#after weeks of being MIA I'm back to disappear again just like Lunas
cursed-herbalist · 2 years
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𝓛𝓾𝓷𝓪𝓼 𝓖𝓻𝓲𝓯𝓯𝓲𝓷 𝓐𝓿𝓮𝓻𝔂
Gryffindor • Pureblood • British/German • Taurus • ENTP • Auror (Infiltration Specialist) • Trained Airforce Pilot
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A/N: If your Ocs want to be friends or rivals with Lunas or if you have a love interest for him hmu!
Name: Lunas Griffin Avery
Meaning: Lunas is Latin, meaning 'moon'; Griffin is Welsh, meaning 'lord' or 'prince'
Nicknames: -
Birthdate: 2nd May 1887 (10:34 AM)
Zodiac Sign: Taurus Sun, Virgo Moon, Leo Rising
Personality Type (MBTI): ENTP
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Gender Identity: Wizard (he/him)
Blood-Status: Pureblood
Nationality: British/German
Residence: London, England
Hometown: Upper Flagley (Wizarding Town) / Doncaster, Yorkshire, England
Languages: English, German, French, Latin, Greek, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Finnish
Physical Appearance
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Faceclaim: Volker Bruch
Hair: dark brown
Eyes: green
Height: 180cm
Weight: 68kg
Body Type: fit, slim
Skin Tone: fair
Distinguishing Marks (scars, birthmarks, etc.): mole on his right cheek, eye bags for days
Accent: Yorkshire/RP British mix
What do they carry on them?: notebook, wand, a bitch face, cigarettes and a lighter
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Father: Osiris Dorian Avery - Former British Ambassador to Germany, now a British Delegate in the International Confederation of Wizards. Very traditional and strict. Can get very angry and intimidating. Expects excellence and exquisite behaviour from his children at all times. His relationship with his children is rather complicated.
fc: Thomas Kretschmann
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Mother: Cynthia Avery née Silberstein - Housewife. German. Besties with Helena Enfield. Likes to gossip and is a bit judgy. Throwing lavish parties makes her happy. Loves her children dearly and really enjoys being a mother but doesn’t want to cross her husband.
fc: Michelle Williams
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Younger sister: Odessa Lilian Avery (1889) - Odessa had always been the most rebellious of the bunch. Even if Lunas adored her for it, he sometimes wished she'd listen to their father more. Using his 'favourite son' privilege he tried his best to soften the blows Odessa would face as a consequence of her behaviour. He, constantly, was walking a tightrope between wishing to protect her and pleasing his father which is why their relationship remained complicated but nonetheless loving. Even if his father despised her for eloping with that 'useless squib boy' he still kept in touch with her after it.
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Youngest sister: Ione Lumina Avery (1893) - Precious Ione had always been scared of their father. She preferred to keep her nose buried in a book, as it helped block out her surroundings. Even if she admired her sister Odessa for her uprightness, she much rather preferred to stay quiet about most matters. Gifted with a big imagination she liked to escape the world with art.
fc: Saskia Rosendahl (or Freya Tingley?)
As the firstborn son of a pure-blood family, Lunas has always felt pressured to meet society's and his family's expectations. Raised in the iron fist of his father, he became a well-accomplished young man with a slight attitude yet a secretly soft heart.
Growing up in Doncaster, and with a Muggle RFC base nearby, he found joy in watching the first test flights and admiring the soldiers from afar. His fascination with aeroplanes ultimately prompted him to join the military and become one of the first (fighter) pilots once he graduated from Hogwarts—much to his father’s dismay. Although fairly talented at it, he eventually gave in to the pressure his father was inflicting on him and pursued a different career at the Ministry. What his father didn't know is that Lunas somehow found a way to keep up his duty in the army while receiving training in aviation. His talent to charm people into giving him information would come in handy there, quickly making him a valuable asset to the Auror Office.
During his years of working his way up in the Ministry, he has been in many precarious situations. Yet one incident, in particular, shook him to the core. On one mission, he was hunting down a particularly dangerous Dark wizard. Unfortunately, when he tried to hit him with a spell, he hit his fellow colleague instead. The poor sod fell off the roof and to his death. To this day, it is beyond him why his working buddy didn't try to disapparate or stop the fall but that's beside the point. Scared of the consequences, he blamed it on the Dark wizard who was able to escape. Admittedly, not his finest hour.
A few years later, at the brink of WWI, Lunas was tasked to keep an eye on the German Ministry of Magic as it seemed to take the ‘no-wizard-involvement’ pact rather loosely. Making sure the German wizards didn’t manipulate the war in their favour, he posed as a German Airforce Captain and infiltrated the German muggle military to keep an eye on wizard activities. This, however, should only be a very short endeavour as much more pressing matters were coming up back home in England.
Dark wizards, threatening to take down the Ministry, were quickly gaining followers. Luckily, Lunas had already established a secure standing within their ranks as this had been brooding for quite a while. Little did he know that Ren Godfrey, the Dark WIzard whom he had encountered on the said roof before, would join them. Ren knew who Lunas was and about his slip-ups in the past. He had no qualms about using this information as leverage against him, making Lunas his little minion.
Will Lunas find a way out of this mess? Hopefully.
House: Gryffindor
Best Class: DADA, Transfiguration, Flying
Worst Class: Herbology
Quidditch: Seeker
Clubs: Duelling Club
Wand: Blackthorn Wood, Pheonix Core, 13 1/2” Length, Slightly Yielding Flexibility
➔ Blackthorn, which is a very unusual wand wood, has the reputation, in my view well-merited, of being best suited to a warrior. This does not necessarily mean that its owner practises the Dark Arts (although it is undeniable that those who do so will enjoy the blackthorn wand’s prodigious power); one finds blackthorn wands among the Aurors as well as among the denizens of Azkaban. It is a curious feature of the blackthorn bush, which sports wicked thorns, that it produces its sweetest berries after the hardest frosts, and the wands made from this wood appear to need to pass through danger or hardship with their owners to become truly bonded. Given this condition, the blackthorn wand will become as loyal and faithful a servant as one could wish.
Animagus: Crow (unregistered?)
Boggart: not being good enough (however that would manifest)
Riddikulus: tbd
Patronus: Crow
Patronus Memory: his first training flight
Mirror of Erised: tbd
Amortentia (what he smells like): tobacco, petrol, cedar, iron and a hint of vanilla
Amortentia (what he smells): tbd
Magical Abilities: -
11–17: Student at Hogwarts 18–26(?): Soldier, Royal Flying Corps (RFC), Fighter Pilot (technically didn't exist yet but you get the idea) 22-?: Auror for the British Ministry (Specialist for Infiltration)
Important Events
1913-onward: Establishes a standing with the brooding Dark wizards' movement 1914-1916: Infiltrates the German Muggle Army to keep an eye on wizard activities (poses as an Airforce Captain); also keeps an eye on the other involved war parties
Personality & Attitude
Personality: Lunas is aware of his talents and wants to share them with the world. Although somewhat cautious, he's an adventurous soul and is brave about the choices he makes in life.
His inner stability, confidence, and practicality combine to make his progress in life very smooth. People often turn to him for advice, as his advice is always reasonable and well thought out.
He has a sharp, analytical, and penetrating mind. His attention to detail, exactness, and overall fussiness help to put his plans into action.
Unlike his sister, it’s not easy to ruffle his feathers. Even if there are obstacles he will easily transcend them through sheer determination and willpower. As his life usually runs quite smoothly he has adopted some sort of a smug outlook.
Lunas prefers his surroundings to be highly active and stimulating, for in a passive or tranquil environment he can become lethargic. He functions best where the competition is intense and the responsibility is great. Eloquent and highly persuasive, his words are always measured to produce an effect and he just loves to tease his friends and loved ones.
Strengths: charming/silver tongue, observant, fast learner, adaptable, stealthy, witty, responsible
Weaknesses: always looking for a new challenge (wants to prove himself), represses his emotions a lot (it might not be healthy)
Stressors: dark wizards, getting blackmailed, his father, having to do questionable things to keep up his cover (it gets easier over time)
Comfort: having a smoke, having a drink, indulging/having a good time, stimulating conversation
Priorities: proving himself and his capability, not getting caught
Colours: anything as long as it's dark but probably dark brown
Food: he's pretty undemanding when it comes to food, as long as it tastes good it's fine
Drink: a well-aged bourbon
Flowers: anything that makes the woman he desires happy, maybe daisies (but shhhh)
Books: newspapers, secret documents that he definitely wasn't supposed to see
Weather: clear skies, not too windy
Hobbies: learning languages, flying (aeroplanes and brooms), aeroplanes in general, snooping around, chatting with people, travelling, going out/having a drink
Style: normal upper/middle-class attire
His most valued possessions: his military insignias, the wristwatch his father gave him for graduating from Hogwarts with excellent grades
Significant Other/Love Interest: Leda Gaunt @gaygryffindorgal - tbd
Best friend: Alexej Kavinsky @potionboy3 - tbd
Friends: Open for friendships if you're interested :)
Melvyn 'Melv' Enfield @potionboy3 - Childhood friend and colleague. Never understood why Melv never made a move on his sister Ode, as he very clearly seemed to have feelings for her.
Ares Gaunt @gaygryffindorgal - Ex-rivals at school, now colleagues? The relationship is yet to be determined.
Kit Enfield @potionboy3 - Lunas never really liked Kit as he thought him to have a bad influence on Odessa. Maybe his parent's views influenced this just a little bit.
Ren Godfrey / T.O.W.E.R @potionboy3 - Lunas and Ren have had a few run-ins with each other – all of which haven't ended well. When Ren joins the Dark wizard group that Lunas has been tasked to observe, he's quick to blackmail Lunas into working for him.
The AM (Anti-Muggle) movement
Headcanons & MISC:
collects fake passports like stamps
Lunas Avery aka Jonas Bergheim (German) aka Lewis Dalton (American) aka Lucien Arnaud (French) aka Ilya Semizdralov (Russian)
perpetual frowner
night owl and early bird (RIP)
no one ever knows where he's at / has a habit of just disappearing (usually because of his job)
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