#after Cardenalia I won't tell you there's hints cause it's basically in everything I do man!
appleb0mb · 4 years
Cardenalia’s Art Process! (Part One)
Step 1/2 - Scrapped Version:
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The very first draft I had of Jamil! 
Not gonna lie, I hate the fact that the scrapped version had better proportions than the original one is rather annoying...
But back to the point - I scrapped the original flower because the one below was so much better to me! 
I was going to add some more Dahlias to the background...but I felt it would make Jamil lose focus in the cover so I scrapped that idea. 
The earrings also was scrapped due to how freaking atrocious it was. I mean, WHO on earth wants to wear that? Not me.
In addition, I was going to make both hands hold the stem of the flower but I didn’t want to make Jamil seem like a romantic (because it doesn’t fit his personality) - so nope to that.
To be honest, I really despise the fact when I don’t get the proportions right...but I really had trouble with the arms, so I scrapped that. Shame on me.
Step One - Rough Draft:
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Okay this one looks better and keeps the same style as the scrapped so I’m fine
The Rough Draft was started on October 15th, 2020 - 3:16 AM. (Yes I recorded the dates)
It took me a good while to get that pose...it took me 2 days to get to the lineart though because I was rather unhappy about not getting it right.
The hand, shoulders, and upper body was a huge problem in particular. Luckily, I achieved the result I wanted - which is the picture above.
Step Two - Rough Lineart:
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The Rough Lineart started October 17th, 2020 - 10:52 PM. Took me 2 hours to get this one done...
At first, I had no clue what on earth I should do. I was thinking - should I put this on? What about this? SHOULD I KEEP IT OR NO?!?
So yeah - just like Kalim’s character design - I winged it.
Steps of Lineart (also the top of my head):
1. Face (was done already)
2. Flower??? (not sure, #2 and #3 can be interchangeable)
3. Neck
4. Neck Pattern
5. Shirt(?) 
6. Upper Body
7. Shoulder Design
8. Jewelry (both Left AND Right)
9. Veil (not sure, #8 and #9 can be switched around as well)
Step Three - Cleanup:
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This is where the proportions start dying (especially that left arm - what in daffodil’s name-)
Cleanup started October 18th, 2020 - 12:19 AM (yup, doing it on the due date!)
I then took a break(...ish...?) for a good hour - then beauty sleep.
Step Four: Coloring
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I did some coloring while I was taking a break which ended at 1:30 AM before going to bed. 
Then, I woke up at 8:39 AM to continue colouring.
Originally, I was going to put Jamil in dark blue! But because it didn’t have any remnants to his original TWST design, I decided to not put it in. Instead, I decided the dark blue design will be used at nighttime.
(So in essence, the color of his clothes changes at night to camouflage himself to keep himself away from danger. Not sure about Kalim tho-)
As usual, I would do an extra file of the lineart in case I messed up (Most of the time, I get it right on the first try)
I also had to keep in mind that I didn’t want to make the flower stand out - but to make the album cover completely focused on Jamil (which contradicts the past album covers).
Well. That’s it for now! 
Want to See More? [ Art Process of Cardenalia - Part Two ]
As always - Thank you for supporting the fan made music (and art) of Twisted Wonderland x Date A Live content. 
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