#actually it's worse than cattle because there's usually about 4 people and a vet involved in the birth of livestock
frereamour · 8 days
one thing that bothers me is the constant advocacy for 'natural birth' that is plainly speaking, and in the case of the Portuguese healthcare system, just an excuse to cut corners and save money. Natural birth is much cheaper when compared to c-section, no matter how painful and tortuous for the woman, so it's convenient that there is also a slew of 'natural living' grifters advocating for it, along with the service of 'doulas' who are literally just some people with no medical qualifications and incapable of doing anything besides call emergency in case of a complication during birth.
to me it's extremely offensive that women are expected to give birth in conditions akin to those of cattle and to heap insult to injury this is somehow framed as 'good for them'.
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