#admin horrible historian
So You Want to Get Into Pirates SMP…
Do you enjoy dark fantasy series with intensive worldbuilding? Heart-wrenching character arcs and dynamics? Or do you just like cubitos goofing off or flirting with each other and/or NPCs while going on silly quests looking for treasure? We've got the SMP for you!
Pirates SMP was a whitelist-only, modded roleplay MC SMP hosted by POWCreations (Apokuna and OwengeJuice) in collaboration with noName Ideas, and was run from July 30th to December 10th, 2023.
This post covers an introduction to the worldbuilding, the POV characters, and the main server events. Follow-up posts will cover recommended POVs based on character lore intensity (hard/soft and frequency), how accessible those POVs are, plotline-based recaps, and general fandom resources.
Here's the gist of the worldbuilding: the series is set in Ecclesiae Sea, a region surrounded by an extensive wall of ice that won't be discovered until a few weeks into the series. In the heart of the Ecclesiae Sea are the Faction Isles, AKA the Pirate Isles, where the pirates are split into four factions:
Herons: They value exploration and discovery. Some members play the seeker archetype who search for the truth, while others may be explorers, historians, scientists, and/or academics. At their worst, they can be arrogant and a bit snobby, and have been accused of historical revisionism for their own benefit (this is never proven in canon).
Kestrels: They value luxury and are basically the materialistic rich people faction. They like their cash money and appreciate people with the ambition to earn that cash money, and tend to be self-serving. At their worst, they don't care about people around them and can be quite classist, except they make the capitalism funny in the "comically evil" kind of way.
Kites: They value strength in combat and are the type of people to fight god whenever things go wrong. Like the Kestrels, at their worst, they don't care much about the people around them, not even in their own faction.
Nightingales: They value adventure and the friends they make along the way, i.e. they're the found family faction. Most people like the Nightingales, but they are capable of being horrible people at their worst. Some people look down on the Nightingales for being the "softie" faction, and there are jokes about them trauma-bonding over terrible pasts – yes, in canon, and according to cc!Apo, "they're not wrong".
Beyond the Faction Isles, there also exist rogue pirates unaffiliated with any of the four factions, some forming unaffiliated factions of their own, others preferring to sail with their ships and crews alone.
In short, it's Sea of Thieves meets Divergent, except dark fantasy and in Minecraft. The exact nature of the dark fantasy in the worldbuilding (i.e. what series it's similar to in that aspect) is a spoiler for the biggest plot twist in the series, so I won't elaborate on that unless anyone asks/DMs me.
After choosing a faction on their first day, the pirates go on quests to get gold and treasure to upgrade their gear and ships by trading with NPCs. Naturally, there are supernatural evil forces at work that are threatening the pirates' way of life forever, so in the greater server lore, it's their job to figure out what's up. Outside of that, though, many POVs have individual character lore and their own stories to tell.
Annotation: The NPCs mentioned above are usually run on an AI chatbot outside of intensive lore moments, where they would be played by inactive server members or admins. These AI-based interactions play little importance in most plotlines and are generally skippable (as mentioned, actual lore interactions are player-based). However, they are involved in a few unavoidable character dynamics in individual character plotlines. I'll tell you ahead of time whenever these interactions are important.
POV Characters
You might know some of the content creators involved on the server already, so I'm listing them by faction, taking note of their RP character names (if they have one) and pronouns, and when their POVs start because a handful of the POVs start later than Day 1.
Herons (discovery)
OliveSleepy – character pronouns they/them, only appears on Day 1
OwengeJuice – character pronouns he/her and does not use they/them
Scott Smajor – character name Scott Denholm
Snifferish – first appears on Day 52 (Sept 19), only shows up for a couple of streams
WaterMunch – character pronouns she/her
Kestrels (cash money)
GoodTimesWithScar – only shows up for a couple of streams
ImaShep – character pronouns he/they, first appears on Day 52 (Sept 19)
KyleEff – character name Kyle Foster
Martyn InTheLittleWood – part of V-Tuber lore
TheOrionSound – character name Oliver (pronounced "oli-VAIR") von Steel but still goes by Oli
Shubble – first appears on Day 52 (Sept 19), only shows up for a couple of streams
Kites (combat)
Aimsey – character pronouns they/them/any
Bekyamon – character pronouns any/all
CaptainPuffy – only shows up for a couple of streams
Eret – first appears on Day 53 (Sept 20)
Krowfang – character name Kuervo [surname spoiler] but still goes by Krow, character pronouns he/him
Reddoons – only shows up for a couple of streams but makes a couple of non-streaming appearances
Seapeekay – first appears on Day 53 (Sept 20)
Tubbo – only shows up for a couple of streams (streamed regularly before joining the QSMP in mid-August)
Nightingales (found family)
Apokuna – character name [spoiler, currently still unknown] but still goes by Apo, character pronouns he/him
ggAcho – character name Acho (Denholm), character pronouns star/he/they
JojoSolos – character name Yoyosephinê but still goes by Jojo, first appears on Day 53 (Sept 20)
Michela DarkEyebrows – first appears on Day 2 (July 31)
WillowMVP – character name Will [surname spoiler], first appears on Day 20 (Aug 18)
Do I have to watch all the POVs to understand the storyline?
For the overall server lore, absolutely not! The event livestreams cover what you need to know:
Day 1 / July 30: The Factioning, or SMP Launch Day
Day 36 / Sept 3: In Too Deep – Chapter 2 starts here; foreshadowing up to this event starts as early as Day 26 (Aug 24) from Scott and Owen POVs, but they recap all the foreshadowing in that day's livestream to get everyone up to speed
Day 76 / Oct 13: The Rescue Mission – foreshadowing up to this event starts as early as Day 59 (Sept 26) from Owen POV, but many of the POVs involved are entwined with foreshadowing, so I'd recommend which POV you should watch for this event on a case-by-case basis; the event is technically skippable as a few people missed this event and had the context recapped to them afterward (i.e. at the next event)
Day 77 / Oct 14: The Revenge Raid – Chapter 3 starts here; occurs directly after Day 76
Day 93 / Oct 30: The Halloween event – this is a NoName event and has very little impact on the greater storyline, and can be skipped in the context of the overall server lore, but is a good watch for individual characterization and lore if you're into that
Day 112 / Nov 18: Final Wishes – Chapter 4 starts here; the plot twist in the event is later adapted into a special lore quest and is completed/revealed in some POVs AFTER Day 112 (since they couldn't make it to the event), and Martyn's Issue 3 of the Noisy Parrot newspaper also gives a summary of the revelations for those unable to complete the quest in time as a second backup option
Day 134 / Dec 10: The Finale
For individual character lore, you can just stick to a main POV and go from there. My recommended watch pattern is picking an individual character POV to go with the server lore all the way through, especially due to how server and individual character lore can often happen in the same livestream, so sticking to a singular POV to start out would give the most context.
For episode-watchers, I highly recommend watching the occasional casual VOD as well, because I've seen a few episode-only fans (for both Martyn and Owen, who currently have the most complete adapted series) say they're feeling a bit lost because they don't understand some of the background lore that contextualizes the situation.
Follow-up Posts
POV recommendations based on character lore intensity
POVs by accessibility
Plotline-by-plotline recap
General SMP resources
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mothstache · 2 months
Jesse idolized the Old Order especially when he was younger. The reveal of the truth by Soren arguably hit the hardest for him.
He found Reuben as a piglet passing by an abandoned farm on his way to town.
He’s always been the most levelheaded member of the group, however if pushed to his limit he can get outwardly aggressive. He feels very guilty about it afterwards.
After the events of Season 2, he stays a few more weeks in Beacontown before leaving to adventure with Petra.
Jesse and Olivia have been friends since childhood.
Jesse was the one to find Axel when they were teens after catching him fleeing a raid.
He’s genderfluid (he/she) and bisexual (slight preference for men).
He’ll grow his hair out pretty long before cutting it really short again.
After Season 2, he gains a phobia of being misunderstood whether through tone or action, due to the Admin mimicking his identity.
He has PTSD from the events of the Wither Storm, though he rarely talks about that period.
While he is super close with everyone in the new Order, he and Olivia can read each other like a book having known each other so long.
After Reuben’s death, Jesse fell into a silent depression for a while and would still leave out food and water for Reuben despite knowing he was no longer with him.
Ellegaard’s death hit horribly hard for him, being what truly shook him to the core for the first time since the creation of the Wither Storm.
Has feelings for everyone in the new Order (especially Lukas).
Was mentored in potion brewing by Ivor for a while.
Olivia’s love of engineering partly came from a few old redstone books passed down to her from her aunt. The title of the author has long since faded, but the books were written long ago by Harper.
She met Jesse when they were kids, having grown up in the same childhood town.
She has anxiety and ADHD.
After Season 1 she developed an even closer bond with Axel, as the two would see the most of each other despite the group going their separate ways.
Ellegaard was her idol since she was a young teen. Her death is something she’ll never get out of her mind.
She has fascination with Endermen (as well as the End dimension in general)
Post-Season 2, she’s one of the top redstone experts in the land.
She has an intense phobia of phantoms.
Olivia had a pet dog as a kid named Yarrow, she and Jesse would play fetch with him for hours on end.
Nell is her best friend outside the new Order.
She is a lesbian and holds romantic feelings for Petra.
She also holds queerplatonic feelings for Jesse, Lukas and Axel.
She’s an amazing cook despite not doing it often anymore.
Olivia and Lukas will sometimes spend hours on end reading history books and documents together.
Lukas was raised by his grandfather who was a historian, which later would become an interest of his.
Lukas has catfolk blood. The team name Ocelots isn’t just a random thing he chose - it’s unclear if Aiden, Maya and Gill ever knew about its origins.
He’s the best navigator in jungles, and an expert navigator in general with Axel.
He and Petra have been close friends for a long time, since Petra even met Jesse, Olivia and Axel.
Lukas is a bit of a people pleaser, which is how he ended up with friends like Aiden, Maya and Gill. It’s also why he wasn’t good about chastising his friends for their jerkish behavior.
He has Autism and finds himself masking a lot.
He once made a jacket for Olivia with an endermen face embedded into the back, similar to his old ocelot jacket.
He’s a trans man (he/him) and gay.
Holds feelings for Jesse and Axel, and is queerplatonic with Olivia and Petra.
Seeing Petra’s deterioration with their wither sickness was really hard for him. They were always one of the strongest people he knew so seeing them become weaker and weaker terrified him.
He’s good friends with Stacy and Stampy, and the both of them were the first he recruited for the new Ocelots.
He tamed his ocelot Dewey shortly after Season 1.
Axel is 15% hisskin. Some of the ways it shows itself physically are the green scales on his neck and shoulders, and him constantly smelling a bit like gunpowder. In addition, if he grows intensely angry or excited, sparks may literally fly out of his mouth when he talks.
Axel considers Jesse his first “real” friend. Prior to their meeting, Axel was part of a gang of thieves who would often leave him to fend for himself, whether because they were meanspirited or neglectful to the youngest of the group or both. When he first befriended Jesse, he was even more temperamental and stubborn, and very quick to do things his own way by habit. Being with Jesse and Olivia helped him to become more trusting and levelheaded, though he retained a lot of his rogue ways.
He has slight thalassophobia that he’s working on.
He has ADHD and BPD.
Axel was initially afraid Lukas would replace him in the friend group. He hated him for how rapidly close he was becoming with Jesse and Olivia, and deep down saw him as a smarter, more logical replacement to him.
VERY good with maps, plus he has a natural sense of direction, especially in caves.
He’s nonbinary (he/they) and pansexual.
Has buried romantic feelings for Jesse and Olivia, along with Petra and Lukas.
Magnus treats him a lot like a little brother, the two love to spar a lot.
After Reuben’s death, he often would try to comfort Jesse to no avail, this caused him an unusual amount of anxiety and grief for both Jesse and his lost pet.
Post-Season 2, he has a more spiked hairstyle and wears a creeper bandana.
Post-Season 2 he tries whenever he can to make time for the old gang to meet up.
He has a pet bat named Batsy. (Yes, this is from the scrapped canon idea)
Petra has always adventuring in their blood, having been on the move from place to place since they were a kid.
Petra holds a ton of knowledge about surviving alone in the nether, from experience! As a younger adult their portal once got broken, and they had to spend a few days on her own in the nether till they came across another adventurer who helped them escape.
Despite having never stayed in one place long, they’re naturally extremely loyal to all of their friends. They don’t take losing friendships well.
Enduring the wither sickness took all their might and they can only pray they never have to experience that ever again.
Jack was their first ever idol when they were young. When they heard he was moving to Beacontown they were excitedly rambling to Jesse for DAYS.
They’re transmasc (they/them) and a lesbian.
They have romantic feelings for Olivia, and have queerplatonic crushes on Jesse, Lukas and Axel.
Petra and Axel have occasionally gone out on solo missions, usually for reckless reasons. They come back with tattered clothes and burn marks, but a ton of treasure each.
Petra has Autism and psychosis.
They have asthma, which made the wither sickness even harder on them.
They are stubborn and hate giving up in any situation, viewing it as a personal failure.
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uwmadarchives · 6 years
Crafting a Research Proposal
Rena Yehuda Newman (They/them), UW Archives Student Historian
From Archives staff: A belated posting of a blog entry written two weeks ago by Student Historian in Residence Rena Yehuda Newman!
As September comes to a close, the deadline for my research proposal draws nearer. The initial deadline we’d set of August was a bit too soon -- at that point, about a month into the job, I’d only just gotten my landlegs in the archives. 
When I wasn’t in meetings with various staff members, I was picking through materials that had been pulled for me, suggested by the staff, browsing and trying to get a sense of what piqued my interest and felt meaningful. I poked at the bookshelves and boxes and tried my hand at searching through the digitized databases. Though I’d spent a bit of time in archives before this job, it took from the end of July until summer’s end for me to feel capable in the archives as an actual researcher (not just a student with a class prompt) -- to become familiar with the staff and knowledgeable of the resources available to me.
Now that we’re almost through the month, I’m starting to put the finishing touches on my research proposal. Though I’d started drafting it at the end of August, it’s only now coming to fruition. I’m glad I had the extra time -- I needed that time to explore, to ask new questions, and to put the new lessons I’m learning into practice. Starting the school year itself has really helped catalyze the project.
I’m currently taking a class from Bill Cronon entitled, “The Making of the American Landscape”. His father wrote one of the histories of UW I’ve been using as a guide. The purpose of the class is to understand how to read landscapes as historical texts -- or in the opposite order, understand how political, social, and economic forces render themselves in the physical world around us and shape the ground beneath (and above) our feet.
Yesterday, my section went on a tour of Library Mall. We discussed the bizarre, mismatched architectures of Memorial Library, Humanities, the Historical Society, the Red Gym, and more. My TA showed us photographs from earlier eras, using visuals as hints to discover when the picture was taken. But I found myself curious when the conversation turned to the Vietnam War era, awake with connections between the class and my research here at the archives.
There’s an old myth (or fact, I don’t know yet) about the Humanities building that circulates in Madison: its horrible-but-enchanting brutalist architecture exists for the purpose of eschewing student protest. In its most extreme forms, the myth describes the building’s slanted sides as potential tank positions, a solid bastion of war against “radicals”. 
Though I don’t know about the intent behind Mosse’s brutalist architecture, I intend to find out. At the very least there is a grain of truth behind the rumor; the Humanities building decries public gathering by design. Enormous and echoey above the surface and cramped with hallways inside, there are no good places to get together with crowds in the entire concrete block. The architecture is alienating, uncomfortable. Congregating there is difficult and counterintuitive. I’ve heard the same speculations aimed at the design of Vilas, which has similar booming plazas and intentionally uncomfortable spaces.
The more I thought about the way in which architecture impacts public attitudes, the more I thought about how political action shapes public policy, whether through the will of the public or as a reaction against it. Though most of my research up until this point has been exclusively about students, I was still thinking about the chronology of the Black Strike written by the administration’s office. I can’t stop thinking about how violent the UW administration has historically been towards a politicized student body -- even a non politicized student body. Thus far I’ve been researching how student protest impacted campus, but during the tour, I began wondering how the administration’s often violent response to student protesting has impacted UW policy today. If the administration’s disdain for student radicals potentially shaped a behemoth like the Humanities building, what other less-visible structures did it erect around campus? 
My research proposal has shifted from an inquiry into the relationships between students groups to an investigation of the University’s response to student organizing and how the UW admin’s responses have shaped the modern student political climate, protesting policies, and physical landscapes of the University today. 
While my project will focus on the violent responses of UW towards its own students, the University’s history violence extends far beyond the scope of the student body, encompassing gentrification, racial violence, policy towards Madison homeless, and even (especially) the college’s very beginning when UW was established on stolen HoChunk land. When historical wrongs are documented as evidence, they can better be used for the purpose of reparations. I hope my research can illuminate the ways in which the University’s violent past haunts campus grounds -- and what students can do to join our predecessors in resisting it. 
- Rena Yehuda Newman (They/Them), Student Historian
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superhumankrp · 4 years
Tumblr media
Welcome to NEOCITY, [ Woo Beatrix ]!
Make sure to follow the admin’s twitter page within the next 48 hours to become a full-fledged citizen in Neocity. Make sure your twitter account follows all the guidelines stated in the rules.
[ Ability: Subconscious Manipulation. ]
ABILITY DESCRIPTION: Bea can manipulate everything hidden inside hers or others subconscious, including ideas, wishes or desires, and traumatic memories. This gift allows Bea to manipulate the hidden aspects of the mind in various ways, for example arrange memories as one desires, awaken secrets and information hidden deep in the subconscious, and give shape to emotions or thoughts hidden inside the mind.
LIMITATIONS: Bea has to be in the same room as another, not touching, just within sitting distance so that way she can delve deep within the subconscious of their minds.
SIDE-EFFECTS: After a few hours within the subconscious of another, it takes her an entire day to get herself back to normal. She’ll be wore out completely, headaches that hurt for hours and slight pains that shoot through her entire being. It’s almost a debilitating state where she simply has to retreat to her home and lock herself away.
How she arrived at Neocity:
(( TW; death, depression, illness ))
Beatrix grew up in the Highlands of Scotland — her father a historian and her mother a surgeon who had both taken a liking to the Scottish way of living. It was there they made their home, it was there that they welcomed their first daughter, Bea, into their lives. The young girl was a blessing in disguise given that the couple had been living in a rocky relationship due to infertility. Though, they were blessed with the healthy girl that they have always wanted and all seemed well within the world.
The young girl was a recluse, she preferred her time at home with her dolls and books, reading old stories from times long passed. She wanted to live in the olden days, the days that her father taught at the nearby university. It intrigued her, it opened her mind to wonderful things — though, she soon lost interest in such things whenever she became a teenager and her father had passed away due to an untreated illness that had been going on for quite some time. It was just her and her mother now, and even though her mother promised to be there, she became depressed and fell into a dark place she couldn’t seem to crawl back out of. She watched as her lifeline withered away into nothing, and soon she too had passed on to be with her lover and Beatrix was alone.
In the midst of figuring out her life after she just barely graduated high school, she came across papers that signed the estate and assets her parents had over to her once she was legally old enough — everything was hers and she found some sort of peace knowing that even though they were gone, they were still looking out for her. It was when she was reading old journal entries from her mother in her last few months of life did she realize something, she had a gift — she altered her own memories of what her mother had looked like before she was gone, visualizing a more beautiful and at peace look rather than the withered away and sadness that was written all over her. It gave Beatrix solace, it made her feel at peace with her passing. It was then she decided to continue her education in psychology and work to be a doctor.
She had a gift, she used it for good — any time she would have someone, more particularly felt the need to help, she would withdraw and hide away horrible thoughts, horrible memories of people so that way they could move on. Beatrix was perceived as good, and yet intriguing because she remained away from everyone. She basically swooped in and left after her work was all done — it was what she did and who she was, she didn’t need praise, she simply wanted to help, though she simply wanted to help children who truly tugged at her heartstrings. With every passing day while she attended school and attended to people, she honed her skills and learned that she could completely erase certain traumatic memories or even good ones. It was then that she learned that there was another who in her family had the same gift, though they could simply flip a switch within someone and erase their knowledge of what was right and what was wrong. That much power scared her, and she never wanted to figure out if she was that powerful enough or not, she was fine and dandy right where she was, and how she was.
A few years had gone by, school had been wonderful, and that was when she heard of a place called Neocity. It piqued her interest and once she had graduated with her degree, she packed everything up, rented out her parents old home and left for the marvelous place she heard nothing but good things about. At first, she visited — a tourist, only because it was something completely new to her and she wasn’t sure how she truly felt just yet — but upon learning about the outstanding reputation the local hospital had, she couldn’t help but to apply and was given a position as a psychiatrist. She accepted it gratefully and began her work — she was excited to see what good things she could do.
Other Information:
Faceclaim:  Bae Joohyun ( Red Velvet )
Full name: Woo Beatrix
Nicknames (if any): Bea
Age: 28
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Psychiatrist at Neocity Hospital
Residence: Euphoria Hills
Very calm and collected, yet also introverted. She would prefer to be alone with herself and her plants than out at clubs roaming the streets. Though being such an introvert doesn’t shy her away from helping people at her job, mainly children whom she has a soft spot for — she usually can put on a front, so that way nobody knows her true nature since she has a tendency to become a little afraid to open up. Once she does become close to someone though, she’ll keep them near and dear always.
She’s a very private person and has always been so ever since she could last remember.
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svartikotturinn · 7 years
(Reproducing my comment here in its entirety.)
I’ve looked through lots of Nazi Tumblogs for trolling material in my day: you can easily find them if you know what to look for: they don’t tag their posts ‘Nazi’ or ‘Nazism’ or whatever, it’s always stuff like ‘NatSoc’, ‘National Socialism’, ‘1488’, or (if they’re too cowardly to openly say what they subscribe to) ‘traditional/reactionary European’. I think my observations are good story material.
First of all, I’ve found quite a few interesting trends there.
First off, they lie like crazy. They claim that Dr. Albert Schweitzer wrote about how he became disillusioned with Africans and said they had the mentality of evil toddlers in African Notebook, that Richard Dawkins wrote about how progressivism not allowing free speech about how humans are naturally classified into races is ‘alarming’ in The Extended Phenotype, and that Taylor Swift has expressed white supremacist ideas, among others: the first two are easily proven false with a simple search on Google Books, the third is obviously false considering she’s good friends with Nicki Minaj. I’ve actually found a post on a Nazi blog that included a quote by Hitler saying, ‘The victor will never be asked if he told the truth.’
Aside from lying like crazy about easily disproven bullshit, they also tend to grossly misread things, either intentionally or because they’re that fucking stupid. One example I’ve seen is an article about a trans woman openly admitting to ‘indoctrinating’ children or whatever, which was posted with a ‘gotcha!’ comment that completely ignored that the article basically said something like ‘I teach kids to be respectful of those who are different, and if you call that indoctrination so be it’. Another article said that legitimizing pædophiles was ‘the next crusade of the left’, completely misunderstanding that the point was about looking at it as an affliction to be remedied rather than a crime in and of itself (as opposed to child molestation). And this is before relying on broken statistics and whatnot, like the time I argued with a Nazi who insisted that California if not the US in general had a non-white majority. Happens all the damn time.
Third thing I noticed was that a lot of their rhetoric had to do with women’s beauty and chastity. ‘NatSoc’ blogs are notoriously rife with pictures of pretty young white women in various states of dress (in traditional European garb) and undress (often with, like, a laurel on their heads or something) in fields and natural scenes and suchlike. (One time I found a blog filled ONLY with pictures like those and jokingly suggested to the admit that he should look into this one chick named Scarlett Johannson; he said, ‘Is this the part where I tell you Ashkenazi Jews are Aryans and you run off with your tail between your legs?’ Apparently, he really took the ‘Neo’ part of ‘Neo-Nazi’ to heart!) The notorious 14 Words (specifically ‘because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the earth’) are also pretty commonly quoted, as well as horror stories of white women who were abused by Arabs and black men. You never hear about the reverse: extolling the beauty of white men and warning them against going with black women. The truth is, much like the Israeli organization Lehava (who keep talking about women as ‘daughters of kings’, warning against Arabs who seduce Jewish women into their villages and abusing them there), anti-white rhetoric about how white people ‘take [black people’s/Asians’] women’, and the Mongolian Tsagaan Khas (who talk about foreigners making lots of money and taking their women), they see women as some kind of resource they feel entitled to and are terrified of having taken away from them. (Cracked once had an article about a former Neo-Nazi named Frank Meeink who started associating with black inmates, because the Nazis kept talking about his girlfriend being unfaithful; the black inmates congratulated him when she was pregnant. I think that sums it up amazingly.)
Finally, I found out they were a lot more diverse than people give them credit for. Aside from the VERY ‘Neo’-Nazi mentioned above, they vary in terms of economic beliefs (unlike the KKK, who see Socialism as a foreign evil, they are more split on the issue), religious beliefs (i.e. badly interpreted Christianity, badly interpreted paganism, and badly interpreted purely secular ‘science’), and other issues. I’ve even come across a ‘feminist’ blog (NSFW) claiming patriarchy is a Jewish conspiracy, and I’m not entirely sure whether it’s for real or not, and another one saying Nazis and Muslims are natural allies that Jews have set against each other.
I’ve had the most interaction with two particular Nazis on Tumblr.
The first of the two was a Serbian woman. She was an admin on a general anti-SJ blog, which also featured a hardcore Christian who claimed Jews were ‘devil spawns’ or something based on (misquoted) New Testament quotes, an avid fanboy of Assad’s regime (his presence and their defence of Palestinians was justified because apparently ‘Arabs are Aryans’), and other idiots. I clashed with her a few times and talked about how her sense of superiority based on not being ‘a cumdumpster’ had nothing to do with actual respect and everything to do with succumbing to male standards. Then I accused the admins of that blog of subscribing to the ideology just as an excuse for violence; she said that she’d adopted it because of her experience with NATO’s aggression towards Serbia, their mishandling of the Trepča Mines (which she attributed to greed), and deep contempt towards George Soros for his involvement in all of it. I sympathized with her, and we began debating with far more civilized tones.
She talked about how SJ ideology has gone out of control (e.g. the dismay caused by a road named ‘Bangays Way’ named after a historian named Bangay), and how much of it was forced on her, and how she felt like she was being attacked simply because she espoused endogamy to preserve her culture. I agreed with her about the crazier bunch in the SJ crowd, talked about how she used really gross generalizations (apparently she thought Jews could agree on ANYTHING), pointed out some misinterpretations (e.g. that people protesting the road were less ‘THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE’ and more ‘this looks iffy, come on guys’), and pointed out the problems with defining what a culture is. After a short while she said she was sick and occupied so she couldn’t answer, and then she just deleted her blog. I wish she hadn’t, it was getting interesting.
The second one was the guy who posted that Hitler quote, who was also the same one claiming California had a non-white majority. I argued pretty fervently, with citations and everything, and he was apparently genuinely impressed. He sent me a personal message saying that was the first time he was not dismissed by an SJW for his ideology and was actually debated in earnest (albeit with lots of insults) and wanted to have a serious reasoned debate. I agreed, we chatted some, and he explained that he was an EMT who would treat non-white people just fine but still preferred a world where nations were divided into races and had fair fights in armed conflict over territory and wealth.
He wanted the divide to be based on race because, he claimed, races have serious genetic differences based on their evolution in different environments that made them incompatible in terms of living side by side. I asked him for citations (and also my close friend, who is working on his PhD in biochemistry), and he kept stalling on and on (at first it was because he was out celebrating his birthday, then basically just because), and then we stopped talking. (Meanwhile my friend found citations saying that it was overwhelmingly bullshit, and in fact he found an article showing Yoruba people lack a mutation found in white and Asian people that caused aggressive behaviour.)
Eventually I tagged him in a post asking him if he agreed with the harassment Jews in Whitefish, MT over rumours that they were harassing his mother. Eventually we ended up in an argument where he said it was only natural for people to lie and have double standards when it comes to theirs and an opposing view, and that he wanted me to drop dead. I strongly rejected that notion and pointed out how I’ve criticized leftist over and over for their lies; he conceded I was morally superior but he didn’t think that mattered.
In private I expressed my disappointment with him. I told him I’d thought better of him and his interest in having a serious debate; he responded, ‘The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.’ The nerve of a guy using ‘Kozak hanigzel’ on a Hebrew speaker from Israel… Man was that disappointing. I blocked him.
At any rate, I blocked him. A day or two later, when I wanted to see if he was swamped with anons for this and getting lots of shit for basically admitting his ideology was indefensible, but his blog was already deleted. I want to believe he realized this himself, that he needed to do some real thinking if a ‘degenerate’ like me proved his moral superior, but I can never know.
These two interactions and some others have led me to wonder if sincere Nazis, who are actually good but horribly misguided people, were mostly women. I wonder.
Ultimately, I feel really sorry for Nazis of the latter kind, and the alt-right crowd in general. From what I’ve seen, they’re really miserable people: they think of love and sex in terms of conquest and keeping what they got (hence the constant talk about ‘cucks’, who are too ineffectual to keep their ‘property’ theirs), not actual human connection. They’re so obsessed with power and maintaining and demonstrating it that they seem to have no concept of genuine compassion: they write it all off as ‘virtue signalling’, i.e. pretending to be virtuous for the sake of some kind of social capital. They’re so bitter they’ve become obsessed with spite, talking so much about ‘liberal tears’ they barely argue their own position. There’s such a deep sense of fear and loneliness and resentment there, and when they don’t scare me, I feel really sad for them.
On the other hand, I’d like to say a few words about anti-Nazis:
The attack on Richard Spencer triggered a whole lot of posts on Tumblr about how punching Nazis is not only justified but morally mandatory (because Nazis could never reform, you see, and were necessarily evil), which I strongly objected to on the grounds that Nazis were a diverse group, with many motivations and backgrounds, and responding to them with violence could be counterproductive in many cases (I cited Lamb & Lynx Gaede, the aforementioned Meeink, and all the KKK members Daryl Davis has dissuaded: all of them converted by peaceful means). I’ve seen people shamelessly call me a ‘Nazi sympathizer’ by some people on that website, and at one point I wanted to take legal action, considering the kind of harassment that accusation could lead to.
The same kind of belligerent attitude is found in the far left as well. Those ‘beat the Fascists where you find them’ anti-Nazis seem to be far more preoccupied with letting out aggression against rivals than actually dismantling their threatening ideology. They’re only marginally better, and also suffer from similar ills (e.g. incessant lying) and some others (e.g. scouting for perceived ideological rivals to unleash aggression on). This is why I’ve pretty much left Tumblr altogether.
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