#admittedly here we are forcing everyone to pick the lesser evil... i don't quite see it
malaierba · 1 year
I mean as much as I'm a Krmts Babe I don't think he'd be beating Osomatsu in the Favourite BigBro rankings tbvh like
Totty's fave? Definitely Oso or maybe Jyushi (like, admitted outloud, even if he does most of the looking after Jyushi in practice); He used to have something special with Choromatsu (he probably had the #1 spot until I wanna a bit after high school?) but he keeps rising and he can't stand it.
Jyushimatsu's is probably Ichimatsu, though those two act the most like twins as in "being born 10 minutes appart literally doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things" soo?? I'm not sure 🤔
Regarding Karamatsu, I'm not sure he kept his spot after season 3, mainly because of how he didn't help him with keeping Choromatsu* tethered to reality (HILARIOUS) They do have a lot of bonding moments in Season 3, although he did snap at Jyushi during the night snacks skit + the pizza skit (noting that he dissed everyone then, not just Jyushi). I don't get the feeling that Jyushimatsu thought much of either event though, other than transient surprise.
You COULD make an argument (more like HC? that i indulge in bcs I love kaijuumatsu) for iromatsu sharing Jyushi's Fave BigBros spot. It'd be more apparent in S1 and S2 imo.
*Btw the older brother that Jyushi's the most done with is Choromatsu which is SO iconic of him
Ichimatsu's outspoken fave is 100% Osomatsu. He may be a Karamatsu Boy but even if he weren't so stupidly tsun about it, I think Osomatsu just matches his energy and, ah, general life outlook better.
I guess things could change in the future so that he'd honestly vote for them both but that's not funny and Ososan is all about the funnies so, ykno (edit: okay ig I can see some scenarios where forcing Ichimatsu to rank Karamatsu as one of his faves COULD be funny, mainly because he implodes afterwards and Osomatsu takes full offense probably? Maybe)
Choromatsu is DONE with both his older brothers. Favourite older brother? He should be the oldest brother damnit.
Historically it's Osomatsu, but I'm so serious when I say that as of S3 he wouldn't pick either, even if he may spare a "he's k" for Karamatsu out of the vast generosity of his heart. He's convinced he's outgrown them.
Karamatsu would laugh in your face if you asked him to pick. "Wouldn't it be Osomatsu by default?", you may comment, to which he'd point a thumb at Oso's face and laugh harder.
Imo Karamatsu generally treats both Osomatsu and Choromatsu quite horizontally, and while he has this fun little dynamic with Osomatsu where they are partners in crime sometimes, someone to dunk on/call out at others, I don't get the feeling that he relies on him as an older brother figure unless it's literally THE LAST OPTION AVAILABLE. Literally a last resort. So funny but also so real.
So final tally (single votes + double votes tallies bcs why not)
Osomatsu: Totty & Ichi / still Totty & Ichi
Karamatsu: 0 / if double votes allowed, Jyushi & Ichi (secret vote that kills the man)
Ichimatsu: Jyushi / Still just Jyushi
Jyushimatsu: 0 / if double votes allowed, Totty
(Choromatsu tbvh should be able to get a rules-bending vote from Karamatsu but even if he could I'm not actually sure Kara would offer it like honest to god idk, maybe he would? Maybe his pride wouldn't let him? Maybe it'd be funnier according to the universe rules to have him act unaware, just to piss off Choromatsu? Yeah idk)
(then again if we're discussing Rules Of Comedy in Ososan then no one would vote for Oso regardless of reality and trust/comfort in the dynamics because that's THE joke of the show, that Oso is a shitty older brother and tragically that's his main identity trait 💀 Hmm maybe ESP kitten-like shenanigans would be necessary as a plot device.
Honestly the more I think about this the more of a pointless thought exercise I find it, was kind of fun though)
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