#after all the shit i've been through since march with my former work place doing odd jobs to make ends meet and barely making it
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savage-rhi · 9 months ago
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starset21 · 2 years ago
Angel |Jake Seresin|
A/N: I've put a few blurbs from this fic out there but I think it's ready to be seen by the internet. This will be a multi-part fic. This is also my first time putting any of my works on tumblr so yeahhh trying to figure out all that goes with that. Standard disclaimer, I only own my original characters, I've done some research but there will likely be navy inaccuracies, and I do not consent to the posting, translating, or publishing of my work to any 3rd party site, the only place it may be found is tumblr and Wattpad under @.itswildflower
Summary: An nearly fatal incident left naval aviator Artemis out of the skies for 6 months but then she's given new orders. To return to Top Gun.
Warnings: flashbacks to accident, mentions of blood, cursing
word count: 880
Going Home
On March 3, 1969, the US Navy established a school for its best pilots, which accounted for 1% of the total. Its purpose is to teach the art of dogfighting, and air combat and to make men and women the best fighter pilots.
They have succeeded.
Today the Navy calls it Fighter Weapons School. Aviators call it TOP GUN.
The 28-year-old pilot Artemis was getting ready to leave and go pick her daughter up from daycare before heading back to her small navy-issued condo when her commanding officer stopped her. "Can I help you, sir?" she asked. "Artemis, you've been reassigned," he said. She took the papers from him, reading through them quickly. A special detachment? Recalling former top gun graduates? "I haven't been cleared to fly, sir," she tells him. "They'll re-evaluate you in California, you're going home," he told her before shaking her hand and walking off. Home meant San Diego, California. It had been 6 months since she'd flown in any sky after she had almost lost her life on a mission. It was supposed to have been a low-profile surveillance patrol composed of a few new F-35 Lightnings and two F-18s until a squadron of enemy aircraft intercepted them and it escalated quickly into a dogfight. The memory jumped to the forefront of her mind.
"Oh shit! They're 5th gen fighters! Smoke in the air!" Cheshire warned as she deployed flares to defend. "Requesting permission to return fire," Summit radioed command. "Permission granted Shadow one," the comms officer replied. "Tally! Seven o'clock! Artemis break right!" Pyro called out. "Copy!" She broke right and was able to flip around and get tone before firing her own missile at them. It made contact, making it splash 1. "Shit! Got one on our tail!" yelled Scout. "I'm coming," Artemis responded, inverting and spinning around to find them. She spotted them quickly and moved into range, getting tone. The enemy tried to evade it but it was no use, Artemis fired. "That's a splash 2!" Scout exclaimed. "They've got tone on me!" Summit called out as he continued evasive maneuvers. "Smoke in the air!" Pyro called out in warning. "Fuck, I'm out of flares!" Summit yelled. Artemis's eyes widened. "Smoke in the air, evade! Evade!" Cheshire yelled out. "Artemis defending." She deployed flares but she was too close. The controls were almost ripped out of her hand as her jet shuddered violently. Alarms blared. Artemis's eyes darted over her control panels quickly. Hydraulic failure, engine failures, fire on the left engine. She managed to level out some. "Artemis Eject!" Altitude warnings sounded. She could hardly make out the panicking voices of her squadron over the radio. "I can't get control! I'm going down! Ejecting now!" She yanked on the ejection handle but it wasn't working. "Shit! It's not-" She hit the trees, the impact slamming her head against the canopy, making her vision go dark momentarily. Her ears rang as her squadron tried to get her to answer them. Everything hurt, her right arm throbbed and when her vision cleared she could see red beginning to bloom on the left side of her flight suit pants when she shifted slightly, which wasn't good at all. She could feel the blood dripping down her face from the side of her head. She reached with her good arm for her instrument dash where the photo of her little girl was taped, a reminder of why she needed to get home. The jet creaked as it settled amongst broken trees. She noted that fire was creeping closer to the cockpit. She knew she needed to get out of the hunk of metal that remains of her jet so with a yell Artemis used the arm that wasn't throbbing to push herself up so she could get her other leg under her. She managed to hoist herself out and collapsed on the ground next to it. Black spotted her vision as she crawled as far from the burning jet as possible. She managed to switch on her emergency locating device but it was still half an hour before the rescue team found her amongst the wreckage.
She didn't remember much after that. She had been airlifted to the nearest hospital for treatment and suffered from a head laceration, a concussion, bruised ribs, an open left leg fracture, a sprain on her right wrist, and other minor cuts and bruises. Her father was able to pull some strings and fly in to be with her until she was sent back stateside, once she was stabilized enough to be moved long distances. She's been restationed in Key West, Florida ever since. Her mother and younger brother came to visit and brought her daughter to her. Her father had to return nearly immediately, her brother still had school but her mom didn't return to the west coast until she was settled and completely able to take care of the rambunctious 4-year-old on her own. While recovering she was given the opportunity to teach young pilots in the classrooms and even took a few shifts working in the towers. It allowed flexibility for her physical therapy, x-rays, and various doctor appointments to check her progress. So there she was, her belongings packed and sent ahead with her truck, on a commercial flight with her daughter from Florida to California. 
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obsessivestar · 6 years ago
Steamy Love (A Tom Hiddleston x Reader) Part 21: ~Friendship~
Summary: You spend more quality time with your best friend and best man!
Warnings: None.
Read it on my Wattpad: @/HiddlesStar
Word count: 1715
Author Notes: Sorry this chapter took so long! Had to take a break to get the creativity back. Expect weekly chapter updates to resume again!
Tags: @theoneanna @midnightdragonzero @drakesfiance @kcd15 @ihthr @deviantsendbyreallife @bookgirlunicorn
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"What the hell is 'Leg Day'?" Your friend asked, looking rather confused.
Your cheeks immedietly got a little pink. You had remembered in the last live stream you did with Tom, he mentioned the infamous High-Rise 'Leg Day' inside joke you two had created in regards to the first love scene where Laing lifts Charlotte's legs up. He had referenced the joke while talking about how Zero Suit Samus fights in Smash Bros. Ultimate. He didn't explain it, though, keeping the inside joke as an inside joke.
"Umm.." You paused again. You really weren't sure how to explain it, or even if you should explain it. It was a bit...personal.
Before you could really give a response, Tom knocked at the door, walking in once he had permission.
"Are you ladies hungry at all?" He asked. You could tell your friend liked being called that from him. You weren't offended by their little crush. You understood how they were feeling, and it honestly made you feel even luckier to be with Tom.
"I am." You smiled some.
"Me too!" Your friend chirped. "I've barely eaten today."
"Shall we go out for lunch? Say, 10 minutes?.." Tom smiled some.
"In 10 minutes works!" You chirped, and your friend nodded in agreement. Tom gave a little wave and left, closing the door again. Surprisingly, your friend didn't ask about Leg Day again, thankfully. They probably just forgot about it.
After a couple minutes, the three of you left to go get some lunch. Unfortunately by now, the paparazzi knew what streets you and Tom go down to get to places like the grocery store and restaurants, so you'd spot cameras at specific areas. Tom tried not to acknowledge the cameras as you all exited the vehicle after arriving at a lunch joint, but you and your friend gave a slight wave before entering the building, knowing they couldn't follow you in. You were surprised to see that no one in this lunch place knew Tom or you, so you didn't see anyone watching you while you all ate.
"How did you two meet, again?" Your friend asked as you waited for your food.
"I'm surprised she didn't tell you.." Tom smiled, referring to you.
"No I told her. She probably just wants to hear the story again.." You chuckled, getting a little grin from Tom. "We met when he came to my hotel room asking for an extra towel. I didn't even know it was him at that moment.."
"I don't blame you. Me and Loki look nothing alike.." Tom smirked.
"Still, I should've recognized those nice eyes immedietly.." You admitted, getting another big smile from Tom. "It was actually (BF/N) that helped me remember who you were."
"Really?" Tom asked, a little surprised.
"Yeah, I had a call with her on that bus ride to the meeting. That's when she told me. After that, I met you at the meeting the director had set up. That's where I learned we would be costars.."
"Ooh, and the rest is history.." Your friend giggled, nudging you some.
"Do you think you would've realized it was me at the meeting, if she hadn't of reminded you?" Tom asked curiously.
"I mean, they said your last name in the meeting.." You nodded some. "My anxiety would've gone through the roof." You joked, Tom smirking somewhat mischievously.
"I hope you guys weren't having super obvious eye-sex at the meeting." Your friend joked with a chuckle.
"Oh not at all. Not until we got to his hotel room that day.." You admitted with a wink. Tom gave a little snicker.
"I was quite tempted to make a move then, I'll admit.." Tom smirked.
"So was I.." You grinned, seeing Tom's eyes darken and look you over.
"Hey." Your friend snapped their fingers some. "We're in public! Y'all are like rabbits. Jesus.." They shook their head, making you and Tom laugh.
"People would lose their minds if they heard this conversation, I swear.." Your friend laughed, leaning back against their seat.
It was nice reminiscing about your first couple days with Tom, before you had even begun to share a living space. You remember the dark fantasies that had been playing in your head when you went back to his hotel room with him. Now you've probably relived those fantasies twice as much as you expected in your bedroom, and now especially out of the bedroom.
"Let them hear." You shrugged, noticing Tom's slight surprise. You had started to come across paparazzi the more you and Tom have gone out. You wondered if any one of them had watched your streams to get any juicy gossip. Things have been amazing. Any gossip has been good and just excites fans.
During lunch, you talked a lot about your streams. Tom's been really interested in the technical side of it. He's almost been a regular guest. You guys can't even count how many inside jokes you've created.
Leg Day will always be your favourite, of course. It was practically the first.
After dinner, you all returned back to Tom's house. You all decided to stream together. It would probably be a while until the three of you get together again. Now's a good time for it. You all got to play a game together too, deciding to pick Smash Ultimate since it had just come out. Helping Tom figure out these games is one of the best parts of streaming with him. He could be so old sometimes.
"Oh my God, enough with the legs!" You chuckled as you fought against your best friend. They're good with Zero Suit Samus, and they use the Up B attack when you're about 100% to get a stock off you. They're really good.
"What, I thought you liked Leg Day?" Tom commented with a smirk, getting a shy but playful chuckle out of you.
"I don't wanna hear any of that shit, big dog." You chuckled. You could practically hear Tom's big grin as he gave out that iconic 'ehehehe' laugh.
"Y'all still have to tell me what that means." Your friend commented. You gave a slight playful glance to Tom, and he returned the expression. This is very entertaining.
Further into the stream, you were letting your friend teach Tom how to play. He wanted to get better with Joker.
"Joker is a pretty cool character." You admitted with a little smile, keeping an eye on chat while watching Tom and your friend play.
"He seems cool.." Tom smiled. He liked using the white school uniform skin, rather than the mask skins.
"I like his mask. It suits him." Your friend added. "Do you think Loki would ever wear a mask?"
"I don't think he'd want anything to cover his face.." Tom replied. "He may wear one to a Ball, as like a disguise.."
"Who would want to cover those eyes?" You smiled, getting a bashful smile from Tom.
"Very true.." Tom nodded.
As Tom was learning to play, you kept an eye on chat. In a quick moment, something caught your eye.
"Someone sent in a donation and just wrote in 'Nut Hiddleston' and it's really confusing.."
Your friend laughed. "Tom Nut Hiddleston.." They spoke, making you laugh as well.
"Nut? What? What does that mean?" Tom asked, a little confused. "Like a peanut?"
Oh God. That just made you laugh more. How can this man be so innocent in public, but a freak under the bed sheets?
"Sure. A peanut.." You nodded, though you could tell Tom didn't believe that's what it actually meant.
"What? What does it mean?" He asked again, getting all confused when you and your friend giggled. "What does nut mean?"
Him repeating the question just made you laugh more. Hearing it with such a concern tone in his voice was just hilarious. You were starting to notice that little small things he did were funnier than you'd normally think, like him giving little smiles or dropping something. It would give you a warm feeling in your chest, too.
You finally leaned in close to his ear to whisper what it meant. His expression went from slight confusion, to complete embarrassment.
"O-Oh my.." Tom blushed heavily, fixing his glasses. "I-I see.." You giggled again, shaking your head.
"How did you not know what it means?" Your friend asked Tom with a little laugh.
"I don't keep up with today's lingo!" Tom chuckled. "I just learned of what TikTok was the other day..."
"Oh God, TikTok.." Your friend cringed some, making you laugh. "Stay far away from that App, Tom.."
"From what I've heard, I can understand that.." Tom agreed.
After the stream was over, you all got ready for bed. You helped your friend get settled in the guest room, your former bedroom, before going back to your new room to lay down with Tom. You crawled into bed and nuzzled up to his half naked figure. He smiled and wrapped an arm around you.
"I nearly forget the times we slept in separate beds.." Tom admitted.
"I nearly forget what it's like not to wake up with jelly legs.." You added with a shy blush, getting a chuckle from Tom.
"It's not too much, is it?" He asked. "I'm a bit of an...adventurous lover."
"No, it's great.." You smiled, pecking Tom's chest. "You're great.."
Tom smiled, turning off the little side lamp so the room would get dark, laying down on his pillow and closing his eyes to fall asleep.
"...I'm gonna miss this.." You admitted, making him open his eyes again. "After March, you're headed back to the UK and I'm headed home.."
Tom detected the sadness in your voice. Truthfully, he would miss this too, but he couldn't possibly ask you to move in with him, or at the very least, spend another couple months away from home.
"...Hey now, that's not for another couple months.." Tom spoke up, trying to lighten the mood. "Let's enjoy the time we still have together.." He pecked your forehead, making you smile a bit.
"I know.." You spoke in a soft tone, nuzzling close before closing your eyes and falling asleep.
You can't keep delaying this conversation forever, though.
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imaginationxlost · 3 years ago
💡& ⛳️ !!
Switching the order on these; there's a method to my madness:
⛳️Talk through a plothole that you’re struggling with.
Oh gosh. Oh goooosh. Alright, alright, so. uh, The Shadowed Dreams setting is... Dated. Like, literally every scene has the date attached. For every scene I could tell you exactly what day it is. Sparks starts September 5th, 2018. Ends on December 18th, 2018. So on and so forth. I have the timeline pinned very firmly on this, and much of that was worked out in 2016-ish. Can you. Can you guess where this is going.
SO ANYWAY. The bulk of the stories end in 2019, but there's three more after that. Shadowed Souls, Dreams, and Shadowed Dreams, taking place mid 2019-2021. Shadowed Souls was easy enough to adapt to a Pandemic World. That fact of the matter there is that the King of Demons gives Zero Shits about if there's a pandemic on Earth, so the Main Characters have to work to stop him regardless. Only a few tweaks were needed, especially since the central characters all met in May-July of 2019. So that one was fine.
Uh. Uh. Dreams on the other hand? Didn't start until December 2019, and didn't really start In Earnest until... uh, March. 2020. Uh. And the former-primary-villain there was... on Earth. He was here and isn't the type to just ghoulishly ignore a pandemic; he's not evil just... desperate and consumed by a desire for revenge. So in a Pandemic? he would just... not. And Dreams HAS to happen for Shadowed Dreams, and it has to be in that timeframe, because Shadowed Dreams has to follow immediately from Shadowed Souls.
So... my plothole is... Dreams. The whole thing.
Now, I've worked out a few things. I'm scrapping a little In Between Thing that would have taken place in the Month or So between Dreams and Shadowed Dreams and pulling it's plot elements back to give me a new villian for dreams to at least still drag these disparate characters together, but I... BARELY have a plot at this point because that was a short story, and had PRIMARILY focused on Two Characters- ONE of whom was the former villain of Dreams. Turning that into a plot that accomplishes the things I needed from Dreams is still proving difficult, but at least it's SOMETHING.
💡Which scene have you made the most OR biggest changes to?
Okay, okay, OKAY, so the changes already made to Dreams have had some Effects on Shadowed Dreams, particularly in the fact that Conrene crosses from villain to ally much sooner.
In most cases the New Villain slots in fine; even works better in some cases. But, one scene? One scene in PARTICULAR is very much affected by it.
This scene.
So, originally in that scene Issac had just had his ass kicked by Conrene, whomst he knew nothing about because he's from the OTHER half of the setting, so from his perspective he met up with Lucian in this Ohio town because of Lucian's research in the Burning Eye, and then this GUY who has a different colour of magic that he'd never seen before nearly knocks him unconscious and steals his staff... where Evan finds him. Evan who knows A Bit about Conrene because he has friends who had Encounters with him in the past. Said friends are from a story that's sorta a bridge between Shadowed Souls and Dreams, taking place in the summer of 2019, and they're also why Evan is here. Said friends asked for his (and his sister's) help because they came here to look for Conrene.
So, that's. Different now, you know?
So the changes! New Villain- whose name is Gailrial by the way- is the one to attack Issac and steal his staff- though the motives for said theft are different now. Originally Conrene was hoping to use it his attempt to get home and get revenge. Gailrial on the other hand is doing it just to 'Get the Master out of [his] way'.
He'd have been a lot harsher toward Issac as a result. Conrene didn't even draw his sword. He broke Issac's ankle in one quick blow and knocked him to the ground, took the staff and left. He even knew there was a life mage (Evan) in the area, so Issac would be fine.
Gailrial on the other hand? Is more than willing to kill Issac, so he'd have been hurt much worse when Evan finds him.
But beyond that? Beyond that the context is different. Evan has no fucking clue who Gailrial is; they were here looking for Conrene (who would still be nearby just not villian-ing; Gailrail is literally here to kill Conrene so-), so there's Much Panic over this Outside Context Problem. Tending to Issac's injuries is the Highest Priority, but Evan is just as much an Anxious as Issac is so with zero idea of what the threat actually is, he'd be mentally cycling through worst case scenarios. So in the original version of that, after mending Issac's ankle, Evan took him to his friends who knew Conrene, but now he's panicking and would just find somewhere to hide with Issac, because he's a healer he can't fight, and regardless of his injuries, Issac can't without his staff and this Guy that neither of them know anything about might just turn back up.
This result in them crossing paths with Luke Much Sooner than they did in the original version (which was a whole thing with Lucian meeting Lisa who later introduced them to Luke). Basically the entire events in Wake Grove that kick off Shadowed Dreams are scrambled about by the villain change.
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