#added at last minute a song for Izumi bc I just discovered and I don't feel like editing everything again
askdigimonfrontier · 2 years
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You can listen the playlist here: Takuya | Kouji | Kouichi | Izumi | Junpei | Tomoki
Ok, this is going to be a...bit different. Because A) I already answered this like 2 years ago, but I didn't like the original answer and my perfectionist side was screaming. So, here we go again. B) this will be "headcanon format" because this is my only way to put my ideas in order. And C) I created the playlist to have some references of what I think they would like. Not everything is from the "favorite genres" but, it works.
I didn't want to limit this to "Kouji likes rock" bc 4 of them like Rock and all go in completely different directions. Even the twins, which in theory like the same genres, I think they go for REALLY different moods. So yeah, let's begin:
Izumi: Pop/Electropop. It can only be defined as "I was on Tumblr on 2012-2014 and it clearly influenced me more than I want to admit". Pure Heroin and Electra Hearts just destroy her. This with a mix of modern pop with this clear inspiration of the 70s and wants to make her dance. The music she avoids: This is too niche...but "Gregorians chants". His father was oddly obsessed with that kind of music when she was younger and she can't listen to it without screaming. Music that everyone is surprised he likes: 90s and early 00s rock, especially Green Day.
Kouichi: Alternative rock/ Modern rock. Kouichi is the kind of person who has a playlist for every situation. The ones he uses to focus on (usually have this singer with really intense voices and really messy guitars and drums) and the ones he uses, while he has to go somewhere, (more on the indie side, with crispy voices and a bit of this "90s dreamlike" feel) are the ones he likes the most. The music he avoids: Everything he feels like it's too repetitive and slow. Music that everyone is surprised he likes: To be specific, "Lullaby Song by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club". He has a playlist with songs with this similar "romantic and dreamlike" vibe to help him sleep.
Kouji: Alternative Rock/ Indie pop. Kouji's taste in music it's quite a surprise to everyone. In general, he goes more for more chill and dreamlike music, mostly with calm voices, and a lot of focus on guitars and a bit of instrumental. There is some experimental music here and there, but nothing too risky. The music he avoids DEATH METAL... And a lot of garage rock. Kouji is the kind of person who gets easily stressed with anything that feels too intense. Everyone is surprised he like music: Kouji is the kind of person who has music in many languages and probably knows most of the band's story, but not even he knows how he started to listen to them.
Junpei: Musicals and Glam rock/70s rock. Listen, I know it's canon that Junpei sings opera, but I'm 99% sure he did thanks to The Phantom of the Opera. Anybody can't convince me otherwise. There is this story-driven on musicals and Opera that Junpei enjoys. I think this is why he goes with the 70s and 80s music, everything is really extra. The music he avoids: Everything done by T. S. Eliot is something Junpei avoids like the plague. He is just TOO MUCH for him. Music that everyone is surprised he likes: I think nobody is exactly surprised, but there is some j-pop and k-pop here and there.
Tomoki: Pop/Electrodance/Videogames. Tomoki is a big ost nerd, especially video games ost. Is the kind of person who can't beat a boss without music. He goes more for the music that goes for a "traveling on this amazing world", with a bit mix of really chill and relaxing music. The music he avoids: Tomoki, like Kouji, avoids really intense with a lot of screams Music that everyone is surprised he likes: Not exactly a surprise, but Tomoki is the one who likes to share and discover what other people listen to.
Takuya: Oh boy. Takuya's music taste can only be defined as "Energetic". The kind of music one would or dance like Spiderman in that scene. Takuya is the kind of person who every day is waking up early and does not stop moving until late at night. And he is always listening to something to not end up falling asleep and…yeah calm songs are not exactly the best for that. There is some rock and rap but rarely goes for anything too hard. The music he avoids: I think there is no exact music that he avoids? It's one of the groups with more musical range Music that everyone is surprised he likes. Weirdly enough, there are a lot of bands that Kouji and Takuya have in common (Gorillaz, Caravan Palace ). Most of the time, Kouji accidentally makes him interested in a new group.
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