#aesthetic expression vs gender cause a lot of this sounds like a lack of exposure/knowledge but i don't know you so idk.
alluralater · 4 months
did you ever have a 'oh i'm a lesbian' moment because let me tell you i've been going back and forth. i'm bi and for the life of me i've just been wondering if i'm just really into penetration.
Maybe another part is being NB. maybe i just want a dick to ride a girl and i don't really like guys at all just the aesthetics. i've always been really into feminization anyway....maybe i'm into fem/masc girls if that's a thing?
maybe i do like girls and i just wanna be ridden if you get me?. so confusing to wrap my little noggin around <3
i’m gonna be honest with you, i sent this to a mutual in hopes of decoding what any of this means and we had zero luck.
first thing- penetration has nothing to do with being a lesbian, that's a personal thing based on the individual and also has nothing to do with men specifically.
second thing- a lot of this stuff can exist and has really nothing in particular to do with being a lesbian. these just sound like your personal preferences for sex. you can like non-men as a bisexual so i don’t really get where you were going? like you don’t like riding dick with guys but you do like it with girls? is that what you’re saying? if yes then yeah you might be a lesbian. do you mean feminization as in like sexually? like kink? i have so many questions and so few answers because basically none of this says lesbian rather than bisexual. btw 'fem/masc' girls (if you mean as a combined label) are not a thing because if someone doesn't fit into either label they don't have to take both, it's okay to not be either one. those labels exist to serve the people who identify with them. as for the rest + everything actually, replies are open if someone else wants to hop in and try to figure out what’s going on here and help this anon <3
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