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newyorkthegoldenage · 4 months
Apologies—I meant to post this to another of my blogs. But since a few folks have liked it, I guess I'll leave it.
NYCB Attracting Younger Fans
The AP put out this story, which has run in many papers.
I've never understood why so many organizations prize young patrons over old. The old ones have more money, after all. But I suppose they're thinking of their future: today's young people are tomorrow's "sea of gray." 🙄
It's also news to me that Whelan is in charge of programming. I'm sure that Stafford has (a big) say in what goes on.
At 75, NYC Ballet is getting older. Its audience is skewing younger, and that’s the plan
By JOCELYN NOVECK Updated 12:58 AM EDT, May 24, 2024
NEW YORK (AP) — Alice McDermott settled into her seat at New York City Ballet on a recent Friday night, excited to see her first-ever ballet performance. The 31-year-old Manhattanite, who works in recruiting, was on a fun girls’ night out with three friends she’d met through work, starting with dinner.
“They told me I’d love the ballet,” says McDermott, who was also excited to realize she was already familiar with one of the evening’s performers, Tiler Peck, via the dancer’s popular Instagram feed. “They said you can put on a nice dress and just immerse yourself in another world, whilst marveling at what the human body can achieve.”
Seems they were right: At the end of the evening, McDermott, a new fan, went home and watched a ballet documentary.
Perhaps you could call it “Ballet and the City”? Whatever the term for McDermott’s ballet evening with pals, the scenario would surely be music to the ears of the company — which has been celebrating its 75th birthday with fanfare this year — and especially its artistic leaders of the past five years, Jonathan Stafford and Wendy Whelan.
The two, both former dancers at the storied troupe founded by George Balanchine, have made it a key goal to bring in a younger audience to ensure the company’s long-term health — and more broadly, to guard the vitality of a centuries-old art form.
It seems to be working. Though some initiatives have been in place for longer, the last five years have seen a marked shift, according to numbers provided to the Associated Press: In 2023, 53% of ticket buyers were under age 50, and people in their 30s made up the largest age segment by decade. Five years earlier, in 2018, 41% of ticket buyers were under 50, and people in their 60s made up the largest age segment.
Now, longtime ballet followers note that on a bustling Friday evening you can look down from the first ring of the David H. Koch Theater at Lincoln Center and not simply see, well, a sea of gray.
`A GENERATION OF YOUNG PROFESSIONALS’ A major factor in attracting younger people, especially those under 30, has been affordable pricing. There are also evenings targeting young professionals, including post-show receptions. And there have been collaborations with visual or musical artists with youthful followings — like the musician Solange, who in 2022 was commissioned to score a ballet by 23-year old choreographer Gianna Reisen.
The Solange collaboration was a significant moment, Whelan and Stafford said in a recent interview, surveying the past five years as the thumping of leaping dancers’ feet echoed through the ceiling above Stafford’s office.
“We sold out every show,” Whelan noted. “It was a little nugget, but it was memorable.”
Perhaps even more important was the fact, says Stafford, that about 70% of those ticket buyers were new to the company — contributing to “a generation of young professionals in the city that are at our theater every night now.”
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Wendy Whelan and Jonathan Stafford, Feb. 29, 2024. Photo: Bebeto Matthews via the AP
Katherine Brown, the ballet’s executive director, said the company had taken a look at the theater and vastly reduced the price of certain seats — and saw them fill up. She also noted the 30-for-30 program, where members under 30 can buy any seat in the house for $30. “That thing has just exploded,” Brown says, from some 1,800 members in the last full season before the pandemic-forced shutdown, to some 14,000 now.
One can’t discount the “pure economics” of an evening at the ballet, especially for young people, says Wendy Perron, longtime dance writer and former editor of Dance Magazine. “When I was in New York in the ’70s and ‘80s, I just couldn’t afford to go to the ballet,” she says.
GETTING BETTER ACQUAINTED Also not to be discounted: the effect of social media in promoting dancers as people with personalities.
“We’ve got this crop of really exciting but also relatable, approachable dancers, and through social media, audiences can connect to them in a way they couldn’t back when we were dancing,” says Stafford, who retired as a dancer in 2014.
Consider Peck, one of the company’s most popular ballerinas (and a rising choreographer), whose Instagram feed had reached McDermott before she ever saw her dance. Peck supplies her half-million followers with short, punchy videos about everything from her 10 favorite dance roles to how she applies stage makeup. Her videos often feature her partner onstage and off, rising principal dancer Roman Mejia.
It’s all very different from a time when — like Odette in “Swan Lake” — ballerinas used to be mysterious and, above all, silent.
Social media — whether used by the company or via the dancers’ own feeds — can also answer questions. If you attended a performance of “The Nutcracker” a few seasons ago, you might have wondered why dancer Mira Nadon, as Sugarplum Fairy, suddenly disappeared from the stage at a key moment. The answer was on her Instagram later: her pointe shoe had slipped off.
“See, you can get all your answers from Instagram now,” quips Whelan, who herself has an active feed.
ESTABLISHING A PARTNERSHIP A few months ago, Whelan, a much-loved former NYCB principal who also retired in 2014, got a congratulatory text from Stafford in the morning — it had been exactly five years since the two had taken the helm after a turbulent period when #MeToo accusations caused scandal.
Historically, the company had been led by one man — Balanchine until 1983, then Peter Martins. This time, the board tried something new: a duet. Stafford was already interim head, and Whelan had applied for the job.
“They put us in a room and closed the door, and we were like – ‘Hi?’” Whelan says. “They were like, figure it out! And we did.” Stafford, the artistic director, serves as a bridge between the creative and business sides. Whelan, associate artistic director, focuses on the delicate task of programming.
Company insiders describe a mood different from the days when one outsized, all-powerful personality ruled from above. For one thing, the pair says they’ve instituted annual taking-stock conversations with each dancer.
Diversity — ballet is slowly changing but still overwhelmingly white — is also a priority, they say, and that includes diversifying “the pipeline,” meaning students at the affiliated School of American Ballet.
Recently, the company heralded its first two Black dancers to dance Dewdrop, the second most important female “Nutcracker” role: India Bradley and guest artist Alexandra Hutchinson of the Dance Theater of Harlem. Yet to come is a Black Sugarplum Fairy. The company says 26% of of its dancers identify as people of color, whereas 10 years ago that figure was 13%. Stafford and Whelan have commissioned 12 ballets by choreographers of color in the last six years, it says.
“We know where the gaps are, and we take it seriously,” Whelan says.
She and Stafford say they’re also paying more attention to wellness, be it physical training to avoid injury, healthy diets, or a more frank discussion of mental health.
As for the company’s financial health, it is strong, Brown says, four years after the pandemic cost tens of millions in losses The 2024 budget is roughly $102 million, compared to $88 million in 2019. Audience capacity has exceeded pre-pandemic levels.
As for new fan McDermott, she’s planning more visits, along with her friends.
“I think we have a new tradition between the four of us,” she says. “We’ll definitely be making it a bit of a thing.”
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helshades · 2 years
Could you please explain why people are so opposed to the pension reform? I'm trying to understand, but living in a country where you can retire at 67 but keep working until 70 if you wish, and everyone is fine with that, I feel I must have missed something.
(Happy to be sent resources if you don't want to make a writeup!)
Same anon as before, forgot to mention I read french so no trouble if you send me french articles or posts. (That is, if you answer the ask, if so thanks in advance!)
It's really not on you, but your Ask did depress me a tad. It aligned with many comments I've spotted across the media coverage of the current French crisis in foreign countries, and most public reactions to it. The worst ones are definitely racist, along the lines of mocking them French that never want to work, but I know the most benign to be genuine: how come the French get to retire so early in life still, and why are they protesting an apparently necessary, surely inevitable, evidently inexorable raise of the legal age for a full pension, when everybody else must retire later in life, which they deem to be entirely natural and normal?
I was about to ask you how did you think the French got to retire as early as 55–60 years of age not that long ago (62 today) if not because of their infamous propensity to go on strike and protest a lot in the first place—in truth I was debating with myself on the tone I should adopt to say it—when it struck me suddenly: the crucial part of your comment was not the age for legal retirement in your country... Rather, it was whether or not the people in your country really happen to be ‘fine with that’.
In late January, the man who modified the Swedish pension system twenty years ago, raising the retirement age to 65, was interviewed by French news outlet. Karl Gustaf-Scherman, who used to administer the Swedish social securty, had a recommendation for President Macron: ‘Don't you imitate us and apply our model.’ In reality, most Swedish people can't physically afford to wait till 65 to retire, and have to leave their careers without a full pension: according to a 2019 study ordered by the national retirement fund, 92% of female and 72% of male retirees saw their pensions diminish (and, consequently, their purchasing power) after Sweden opted for this new pension system based on capitalisation and an increase of the retirement age. ‘Mr. President, the only reform you should pass would be a reform à la française’, Gustaf-Scherman concluded.
Again: are you completely certain that in your country, everyone is fine with working till 67, even 70 years of age? How many factory workers do you know, in your entourage, people who spend all day on an assembly line? How many sewage workers do you know? How many nurses and orderlies still lifting patients at 65, how many masons and tilers dreaming of working past their 70th birthday? Do you think it fair to ask a person to retire five years after everyone else because they've known several periods of unemployment in their career, because of some economic recession or because they've had to give birth to the next generation of humans? Do you find it fine to die before you've reached the legal age of retirement with a full pension, never getting to spend quality time with your grandchildren or your friends or helping out at local associations?
Do you find it normal never to get a rest from work before you die?
It's not only that everyone ought to be allowed some respite after serving their country well by participating in producing the national wealth for forty odd years; it is also that all those neoliberal reforms aim to destroy the remnants of old socialised systems across Europe to replace them with a fully capitalised economy. In other words, the point is for the tenants of a globalised market economy to take control of the gross domestic products of each country, open them to speculative funds and get to play with all that wealth—with the systematic privatisation of national markets allowing for unlimited concurrence and speculation.
France's pension system is still partly based on non-wage labour costs that have allowed its nationalised portion to remain afloat and stable since the creation of the Social Security in 1946. Back then, la Sécurité sociale was actually intended to cover all risks of life, but even then the class war was raging on. The entire history of the Social Security centres on the boss class' attempt to snatch the fund's control from the hands of the workers themselves. The move has definitely accelerated within the last four decades (the Eighties have seen the rise of Neoliberalism, as per the Chicago School's teachings, for further illustration, look up Augusto Pinochet's Chile), somewhat exponentially since 2016's Labour Law, implemented when Emmanuel Macron was a youthful minister of Economy who really began tearing the country apart proper, notably to finance his upcoming presidential campaign. The merciless destruction of our once-protective Labour code truly was the point of entry of his Thatchering enterprise...
I reckon no president of the Republic has been as universally detested as most of the French people have come to loathe Emmanuel Macron. The basis of his electorate is a contingent of very wealthy people, most of whom elderly, who share economic interests in the destruction of national sovereignty in favour of privatisation, since they've got, precisely, shares in the big companies that are to profit from the change; and people who simply don't care about the future generations of pensioners.
Trouble is, if Macron got re-elected a year ago, it was only because votes were extremely divided between many parties and because of a successful campaign to hold far-right candidate Marine Le Pen as a compliant scarecrow , presented in all media as the only one opposition to Macron—which meant that all people had to do to oppose Macron would be to vote for her, as it was sure to scandalise the rich and the Woke... Then, all Macron would have to do, which he did, was to present himself as the only one true credible defence in front of the Fascist Menace. The recipe, which was actually brought to perfection in the early 1980s by to-be-president François Mitterrand (using Marine Le Pen's more sinister father, and founder of the National Front, Jean-Marie Le Pen), is well and truly tried. Still, one of these days, she's going to get to presidency, and Macron will have been her best supporter.
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whumpcereal · 2 years
the kennel recovery arc
part three of the kids not being alright (follows will and annie's povs), just prior to annie and will's first real date (which will be cute and come next, because yikes, this piece is dark). part of the kennel (masterlist here). tommy is...not doing well.
content warnings for: references to past noncon, trauma, captivity, and dehumanization, mobility issues, guilt, problematic self-talk, alcohol, adult language
first date, a prelude (tommy's pov)
Tommy’s not even sure where he is. He parked the truck once Annie went inside and walked to the subway. He got off the 7 at Bryant Park and then drifted downtown on the B or the D train or something. The line was orange. He knows that. He’d taken it a few times before, when was auditioning for the company. 
He gets off at West 4th and climbs the dirty stairs back up to the sidewalk. He doesn’t even really remember where the company’s studio is, just that this was going to be his stop. He was going to ride that line every day. He was going to know this neighborhood. 
He doesn’t know a thing.  
It’s fucking cold, and, even if Tommy has no clue what he wants to do, standing on a random corner in the dark doesn’t seem like the world’s best option. He shoves his hands in his jeans pockets, picks a direction, and starts walking. His right leg drags a little behind, the ankle turned at not-quite the correct angle, but he can still get around. 
The streets are narrower down here, older, and they’re lined with bars and restaurants, stuffed with people who are celebrating the end of the work week or the start of a weekend bender. 
Tommy envies them. The men in their three-piece suits, the women wearing precisely curated boots, the college kids who are dining out on their parents’ dime. Every one of the people he passes has a life. Tommy was supposed to have one too. 
Instead, he sits in his parents’ living room and watches television all day. It was ballet documentaries at first, but they made his mother cry, and fucking Tiler Peck was so cheerful that it made Tommy want to scream. Lately, it’s been true crime. The First 48 and Unsolved Mysteries and whatever sordid cold case he can find. Mom won’t watch those with him. It’s too hard for her to think of what might have been. 
When he leaves the house, it’s usually for therapy. For his brain and his body. Neither seems to be working wonders so far. He can’t rise to take a balance, he can’t hold a port de bras, and he can’t make sense of anything that’s happened, even if he pretends otherwise. He craves the privacy of his dark room, but he can’t sleep. No one’s noticed. Tommy’s a great show dog, after all. He knows his role. Tommy’s the lucky one; it’s Will everyone should be worried about, and they are. 
It’s just that, maybe, Tommy envies the way Will gets to fall apart. 
He steps off a curb the wrong way, and his ankle almost comes out from under him. 
“Shit,” Tommy mutters, righting himself before he gets steamrolled by a cab. He steps out of the foot traffic and looks around. It’s still busy, but the storefronts aren’t as cozy and cutesy. He’s standing in front of black door with frosted glass windows. There’s a decal on the glass, styled like typewritten text: 
the white swallow. 
Well. Tommy’s pretty sure he knows what kind of place that is. He ignores the taste that rises unbidden in his mouth. 
Tommy didn’t frequent the bars when he was in school. He was too disciplined. Drinking, he decided, would make him slow and soft. He had to stay focused, couldn’t afford to compromise his fitness. He had to be the best. 
He was, for a while. The best. He isn’t anymore. 
Fuck it, he thinks. He opens the door and pushes into the narrow vestibule. 
It’s still early, so there’s no cover. A guy in tight black pants checks Tommy’s ID, but he’s barely looking. A quick glance, and then he thumbs Tommy down the hall. Tommy appreciates it; he doesn’t like it when people look too closely. 
The bar is mostly empty at this hour. It’s dark: black walls, a smudged chrome bar with black leather rails on its edge, a bartender wearing a black leather cut who basically blends into his surroundings. The whole place smells faintly of musk and mildew and sweat. Like men. Tommy’s shoes stick to the floor as he moves to get a drink. 
“What’ll you have?” the bartender asks. He’s staring at Tommy, looking him up and down, and Tommy feels his cheeks burn. Tommy knows the guy likes what he sees, and Tommy wishes that he didn’t. He just wants to disappear.
Maybe this wasn’t a great idea. 
Still, Tommy clears his throat, keeping his eyes on the streaky bar.  “Uh, vodka?” 
He winces. Of course, he doesn’t even know how to order a fucking drink. “No. With soda.”
He nods. 
The bartender’s hands are deft, and he turns and glides the length of the bar without effort. Tommy envies the ease in the guy’s every movement; he doesn’t even realize he’s staring until the bartender shoves the drink in his hand.
“You wanna open a tab, baby?” 
Tommy nods, because that’s what people do at bars, right? They open tabs, they sit and drink, they pass the time. They exist. 
He digs in his pocket and hands over his debit card. It’s connected to an account that his parents dump money into once a month. He still gets a fucking allowance. 
But it’s not like the bartender knows that. Tommy watches the guy file his card away, and he drains his drink in one go. It burns a little going down, but it’s not the worst thing he’s ever forced down his throat. Not by a long shot. 
There’s a soft chuckle beside him, and Tommy jumps. He should’ve been paying attention. He should’ve moved down the bar and found his own spot. He shouldn’t have made himself so vulnerable. He shouldn’t have come in at all. But it’s too late now. 
He feels the man’s heat beside him before he finds the courage to look up. Already, Tommy’s body is on high alert, and he can hear Doc’s voice in his head.
Come on now, Champ. Good boys are always ready. 
He can feel himself stirring, and he only hopes the guy doesn’t notice that or the tears of humiliation pricking at the back of Tommy’s eyes. Tommy might have thought the guy was cute, once upon a time. He’s tall and lean, dark brown hair and big brown eyes. He’s wearing a white dress shirt and navy blue chinos, his dark blue tie loosened just below his collar. He keeps one hand on the rail, opening his body toward Tommy, and he smiles. 
Tommy can’t see the door. There’s no way out. There’s never a way out. He grips the leather rail and forces his eyes back to the bar. 
“That was impressive,” the man says, nodding at Tommy’s empty drink. “Never seen you before.” 
Tommy suddenly feels like he’s breathing through a straw. “It’s a big city.” 
“It is,” the man agrees, “but this isn’t the kind of spot where we get a lot of tourists.” 
“I’m not a tourist,” Tommy says. It’s true. It’s not like this is some pleasure cruise. He’s not on top of a double-decker bus taking in the tacky glare of Times Square. He can’t tour the life he should be living; he can only wander through like a ghost. 
“New in town, then?” The guy leans in closer, letting his hip graze Tommy’s. 
“I’m a dancer,” Tommy says without thinking. He doesn’t know why he says it.
The guy slips his hand into Tommy’s back pocket and squeezes. “Are you?” 
No, I’m not. But Tommy is frozen. He can’t take it back now; he can’t even move. The hand on his ass is warm through the thin fabric of his pocket lining, and he can feel himself swelling against his fly. 
“Yeah,” he breathes. 
The guy slips even closer to Tommy, his pelvis against Tommy’s hip. He reaches up and gently tilts Tommy’s chin to face him. “I bet you are. Look at you.” 
Look at you, Champ. 
Tommy doesn’t even realize he’s closed his eyes until he feels the man’s mouth on his. The kiss is softer than he might have expected, and Tommy finds himself leaning into it. He lets the guy’s tongue sweep into his open mouth, and he groans. Teeth sink into Tommy’s bottom lip and skate gently backward. The man pulls away, and Tommy opens his eyes. 
“What’s your name, baby?” the man asks, voice husky.
“Tommy.” Not Champ. Tommy. I’m Tommy. 
“Tommy the dancer,” he says. “I’m Alex.” 
“Alex the–” 
“Administrative assistant,” Alex finishes for him. For just a second, his confidence cracks. “Not as impressive, but it’s a damn fine alliteration.” 
A hesitant smile cracks Tommy’s face. He swallows a laugh. “Hi, Alex.” 
“Hi, Tommy,” Alex says, dipping his head for another kiss. 
His mouth is hot and cold all at once, warm breath and smoky whiskey and ice. His hands are in motion, turning Tommy toward him by the hips, slipping over Tommy’s chest, anchored on Tommy’s shoulders. When they come up for air, his forehead nods softly against Tommy’s. 
“What are you drinking, Tommy the dancer?”
Tommy doesn’t answer right away; Alex presses forward for another kiss, and he can’t fucking think straight. 
“Vodka. Vodka soda,” Tommy manages. 
Alex turns his head and gestures to the bartender with one hand, letting the other rest at Tommy’s waist. “You’ve got a body to maintain. I understand. I respect it.” 
Tommy only nods. He does have a body, and it’s his, his and no one else’s, and he wants Alex to touch it. He wants Alex to touch every inch of him until Doc’s fingerprints are covered over. He wants to run away. He wants another kiss. He wants to scream until his throat is raw. 
He wants to leave this bar and go back to an apartment that has his name on the lease and wake up in the morning and go to the studio and feel his body move the way it’s supposed to. He wants Alex to be the guy he texts before he goes to sleep and when he wakes up in the morning. He wants to kiss and fuck and laugh and cry and for all of this to be normal.  
He doesn’t want to hide. He wants Tommy the dancer to be real. 
“Vodka soda and a Jack and coke,” Alex says over his shoulder, shoving his pelvis against Tommy’s. Tommy’s ass bumps up against a barstool, and Alex smiles. “And where does Tommy the dancer dance?” 
He drops his head and scrapes his teeth down Tommy’s throat. Tommy’s head tips backward, and Alex’s fingers tangle in his curls. Tommy feels himself throbbing beneath his zipper; Alex grinds hard against him. Tommy can’t stop the moan that exits his open mouth. 
Alex laughs and leans backward. “Sorry. That wasn’t fair.” 
The drinks arrive. Both glasses are already sweating. Tommy grabs his and throws at least half of it down his throat. 
Alex’s forehead creases. “Hey. You good?” 
Tommy nods, coughing against the acid burn of the alcohol in his throat. “Yeah, I’m good.” 
He’s not, but who knows if he’ll ever be good again? 
The drink shocks him back into semi-awareness. The bar is a shithole. Alex smells like sour sweat. Tommy should slow down. He has to be able to drive Annie home. 
But Alex is touching him and no one is watching. No one but Alex is watching Tommy at all. 
“Did you have a bad day or something?” Alex asks. His grip softens, and his hand slides gently back to Tommy’s hip. 
“Or something,” Tommy mutters. He forces himself to put his drink down. He hopes Alex doesn’t notice the way his hands are shaking. 
“Maybe we can make your day better,” Alex says softly. He dips his chin and his brown eyes–fuck, they look like Will’s–are big and needy. Alex doesn’t move closer this time, and Tommy understands: it’s his turn. No one wants to take advantage of the drunk bitch. 
“Maybe,” Tommy says, and he wraps his arms around Alex’s neck. He feels heavy and clumsy, but Alex’s smile spreads like butter, and Tommy doesn’t let go. 
Alex snakes his arm around Tommy’s body and reaches for his own drink; he takes a sip without breaking eye contact, the glass so close to Tommy’s face that Tommy can almost feel the cold wet on his skin. Like winter air. Like nighttime. Like everything he missed while he was locked away. He can smell the sugar on Alex’s breath. The drink makes its way back to the counter, and Tommy’s mouth makes its way back to Alex’s. 
Tommy’s kisses are indelicate and pleading. He reaches for the loosened tie around Alex’s neck and pulls him close, knocking his elbow into his vodka soda. 
The drink spills, and the bartender curses, and Alex pulls away, laughing. 
“I’d ask if you want to finish your drink,” Alex says, “but it appears to be all over the bar.” 
Tommy laughs. Or at least, he hears himself laugh. He can see himself against the bar, like he’s watching it from above. The sweat at his hairline, the nervous fidget of his hands. The beautiful man beside him who doesn’t know that he should run the other direction. 
Alex cocks his head. “Well, Tommy the dancer, what would you think about getting out of here?” 
Tommy nods. He leans against the barstool while Alex pays their tabs, taking his card when it’s handed to him, and he tries to make sense of what he’s about to do. He’s going to leave this place with a stranger, and he is going to ask that stranger to fuck him. Alex will do it, and they will be the only two people who know it. No one will be watching. There won’t be paid requests or camera angles to consider. Tommy is going to obliterate every memory of what Doc did to him in that glass box. 
Or maybe, Tommy will fuck Alex. Not like Doc made him fuck Will. No, he and Alex, they’ll do it face to face. He’ll be able to hear Alex, to see on his face that he wants it. Alex’s brown eyes will be Will’s, and he will forgive Tommy. 
Maybe they can do both. They’ll hold each other after. Maybe Tommy can bury himself in Alex’s bed and never come up for air again. That’s what he’s been trained to do, isn’t it? And he’s a good boy. He is. A champ. 
Tommy jerks when he feels Alex’s hand on his arm. 
“Hey, whoa. You sure you’re alright?”
“Yeah,” Tommy says weakly. “Just spaced out there for a minute. Let’s–let’s go.” 
“My place isn’t far,” Alex says, pressing a quick kiss to Tommy’s cheek and lacing their hands together. “Noho. Maybe ten minutes walk.”  
If Tommy’s life had gone according to plan, he’d know what the fuck Noho is. He might have an apartment there too. He might do things like go to greenmarkets on the weekend and make impossibly charming meals from scratch in his railway kitchen. He’d have a park he lies out in when it gets warm, a bodega where the guy behind the counter knows him. Alex might be his boyfriend, and he wouldn’t have to tell Tommy how long it takes to get to his place because Tommy would already know. 
But it doesn’t matter where they’re going. He lets Alex lead him from the bar like the puppy he’s trying hard not to be. He needs someone to show him the way. 
They only just make it out the door when Alex stops. He squeezes Tommy’s hand and looks over at him with concern. “Tommy the dancer, you are limping.”
Tommy had forgotten. Half a drink and a few kisses, and he’d let himself forget. He should say it’s a recent injury. Dancers get hurt all the time. But when dancers get hurt, there are orthopedists and physical therapists and fucking doctors. Their ankles don’t get broken and haphazardly set and then broken again. They aren’t made to hold their entire body weight for hours on a tenterhook of crumbling bone. 
Tommy isn’t a dancer. He’ll never be a dancer, not ever again. It was stupid to pretend. 
Tommy pulls his hand away and ducks his head; he doesn’t want Alex to look at him. Not anymore. 
“Tommy? Hey, man, are you–” 
Tommy bats Alex’s hand away before it can touch him. “I have to go.” 
“What the fuck? What did I–” 
“Nothing,” Tommy says to the sidewalk, and his voice splinters as a lump of tears hits his throat. “You didn’t do anything. It’s me–I–I can’t–I just have to go.” 
“Are you okay?” Alex asks. “I mean, you don’t seem drunk, but–” 
“It isn’t that,” Tommy interrupts. “Please. Let me go.” 
But Alex isn’t touching him, and nothing’s really happened. Still, Tommy wants to fall on his knees and beg. It’s all he knows how to do. 
Tommy shakes his head, squeezing his eyes shut. “I can’t do this. I can’t– 
Alex’s hand brushes against Tommy’s shoulder, and Tommy screams. Alex jumps back. 
Tommy shouldn’t have screamed. He isn't allowed to scream. He isn’t allowed to fight. He knows that better than he knows anything. If Alex wants to take him home, Tommy should let him. 
Just now, it doesn’t really look like Alex wants to go anywhere with him at all. 
“Fuck! Shit, man. Look, I don’t–is there someone I can call?” 
A half-strangled laugh bounces out of Tommy’s mouth, and Alex flinches like it’s hit him in the chest. Who the fuck would he call? His mother? And it’s not like he can interrupt Will and Annie, and fuck if Will wouldn’t think Tommy was reaping what he sowed. And he is, isn’t he? Tommy deserves this. This fucking misery is his just desserts, and for just a second, he’s glad he can feel it. He’s glad he doesn’t have to pretend.
“No, there’s no one,” Tommy says wildly. “And it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t fucking matter.” 
“I don’t–” 
“It doesn’t matter if I want it,” Tommy cries. “Don’t you know that?” 
A few passersby glance at them, and Alex takes another step back. “Jesus Christ.” 
Tommy turns away, raking his hands over his face and dragging his tears with them. He can feel the vodka sloshing in his stomach, and his chest burns. He braces himself against the building. 
“Look,” Alex says, his voice careful and even, like he’s talking to a spooked animal–which, Tommy supposes, he is. “I don’t know what your deal is, but I don’t feel right just leaving you here.” 
“I’m fine,” Tommy murmurs. “You can–you can go.” 
“Yeah, sure you are.” 
I’m not, Tommy wants to say. But he doesn’t, because what would it accomplish? Alex isn’t going to touch him now, and Tommy still doesn’t know if he wants him to. What does this guy know about him? Nothing. He thinks that Tommy is a dancer. He doesn’t know what Tommy really is, and Tommy can’t tell him. Tommy can’t tell anyone. No one wants to hear. He’s supposed to be better. This is supposed to be easier than it is. But he can feel Alex’s eyes on his back, and it’s like he’s back in the glass box. 
He should have just stayed in the truck. He should have sat and stared at his phone and waited for Annie. 
He should have gone home with Alex, and now it’s too late. It’s too late for so many things. 
Tommy’s phone suddenly buzzes against his hip. He swipes his arm across his eyes and digs into his pocket. 
Annie Barker On our way back. Ready when you are. 
The screen lights up again. 
Annie Barker We’ll wait out front. 
Another message comes in.
Annie Barker He wants to see you too. <3
“Okay,” Tommy murmurs. He keeps his phone in his hand, keeping his other hand pressed against the wall. “Okay.” 
“Look, can I give you my number?” Somehow, Alex hasn’t left him yet. “No funny business, just–will you let me know that you get to wherever you’re going safely? You’re going somewhere, right? You have somewhere to go?” 
“Yeah,” Tommy says. He forces himself to stand, and he turns to face Alex, letting his left leg make up for his right. He doesn’t look up. “I’m sorry,” he says softly. 
“Tommy the dancer,” Alex says softly. Tommy feels him move closer again, but Alex doesn’t touch him. “I’m sorry. For whatever it is that happened to you.” 
He reaches his hand out, and Tommy hands over his phone, letting his fingertips crest softly over the heel of Alex’s palm when he draws away. Alex taps in his number and hands it back. 
“Will you make it okay?” Alex asks.
“I’ll be okay.” It’s what Tommy’s meant to say, even if he doesn’t know how to believe it. “Really.” 
“Make sure you let me know that you are,” Alex says. 
Tommy slips his phone into his pocket and taps it against his hip. “I will.”
Alex leaves him then, and this time, it’s Tommy who watches. He waits until he can’t see Alex anymore, and then he heads back toward the train, his gait slower and more stilted than when he started. Every step is a reminder of what he’s lost, but he is still standing, and Will is waiting for him.
taglist: @darkthingshappen, @oddsconvert, @sparrowsage, @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump, @mylifeisonthebookshelf, @highwaywhump, @squishablesunbeam, @hold-him-down, @whumpsday, @sowhumpful, @termsnconditions-apply, @honey-is-mesi, @irishwhiskeygrl, @deltaxxk, @d-cs, @whumpinggrounds, @canislycaon24, @considerablecolors, @starlit-darkness, @scp-1926, @flowersarefreetherapy, @morning-star-whump, @whumpwhittler, @susiequaz12, @whumptakesthecake
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kerplunkmedia · 22 hours
Top 7 Tiles Showrooms and Wholesalers in Chennai
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Chennai is home to a diverse range of tiles showrooms and wholesalers in chennai, offering everything from budget-friendly options to premium designer tiles. With the growing demand for stylish and durable flooring and wall solutions, many Best tiles showrooms in Chennai cater to both residential and commercial needs. Popular tile categories include ceramic, vitrified, porcelain, digital, and mosaic tiles, perfect for flooring, walls, bathrooms, and outdoor spaces.
Well-known brands such as Nexion Tiles Showroom in Chennai and Ispirra Tiles Showroom in Chennai have gained popularity for their high-quality, innovative designs. Many Chennai tile shops feature extensive collections of these brands, offering elegant solutions for modern interiors. The city’s top showrooms also provide specialized products like anti-skid, germ-free, and large-format tiles, making them ideal for kitchens, bathrooms, and high-traffic areas.
If you’re looking for the best tiles shop in Chennai, the city’s tile market is recognized for its wide variety, affordability, and stylish options, meeting all kinds of design preferences for home and commercial projects.
Here The Listed Best Tiles showroom in chennai are:-
1. The Tile Boutique
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The Tile Boutique is the best tile shop in chennai , we offer a wide range of high-quality tiles that are perfect for any project. Our tiles are made from the finest materials and are available in a variety of sizes, colors,finishes and styles to suit any taste or design aesthetic. You’ll find tiles in a Vitrified of materials, including ceramic, porcelain,Ispira,Nexion and natural stone. We also offer a range of Imported tile styles, from modern and sleek to traditional and rustic.
Location : Egmore:№7 Montieth Lane, Ponmari Towers (Opposite Lane to Hotel Ambassdor Pallava),Egmore,Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600008
Ph: 98419 22201
Website : https://thetileboutique.in/
Mount Road 137(95), First Floort, Meena Tejasvi Building, near LIC Building,Mount Road,Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600002
Ph: 99405 63528
Overview: The Tile Boutique is known for offering premium tiles,Imported tiles, including top brands like Nexion and Ispirra, with a wide selection of ceramic, porcelain, and vitrified tiles. They cater to both residential and commercial projects.
Speciality: High-end, modern,Imported tile designs.
Tips: Check our another blogs Elegance of Nexion Tiles: Transforming Your Home with Modern Design
2.Sri Chendur
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SriChendur was established in 1990 because of a passion for delivering design quality and service. With Radhika a tiler of 20 years’ experience a qualified decorator, and found that when people were undertaking a design project in their home or business, they really needed some expert help to get the results they were really looking for.We do things a bit differently in that we don’t just sell you tiles; we actually work with your project and your budget to get the style you are looking for.
Location : Madipakkam, Chennai
Overview : We are providing the most flexible delivery option according to the need and quantity of goods you purchase.
Speciality: Varied and Allied Products for your homestyle.
Tips: Check our another blogs How to Create a Cozy Outdoor Lounge with Tiles
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Founded in the year 2002, the Chennai-based Sri Sai Krishna Agencies deals in a range of tiles, Wall Tiles, Sanitary Ware, Faucets, Wash Basins and Showers; the company deals with manufacturers like AGL tile world, Nitco Tiles, Somany Tiles and Aquaware among other notable and Best leading manufacturers of the industry.
Location : Vadapalani, Chennai
Overview : They introduced their own line of designed vitrified tiles that are stylish and innovative.
Speciality : Variety of tile designs from ceramic to porcelain.
Tips: Check our another blogs How to Choose the Right Artificial Bonsai Plant for Your Home or Office
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IK Classiva is your premium partner for all your flooring, sanitaryware and appliance needs. We offer a one stop shopping experience with top brands in the industry from around the world. With a swanky 5 floors experience centre in the heart of Chennai, we help in redefining your lifestyle for your preferred themes with a wide range of collections.
Location : Kilpauk, Chennai
Overview :IK Classiva are very wide. When I was looking for a premium floor tiles and wall tiles for an Elite client of mine.
Speciality : Large format tiles and digital designs
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MyTyles is an Online Retailer in the tiling industry based out of Bangalore, India. The first Indian tile company to offer tiles in both online and offline stores, transparency, variety, and perseverance form the backbone of our organization. Bringing together a wide range of imported and homegrown tiles from the finest manufacturers across the globe has allowed us to cater to the needs of a modern homeowner.
Location : Ekkatuthangal, Chennai
Overview : Explore our range of designer wall & floor tiles and stones under one roof. imported & homegrown brands at discounted rates available online or at our store.
Speciality : wide variety of tile colours, sizes, finishes, textures
Tips: Check our another blogs Nexion and Ispirra Tiles: Pioneers in Sustainable Building Practices
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Hindware Italian Collection launched tiles as a line of business in 2022 and now it is one Best tiles shop in chennai of the fastest emerging tile brand in India . Hindware Italian Tiles feature contemporary and elegant designs that are inspired by the possibilities of advancement that surround us. We believe in providing exclusive designs and versatile tiles to consumers.
Location : Nungambakkam, Chennai
Overview :Hindware Italian offers quality tiles online at affordable price. Buy the best tiles online at hindware italian tiles store now!
Speciality : Bathroom and Italian and Elegance tiles.
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Sri Venkatramana Ceramic (Tiles Wholesale Dealers Chennai) Stand Is A Leading Supplier With A Slightly Different Name In Chennai. We Keep Our Product Cost Low Because We Buy In Volume. We Believe In Every Penny We Save Is A Penny You Save. Contact Us For More Detail For Products And Services.
Location :Perungudi , Chennai
Overview : Bathroom Tiles, Floor Tiles, Ceramic Tiles, Wall Tiles, Kitchen Wall Tiles, Marble Tiles, Outdoor Tiles
Speciality : Ceramic, Wall, Marble, Outdoor Tiles
Tips: Check our another blogs Environmental Benefits of Using Ceramic Tiles in Your Home
When it comes to finding the perfect tiles for your home or business, Chennai offers a variety of reputable showrooms and wholesalers that cater to different design preferences, budgets, and project sizes. Whether you’re looking for high-end designer tiles, durable outdoor solutions, or affordable yet stylish options, the top showrooms like The Tile Boutique,SSK Agencies, and Sri venakatramana ceramic ensure a diverse range to suit every need. Choosing a trusted tile provider not only ensures quality but also helps you create a space that is both functional and visually appealing.
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vibhastone · 5 days
Wall Tiles: A Comprehensive Guide to Transforming Your Space
Wall tiles are an essential element in modern interior design, offering a blend of functionality and aesthetic appeal. Whether you're renovating your bathroom, kitchen, or living room, the right choice of wall tiles can significantly enhance the overall look and feel of your space. This comprehensive guide explores the world of wall tiles, from their types and materials to design considerations and installation tips.
Types of Wall Tiles
Ceramic Tiles: A classic choice known for their durability, affordability, and wide range of designs.
Porcelain Tiles: A denser and stronger version of ceramic tiles, often used in high-traffic areas.
Glass Tiles: Add a touch of elegance and light with their reflective surface.
Natural Stone Tiles: Marble, granite, and limestone offer a luxurious and timeless look.
Mosaic Tiles: Small, intricate tiles that can create stunning patterns and designs.
Metallic Tiles: Add a modern and industrial touch with metallic finishes like copper, brass, or stainless steel.
Factors to Consider When Choosing Wall Tiles
Durability: Consider the wear and tear your tiles will endure. For high-traffic areas, opt for durable options like porcelain or natural stone.
Aesthetics: Choose tiles that complement your overall design style and color scheme.
Maintenance: Consider the ease of cleaning and maintenance for different tile types.
Water Resistance: For bathrooms and kitchens, ensure the tiles are water-resistant to prevent mold and mildew.
Budget: Set a realistic budget to guide your tile selection.
Design Ideas for Wall Tiles
Accent Walls: Create a focal point by using contrasting or patterned tiles on a single wall.
Backsplashes: Protect walls and add a stylish touch in kitchens and bathrooms.
Feature Walls: Use tiles to create a visually striking feature wall in your living room or bedroom.
Geometric Patterns: Add interest with geometric designs like herringbone, subway, or chevron.
Mix and Match: Combine different tile sizes, shapes, and colors for a unique look.
Installation Tips
Proper Preparation: Ensure the wall surface is clean, level, and free of cracks.
Adhesive: Use a high-quality adhesive specifically designed for tile installation.
Grouting: Choose grout that complements your tiles and seal it to prevent stains.
Professional Installation: For complex installations or large areas, consider hiring a professional tiler.
Maintaining Wall Tiles
Regular Cleaning: Wipe down tiles regularly with a mild detergent and water.
Grout Care: Clean grout regularly to prevent mold and mildew.
Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Use gentle cleaning products to avoid damaging the tiles.
By carefully considering these factors and exploring the vast array of wall tile options available, you can create a stunning and functional space that reflects your personal style.
Would you like to focus on a specific type of wall tile or design idea?
Keywords: wall tiles, ceramic tiles, porcelain tiles, glass tiles, natural stone tiles, mosaic tiles, metallic tiles, bathroom tiles, kitchen tiles, living room tiles, home decor, interior design, tile installation, tile maintenance
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home-renovation-dubai · 3 months
Apartment Tiling in Dubai: Elevate Your Living Space with Home Team Renovation
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When it comes to apartment tiling in Dubai, Home Team Renovation stands out as the premier choice for transforming your living space. Whether you're looking to update your kitchen, bathroom, or any other area of your apartment, our team of skilled professionals is here to bring your vision to life.
Why Choose Home Team Renovation?
Expert Craftsmanship Our team comprises highly trained and experienced tilers who take pride in delivering precise and high-quality work. We ensure that every tile is laid with meticulous attention to detail, resulting in a flawless finish.
Premium Quality Materials At Home Team Renovation, we believe in using only the best materials. From elegant ceramics to luxurious marble, we source top-tier tiles that not only enhance the aesthetics of your apartment but also offer durability and longevity.
Customized Designs We understand that every apartment is unique, and so are the preferences of its residents. Our experts work closely with you to create custom tiling designs that reflect your style and complement the overall décor of your home.
Competitive Pricing Quality tiling doesn’t have to come with a hefty price tag. We offer competitive pricing without compromising on the quality of our work. Get the best value for your investment with our transparent and affordable rates.
Timely Completion We respect your time and strive to complete all projects within the agreed timeline. Our efficient team ensures minimal disruption to your daily life, delivering timely and reliable services.
Our Tiling Services
Bathroom Tiling Transform your bathroom into a luxurious retreat with our expert tiling services. We offer a range of styles and materials to create a space that is both functional and visually appealing.
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Kitchen Tiling Enhance the heart of your home with our kitchen tiling solutions. From sleek and modern to warm and traditional, we provide designs that cater to every taste.
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Living Area Tiling Make a statement in your living room with beautiful tiled floors or walls. Our team can help you choose the perfect tiles to create a cohesive and inviting atmosphere.
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Balcony and Outdoor Tiling Extend the elegance of your apartment to your outdoor spaces. Our durable and weather-resistant tiles are perfect for balconies and other outdoor areas.
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Why Tiling is a Great Choice for Your Apartment
Durability Tiles are incredibly durable and can withstand heavy foot traffic, making them ideal for apartment living.
Easy Maintenance Tiles are easy to clean and maintain, ensuring your apartment looks pristine with minimal effort.
Aesthetic Appeal With a wide variety of colors, patterns, and textures available, tiles can significantly enhance the visual appeal of your apartment.
Value Addition High-quality tiling can increase the overall value of your apartment, making it a smart investment for the future.
Contact Us
Ready to transform your apartment with exquisite tiling? Contact Home Team Renovation today for a consultation. Let our experts guide you through the process and provide you with a free quote. Elevate your living space with the best apartment tiling services in Dubai.
Home Team Renovation – Your trusted partner for apartment tiling in Dubai.
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flooringhut · 3 months
What is the Most Budget-Friendly Floor?
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Introduction When building or renovating a house, budget is an important factor. In the world of flooring, there is a vast range of products to choose from: carpet, luxury vinyl tiles, laminate, and ceramic and porcelain tiles to name but a few. So, this begs the question: “what is the most budget-friendly floor?”. This article aims to answer that question for our financially-savvy readers. (NB: this article is only focused on residential flooring.)   Laminate Laminate flooring is widely considered the most budget-friendly flooring choice. In terms of materials, you can purchase laminate flooring for as low as £15 per square metre. Also, in terms of installation, laminate flooring is DIY-friendly if you want to save money and install it yourself. The main drawbacks of laminate include its lack of water-resistance, its average aesthetics and its lack of durability. However, if you want an affordable hard floor for your home, then you could start your browsing with laminate. At Flooring Hut, we offer a selection of excellent laminate flooring options.   Carpet Carpet is a budget-friendly soft floor covering. In terms of materials, carpet can come in cheaper than laminate as you can purchase sheet carpets that are as a low as £6 per square metre. However, sheet carpets are tricky to install and we recommend using a professional floor fitter to install them properly for you. This installation fee will of course increase the overall price of carpeting your home. But what about carpet tiles – the are DIY-friendly, right? Yes, that is true, but the average cost of carpet tiles per square meter is £25, which is more than laminate. However, if you are after an affordable soft floor covering, then consider DIY-installing carpet tiles. At Flooring Hut, we offer a wide range of carpet tiles, so finding one to match your style and budget will be no problem.   Luxury Vinyl Tiles Luxury vinyl tiles (LVTs) can be purchased for as little as £20 per square metre meaning it is only £5 more expensive per square metre than laminate. For that extra £5 per square metre, you will get a hard floor covering that is water-resistant, aesthetically pleasing and very durable. Worth it if you ask me! Like laminate, luxury vinyl tiles are DIY-friendly, which can save you money on installation. So whilst LVTs are slightly more expensive than laminate per square metre, they do come with a whole host of benefits. At Flooring Hut, we have a beautiful range of high-quality luxury vinyl tiles including our own brand LVTs.   Real Wood / Engineered Wood Real wood floors and engineered wood floors are not cheap coming in at a whooping £50 per square metre on average. Whilst you can save money by DIY installing these floors, you must also consider additional expenses such as re-sanding and resealing which needs to happen periodically to keep them looking their best. Despite being incredibly beautiful and natural, this is sadly not a budget-friendly option. At Flooring Hut, we do offer real wood floors if you are willing to splash the cash on your property.   Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles Ceramic and porcelain tiles are surprisingly affordable at the low end coming in at £15 per square metre. However, when it comes to high end tiles the price shoots up, particularly for porcelain. But at the low end for materials alone, ceramic and porcelain tiles are competitive with traditionally cheap laminate flooring. However, where these tiles lose affordability is during installation, you will need a professional floor fitter or tiler to install them for you. If you are just factoring in materials alone, then this could be an affordable hard floor option, but the cost of installation means this flooring is not budget-friendly.   Conclusion   So there you have it. If you are just factoring in materials alone, then sheet carpet, laminate, and ceramic and porcelain tiles are your go to budget options. If you are looking for DIY-friendly floors to save money on installation costs, then laminate, carpet tiles and luxury vinyl tiles are your go-to options. If you are looking for cost-effective materials and DIY-installation, then laminate is the clear winner. Though consider luxury vinyl tiles for only £5 more per square metre. If you have your heart set on a soft floor then carpet tiles is your pocket-friendly option. Congratulations to laminate flooring for retaining the title of “King of Budget Floors”. Feel free to browse Flooring Hut’s wide range of flooring. We hope you enjoy your budget-friendly flooring! Read the full article
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tilesrepublic001 · 3 months
Tiles Republic, established in 2012, stands as a prominent importer, wholesaler, and retailer of tiles. Over the years, our commitment to quality and affordability has made us a preferred choice. Importing over 100 containers annually from top manufacturers enables us to offer competitive prices, ensuring savings for our customers. Conveniently located, we provide the best value tiles online in Melbourne, Victoria, catering to builders, tilers, and the general public alike. Experience premium quality at affordable rates with Tiles Republic.
Visit: https://www.zazzle.com.au/mbr/238844564208045446
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perfecttiler · 5 months
About - Perfect Tiler
Welcome to Perfect Tiler, your premier destination for top-quality tiling services in Adelaide. As the leading tiling experts in the region, we are committed to providing our clients with unparalleled craftsmanship, competitive pricing, and exceptional service. Whether you want to transform your bathroom, kitchen, roof, or outdoor space, we have the expertise and resources to bring your vision to life.
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Our Commitment to Excellence
At Perfect Tiler, every space deserves the highest attention to detail and craftsmanship. That's why we are dedicated to delivering the best to our clients. From the initial consultation to the final installation, we go above and beyond to ensure every project is executed flawlessly.
Competitive Pricing, Superior Service
We understand that quality should never come at a premium. That's why we offer competitive pricing on all our tiling services without compromising the quality of our materials or artistry. With Perfect Tiler, you can rest assured that you're getting the best value for your money.
Comprehensive Tiling Solutions
Whether you're looking to update the floors in your bathroom, add a touch of elegance to your kitchen walls, or transform your outdoor living space with stylish tiles, Perfect Tiler has you covered. Our comprehensive range of tiling services includes:
Bathroom Tiling: Create a spa-like retreat with expertly tiled floors and walls in your bathroom.
Kitchen Tiling: Enhance the heart of your home with durable and stylish tiled surfaces.
Roof Tiling: Protect your home from the elements while adding curb appeal with our roof tiling solutions.
Floor Tiling: From sleek and modern to classic and timeless, we can help you find the perfect floor tiles.
Outdoor Tiling: Extend your living space outdoors with our weather-resistant outdoor tiling options.
Tile Removal and Replacement: Trust our experienced team to efficiently remove and replace old or damaged tiles with fresh, new ones.
Waterproofing: Ensure the longevity and durability of your tiled surfaces with our professional Adelaide waterproofing services.
Expertise You Can Trust
With years of experience in the industry, our team of professionals brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to every project. From intricate patterns to large-scale installations, we have the skills and resources to handle any tiling job quickly and precisely.
Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed
At Perfect Tiler, our clients' satisfaction is our top priority. We take pride in our reputation for delivering exceptional results and strive to exceed our client's expectations on every project. Focusing on communication, transparency, and reliability, we make our clients' tiling process as smooth and stress-free as possible.
Choose the Perfect Tiler for Your Tiling Needs
Regarding tiling in Adelaide, Perfect Tiler is the name you can trust for quality, affordability, and professionalism. Whether renovating your home or building a new one, let us help you bring your vision to life with our expert tiling services. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards transforming your space with Perfect Tiler.
Address: 41 Bermudez Cres Paralowie 5108 Email: 📧 [email protected] Phone: ☎️ 0474 015 947, ☎️ 0432 795 455, ☎️ 0438 951 773 Website: 💻 www.perfecttiler.com.au
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msttiling · 7 months
Why To Approach The Best Tiling Services? 
Choosing the best Tiling Services Melbourne is undeniably important to enhance the looks of your building. Tiles are versatile materials that offer a unique appearance and high resistance against scratch and heat. Plenty of options are available in these versatile rectangle tiles, so choosing the best is essential to improve the aesthetics. Well, approaching the experienced seller or manufacturers also reserves a significant place. Consider the factors while approaching the tile supplier or installer and choose a team that meets your requirements. Here are some top reasons to contact the tiling services, take a closer look!
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Home Renovations
The first and foremost reason to prefer Tiling Services Melbourne is renovations. Whether your home is tile imprinted or plain cement base, choosing the durable tile is apt for classy finish renovations. A wide range of tiles are available such as porcelain, ceramic, glass, mosaic, and others. You can pick any different type from them for your living space's modernization. For example, prefer glossy finish ceramic tiles for shiny looks and mosaic tiles for a personalized touch of patterns. According to your choices, you can pick anything.
Structural Damages
Structural damages can also be another strong reason to approach the best tilers. It can be due to bad design, foundation issues, cracking walls, inadequate maintenance, fire, or natural disasters. In addition, bacterial or mold growth can also be a reason for structural damage. The reason may vary from person to person, but taking the initiative to fix the problems is the utmost important thing. Therefore, approach the best tile installer to fix the damage and add elegance to your buildings.
Building Construction
Of course, approaching the experienced tiler for new constructions is the utmost important thing. It is an affordable building material that can effectively transform areas from plain to glossy within a blink of an eye. Explore the wide range of tiles to pick the perfect one for your new residential or commercial building. Choose the best tiling services team to enhance the overall aesthetics of new living spaces. Other than this, you can avail their assistance for exterior and bathroom renovations.
Customized Options 
Some people might get confused because of the color combinations and vast types of tiles. To get customized solutions, you can approach Good Tilers Melbourne and get personalized suggestions. Professionals offer you exclusive options that satisfy your needs and suit your living areas. You can choose any options from the suggested patterns, colors, designs, styles, sizes, and materials.
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To Clarify Doubts
Here comes the unpopular opinion. Yes, to ask suggestions also many people approach the best tilers. In particular, they look for experts in their locality to clarify their doubts. You can ask these questions to the tilers, including which type is an apt fit for the home, what the new trend in tiles is, and which durable one is. In addition, you also discuss color combinations and the common market price of the specific type of tile.
Quality Workmanship
People who expect quality workmanship can choose the best tilers and get better results. Their professional touch enhances the overall look of the residential and commercial areas. They know the handling techniques, apt materials, and measurements to install the tiles. Plus, their attention to detail skills and excellent commitment enhance the overall installation process. Check their certifications and portfolio to finalize the tilers for your home renovations or constructions.
Benefits Of Choosing The Best Tiling Services
So far you explored the top reasons to choose the best tiling services. Here, you’re going to learn about the advantages of hiring well-trained professionals. Such as:
Excellent quality professional finishes
Improved tile selection
Right Handling and better access to tiling equipment
Extensive experience
Less wastage and cost-effective solution
Updated trendy and model suggestions
Customized approach and stunning patterns
Last Few Words 
Choose Melbourne Superior Tiling to avail the best Tiling Services Melbourne for your requirements. Customized solutions, expert advice, and affordable payment options are the highlights of their professional approach. You can book a comprehensive site inspection and get a free quotation according to your needs. Outsource your requirements and get enhanced service from the best tiling service company.
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Find the Reliable Roof Repairs in Sydney for the Service
Roof plays a very important role in every place. Also, the roof should be maintained very well, otherwise it can create a problem for the people. If you find any problem with your roof, then immediately you can connect with the service provider. Many companies are offering roof-related services, so it would be good to look for an experienced and reliable company. There are many roofing companies based in Sydney, providing a full range of services for both commercial and residential properties. The companies have experienced professionals who are expert in their work and their expertise to serve you better. They offer efficient service for jobs of all sizes.
Experts To Focus On Delivering High-Quality Roof Repairs In Sydney The companies have professionals who are experienced, knowledgeable, and skilled. They offer the most affordable and professional roof repairs in Sydney. One can check out the details of Roof Repairs Sydney which can do the best work for your place. With over decades of experience in providing roof repair services, you can trust that your roof is in good hands with the professionals. Quality work is very important for the professionals because they understand how important it is to have a roof in perfect condition. The experts are working in the Sydney roofing industry, and their experience working on residential and commercial roofs has earned us a trusted and renowned reputation as the go-to experts for roof repairs. With extensive experience and knowledge of all types of roofs, the skilled specialists can fix your roofing issues.
Amazing Professionals For Having Solutions To Meet Your Requirements And Budget Roofing is a complex process that requires a lot of experience. To be the best roofing company in Sydney, the team needs to provide a variety of services and have to deliver excellent work. You can find a list of the services offered by the Roof Tilers Sydney. The team works with various materials such as slate, concrete, and terracotta, either fixing or installing them into your roof. As expert roof tilers in Sydney, professionals are proud to be part of a leading roofing service provider in the industry. If you have any requirements, then you can connect with the professionals. If you want to know about the services offered by them, then you can visit their website. All the details are mentioned on the website that would help you to understand that which service will be helpful for you. The professional will guide you in all the steps to get the work done in an efficient and professional way.
The professionals are able to approach to addressing leaking or damaged roofs. The team of roof repair specialists is highly skilled, and the company stays updated on any changes or developments in the industry and regulatory authorities. This ensures that you receive up-to-date, high-quality results. They are always ready to serve the best service to their clients.
Searching for the best solutions on Roof Tilers Sydney can be easier for you, if you check up all the posts and reference website provided by the author. Must follow and grab great ideas.
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suburbeastern · 9 months
How Much Does a Bathroom Renovation Cost in Sydney?
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Whether you want to spruce up your forever home or maximise rental return on an investment property, a bathroom renovation is a great way to add value. But how much does it cost?
Tradespeople usually charge on an hourly basis. It's important to understand their rates before you start planning your budget. To know more about Cost of Bathroom Renovation Sydney, visit the Eastern Suburbs Bathroom Renovations website or call 0415902838.
If you’re considering a complete renovation of your bathroom, you’ll need to factor in costs for new waterproofing, new tiling and possibly new plumbing. In addition, if you’re changing the layout of the bathroom, this may involve moving windows, doors and plumbing fixtures.
The type of materials, fittings and fixtures you choose will also impact the cost. For example, a high-end toilet suite will cost more than a standard one. Also, a premium bathtub will cost more than a standard tub.
The per hour rate for tradies will also vary, depending on their skill level and the complexity of the work. In general, the more complex the job is, the higher the labour rate will be.
There are several factors that can affect the cost of fittings and fixtures during a bathroom renovation. For example, the type of tiles you choose can significantly influence the cost. You may also need to buy a new shower screen, exhaust fan or bathtub. Similarly, costs can vary for taps, sinks and showerheads.
It’s important to get quotes from a variety of tradespeople to compare prices. You should look for licensed tradies who offer quality workmanship and good customer service. It’s also a good idea to include a contingency budget of 10% – 20% for unforeseen costs. These could include issues like rotting timber, old and leaking pipes, asbestos behind tiling or a blocked toilet drain. This can add up quickly, and may cause a major budget blowout if not anticipated and planned for.
Using averages to calculate bathroom renovation costs can be misleading, especially if the figures are not itemised. This is why it’s important to ask your bathroom builder for a detailed breakdown of what each item costs.
If you want to keep costs down, try to avoid structural works – such as changing the location of plumbing outlets. This can significantly increase the cost of a bathroom renovation.
For example, if you’re moving the position of your toilet or shower, it will likely involve additional plumbing work and a plumber’s call-out rate. Similarly, you’ll need a tiler to lay new tiles, and this can cost between $35 and $120 per square metre. You’ll also need an electrician to install new lights, exhaust fans and hot water heaters.
Bathroom renovations can be a great way to increase the value of your home in Sydney or offer rental appeal. They can also improve the functionality and efficiency of your bathroom. However, there are a number of important factors to consider when budgeting for your renovation. Some tradies will charge on an hourly basis while others may charge per task or square metre.
A budget tier typically involves cosmetic changes and keeping your plumbing and electrical in place. It can be as simple as replacing your vanity sink and tapware or installing a new shower screen.
Next, your plumber will do a plumbing rough-in which can take one to four days. Then, your sparkie will install powerpoints and lighting and possibly heated towel rails.
When renovating your bathroom, it’s important to stick to a budget and only spend what you can afford. Otherwise, you will end up with a poor quality renovation that doesn’t add impact or capital growth to your home. It’s also vital to find good tradies and do your homework on their work history. Make sure you check their license and look for testimonials. To know more about Cost of Bathroom Renovation Sydney, visit the Eastern Suburbs Bathroom Renovations website or call 0415902838.
It’s also worth having a buffer of 10% or 20% to cover unexpected costs. This includes items such as council permits and renovating in a strata building. The most costly element of the reno is usually new fixtures like a toilet or bathtub. They can cost up to $1,000 or more depending on the brand and design. A plumber will install plumbing rough-ins which can take one to four days, and then a sparkie will come in and install powerpoints and lighting.
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Top factors to consider when renovating your home:
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A home renovation is a remarkable project that has the potential to transform your living area into a haven of comfort and beauty. However, it is a complicated adventure that demands careful preparation and thoughtful decision-making, where each option significantly impacts the final result. Choose Waterford's top-notch home improvement services to elevate your living space and enhance its functionality and style. Whether you are looking to update a single room or give your entire home a makeover, here are crucial factors to keep in mind when embarking on a renovation project:
Setting up a reasonable budget before beginning any restoration project is crucial. Decide how much you can afford to spend, and then set aside money for various renovation costs like supplies, labor, permits, and unforeseen fees. Ensure to provide a contingency fund to cover unexpected expenses during the renovation process. You will be less stressed about money, and the project will be successful if you stay within your budget.
Scope of work:
Establish the precise parameters of your renovation job. Choose the rooms in your house you want to renovate, what alterations you want to make, and the overall design and style you want to achieve. Consider how the makeover will affect your daily life and plan accordingly. In such cases, Polish painters and tilers bring a touch of artistry and craftsmanship to your home, transforming spaces with precision and creativity. If your project requires significant structural alterations, you may need temporary housing. By having a clearly defined scope, you can stay on track and avoid scope creep, which can result in delays and budget overruns.
Summing it up:
Home remodeling can be a life-changing experience, but it is important to approach it thoughtfully. Refurbishment services in Waterford breathe new life into your space, providing expert solutions to revitalize and modernize your home. Remember that careful planning is essential to realizing your dream of a stunning and useful living place.
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