#actually 'lost with us the tv show' as metisink and i sloppily call it
lemon-ink · 8 years
Let’s pretend you serenaded me
Oisuga | Rating: T | Words: 1393
Actor AU in which Come and get lost with us is the tv show Suga stars in, the media finds Daisuga the hottest topic, and his boyfriend Oikawa is Not Amused.
They're a tangle of limbs and blankets, and Oikawa has his face buried against Suga's warm skin. The silence in their bedroom, only breathing and heartbeats and the room half in darkness thanks to the closed blinds makes it easier for Oikawa to say things which he keeps to himself, most of the time. Bottled up under layers and layers and layers of bravado.
“Why don't you ever properly deny being with Daichi?”
His voice is quiet, and he tries to make it sound like it doesn't matter, but they're so close he can feel his eyelashes flutter against Suga's skin, his lips move against it, and after six years, Suga knows. Of course he knows that it means something.
He shifts, or tries to shift so he can see Oikawa's face, but Oikawa stubbornly clings to him, heart starting to race because he can't look at Suga's face right now, this is why he brought it up while they were like this. So close it felt like nothing could come between them, not even the fact that half the population wanted Suga to smooch the co-star in his damn TV show.
Suga holds him a little bit more tightly, and Oikawa hates that he knows how much it means exactly, how soft his voice is.
“You know we're just best friends joking around, right?”
Suga kisses the crown of his head and Oikawa closes his eyes and stays like this, frozen in time a little. He regrets bringing this up so much, he knows all this, Suga told him a hundred times. But, part of him wonders. Part of him is scared. Their schedules never allow them to see each other as much as they want to. Meanwhile, fucking Daichi and Suga hang out all the time, have interview sessions and time behind the set together, go out to eat ice cream or do stuff the press immediately declares romantic dates.
“It's you I love. You're the one for me. Tooru, look at me.”
He clings to Suga with more stubbornness, and they end up nearly wrestling over Suga trying to ease Oikawa off him to look at him. A few ridiculous minutes later, Suga has him pinned down, wrists at the sides of his head and straddling him in a way that makes Oikawa wonder if he could derail this entire conversation by rolling his hips the right way.
Too bad that Suga seems to see right through him and shifts so that this scene is less suggestive and more ridiculous and a little uncomfortable. He bends down, blowing on Oikawa's forehead to get a stray strand of hair out of his eyes, smiling down at him. Suga looks so damn happy, and Oikawa feels like the luckiest man alive to be the one he looks at like that.
“Listen to me. When I think of three years from now, I want to wake up next to you. In three years, in five years, in ten. It's your idiotic face I wanna see before I fall asleep and it's you I wanna wrestle for the blanket and it's you I wanna come home too. It's you, it's always been and it'll always be, so would you stop -”
“Then marry me,” Oikawa blurts.
They stare at each other and Oikawa is already panicking because fuck, did he just propose to his boyfriend with bed hair and morning breath and in underwear that has 'Sexy Bitch' written on his ass, did he really.
Suga is just blinking, his grip on Oikawa's wrist barely more than a little touch, and Oikawa can push himself up easily, ends up sitting with a boyfriend in his lap and a whole lot of regret and emptiness in his head. Holy shit. Holy shit. He just popped the question. It's not like he hadn't considered it or anything, of course he did. Fuck, it's Suga. It's not like he didn't want to ask eventually but he had thought more in the lines of suits and candles and picking a ring and being really grossly romantic and holy shit.
“Did you just -”
“Forget it!”, Oikawa yells, suddenly panicking, nearly smacking Suga in the face when he brings his hands up to gesture hysterically.
“No, but -”
“Nothing to hear, nothing to see! That never even happened! Haha, wow, what a funny joke, right?! I'm hilarious, aren't I?! Haha, God, the classic 'marry me' joke!” Classic marry me joke, what the fuck is he even saying. “I should probably get some pants now, so -”
Suga wraps his arms around him and pushes him back over so that they lie there all awkward angles and sharp bones and if Suga wasn't so insanely flexible he would have probably dislocated a knee or something.
“You're heavy,” Oikawa groans.
“You're insane.” Suga' voice is muffled against a pillow and Oikawa's neck. “And you're ridiculous. And exhausting. You're a crybaby and horribly unromantic, like what the heck was that even, Tooru. What were you even thinking.”
He wasn't, that's the whole thing, and does Suga have to be so insensitive about this?! Fucking hell.
“When we tell this story let's make something cute up, okay. And I don't want your 'Sexy bitch' underwear in there anywhere. You were wearing a suit, and you better get me a proper ring before dinner with the gang tonight so I can show off.”
“Wait, wha-”
Suga kisses him, no holding back, all smiles and teasing teeth and tongue, and it takes Oikawa's breath, ability to think, and willpower to even try and figure this out away. They end up making out like teenagers, shifting out of this uncomfortable stupid position into something much more suited for this, and hell yeah, hell yeah Oikawa can start his morning like this.
Except Suga pulls back before things can get real good and Oikawa stops whining as soon as he started because suddenly it hits him.
“Wait, does that – did you -”
Suga laughs and he looks ridiculously beautiful like this, lips red and swollen and colour on his cheeks and his eyes sparkling. He looks so beautiful it hurts and Oikawa can't wrap his mind around it, can't wrap his mind around blurting insane bullshit and being promised a lifetime with Sugawara Koushi in turn.
He must've been a saint in his last life.
“You better get me the prettiest ring, you hear me? You've gotta make being this unromantic up to me. I wanna brag to everyone.”
“Oh my God, Koushi, you -”
“Yes.” Suga cups his cheeks and looks into his eyes, smile soft and as happy as Oikawa feels. “Yes, I'm gonna marry you. But only if we can agree on there having been flowers involved in your proposal.”
“What if I wrote it into the sky?”
“Oh, I like that!”
Suga pulls him closer, so that Oikawa is leaning against his chest and his boyfriend – fiancé, his fiancé – can drum a little rhythm on his stomach with his fingers.
“But wouldn't the others have seen?”
“They weren't looking at the time.”
Suga hums his approval.
“What if there was a promise for puppies, too?”
“Or kids.”
“Tooru, we're not gonna talk kids in your goddamn 'Sexy Bitch' underwear. No way in hell. I hate it, you have to get rid of it.”
“Well, you could help me with that~”
“Forget it.” Suga pushes him off. “You go get me my ring now. If it looks nice enough, maybe I'll consider it. Go, take a shower. Time is running out, there's a dinner tonight and my finger is still empty. What kind of fiancé are y-”
The second the word fiancé leaves Suga's lips, Oikawa rushes forward to kiss him again. Suga goes along with it at first, but that ring seems to be pretty important to him, because he resolutely bans Oikawa from the bed and then the bedroom, throwing clothes after him.
“Go shower and get back soon!”
“You could shower wi-”
“Don't even try. Trust me, I have lots and lots of things planned with you, but I want my ring first.”
Well, that's a motivator.
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