#add to the list of games i still need to play someday but still haven't played yet
ladala99 · 3 months
Neopets Plots/Events/Plevents; My Experiences
Going by JellyNeo's Book of Agest for a most comprehensive listing, because late Viacom Plevents are so unmemorable that I'd never be able to do it by memory.
Battle For Meridell I joined while this plot was ongoing. I didn't even know it was happening, other than when I finally realized I didn't need to give my pets special abilities before going to Explore, finding Meridell in complete ruin. By the time I actually found the plot comic, it was over.
Hannah and the Ice Caves I didn't have a battle pet. I followed the plot comic closely and very much enjoyed it. I love the Hannah games. I hope they come back someday.
Curse of Maraqua Happy there was a non-battling option, I joined as a Supporter for this plot! Points were, supposedly, gained by both turning in items the NPC requests or playing specific Flash games. I turned in one item and played a whole ton of the Flash games, but I only got credit for the item.
According to the Editorial at the time, there was a glitch where the Flash games weren't counting for certain players. You had to actually send in a ticket to get this fixed for your account. I did not send in a ticket, assuming some big fix would be pushed, but nope. Even when the Editorial said all affected players had been fixed, I wasn't. So I got two points for turning in a single healing potion. At least I got the avatar and site theme.
Darkest Faerie This is a video game, not a plot! I got it, still have it, didn't finish it until 2018 I believe. Fun game!
Lost Desert Plot I had like an hour computer time per day max and that was not enough to figure out what I was doing with the Temple of 1000 Tombs. I got a couple of points for happening to play a game of Pyramids, but that was the extent of what I did that actually counted.
I did wander the Temple of 1000 Tombs for fun a lot, and I helped out on the furniture-moving step if I remember right? That was open for everyone I think.
Loved the comic, though. I became absolutely obsessed with the storylines that came out around this time (both Darkest Faerie and Lost Desert Plot) and those characters still resonate with me the most today.
Altador Mini-Plot The first plot that went right start-to-finish! I followed a guide and got everything done as it came out, having a blast.
Cyodrake's Gaze This happened at this time? Well, it was just a comic with making some guesses as to who did it. I guessed Anshu and was wrong(sorry Anshu! Just thought your version of the story was more different than the others!), but I got the other questions right.
Tale of Woe First real plot that I completed start-to-finish! And my favorite to this day. I was obsessed with Sophie the Swamp Witch since I got her TCG card so I loved seeing her with a real personality and backstory in the plot.
The only parts I didn't do were some of the higher-level battles and the harder version of the Potion step. I was too obsessed with digging to bother figuring out the puzzle there.
Wand of Wishing This is a video game, not a plot! I have it. I still haven't beaten it. I should add that to my to-do list.
Journey to the Lost Isle My memories of this plot were that it was okay. Kinda fun, but nothing to write home about. I did not become invested in the characters. I remember a few steps being basically rehashed from Tale of Woe, which isn't a bad thing by itself.
Operation: Petpet Park I remember this being an interesting diversion, and I played it all the way through. Didn't really catch me and get any lasting memories, though.
Puzzle Adventure This is a video game, not a plot! I have it, and I did not finish it. I did not find the gameplay fun and all I wanted was the site them.
My step-dad wanted the book, so he redeemed the first code, which locked our Wii's codes to his account and I quit once I realized that.
Then, years later, I played on my aunt's Wii and one of the prizes was already redeemed by someone else somehow. Despite the first code supposedly locking all of the prizes to my account. Since I wasn't going to suffer through this game if there was any chance I wasn't getting the site theme at the end, I quit.
And now the codes from this are locked because some cheater figured out how to guess them. Which is probably how one of my codes was already redeemed. So I'll never get the site theme. I hate whoever did this with a burning passion.
Return of Dr. Sloth I got stuck on the codebreaking part and wasn't able to participate in most of this plot. Didn't find the comic all that interesting, either.
Atlas of the Ancients I recall this plot but as another kinda boring one. I got all the way through and finished with a good, but not the highest, trophy. Mostly because I didn't grind some of the steps enough.
But hey, I can turn my pets Magma at will (now that the glitch keeping me out is fixed), so worth it!
Quizaria's Curse This is a video game and not one I got. I do not have a Leapfrog.
Faeries' Ruin I, at this point in my Neo-life, went on hiatus every year from the start of the Altador Cup through the Advent Calendar. So I didn't know about this plot until it was halfway through!
I had a good time while I was there, but was a bit salty about missing the beginning.
Krawk Island Disappearance Crewdoku was fun. That's all I remember from this.
Spooky Food Eating Contest I took a bunch of screenshots of the catacombs so I'd actually remember this plevent. I remember setting timers and having a blast.
War of the Obelisk Finally, a battling plot I could make it all the way through! I joined the Order of the Red Erisim and was actually able to beat the other team leaders on Easy! It reinvigorated me into training for the next war.
Desert Diplomacy I enjoy logic puzzles, so I enjoyed this (and the Negg Fest one that happened one year. Not listed on this list.)
Portal Activation Centre I completed this but have very faded memories of it.
Wraith Resurgence This was. . . a real disappointment. I got through it and was super happy defeating the Darkest Faerie at the end (She is in my account's canon an important character in my battle pet's past so him beating her up was so satisfying), but the actual plot had bad art, bad story, and moved entirely too slowly.
Lyra and the Lost Heirloom I followed the plot for the first few steps but got bored because it took too long and took a hiatus from the site. By the time I got back, the prize shop was closed, so even though I earned some points, I wasn't able to use them!
Bad, bad feelings about this plot all around.
Legends and Letters This is a mobile game that I did not play because I wasn't interested in the gameplay.
The Void Within Looking above at the recent plots that took too long to get going so I took hiatus and missed most of them. . . I'm hoping I somehow like this plot. I like the buildup during the events last year and actually got me to be more active. I might even participate in the Altador Cup this year (haven't since the Flash versions went down and were replaced with awful HTML5 versions).
But those NC cookies and the fact that one achievement you absolutely needed to log in on a Sunday make me nervous. Like, Sunday. Really? I thought for sure since it wasn't obtainable by Friday it wouldn't be obtainable until there was an actual step to do. And right after they say that there's some leeway with not being on every day.
I got the achievement, but still. Weekends are the times I'm most likely to accidentally miss a day since I'm not on my normal routine.
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i-am-nickelbolt · 2 years
Being an mtg dad in 2023
Should my son one day decide that he wants to try his hand at slinging cardboard with his old man, I would like to curate a collection that will give him a wide variety of experiences.
For reference:
Here is an update of I've been working on as well as my mtg dad goals for 2023:
The "Beginner Experience" cubes have to be a priority moving forward. I will be building a Jumpstart Cube for introducing people to the game, and a "noob cube" for introducing people to drafting. I won't be collecting these in foil, and will try to get the newest, most accurate wording for all the cards. I'm also going to try to pick "cute" art and "less creepy" themes when I can.
Begin "Alpha40" collection with Unlimited cards. I want to make this a priority. If you haven't heard of Alpha40, you should check it out. It looks way, way sweeter than Old School '93-'94.
Continue to update my personal copy of the MTGO Vintage Cube as well as a binder of the Vintage Cube alumni. A new twist on this project is to not just collect the "best" version of every card, but to have multiple versions so that people I play with can "reskin" their decks with the versions they want. This is just an idea for now.
Continue working on Modern deck boxes. Modern is currently the best constructed format, and I don't see that changing any time soon. I am currently working on Izzet Murktide, 5-Color Creativity, Hammertime, Rakdos Scam, and Yawgmoth combo. I will try to add another deck to the list every month.
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Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty is my favorite set. I made Mythic in limited on Arena with this set. I will complete my Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty foil showcase set cube in 2023. I have almost 500 cards currently. I might spring for the textured foil Wanderer, but I'm not in for the neon ink Hidetsugu.
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When thinking about set cubes, I overlooked Khans of Tarkir. Khans is LSV's pick for best draft set ever, and I remember being enamored with the card Defiant Strike. I will be starting a Khans of Tarkir set cube.
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I totally forgot that I had already built an Innistrad (2011) set cube! It was buried in boxes of things I never unpacked after my wife and I bought our house. I am pretty sure that it is incomplete, so I need to verify the contents my non-foil Innistrad cube.
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Consider foiling out my Premodern Masters set cube. I haven't decided whether or not I want to undertake this project. It will be expensive.
Other set cubes:
I was reminded of how much fun Ikoria was, so I'm thinking that might be next on my list. Mutate was such a sweet mechanic, and cycling is an all time great limited mechanic. The question is, do I make Zenith Flare rare or not?
Dominaria (2018) is on hold, maybe cancelled. There's some debate as to how good this set actually was. It was great for it's time, but we were coming off a lot of bad limited sets and we've had a lot of good ones since then. My original thought was this was a beginner-friendly set, but I think my plans for Jumpstart cube and the "noob cube" do this job better. Also, The recent Dominaria: United and Brothers' War sets are both really, really good.
Innistrad: Double Feature custom set cube is probably canceled, due to the unearthing of my Innistrad (2011) set cube.
One of either Time Spiral Remastered, Dominaria Remastered, or an Invasion Block custom set cube should probably get made.
Ravnica plane cube is still interesting to me.
Update my Type 4 cube. I have not worked on this at all in 2022, so this is something that I should start in 2023.
And finally, I will get my cards sorted and stored in their permanent home. This is such a big deal because I've never had a *permanent* home for my cards. It makes me feel emotional, to be honest. I have purchased a large Kallax with drawer inserts. As I work on the projects listed above, I'm slowly getting the rest of my collection sorted and catalogued on Cardsphere so I can trade for my projects.
This will be an exciting year!
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