#afterlife - resurrection verse
gaiuskamilah · 3 days
blades 3 thoughts/predictions
mc and the party will "die" in chapter 1, but also not really. maybe they'll be transported into some sort of afterlife like the watcher did in the epilogue where he was transported to elhalas after he was killed.
speaking of the watcher - his epilogue scene in b2 directly references verses from christ's crucifixion in the bible. maybe we'll see some resurrections whether literal or in-theme (or maybe a harrowing of hell-esque situation?)
as per b2 epilogue again, elhalas seems to be underground. which is funny if we're seeing it as a sort of heaven, because its location makes it seem more like a christian hell (and the religion of the light is really just blades version christianity).
the party sailing to an uncharted place/afterlife akin to how they do it in tolkien's work - mostly based on this part from the cover (they are passing the interdimensional wet pussy... who said that)
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the old gods' afterlife isn't really an afterlife. it's something they fucked around with again to keep power for themselves.
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How do you headcanon Lily reacting to Petunia's abuse of Harry? In verses where she is resurrected somehow, or as a ghost, or even in the afterlife.
In a canon-type verse?
If Lily was resurrected, she'd probably kill Petunia in a blind, protective rage. Especially after she and James died to protect him. And then she walks into Privet Drive and finds him tiny and living in a cupboard in hand-me-downs, while Dudley is chubby and dressed in new clothes and has two bedrooms?
I 100% think Lily would kill her.
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campgender · 11 months
My father comes home from work and he is exhausted. He winces as he walks on his knee replacements, he hunches under extra weight, feeling always the subterranean throb of his back, sometimes exhaling a distressing sound of pure suffering—never the word “God,” but close: gad. It was always this way. He came home and there was nothing left except a desire to be alone with himself, so he could regenerate the language he needed to speak universally. There is a certain fatigue that comes from always presiding over the baptisms, the weddings, and the burials—the three ceremonies where you are most certain to encounter poetry, even if it is present nowhere else in your life.
A truce, then, between me and my father’s house. I was not made in his likeness, but I have chosen something of his same extremity, his willingness to be available for the questions that knock on the door in the middle of the night. His voice inside the verses was so sweeping, his judgment from the pulpit so black-and-white, that it was hard not to inherit them. It was hard not to inherit the desire to stand over the deceased and say something, and it was impossible, finally, not to inherit his anger. As long as I lived under his roof, I told myself that I had no temper, that I would never speak that knot of heat I felt so often in my throat, forced down into my rib cage, sent flowing into my fingertips. But I belong to myself now, and I can admit it. When I sit down at the desk, the anger radiates out of me in great bronze spikes, like holiness in the old paintings, and a sermon rises up in me as if it had been waiting for breath, and puts itself together bone to bone.
I’m not interested in heaven unless my anger gets to go there too. I’m not interested in a happy eternity unless I get to spend an eternity on anger first. Let me speak for the meek and say that we don’t want the earth, if that’s where all the bodies are buried. If we are resurrected at the end of the world, I want us to assemble with a military click, I want us to come together as an army against what happened to us here. I want us to bring down the enemy of our suffering once and for all, and I want us to loot the pockets, and I want us to take baths in the blood.
What do I want? I want him to have a job, and be living in your house. I want us to stop selling heaven as the home we don’t get here. I want an afterlife for my anger; I want levitation, perfection, and white wings for it, and I want an afterlife for my question, which is an answer.
But for now the question just hangs in the middle of the air, halfway up the blue sky, the long unbroken mosquito whine of a why, and the only thing that answers is the voice of my father, saying what he always said, saying the same thing your father always said: “Life isn’t fair, nobody ever said it was going to be, who told you that.”
from Priestdaddy by Patricia Lockwood
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uma1ra · 10 months
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Qur'anic Chapter Khaf And Friday
"Whoever reads Soorat al-Kahf on Friday, Allah will bestow upon him light between those two Fridays. (al-Bayhaqi)
In another narration, the Prophet said, “Whoever reads Surat al-Kahf as it was revealed, there will be a light for him on the Day of Resurrection.(al-Sunan al-Kubra)
Surat Al-Kahf was revealed in Makkah. Many Ahadeeth confirm the virtues of this Surah. As we are recommended to read Surah khaf on Friday. It is said that it will protect and save us from the fitnah of dajjal (anti Christ), trials and afflictions. The first and the last ten Ayahs provide protection from Dajjal. It is pivotal to understand that Surat Al-Kahf is not just a magical spell that will serve as a shield against the Antichrist. Rather, the comprehension of its underlying meaning and application of the suggested measures will save us from Dajjal.
Prophet Muhammad pbuh stated: “Whoever memorizes ten Ayahs from the beginning of Surat Al-Kahf will be protected from the Dajjal.” (Muslim, Abu Dawood, An-Nasai and At-Tirmidhi)
This Surah was revealed in answer to the questions which was posed by the pagans of Mecca to test prophet pbuh. As Makkan phase can be divided into four stages, that was the third period. It was the era of religious persecution of believers. Many times to the point of being ill- treated and oppressed due to their faith. Allah, however, not only gave them a complete answer to their questions but also drew their attention by those stories to take heed from it. There was a conflict going on at that time in Makkah between believers and disbelievers. As muslims were least in number. That's why they were intentionally practising patience in such distressing situations to achieve their goal. They very well knew that if they retaliate, they would be easily overpowered. So couldn't risk their lives, because they were the carriers of Islam—they had to take the religion forward.
In Surah khaf, there are four stories which we get the insught from these stories to face the trials and afflictions.
1. Trial of Faith – Young People of the Cave/ Ashabu Al-Kahf (Verses 9 – 26)
2. Trial of Wealth – The story of the Rich and the Poor (Verses 32 – 44)
3. Trial of Knowledge – Moses and Al-Khidr (Verses 60–82)
4. Trial of Power –Dhul-Qar-nayn with Yajuj Majuj (Verses 83–98)
Let's explore each along with lessons we get from each story.
1."The people of the cave" : It’s the story of young men who lived in a disbelieving town, so they decided to migrate to save their imaan and took refuge in the cave. Allah mentions the word “fityah” (plural of fata)- young boys to draw the attention that they were young people who had firm faith in Allah. But they did not follow the people blindly but thought rationally. In every society and culture there are trenda and precedents presents and people tend to follow them unknowingly. And people don't dare to follow against them. So here thses young men though powerless and weak still troed to preserved their faith.
▪︎ Lesson of this story is the 'Trial of Faith'
2. "The owner of two gardens" : A story of a man whom Allah blessed with two beautiful gardens, but the man forgot to thank the One who blessed him with everything and he even dared to doubt Allah regarding the afterlife. So his garden was destroyed – he regretted it, but was too late and his regret did not benefit him.
▪︎ Lesson of this story: 'Trial of wealth'
3. "Musa pbuh and Khidr pbuh" : When Musa pbuh was asked “Who is the most knowledgeable of the people of Earth?” Musa pbuh said that it was him as he assumed he was the only prophet on Earth at the time. But Allah revealed to him that there’s someone who knows more than him about certain things. Musa pbuh traveled looking for him and learned how divine wisdom can sometimes be hidden in matters which we perceive as bad.
▪︎ And Lesson of this story: 'Trial of knowledge'
And now to the FINAL one, "Global Phenomena"
4. "Dhul-Qarnayne" : Allah mentions the story of a great king who was given knowledge and power travelling the world helping people and spreading all that’s good. He was able to overcome the problem of Gog and Magog (Yajooj-Majooj) by building a massive dam with the help of people whom he could not even understand.
▪︎ Lesson of this story: 'Trial of power'
Allah says to us four/4 kind of stories relating 4 kind of trials that we face daily in our day to day lives.
But, What is the relation between 'Surah Kahf' and 'Dajjal' ?
Dajjal will appear before the day of judgement with 4 trials:
A▪︎He will ask people to worship him and not Allah: "Trial of faith"
B▪︎He will be given powers to start/stop rain and tempt people with his wealth: "Trial of wealth"
C▪︎He will tempt people with "knowledge” and news he gives them: "Trial of knowledge"
D▪︎He will control huge parts of the Earth: "Trial of power"
Those people who sticks strong to Allah in every single aspect of their life, those people who don't fall for the illusion, delusion, corruption and brainwashing of this world. The Dajjal has already set his foot, and entered through the midern and cultural engineering of the 20th century. It's almost ready to take its throne. People are infested in this world from many direction.
Moreover Almighty Allah has given the SOLUTION for these Trials and Test.
1.Good companionship to build a strong Faith : To protect our faith we need to be surrounded with good people. Besides this, the believers have been taught that even if they are persecuted by a cruel society, he should not bow down before falsehood but emigrate from the place all alone, if situations demand, with trust in God. Do not blindly follow trends or customs of the society.
2. To adopt Humility as we own nothing in this world. Pride and Arrogance will come back to bite. What we need to remember is that everything we have is a mercy and a gift from Allah. We may put in hard work, but if Allah doesn’t put blessing in anything, nothing succeeds. This is why we should be thankful for what Allah has given us. In fact the Surah itself begins by saying “Alhamdulillah”.
3. Be humble and sincere in learning, Knowing the truth of this world. You should have full faith in the wisdom of what is happening in the Divine Factory in accordance with the will of Allah. The Qadar of Allah works in ways that we do not understand. When Allah takes something away from us, we should trust inHis Divine Wisdom. As it was not clear to a Prophet, allow alone people like us. However, Allah clearly wants good for us, and it is important that we trust the One who has given us everything. Allah is sole Caretaker (الرقیب/Ar-Rakib).
4. In the story of Dhul-Qarnayne,
When the people asked Dhul-Qarnayn to help them, he did not just go and help them. Rather he taught them in building and helped them himself as well. We should benefit people. Regardless of the fact that he was being victorious and constantly winning new ground for his empire, he never forgot Allah, Kept going with good deeds. That is something we should remember. In our endeavor to earn sustenance, we should never forget Allah. During our successes, we should remember Allah.
May Allah guide us and protect us from this fitnah. Ameen
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biitchcakes · 11 days
Jessica has taken trips to the afterlife and returned multiple times — a total of FOUR, in fact. Below the cut are the details and visuals for her deaths and revivals.
Death No. 1 ─────
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Jessica goes to fight Morgan Le Fay on the Astral Plane. When she goes to return to her body, however. . .
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She's already dead.
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Her final request is for Magnus, her sorcerer companion, to cast a spell allowing her friends — everyone — to forget who she is. To make it like she never existed at all. Then, with some final sanguine words, she's off into the afterlife. ( Spider-Woman 1978 / Issue 50 . )
Resurrection No. 1 ─────
Lucky for Jessica, the spell doesn't entirely work.
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Tigra and The Shroud save her, rush her to the hospital and summon a handful of Avengers to solve the mystery of Jessica Drew. To fully save her life. Dr. Strange and Hank Pym arrive later to use their specific skills.
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"Your close friends remembered almost instantly."
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As her astral soul returns to its corporal form, Morgan Le Fay puts a stop to it, forcing the Avengers to battle for Jessica's life on this supernatural plane of existence.
Naturally, they succeed.
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However, it seems the cost of coming back to life were her Spider Abilities, now left powerless. Or so she thinks, anyway. ( Avengers 1963 / Issue 240 & 241 . )
Death No. 2 ─────
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In an attempt to save the world from The Beyonder, Jessica willingly offers her life force to Rachel Summers — The Phoenix.
Resurrection No. 2 ─────
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But, ultimately, Rachel cannot morally take their lives, restoring the life essences back into their rightful bodies. ( Uncanny X-Men / Issue 203 . )
Death & Resurrection No. 3 ─────
The Secret Wars explosion. Rip, a bunch of people die here, it's a bad time. But, everyone also comes back !
Death No. 4 ─────
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Spider-Verse Bullshit™️ is going on. The Inheritors are back, and in the middle of fighting them, Spider-Noir appears out of nowhere and stabs Jessica — severing her from the Web of Life. ( Spider-Man 2022 / Issue 1 . )
Resurrection No. 4 ─────
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Gets brought back to life with an ancient artefact because she's a damn Spider Totemic Avatar. (Actually makes me A Little Emo, the "each and every way the threads of her life have woven into yours ! " ngl.) ( Spider-Man 2022 / Issue 7 . )
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revlischarm · 1 year
Howdy! I've been dying to know I'd anybody has recognized Morro's cursed eye marks in your LMK au, and what their reactions are!
This is genuinely such a cool concept, and I love the art you made for it!
Honestly I keep legitimately forgetting which stuff I’ve posted about the au and which stuff I still have stuffed away in my notes. Because I feel like I have everything out here but I can’t remember? Uhhhh
Okay so while the marks would definitely give him away to certain people, it’s moreso that Morro has a kinda vibe around him that powerful beings can pick up on. The really enlightened or well-versed ones can pinpoint specifically what his deal is (and by that I very, very specifically mean the fact that he’s died before), while the vast majority of them would only be able to pick up on Morro giving off weird vibes.
Morro is similar to Macaque in that he gives off slight dead vibes, except Morro’s is increased, due to him having such heavy involvement with the afterlife and being a ghost and departed and stuff.
The markings give him away as a Cursed spirit specifically, however it’s not a major blaring red flag like Morro thinks it is here; in Ninjago, it’s different and much more widely recognized, but in the LMK universe only a select portion of people can recognize those markings right off the bat like that.
Not super powerful beings will just get a faint weird vibe from Morro but can’t really pinpoint what it is, and honestly, would rarely be able to realize that they’re noticing anything different at all. More powerful beings can detect that he’s got something going on, and that he reeks of death and the afterlife, but won’t always make the connection that Morro has actually died in the past and was resurrected. Last tier is that some beings would be able to pinpoint specifically that Morro used to be a spirit, departed from the realm of the living, etc, etc. That he died before. And add onto that that he used to be a malicious spirit, aka his soul was kinda condemned.
It has levels to it and I know I’m rambling sorry lol.
Low-level demons like Jin and Yin, or the spider demons, would just get weird vibes from him. Nothing super noticeable. Spider Queen, PIF, DBK—they would definitely be able to tell that Morro reeks of death. Red Son can tell too, they just. Don’t make that connection lmao. He doesn’t care enough to and I love them for it.
Now Wukong can absolutely tell that Morro used to be dead, he just has the decency not to say shit until the amnesia episode at least, heh heh. LBD and the Mayor can 100% tell that Morro used to be dead and even a Cursed soul. Macaque can tell that Morro used to be dead, but can’t sense the Cursed bit super well. Nezha can also totally tell that Morro was a former damned spirit.
MK…MK is a unique situation in that I’m sure he’d be able to tell that Morro used to be dead and all that, however he also can’t? Only because he doesn’t really know what to look for to begin with. So he can’t exactly sense some weird vibe he isn’t even familiar with.
And we all already know MK isn’t always the best when it comes to noticing things, haha.
Tang actually gets a bit suspicious when Morro’s markings are revealed in season 3! But not because of recognizing them, moreso of the fact that Morro hid them on purpose and that they kinda look…sinister in appearance. That’s it.
Pigsy and Sandy deadass just think it’s some kind of birthmark at first I kid you not
Mei doesn’t ask because she wouldn’t care what the markings meant, it wouldn’t change her friendship with Morro. They’re just some cool looking marks to her, she doesn’t press Morro for details and would not care either way. I love her dearly.
MK straight up just doesn’t notice for a while, they just think that it’s some new makeup or something
Uhhhh idk if I’m forgetting anyone in my list but yeah
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dandeliicnsarchiived · 8 months
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An Untimely demise & enlightening resurrection - Victoria Atlas & Seonho 'SUN' Kang - @indigodreames
trigger warning: death
❝ 𝐈 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞. 𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 '𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞. 𝐈𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐫 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐄𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆?. ❞
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Writer's note: So this based on a thread/plot that the writer of indigodreams and I before I faded to the abyss and I loved the idea too much to just drop it? So instead I made it part of the lore for Victoria! The mentions of Seonho and Jenny are EXCLUSIVELY for indigodreams since they are HER characters and she was nice enough to allow me to use Jenny for this plot ( thank you again, bby ).
Another version of Victoria's death will be written for the general public/other ship. But this is for the MAIN verse and YOUTH verse since that is Victoria's ship for both of them.
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It's known among those close to Victoria that she has been committed to her boyfriend, Seonho Kang. Meeting on the behalf of Rosalie's, the two had their first date on Valentine's Day. Forming a strong bond that was unfamiliar to Victoria but she was excited to start a new chapter in her life.
As the two grew closer over the course of going on dates, engaging in developmental conversation, it was finally shared between the two that this wasn't just the story of a girl falling in love with a boy; it was a story of a power witch falling under the spell of a vampire, a story of two souls from a traumatic, hurtful past finding love and the beautiful of life when there has been so much death between them.
Sharing their secrets, and their traumas, the love between them only grew stronger. Living in the moment, learning from one another, teaching each other about the world of witches and the world of vampirism, it seemed that nature led them together. An act of fate, however; not every story leads to a happy end. Every story has a climax, a problem needing to be solved; and an antagonist ruining what is beautiful out of pure jealously. Thus began the meeting of Jennifer, also known as Jenny. The vampire that sired Seonho and the root of his trauma.
The interaction between the two of them was brief but painful. Painful enough to lead to her death. A message to deliver to Seonho; Victoria didn't know how Jenny found them, or even knew about her but she was a casualty of a battle that she only knew one side of the story. However, this act of violence not only angered nature, but the very woman who sacrificed everything for her daughter. Leona Lewis.
Victoria had been deceased for hours, but in the afterlife, it felt like minutes on the other side as she watched the love of her life hold her lifeless body. Victoria pleaded to not move on; her story wasn't over, she had just found love not only familial and platonic but romantic as well. She was still learning more about being a witch along with her legacy and what she needed to do to avenge her biological mother and father. A moment passed for her as she refused to move forward, standing her ground in the in-between and she was granted with an angelic glow and a familiar voice coming to her. A touch on the cheek that brought back memories of laying in a pink bed with stars on the ceiling and a soft hum of a song to ease her from her nightmares.
For the first time in fifteen years, she saw her mother again. The famous and the infamous among some, is Leona Lewis. The Elder of the Lewis Coven. During their interactions, Leona explained that she had been with Victoria since she passed away in her arms, guiding her on the path to learn about who she was and where she came from. Leona had witnessed the crime that was committed on her daughter and made a deal with Nature to bring Victoria back again, in exchange, she brings an end to The Church and their followers; no matter what it takes, no matter what path walks down; light, dark or the morally grey. As long as those who caused the deaths of innocent lives were brought to justice and balance was restored the act of bring a soul back from the other side would be ignored.
Agreeing to the terms that were given and a tearful exchange between the two Lewis Witches, Leona sent her daughter back to her body. Awaking her Seonho's arms, and taking a moment to hold him close she explained what needed to be done, and who she saw while on the other side. From there, the couple made a plan to fake Victoria's death so she research and gain more power to accomplish the task that was given by Nature. Once making the proper arrangements, Seonho and Victoria relocated to Upstate Washington for a year, giving Victoria time to gather the knowledge and strength she needed to start her plan.
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angelicgilbert · 1 year
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“I’d better stop writing now. Stefan’s leaving, and Matt and Meredith and Alaric and I are going to see him off. I didn’t mean to get so into this; I’ve never kept a journal myself. But I want people to know the truth about Elena. She wasn’t a saint. She wasn’t always sweet and good and honest and agreeable. But she was strong and loving and loyal to her friends, and in the end she did the most unselfish thing anybody could do. Meredith says it means she chose light over darkness. I want people to know that so they’ll always remember. I always will.” -Bonnie McCullough
an exploration into the character of elena gil.bert expanded into original storylines. daughter of an angel and a mortal. a child of destiny. elder sister. one third of the velociraptor sisterhood. a queen bee named spirit of fell's church. widow of the late vampire stefan salva.tore (in default verses)-- she brings him back to life in her main verse. cousin of agent john m.yers (of hellboy) in most verses. formerly a vampire and spirit of the afterlife. an earth guardian (nephilim) with her angelic abilities triggered following her resurrection. working as an art and antiques dealer and played at the age of twenty-eight by default.
features themes of finding one's purpose, being a child of prophesy. sometimes gray morality. old family money/founding family, character growth, family dynamics, gothic horror, temptations of power, death, resurrection, protectiveness, love, loyalty, loss, stubbornness, determination, survival, magic and angelic powers, light verse dark, and forging your own path.
mature and dark themes will be present and untagged; follow at your own risk. mun has been writing this muse for almost fifteen years and this is a canon divergent portrayal based in the book world but open to interactions with show based muses and show adapted verses. however, bare in mind that elena will maintain her novel characterization and will not make the same choices as her show counterpart.
flashback and young adult verses available.
primary faces: elizabeth bla.ckmore (main) & gabrie.lla wilde (younger) alternate face: leah pip.es
heavily writes crossovers, adapted verses, historical verses, and original character friendly. no hate of any kind will be tolerated on this blog and anon will be remaining off. elena only has one mar.vel verse which is a more generalized verse and does not hold strictly to a specific timeline (such as m.cu, etc) and has a more sci-fi-esque theme, she is the sister of outlawiism's star-lo.rd in that verse and could be considered a space outlaw and is primarily space based though uses earth as a home base at times. this verse will likely be used for most sci-fi based interactions. given her familial connection to agent mye.rs from hell.boy, the events of the first film (2004) exist in the same world as her default current/adult canon.
FOLLOW FOREVER (shameless promo for the cool beans) AFFILIATES: @everythingheard (stefan) @myersbprd CHRACTER EXCLUSIVES: @outlawiism @honorhearted @darehearts MAINS: @talesfromthevoiid @retrograderesemblance @pagetreader OTHER BLOGS: @legaciestold @wiedzmacienia
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ashesandhackles · 2 years
what does dumbledore mean by lily's blood being voldemort's "one last hope for himself"?
So, to understand the idea of sacrifice and blood protection - which I didn't for a very long time - you have to know that the influence of Christianity is underpinning these ideas. I am not a Christian, nor am I from a country where it is a dominant religion, so to understand this, I had to read a lot and talk to my Christian friends.
While the main Christ figure of the story is Harry with his death enabled by sacrificial love and resurrection, Lily is also posited to be one with the idea that Voldemort, having used Harry's blood to resurrect his body (which contains the power of Lily's sacrifice), can be cleansed of his sin. That is, if Voldemort chooses to show remorse and heal his soul (if he doesn't, he remains as a maimed soul - represented by flayed baby - in limbo, unable to go onto the wizarding afterlife, the kingdom of God, so to speak). @artemisia-black and I are writing a joint meta about the nature of soul in HP verse, so we will get into the implications more there. Anyway, the "one last hope for himself" is essentially Harry's blood with Lily's sacrifice in his body. It draws from the idea that blood of Christ is humanity's salvation and can cleanse you of sin.
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fantasiesandfolklore · 4 months
Aislin Verse: Sanctified
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CW: death, necromancy, the concept of purity/purification, deification, murder, fratricide,
Post Corrupted Verse
After Aislin’s fall from grace due to overuse of necromancy, she found herself facing off against her sister — a full blown goddess. Relta knew the only way to save Aislin was to temporarily kill her, and revive her the same way that happened to Relta when she became defied. In the end of the battle, Relta ran Aislin through with a blade crafted to take the necromancy’s “illness” out of Aislin. It killed her younger sister, but Relta knew she had the ability to revive her sister through means that cannot be spoken of.
When Aislin came back, she was changed, sanctified, and also now a full deity herself — the minor Celtic goddess of revival. She thanked her sister, Relta, for saving her from herself and the necromancy powers. Now, she could use them without damaging or corrupting herself, and could fully heal the deceased to the point of temporary resurrection in full flesh and cognition.
Aislin now dedicates herself to saving people, once more, rather than using the darker magics for unsavory reasons or more selfish reasons.
She now is a consultant for detectives who are stumped, reviving the victims to ask who killed them if they know, and then easing their transition to peace in the afterlife.
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pooma-islam · 4 months
Punar Janam (also known as reincarnation 
or rebirth) is a concept that has intrigued many across different religions. While it is commonly associated with Hinduism and Buddhism, it’s interesting to explore how Islam views this idea.
In Islam, the concept of Punar Janam differs significantly from the perspectives found in other belief systems.
Let’s look into the Islamic viewpoint on rebirth:
1.Quranic Perspective:
The Quran does not explicitly endorse the idea of reincarnation or multiple lives. Instead, it emphasizes the concept of eternal life after death.
Surah Al-Anbiya (Chapter 21, Verse 104) states:
“The Day when We will fold the heaven like the folding of a [written] sheet for the records. As We began the first creation, We will repeat it. [That is] a promise binding upon Us. Indeed, We will do it.”
This verse suggests that God will recreate humanity just as He created it initially, emphasizing a single life followed by resurrection and judgment.
2. Islamic Beliefs:
Muslims believe in the Day of Judgment (Yawm al-Qiyamah), where all souls will be resurrected and held accountable for their deeds.
The afterlife in Islam involves either paradise (Jannah) or hellfire (Jahannam), based on one’s actions in this world.
Good deeds lead to eternal bliss, while evil deeds result in punishment.
3.Divine Justice:
Islam emphasizes divine justice. Each person’s deeds are recorded, and God’s judgment is based on complete knowledge and fairness.
The idea of reincarnation could potentially undermine this concept of justice, as it might imply that people face different circumstances in different lives without a clear connection to their past actions.
While Punar Janam is not a central tenet of Islamic belief, the Quranic verses provide a clear perspective on the oneness of life and the Day of Resurrection.
Muslims focus on living a righteous life in this world, knowing that their actions will determine their eternal destiny.
இஸ்லாத்தில் புனர்ஜனம்
புனர்ஜனம் (மறுபிறவி அல்லது மறுபிறப்பு என்றும் அறியப்படுகிறது) என்பது பல்வேறு மதங்களில் பலரையும் கவர்ந்த ஒரு கருத்தாகும். இது பொதுவாக இந்து மற்றும் பௌத்தத்துடன் தொடர்புடையதாக இருந்தாலும், இஸ்லாம் இந்தக் கருத்தை எப்படிப் பார்க்கிறது என்பதை ஆராய்வது சுவாரஸ்யமானது.
இஸ்லாத்தில், புனர் ஜனம் என்ற கருத்து மற்ற நம்பிக்கை அமைப்புகளில் காணப்படும் முன்னோக்குகளிலிருந்து கணிசமாக வேறுபடுகிறது.
மறுபிறப்பு பற்றிய இஸ்லாமியக் கண்ணோட்டத்தைப் பார்ப்போம்:
1.குர்ஆன் பார்வை:
குரான் மறுபிறவி அல்லது பல உயிர்கள் என்ற கருத்தை வெளிப்படையாக அங்கீகரிக்கவில்லை. மாறாக, அது மரணத்திற்குப் பின் நித்திய வாழ்வின் கருத்தை வலியுறுத்துகிறது.
சூரா அல் அன்பியா (அத்தியாயம் 21, வசனம் 104) கூறுகிறது:
“பதிவுகளுக்காக [எழுதப்பட்ட] தாளை மடிப்பது போல் நாம் வானத்தை மடக்கும் நாள். நாம் முதல் படைப்பை ஆரம்பித்தவுடன், அதை மீண்டும் செய்வோம். [அது] நம்மீது உள்ள உறுதிமொழியாகும். உண்மையில், நாங்கள் அதை செய்வோம். ”
உயிர்த்தெழுதல் மற்றும் நியாயத்தீர்ப்பைத் தொடர்ந்து ஒற்றை வாழ்க்கையை  வலியுறுத்துவதன் மூலம், இறைவன் மனிதகுலத்தை ஆரம்பத்தில் படைத்தது போலவே மீண்டும் உருவாக்குவான் என்று இந்த வசனம் தெரிவிக்கிறது.
2. இஸ்லாமிய நம்பிக்கைகள்:
முஸ்லிம்கள் தீர்ப்பு நாள் (யவ்ம் அல்-கியாமா) என்று நம்புகிறார்கள், அங்கு அனைத்து ஆன்மாக்களும் உயிர்த்தெழுப்பப்படும் மற்றும் அவர்களின் செயல்களுக்கு பொறுப்பேற்கப்படும்.
இஸ்லாத்தில் இறப்பு வாழ்க்கை சொர்க்கம் (ஜன்னா) அல்லது  நரக நெருப்பு (ஜஹன்னம்), இந்த உலகில் ஒருவரின் செயல்களின் அடிப்படையில்.
நல்ல செயல்கள் நித்திய பேரின்பத்திற்கு வழிவகுக்கும், தீய செயல்கள் தண்டனைக்கு வழிவகுக்கும்.
3.தெய்வீக நீதி:
இஸ்லாம் தெய்வீக நீதியை வலியுறுத்துகிறது. ஒவ்வொரு நபரின் செயல்களும் பதிவு செய்யப்படுகின்றன, மேலும் கடவுளின் தீர்ப்பு முழுமையான அறிவு மற்றும் நேர்மையை அடிப்படையாகக் கொண்டது.
மறுபிறப்ப நீதிகள் இந்த நீதியின் கருத்தைக் குறைமதிப்பிற்கு உட்படுத்தக்கூடும், ஏனெனில் மக்கள் தங்கள் கடந்த கால செயல்களுடன் தெளிவான தொடர்பு இல்லாமல் வெவ்வேறு வாழ்க்கையில் வெவ்வேறு சூழ்நிலைகளை எதிர்கொள்கிறார்கள் என்பதைக் குறிக்கலாம்.
புனர் ஜனம்  என்பது இஸ்லாமிய நம்பிக்கையின் மையக் கோட்பாடு அல்ல என்றாலும், குர்ஆன் வசனங்கள் 
வாழ்க்கையின் ஒற்றுமை மற்றும் உயிர்த்தெழுதல் நாள் பற்றிய தெளிவான கண்ணோட்டத்தை வழங்குகின்றன.
முஸ்லிம்கள் இவ்வுலகில் நேர்மையான வாழ்க்கையை வாழ்வதில் கவனம் செலுத்துகிறார்கள், அவர்களின் செயல்கள் அவர்களின் நித்திய விதியை தீர்மானிக்கும் என்பதை அறிந்திருக்கிறார்கள்.
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deathblossomed · 5 months
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❀࿐ Verse ( Genshin Impact. ) - Combat
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Botan is a Hydro Polearm user who does not utilize a vision for her skills. She is a support character whose kit focuses on buffing and healing. Her signature weapon is an ornate wooden oar painted with pink peonies on the paddle.
Normal Attack - Death Sent Guide - Botan deals 3 consecutive spear attacks, splashing water onto the enemy rather than the typical stab maneuver, ending with a round house kick. Charged Attack uses stamina to swing her weapon in a wide arc, much like a bat. Plunging attack features Botan riding her weapon with the point plunging downward.
Elemental Skill - Bingo! - Pointing her hand in the Spirit Gun formation, Botan aims at the active target. When the skill is triggered, Botan identifies the target's weakness, applying the Wet status effect and marking the target with the Mejiru Seal. While the seal is active, the target takes increased damage from all sources for a short amount of time.
Elemental Burst - River of Three Crossings - Botan spins in place, using her oar to direct a current of water with the force of a rushing river. The river encircles Botan, pushing light enemies along it's path and staggering heavy enemies, applies the Wet status effect. When the circle is complete, the river draws in and heals the other three party members for a percentage of her Max HP.
1st Ascension Passive - 6 Piece Toll - Botan sacrifices half of her current HP to resurrect the first party member to fall during combat. Party member will resurrect with the amount of health Botan loses. Skill refreshes at the end of combat.
4th Ascension Passive - Concentration Ring - If 6 Piece Toll has already been used, damage from the Mejiru Seal is increased by 15%.
Utility Passive - Psychic Spyglass - Displays the location of nearby Seelies
Botan doesn't fight like a typical pole arm user and instead uses her oar as a means to control the summoned hydro element. It's a blunt weapon, not a spear so she fights as such. Water follows the strikes with the base of her oar. And she's got a mean kick.
Botan can fly with the use of her oar as seen in her canon content. While this uses anemo to get herself aloft she has no other affiliations with the element. This ability is tied to her oar and she cannot achieve the same results alone.
Botan does not have a vision and instead her techniques are linked to her heritage as a Yokai.
Inspo for names and techniques
Her constellation is Stygius Paeonia - Stygius or Stygian meaning 'of the River Styx' and Paeonia meaning 'the genus name of the peony flower'.
Elemental skill 'Bingo' in reference to her catch phrase in the English Dub which I just love
River of Three Crossings is the literal translation of the Sanzu-no-kawa, the river from Japanese Budhist tradition in which souls must cross to enter the afterlife (similar to the River Styx in Greece). The river features three crossings, a bridge, a ford, and a stretch of deep snake infested waters. The path you take is dependent on your actions in life (i.e. the worse you were, the worse the crossing)
6 piece toll is in reference to Japanese funeral traditions that state a body should be buried with 6 mon (former japanese currency) in order to pay the toll to cross the river.
Mejiru Seal, Concentration Ring, & Psychic Spyglass are all Spirit Detective Tools given to Yusuke in YYH
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ericleo108 · 5 months
Westside Connection
05/03/2024 Click here for Spotify, Apple Music, or Youtube. “Westside Connection” is my 76th official release and my 116th track published. This 6-track EP features Kokane from the Alcoholics, Tash from the dirty ogs, Xzibit, and Kxng Crooked. This is intellectual music with a hardcore vibe and a west coast sound that pays homage to west coasts legends like Dr. Dre along with conscious bars along side of some of the regions top mcees. It’s more than an album, it a connection, and it not just any connection, it’s a westside connection. The beats and features are all from Anno Domini. The entire project was produced by Keyano and the cover art is by Gigzlogo from Fiverr.
I talk about this blog post and other updates in the latest Sunday update here:
I actually really like “Symphonies.” I took the liberty of explaining why I haven’t made it yet in “hot fire.” I assume the position of and alcoholic and I show you whats important at the end.
Project overgrowth was a domestic civilian disobedience campaign that got started in chat rooms in the 1990s. The government had outlawed marijuana to such a degree that even having it on your land could land you in prison for decades. The problem and advantage is the plant is everywhere, and grows like a weed. So the project was to tell people to take marijuana seeds and plant them everywhere, especially in public parks until there is an overgrowth.
I did a word of the day rhyme for months. I wanna say 7 months, without looking. It doesn’t create enough attention and I don’t have the money or willpower to really make it have that wow factor. I want it to be fun and if I have to worry about all the technical aspects its not fun. Anyways, it’s my aspiration to achieve and like I said in my top 10 that I publish ever year on the blog, to work with Dr. Dre is the ultimate dream.
(Xzibit’s verse)
Forever ever we rock the mic
Even when we’re dead the real will Rise
Like that zombie shit
That Jesus did
My music resurrects the feelin given
That self-determination
And inventive creation
And attitude that’s audacious 
X and I are legends
Next level like the episode
On the metronome
We flex on um, impeccable
The way we rhyme, it’s on a pedestal
These pussies are, delectable
My rise to the top is inevitable
Cuz I’m the shit, colorectal flow
From west coast to midwest
We have the most fun
They flex, but we test
And show them up
When you see me playa, just roll up a blunt
And we can reminisce about all songs we’ve done
Show you, how i did it all for the love
And bring this energy to the industry and build up my buzz 
So there’s one thing that I seek
I need you listening to my symphonies
What you know about a fan base
Or all the hate you can take
Or all the waves you can break
When you surfing the music sample bank
It’s my destiny, to rock these beats
I be standing on my own two bringing that heat
That fire, to light the blunt
I’m looking at Xzibit like pass the Dutch 
Alcohol and bud, I’m just tryna amass a buzz
They dissuade and front, while I rage and stunt
We fresh bud, you distillate carts 
Been real from the start, and an ace, word to cards
This shit hear not for the faint of heart
Soon I’ll be meticulously arhythmically climbing the charts
What goes up, must come down
Unless you escape Earth’s gravity and your outer space-bound
Shh, you won’t hear a sound 
As I transcend and descend on you and come for the crown
From west coast to midwest
We have the most fun
They flex, but we test
And show them up
When you see me playa Just roll up a blunt
And we can reminisce about all songs I have done
Show you that I do it for the love
And bring this energy to the industry and build up my buzz 
So there’s just one thing that I seek 
I need you listening to my symphonies
Hot Fire
I was putting in work
While you were getting worked on
I’m a hundred percent independent dawg
I own my own masters and control my songs
They trust in me because my word is bond 
Bang this in the east
Bang this in the west
Turn up the base and make it sweat
Hot fire, on the deck
I bring the heat, til she wet and vexed
I ain’t in a gang but damn I bang
These lyrics are a verbal assault that I slang
You should be offended by what I have to say
They like my evil, sinister accolades 
Sit and Stu in your hate, cuz I do what you can’t
I’m here to piss the world off and take some names
Of these wack Mcees that think they’re great
Cuz they can’t compare to what I’ve made 
I was putting in work
While you were getting worked on
I’m a hundred percent independent dawg
I own my own masters and control my songs
They trust in me because my word is bond 
Bang this in the east
Bang this in the west
Turn up the base and make it sweat
Hot fire, on the deck
I bring the heat, til she wet and vexed
I been grinding for years, without reward
I’ve made less and spent more than that job of yours
Tryna build an audience to go on tour
But the algorithm not interested in promoting my store
Success in the industry is more about
Who you know, not the songs you put out
How much you have to invest Is basically clout
Cuz you can pay for the promotion that plays you loud
In hip-hop, hard work doesn’t pay off
Unless you have an audience and can rock a crowd 
If you don’t agree then tell me how
When the room is empty that plays your sound
But This flow so retro like you got it on your iPod
I wanna get that money like a reticulating python
Real real long, like pics from a Nikon 
It’ll be forever Until I die like Rit or Dylon
I was putting in work
While you were getting worked on
I’m a hundred percent independent dawg
I own my own masters and control my songs
They trust in me because my word is bond 
Bang this in the east
Bang this in the west
Turn up the base and make it sweat
Hot fire, on the deck
I bring the heat, til she wet and vexed
Happy Hour
We drinkin beers, takin shots
As you’re sippin suds, let your body rock 
Weather in the cut, club or spot
Alcohol is what you got
This really isn’t funny, I have problems
And make them go away by shooting vodka 
My gaba receptors can’t handle the interruption
I’d probably have a seizure if i just drank nothing
So Imma lean back sippin
World Spinnin for my health
We need free healthcare
Before I can afford some help
I spend money on addiction
Not accumulating wealth
As long as a drink in my hand
The problem solves itself
At the bar playin the game “you call it”
At happy hour, 
This the type of music, To tell you how to do it
Because Technically, alcohol is a solution
My therapist said I need healing
But I don’t like sharing
So I drink, till I can’t feel feelings
Tennessee and Kentucky like a country song
That’s Jack and Jim whiskey in my cup
Thought I found a girl to love, and have some fun
Turns out I can’t remember who she was 
You’re not a bad person because you drink
We all got problems, I hope you see
It’s okay to fall apart, relapse, and binge
Tacos fall apart and we still love them
But Cirrhosis of the liver ain’t gon’ develop itself
It needs help, so call me
We drinkin beers taking shots
As your sippin suds, let your body rock 
Weather in the cut, club or spot
Alcohol is what you got
This the type of music, To tell you how to do it
Because Technically, alcohol is a solution
Damn I’m thirsty, I hope they serve me
If not I’m asserting 
Project Project Overgrowth
(Tash Verse)
Puff puff pass and blaze the weed up
From Michigan to Cali go and spread that seed stock
This is Protect Project overgrowth
Go ahead and help it grow
This sound like the dope you roll and smoke
Puff puff pass and blaze the weed up
From Michigan to Cali go and spread that seed stock
This is Protect Project overgrowth
Go ahead and help it grow
This sound like the dope you roll and smoke
Throw those seeds in ditches
Til the weed takes grip and then
Plant them in parks
Undercover at dark
On the side of the road
Or in a box in your home
They call it a weed, so plant it and let it grow
The plan is to overwhelm the government
With marijuana germaneness 
Put in the work to get
An overgrowth of permanence
Blow her back out 
Then she ask for it again like please
All my boys with the bud be like “sheesh”
I do it for the love, and that buzz, capeesh
To bad we can’t make THC outta yeast
Drink a drink that beer
I know you’re thirsty
Celebrate, go shawty, it’s your birthday
Drink a drink that beer
I know you’re thirsty
Celebrate, go shawty, it’s your birthday
God’s plant is calling you to get dirtay
What you need to do 
Is plant weed for Earth Day 
Puff puff pass and blaze the weed up
From Michigan to Cali go and spread that seed stock
This Protect Project overgrowth
Go ahead and help it grow
This sound like the dope you roll and smoke
Puff puff pass and blaze the weed up
From Michigan to Cali go and spread that seed stock
This Protect Project overgrowth
Go ahead and help it grow
This sound like the dope you roll and smoke
These cali girls got me pitchin a tent 
At Cocella wishing I was playin a set
Ride down PCH lookin out west
And she’s like “I want you to stay and get wet”
Cuz I do it for my girls
That growing all the herb
Harvest every 10 days when I’m chilling with her
She always horney, and likes to be on top
Feeling trim, and like a lollipop
Break it break it down now
How they gonna find out?
Germinate and spread around
Seeds while in your local town
Drink a drink that beer
I know your thirsty
Celebrate, go shawty, it’s your birthday
Drink a drink that beer
I know your thirsty
Celebrate, go shawty, it’s your birthday
God’s plant is calling you to get dirtay
What you need to do 
Is plant weed for Earth Day
Puff puff pass and blaze the weed up
From Michigan to Cali go and spread that seed stock
This Protect Project overgrowth
Go ahead and help it grow
This sound like the dope you roll and smoke
Puff puff pass and blaze the weed up
From Michigan to Cali go and spread that seed stock
This Protect Project overgrowth
Go ahead and help it grow
This sound like the dope you roll and smoke
I’ve made my name, like Dr Dre
I’m a legend from the lane I’ve paved
Edutainment, what you learn today?
Aspiration is the word of the day
Aspiration is about what you aspire to be
A goal that you strive for and try to believe
Obstacles in the way of what you're trying to reach
Is how you dominate adversity and learn to achieve
Failure is natural,
Make up what they lack, envoke
If you don’t have the capital
Put in the work until it’s equitable 
If you have hate in your heart, let it flow
Back into your home and shut the door
Don’t start nothing, it won’t be nothing
Unless it’s your hope
To spread some love at the show
I got that feeling and let ‘em know
Coming real,  is the next episode
I’ve made my name, like dr Dre (still)
I’m a legend From The lane I’ve paved
Edutainment, what you learn today?
Aspiration is the word of the day
Aspiration is about what you aspire to be
A goal that you strive for and try to believe
Obstacles in the way of what you're trying to reach
Is how you dominate adversity and learn to achieve
I need a doctor because I forgot about Dre
But the physician said, it’s nothing but a G thing
What your seeking, is chronic and riesling 
You gotta guilty conscious from the envy you’re feeling
No diggity, I got some California love
All the way from Michigan I’ve been telling them thugs
From the D to LBC is the simplest cuz
That’s the route of the next shipment of bud 
So I roll another blunt and try to focus
On writing dope bars while I’m toke’n
Puffin the leaf often leaves me stolid 
But Dre in my mind saying “make it explosive”
We gotta smoke that weed, some devils spinach
While tracking the lyrics on beat and rhythm
I’m telling you, look before you finish
Let me put some kush up in it
I’ve made my name, like dr Dre (still)
I’m a legend from the lane I’ve paved
Edutainment, what you learn today?
Aspiration is the word of the day
Aspiration is about what you aspire to be
A goal that you strive for and try to believe
Obstacles in the way of what you're trying to reach
Is how you dominate adversity and learn to achieve
What If 
Yo what's happening, it's King Crooked
I dedicate this to all the rappers out there
That's better than the rapper that's on right now
I know it's hard, hold up
I know you wanna make it to the tip-top
But it's difficult to get it in Hip-hop
So you side hustle, bag it in the Zip-Loc
Cause you're too lyrical to go viral on TikTok
Under the radar every time your shit drops
Cause they listening to kidz bop
And you like 'Ah nah... Dog... Y'all really think that shit's hot?!'
How many spitters the top ten got pen drop
Silence of the Lambs there's too many sheep
While you reaching for your dreams there's too many asleep
But you in there deep so you gotta keep going through the pain and the failure
You gotta keep growing
Let me tell you what this shit is about
This rap biz is a math quiz, figure it out
Bigger the problem you solve, the bigger your house
Bigger the cheques and six figure amounts hit your account
If music is your real occupation
This ain't no rap homie this is a consultation
A business conversation about your operation
I see the spot you're chasing like Roc Nation
What if you never meet Jay
You never meet Em'
What of you never meet Dre
You never meet them
You better be ready
You're never overweight to take chances
Then your chances can never be slim
I want you to make it
I know I can make it, I’ll build it up
Put in the work, but still hope for luck
In this philosophy of mine and I’ll tell you what
As long as the sun shines, Imma soak it up
I know I can make it, I’ll build it up
Put in the work, but still hope for luck
In this philosophy of mine and I’ll tell you what
As long as the sun shines, Imma soak it up
I don’t need to be at the tip-top
Just wanna represent hip-hop
Banksy to my Basquiat 
Be like exit through the gift shop
Wanna bump it loud
Make the OGs proud 
Be like he bite me here 
But made it his own sound
I wanna be like Tyrese
Represent and take the lead
Change what you see 
By educating through reach
Work with platinum producers
Teach my audience cool shit
Find a new ways to grove to it
While we’re making the music
Of course I want to meet Dr. Dre
But I’d take Timberland or DJ Quik
I would be honored to lay a rift
See if you’re open, and have the bandwidth
I’ll serve Um up like a sandwich 
Put on Jurmain Dupree as the deli meat
Pharelle as the cheese and spread upon the Mustard seed
Learn some alchemist, Classified, or the Rza
Got that Metro Boomin' Swizz Beats like J Dilla
I know I can make it, I’ll build it up
Put in the work, but still hope for luck
In this philosophy of mine and I’ll tell you what
As long as the sun shines, Imma soak it up
I know I can make it, I’ll build it up
Put in the work, but still hope for luck
In this philosophy of mine and I’ll tell you what
As long as the sun shines, Imma soak it up
It’s hard not to be dark
Damn Crooked brought the art
I think about it all the time
What if my dreams are never realized
What if I never meet Em, What if I never meet Tay
What if I never meet Mary and get carried away
What if I never meet Cary and try to marry her and stay
What if we don’t become us but face rejection all the way
What if I never find love
What if I never become the one
What if I stop putting up money
Cash my chips and say I’m done
But on the real homie, I’ve already made it
I don’t have to work but still can’t pay for it
This all me, I don’t get no help
Don’t have a label or a manager, hell
I don’t have the money, I’m going into debt
Cuz this an investment and it’s going to sell
But what if I never blow up
What is I can never afford a home
What if investing in this rap shit was what’s was really wrong
What if I never get the opportunity to get out on stage
What if they never get to see love your way
What if my meds fail and I find myself harboring
Malcontent for the ones that are starving 
What if my cards are spent
And my chips are in
I’m called and fallen
Come up short and like Van Gogh
I paint it like Bawden 
She gotta know I’m all in
I love her and the thought of it
But what if I never meet Charlotte 
I know I can make it, I’ll build it up
Put in the work, but still hope for luck
In this philosophy of mine and I’ll tell you what
As long as the sun shines, Imma soak it up
I know I can make it, I’ll build it up
Put in the work, but still hope for luck
In this philosophy of mine and I’ll tell you what
As long as the sun shines, Imma soak it up
And I know I’ll make it, cuz I’ll build it up
Put in the work, but still hope for luck
In this philosophy of mine and I’ll tell you what
As long as the sun shines, Imma soak it up
I know I can make it, I’ll build it up
Put in the work, but still hope for luck
In this philosophy of mine and I’ll tell you what
As long as the sun shines, Imma soak it up
All the what-ifs in the world can’t amount to the action you take
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anasraza25 · 6 months
Unlocking Spiritual Rewards: The Profound Benefits of Reciting Surah Mulk in Ramadan
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As the holy month of Ramadan graces us with its presence, Muslims around the world immerse themselves in acts of worship, seeking closeness to the Divine and spiritual enlightenment. Among the many practices observed during this sacred time, reciting Surah Al-Mulk holds a special significance. Beyond its inherent beauty and eloquence, this chapter of the Quran offers profound benefits that resonate deeply with believers during Ramadan.
Protection and Intercession:
Surah Al-Mulk, also known as the Sovereignty or Dominion, comprises 30 verses that delve into the sovereignty of Allah over the universe. Reciting this Surah serves as a means of seeking protection from the trials and tribulations of life. It acts as a shield against the adversities and challenges that one may encounter on their spiritual journey. In Ramadan, when the spiritual warfare intensifies, reciting Surah Al-Mulk provides a sense of security and comfort, knowing that Allah's dominion encompasses all.
Reflection and Contemplation:
Ramadan is a time for self-reflection and introspection, a period to contemplate one's actions and draw closer to Allah. Surah Al-Mulk serves as a catalyst for this process, guiding believers to ponder over the signs of Allah's creation and His divine wisdom. Each verse of this Surah invites deep contemplation, reminding us of the transient nature of life and the ultimate accountability in the Hereafter. Through reflection upon its meanings, believers gain insight into the purpose of their existence and the importance of aligning their actions with divine guidance.
Amplified Rewards:
The virtues of reciting Surah Al-Mulk are manifold, especially during Ramadan. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized the significance of this Surah, stating, "There is a Surah in the Quran which contains thirty Ayat which kept interceding for a man until his sins are forgiven. This Surah is 'Blessed is He in Whose Hand is the dominion.' (Surah Al-Mulk 67)." Such narrations highlight the immense reward awaiting those who recite Surah Al-Mulk with sincerity and devotion during Ramadan. Every verse recited is a step closer to forgiveness, mercy, and divine favor.
Connection with the Quran:
Ramadan is the month of the Quran, a time when Muslims worldwide engage in the recitation and contemplation of Allah's words. Surah Al-Mulk occupies a prominent place within this divine scripture, offering profound insights into the nature of existence and the attributes of the Creator. By reciting Surah Al-Mulk regularly during Ramadan, believers strengthen their connection with the Quran, fostering a deeper appreciation for its teachings and guidance. This spiritual bond nurtured during the blessed month continues to flourish, enriching the believer's relationship with the Quran throughout the year.
Preparation for the Hereafter:
As believers strive to attain spiritual purification and draw closer to Allah during Ramadan, reciting Surah Al-Mulk serves as a means of preparation for the Hereafter. This Surah vividly depicts the Day of Judgment, urging believers to reflect on their deeds and their consequences. By internalizing its message and seeking refuge in Allah's mercy, believers equip themselves with the spiritual armor needed to navigate the challenges of the afterlife. Through the recitation of Surah Al-Mulk, believers affirm their belief in the resurrection and the accountability awaiting them in the Hereafter.
In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it is easy to lose sight of the spiritual essence of Ramadan. However, amidst the fasting and prayers, the recitation of Surah Al-Mulk serves as a reminder of the profound blessings and rewards awaiting those who seek closeness to Allah. As believers immerse themselves in the beauty of this Surah during Ramadan, they find solace, guidance, and spiritual elevation. Through its verses, they embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, seeking forgiveness, and drawing closer to the Divine. Indeed, the benefits of reciting Surah Al-Mulk in Ramadan are as boundless as the mercy of Allah.
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surahalwaqia · 8 months
Unveiling the Riches of Surah Waqiah: A Comprehensive Guide
Surah Waqiah, a chapter from the Holy Quran, holds profound significance in Islamic teachings. This article explores the benefits, meaning, and the best times to read Surah Waqiah, drawing insights from the comprehensive guide available.
Understanding the Meaning of Surah Waqiah:
Surah Waqiah, often referred to as "The Inevitable" or "The Event," is the 56th chapter of the Quran. Its verses delve into the afterlife, presenting a vivid portrayal of the destinies that await individuals based on their deeds.
Spiritual and Material Benefits:
Wealth and Prosperity: Many believers attest to the financial blessings associated with regularly reciting Surah Waqiah. It is believed to open doors to sustenance and prosperity.
Protection from Poverty: The Surah is also considered a shield against poverty, and reciting it is believed to secure one's financial well-being.
Best Time to Read Surah Waqiah:
Before Sleeping: Reciting Surah Waqiah before retiring for the night is believed to invite divine blessings and safeguard against financial hardships.
Fridays: The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) recommended reading Surah Waqiah on Fridays to seek Allah's mercy and blessings.
Seeking Barakah Through Surah Waqiah:
Increased Sustenance: Believers turn to Surah Waqiah to seek Allah's mercy for an increase in their livelihood and sustenance.
Protection from Hardships: The Surah is seen as a source of protection from life's trials and tribulations.
Healing Through Surah Waqiah:
Spiritual Healing: The recitation of Surah Waqiah is considered a means of spiritual healing, bringing peace and tranquility to the heart.
Physical Ailments: Some believe in the Surah's efficacy in seeking healing for physical ailments when recited with sincerity and faith.
The Impact of Surah Waqiah on the Hereafter:
Intercession on Judgment Day: Surah Waqiah is believed to intercede on behalf of those who recite it regularly, offering hope for a favorable judgment on the Day of Resurrection.
Entry to Paradise: It is said that those who recite Surah Waqiah will be blessed with an easy and pleasant entry into Paradise.
Surah Waqiah stands as a powerful chapter with spiritual, material, and healing benefits. Regular recitation, understanding its meaning, and embracing it as a source of solace can contribute to a fulfilling and enriched life. For more in-depth insights and guidance, visit Surah-Al-Waqia.
Remember, the power of Surah Waqiah lies not only in its recitation but also in the sincerity and faith with which it is approached. May this guide inspire a deeper connection with this profound chapter from the Holy Quran.
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hell-ama-official · 1 year
Is there life after death?
What happens after death?
Is there an afterlife?
Where do you go when you die?
How can I not go to hell?
What is eternal life?
What does the Bible say about hell?
Is hell real? Is hell eternal?
Does hell exist?
Does heaven exist?
Can people in heaven look down and see those of us who are still on the earth?
How can Heaven be perfect if all of our loved ones are not there?
How is eternity in Hell a fair punishment for sin?
How is an eternity in hell a just punishment for only a human lifetime of sin?
What does the Bible say about reincarnation?
What does the Bible say about death?
Do we have an appointed time of death?
What does the Bible say about near death experiences?
What is the first resurrection? What is the second resurrection?
Will we remember our earthly lives when we are in Heaven?
What are the New Heavens and the New Earth?
Will it be possible for us to sin in Heaven?
Will there be such a thing as gender in Heaven?
Why do so many people have to experience terrible suffering before death?
What is the New Jerusalem?
Is Luke 16:19-31 a parable or an account of events that actually occurred?
Where is Heaven? What is the location of Heaven?
Where is hell? What is the location of hell?
What is the intermediate state?
What is the difference between Sheol, Hades, Hell, the lake of fire, Paradise, and Abraham’s bosom?
Is hell literally a place of fire and brimstone?
What are the five heavenly crowns that believers can receive in Heaven?
Does John 3:13 mean that no one went to Heaven before Jesus?
Do we receive mansions in heaven?
Will more people go to heaven or to hell?
What are the gates of hell?
What is the river of life?
What does it mean to be absent from the body?
What is Abraham’s bosom?
What is eternal death?
If reincarnation is not true, why do some people remember their past lives?
Is there a heavenly language? What language will we speak in heaven?
How will our resurrection body be different from our current body?
Why is the idea of eternal damnation so repulsive to many people?
What is the second death?
What is the eternal state of the believer?
If God is omnipresent, does that mean God is in hell?
Is it biblical to say "˜rest in peace' (RIP) in regards to someone who has died?
What does it mean that hell is eternal separation from God?
Is Satan the master of hell? Do Satan and his demons punish people in hell?
Did God create hell?
What is the worm that will not die in Mark 9:48?
Is the idea of seven heavens / the seventh heaven biblical?
What are the heavenly places/realms?
How can we store up treasures in heaven?
What does hell look like? How hot is hell?
What is Gehenna?
What is the verse about casting our crowns before the feet of Jesus?
Will there be tears in heaven?
What kind of bodies will people have in hell?
What is hadephobia?
What is conditional immortality?
What sort of condolences should a Christian give someone who is hurting after the death of a loved one?
What does it mean that the dead know nothing (Ecclesiastes 9:5)?
How big is heaven?
Are there pearly gates in heaven?
What is Tartarus?
What do I need to do to hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant" when I arrive in heaven?
What does it mean that hell is referred to as a lake of fire?
How can a loving God send someone to hell?
What is the second heaven?
What is the Abyss?
Can I ask God to deliver a message to a loved one who has died?
When was hell created?
What is Judgment Day?
What is the biblical view of mortality?
What is the moment of death according to the Bible?
You formulate your thoughts like a hyperactive five year old after they had a slice of birthday cake, two cups of tea with three sugars while sneaking in some candy. It is a truth of the universe that nobody can treat you seriously. If these are legitimate concerns you're having, go ask a preacher. They'll tell you about this way better than I can. Alternatively, if you can access Tumblr, you can probably access some sort of search engine. I haven't read through all of these questions, but there is no doubt in my mind that most of them (eg. "What is hadephobia?") will have responses on the web. This is borderline spam, but I'm going to publish this anyway as a way of displaying the current state of my inbox.
Next time you send in a question, not just to me, but to anyone, make sure there's a point in asking the question to them in particular, and phrase it in a more digestible way.
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