#agriculture suisse
dailyanarchistposts · 5 months
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Footnotes 1 - 100
[1] Origin of Species, chap. iii.
[2] Nineteenth Century, Feb. 1888, p. 165.
[3] Leaving aside the pre-Darwinian writers, like Toussenel, Fée, and many others, several works containing many striking instances of mutual aid — chiefly, however, illustrating animal intelligence were issued previously to that date. I may mention those of Houzeau, Les facultés etales des animaux, 2 vols., Brussels, 1872; L. Büchner’s Aus dem Geistesleben der Thiere, 2nd ed. in 1877; and Maximilian Perty’s Ueber das Seelenleben der Thiere, Leipzig, 1876. Espinas published his most remarkable work, Les Sociétés animales, in 1877, and in that work he pointed out the importance of animal societies, and their bearing upon the preservation of species, and entered upon a most valuable discussion of the origin of societies. In fact, Espinas’s book contains all that has been written since upon mutual aid, and many good things besides. If I nevertheless make a special mention of Kessler’s address, it is because he raised mutual aid to the height of a law much more important in evolution than the law of mutual struggle. The same ideas were developed next year (in April 1881) by J. Lanessan in a lecture published in 1882 under this title: La lutte pour l’existence et l’association pour la lutte. G. Romanes’s capital work, Animal Intelligence, was issued in 1882, and followed next year by the Mental Evolution in Animals. About the same time (1883), Büchner published another work, Liebe und Liebes-Leben in der Thierwelt, a second edition of which was issued in 1885. The idea, as seen, was in the air.
[4] Memoirs (Trudy) of the St. Petersburg Society of Naturalists, vol. xi. 1880.
[5] See Appendix I.
[6] George J. Romanes’s Animal Intelligence, 1st ed. p. 233.
[7] Pierre Huber’s Les fourmis indigëes, Génève, 1861; Forel’s Recherches sur les fourmis de la Suisse, Zurich, 1874, and J.T. Moggridge’s Harvesting Ants and Trapdoor Spiders, London, 1873 and 1874, ought to be in the hands of every boy and girl. See also: Blanchard’s Métamorphoses des Insectes, Paris, 1868; J.H. Fabre’s Souvenirs entomologiques, Paris, 1886; Ebrard’s Etudes des mœurs des fourmis, Génève, 1864; Sir John Lubbock’s Ants, Bees, and Wasps, and so on.
[8] Forel’s Recherches, pp. 244, 275, 278. Huber’s description of the process is admirable. It also contains a hint as to the possible origin of the instinct (popular edition, pp. 158, 160). See Appendix II.
[9] The agriculture of the ants is so wonderful that for a long time it has been doubted. The fact is now so well proved by Mr. Moggridge, Dr. Lincecum, Mr. MacCook, Col. Sykes, and Dr. Jerdon, that no doubt is possible. See an excellent summary of evidence in Mr. Romanes’s work. See also Die Pilzgaerten einiger Süd-Amerikanischen Ameisen, by Alf. Moeller, in Schimper’s Botan. Mitth. aus den Tropen, vi. 1893.
[10] This second principle was not recognized at once. Former observers often spoke of kings, queens, managers, and so on; but since Huber and Forel have published their minute observations, no doubt is possible as to the free scope left for every individual’s initiative in whatever the ants do, including their wars.
[11] H.W. Bates, The Naturalist on the River Amazons, ii. 59 seq.
[12] N. Syevertsoff, Periodical Phenomena in the Life of Mammalia, Birds, and Reptiles of Voronèje, Moscow, 1855 (in Russian).
[13] A. Brehm, Life of Animals, iii. 477; all quotations after the French edition.
[14] Bates, p. 151.
[15] Catalogue raisonné des oiseaux de la faune pontique, in Démidoff’s Voyage; abstracts in Brehm, iii. 360. During their migrations birds of prey often associate. One flock, which H. Seebohm saw crossing the Pyrenees, represented a curious assemblage of “eight kites, one crane, and a peregrine falcon” (The Birds of Siberia, 1901, p. 417).
[16] Birds in the Northern Shires, p. 207.
[17] Max. Perty, Ueber das Seelenleben der Thiere (Leipzig, 1876), pp. 87, 103.
[18] G. H. Gurney, The House-Sparrow (London, 1885), p. 5.
[19] Dr. Elliot Couës, Birds of the Kerguelen Island, in Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, vol. xiii. No. 2, p. 11.
[20] Brehm, iv. 567.
[21] As to the house-sparrows, a New Zealand observer, Mr. T.W. Kirk, described as follows the attack of these “impudent” birds upon an “unfortunate” hawk. — “He heard one day a most unusual noise, as though all the small birds of the country had joined in one grand quarrel. Looking up, he saw a large hawk (C. gouldi — a carrion feeder) being buffeted by a flock of sparrows. They kept dashing at him in scores, and from all points at once. The unfortunate hawk was quite powerless. At last, approaching some scrub, the hawk dashed into it and remained there, while the sparrows congregated in groups round the bush, keeping up a constant chattering and noise” (Paper read before the New Zealand Institute; Nature, Oct. 10, 1891).
[22] Brehm, iv. 671 seq.
[23] R. Lendenfeld, in Der zoologische Garten, 1889.
[24] Syevettsoff’s Periodical Phenomena, p. 251.
[25] Seyfferlitz, quoted by Brehm, iv. 760.
[26] The Arctic Voyages of A.E. Nordenskjöld, London, 1879, p. 135. See also the powerful description of the St. Kilda islands by Mr. Dixon (quoted by Seebohm), and nearly all books of Arctic travel.
[27] See Appendix III.
[28] Elliot Couës, in Bulletin U.S. Geol. Survey of Territories, iv. No. 7, pp. 556, 579, etc. Among the gulls (Larus argentatus), Polyakoff saw on a marsh in Northern Russia, that the nesting grounds of a very great number of these birds were always patrolled by one male, which warned the colony of the approach of danger. All birds rose in such case and attacked the enemy with great vigour. The females, which had five or six nests together On each knoll of the marsh, kept a certain order in leaving their nests in search of food. The fledglings, which otherwise are extremely unprotected and easily become the prey of the rapacious birds, were never left alone (“Family Habits among the Aquatic Birds,” in Proceedings of the Zool. Section of St. Petersburg Soc. of Nat., Dec. 17, 1874).
[29] Brehm Father, quoted by A. Brehm, iv. 34 seq. See also White’s Natural History of Selborne, Letter XI.
[30] Dr. Couës, Birds of Dakota and Montana, in Bulletin U.S. Survey of Territories, iv. No. 7.
[31] It has often been intimated that larger birds may occasionally transport some of the smaller birds when they cross together the Mediterranean, but the fact still remains doubtful. On the other side, it is certain that some smaller birds join the bigger ones for migration. The fact has been noticed several times, and it was recently confirmed by L. Buxbaum at Raunheim. He saw several parties of cranes which had larks flying in the midst and on both sides of their migratory columns (Der zoologische Garten, 1886, p. 133).
[32] H. Seebohm and Ch. Dixon both mention this habit.
[33] The fact is well known to every field-naturalist, and with reference to England several examples may be found in Charles Dixon’s Among the Birds in Northern Shires. The chaffinches arrive during winter in vast flocks; and about the same time, i.e. in November, come flocks of bramblings; redwings also frequent the same places “in similar large companies,” and so on (pp. 165, 166).
[34] S.W. Baker, Wild Beasts, etc., vol. i. p. 316.
[35] Tschudi, Thierleben der Alpenwelt, p. 404.
[36] Houzeau’s Études, ii. 463.
[37] For their hunting associations see Sir E. Tennant’s Natural History of Ceylon, quoted in Romanes’s Animal Intelligence, p. 432.
[38] See Emil Hüter’s letter in L. Büchner’s Liebe.
[39] See Appendix IV.
[40] With regard to the viscacha it is very interesting to note that these highly-sociable little animals not only live peaceably together in each village, but that whole villages visit each other at nights. Sociability is thus extended to the whole species — not only to a given society, or to a nation, as we saw it with the ants. When the farmer destroys a viscacha-burrow, and buries the inhabitants under a heap of earth, other viscachas — we are told by Hudson — “come from a distance to dig out those that are buried alive” (l.c., p. 311). This is a widely-known fact in La Plata, verified by the author.
[41] Handbuch für Jäger und Jagdberechtigte, quoted by Brehm, ii. 223.
[42] Buffon’s Histoire Naturelle.
[43] In connection with the horses it is worthy of notice that the quagga zebra, which never comes together with the dauw zebra, nevertheless lives on excellent terms, not only with ostriches, which are very good sentries, but also with gazelles, several species of antelopes, and gnus. We thus have a case of mutual dislike between the quagga and the dauw which cannot be explained by competition for food. The fact that the quagga lives together with ruminants feeding on the same grass as itself excludes that hypothesis, and we must look for some incompatibility of character, as in the case of the hare and the rabbit. Cf., among others, Clive Phillips-Wolley’s Big Game Shooting (Badminton Library), which contains excellent illustrations of various species living together in East Africa.
[44] Our Tungus hunter, who was going to marry, and therefore was prompted by the desire of getting as many furs as he possibly could, was beating the hill-sides all day long on horseback in search of deer. His efforts were not rewarded by even so much as one fallow deer killed every day; and he was an excellent hunter.
[45] According to Samuel W. Baker, elephants combine in larger groups than the “compound family.” “I have frequently observed,” he wrote, “in the portion of Ceylon known as the Park Country, the tracks of elephants in great numbers which have evidently been considerable herds that have joined together in a general retreat from a ground which they considered insecure” (Wild Beasts and their Ways, vol. i. p. 102).
[46] Pigs, attacked by wolves, do the same (Hudson, l.c.).
[47] Romanes’s Animal Intelligence, p. 472.
[48] Brehm, i. 82; Darwin’s Descent of Man, ch. iii. The Kozloff expedition of 1899–1901 have also had to sustain in Northern Thibet a similar fight.
[49] The more strange was it to read in the previously-mentioned article by Huxley the following paraphrase of a well-known sentence of Rousseau: “The first men who substituted mutual peace for that of mutual war — whatever the motive which impelled them to take that step — created society” (Nineteenth Century, Feb. 1888, p. 165). Society has not been created by man; it is anterior to man.
[50] Such monographs as the chapter on “Music and Dancing in Nature” which we have in Hudson’s Naturalist on the La Plata, and Carl Gross’ Play of Animals, have already thrown a considerable light upon an instinct which is absolutely universal in Nature.
[51] Not only numerous species of birds possess the habit of assembling together — in many cases always at the same spot — to indulge in antics and dancing performances, but W.H. Hudson’s experience is that nearly all mammals and birds (“probably there are really no exceptions”) indulge frequently in more or less regular or set performances with or without sound, or composed of sound exclusively (p. 264).
[52] For the choruses of monkeys, see Brehm.
[53] Haygarth, Bush Life in Australia, p. 58.
[54] To quote but a few instances, a wounded badger was carried away by another badger suddenly appearing on the scene; rats have been seen feeding a blind couple (Seelenleben der Thiere, p. 64 seq.). Brehm himself saw two crows feeding in a hollow tree a third crow which was wounded; its wound was several weeks old (Hausfreund, 1874, 715; Büchner’s Liebe, 203). Mr. Blyth saw Indian crows feeding two or three blind comrades; and so on.
[55] Man and Beast, p. 344.
[56] L.H. Morgan, The American Beaver, 1868, p. 272; Descent of Man, ch. iv.
[57] One species of swallow is said to have caused the decrease of another swallow species in North America; the recent increase of the missel-thrush in Scotland has caused the decrease of the song.thrush; the brown rat has taken the place of the black rat in Europe; in Russia the small cockroach has everywhere driven before it its greater congener; and in Australia the imported hive-bee is rapidly exterminating the small stingless bee. Two other cases, but relative to domesticated animals, are mentioned in the preceding paragraph. While recalling these same facts, A.R. Wallace remarks in a footnote relative to the Scottish thrushes: “Prof. A. Newton, however, informs me that these species do not interfere in the way here stated” (Darwinism, p. 34). As to the brown rat, it is known that, owing to its amphibian habits, it usually stays in the lower parts of human dwellings (low cellars, sewers, etc.), as also on the banks of canals and rivers; it also undertakes distant migrations in numberless bands. The black rat, on the contrary, prefers staying in our dwellings themselves, under the floor, as well as in our stables and barns. It thus is much more exposed to be exterminated by man; and we cannot maintain, with any approach to certainty, that the black rat is being either exterminated or starved out by the brown rat and not by man.
[58] “But it may be urged that when several closely-allied species inhabit the same territory, we surely ought to find at the present time many transitional forms.... By my theory these allied species are descended from a common parent; and during the process of modification, each has become adapted to the conditions of life of its own region, and has supplanted and exterminated its original parent-form and all the transitional varieties between its past and present states” (Origin of Species, 6th ed. p. 134); also p. 137, 296 (all paragraph “On Extinction”).
[59] According to Madame Marie Pavloff, who has made a special study of this subject, they migrated from Asia to Africa, stayed there some time, and returned next to Asia. Whether this double migration be confirmed or not, the fact of a former extension of the ancestor of our horse over Asia, Africa, and America is settled beyond doubt.
[60] The Naturalist on the River Amazons, ii. 85, 95.
[61] Dr. B. Altum, Waldbeschädigungen durch Thiere und Gegenmittel (Berlin, 1889), pp. 207 seq.
[62] Dr. B. Altum, ut supra, pp. 13 and 187.
[63] A. Becker in the Bulletin de la Société des Naturalistes de Moscou, 1889, p. 625.
[64] See Appendix V.
[65] Russkaya Mysl, Sept. 1888: “The Theory of Beneficency of Struggle for Life, being a Preface to various Treatises on Botanics, Zoology, and Human Life,” by an Old Transformist.
[66] “One of the most frequent modes in which Natural Selection acts is, by adapting some individuals of a species to a somewhat different mode of life, whereby they are able to seize unappropriated places in Nature” (Origin of Species, p. 145) — in other words, to avoid competition.
[67] See Appendix VI.
[68] Nineteenth Century, February 1888, p. 165
[69] The Descent of Man, end of ch. ii. pp. 63 and 64 of the 2nd edition.
[70] Anthropologists who fully endorse the above views as regards man nevertheless intimate, sometimes, that the apes live in polygamous families, under the leadership of “a strong and jealous male.” I do not know how far that assertion is based upon conclusive observation. But the passage from Brehm’s Life of Animals, which is sometimes referred to, can hardly be taken as very conclusive. It occurs in his general description of monkeys; but his more detailed descriptions of separate species either contradict it or do not confirm it. Even as regards the cercopithèques, Brehm is affirmative in saying that they “nearly always live in bands, and very seldom in families” (French edition, p. 59). As to other species, the very numbers of their bands, always containing many males, render the “polygamous family” more than doubtful further observation is evidently wanted.
[71] Lubbock, Prehistoric Times, fifth edition, 1890.
[72] That extension of the ice-cap is admitted by most of the geologists who have specially studied the glacial age. The Russian Geological Survey already has taken this view as regards Russia, and most German specialists maintain it as regards Germany. The glaciation of most of the central plateau of France will not fail to be recognized by the French geologists, when they pay more attention to the glacial deposits altogether.
[73] Prehistoric Times, pp. 232 and 242.
[74] Bachofen, Das Mutterrecht, Stuttgart, 1861; Lewis H. Morgan, Ancient Society, or Researches in the Lines of Human Progress from Savagery through Barbarism to Civilization, New York, 1877; J.F. MacLennan, Studies in Ancient History, 1st series, new edition, 1886; 2nd series, 1896; L. Fison and A.W. Howitt, Kamilaroi and Kurnai, Melbourne. These four writers — as has been very truly remarked by Giraud Teulon, — starting from different facts and different general ideas, and following different methods, have come to the same conclusion. To Bachofen we owe the notion of the maternal family and the maternal succession; to Morgan — the system of kinship, Malayan and Turanian, and a highly gifted sketch of the main phases of human evolution; to MacLennan — the law of exogeny; and to Fison and Howitt — the cuadro, or scheme, of the conjugal societies in Australia. All four end in establishing the same fact of the tribal origin of the family. When Bachofen first drew attention to the maternal family, in his epoc.making work, and Morgan described the clan-organization, — both concurring to the almost general extension of these forms and maintaining that the marriage laws lie at the very basis of the consecutive steps of human evolution, they were accused of exaggeration. However, the most careful researches prosecuted since, by a phalanx of students of ancient law, have proved that all races of mankind bear traces of having passed through similar stages of development of marriage laws, such as we now see in force among certain savages. See the works of Post, Dargun, Kovalevsky, Lubbock, and their numerous followers: Lippert, Mucke, etc.
[75] See Appendix VII.
[76] For the Semites and the Aryans, see especially Prof. Maxim Kovalevsky’s Primitive Law (in Russian), Moscow, 1886 and 1887. Also his Lectures delivered at Stockholm (Tableau des origines et de l’évolution de la famille et de la propriété, Stockholm, 1890), which represents an admirable review of the whole question. Cf. also A. Post, Die Geschlechtsgenossenschaft der Urzeit, Oldenburg 1875.
[77] It would be impossible to enter here into a discussion of the origin of the marriage restrictions. Let me only remark that a division into groups, similar to Morgan’s Hawaian, exists among birds; the young broods live together separately from their parents. A like division might probably be traced among some mammals as well. As to the prohibition of relations between brothers and sisters, it is more likely to have arisen, not from speculations about the bad effects of consanguinity, which speculations really do not seem probable, but to avoid the too-easy precocity of like marriages. Under close cohabitation it must have become of imperious necessity. I must also remark that in discussing the origin of new customs altogether, we must keep in mind that the savages, like us, have their “thinkers” and savants — wizards, doctors, prophets, etc. — whose knowledge and ideas are in advance upon those of the masses. United as they are in their secret unions (another almost universal feature) they are certainly capable of exercising a powerful influence, and of enforcing customs the utility of which may not yet be recognized by the majority of the tribe.
[78] Col. Collins, in Philips’ Researches in South Africa, London, 1828. Quoted by Waitz, ii. 334.
[79] Lichtenstein’s Reisen im südlichen Afrika, ii. Pp. 92, 97. Berlin, 1811.
[80] Waitz, Anthropologie der Naturvolker, ii. pp. 335 seq. See also Fritsch’s Die Eingeboren Afrika’s, Breslau, 1872, pp. 386 seq.; and Drei Jahre in Süd Afrika. Also W. Bleck, A Brief Account of Bushmen Folklore, Capetown, 1875.
[81] Elisée Reclus, Géographie Universelle, xiii. 475.
[82] P. Kolben, The Present State of the Cape of Good Hope, translated from the German by Mr. Medley, London, 1731, vol. i. pp. 59, 71, 333, 336, etc.
[83] Quoted in Waitz’s Anthropologie, ii. 335 seq.
[84] The natives living in the north of Sidney, and speaking the Kamilaroi language, are best known under this aspect, through the capital work of Lorimer Fison and A.W. Howitt, Kamilaroi and Kurnaii, Melbourne, 1880. See also A.W. Howitt’s “Further Note on the Australian Class Systems,” in Journal of the Anthropological Institute, 1889, vol. xviii. p. 31, showing the wide extension of the same organization in Australia.
[85] The Folklore, Manners, etc., of Australian Aborigines, Adelaide, 1879, p. 11.
[86] Gray’s Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia, London, 1841, vol. ii. pp. 237, 298.
[87] Bulletin de la Société d’Anthropologie, 1888, vol. xi. p. 652. I abridge the answers.
[88] Bulletin de la Société d’Anthropologie, 1888, vol. xi. p. 386.
[89] The same is the practice with the Papuas of Kaimani Bay, who have a high reputation of honesty. “It never happens that the Papua be untrue to his promise,” Finsch says in Neuguinea und seine Bewohner, Bremen, 1865, p. 829.
[90] Izvestia of the Russian Geographical Society, 1880, pp. 161 seq. Few books of travel give a better insight into the petty details of the daily life of savages than these scraps from Maklay’s notebooks.
[91] L.F. Martial, in Mission Scientifique au Cap Horn, Paris, 1883, vol. i. pp. 183–201.
[92] Captain Holm’s Expedition to East Greenland.
[93] In Australia whole clans have been seen exchanging all their wives, in order to conjure a calamity (Post, Studien zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Familienrechts, 1890, p. 342). More brotherhood is their specific against calamities.
[94] Dr. H. Rink, The Eskimo Tribes, p. 26 (Meddelelser om Grönland, vol. xi. 1887).
[95] Dr. Rink, loc. cit. p. 24. Europeans, grown in the respect of Roman law, are seldom capable of understanding that force of tribal authority. “In fact,” Dr. Rink writes, “it is not the exception, but the rule, that white men who have stayed for ten or twenty years among the Eskimo, return without any real addition to their knowledge of the traditional ideas upon which their social state is based. The white man, whether a missionary or a trader, is firm in his dogmatic opinion that the most vulgar European is better than the most distinguished native.” — The Eskimo Tribes, p. 31.
[96] Dall, Alaska and its Resources, Cambridge, U.S., 1870.
[97] Dall saw it in Alaska, Jacobsen at Ignitok in the vicinity of the Bering Strait. Gilbert Sproat mentions it among the Vancouver indians; and Dr. Rink, who describes the periodical exhibitions just mentioned, adds: “The principal use of the accumulation of personal wealth is for periodically distributing it.” He also mentions (loc. cit. p. 31) “the destruction of property for the same purpose,’ (of maintaining equality).
[98] See Appendix VIII.
[99] Veniaminoff, Memoirs relative to the District of Unalashka (Russian), 3 vols. St. Petersburg, 1840. Extracts, in English, from the above are given in Dall’s Alaska. A like description of the Australians’ morality is given in Nature, xlii. p. 639.
[100] It is most remarkable that several writers (Middendorff, Schrenk, O. Finsch) described the Ostyaks and Samoyedes in almost the same words. Even when drunken, their quarrels are insignificant. “For a hundred years one single murder has been committed in the tundra;” “their children never fight;” “anything may be left for years in the tundra, even food and gin, and nobody will touch it;” and so on. Gilbert Sproat “never witnessed a fight between two sober natives” of the Aht Indians of Vancouver Island. “Quarreling is also rare among their children.” (Rink, loc. cit.) And so on.
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pierre-hector · 1 year
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Offensive climatique : feux au Québec, en Europe, à Maui (Hawaï), sur la côte ouest canadienne, à Kelowna (Colombie britannique). Les médias présentent des »réfugiés« climatique un peu partout.
« Comme pour la Covid, tout ça a été annoncé. Les politiciens et les gens comme Bill Gates ont cette faculté incroyable d'avoir une boule de cristal; savoir tout ce qui s'en vient en terme de crise, sanitaire ou climatique, etc. quelques mois d'avance. Fauci avait annoncé en 2017 qu'il allait avoir une pandémie surprise. Là on est dans l'ère du bouillonnement climatique. C'est comme la Covid, c'est de l'hyper ventilation médiatique. On est dans une blitzkrieg climatique, terme allemand pour une guerre-éclair, stratégie utilisée en 1939 (2). » (Caroline Lessar, synthèse des propos d’Alexis Cossette-Trudel)
« Maui en 4 points:
1- Autorités locales ont COUPÉ L'EAU (L'eau qque chose de sacré qu'on utilise…).
2- Autorités locales n'ont pas activé les sirènes d'urgence (Le responsable ne regrette pas... 😮).
3- Compagnie d'électricité n'a pas coupé l'électricité.
4- Autorités ont empêché les automobilistes d'évacuer la ville (Deux témoins... l'un d'eux a roulant avec sa voiture sur les trottoirs pour évitant à la police alors que d'autres sont mort brûlés dans leur voiture.).
Réponse de la part des autorités totalement inexplicables exactement comme la covid, c'est criminel tout ça (2) ! » (Caroline Lessar, synthèse des propos d’Alexis Cossette-Trudel)
« En Suisse la chaîne météorologique a dû s'excuser. Imaginez FRAUDER les téléspectateurs en augmentant les températures par 6 degrés. C'est la température asymptomatique. Il fait frais mais vous avez tort parce qu'on a battu des records… Le climato-scepticisme en augmentation. Ben oui, c'est parce qu'on vous attrape en train de frauder. Pareil comme la Covid… (2) » (Caroline Lessar, synthèse des propos d’Alexis Cossette-Trudel)
« Ce qu'on est en train de vivre présentement c'est 100% artificielle, que ce soit autant la réalité climatique elle-même que la réponse médiatique. L'Agence spatiale européenne c'était fait prendre en flagrant délit de prendre sa température au niveau du sol au lieu de 2 mètres: on obtient 2 degrés de plus, c'est comme ça qu'on a battu des records. C'est quoi l'idée de modifier les outils de mesure du climat pour faire croire à une augmentation ? – 90% des capteurs de température aux États-Unis sont dans des zones non conformes (2). » (Caroline Lessar, synthèse des propos d’Alexis Cossette-Trudel)
[ndr – Comment bouter le feu et gérer des incendies pour gérer des terres. Un dispositif pyromane qui existe officiellement depuis 1987 (!). Une telle arme existe sans doute pour ne pas s'en servir. Penser le contraire, c'est être con plot tiss (1).]
« Un dispositif d'allumage laser pour le brûlage contrôlé des rémanents forestiers a été développé et testé avec succès. L'appareil, qui utilise un laser au dioxyde de carbone de classe kilowatt, fonctionne à des distances de 50 à 1 500 mètres. L'acquisition et le contrôle de la mise au point sont réalisés grâce à l'utilisation d'un télémètre laser et d'un télescope d'acquisition. Les utilisations supplémentaires de l'appareil incluent le rétro-combustion, l'élimination de sous-bois sélectionnés, l'inflammation en toute sécurité des déversements d'hydrocarbures et le dégivrage. Une version montée sur camion sera opérationnelle à l'automne 1987 et une version aéroportée à l'été 1988 (1). » (trad. via Google)
‣ Chaîne Gettr « RadioQuebec », « LA BLITZKRIEG CLIMATIQUE », pub. 20 août 2023, (sans espace) https :// gettr . Com / streaming / p2on0x32653 (cons. 29 août 2023)
‣ Chaîne Rumble « RadioQuebec », « LA BLITZKRIEG CLIMATIQUE », pub. 20 août 2023, (sans espace) https :// rumble . Com / v39rre8-la-blitzkrieg-climatique . html (cons. 29 août 2023).
(1) Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, « Laser Ignition Device and Its Application to Forestry, Fire and Land Management », pub. 1987, https://www.fs.usda.gov/research/treesearch/28116 (cons. 29 août 2023).
(2) Canal Telegram « EXTRAITS RADIO-QUÉBEC » (Caroline Lessar), (sans espace) https :// t . me / extraitradioquebec, (sans espace) https :// twitter . Com / CarolineLessar8 / status / 1693660938677743903 ? s=20, (sans espace) https :// rumble . Com / v3a37gt-extrait-du-webjournal-de-radio-qubec-20-aot-2023-la-blitzkrieg-climatique-a . html, (sans espace) https :// crowdbunker.com / v / YZ8HwcWsqM (cons. 29 août 2023).
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swissforextrading · 4 days
How the meat lobby tries to influence climate policy in Switzerland
An investigation by Swiss public television, RTS, has put the spotlight on Switzerland's meat lobby and its attempts to influence climate policy by downplaying the role of livestock farming in global warming. Who is the meat lobby? At first glance, only two parliamentarians are directly linked to the industry’s two main umbrella organisations: Proviande, which represents major producers and distributors like Migros and Coop, and the Union Professionnelle Suisse de la Viande (Swiss Meat Trade Association), the political arm of the meat industry. However, an investigation by Swiss public television, RTS, uncovered far more extensive connections. Based on publicly available data, a well-established network was revealed, linking 27 agricultural organisations and businesses, particularly those involved in meat production, with 16 members of parliament. Additionally, there are indirect ties to two other parliamentarians. CHF10 billion in sales “The meat industry is well represented in ... https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/swiss-politics/meat-lobbys-influence-in-switzerland-and-global-climate-debate/87543361?utm_source=multiple&utm_campaign=swi-rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_content=o (Source of the original content)
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nsfwhiphop · 3 months
Fun Fact: Useful information about the list of Chinese banks:
Which banks are known for holding the wealth of Chinese billionaires?
ChatGPT Answer:
Chinese billionaires often hold their wealth in a variety of banks, both domestic and international. Some of the prominent banks known for managing the wealth of Chinese billionaires include:
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC): One of the largest banks in the world, ICBC provides comprehensive financial services and has a strong presence in wealth management.
China Construction Bank (CCB): Another major state-owned bank, CCB offers a wide range of banking services and wealth management options.
Bank of China (BOC): Known for its extensive international network, BOC provides services tailored to high-net-worth individuals, including wealth management and private banking.
Agricultural Bank of China (ABC): This bank also offers a range of financial services and wealth management solutions for affluent clients.
HSBC (Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation): With a strong presence in Hong Kong and extensive global reach, HSBC is a preferred bank for many Chinese billionaires for international banking and wealth management.
Standard Chartered Bank: This bank is favored for its international services and wealth management solutions, catering to high-net-worth individuals in China and globally.
UBS: The Swiss bank has a significant presence in Asia and is known for its expertise in wealth management, attracting many Chinese billionaires.
JPMorgan Chase: An American multinational bank that offers a wide range of private banking and wealth management services to wealthy individuals, including Chinese billionaires.
Goldman Sachs: Known for its investment banking and wealth management services, Goldman Sachs is another key institution where Chinese billionaires might hold their wealth.
Credit Suisse: This Swiss bank provides extensive wealth management services and has a strong presence in Asia, making it a popular choice among Chinese high-net-worth individuals.
These banks offer a range of services including investment management, estate planning, tax advice, and private banking tailored to the needs of affluent clients.
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toutmontbeliard-com · 4 months
Nicolas Pacquot : "Des propos démagogiques et mensongers de Géraldine Grangier"
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Nicolas Pacquot, Député Renaissance de la 3ème Circonscription du Doubs, communique : "La vidéo (vidéo Facebook Géraldine Grangier) surjouée et me citant de la Députée Grangier d’extrême-droite, lui assure sans conteste la palme d’or de l’esbroufe et du ridicule. Comme toujours, un festival de gesticulations, de mises en scène grotesques et d’effets vidéos pour pas grand-chose ! D’autant que Madame Grangier omet de préciser que son amendement - dont elle fait tant de cas à grand renfort de communication… alors même qu’elle savait déjà qu’il avait été jugé irrecevable par les services de l’assemblée - ne sera même pas débattu dans l’hémicycle. Mon amendement, qui vise à inscrire dans la loi une réponse concrète à la captation de terres agricoles françaises notamment par nos voisins suisses, a lui été jugé recevable et j’espère qu’elle le votera des deux mains. Il va sans dire que si le sien avait été rédigé de manière conforme et donc retenu, j’en aurais été satisfait, car ce qui m’importe avant tout, ce ne sont ni les effets de manche, ni la course effrénée aux likes, mais bien l’intérêt de nos agriculteurs. Non, Madame Grangier ne détient pas l’exclusivité des préoccupations des agriculteurs de notre territoire et je n’attends pas après elle pour agir et obtenir des résultats (interventions répétées auprès du Ministre de l’agriculture, question écrite publiée au Journal Officiel le 20 février 2024… bien avant sa PPL d’avril qui est d’ailleurs toujours dans les cartons…). Je serais ravi de débattre avec elle de ces sujets (et d’autres), si tant est qu’elle accepte un jour un débat télévisé. En attendant, je suis très honoré d’avoir été désigné par la majorité comme chef de file de ce projet de loi d’orientation pour la souveraineté alimentaire et agricole et le renouvellement des générations en agriculture. Ce texte, travaillé en collaboration avec les syndicats agricoles, apporte des réponses concrètes aux préoccupations de nos agriculteurs, bien éloignées des querelles politiciennes de Madame Grangier. Alors rendez-vous dans l’hémicycle ces deux prochaines semaines où j’espère que nous aurons des débats apaisés et constructifs, car il en va de la pérennité de l’agriculture française". Read the full article
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finaguide · 1 year
Trouver un logement en Suisse ne sera pas difficile
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Le pays est une destination touristique très populaire, c'est pourquoi il existe un grand nombre d'hôtels, de maisons d'hôtes et même de campings de différentes catégories de prix. En moyenne, le coût de la vie en Suisse est assez élevé. Cependant, si vous commencez à chercher un logement à l'avance ou si vous venez hors saison, vous pouvez trouver d'excellentes options.
La cuisine suisse s'est formée sous l'influence des traditions culinaires de l'Italie, de l'Allemagne et de la France. La Suisse est historiquement un pays avec une agriculture développée, donc la plupart des plats traditionnels sont faciles à préparer. De nombreux cantons proposent une cuisine régionale.
Nourriture populaire:
La fondue est du fromage fondu avec des morceaux de pain.
La raclette est un plat similaire à la fondue.
Le rösti est un plat de pommes de terre populaire.
Birchermuesli - muesli.
Älplermagrone – casserole avec oignons et fromage.
Zürcher Geschnetzeltes – veau aux champignons dans une sauce à la crème.
Malakoff - boulettes ou bâtonnets de fromage frits.
Apple Rösti est un plat sucré avec des pommes.
Tirggel - Biscuits de Noël.
Polenta, risotto et pizza en Suisse du Sud.
Produits traditionnels : fromage, charcuterie, chocolat, meringue, vin.
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jogallice · 1 year
« Il faut arrêter d'urbaniser » : un « écoparc » d'une vingtaine d'hectares contesté en Haute-Savoie.
See on Scoop.it - JamesO
Environnement : un projet de pépinière d'entreprises, lancé depuis plusieurs années à Saint-Julien-en-Genevois, en Haute-Savoie, doit permettre la création de 1.200 emplois dans un bassin de vie situé près de la Suisse. Un collectif citoyen et la Confédération paysanne s'opposent à la réalisation du projet et veulent préserver les espaces naturels.
JamesO's insight:
Via l’agence JamesO Média❗️N.D.L.R. : article de presse publié par France 3 Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes le mercredi 29/03/23.
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What's Happening In The Banking Industry & How It Affects Agriculture & AgTech?
Silicon Valley Bank and other regional banks, including Signature, collapsed last week, and this week we’ve learned that larger European banks are also tumbling, sending shockwaves across markets. This has happened because Credit Suisse, a prevalent bank, is feared to be insolvent after PIF, a prominent investor, refused to provide more funds. As a result, investors have built $16Bn against…
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highplains123 · 2 years
Frequently Requested Questions: Federal Farm Credit Score Banks Funding Corporation
Secure your drafts and be assured that only those checks you write are cleared on your mortgage. Positive Pay companies allow a strong safety layer for any operation that writes drafts out of the loan. The FCS is made up of cooperative banksand associations who provide credit to people and businesses all through the United States.
Contrary to depictions of small-scale farming as an individualistic and isolated affair, cooperatives just like the one visited by the authors are sometimes a necessary measure to arrange manufacturing, share finest practices, guarantee meaningful market access, and negotiate as a united front. The nature of this cooperation is highly variable, with operations enjoying different ranges of success. In explicit in relation to products that require some stage of processing and standardization, corresponding to espresso, a unified governance structure is essential ag funds held for small producers to sell to a bigger market. Providing a central group additionally facilitates trade with monetary establishments and growth partners, who can work through a single body somewhat than coordinating their programming on a case-by-case basis with dozens and even hundreds of individual farming operations. In flip, membership in a cooperative supplies incentives for farmers, who can defray prices of processing and storage facilities, as nicely as transportation, throughout several individuals.
Finally, impact investing has risen as an method to not solely enhance the competitiveness of small-scale agriculture on the market but in addition help social and environmental targets. Before partaking Fidelity or any broker-dealer, you want to evaluate the overall charges and expenses of the agency as nicely as the services supplied. Free fee supply applies to online purchases of select iShares ETFs in a Fidelity account. The sale of ETFs is subject to an activity assessment charge (from $0.01 to $0.03 per $1,000 of principal). Please note, this security is not going to be marginable for 30 days from the settlement date, at which era it'll mechanically turn out to be eligible for margin collateral.
The World Bank is committed to aiding countries meet their economic development and poverty reduction targets primarily based on the Sustainable Development Goals . SDG 2 and SDG 6 set up food safety and water management effectivity and water high quality goals for international locations that are depending on how water is managed in agriculture. Accordingly, the Bank has a major curiosity in serving to international locations advance their administration of water in agriculture. The motion of water will must be each physical and virtual. Physical motion of water can occur via modifications in initial allocations of floor and groundwater resources mainly from the agricultural to city, environmental, and industrial customers.
For instance, basin authorities often hold restricted ability to enforce water allocations and to convene stakeholders. Institutions charged with growing irrigation often limit themselves to capital-intensive bigger scale schemes and tend to depend on public sector-based approaches quite than developing alternatives for small-scale personal financing and irrigation administration. Farmers and their organizations are additionally often responding to extremely distorted incentive frameworks in phrases of water pricing and agricultural assist policies funds held, which further hinder positive developments in the sector. A London-based subsidiary of Russian financial institution VTB individually agreed to pay more than $6 million to settle SEC charges related to its function in deceptive investors in a second 2016 bond providing. According to the SEC's order, the second providing as structured by VTB Capital and Credit Suisse allowed buyers to change their notes in an earlier bond providing for brand new sovereign bonds issued instantly by the government of Mozambique.
For buyers, who are principally excited about balancing risks and returns, farmland investments are seen as an opportunity for potentially high long-term returns and as a way of diversifying risks away from traditional property similar to equities and bonds. There have been attempts to differentiate funds held by sovereign entities from foreign-exchange reserves held by central banks. Sovereign wealth funds may be characterized as maximizing long-term return, with foreign change held funds reserves serving short-term "currency stabilization", and liquidity administration. Many central banks in latest years possess reserves massively in excess of wants for liquidity or foreign trade administration. Moreover, it's broadly believed most have diversified massively into assets apart from short-term, highly liquid monetary ones, although virtually no knowledge is publicly available to again up this assertion.
View all Recovery Programs USDA provides applications to help producers get well losses and rebuild including help for pure disasters, crops and plants, animals and livestock, conservation, price assist and more. • Transfer out there amounts in a checking or financial savings account in your depository financial institution to your eligible funds held account or applied to your mortgage account with us. • Access and obtain certain data and paperwork referring to your mortgage, funds held account, and transaction historical past. A fund's environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) funding technique limits the kinds and number of funding opportunities available to the fund and, in consequence, the fund could underperform different funds that wouldn't have an ESG focus. A fund's ESG investment strategy could outcome within the fund investing in securities or industry sectors that underperform the market as a whole or underperform other funds screened for ESG requirements. While conventional belongings like stocks and bonds are traded on the public markets, various investment methods corresponding to real estate are less delicate to the actions of worldwide markets.
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kumasionlinegh · 2 years
‘No Company Benefited From US$200m COCOBOD Loan’
‘No Company Benefited From US$200m COCOBOD Loan’
MINISTER FOR Food and Agriculture, Dr. Owusu Afriyie Akoto, has revealed that no domestic cocoa processing company or business has benefitted from the revolving capital of US$200 million secured for the Ghana Cocoa Board (COCOBOD). According to him, the undrawn balance of US$250 million of the US$600 million AfDB/Credit Suisse 7-year loan facility that includes the US$200 million revolving…
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𝐏𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐄 𝐒𝐔𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐄 . Il y a à peine 30 ans, la poule suisse a failli complètement disparaître. . . . #poulesuisse #schweizerhuhn #prospecierara #zun_schweiz #pollosvizzero #poule #poules #coq #coqs #poussin #poussins #hens #hühner #huhn #poultry #gallinas #gallina #gallos #roosters #elevage #animauxdelaferme #onepicaday #agriculture #ferme #animaux https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp7_M4EoCH_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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swissforextrading · 18 days
Initiative aims to save Swiss agriculture from GMOs
The GMO-Free Food Association, Bio Suisse and the Swiss Alliance for Gene Technology-Free Agriculture launched their food protection initiative in Switzerland. + Get the most important news from Switzerland in your inbox The text says genetic engineering must be governed by strict rules. + The controversy behind genome-editing our food The initiative's committee wants to anchor consumers' freedom of choice and the protection of humans, animals and the environment against the risks associated with genetic engineering. The initiative calls for organisms produced in this way to be clearly identified. The initiative's transitional provisions stipulate that the moratorium on GMOs must be maintained until these requirements are met. At present, the cultivation of GMOs is only permitted in Switzerland for research purposes. The moratorium on the use of these organisms in agriculture has been in force since the acceptance of a popular initiative in 2005. The four-year moratorium has ... https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/alpine-environment/initiative-launched-to-save-agriculture-from-gmos/87483209?utm_source=multiple&utm_campaign=swi-rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_content=o (Source of the original content)
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toutmontbeliard-com · 4 months
Nicolas Pacquot : "Des propos démagogiques et mensongers de Géraldine Grangier"
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Nicolas Pacquot, Député Renaissance de la 3ème Circonscription du Doubs, communique : "La vidéo (vidéo Facebook Géraldine Grangier) surjouée et me citant de la Députée Grangier d’extrême-droite, lui assure sans conteste la palme d’or de l’esbroufe et du ridicule. Comme toujours, un festival de gesticulations, de mises en scène grotesques et d’effets vidéos pour pas grand-chose ! D’autant que Madame Grangier omet de préciser que son amendement - dont elle fait tant de cas à grand renfort de communication… alors même qu’elle savait déjà qu’il avait été jugé irrecevable par les services de l’assemblée - ne sera même pas débattu dans l’hémicycle. Mon amendement, qui vise à inscrire dans la loi une réponse concrète à la captation de terres agricoles françaises notamment par nos voisins suisses, a lui été jugé recevable et j’espère qu’elle le votera des deux mains. Il va sans dire que si le sien avait été rédigé de manière conforme et donc retenu, j’en aurais été satisfait, car ce qui m’importe avant tout, ce ne sont ni les effets de manche, ni la course effrénée aux likes, mais bien l’intérêt de nos agriculteurs. Non, Madame Grangier ne détient pas l’exclusivité des préoccupations des agriculteurs de notre territoire et je n’attends pas après elle pour agir et obtenir des résultats (interventions répétées auprès du Ministre de l’agriculture, question écrite publiée au Journal Officiel le 20 février 2024… bien avant sa PPL d’avril qui est d’ailleurs toujours dans les cartons…). Je serais ravi de débattre avec elle de ces sujets (et d’autres), si tant est qu’elle accepte un jour un débat télévisé. En attendant, je suis très honoré d’avoir été désigné par la majorité comme chef de file de ce projet de loi d’orientation pour la souveraineté alimentaire et agricole et le renouvellement des générations en agriculture. Ce texte, travaillé en collaboration avec les syndicats agricoles, apporte des réponses concrètes aux préoccupations de nos agriculteurs, bien éloignées des querelles politiciennes de Madame Grangier. Alors rendez-vous dans l’hémicycle ces deux prochaines semaines où j’espère que nous aurons des débats apaisés et constructifs, car il en va de la pérennité de l’agriculture française". Read the full article
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herji · 4 years
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Mille balles à qui aura la réponse
Dessin pour Les Verts Genevois
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riccochet-pix · 2 years
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marcomarco1003 · 3 years
L'aquarium dispersé.
L’aquarium dispersé.
Il y a pas mal de personnes qui, bien avant mon article sur la théorie de l’aquarium, avaient fait quelques pas pour sortir de cet environnement hautement artificialisé. Ils avaient notamment quitté leur petit appartement parisien pour une maison achetée à crédit dans les Yvelines ou en Seine-et-Marne. (note métodologique: ici je parle de Paris, mais le discours est valable pour toutes les…
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