ‘Hey, it’s Ahmed Johnson, champion.”
Right now, however, Johnson remains not only a champion in search of title shots in the WWF, but also as a man in search of respect.
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jasvvy · 2 years
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taking a buckshot straight to the brain is less likely to kill you than taking a triple german from ahmed.
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What if Harlem Heat and Harlem Heat 2000 got together. Well, in Myverse they are. Midnight isn't on the picture but she's in the stable (with Sharmell)
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bigredsweetiepie · 4 months
They move like cartoon villains here. (They basically are).
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littletroubledgrrrl · 2 months
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There's a part of me that really wants to own this video!
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pisswater-deadgirl · 6 months
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grayblurcards · 1 year
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Ahmed Johnson (WWF New Gen)
2023 Wrestling Authentic Signature
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ringthedamnbell · 10 months
What did he say? Top Five of the Worst Talkers in Wrestling
What did he say? Top Five of the Worst Talkers in Wrestling
Rob Faint Ric Flair.  Dusty Rhodes.  Roddy Piper.  When one is asked about the best talkers in the wrestling business these 3 head the list.  But what about the worst?  The wrestlers with marbles in their mouth?  The wrestlers who can’t remember what they were talking about?  This list looks at the men who should never be let near a live microphone.  Let the debate begin! Continue reading…
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