#after i finish my last few comms i'll close them i think
donnyclaws · 8 months
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Hiii doing this again. I'm a disabled transthing who's having to resign from its job soon because my baseline for fibromyalgia has gotten too bad to push through, and my tolerance for even commission work has gotten really really low, which is deeply upsetting and annoying. I have so many zines over here and you can grab all of them for a cute $7 (and a bunch of free ones). I also have a kofi and Patreon as tip jars and a toyhous.e for adoptable designs. Obviously there's bigger things to focus on first but anything is appreciated <3
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lifetimeshipper · 22 days
No End In Sight
Chapter 11
"What happened?" Fowler asked as Ratchet set Optimus on a med berth and got to work on his injuries, never minding his own.
"We were attacked by Arcee," Bulkhead replied as he helped Bumblebee over to another berth.
"She's still under Megatron's control?"
"She was, but we managed to destroy the chip. But the Decepticons came and took her before we could get her," Ratchet explained quickly as he tried to stop the Energon flow coming out of Optimus' neck and chest. "I need your help, Bulkhead!"
Bulkhead looked at him in shock, "Are you s--?"
Bulkhead ran over to help, "What can I do?"
"Put pressure on the wounds!"
Bulkhead adds pressure as Ratchet goes to get some Energon and sets up the Energon machine, he then hooks up the machine to Optimus, along with an IV. He transforms his servo into his welder and starts welding together the wound on his chest since it's the most critical. By now, Optimus had passed out from pain and Energon loss. The others looked on as Ratchet frantically tried to save Optimus.
After over an hour of pinching circuits and welding metal, Ratchet finishes fixing up Optimus and Bumblebee and is now finishing up fixing himself, with Bulkhead's help, as he leans against a wall feeling exhausted. Optimus is still unconscious and Bumblebee has slipped into recharge, Ratchet was ready to slip into recharge as well but he had to finish up.
Fowler and the kids looked at the bots as they recovered from their encounter, they wished they could help but they knew nothing about Cybertronian medicine or their bodies. "Is Optimus gonna make it?" Fowler asked as he looked at Prime on the medical berth hooked up to machines.
"He's stable but it's uncertain right now, we'll have to see after we all got some rest."
"What do you think they'll do to Arcee now that the chip is destroyed?" Jack asked with worry.
"Not sure, no doubt Megatron will put her under his control again," Ratchet replied.
"Is there another way?" Miko asked.
"They could have another chip or they could use another way, there are a few ways to control a bot's processor," Ratchet explained as he welded up the last bit of his armor.
As soon as he finishes the alarm goes off alerting them of 'Con activity, "Guess I'll be taking care of this on my own," Bulkhead said as he walked over to the controls to open the Ground Bridge.
"I don't think that's wise," Ratchet protests.
"I'm the only one who can," Bulkhead says just as more alarms go off to inform them of more 'Con activity. "They're busy today."
"Of course, because they know we're in no shape to stop them. What are they after?"
"Energon crystals it seems."
Ratchet lets out a deep sigh, "We'll have to let them have it this time..."
Bulkhead just sighed as he headed to his room, he knew arguing with Ratchet was pointless and he was exhausted. Fowler and the kids just watched the bots with worry, the fight with Arcee paid a heavy toll on them, both physically and emotionally.
:: Lord Megatron. :: One of the Vehicons speaks over the comlink.
"Do you have the Energon?"
:: Yes, and no sign of the Autobots. ::
"No show up at all?"
:: No, my lord. ::
Megatron let out a dark chuckle, "Excellent. Get the Energon back here asap."
:: Yes, sir. :: The Vehicon said before the comm closed.
Once the comm ended, Megatron let out a dark, hearty laugh, "Arcee has rendered the Autobots useless, they can't even fight right now. Thanks to her things are starting to go our way." Megatron turned around to face his crew, "Knock Out, go see to Arcee and make sure she has no serious injuries, and make sure she has plenty of Energon. She has proven to be an excellent weapon against Prime and his team and I don't want to lose her."
"Yes, my liege," Knock Out said with a bow before leaving.
"But, my lord, how will you control her with no chip?" Airachnid stepped forward and asked.
"There are other ways and I'm sure I will find a way that will give me full control, without any mishaps."
"Not to question your judgment, sir, but I think I would suit better than that worthless --"
Megatron interrupted her with a growl, "You and the rest of the Decepticons have been proving to be no match for the Autobots, none of you have been able to take them down! But Arcee has beaten them down and rendered them useless and helpless! So don't second guess my judgment again, Airachnid!"
Airachnid flinched back, "S-sorry, my lord."
"With all due respect, Lord Megatron, I have extinguished the Autobot Cliffjumper," Starscream pipes up, bragging as always.
"Yes... How could I forget?" Megatron says sarcastically as he rolls his optics, "But have you been able to do any damage to the Autobots since? Better yet, to Optimus Prime?"
"Well, I was about to kill him off that one time before you...." Starscream started but then trailed off as he realized his situation.
Megatron glared at him, "Please continue, Starscream. Before I what?"
"Uhh... Nothing, you're right like always, my lord. Arcee has been an excellent weapon against the Autobots and we must be sure to keep her well," Starscream responded as he shrunk before the warlord. Megatron just scoffed as he turned around towards the monitors again.
Arcee sat in the brig still going over what Megatron had told her. What makes her so special? Why wasn't it one of the others? She wouldn't wish this on any of her teammates but she couldn't help but wonder why they chose to take her captive and not one of the others. She started thinking about her teammates and she wondered how they were fairing. She wondered how badly she had injured them. 
She couldn't remember much of the fight just that Optimus, Ratchet, and Bumblebee were injured pretty badly, Optimus especially, and by her own blades. She feels just horrible for what she did but she knows she wasn't acting on her own accord, and her team knows it too. How badly injured are they? Are any of the injuries fatal? Questions just keep running through her processor and it's starting to irritate her, mostly because she can't find out the answers as long as she's locked up. All she can do is pray that her friends are okay and aren't injured too badly.
Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard the cell door open and she looked and saw Knock Out standing in front of her with medic supplies and Energon in his servos. Arcee looked at the Energon with hungry optics as she hadn't had any in a good while and was needing some, but at the same time, she was weary. She doesn't trust the Decepticon medic or any of the 'Cons, the Energon could be poisoned for all she knows. She vows never to take any Energon from them, not only because she's wary of it but because she doesn't want to give in to them, to not show she's weak and needs their help. She just watches the medic as he approaches her, "Hello, Arcee. How are you feeling?" Knock Out asks as he squats down right in front of her.
Arcee glares at him, "Why do you care, 'Con?"
"I'm the medic, I'm supposed to care," Knock Out responds trying to sound sincere, but Arcee wasn't buying it and she just hardened her glare. Knock Out rolled his optics, "Lord Megatron wanted me to see to you and make sure you are fine. Which you are by the way," Knock Out confesses, saying the last part with a smirk as he looks over her frame.
"Watch it, Knock Out, or I'll mess up that finish of yours," Arcee threatened.
Knock Out laughed at that, "How? You're chained up!"
"I'm sure I'll find a way."
Knock Out just laughed some more, "St-stop it! I-I can't t-take anymore!" Knock Out says as he continues laughing. Once he stops he wipes some lubricant from his optic, "You're funny. Were you the comedian of your team?"
Arcee just glares at him and growls. Knock Out moves closer to her and she tries to pull back but to no avail, "Stay away from me!" She growls at him.
"You know, I liked you better when you were under Megatron's control. Well, he'll have you under his control again soon."
Arcee tried to hold her glare but it started to falter as fear started taking over at hearing what he said, "He won't, I won't let him!"
Knock Out just laughs again as he runs a digit down the side of her faceplate, "There's nothing you can do."
Arcee pushed his servo away and scowled, she wouldn't admit it but she knew he was right and it scared her a bit. She really needs to find a way to escape. Knock Out just chuckled as he scanned her, "Nothing serious, just some scratches and small dents, easy fix."
"You're not touching me!" Arcee spat out venomously.
Knock Out just sighed and shook his helm as he placed some Energon in front of her face, "Drink. Lord Megatron wants you fit and healthy."
Arcee grabs the Energon cube, but instead of drinking it, she throws it at Knock Out making it shatter and leaving small scratches over one side of his chest and his shoulder and Energon dripping off his frame. Arcee smirked, "Told you I'd find a way."
Knock Out started fuming, "HOW DARE YOU!!?? YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!!" He said as he got out his electric rod and got ready to strike. Arcee's smirk went away as a twinge of fear hit her for a moment but then left, she just closed her optics and prepared herself for the shock... But nothing happened. She opens her optics to see the rod an inch from her frame and a tentacle wrapped around the medic's arm.
"That's not wise," Soundwave says as he pulls the medic back.
Knock Out growled and put away his rod, "I shall inform Megatron of your disobedience!" He says to Arcee before leaving the cell.
Once Knock Out was gone, Soundwave turned to Arcee, "You shouldn't have done that."
"Why? If I don't want any Energon I'm not gonna drink it and it served him right!" Arcee snapped back, "I don't want any Energon from you 'Cons." She tried to sound harsh like she was with Knock Out but for some reason, she couldn't and her tone came out softer than she wanted, but there was still some bite in it.
"Why refuse and fight when Megatron's just gonna force you to drink it?"
Arcee just scoffed as she turned away from him and Soundwave watched her. Good thing she can't remember anything from when she was under Megatron's control because it means she can't remember me telling her my feelings. Which is both good and bad in a way, but since she can't remember this situation is less awkward. Soundwave said to himself as he continued to look at Arcee, it pains him to think that she doesn't remember but at the same time is relieved. 
It's also paining him to think of what Megatron will do to her after Knock Out tells him about what just happened, he's gonna beat her until she submits. It hurts his spark to think about but there's nothing he can do, she's doing it to herself. "You're only making it harder on yourself... You're not affecting us in any way, only hurting yourself."
At that, Arcee looked back up to him and he looked into her optics, the same blue and lavender color optics that mesmerized him the first time he saw them. He looked into them and felt relief and happiness that she had them back instead of the colorless and soulless optics she had before. Arcee scoffed again which brought Soundwave out of his trance, "Why do you care what happens to me?"
Soundwave just stayed silent, he's not gonna reveal his feelings again until the right time.
Megatron was still on the bridge looking at the monitors, watching out for the Vehicons getting the Energon so he could get them back to the ship when they were done retrieving it when Knock Out walked in. "Knock Out, how is Arcee doing?"
Knock Out growled, "She has no serious injuries, just some scratches and dents which I can fix. But she's refusing medical care and she refused the Energon I was giving her! She threw it at me and wasted it all over me as well as scratched my paint!"
Megatron turned around to look at him with rage in his optics, "She what!!??"
"You heard right, she refused medical help and the Energon!" Knock Out repeated as he looked at the scratches in his paint job with disgust.
Megatron let out an enraged growl as he walked past Knock Out to head off the bridge, "She's trying to be disobedient I see, well I'll show her!" He says as he walks off the bridge and heads to Arcee's cell.
After a moment of watching Arcee, Soundwave turns to leave the cell. He walks out and closes the door behind him then heads up the corridor, he comes across Megatron heading towards the cell. Soundwave watched him as he passed then went to walk behind him, he knew this was gonna be bad.
Arcee sees the two mechs walk into the cell and she feels a chill run over her body as fear engulfs her when her optics lay upon an enraged Megatron. The warlord walks over to her, kicks her in the chest, then bends down and punches her before grabbing her by the throat and lifting her up. He jerked her towards him with her body coming forward and her arms stretching out behind her, the chains rubbed against her servos as her wrist and arms started hurting, feeling like they were about to be ripped out of place. But she bared the pain as she looked into Megatron's red optics with fear in her own, 
"What's the meaning of this disobedience!? You dare refuse the offer of help I provide!? You will take the medical treatment and you will drink the Energon we give you even if I have to force it down your throat!!" He slams her into the wall, releases her throat, and lets her slide down to the ground before slamming his foot against her frame pinning her to the wall. "I will beat you to scrap every time you refuse and I will force you to take the Energon whether you like it or not! Keep in mind just because I see you as a valuable weapon and I don't want to lose you doesn't mean I won't kill you if you push me too far, because I will still kill you if you push it!!" He shouts as he looks down at her and adds pressure onto her frame making it hard for her to function. 
She felt like her body was gonna burst, as though her spark was gonna pop out of her chest with as much pressure that was being applied to her body. Errors and system failure warnings started popping up as she tried to keep her body functioning and tried to stay awake. Megatron stomped on her, moving her body down to a laying position on the floor as he kept his foot on her body, "Do I make myself clear!?"
Arcee looked up at him as things started getting blurry and her vision started fading, her body was going into shut down. She opened her mouth to speak but couldn't get anything to come out, she couldn't get out any response to his question as her body started fading out and shutting down. Then darkness, nothing but darkness...
Chapter 1
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agentgumsh0e · 3 years
the snow melts for spring (bitter cold pt.2, sova x reader)
summary: you're back on a mission from mirror earth to earth-1. though somehow, everything leads back to him.
word count: 4800+
warnings: mentions of death, injury, and blood, angst, hurt with comfort
bitter cold, pt. 1
the last thing you wanted after 1. seeing earth-1’s sova after your sova died just a few months ago, and 2. spending a couple of days under sage’s medical care, was to be chewed out by brimstone, no doubt about your latest mission’s failure.
as you were taking a break from the recent events, still reeling from his words, you saw brimstone coming down the hall from your seat at the kitchen counter. you huffed as you reluctantly turned your gaze to him.
“you. my office. now,” he said, stopping at the end of the hall to point before turning on his heel.
groaning, you followed in his wake. you dreaded the long-winded lecture that old man was going to make you sit through.
he kept the door open for you and tilted his head toward the seat in front of his desk, gesturing for you to sit down. brimstone took his seat across from you, crossing his arms.
after a beat of continued stillness as you pursed your lips, he started, “so. you gonna tell me what happened?”
taking a deep breath, you recounted your mission vividly, the memories as fresh as if it had happened seconds ago.
when you were finished, he closed his eyes and kept them shut while he spoke, “you're tellin’ me that he spared you, right?”
“...mhm,” you hummed hesitantly, unsure of where this was going.
he opened his eyes again. “hmm. to my understandin’, it seems like he has a soft spot for you.”
you raised your eyebrow. “well, i wouldn't say that-”
“judging by their previous appearances, cypher got some intel on earth-1’s spike site patrols,” as you closed your mouth after being interrupted, brimstone pushed on, “he's made a schedule that predicts sova patrolling split at noon tomorrow.”
you were stunned speechless for a moment, before regaining your voice, “and what does that have to do with me?”
it was your turn to cross your arms, glaring at your superior for not getting to the point. by the stubborn look on his face, you figured out what he was about to say. “wait. brimstone, don't tell me-”
“you're goin’ to split tomorrow to catch their sova for interrogation,” he finished, confirming your guess, “since it looks like that sova went easy on you last time, it's likely that he will again. makes him an easy target for us.”
you stood up quickly, sending your chair back. “i- you can’t make me see him again, brimstone. i'm not even sure he'll spare me this time! he had the perfect opportunity to put a bullet in my head before, so who's to say that he won't follow through now?”
“you've got a better chance than the rest of us, (y/n),” brimstone said in a tone that left no rebuttal, “and quit worryin’, we’ll be ready if anything happens.”
“brimstone, you can't-”
“that's enough, kid,” he said firmly, “i can, and i will. you're our best shot at taking that radianite. you've got backup waiting for you, too. we're counting on those skills of yours.”
you opened your mouth to find that you had nothing to say that would change his mind. you sighed resignedly and conceded, “i'll be ready at noon.” you pushed your chair back in place and left brimstone's office, trying to think of how you could possibly prepare yourself for this ordeal.
muttering under your breath, barely quiet enough so your words wouldn't be picked up by brimstone on comms, you teleported to split’s defenders spawn.
“alright, i’m here,” you whispered, inspecting your gun. “but where is he?”
“cypher’s info tells us that he should be watching up at b-rafters now,” brimstone said in your earpiece, “see if you can sneak up on him.”
in case he was checking behind him at b-stairs, you turned invisible, sneaking silently up the stairs until he was in sight. in spite of the weight of this mission, you took a moment to stare at him, his mismatched eyes focused as he scoped in on his gun, darting from here to there.
you're practically the same as him. you gulped, locking your gun onto his body so as to keep him alive for interrogation. you didn't feel ready to see him again, not so soon after what happened last time. you took another step, and somehow sova's eyes flicked towards your direction. shit.
someone's here, sova thought, scanning b-stairs while he exchanged his gun for his bow. he nocked a shock dart, and it seemed like he was looking straight at you. his eyes were as cold as they were then. could it be her again?
trusting his hunter’s intuition, he pulled the bowstring back and released. you realized you had started running too late, shouting as the dart caught you in your back and revealed your body.
with your cover blown, you sent duplicates to crowd around him as you ran out to b-alley.
“(y/n)!” you heard, followed by gunshots as sova dispelled your copies. you targeted the entrance to b-stairs if he saw you go into the alley.
instead, sova shot a recon bolt into b-site, and you swiftly moved to get out of its range. steadying your breathing, you peeked to see him coming down from rafters into the site. he pointed his gun at your position as you narrowly dodged his line of sight.
you took control of a decoy, maneuvering it to run into his view and disappear into b-back. he shot it as it ran by before it hid behind the boxes.
he cornered your decoy, which was seemingly hurt by the way it cradled its hand, and it was the same scene from icebox again. he prepared to shoot, and from the decoy’s perspective, it seemed like it would be lethal by the way he gripped the gun tightly.
“i told you to never come back, (y/n),” he said, towering over the decoy with a solemn look, “but i've caught you again.”
‘you’ smirked despite the apparent circumstances and signaled sova to turn around. quickly dismissing control of your decoy, you rushed out and shot his hand and his legs as he turned around, forcing him into the corner where your decoy had been.
“what a nice view,” you said, smiling dryly. “the hunter in the position of his prey for once.”
“(y/n),” sova said with an indecipherable tone, narrowing his eyes at you.
“that's me,” you said, unmuting your earpiece and calling for brimstone to prepare for your arrival. you pulled out specially made cuffs, courtesy of the techies back at protocol, and secured his hands behind his back, noting in the back of your mind that you were speaking far too much to him.
perhaps defensively? to not risk revealing your emotions to this other sova again? you couldn't let them get in the way this time.
“though, i’m probably not the one you would’ve preferred to see.”
“good work, (y/n),” brimstone commended you as the two of you stood behind the two-way glass of the interrogation room, in which was sova with his hands bound to the table. whatever he was truly feeling was hidden with a controlled expression. “we've already scanned him for anything he might've brought with him.”
“remind me, why am i here again? can't you get someone else to interrogate him? like cypher?” you said in exasperation. i've had enough of this sova for a long while.
“i don't believe anyone else could do this job. besides, cypher had a certain way of extractin’ information before protocol. let's not encourage him, please,” brimstone said, shaking his head, “anyways, you'll wanna be here for the next part of your mission.”
“i thought my mission was over when i caught him,” you questioned, arching an eyebrow.
“i may have neglected to tell you about phase two of the plan,” brimstone admitted, “you would have never done it if i had.”
“tell me my lucky news, then.”
“you'll need to pretend like earth-1’s (y/n) survived,” he said, ignoring the surprise on your face, “get back into their protocol, and get all their information on the spike sites.”
there were many things about this plan that you were unwilling to do, like integrating into the enemy team with the chance of being caught raising the stakes, but one in particular held your attention. “...so, i have to pretend to be...his girlfriend?”
“by the looks of it, yes,” he affirmed, turning to you, “you got a problem with that?”
“brimstone, it just feels,” you wavered, trying to find a word that would encompass everything that you felt at this, “...wrong. that sova isn't him.”
the older man sighed, and he looked at you with something close to compassion. “i know, kid, it's a shame it has to be like this. just tell us everything they know and soon their radianite will be ours. you can take a break when it's all over.”
the room was quiet as you came to terms with your mission. “what makes you think he'll follow through with this?”
“while we were distracting earth-1 during your mission, we managed to place a tracker made by cypher on board. led us straight to their headquarters, and we rigged it to explode,” on his arm’s bracer, he showed you a diagram of earth-1’s headquarters with a red pulsing circle around where the bomb was placed, “killjoy invented a reverse spike for this occasion. don't expect to be seeing it a lot. it exerts the force of radianite back into its surroundings.”
brimstone handed you a small, compact remote control, a reinforced glass casing over the detonate button. “the bomb requires manual detonation. if anything is revealed, you get out, press the big red button, and protocol goes up.”
threatening sova into cooperating with a bomb at earth-1’s headquarters? you ran through the plan in your head. everyone would die, and it's up to me to make it happen. but they’re the ones who took my sova from me, aren't they?
you saved yourself a headache by quelling the back and forth in your head for now. “alright then. now, shall i sit down and get started?”
sova refused to meet your eyes as you walked into the room and took your seat. you supposed that was fair; he probably didn't want to see the face of his former lover be the same one of his enemy.
you, on the other hand, could not tear your eyes away from him. entranced by the defined features of his face, how his hair fell around his face, how his eyes narrowed ever so slightly at the wall, as if he was trying to keep his focus. you knew it was stupid to feel hurt about how he purposefully averted his eyes, but you couldn't help but see your sova ignoring you, not some stranger with an identical face.
“sova,” you addressed, testing out the name in your mouth again.
“(y/n),” he replied, though it sounded like saying your name hurt him. he hasn't accepted it either, you observed.
you figured you would just play the trump card now to provoke a reaction. “...i'll get to the point. we have the location of your headquarters, and it's currently rigged with a bomb that could wipe out your entire squad. so, i suggest you start talking, sova.”
you damned him for being able to keep a level head while being faced with potential disaster. he didn't do so much as blink an eye as he finally faced you. “and you're not bluffing?”
you blinked as you faced the brunt of his cold stare, almost wanting to look away from its sheer intensity. you gave a shaky smirk, pulling out the remote control. “if you want, we could test it out right now.”
“if that's so, why haven't you detonated it already? get rid of them now?” sova contested, and somehow you felt like you weren't the interrogator.
“then there's nothing gained from it. we want earth-1’s secrets, too. and who said you were the one asking the questions here?” i need to keep my guard up. i can't let it crack.
his eyes looked straight into yours, making you vulnerable while he betrayed nothing. “were you always this sarcastic?”
“oh, i'm surprised you haven't seen it yet,” you let a mirthless smile play on your lips, “lucky you.”
he remained silent after this and closed his eyes, weighing the consequences in his mind. would you really do it? a determined look in your eyes told him that if push came to shove, you would have your vengeance. if he was in your shoes, he might've done the same.
he opened them shortly after. “what do you need to know?”
there were varied reactions upon your arrival and reintroduction to valorant protocol. before you left to earth-1, brimstone had given you the story that you had somehow survived bleeding out at icebox long enough for a mirror agent still on-site to heal you for questioning. you stayed there at mirror earth’s headquarters for a few months until you used your abilities to break away, figuring out how to use a teleporter after watching another agent operate one. you remembered the earth-1’s patrol schedule and teleported to split, where sova found you. the gap of a few hours between him finding you and him calling for a ride home was explained by wanting to be near each other after the months you were apart.
some believed the story well enough, some wanted answers. whenever you couldn't find a good explanation to their questions, you either feigned not remembering it or said you had blocked it out of your memory. either way, protocol was happy to have you back with sova.
everything seemed to be going right as you developed bonds with the earth-1 agents, seeing as it was easy enough to get along with them the same way you did on mirror earth. you assumed the friendships and memories carried over most of the time, and whenever they didn't, you blamed it on your faulty memory.
of course, you still had a mission to do. using your ability to camouflage or even to employ a decoy, you did some snooping around, enlisting sova's help when needed. though grudgingly, he told you the workings of protocol, their upcoming plans, and whatnot. plenty of information to send word to mirror earth about through your earpiece.
but naturally, things had to go awry. you weren't sure what started it. the hand holding that reminded you of the warmth that your sova had brought you, warm words of praise and hugs shared in front of others, chaste kisses that lasted a second but brought tingles of heat straight to your heart.
you knew that it was all to keep up appearances of being in love with each other and that that was the extent of your relationship with him, but you started falling for sova.
fraternizing with the enemy wasn't supposed to happen and was certainly unexpected, but you couldn't stop yourself from seeing your sova in him. they were essentially the same person, right? same looks and personality? you had a second chance, so why wouldn't you use it?
you soon stopped trying to skulk around and ask him questions about protocol. your mission was pushed to the back of your mind. instead, you became more personal with your conversations, as if you two really were together. suddenly, the acts of affection didn’t seem like it was to put on a show anymore. you hoped this meant that he was feeling the same as you.
one day, he proved it. after a long day of training with protocol, sova took your hand and led you down the hallways.
“you're in a rush,” you commented, smiling, “where are we going?”
“somewhere where cypher’s cameras won't see us,” sova said, turning around briefly to match your grin.
eventually, you arrived at his room. opening the door, he gently pressed his lips against yours for a second and let them linger, waiting for you to pull away or kiss back. you beamed and kissed him again, and in the heat of the moment, he softly pushed you against the wall, kissing you passionately but tenderly.
as your hands got caught in his hair, his roamed your body innocently, until they stopped over an object in your back pocket. sova pulled away from the kiss and slowly took the object. a remote control?
“any sabotages and you all blow up,” you had warned as you teleported with him to headquarters. of course. how could he have forgotten?
“this isn't right,” he said as he moved away from you, taking his heat with him. he dropped the remote control, sending it clattering to the floor uselessly. “was this part of the plan, too? making me fall in love with you again?” his voice was like shattered ice, dangerous yet broken.
you reached towards him, your eyes pricked with tears. “please, sova, i-” this wasn't part of any plan. i would've thrown it all away for you.
“...go,” he interrupted, dismissing you like he had back at icebox. “it'd be better if you left.” and who were you to disobey?
you pathetically picked back up the remote control. as you left, you couldn’t help but wish he asked you to stay.
from then on, it was business as usual. the sooner you unearthed all of valorant protocol’s secrets, the sooner mirror earth could plan their next mission and eventually get you out. nevertheless, you still spoke to the other agents as friends. there was no reason to get them involved in all of this, any more than they were already. you just hoped they wouldn't poke their noses into you and sova’s business.
speaking of him, you felt the cold return and eat you alive. his acts and words of affection weren’t full of warmth anymore. those earlier, happier days began to feel like a distant memory, a mere snowflake in a blizzard, that you kept searching for.
and these days, he was just as elusive as a snowflake, too. your only interactions with him were training, meetings, and the occasional encounter in headquarters. otherwise, it seemed as if he was avoiding you, spending all his free time practicing with his bow.
you couldn't be angry with him, though. you just wished he would've stayed to hear your explanation. but would that have changed anything?
you laid on your bed, staring at the ceiling as you got lost in your thoughts, when something on the news channel playing in the background made your ears perk up.
“scientists are continuing their research into the radianite controversy,” you sat up and watched as an image of a city–was that ascent?–began to rise in the air, “after the first incident in venice and the continued threats of radianite.”
it was your first time getting a look at the aftermath of spike detonation. what would happen if we kept detonating these spikes? you thought, imagining other places floating into the sky, it would be just as dangerous as if i pressed the button on my remote control right now, wouldn’t it?
out of the blue, the earpiece on your bedside table glowed green, signaling there was someone speaking through it.
“yeah, brimstone?” you said, putting it in your ear and tapping it to unmute.
“heads up, kid,” came his gruff voice, “we’re planting at a-site in icebox tomorrow when there's no one patrolling. full focus this time. when earth-1 responds, make sure you're on that team so you can get in the way of defusing.”
you groaned internally when he said icebox. it reminded you too much of your current situation. haven seems like a nice change of pace. “got it.”
there was a pause before he asked, “everything alright, (y/n)?” no kid this time?
“just...thinking,” you said truthfully, letting out a breath you didn't know you were holding.
“hope you're making yourself at home over there. you might be staying for a while. anyways, see you tomorrow. be ready.” you watched the earpiece turn red again before leaning back on your bed with your eyes closed.
the next day, protocol acted quickly to the news of a spike threat at icebox. you asked to be on the team to test out if you were ready to be back on the field. they agreed, and pairing you up with sova was the natural course of action after.
as you jumped out of the aircraft, feet leaving deep footprints in the snow, you doubted ever getting used to the numbing cold of icebox. you've had enough of the feeling already.
stay focused. just get in, let the bomb explode, and get out. that was all there was to it.
viper, yoru, and sage split up to b-site while you and sova were left a-site. you decided to ready up in defenders spawn before you made your way into the battlefield.
suddenly, you felt a comfortable weight on your shoulders. fur began to tickle your neck and flushed cheeks as sova’s signature blue winter coat draped over your smaller figure. you turned to look at him, who was wearing just his gray long-sleeve shirt and gloves.
“you were shivering,” he pointed out. you hadn't noticed your trembling and chattering teeth.
“what about you?” you asked, pulling the coat closer to your body, “won't you get cold?”
“i'll be fine. just stay near me when you can.” you didn't think it was possible for more blood to rush to your cheeks, but he somehow made it happen.
“...thanks,” you mumbled, looking away, “i'll be going through mid. be careful, okay?”
he gave a brisk nod before giving you a somewhat withering look. “though i don't need to say the same to you, do i?” and with that, he entered a-site.
i should’ve known he wouldn't have let it go so soon. exhaling and watching a cloud billow from your lips, you walked through mid-elbow. the walk was unnervingly silent until you heard shooting erupt from both sites. they must be diverting attention from a-site. i'll go check in on sova.
making your way through a-blue and attackers spawn, you soon arrived at a-belt, where you saw brimstone firing some shots, his back facing to you.
“brimstone, hey,” you called out, approaching him slowly so his instincts wouldn't kick in.
“hey, kid, what're you doing here?” he said, turning to face you, “the spike’s been planted. you need to get out of here before it goes off.”
you looked to the ground, hesitating, before flicking your eyes back up to him. “...i can't let that happen. it's too dangerous.”
he stared at you incredulously. “what are you talking about? it's their earth, not ours. we'll come out fine.”
“you can't hurt them. you can't hurt him. please, just go. i've made up my mind.”
subconsciously, you picked up on sova grunting from his place inside the tall container. had someone shot him? the thought clouded your mind before the beeping of the spike pierced through it.
“just think about what we're doing here,” you clutched your gun, “if we keep going on like this. why does it have to be this way?”
“kid, we don't have a choice! it's our mission!” another grunt. sova was being overwhelmed.
“i'm sorry, then. make it home safe, old man.” you ducked to the ground and rammed him in the knees with the butt of your gun, toppling him over the ledge of a-belt, his gun left next to you.
as you dropped down and headed further on site, you heard him shouting into his earpiece, “she's gone rogue! (y/n)’s gone rogue!”
you turned invisible and slammed mirror killjoy in the back of her head with your gun, whispering your apologies. the spike began to beep slightly faster; your cue that time was running out. you became visible and found sova taking cover underneath a-rafters.
“we have to defuse!” the spike was planted near sova in the back of the site. it beeped rapidly, electricity gathering around it as the floor beneath started cracking.
“stay alert. their yoru is still around here somewhere,” sova informed you as he gripped the defuser. you wordlessly observed some wounds on his shoulder and leg.
“concentrate, sova,” he murmured to himself. you held your breath, listening to the beeps grow faster, faster, and-
you exhaled. “that was closer than i would've liked it.”
“so, you're with us now?” sova asked, giving his his surroundings another scan.
“...yeah. of course. i couldn't let it detonate after seeing the damage it could cause. especially around you. as for my former team, i just knocked them unconscious.”
you began making your way out from a-screen, with sova close by your side. in a blur of motion, he whipped around to see mirror yoru teleporting to a-rafters, his gun trained on you first.
“(y/n)!” you were pushed to the side, landing face-first into the snow-covered earth outside, while sova shot behind you, making yoru fly to the ground.
“sova! are you alr-” you faltered, losing your words as they formed in your mouth. and despite the howling winds, falling snow, and the continued gunfire from b-site, the world seemed to hold its breath.
no. this can't be happening. not again. he had taken the bullet for you.
your senses came alive once more, and your voice was ripped out from your throat. “SOVA!” you helped him to lean against the wall, using his coat to apply pressure to the shots in his chest.
“why, sova?” you sobbed, letting your tears freeze on your face, “why did you have to do it?” the blood soaked through the blue fabric, the hand you kept pushing on it feeling sticky and warm with the substance. his blood was the only thing warm about him, his eyes becoming winter. he put his hand on yours, as stiff and icy as if it had frozen over, and it was the same scene again.
“i can't lose you again, моя любовь,” you said, the pet name coming naturally to your lips. you unmuted yourself on your earpiece and shouted, “come quick, sova’s losing a lot of blood! he needs healing, please!”
“they'll be coming soon. please just hold on for me,” you clenched his hand with both of yours.
“w-who taught you that? those words?” sova managed, coughing out blood that speckled the pure white snow surrounding you with red.
you choked back another wracking sob. “you did, sova.” you had remembered it from what mirror sova had taught you.
“ah,” he smiled though it quickly changed into a grimace from pain, “i see. t-that’s something that i would do for you.”
he gulped, his eyes fluttering, “i love you, моя любовь. you're my guiding star in the forest. always. watch over me.”
“don't say that. you're going to make it. you have to,” you leaned down and kissed him for as long as you could. suddenly, you heard footsteps behind you. viper, sage, and yoru appeared before you.
“for you,” sage casted her healing orb on sova and sealed his wounds. his eyes didn't open. your heart stopped. was it too late? it...can't be.
his eyes blasted open as he took a deep breath. you pulled away his bloodstained coat to see his gunshot wounds closing and let a tired smile grace your face.
you filled the other agents in on what happened at a-site. the three looked a little roughed-up but were fine overall. as the sun began to set on icebox's horizon, an aircraft landed to pick the team up, blowing the snow beneath around like a whirlwind.
you supported sova as the two of you walked towards the aircraft, a few steps behind the rest. he still needed physical recovery after being on the very brink of death. you knew if sage was delayed by only a few seconds…you didn't want to think about what could've happened.
rather, you directed your attention to the man in your arms, his coat casually placed on both of your figures.
catching your eye, sova said, “you’re not shivering anymore.”
“oh, you're right. i didn't notice,” you smiled and tilted your head, “maybe because of your coat?”
“i don't think it's the coat this time,” he faced you completely, his eyes, words, and touch matching the comfort of the sunset, “you feel it too, don’t you? beside you...i don’t feel so cold anymore.”
bonus: the good news is that you tell earth-1 protocol about being a mirror agent and help them to find the reverse spike mirror earth planted at base. the bad news is that someone's got to increase valorant’s security now that its location is revealed. however, maybe the predator and the prey duo know a thing or two about hiding and catching.
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Our Doll 13//Rumlow
B.Barnes x S.Rogers, B.Barnes x Stark!Reader, S.Rogers x Stark!Reader
Series Synopsis | After the events of the horrific past, y/n Stark, Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes have finally admitted their feelings for each other. But is life as an avenger whilst dating two super soldiers any easier than anything y/n’s experienced in the past?
sequel Series to Their Doll
Series Warnings | smut, violence, torture, swearing, threesomes, drug usage/substance abuse
Chapter Summary | Peter comes up with a plan to get y/n to safety. Steve attempts to find the man controlling her
Warnings | swearing maybe? Slight violence
A/n | This is a sequel book/series to my fic Their Doll! This book loosely follows the mcu timeline, starting in CAWS in book one and starting just before AOU in this book. Bucky had been recovered and is safe, and Peter was taken under Tony's wing when he was much younger.
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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The plan was simple.
Get in, get her out.
Peter, to his credit, had thought through the plan in such detail that Bucky was strained to find a fault. Even a small one.
The boy had recruited Bucky and Wanda to reenact his scheme, the two being the only people he knew would be one hundred percent on board.
Other than Steve, who was on a 'very important mission' and wouldn't tell anyone about it. All they knew was that he'd taken a strike team with him and didn't know when he would be back.
He'd thought through everything: how to avoid triggering any alarms, which doors to use, who would do what to make everything seem less suspicious. He'd even considered the physics of anyone being able to spot them running from any of the rooms around the back of the compound, from any angle.
Just in case someone was angsty and couldn't sleep, he'd informed Bucky and Wanda.
Peter was currently hanging from the side of the glassy building, webs holding strong as he leant his weight back into them and waited for the signal.
Bucky was down in the cell with y/n, under the pretence of checking on her as Wanda used her powers to break into the security system. The aim was to retrieve y/n without making a sound, or alert the others.
A flash of red. The quiet click of a door shutting.
Peter took his cue.
The boy swung down, quickly webbing the heavy, metal door shut when the flutter of ginger had followed Bucky and y/n out the back of the compound.
Door sealed and little chance of a break-in, Peter goaded the three Avengers past the tree line as he swung from branch to creaky branch.
"Go, go, go!" His voice was coming out as a hoarse whisper as Bucky's legs worked mechanically - y/n's sleeping frame locked tightly against his chest as Wanda followed closely behind.
The girl's head kept turning, checking behind them to see if anyone was following. But no one was ever there, only the crisscrossed leaves and shrubs covering their tracks with such accuracy that the scarlet witch could hardly believe it.
Bucky broke through the clearing just after Peter, the young boy already holding the car door open for Bucky to slide his girl onto the backseat.
The car was run-down and shabby - looking just old enough to blend in but not too obvious as if to scream 'were trying to be inconspicuous'.
The car door shut as slowly as Bucky could make it before he was running around to the front - bionic arm yanking the driver's side door open before he hopped in himself.
"Are you going to be alright?" Wanda asked, only a hint of her accent left to grace her voice now. Bucky nodded, nimble fingers twisting the keys in the ignition until the car roared to life.
She wiggled her fingers, a movement Bucky struggled not to find funny, and a little stream of glowing crimson flowed from them. It curled under y/n's nose, the sleeping girl instantly groaning with protest as she begun to stir.
"Tell Steve I'm sorry, but this was the only way." Bucky gritted out, throat dry and sticky as the words crawled into his mouth. Wanda nodded, ready to walk away when Bucky's hand on her shoulder stopped her.
"And give him this - but only when he starts to look for us." Bucky proclaimed, taking a ruffled envelope from one of his pockets; the paper was crinkled and creased, had clearly been stuffed into his pocket for a while now.
Wanda took the letter between her fingers, a small tear pricking at her eye when she read the name scribbled over the back in rushed - yet somehow neat - handwriting:
My greatest love...
"I will, he'll get it." Wanda nodded, folding the envelope and pushing it into her back pocket. "I promise."
"Thank you." With his last words spoken, Bucky gave a thankful nod to Peter - who had hung back awkwardly behind Wanda until now - before rolling his window up and pressing his foot on the accelerator.
Steve's foot stung as it crashed through the door, yet the super soldier ignored it as he paced past the now-splintered wood with little care.
"Where is he?!" Steve spat, the words like a venom in his mouth as he crowded a cowering man in black tack gear. His strike team followed closely behind, guns raised in a defensive position just in case there were unexpected hostiles in the room.
"I-I don't know! I swear!" The man stuttered, teeth clashing together as he stumbled blindly backwards towards a wall. He squeaked when he made contact with the bricks, sucking in a breath as Steve held his shield against the man's neck.
"I don't believe you." Steve grated through bared teeth, the vein popping out in his forehead as he flushed red with anger. "Tell me."
"Okay! Okay, I'll tell you." The man whimpered as Steve pressed the shield harsher against his oesophagus, his shaking hands raised in hopeless surrender. "He's in a safe house, a few miles from here - he recently came back for supplies then left. He said he'd never be coming back."
Steve pulled away as the man cowered, a shout of annoyance ripping from his throat as he threw the shield against the wall.
Steve grunted as he caught the vibranium, looking over to his team.
"We need to find him! I won't have my girlfriend controlled by some- some monster!" Steve barked. A chorus of 'yes, Captain's echoed from the men. Someone was already on comms and Steve was careering back across the room.
"Captain, we may have a location." One of his men spoke up sheepishly after a moment, pulling away from their laptop.
"And?" Steve prompted, brow raised.
"It's only a few miles north - we could be there within minutes and they'd never see us coming." Steve sprung into action at the words; he pushed off the table he'd been leant against and made his way outside the building they'd just breached.
"Find a car with keys in - our vans are too obvious and can be spotted from a mile away." Steve directed.
"Yes, Captain." One of his team said, and they were quickly followed by two others as they went in search for a car.
"We need to be quick and inconspicuous - turn off the comms, they may be able to detect the link. I want all out - if we fail, y/n could never be back to full control again. Got it?" Steve finished his instruction as he turned around to face the rest of his team and they all nodded. "Do you understand?"
"Yes, captain!" They all agreed.
"Then get to it."
So much for a simple plan.
"B-bucky? Where am I?" Y/n's voice was saturated with sleep, drowsy and dopey as she propped her frame up on her elbow. "Where are we?"
"We're going somewhere safe, Doll. You're going to be safe now." Bucky promised, blue eyes flitting to meet y/n's in the mirror as he kept his hands on the steering wheel in a firm grip.
"Where's Steve?" Bucky felt his heart drop at the words. This was the only downfall of Peter's plan - they'd have to leave Steve.
"He's on a mission." Bucky answered simply.
"He's not coming with us, is he?" Y/n affirmed, eyes glinting with a hue of guilt.
"What- I had some dreams...I think." Y/n mumbled, pressing her hand to her forehead as she felt a dull ache forming.
"Were they good?" Bucky asked, making a left at a junction. Y/n took a moment to assemble her words.
"The best. It was- it was our life, Bucky. But it was..." she trailed off, pieces of her story shattering away from her memory.
"In the 40s?" Bucky finished for her and y/n's eyes widened.
"Yes. How did you know?" Y/n demanded with squinted eyes and Bucky chuckled lightly.
"They weren't dreams, doll. Wanda made a new reality in your mind. Someone was getting in so we had to keep them out. Now put your seatbelt on." Bucky explained and y/n have him a glare.
"So who, uh, how was it possible?" Y/n queried as she sat up properly. The soft click of her buckle filled the space of the small car until Bucky answered.
"Wanda. She's been so helpful, that Parker boy too." Bucky commented and y/n quirked a brow.
"Yeah, this whole plan to get you out was his idea. Smart boy." Bucky commended.
"Huh." The girl considered. "Do you know who was - what did you say? - 'getting into' my mind?" Bucky sucked in a breath. Y/n frowned and nudged his shoulder with the tips of her fingers. "Tell me."
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Bucky Barnes Series/mini Series | @buckysgirl101 @quxxnxfhxll @marvelhoesworld @macylawz @zaphdekota @theoldermanswhore @addriaenne @thegirlwiththeimpala @turkish276 @lilpopizzle @gooseyhouse @ohmy-fandoms @harrysthiccthighss @partiesandblurrypolaroids @prettysbliss @the-surviving-revolutionist @white-wolf1940 @dpaccione @tenaciousperfectionunknown @loveyou5everr @vallerydevora @multihoee @supraveng @cap-n-ce @sebbyxlover @jeremyrennermakesmesmile @veronicapaula @ravenmoore14 @frickin-bats @itstaylorcale @sunflowerbunny2 @spookyparadisesheep
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deexchanel · 3 years
Don't do this to me.
Word Count:
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x BlackFem!OC
Warning: Angst, Sadness.
Summary: Charmaine's first mission with the team but it doesn't end well and the team loses a member.
Go to the series masterlist before you read this chapter, if this is your first time: Charmaine
A/N: Okay so I feel way more comfortable posting this chapter after I said I wasn't going to post the rest. Let me know if this cringy, I love feedback.
The day was Friday and it was the same as any other day, Charmaine was back home from her class, Peter was getting out of school, the team either train or helped find the location of the Hydra base that held the scepter. One month after the avengers been staying in the tower. The relationship between Charm and Bucky was growing every day, at times they act like a couple without even noticing.
"Did you enjoy dinner?" Charm questioned while washing the few dishes that were in the sink. Bucky walked over placing a kiss on her cheek and putting his dirty plate in the water.
"I loved it, that lobster mac and cheese was amazing."
She blushed at the comment and his boldness of him kissing her on the cheek. He winked then walked over to the couch sitting down beside Sam, joining him in the movie that was playing. Bucky let go of the nervous breath he was holding,  he seemed confident on the outside but on the inside, he was scared as fuck.
Charmaine wasn't no easy girl that he would flirt and take home the same night in the '40s. She was the girl that he wants to get to know fully, learn the little things about, be himself around. So most time he was around Charm, he was nervous as hell praying that he wouldn't say something dumb.
Charmaine hummed one of her favorite songs while cleaning up the last dish thinking about a certain long-haired brunette. She turned around coming face to face with spiderman who was hanging upside down.  The 21-year old let out a yelp clutching her heart.
"Peter don't do that !! What the hell dude."
"You okay Charm?" Bucky questioned from the couch looking over at her. He saw Peter hanging down so his concerns washed away. "Oh, Peter just scared her."
"Yeah, you alright?" Sam asked as well not taking his eyes off the screen, ignoring what Bucky just said.
"Sorry Champagne, I just came back from patrol and I rushed in here before you left to ask you this. Can you make brownies? I wasn't here the last time you made them and everyone said they were good. " Peter rambled as he let himself come down, sitting on top of the perfectly clean marble countertop.
"They were!" Sam chimed in.
"See! I want to try them." Peter pout poking out his lip.
"I be spoiling you guys I swear. I'll make some just for you Peter."  Charm groaned playfully, opening the cabinet grabbing the brownie box. "Get your ass off my counter, I just cleaned it."
Peter hopped off happily," So? You and Bucky?"
"Peter if you continue to say something about that topic, I'm not making the brownies." She warned looking in the fridge for the eggs.  Maria walked in from the elevator with a serious face grabbing everyone's attention.
"They found the base. Cap said suit up and meet them in the lab in 5. Peter, Happy is downstairs waiting for you."
Everyone nodded and Charm hugged Peter. Tony had let slide with one of his kids going on the mission, not both so Peter was going home until they got back. She kissed his forehead.
"This mission shouldn't take long, I'll be back to make your brownies. Be good for Aunt May."
" I am Champagne, be safe and please come back. "
"I will Petey. I'll always come back."
Charmaine walked in beside Sam as they were the last two to join the rest in the lab. She found a spot beside Scott. Everyone was in full armor ready to go except Bruce and Tony because you know.
"Glad of you two to finally make it," Tony said sarcastically then started swiping away on his tablet. It projects a hologram of what seems to be Rome. "We are going to Rome. Intel tells us that hydra has a camp in the countryside."
The hologram shows a huge vineyard with a building that looked abandoned with little buildings surrounded.
"Inside sources tell us that the person who is over this organization called M.A.Z.E is supposed to be visiting any moment now. We're taking down two operations at once so be prepared for this mission to be one of the hardest." Maria said reading something off her tablet. Charm snuck a glance at Bucky who was in his winter soldier attire. She hoped that this mission wasn't going too hard for him.
"Brief explanation. Stay focused at all times, take out as many as you can, feeling overwhelmed? Walk it off. Get in, Get out. Anyone that has the chance grabs the scepter." Steve spoke with determination.
"When we get there we fight anyone that comes our way. Sam or Stark will find a way to get us in. Charm you stay by someone at all times okay? first mission and we don't want to lose you."
"Gotcha." Charm nod her head understanding his rule.
Inside the quinjet, she sat beside Bucky. Both had their mask off to communicate with each other. Everyone was in either their own zone or in a conversation. Bucky closed his eyes so he could converge on how to not lose control of himself, he didn't want to completely turn back into the winter soldier.
"You like my suit?" Charmaine asked softly taking him out of his trance.
Bucky turns his head giving a smile, "I like it. You make it look good and very badass."
"I feel like a badass." She jokes making them laugh. As their laughter died down, Charm grabbed his hand pulling it in her lap. "Are you okay about this whole mission? I know history with you and hydra isn't really that good."
"I should be good, I just don't want to be captured again, you know? Steve and I are still working on me not reacting to my trigger words. It's hard but it's working. Plus I got you fighting by my side so we are going to be the coldest duo."
"Well I'm not going to let that happen, you protect me so I'm going to always protect you . If you don't mind, I could help with the trigger words? I'll be there to hold your hand or something." Charm said with quiet empathy giving him a soft smile. " Coldest duo? Well, this mission should be over in no time. When we get back can we finish watching Legally Blonde? You fell asleep before it started leaving me up by myself."
"I'll check with Steve when we do it the next time, I wouldn't want you to get hurt if anything happened," Bucky said nodding his head towards Steve. " And I told you that I was tired! You didn't listen and put on the movie anyway."
"I'm not going to get hurt and I thought you were playing!" Charm said in defense then calmed down. "Hey, Bucky?"
"I'm always going to be here for you okay? You mean the world to me and I don't want to lose you under no circumstances." She said holding his hand to her face. Charmaine looked him in the eyes, showing that she was serious. A world without Bucky is a world that she can't live in. She needs him.
His hand opened and Charm cuddled to it. Bucky looked at her in admiration rubbing his thumb against her cheek. He admits it, Buchanan was head over heels for her,"You mean the world to me as well so don't think you're going anywhere. You're my lucky charm."
In the next four hours, they had arrived Rome's countryside and everyone prepared for landing. Charm stood next to her dad as his Iron Man suit connects over his body. Before his helmet covered his face, Tony turned to Charm.
"Kiddo, be safe alright? Don't get hurt or anything."
"I will." She reassured and he kissed her forehead. 'Now thinking about it Tony has a weird way of expressing his feelings' Charmaine thought to herself. The doors to the jet opened and Steve spoke up, "Stark, Sam you're up!"
A/N: I am not good with action so skipping to the juicy part.
Charmaine ran down the hallway trying to find the exit to the big building. Thor didn't retrieve the scepter and they were still looking but time was winding down. She ran into this room where there were big computer screens on the wall with a closed-cell in the corner.
"Ahh, I have been looking for you." A female voice came from behind her making Charmaine turn around swiftly. "I'm Mazikeen and you are going to be on in my unit."
The room filled with tension as they circled each other not losing sight of one another. "Unit? I'm not going to be anyone's slave. Let alone let you lay a finger on me, so let go of that stupid ass idea you have." Charmie snapped holding her fist up. Mazikeen winked getting in defense mode as well.
"Snarky? I like that. Let's do this shall we?"
She swings on Charm who easily blocks it. The two fight hand-to-hand combat for a couple of minutes, none stop. Charmaine was getting tired but she held her weight up. She kicked Mazikeen on her back, placing her foot on her neck. The Demon grabbed her ankle smirking then rolled over making Charm fall on her side. She gets on top, pulling out her knife.
"This won't hurt one bit. Well, maybe just a little."
"Anyone have eyes on Charmaine? The building is going to blow in 3 minutes." Tony's voice came through the comm.
"I'm busy at the moment!" Charm yelled pushing Mazikeen's arms up so she wouldn't get stabbed in the face. The dark skin girl moved one of her hands to the side grabbing the demon's hair yanking it.
Mazikeen fell off and it gave her enough time to get back to her feet. Charm kicked her to stay down but Mazi grabs her foot mid-air then twist it making her body twirl, falling on the ground.
"I will have you to myself and make you my eternal flame. Right along with the other 3 elements. You are going to be the most powerful." Mazikeen leans down grabbing her hair yanking it making Charmaine cry out in pain. The demon moved her mouth close to Charm's ear with a sinister smirk.
"I'm going to have you kill anyone that stands in our way."
A guard's body flew in the door from someone kicking him through. Bucky walks into the room angrily seeing Mazikeen holding a handful of Charm's brown hair.
He runs over punching her in the face making the demon drop his lover. Bucky grabbed Mazikeen by the neck with his metal hand dragging her towards the closed-cell.
The bounty hunter's eyes widen from the pressure that was on her throat, she hit his arm repeatedly but that didn't do anything. Bucky flings her into the closed cell like she was discarded trash.
Charm sits on the ground rubbing the back of her head, the words haunting her mind. Bucky goes back over to help his best girl onto her feet.
"We need to out of here now."
But it was muffled because of the mask. She nodded putting her weight on him as they walked to the exit. On the roof, the two ran to the middle.
"We're on the roof! Bring the Quinjet!" Bucky yelled taking off his mouth cover. Charm was hunched over trying to catch her breath, she literally just fought 5 minutes straight now she doing a full-out run. She needed more exercise.
The explosion sounded off and the building shook. Just in time, the Quinjet hovered down lowly so they could get on. A huge crack in the roof separated the two.
The building was going to collapse.
They looked around frantically as Charm's side start to slowly but gradually fall.
"Jump!" Bucky yelled, holding out his hand.
Charm did as told, not even second-guessing, leaping off the fallen building. She catches the side of the broken roof, barely holding on with one hand. All she needed to do was use her upper body to lurch her forward so her other hand could grab his. Bucky bends over, reaching for her hand, not taking his blue eyes off her brown ones.
Charmaine's eyes were filled with fear, feeling herself slowly losing grip, "I can't reach it!"
"Use your strength, Charmaine. Grab my hand!"
"I can't, Bucky; my body is too tired. I feel myself slipping!"
"Charm, grab his hand! Bucky, you need to need to grab Steve's hand. That building is going to collapse any second! He will pull you guys up." Natasha said in the comms but was ignored by both.
Bucky leans forward more without noticing that he might fall himself, "I'm not leaving without you charmaine. grab my hand!"
"I'm trying!" Charm yelled when she tries to lift herself; it aches in pain. She drops her hand down in pain. Tears clouded her vision as she knew this was it; Bucky stared at her scratched-filled face knowing what she was thinking.  He shook his head; He can't lose her, not now, " No Charm, you're leaving with me!"
Charmie could feel the building she was holding on to began to fall, sobbing; she looked into Bucky's blue eyes one last time. "I'm sorry Bucky."
"No Charmie, you have time. Just grab my hand! P-Please." Bucky yelled as tears clouded his vision. "You're my lucky charm. I need you!"
The building collapsed, and his feet slip from under him. A hand grabs his keeping Bucky from falling in the rubble; Natasha lowered it down in time just for Steve to grab the back of his armor from falling with her.
"No!" Bucky stared in horror watching Charmaine screamed, falling into the explosion reaching out for him.
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Steve gasp as tears fell down his face seeing the horrible fate of his sister.
There was nothing either could do.
With the help of others, Steve pulled Bucky into the quinjet.
Bucky laid on his stomach sobbing with heartache.
Tears weld in Thor's eyes as he saw that Charmaine wasn't on the jet. This didn't seem real to him; he couldn't accept it, "Where is Charmie? Why isn't my sister on this jet?!"
"Steve, where is Charmie?" Natasha asked, slowly getting up from the pilot seat as Clint took over. Her heart raced, hoping that he would say that Tony has her or something. Bruce grabbed her waist, but she snatched away from his touch.
"Natasha, sit down."
"Don't tell me to sit down! Where is she?!"
Steve couldn't say anything as he drops to his knees, breaking down. Sam catches him before he hit the floor. "I got you man."
The jet doors opened as Tony flew in; he raised an eyebrow to see the team in tears. He was getting files in this underground room but got out in time just as the building collapsed. He noticed someone was missing.
"What's going on? Where is Charmaine?"
No one answer, which made Tony panic.
"Where is my daughter?!"
"Tony, she died; she f-fell into the explosion," Scott informed him while wiping his tears.  Her falling replayed in Bucky's mind like it was his personal hell. Charm reached out for him, and he couldn't save her. He failed.
Tony's world crumbled as tears blurred his vision looking around the jet as if she was hiding, "What? Barnes tell me he's lying! Where the hell is my daughter!"
Bucky sat up now with his knees to his chest; he couldn't stop crying no matter how much he tried. He lost the one person that meant the most to him other than Steve, the person he saw a future with. His best girl is no longer here.
Tony sat down in a seat in disbelief; for once in his life, he cried. He completely broke down, not being able to hold it. She filled the lonely hole in his heart; everyone he ever loved was gone, and the person who made him happy.
Was gone too.
It was evening time when they got back; they had been gone all day.
The living room was silent; the avengers sat down sulking and mourning. Bucky squeezed his eyes tightly closed as the memory of her falling hit his mind like a truck. Tony had his head in his hands, just letting his mind run all over the place. The elevator ding, and a frantic Peter walked out looking for Tony.
"Mr. Stark, I'm here! What happened? Is everyone okay? Are you okay?" Peter rambled, walking into the living room. He noticed everyone's sad behavior, then looked around for Champagne. "Guys?  Did something happen? Where is Charmaine?"
Tony gets up from the couch, going to Peter, engulfing him in a hug. Peter hugged back, shock that he did that but was still confused about what happened. "Mr. Stark, what's wrong?"
"She n-not co-coming back, kiddo."
"I'm s-sorry, kid."
"N-no, you're lying! This isn't a joking matter, Mr.Stark; everyone can put smiles on their fucking faces, and Champagne can pop up from under the couch." Peter said abruptly, pulling back from Tony's arms; doing a 360 to look around for a camera. Steve rubbed his hand over his mouth to keep from crying again.
"Queens, it's not a jo-joke."
Peter's face reddens from anger and sadness," She said she was coming back! She promised! What happened to her?!" Charmaine promised without even promising him because she always comes back. Peter prayed that this a sick ass joke; she was his best friend. Him and Her against the world.
"She fe-fell into the explosion Peter," Bruce said sadly; with that, Natasha broke down in his arms. Peter wasn't taking this well, and that broke everyone's heart even more.
"N-no guys, stop this, pl-please."Peter cried, shaking his head, then he looked Tony in the eyes. Her father nodded his head as a way of saying that it's true. Peter broke down mentally, " My Champagne is su-supposed to be here with me. My best friend is.."
Tony pulls his son into his arms; tears threaten to spill.
Peter sobbed his heart out.
2:43 a.m.
Bucky's body lurched forward after grabbing the gun that was kept under his pillow for 'emergency purposes' raised at...
"Bucky, drop the gun. It's me."
"Shit, I'm sorry, Steve." His fingers slowly lost grip of the gun, and the weapon dropped to his lap. His chest drew up sharply with each breath as he tried to control his rapidly beating heart. Steve sat on the edge of his bed.
"It's fine Buck, you were yelling, so I came in here to see if everything was alright."
"I should be fine."
"Okay, I'm going back to bed and try to get some sleep before my morning exercise." Steve sighs, getting up from the bed. He wasn't getting any sleep at all, but he didn't want to tell Bucky that.
"Steve?" Bucky called before he could leave out the room. Steve stopped in his tracks looking at him.
"Can you stay with me and watch Legally Blonde? I was supposed to watch it with Ch-Charm when we came back, but..."
"I'll stay Bucky; I don't mind."
Bucky gave a small smile getting out of bed, grabbing some pillows and the comforter. Steve grabbed his laptop from the desk to find the movie. 5 minutes later, the two super soldiers were lying on the floor, eyes glued to the computer enjoying the movie.
Awe this is a filler and it's long so bonus.
Give feedback plsss😂. If this is cringy let me knoww!
Next Chapter: Eternal Flame
stay slutty my friends!
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ladykatakuri · 3 years
Girl Time and Lullaby
Pairing: Omega and F Reader friendship
Warnings: None it is female bonding and friendship
Word Count: 1778
Summary: Omega had always been well aware that there was one huge difference between her and her brothers. Something so profoundly different that it set her apart and that did not change until she met you.
Notice: After the disappointing finale of TBB i finished this little lyric work for Omega. I used the text of SleepSsong performed by Secret Garden
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Omega had always been well aware that there was one huge difference between her and her brothers. Something so profoundly different that it set her apart and that did not change until she met you.
Working in Cid's bar on Ord Mantell, you had been amused by the sight of a young girl wrapping the men in her life all around her little fingers. Sure, you had seen adult women do this to men and they would get things done that way, but this girl was something else entirely. And with this young girl, it was not just the men that were taken in by her, not even Cid was immune to her charms.
With a bright smile Omega stepped into the bar. “Y/N! We finally got to try out the new Mantell Mix! It is soooooo gooooood. Do you want some as well?” Holding out the carton of the mix that both she and Wrecker always enjoy together after a mission, she beams a big smile at you and offers you to have a taste of it.
You can not help but grin at the beaming smile and the carton that is held out to you by this young girl. Her enthusiasm and her sweet demeanor make her easily loveable and like it or not, she has you wrapped around at the very least one finger as well. Grabbing a few pieces of the mix you taste them and hum in approval of the new taste. “That does taste very good.”
Happy with the approval of her new favorite taste, Omega turns around to her brother who followed close behind her. “Wrecker, next time we should also take a carton of mix for her. She likes the taste as well.”
Wrecker smiles his famous, beaming smile as he nods, popping yet another hand of mix into his mouth. “Uhuh kid! Sure will. It's getting late, we should go grab some sleep.”
“You forgot Wrecker? Omega will be staying with me tonight. It's girls night.” With an exaggerated wink you grin at Omega. “You ready sweety?”
Omega nods as she moves to get behind the bar. “Yep, all ready! I just wish we had taken some more of the new mix with us.”
Wrecker looks at you and Omega one more time as he turns around and leaves the bar. “Have fun kid! Take good care of her Y/N!”
Omega waves at him one more time and then turns to look at you. “When are we going?”
Loo-li, loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay
Loo-li, loo-li, loo-li lai-lay
Lay down your head and I'll sing you a lullaby
Back to the years of loo-li lai-lay
After you had cleaned the bar, with some help from Omega, the two of you left for your small apartment only a few steps away from Cid bar. It was your little kingdom in a world that has been in disarray for a while. Your little refuge and now you could share it for a night with a young girl that could really do with some female company.
Girls night would be a welcome change for someone who has been raised between aliens and clones. Granted, the clones did not have it any easier, far from it, but for a young and impressionable girl, being raised by an alien race to be a medic and who knows what else was planned? She could seriously do with at the very least a sisterly bond and you were more than welcoming to the idea.
When the two of you had settled into your apartment, Omega put a fresh set of clothing in the bedroom and all the snacks and drinks were set on the table close at hand, you were ready for some cheesy holo`s and whatever you could think of. Before you knew it, Omega was trying out every way possible to do your hair while you were scrolling through pictures of cute haircuts for Omega. Inspired by the latest in a string of short movies, you struck up conversation about her need for some new clothes. The fresh set she had brought with her, were actually nothing more than a set of blacks and the standard outfit you were used to from her.
“It's decided then, tomorrow we will go shopping. I know some small shops around that might have just what we need for you Megs.”
Happy with the plans for the next day, Omega nods, grabs a snack and snuggles next to you on the couch. You grab a corner of the blanket that you had spread on the couch and draw it over the two of you. “Ohhh this is my favorite. That guy? He will have to find a way to lift a curse that is keeping him and the love of his life apart. He turns into a wolf at night and she turns into a hawk during the day.” Together you watch the movie, eating snacks and having soft drinks. Sometimes you giggle together or comment on what happens.
Before you both realized it, it had gotten late and time to sleep. Humming, you motion for Omega to follow you to the bedroom where you brushed your teeth in the fresher and got ready to change. A sudden gasp from Omega has you turn around. “Lula! Look, Y/N, Wrecker packed Lula.”
The stuffed Tooka doll that both Wrecker and Omega still care for greatly as if it were a living thing, is now held against Omega`s chest as if it were a fragile child or pet. You softly hum as you take in the scene.
“I suppose Wrecker wanted to make sure you would feel at ease here Megs.”
Omega nods as she puts the doll down on the bed. “Lula has something comforting. I guess we both just need to have that sometimes and it is the last thing we have from our home.”
Kamino, the planet that was home to her and her brothers for as long as she could remember. The place where they had all been bred for war and whatever other reasons there were to create so many clones. And now it was the last place they would ever want to go, because it would most likely mean imprisonment and a certain death. You feel for the young girl and her band of brothers. Actually, you feel for all the men who were born there and might never have a real home to call their own, with the way things are going in this galaxy.
“What is that melody you have been humming Y/N? It sounds nice.” Omega yawns as she asks and rubs her eyes.
“It is a lullaby from long ago sweetheart. Come, lay down and I'll sing some for you. I don't have the best of voices, but it is the thought that counts right?” You tap the bed and help Omega settle in. As she lays down you stroke her hair and begin to softly hum and sing the words.
And I'll sing you to sleep and I'll sing you tomorrow
Bless you with love for the road that you go
May you sail far to the far fields of fortune
With diamonds and pearls at your head and your feet
And may you need never to banish misfortune
May you find kindness in all that you meet
May there always be angels to watch over you
To guide you each step of the way
To guard you and keep you safe from all harm
Loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay
As you hum and sing the words, Omega yawns once more and slowly her eyes close. Her breathing becomes deeper and deeper, each passing second as her body relaxes under the gentle stroking of her hair. Then, she softly snores for a second and you know the girl is in a deep sleep. Pulling up the blanket you smile at the little figure under it.
“Sweet dreams Megs.” Carefully, as not to wake her, you stand up and walk back to the living room to clean up the last bits of snacks and drinks. When your comm beeps you grin, already knowing very well who it is that is checking in at this time.
“She is deep asleep Hunter, no need to worry about that.”
You hear a deep chuckle from the other side before the man actually speaks up. “Guess I am that predictable then?”
“You all are. I know for sure that the others are listening in on this.” They can hear the smile in your voice as you speak. “Reporting in Sarge! Megs and I had a nice girls night, she is deep asleep now and tomorrow morning, after breakfast, we will be doing some much needed shopping after which I will be returning her safe and sound to you lot.”
“Thanks Y/N. Omega needed some time with someone … Well, not like us. You know, soldiers.” You can practically hear him think about how to explain what he thought Omega needed. She needed a female presence around sometimes to help her with the more girly things and you had taken her under your wing when you met for the first time.
“No problem guys. I will get her some new clothes and some other items she will need when on board of the Marauder. When we are done I will take her back to Cids bar to meet up with you all.”
After you finished your conversation, you go back to the bedroom where Omega is still deep asleep, clutching Lula to her chest. You dim the light as you crawl in yourself. It had been a nice evening with Omega and the day to come would bring some nice time away from the usual missions as well for Omega and a day away from bar duties for you. Softly humming the last few sentences of the lullaby you sang to Omega, you drift off to sleep thinking about the family you left behind on your travels and the new family you had found in the most unlikely of places. A strange family of clones you began to love deeply and the friends you made while working in the bar.
May you bring love and may you bring happiness
Be loved in return to the end of your days
Now fall off to sleep, I'm not meaning to keep you
I'll just sit for a while and sing loo-li, lai-lay
May there always be angels to watch over you
To guide you each step of the way
To guard you and keep you safe from all harm
Loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay, loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay
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echo-three-one · 3 years
Chapter 35
No. As much as I want to, this is not a Taylor Swift reference.
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John 'Soap' MacTavish
Site Hotel Bravo, Afghanistan
The plan was simple, infiltrate the area, locate for intel regarding Nero and leave. The darkness of the cave was at their advantage, but despite all that, the area they were situated in was far too crowded.
Green laser pointers scattered everywhere, they danced like party strobes inside the dimly lit tunnel on the way deeper into the base. Loud chatter could be heard as they discussed their tell tales on the different kinds of women they met.
France crouched by Soap's side and whispered.
"John, we lost Ghost. He said he was going to cover our six. Now he's gone." For a second, Soap looked worried but then again, Ghost was capable of handling his business on his own.
“We’ll just rendezvous with him later. For now, we need to focus on our main objective.” He muttered, advancing stealthily as the patrol passed through them. Francine took a while to check on her corners and she advanced farther than Soap, using her adept indoor combat skills into play.
Soap just watched her, marvelling at her swift movement. This was her forte, the initial thing that stunned him back on the O-course. He couldn't help but drop his jaw as her movements left him awestruck.
"Clear." She muttered, causing the Scotsman to shake back to reality as he took one last glance at their six and moved forward.
"This place has a lot of rooms. Should we split up and scan one by one?" Soap asked, looking at Francine. The interaction was serious but they could feel sparks in the air. It was inevitable, but they both dismissed these lingering feelings and proceeded to the mission.
"Okay… but stay on the line. I don't want to lose you again." France muttered shyly as she moved left.
"Aye. Will do." Soap chuckled and moved left.
"Sheesh. Get a room you two… Captain, can they move on a different line?" Gary interrupted over comms. Price just chuckled.
"Glad to hear you're nearby, Roach." Soap replied, entering one of the many rooms.
Leaning close to the wall, he carefully scanned the documents lying on the desk. They consisted of academic research regarding EMP effects on the battlefield and how to repel it's effects.
"No sign of Nero here but a lot about their big project." Soap muttered.
"Copy. I also have the same results. It's just aerodynamic manuals and books about flight." France said on the other line, her tone sounded curious and amused.
"Team, brace yourselves. I'm bringing the party in full swing. Gary! Hit the lever!" Price advised as the alarms started blaring, bringing the whole facility on high alert.
"Price! What was that for?!" Soap asked, covering behind the room.
"Sorry lad, desperate times call for desperate measures, we have to stop the nuke." Price stated and his line cut off, with gunfire being the last thing they heard on their end.
"Price? Alex? Roach? Ghost? Does anyone copy?!" Soap roared over comms. 
"Soap…" a faint British gasp from comms.
"Ghost is that you?! Where are you?!" Soap sounded panicked, lowering his voice after he heard footprints stomped outside his room.
"I'm on the lower floor. Shit… Alexandra… she's here…" Ghost groaned, Soap could hear the pained expression on his voice.
"We're on our way! Hang tight! Don't you dare die on us!" Soap said as he kicked the door open, shooting enemies that were already cornering France.
“I won’t, but make it fast. hehe… I should've just watched your six…” Ghost’s low tone continued over the comms as Soap and France hid by the doors and fired whenever they could. Enemy waves seemed to go on forever and the longer they got stuck there, the longer they got worried about Ghost.
Out of desperation, the duo began cooking grenades, tossing them on spots where enemies gathered, on corners where they hid and on every entryway where swarms would appear.
“Shit. That was my last one.” he muttered as he felt his body lighten. They've consumed most of their ammunition in a single room.
“I guess that was the last of them.” France sighed, wiping sweat off her forehead. 
“Let’s go get Ghost.” Soap ordered and they both made their way down the stairs. The two had no idea about the map layout, but the urgency of the situation led them to where Ghost was. The room was dimly lit, sparks of faulty electronics flew from the roof and the spinning red signal light was the only bright light illuminating the area.
Upon seeing his teammate, Soap quickly stepped forward but paused as soon as Ghost warned him.
“No! There are traps. One got me.” he heaved, slowly raising his head. Maxine immediately inspected the door and disarmed the set trip wire, as they quickly moved by Ghost’s side.
“Ghost, you're going to be okay.” Soap assured, assisting France in applying first aid on his wound. It was a huge burn by the stomach, the explosion deeply injured his skin causing him to bleed out. Crimson red blood glinted off the surface as the red signal momentarily illuminated the floor.
“I used to be careful you know… But as soon as I saw her, I lost all my senses. I had to break her free from that prison.” He breathed, almost struggling, grunting as France applied pressure to the wound.
Soap quickly got up and shot the lock with his pistol, kicking the door open and approached the unconscious redhead lying on the floor. She had a notable few bruises and scars here and there, signs of torture. Soap attempted to wake her up but she didn’t move, he quickly pressed his hands on her neck until he felt a faint pulse. 
“She’s alive.” Soap declared, turning to Ghost and Francine. 
“Haah- Thank God she’s fine.” he groaned as Francine shushed her as he attempted to get up.
“It’d be better if you don’t force yourself for a while.” She suggested.
“We’ll get you two out of here.” Francine said, Ghost just chuckled, coughing in the process.
“Don’t do that!” She scolded. The ground suddenly shuddered causing them to lose balance.
“This is bad. We can’t stay here any longer!” Soap yelled, carrying Alexandra on one shoulder while assisting France on Ghost on his other shoulder.
“Price! We got Alexandra and Ghost and they're injured! Where’s Nikolai?” Soap yelled over comms.
“He won’t be here until after two hours. Shepherd’s making his escape using the river.
Roach! Go grab that boat, we won’t let him get away!” Price’s final transmission was relayed to their ears as the connection turned blank.
He had no idea where Alex and Jack are, but as long as the Nuke hasn’t launched yet, they still have time.
Halfway through the prison cells, Soap and the rest of the team heard footsteps echo from nearby.
“You have got to be bloody kidding me!” he cursed as they picked up the pace and escaped the area.
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They hid themselves in the room with the aviation books, barricaded the two unconscious allies while France continued to tend to Ghost’s wound.
“Haaah- You’re getting nowhere with me like this. Just leave us. Like Romeo and Juliet.” Ghost whispered, his tone was serious and both France and Soap didn’t like it.
“No.” France spat as he unslung her rifle and tossed it to Soap, along with her ammo.
“I’m not going to leave anyone behind. Not again.” She declared, eyeing at Soap, someone she once lost on a mission. This prompted Soap to move forward and take a peek outside.
“It’s clear.” he announced, the ground rumbled once more. He went back to assist France, Ghost tugged his rifle.
“I think I can still shoot.” he mutters as Soap gave him the gun without any arguments. And so they moved to the docks, it was going to be a long walk from their location, but they did it anyway. Their formation occupied the whole width of the hallway, meaning any bullet flying toward them would surely hit its mark.
Despite the huge flaw, Ghost managed to make it easier for the group to move forward, despite the room being dark and blinking red, and the fact that Ghost was still injured and continuously losing a lot of blood, he still could target and shoot down enemies.
"Nice shot." Soap praised as they carefully navigated to the outer part of the cave, the raging river coursing below them.
Soap could feel another tug on his rifle as Alexandra started to move.
"Gun. I'll cover your six." She whispered faintly as Soap did his best to give her his gun.
They became a human tank of sorts. With Soap and France as the tires, capable of carrying and navigating their descent to the river, while Alexandra and Ghost were the weapons, shooting incoming hostiles that dared to block their way.
From the distance, Soap and France could see speedboats coursing through the river, following a huge helicopter not too far ahead of them. The trail they left behind was utter chaos. The ground shook as they almost lost their balance, urging them to descend quickly.
Under normal circumstances, Soap would've felt pain, but his adrenaline rush compensated through, making him finish the last step and board on the remaining boat.
The engine hummed as Soap navigated through the river, they carefully followed the path of destruction caused by the two.
Broken speed boats were everywhere, unconscious or dead bodies floated by the water as the grand chase happened. Soap wondered if Price and Roach caught up with Shepherd.
"All these for info on Nero." France frowned, her hands tended to both Ghost and Alexandra.
"There's still a nuke out there. I wonder how Jack and Alex are holding up." Soap glanced at France and muttered. Her short hair blew as she assisted the two, Soap envisioned her as a nurse for a short while, then shook it off immediately after a bump on the river.
"John! Look ahead." France warned as John turned. The place was hugely filled with water and destruction was still everywhere. He coursed the safe path without all the debris and the wreckage.
"What happened here…" Alexandra groaned.
From a distance, the ground shook and smoke bellowed just by the horizon ahead.
"There's a…" Francine whispered.
"Shit! We're headed to a  waterfall!" Soap roared and gripped the controls to shore, luckily they saw it quickly as they settled on the dusty riverbank as the sand blew against the team.
"This is dangerous. Sand might infect their open wounds." Francine said, concerned about the situation of the two injured. 
"I'll help you seek shelter then I'll check on Price." He said, lifting Alexandra and assisting France on carrying Ghost.
They soon found a small cavern like structure that would provide shade from both sun and dust that masked the area. Soap took his rifle from Alexandra, slung it on his body and left.
"John. Be careful." Francine said, her eyes looked very concerned and Soap would do just about anything to protect that kind of look. He didn't want to disappoint.
"I always am." He smiled and turned back, his head hitting the roof of the cave.
"Ack!" he muttered and left, causing France to chuckle. 
A quick peek of the waterfall and Soap saw the plane crash which bellowed black smoke. The rest of the ground was unclear as the sandstorm covered most of the area. There were no signs of movement and Soap carefully crossed the mountain path downward to the crash site. Shepherd didn't make it out. This is the end of the line for him.
Next Chapter : The TEN Kilometer River
Notification Squad my Beloved
@bumblingbee1 @smokeywhalee @samatedeansbroccoli @ricinbach @whimsywispsblog @enderio
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imalifegen89 · 3 years
A Legacy Left Behind - Chapter - 7 - When the Past Unfurls - Part I
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Rating: Mature
Category: M/M
Fandoms: Stargate Atlantis, Stargate SG-1, Hawaii Five-0 (2010)
Relationship: Steve McGarrett/John Sheppard
Characters: Steve McGarrett, John Sheppard, Danny "Danno" Williams, Evan Lorne, Bates (Stargate), Laura Cadman, Alicia Vega, Kono Kalakaua, Adam Noshimuri, PO Higgins (OC), Samantha "Sam" Carter, Jack O'Neill, John McGarrett, Dr. Lam, Catherine Rollins, Wo Fat, Original Goa'uld Character(s), Original Characters
Additional Tags: Action/Adventure, Action & Romance, Military, Hurt/Comfort, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Violence, Character Bashing, Not Catherine Rollins Friendly, No DADT, Swearing
Summary :
"Sure John, I'll call," He promised as the SUV came to a stop in front of them. He and Danny both got in and seated themselves. He then gave a short wave to John who was still standing there by the exit watching them leave. Steve hoped what John had told him would be true, that his dad would be able to make it through. He was not ready to lose his only remaining parent. ‘God please, not again! Not so soon ...' His mind was repeating the mantra as Steve let out a weary sigh and closed his eyes."
Steve will find out about what happened to his father, who was involved in it, why it happened and so much more than he ever bargained for...
Hello All, Here's the next part of the series, and it's a two-parter. There are some plot twists on the way and hope you all will enjoy it.
Aethir - Thank you so much for your hard work and for finding some time to help me with editing, commenting, and giving out very helpful tips and suggestions. Idea bouncing and snark is always so much fun with you!!!
Part 1 - Honolulu General
Honolulu General Hospital
The six-hour-long flight in the old and noisy Globemaster had left both SEALs travel-weary and sleep-deprived. Neither had talked much during the flight, trying to catch a few hours of shut-eye, but among the jarring engine noise, the comms chatter, the endless shuddering, and the training maneuvers, that had been impossible. At the end of the flight, they had thanked the crew and disembarked with relief, each carrying their single duffel.
They were both on leave and therefore in civilian clothes, and instead of the usual armory they carried around, they only had their handguns and with extra clips in their bags. Although they were only making a visit to the hospital, neither of them was willing to go completely unarmed.
A short taxi ride brought them to the hospital from Hickam closer to the midday visiting hours. They figured if needed, they could wait in the hospital until they could see John McGarrett.
"Hello, My name’s Steve McGarrett, I got a call last night about my father. Somebody named Curtis called me," said Steve, presenting his credentials to the male nurse manning the reception area of the Outdoor-Patient-Department. The nurse - L. Rider, according to his name tag - gave Steve and his ID a once over and started accessing his system.
"Yes, Mr. McGarrett, your father's been moved from the ICU. He’s in room 308. You can take that elevator to the left," he informed.
Steve and Danny both took off towards the given directions.
The room Steve's father was in wasn't hard to find. It was located on the third floor and the room had the number and the name 'John McGarrett' on a plaque clearly displayed. It also had 'Dr. Leonard T. Lester - Cardiologist' listed as his primary care physician.
"I'm going to go look around and find some coffee. Do you need anything?" Danny asked. He was going to give his friend some time with his dad before going in.
"Yeah sure, I could use some coffee.”
During the six long hours he’d had to think about what happened, Steve’s mind had been busy contemplating some horrible scenarios. He hadn’t realized that he had been subconsciously bracing himself for the worst. Nobody in his family had any history of heart attacks and he didn't know what to expect, what to do or how to prepare. Being the trained planner that he was, Steve found the lack of knowledge rather unsettling.
What the nurse at the reception told him, gave him hope though. He theorized that since his dad's already been moved from the ICU to a regular room, his condition shouldn't be that bad.
Steve took a moment to compose himself, watching Danny as he walked away. Then he took a deep breath and knocked on the door before entering room 308.
He stood still by the door to take the scene in.
His dad was lying on the bed and a white and blue hospital gown was peeking out from underneath the white blanket. There was a monitor attached to his chest and Steve could see the leads disappear through the opening of his gown. The apparatus was quiet and its screen indicated a steady rhythm while John McGarrett slept. Steve noticed there was an IV connected to his dad's left hand as well. He scrunched up his nose when the strong odor of antiseptics hit him in the face, contrasting starkly with the smell of gun oil and Old Spice aftershave he usually associated with his dad.
McGarrett senior was sleeping peacefully and didn't seem to be in any pain. Steve was content to let his dad be, preferring to let him wake up on his own. As he stepped further into the room, he saw a chair by the bed and lowered himself to it slowly, mindful not to make a sound. Then he placed his duffel bag on the floor and settled in to wait.
Maybe it was his instincts of being an active duty police officer - John McGarrett surfaced from his slumber knowing that there was somebody in the room with him, within a few minutes of Steve’s entrance. The slight change in the rhythm of the heart monitor alerted Steve to the fact. Not wanting to startle him, Steve leaned forward and addressed his father softly.
"Hey dad," he reached to touch his hand, the one without the IV needle.
"Steve!" His dad's eyes went wide, realizing his son was sitting by the bed. "What are you doing here?" John knew Steve was deployed and he was the last person he expected to see in the hospital this early. He hadn’t even been in here for 24 hours.
"The hospital called me and told me you had a heart attack," Steve explained. He was relieved to see that his dad was speaking clearly and wasn't showing any signs of disorientation or pain. In fact, he looked quite normal. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm alright," John smiled at the raised eyebrow he received from his son at that. So he elaborated. "Just a little tightness in my chest area. But the doctor says it's normal after an attack. Other than that, I really am feeling fine. To be honest, I didn't even know what it was. I only knew I had a heart attack when Dr. Lester told me this morning," He was more curious as to how his son got here so quickly. "Where were you when they called you?"
"Colorado Springs." Steve smiled. He couldn't really get into details about his deployment or his whereabouts other than that, but he was glad that he was in the States to make this trip.
"Hah, and you’re here already. That was quick,"
"Yeah, I got lucky and caught a transport.”
Steve was more than happy to just sit there and exchange pleasantries all day long. But he needed to know what happened first. He got up to go and fetch a glass of water for his father from the bedside table. "Dad, what happened?"
His dad took it and drank some water before handing it back to Steve. Then he turned on his bed to fully settle on his back. Steve put the glass away and leaned towards his dad, giving him his full, undivided attention.
"It was the weirdest thing, kid," said the senior McGarrett, frowning as he cast his mind back to the chain of events that led to his sudden health failure. “I was in that small grocery shop by the filling station near home. I had just finished filling up the tank on the truck and was getting some stuff for the weekend. I remember walking towards the counter to pay and that’s it - for the life of me, I can't remember having any pain or calling for help or anything. I was standing there one moment and was waking up on this bed the next.” He paused to take a deep breath and then exhale slowly. “Then there’s this fellow - Dr. Lester - is telling me how lucky I was to come back from a severe myocardial infarction with no visible damage to my heart,” he made a face, remembering his earlier conversation with the overly cheerful doctor who described the incident in vivid medical detail.
“How’d you get here?”
“He said that the shop owner called for emergency services and sent me here. Apparently, I coded on the way, but they managed to get my heart started again without much fuss. And now, here I am.” John finished recounting the incident.
Steve rubbed a hand across his face, trying to take it all in.
“I wouldn’t obviously know what to expect, it’s not like I’ve had a heart attack before - but I'd have thought that at least you get some kind of a warning sign, you know? Like breathing difficulties, chest pain or something,” McGarrett senior continued after a moment. “Not this going about your normal day-to-day business, and then a complete blackout, followed by waking up in a damn hospital bed - it just doesn't feel normal,” his frown deepened.
Steve didn’t say anything for a long while. He just took his time to sit there and watch his dad who seemed to be doing pretty much okay after going through such an experience. He was immensely relieved and was happy to take his time to enjoy the feeling, letting go of the worry and stress that had built up since the moment he’d received the call.
A knock on the door interrupted the comfortable silence in the room and Danny Williams entered carrying two styrofoam cups of coffee.
“Ah there you are, Cap, how are you feeling?” He asked, handing over a coffee to Steve and coming closer to stand near the bed railing.
“I’m feeling alright, considering,” John smiled crookedly. “Where’s my coffee, Williams?”
“Hey, I don't think coffee is on the approved list for you,” Danny grinned. He was glad to see the man looked healthy enough for someone who had just had a serious health scare, fit to be up and making demands. “Besides, this hospital swill is so bad it might just give you a different problem or three,” he sipped his coffee and grimaced theatrically to prove the point. “So when are they letting you out?”
“Don't know yet, my doctor is supposed to drop by any time now. I don't think I need to stay here any longer at all.” John stated confidently. He was not accustomed to sitting around on a bed all day, especially when he wasn’t feeling different from any other day.
“Let’s let the doctor decide that, yeah dad? As you said, this is the first time something like this has happened to you and they just might need to keep you under observation for a bit - just saying,” Steve cautioned.
He knew his dad and he could see the stubborn man was already planning on going home, to start acting as if nothing happened. He might even insist on going to work unless the doctor gave him strict orders to rest and take it easy for a while.
“Which reminds me, do they know at the station that you are here?” Steve asked his dad before he could start protesting about staying put in the hospital. “I tried calling Kelly before I left, but it went to voicemail,”
“No, I’m on leave - only due back the day after tomorrow,” his dad replied somewhat petulantly.
The room door opened again, this time granting entry to a short, balding Hawaiian native. The name tag embroidered over the chest area of his white coat identified him as Dr. L.T. Lester. He smiled cheerfully at all of them and went to the nearest monitor connected to McGarrett senior.
“So how are you feeling today, John?” the doctor inquired while studying the monitor.
“I’m fine doc, when do I get to go home?” John got straight to the point.
The doctor continued taking readings and making notes with an amused smile on his face. Then he went to unclip the chart hanging on the bed railing and made a few notes on it. After that, instead of answering his reluctant patient, the doctor turned to Steve and Danny to introduce himself. At the end of exchanging pleasantries, he finally turned to address John.
“Well, Mr. McGarrett, I can see you’re doing quite well and your readings are good. But, as I explained to you earlier, what you went through is quite serious and you might have damage to your heart muscle.”
Then sensing the alarm from the visitors of his patient, the doctor hurried to explain. “It’s what happens during a heart attack. The blood flow into the heart gets interrupted and it goes into a sort of overdrive trying to restore the flow. This overactivity can cause damage. Your dad was quite lucky that people near him reacted quickly and sent him to the hospital on time.” The doctor smiled again.
“So, what’s next, doc?” Steve asked.
“We do need to assess the possibility of damage and the cause of the infraction. The most common reason is usually coronary artery disease, which means cholesterol clogging the arteries. There are some instances this could happen if you were experiencing a seizure with severe spasms and contractions. We’ll need to run some tests to determine the cause and then plan steps for the recovery,”
“And how long will all this take?” The McGarrett senior looked crestfallen, resigned to the fact that he wasn’t going to get out soon.
“I actually have you scheduled for some of the tests now. Some blood work, an EKG, and a scan. An attendant should be here shortly to take you for those,” Then the doctor turned to Steve and Danny. “The tests will take about an hour or so. If you need to step out and have a meal or something, now would be the time.”
An elderly female attendant entered the room quietly, pushing a wheelchair as the doctor finished, and started unhooking Steve's dad from his various monitors. Steve took the doctor's advice and took his leave with Danny, after letting his dad know that they’ll be back once the tests were done.
“Well, I’ve gotta admit man, your dad’s right. That does sound weird.” Danny said after listening to Steve about what happened.
“Why?” Steve frowned.
“My uncle Mario had a heart attack a couple of years ago. The man was moving some heavy boxes around. He’d been sweating buckets and breathing through his mouth for about an hour when my aunt found him and made him take a break. Then he felt pain in his chest and aunt Rea took him to a doctor. The doctor took one look at him and sent him to an ER. He’s been suffering from a heart attack for hours by then,” Danny paused and tried to remember the exact details his mother told him about what happened to his uncle. “He is fine now. He had to have a bypass and has to stay away from all the greasy food and the alcohol, but he made it,” he said inspecting the sandwich he took from the vending machine. They were both seated in the hospital cafeteria with bottles of water and sandwiches.
It was crowded and almost all the tables were full with families huddling together having lunch - most probably waiting for news about their loved ones. It wasn’t that noisy, despite being crowded to capacity - and nowhere near cozy or inviting - as one would expect from a busy dining area. It felt as though the sense of expectation, the sense of happiness, and the overpowering sense of grief had all tangled up together to create a very subdued atmosphere. Even the smell of food mixed with the underlying odors of disinfectant contributed to the gloom that pervaded over the souls lost in their own private worlds.
“Wow, I’ve forgotten how crappy the hospital food is. This doesn't look like a roast beef sandwich man,” Danny sniffed at it. “Sure doesn’t smell like it either.” Then he shrugged and started eating. It didn’t taste much better either, but he was hungry after the long flight.
Steve didn’t say anything as he nibbled on his food. He wasn’t really hungry but knew he had to have something to keep his energy up. He was thinking about his dad’s recounting of the incident. He hadn’t said anything to his dad earlier, but the more he thought about it, the less it made sense. What Danny was telling him also made it clear how unusual the whole thing was. He made up his mind to pop into the shop his dad was in, later when they left the hospital. Maybe he could talk to the shopkeeper and even have a look at their security footage if they had any. He might even find something that could explain his dad suddenly suffering a heart attack. Maybe there was something that his dad had forgotten to mention.
He needed to get in touch with Sheppard as well, to let him know his dad’s condition. He knew that John would worry until he heard from him. Taking the last bite of his sandwich, he decided now would be the best time to make that call.
“Listen, I need to call Shep and let him know dad’s alright. I’m just gonna be over there by that balcony,” he told Danny as he stood up, fishing his phone out of his jacket pocket. Then he walked to the area he pointed, dialing Sheppard. “Be right back.”
The sweet and subtle smell of her perfume reached Danny first, as he realized the lady who was wearing it was standing right in front of him. He looked up and saw the familiar, smiling face of Lieutenant Catherine Rollins looking down at him.
“Well, hello!” He grinned. “Fancy running into you here, of all places,” he gestured at the seat Steve had just vacated. “Take a seat,”
“Thanks,” Rollins smiled charmingly as she sat. “I’m just here visiting a friend of mine. She just had her second baby - a cute little baby boy,” her face took on the same expression all women wore when talking about babies. “I popped in here to get a drink and then I saw you,” she said. “I thought you guys were in Colorado? Is everything ok?” Her expression turned into one tinged with concern.
“Yeah, everything’s fine. I’m here with Steve, actually. We got a call about his dad, but he’s alright. We just saw him,” Danny explained without going into much detail. He noticed the Lieutenant perking up at the mention of McGarrett junior.
“He’s over there, on a call.” he pointed with his head.
Steve was leaning over the balcony with his elbows resting on the railing and busy talking to Sheppard. He didn’t see the new arrival as he had his back to them.
Danny saw the wattage of Cathrine’s smile go up as her eyes ran over the view the oblivious SEAL presented. He hid the grin and blinked at her innocently when she turned back to face him.
“So, will you guys be here for a few days then?” She inquired, her gaze snapping back to where Steve was, almost unintentionally.
Danny knew she was mostly interested in finding out whether Steve was going to be around for a while.
“Well, that depends.” He hedged. “We have to see his dad’s doctor and see how it goes,”
He didn’t want to give any definite answers or any other details without Steve’s say so. He opened his bottle and drank some water, wishing Steve would soon return. So that he could decide what to tell this infatuated Lieutenant who was back to staring at Steve’s ass with a dreamy look on her face. Then something started to nag at Danny about what she said earlier, but he couldn’t place it. He pushed it away to sort out later as he saw Steve finishing his call.
“Yeah, so that’s what happened. He seems alright and man, that’s a relief. Depending on what his tests and scans show, it’ll be a day or two more. But I’ll message you when I find out,” Steve said to John, who was quite relieved at the fact that Steve’s dad was fine. He insisted that Steve take as much time as needed to make sure his dad got all the support he needed. He also made Steve promise to message him with updates and implored him to take care of himself before finally ending the call.
Steve put his phone back inside his jacket with a smile. He very much appreciated the time he was given to take care of his dad. Moreover, he was deeply touched by the way Sheppard sounded over the phone. He had been really worried and the relief that poured over from his lover through the call was almost a tangible thing. Steve made a mental note to send regular updates as promised. It wasn’t something he would have done for anyone else, but he knew Sheppard would stress otherwise. It felt nice to know that he had somebody who cared that much about him.
He felt the good feeling wilt away when he turned back to see the penetrating gaze of Catherine Rollins directed at him. He was pretty sure he caught her in the act of staring at his ass. She smiled brilliantly at him and waved. Steve was somewhat reluctant to wave back and tried his best to summon a smile for her. He was sure it looked more like a grimace instead.
Steve didn’t have anything against beautiful women. He was definitely not opposed to being the subject of desire of one, either. He had gone out with many pretty women and Catherine Rollins, with her long black hair, soulful brown eyes, and radiant smile was exactly his type. But he was very much invested in another hazel-eyed brunet and he didn’t see himself veering off anytime soon - if ever at all. Even if he wasn’t, Steve knew that he still wouldn’t be interested in this particular woman. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but there was something off about Lieutenant Rollins - something that rubbed him the wrong way - that made him want to be on his guard whenever she was nearby.
“Hi, Steve,” Rollins greeted cheerfully as he walked towards them.
Again, he was instantly put off by the overly friendly greeting. They had only known each other for about 48 hours, hadn’t they? He had to make a conscious effort to return the greeting without letting his true feelings show.
“Hello, Lieutenant,” He asked, more or less politely. “What brings you here?”
Danny cocked his head to the side and narrowed his eyes, picking up on Steve’s discomfort instantly.
Rollins either didn’t notice or didn’t let it bother her because she launched into the story of her friend and her cute little babies with great enthusiasm.
Steve kept the smile plastered on his face as she talked. Then he made a show of checking time and gestured to Danny. “Hey, listen, it’s nice bumping into you here. But Danny and I’ve gotta run. My dad should be done with his tests now,” he said to the woman as Danny got up from the chair to go with him. Steve didn’t want to give her any details about their visit here and hoped Danny hadn’t run his mouth either.
With that somewhat curt parting, he turned and walked out of the cafeteria, with Danny following closely behind.
“So, it isn’t just me, hah? She gives off weird vibes to you too?” Danny asked, turning his walk into a half jog to keep up with Steve’s longer strides. Steve was eager to put as much distance as possible between them and Rollins.
“Yeah, you didn’t tell her why we’re here, did you?” Steve asked while stabbing the buttons on the elevator.
“Nah, not really. Just told her that we’re here for your dad. That’s it.”
“Is she following us?” Steve was staring at the shiny surface of the elevator door.
The reflections on it were slightly distorted. But Danny could discern the shapely figure of Rollins in tight-fitting jeans and green sleeveless top, slowly making her way towards them.
“Forget this,” Steve spat, pressing a few more buttons for various floors on the keypad. Then he swiftly walked away to the nearest staircase and started climbing two steps at a time. He knew his behavior was a bit irrational; she was just a colleague after all, not another enemy combatant gaining on him. Nevertheless, he wanted to get away from her as soon as possible.
When they finally reached Steve’s dad’s room, the man was already there, enjoying his lunch. It didn’t look much better than what they had either. John McGarrett insisted that there was no need for them to hang around since he was just going to take his pills and take a long nap anyway. He could see the boys were tired and wanted them to go home and catch a few hours of sleep for themselves. Steve relented and promised his dad that they’d drop by later around dinner time. He made him promise to call them if he needed anything before that and then finally hugged him fiercely, before taking their leave.
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rogue-barnes-16 · 5 years
Summary: While in a dangerous mission, the comms stop working, which makes Natasha unable to contact her teammate when she got injured.
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x fem!Reader
Genre: fluff-ish
Permanent taglist: @notexactlythatgirl @thisismysecrethappyplace @sofreakinmanyfandoms @pizzarollpatrol @bubblycypress87 @1a-girl-has-no-name1 @loislp @lovenaturefirst @dyanna-corona @2ptonpt @goodnightmode @disneyprincessbuffyannesummers @mannls @cutie1365 @catch22inareddress @mybooradley @sebastianisasnack @butifulsoul125 @unlikelygalaxygiver
Warnings: language, wounds
A/N: this is number five, the number of the drafts you picked in third place. Basically, this author note is for telling you that I got the idea from this post, and that if you guys want me to do more wlw fics, let me know in a comment. I'm not really asking for requests bc I got a fair amount waiting for me to write them, but you can write down a pairing you want me to write about. Love you guys <3.
Rogue-barnes-16 masterlist
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I burst into the safe house we had agreed on meeting in, just in case shit went south and we had no choice but split up.
Damn our luck, that's exactly what happened.
When I thought the situation couldn't get worse, it did, because no matter how hard I tried for my comm to work, it wouldn't cooperate.
Maybe it wasn't my comm, maybe it was Natasha's. Maybe she was just out of range, taking the long way. Either ways, I had no way to make sure she was okay.
I reassured myself repeating in my head that it was Natasha Romanoff who I was talking about, it was the Black Widow. She was a skilled spy and assassin, she was a perfect liar.
She was okay.
She had to be okay.
I sat in the only bed inside the cabin, the top of my tactic gear off, with my gun besides me. I was waiting for Nat to cross that door in front of me, because I knew she was alright, but I needed to see it.
Thousands of dark thoughts invaded my mind, taking the place of the hopes I had been having for a few minutes already, really dark thoughts.
Because I had left without her, and if something happened to her, it was on me, because I had left her.
And if something had happened to her, if something had happened to Natasha, then I would lose my mind, because even if I refused to say it, even if I refused to talk about it with anyone, she had, at some point, became the light I didn't know I needed.
No, nothing happened to her, that wouldn't be fair, not after all she went through, not after all I went through.
It was just not fair, and that's the reason I realized something had happened to her. No one was fair for us.
My awful, depressing train of thought was broken by the sound of rushed steps towards the safe house's door. I stood up, grabbed my gun, and took a step forward waiting for whoever it was.
The door flung open to let my eyes see the redhead I had been thinking about. The redhead that was now pressing the side of her abdomen, leaning against the door frame.
She let out a shaky sigh of relief once had glanced at me, and muttered a quiet 'you're okay' with her eyes shut.
The hand that had been aiming the gun at the door fell limply to my side after I processed it was her. It took me a hot second to acknowledge the reason for her position.
"Yeah..." she mumbled, pressing the wound harder before attempting to step in my direction, which was a pretty bad idea since, if I hadn't had good reflexes, she would have fallen. "fuck!"
"I got you" I whispered, passing her arm over my shoulders to help her get to the bed. "can you take off your suit?" she nodded with her eyes closed "okay, I'll go to see what's on the first aid kit."
"you got hurt?" she asked from the bed, her voice sounding strained due to the pain the wound was causing her.
"No, I'm just fine" I dismissively replied, not really lying. A few bad bruises couldn't be compared to what had happened to her.
I came back to the bed with the supplies I could find to take care of her wound, and she had upper half of her catsuit off, which left her in her black bra.
I looked away as fast as I could.
"okay, let's fix this." I kneeled before her to have a clear view of the wound, which, to my surprise, was caused by a knife and not by a gun.
"how does it look?" she asked, struggling not to press her hand against it. When she seemed like giving in, I took one of my hands to her wrist to hold it away from the wound. "be honest."
"It... doesn't look good." I confessed, letting go of her hand to reach for a cloth I had wet to clean around the wound. "but it doesn't look that bad I promise."
"I believe you." she replied, shifting her position slightly for me to have a better access to the wound.
"I'm sorry." I blurted out, not daring to look up at her, since I knew she was already looking at me. "should've waited for you."
"I'm glad you left." her answer was confusing at the same time as reassuring. "You're safe and that's all that matters."
I stopped moving the moment those last words left her mouth.
She noticed.
"you got the intel." she clarified. "that's all that matters." I nodded, somehow disappointed at her explanation.
"Good news" I announced, passing the wet cloth over her wound as gently and slowly as I could. "It almost stopped bleeding by itself." she whispered an 'okay'.
"did you find something to clean the wound?" I looked up at her with warnings eyes before reaching for a bottle of alcohol I had fought under the first aid kit. "oh boy. This is going to hurt."
I didn't even bother on trying to deny it, because it was just so obvious. "just take a deep breath and tell me if it's too much." she replied with a couple of quick nods, already tensed and waiting for the cloth now soaked in alcohol to reach her skin.
Her breath hitched the moment the the alcohol made contact with her wound, and even though she tried not to move, she ended up trying to move away involuntarily.
I rapidly retreated the cloth and lifted my gaze to check on her.
Natasha's green eyes stayed shut for a second, while she took a deep, shaky breath. "Nat?"
"I'm okay." she whispered, gripping the bedsheets. "keep going, I'm fine." the redhead assured me, with her eyes now open.
I pursed my lips in a thin line, my eyebrows frowned with worry. "alright... I'll try to be quick. Why don't you try to lay down?" she gave me a brief nod and I helped her recline on the matress in a way that she still was able to make eye contact with me. "just... Hold still."
Her hand was right besides mine, and I tried to focus on the wound instead of looking at the strength with which she fisted the sheets, her muscles tensed.
The cloth came back to the wound, and this time, I didn't stop when I heard Natasha's breath hitched, nor when ragged pants started to leave her lips against her will.
No, I didn't stop, just because I didn't want her to keep hurting for long, and in order to accomplish that I had to finish quick.
Only when her fingers wrapped around my wrist to pull it away from her wound, only when she sat up way too fast, I stopped.
"wait, please." she blurted out, with her limbs shaking.
"I'm sorry." I whispered apologetically. "I really gotta finish. Just hold still for a second okay?" She nodded again, taking a deep breath after muttering a 'fuck'. "Lay down, baby."
Oh gosh.
I had not just called Natasha Romanoff baby.
I had not just pet named the woman I loved.
We stayed there in silence for an instant too long for my liking, in which Natasha's pupils dug into mines and her hand fell from my wrist as if she was scared of what I could have meant.
But her fear almost looked like hope.
"I- Y/n-"
"Natasha" I called her name with my cheeks burning, returning my attention to the wound, which looked way better already. "Lay down"
She complied in silence, and this time her eyes were fixed on the ceiling instead of in me.
I tried to forget what had just happened, for me, and for her, and I finished cleaning the wound and proceeded to patch it up.
At first I didn't notice, but Natasha's long, thin fingers, slowly approached my hand until they were lazily intertwined with mines.
I tried to ignore it at first, but I couldn't help but to hold her hand.
"I need you to sit up for a second."
I turned around to grab the bandages and came back to my original position, just to see her already sat.
Without a single word, I kneeled on the bed and made her lift her arms for me to bandage her wound. "okay" I spoke with my hands behind her, passing the bandage from her back to her front. "you can put them down again."
Both of her hands landed on my cheeks, and I saw that fear which had been in her eyes just a couple of seconds ago, that same fear that almost looked like hope.
"Y/n" the way she whispered my name made my cheeks blush and my heart to pound against my chest.
"Nat" licking her lips, she passed her thumbs over my jaw. "think about it." I warned her, looking for any kind of hesitancy hidden somewhere in her gaze.
She quickly shook her head no. "not this time."
Her lips ghosted over mines, not really kissing them.
She was waiting for me to agree on this.
I closed the gap, taking my hand to the back of her neck while our lips danced against one another's.
Her hands left my cheeks to travel to my chest, briefly massaging my breasts and making me pant before going for the hem of the tank top, lifting it in an attempt to get it off me.
My the hand that had been on her neck as an extra support for her traveled up to her red waves, tangling it's fingers with them before giving her a gentle tug that teared a muffled moan out of her.
I didn't quite know which movement was, but it made her gasp quite loud, due to the pain that it had triggered.
It was then that I pulled away, resting my forehead against hers. "can't do this right now. You gotta rest."
Her pupils, now blown, observed me for a second, thinking if my order was the best option.
"No what?"
She chewed her lower lip, hesitant about her answer. "nothing."
While I helped her lay down, I realized what she had meant with 'no'.
I pulled away from her face a few strands of her before pecking her lips. "rest baby."
Her hand pulled me to the bed with her and, as soon as I lay down, she gave me a sweet kiss.
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Lost Light
Disclaimer: this is my fanfic off of Wattpad called ‘His Queen of Hearts’. It’s a Cayde-6 Fanfic. Please go read it.
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Chloe dove behind a rock, trying to avoid shots from Hive. She was currently on a mission to gather intel on the moon about the Hive's whereabouts.
"Hey, Chloe, ya' almost done?" Came Cayde's whining voice over her Comm.
"Just about, I just need to take out a Wizard, two Knights, A couple of Acolytes, and horde of Thrall," Chloe replied as she knifed a few Thrall, ending their lives.
"That sounds like fun!" Cayde exclaimed.
"Yep, loads of fun, wish you were here!" The Huntress chuckled, switching from her knife to her hand cannon.
Chloe jumped, did a flip, and shot two acolytes with one shot each.
"Believe me, I want to be, but Zavala has an eye on me after the dreadnought mission, sat there for 2 hours getting lectured," Cayde stated, "anyway, I'll talk to you when you get back to the tower, I have something to ask you, over and out!"
The comm went dead. Chloe chuckled as she threw her knife at some more Hive. She climbed a piler and threw a scatter grenades at the knights. Then she jumped and activated her super, Gunslinger—or Golden Gun— killing the Wizard.
Chloe summoned her Ghost, Moondance, and let him scan for the data needed from the Hive corpses around her.
"That's all we need, let's head back to the tower!" The Ghost exclaimed, looking to Chloe.
"Great, I'm ready for some ramen and maybe some sleep," Chloe said, walking out of the Hive base.
Moondance transported both of them to the ship up in orbit. Chloe turned on some tunes, a genre the Golden Age called Modern Country.
"You're like that cigarette, that shot of 100 proof, no matter how much I get, I'm always craving, that feeling when we kiss, the way your body moves, no matter how much I get, I'm always craving you!" Chloe sang, taking her helmet off, her dyed blue hair falling out and stopping just at her shoulders.
"What's this singers name again?" Moondance asked.
"Thomas Rhett, I think," The Huntress answered, flying the ship towards Earth.
Chloe turned her comm on, "This is Chloe Brask, returning form the moon with the needed data from the Hive, come in Vanguard."
Nothing but static.
"Come in Vanguard."
Still nothing.
"What the hell is going on?" The Huntress stated, frustration setting in after not being able to contact the Vanguard.
"Remember when I told you that you fly too fast?" Moondance asked, as they enter Earth's orbit.
"Yeah?" Chloe said, a questioning look on her face.
"Forget that I ever said that, fly fast!"
Chloe nodded, adding more power to her ships thrusters. She had a bad feeling as they flew towards the Last City.
As they arrived, Chloe took a double take.
"The Traveler!" Moondance exclaimed.
The Traveler was being attacked, by what? Chloe had no idea. She flew even faster to the city. Even more shocked that the Tower was in ruins. She saw Guardians everywhere with weapons drawn. That's when she saw the Cabal.
Moondance transmitted Chloe and himself out of her ship. The Huntress spotted her best friends: Isabelle Brigham (Awoken Warlock) and Tori-3 (Exo Titan). She ran to them.
"Guys, what the hell happened?" Chloe exclaimed.
"The Cabal attacked the Tower and Traveler, we have no idea how they got passed our defenses," Isabelle explained, as she floated towards Chloe.
Tori joined as she shot some Cabal with her Rocket Launcher, "Shaxx is waiting for backup in the east wing!"
"Where's Cayde?" Chloe asked, worried about the Exo Hunter Vanguard.
"Somewhere in the tower," Isabelle replied.
Chloe nodded and threw a scatter grenade at a group of Legionary Cabal, then turned to go.
"Clo, where the bloody hell are you going?" The Warlock exclaimed.
"To Cayde!" Chloe stated, running off to find him.
"You're gonna get your reckless Hunter ass killed!" Tori shouted after her.
Chloe chuckled as Moondance appeared next to her.
"Pinpoint Cayde's location," She said, as she switched from a hand cannon to an auto rifle, mowing down Cabal that crossed her path.
"Right, Cayde is near the Bazaar," The Little Light said.
Chloe nodded and headed straight for the Bazaar. She dodged and fought Cabal along the way. She ran into Shaxx and helped him with some Cabal as well.
"Tori and Isabelle will be here soon," Chloe said.
"Okay, be careful Guardian, the tower won't be the same if we lose you," Lord Shaxx said.
The Huntress nodded and continued on her quest to find Cayde. 'Where is that dumdass Exo,' She thought, looking around.
She stopped in front of a closed door that started to creak open. Halfway through the process of opening, it stops and Cayde-6 appears.
"Cayde!"Moondance exclaimed.
Cayde looked over at Chloe and the Ghost. He ran over to the Huntress, engulfing her in a bone crushing hug.
"Thank the Traveler you're okay!" He exclaimed, as Chloe hugged him back.
"Same to you," She replied, catching a whiff of Cayde's cologne.
The vanguard pulled away from the hug and looked Chloe over.
"Damn, you look absolutely stunning with Cabal blood and sweat all over you," He said.
The Huntress rolled her eyes, "Nows not the time to flirt with me, Cayde!"
He sighed, "Fine, meet Zavala in the Plaza, me, I got a date with who ever is behind this attack, maybe a short date."
He said all this as he shot some more Cabal and Teleported away. Chloe shook her head, chuckling, heading to the Plaza. She knew Cayde had a thing for her, but wasn't interested in any sort of relationship.  Yeah, Chloe harbored feelings for the handsome Exo Hunter, but ever since her father, Andal Brask, was killed, she distanced herself from everyone. Sure, Isabelle and Tori were there for her, but Chloe wanted to be alone for the longest time, still did. She didn't have time for relationships. So, she busied herself with missions and patrols, alone, getting the work done —recklessly though.
A few moments later, Chloe arrived in the Plaza. It was under heavy fire by Cabal coming in the dozen. She found Zavala taking cover from behind rubble. The Huntress went over to him.
"Commander, need help securing the Plaza?" She asked.
"It would be most appreciated, Guardian!" The Titan Vanguard exclaimed.
Chloe nodded and took out her hand cannon, mowing down Cabal as she advanced on them. She dodged, flips, and reloaded. She threw grenades, knives, and Golden Gun until not a single Cabal was left standing.
"Guardian, go find Ikora, she went to find the Speaker, then Rendezvous when possible," Zavala ordered.
"Yeah, yeah, I got it," Chloe stated, running. Off to find the Warlock Vanguard.
She ran down corridors and maneuvered through rubble.She found Ikora battling through more Cabal.
"Chloe, the Speaker isn't here, I'm going to find him!" Ikora exclaimed, jumping onto a Cabal ship.
"You need any help?" Chloe asked.
"No, just defeat the cabal and defend the Traveler!"
Then Ikora disappeared with the ship.
"What the hell are the Cabal doing her and what do they want?" Came Cayde's voice over the comm.
"They're callled, The Red Legion, and rumor has it: They've never known defeat," Ikora replied.
"But they never fought Guardians. Chloe, I'm sending Holliday in to pick you up, we want you to infiltrate the enemy command ship," Zavala said.
"Okay, where should I met Amanda?" The Huntress asked, climbing over rubble.
"I'm sending you the coordinates now."
"And Clo, stay safe" Cayde said, a worried tone in his voice.
"I will, Cayde, you forgetting who you're talking to?" The female giggled.
"You know what I mean, don't be too reckless," The Exo stated.
"Fine, but you owe me two bowls of ramen after this," Chloe stated, before turning off her comm.
When she found Amanda, Chloe climbed into the ship.
"Chloe, we're gonna do a weird loop around, and hopefully get to the command ship without any casualty," The Southern Mechanic said.
"Sounds good," The Huntress said, leaning against the ships metal wall.
"You might want to hold on to something!" Amanda exclaimed as she hit the thrusters, taking off.
Chloe lost her balance, but grabbed onto a rail to steady herself.
"Zavala, I picked up Chloe," Amanda said, as she turned on the comm system.
"Get her on that command ship—Now!" Zavala said, though it was quite staticky.
"Clo, hold on back there!" Amanda exclaimed.
"I already am!" The Huntress retorted.
"Well, hold on tighter!" The Southern Mechanic stated, as she flew threw firing Calab ships.
"Come one big guy," Amanda muttered to the Traveler, "do something!"
She opened the bay door of her ship, "Alright, Chloe, time to kick 'em where it hurts!"
"You know it!" Chloe exclaimed as she jumped off the ship and landed on the Red Legion's command ship.
"Okay, I'm on the ship, what do you want me to do to infiltrate?" Chloe asked over the comm.
"Take out the shields generator," Zavala replied.
"Okay, I contact you after I'm finished."
"Thank you, Guardian."
"Anytime," Chloe said, then turned off the comm.
After fighting and battling through Cabal forces, Chloe made it to the bottom of the ship, where the shields generator was located. All thanks to Moondance.
"Alright, the generator should be straight ahead," The Little Light said.
Chloe nodded and ran forward. She made it into the room where the generator was.
"Shoot the turbines and the shield should fizzle," Moondance explained.
The Huntress again nodded and used her hand cannon to take out the generator. She did this three times, until it stopped spinning.
"Zavala, the shield's are down!" Chloe said into her comm.
There was static.
Frustrated, Chloe got out of the room and tried to contact Amanda.
"Amanda, we're heading topside," Moondance said.
Again, static.
Chloe ran out to the place where Amanda was supposed to pick her up. She looked at the Traveler then to her Ghost.
"How do we come back from this?" Moondance asked.
"You don't," Said a voice from behind.
The Huntress and Ghost turned in surprise. There stood a giant Cabal, dressed in white armor.
"Welcome to a world without light," He said, gesturing towards the Traveler.
Chloe turned back to the Traveler, only to see being covered by something. That's when she felt something drain her of light.
"Chloe, something is wrong..." Moondance stated, before falling.
Chloe felt her legs give out from under her. The giant Cabal walked towards her, as Chloe grabbed Moondance. She pulled her Little Light close to her. Chloe looked up at the Cabal in front of her.
"Do not look at me, Creature!" He stated, before kicking Chloe firmly in the side.
The Huntress groaned as she landed roughly on her side.
"You are weak. Undisciplined. Cowering behind walls," The Cabal stated, coming closer, "You're not brave, you merely forgotten the fear of death. Allow me to reacquaint you."
Chloe tried to get up, but the Cabal smacked her down. She landed at the edge of the ship and to her horror, watched as Moondance fell off.
"Your kind never deserved the power you were given. I am Ghaul, and your light... is mine..."
And with that he kicked Chloe over the edge. As she was falling, she fell into unconsciousness.
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