#adar leaning into this like: joke's on you i'm into this
trynot · 10 days
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vaile-elenya · 7 days
The comedy of RoP is underrated. Nori, Poppy, and the Stranger are iconic. Arondir “this shall be called super.” Nori suggesting names and then the other two, in sync, saying “you already said that.”
In season one, watching Nori and Poppy chase after a wheelbarrow was beautiful.
Berek being the best horse EVER and somehow being the smartest in the room
Other miscellaneous thoughts
1. Arondir is going after Adar, maybe he’ll meet Galadriel
2. I’m picturing Númenor having Elrond on speed dial for random mishaps. “Well he is the first king’s brother, so he must have good ideas like our first king did.” Like he shows up because of the coup.
Númenor: So, Lord Elrond this is our blight. How do you think the old king would taken action?
Elrond remembering Elros’ letters about stupid people: ……
Elros, lingering over his shoulder: For the love of, MIRIEL STAND UP!!
I’m so sorry for spamming your inbox, I have one (1) I can talk to about RoP and that is my dad. 💀 I hope you appreciate the carnage on your inbox
Never apologize for sending asks! I love them 🖤 Timezones and life may keep me from replying instantly, but trust me, I read them, think about them, and wait for the stars to align so I can sit down and properly respond 😂
And YES, humor in RoP is pure gold!!! Its that kinda blink-and-you-miss-it type of comedy that just hits for me. Like, that line about supper was so smoothly delivered that I didn’t realize Arondir was joking until he said the last word 😆 And Isildur sinking in the swamp, totally drowning, but still being like, “nah, it’s all good!” absolutely sent me 💀
I love that they’re sneaking in some bits of humor here and there, and not, you know, leaning heavily one way or another. It’s not too comedic but not dull either.
I think I’ve seen in the trailer that Arondir is going to be fighting in Eregion, so him meeting Galadriel is like 99.9% happening. But can you imagine his face when he sees her just chilling with the orcs? 💀 Like, “Excuse me, ma’am, but what exactly is happening here??”
I'm thinking, though... Arondir is focused on getting his revenge for what Adar did to Bronwyn and the Southlanders. Galadriel is just about to make some alliances with the Uruks. What if we get this super intense moment where Arondir’s about to take out Adar, but Galadriel stops him like she stopped Halbrand once, because he’s useful for now??? 👀 I don’t know, but I need it in my life
Okay but seriously, the idea of the Númenóreans treating him like Elros 2.0 is hilarious. BUT what if they’ve never actually met him? What if Elrond’s first introduction to them is during the chaos of the downfall?? Imagine Elrond meeting Elendil and Isildur and just having a full-on meltdown because they remind him so much of Elros. I CAN’T
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