#again i'm super honored and flattered that you're asking for my opinion lol
pateldevs · 4 years
Hello! I am a little new to your tumblr and love all the stuff you post particularly the wolfstar. I'm a pretty-solid-sorta-background-reader-but-sometimes-talker in the hp ao3 fanfic crew and have read a LOT of dramione and a variety of rare pairs BUT I have been wanting to read wolfstar for like a year and have just never gotten around to finding my jumping off point in that. Do you have an recs? Thanks in advance <3
hey!! first of all welcome and thank you so much for your kind words! (i’m also super honored that you’re looking for my opinion on wolfstar fics!!) tbh i tend to read like the same 5 fics over and over ~for comfort~ but here are some of my faves, putting them below the cut bc i did also include my thoughts and opinions:
if you like marauders-gen fic...
the lost generation — this is it folks. this is the holy grail of fics for me. it’s well-written, it expands way beyond canon, it has lots of regulus content, it develops all the marauders era characters so perfectly. mostly set during marauders era at hogwarts, canon-compliant, with lots of jily as well. it’s super long (it was started in 2013!!) and is still in progress so there is plenty to get through although i did fully get totally up to date (then 130 chapters) in like 2 days when i read it lol. really i can’t recommend this fic enough, i’ve read it like 6 or 7 times in its entirety and it gets me every time.
it never goes out — completed and canon-compliant, another amazing marauders-gen fic set during hogwarts years. if you like reading cultural backstory (e.g. remus being welsh and seeing him interacting with his home & culture during the holidays) then would highly highly recommend since this has a lot of personality & character beyond just “boarding school” kind of vibes. lots of jily, lots of dorlene, much more contemporary in language compared to TLG above (like imo you can tell it’s american influenced but i don’t mind at all), and very in-tune with the 70s time period. cw for themes of abuse, addiction, and self-harm but relevant chapters are always marked. again i’ve reread this like 3 or 4 times and it was also one of the first wolfstar fics i ever read so <3 the author is also super nice!!
holy things — pretty young fic (as in they haven’t gotten together yet) but again it’s canon-compliant, set during the marauders’ years at hogwarts. if you like thoroughly developed metas and hcs about the harry potter universe this is for you! cw for themes of abuse and violence but relevant chapters are marked. background jily and dorlene and bonus content with cho chang’s parents lol. 
sanctuary — ok i always leave and come back to this fic because it’s quite slow-moving and the author is VERY specific about everything. whenever i come back to it i’m just floored by the level of detail. slight au where remus thinks his lycanthropy can be passed through touch but still very much canon-compliant.
brave faces, everyone — THIS IS THE SEQUEL TO IT NEVER GOES OUT and it is fantastic, again same exact vibes as its prequel in terms of historical context/late 70s vibes and a lot of cultural backstory to everyone. LOTS of domestic wolfstar and jily, plenty of background dorlene. again, canon-compliant. cw for themes of addiction, but again the author is super sweet and always marks all the chapters concerned
if you like aus...
the last great american dynasty — ok i don’t read wolfstar aus much BUT i love this one because it’s politics and i love that vibe. also it’s set in the states. slightly young adult (post college), kind of rwrb vibes if you like that! still very young but chapters are super substantial <3
if you want some angst...
the last farewell — ok this is the king of angst fics, it’s set before book 7 where remus tries to grapple with his guilt over marrying tonks so if you like stuff that respects canon/fits with the canon universe/timeline and you don’t mind remadora but still want wolfstar, this is for you. cw for grief obvs
several ways to apologize — a post-whomping willow prank fic, personally i like this one a lot because it’s a refreshing change from the usual “remus is angry everyone is picking sides” kind of fic
it’s alright — this is more hurt/comfort than angst but if you love nightmare hurt/comfort fics this is for you!! i regularly return to this one because i like to ✨project✨ but it’s just such a lovely wholesome fic with a happy ending :’)
to perish by the power of fire — very long one-shot set during hogwarts years with a particular emphasis on remus’ pov and his relationship with his lycanthropy and sirius, plenty of angst but with a happy ending
if you like dadfoot and domestic wolfstar fics (where sirius and remus raise harry)...
hold on to this lullaby — canon-compliant, where sirius manages to get to godric’s hollow and the order shows up right after voldemort finds james and lily :( fast-paced writing but it’s sirius & remus raising harry!! which is super sweet and cute all the time :)
a store of happiness — ok this is another one of my comfort fics, canon-divergent/fix-it starting at the end of book 3 where sirius is exonerated and he and remus take care of harry :) i come back to it probably once a week, it’s so cute <3
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