#ace donghun X reader
nirvanawrites111 · 2 years
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How tf does Twitter know what’s in my bookmarks. 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Also this has sparked an idea 🥵 Kai or maybe Donghun.
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t3kandson · 1 year
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Self-confidence Trust.
Word count; 4, 064
Fandom; A.C.E.
Pairing; Reader X Lee Donghun
Character; Lee Donghun, Park Junhee, Kim Sehyoon, Kim Byeongkwan & Kang Yuchan.
Warning; Angst, Jealousy, slight game playing and Unprotected Sex.
Notes; Original Series written for @lidongsa
Chapter 8 of Mint Twirl. Earlier Chapters found here.
Happy Anniversary Choice 💙
It didn’t matter how many times you tried to contact him. All calls and texts remained unanswered, it was as if you didn’t exist any more to Donghun. The situation at home hadn’t improved, Lei hadn’t forgiven Sehyoon or you neither. She moved back to your shared apartment refusing to be anywhere near the man she blamed for ruining your relationship. Home life had become so very awkward that you had moved into her flat next to Sehyoon and Byeongkwan. At work you had been switched with Sehyoon to dress. Donghun barely said more then hello each day treating you like a complete stranger. Sehyoon had tried his best to put some what a smile on your face. But like you with Lei his relationship with Donghun was fraught. The Company had denied the relationship rumours between Donghun and Lei. Explaining that they was mere friends which was the truth. Most your days in the last three months was spent moping around when you wasn’t needed at work. Byeongkwan would often visit on his days off to cheer you up, or he would drag you to his and Sehyoon’s next door. He had been your rock often resulting in refusing to leave, till you both had at least one laughing attack between you. Junhee would sometimes visit and continue to be his supportive side. He had tried to rescue your relationship with Donghun, but he was so stubborn it never worked out. Chan on the other end looked almost as miserable as you did. He would smile and be pleasant when you was in the same crowd, but he followed Donghun like a lost child. Looking at you on the other side longing to be their to try and help you through this mess as equally as he was supporting Donghun.
“It’s just a coffee date, it’ll be good to get some fresh air,” Byeongkwan pouted as he squatted by your sofa looking your way. “It’s too hot,” you complained refusing to look at him. “The cafe has an AC, you won’t die,” Byeongkwan scoffed standing up. “I’m too tired,” you continued, attempting to avoid his remove Risa from the sofa mode. “The fresh air will wake you up,” Byeongkwan said stealing the controls you failed to hold tightly to. “My feet hurt,” you said looking at him that he deadpanned your way. “Then piggy back it is,” he added looking seriously at you, which you knew he wasn’t joking. “I can’t risk a relationship scandal,” you excused wincing. “Risa, your staff, Sehyoon isn’t busy I’ll drag him with us too, it won’t come to anything,” Byeongkwan scoffed holding his hand to you as you looked at him. “I don’t want to,” you said honestly as he smiled showing he didn’t care. “Need always trumps wants,” he replied as you huffed taking his hand.
Masks on covering your hoodies was a common occurrence for you all. It had been your life since you met Donghun over two years ago. However, when you reached the cafe it was shut due to a family emergency. Raising an eyebrow to Byeongkwan you grumbled fed up with being dragged across town to not even get the coffee you was promised. “We’re find somewhere else, stop killing me with your eyes,” Byeongkwan chuckled as he walked further on. “I have more important things to do then be your puppy,” you groaned as Sehyoon patted you on the shoulder. “It’s beautiful out here though,” he said his eyes showing he was smiling beneath his mask. “Plus moping around the house isn’t important things,” Byeongkwan said turning around walking backwards momentarily. “Well it’s more important then this, Jesus it’s so hot,” you scoff playing with your mask. “Well your the one worried about being caught hanging together,” Byeongkwan chokes behind you. You looked around to the empty streets and pull your hoodie down letting the cold air hit your face. It feels like heaven and Sehyoon laughs at the bliss your experiencing. “What you smiling at?” you chuckle enjoying seeing him look carefree for the first time since his split with Lei. “You looked happy,” he said blissfully. “So do you laughing at me,” you added in a giggling state. “Then we have to promise to laugh at each other then, you know to blow the blues away,” Sehyoon said holding you looking at you seriously. “Promise,” you whispered holding your pinky finger which he entwined. “Promise,” he repeated as he threw his bear like arms around your shoulder encouraging you to walk further.
You walked chatting and giggling to Sehyoon, not being aware of your surroundings till you followed Byeongkwan in to the building. It was very slow before you could work out what was happening. You and Sehyoon had walked passed Byeongkwan chatting before the very sight hit you with every pain imaginable.
How had you not realised you walked into the very ice parlour you met Donghun? Not just was it the same space that your dreams and nightmares had been from. The very person was sitting there looking as equally confused with you being there. Lei next to him looking bewildered as you struggled to understand what was happening. “Sorry but this needs sorting not just for you both but for the group,” Chan said with a smile looking at Byeongkwan before they dashed from the shop.
Before you could even leave, Byeongkwan smiled locking the door as he showed the keys your way. “Kim Byeongkwan,” you shouted in anger as he shrugged his shoulder. “Let me know when you four want to be grownups and we’re let you out,” Byeongkwan added as Sehyoon banged against the window. “I swear to god if you don’t open this door you will regret it,” he growls in anger you’ve never witnessed. “I’ll risk it,” Byeongkwan shrugged as he walked off with Chan. “How the hell did they even get the keys?” You question Sehyoon as he threw his hands through his hair.
“How did you not even know you was walking here of all places?” Donghun questioned behind you reminding you him and Lei was also present. “Your here too so your just as dumb as I am,” you scoff turning to face him. “First it’s clingy now it’s dumb,” Lei said with her chin resting on Donghun’s shoulder. The pain of them together burned like a fire attacking you. Your eyes fell to her as your words failed before you twisted back to look out the window. Not letting them see the tear falling down your eyes. “Look maybe if we just sit it out they’ll come back,” you checked out hearing your own voice break. “Isn’t their any staff here what happened to them?” Sehyoon asked calmly. “Chan was the staff, he said he got roped into helping, it’s how we’re here supporting him,” Lei explained speaking to him more calmly then she was offering you. “There must be a spare key or something, I’ll look,” you sniffled turning to look to the floor to avoid eye contact as you passed them. Donghun grabbed your wrist making you look his way. The concern on his face filled you with warmth but also pain that he wasn’t yours anymore. “I’ll help,” he smiled after a short pause of silence. “It’s ok you guys just sit it out here, I’ll figure it out,” you said pulling your arm back.
Once you reached the kitchen you threw your head back on the wall and sunk to the floor. This was too much to be near him, near her. What was with that close contact between them both? You wanted to scream but then that is what got you in this mess in the first place. Throwing your head over your legs, pure tears fell for the loss of your best friend and boyfriend. “What’s taking her so long,” you heard Lei scoff in the room, hatred filling her voice that hit hard. “Where you going babe?” She said in what you knew was her pouting tone. “To see if she needs help,” Donghun replied back and you heart felt like it had been stabbed. Lei had called him babe, had yours and Sehyoon’s accusation pushed them two together?
Wiping your eyes on your sleeve so he wouldn’t see you in a state, you sped to the room that looked like an office. Shutting the door behind you dashed to the chair throwing your hood over as you looked through the draws. “Any luck?” Donghun asked opening the door as you refused to look his way, knowing your face was tear stained. “Not yet, maybe check in the kitchen or around the till,” you said as you rummaged through the open draw. “For someone that’s been harassing my phone for months it seems odd you don’t want to be in a room with me now?” Donghun questions walking towards you. “Because this isn’t about us it’s about getting out,” you said as your hands fell to the second drawer. “Then let me help you in here,” he said walking towards you. “How about you search here and I’ll search the kitchen,” you said hastily standing to dash away from him. Kim Byeongkwan and Kang Yuchan was going to be in so much trouble when you get hold of them both. “Look at me,” Donghun said grabbing your wrist once more. “We haven’t got time for this Lee Donghun,” you replied attempting to throw your hands from his grip to no avail. “Yes we have that’s why we’re here, they’re right it needs sorting for the group,” Donghun said twisting your body to face him. Your eyes taking in his beige shirt in avoidance. “I’m not the group, I think he meant Sehni and you with that statement,” you said your eyes pricking. “Your staff, you are the group,” he added cupping your face to pull it to look up at him.
“I knew It, you’ve been crying,” Donghun said softly looking pained. “I’m fine, I just poked my eye accidentally earlier,” you added trying to smile at him warmly. “Risa, I can tell when your hurting, I can tell when your crying and I can tell when your lying,” he said almost a whisper as he brushed his thumb alongside an escaping tear. “I’m sorry I’ve been so mean to you, that being stuck with me in a room makes your heart break so much,” Donghun said pulling the hood back. “I’m not hurting because I don’t want to be around you, just you two it’s too much, I love you both and I lost you both,” you said as the tears started to fall. Pulling you in he rested your head on his chest, his hands stroking your hair. Silence filled the room while he silently held you through your tears.
“You feel better now?” he asked as the tears had dried up. “Yeah sorry,” you said stepping back from his warm arms. “What you saying sorry for?” He questioned tilting his head. “Everything, sorry you had to console me in a mess, it’s distracting us finding this key,” you said sorrowfully. “Risa I meant it we need to talk,” he said moving to the side of the room. “About what?” You queried as he picked a chair up to bring it your way. “Where we go from here,” he said indicating you to sit, which you did. “And where is that?” You asked watching him fetch a chair for himself. “They are right we all need to talk, me and Sehyoon, You and Lei, Me and you,” he said sitting down to look at you intensely. “So we’re having the talk?” You questioned as he smiled to himself. “Well it does seem like that doesn’t it,” he chuckled as you couldn’t help but smile at his laughter that you missed so much. “I won’t ignore you anymore or avoid you,” he added as you felt relief knowing work wouldn’t be emotionally exhausting any more from the icy atmosphere. “Thank you I would really appreciate that. I promise not to be heavy in any way and to remain professional,” you said as he bent over to hold your hands. The touch made your breath hitch, your body feeling as if it was on fire. “I won’t lie those words you said really hurt me,” Donghun said as you closed your eyes hearing the words of ‘clingy ass’ hit the air. “The accusations though that hurt a lot that you didn’t trust me. It was those words, those comments that hurt me so much. To believe you think me as Clingy,” he said squeezing your hand looking in pain. “I said them in anger I didn’t mean them,” you said searching his eyes. “You knew I had a self confidence issue and you chose in the moment of your pain to inflict it on me,” he added with his own watery eyes. “I wish i could take them back,” you said attempting to entwine your fingers with his to get some further warmth, earning him to drop your hand all together. “That’s the thing though you can’t take it back can you. They’ve been said and I will always self doubt myself being too clingy or too much with you. Just as much as you will always not trust me because you have a trust issue,” he said pausing as you looked to the floor. “I know,” you whispered as the acknowledgement hurt. “I know Sehyoon didn’t help, I know he threw you into that situation, but you didn’t even wait to hear my explanation. Even when Byeongkwan gave you all the hints,” Donghun said breathing in like this conversation was burning him. “I know I messed up that this is all my fault. I have to live with this every day. A life without you because of my actions,” you said as you struggled to hold back tears once more.
“Watching you live your life without me is my punishment and I’ve accepted it,” you said biting your lips to stop the tears as he raised his eyebrows.
He leant forward, his eyes more lust filled as he cupped your face. “Maybe I can find another way to punish you,” he said his voice not steady. “What?” You questioned confused with the change of direction. “You know what you do to me biting your lips,” he said his eyes searching for yours. “I didn’t mean to I’m sorry,” you whispered closing your eyes as he chuckled. “Risa, do you think it’ll be easy. You confuse me so much with mixed emotions that you evoke from me,” he said brushing his thumb to wipe another tear. “Every time I see you I burn with anger, sadness and then lust,” he said with a tear of his own falling. “But then you’ve always confused me by stirring with my emotions, I should have got use to it by now,” he chuckled. “Sorry,” you said sitting back from his hold on your face. “Risa half the time you don’t do anything,” he chuckled pulling your hands back. “What I’m saying is I’ve been miserable too, I’ve avoided you because you made me feel all sorts of emotions. Till today I didn’t realise that there’s one emotion that hurts me the most,” he said as he looked at you with seriousness. “I hate you being in pain, I hate you crying, I hate knowing that your crying because of me,” he said sniffling to hold back his tears. “It burns more then anything, I’d rather those comments you said to hurt me then watch your own pain,” he added looking at you intensely. “I’m confused,” you said as your mind went numb with what he was trying to say. “See you annoy me like this, I spill my guts to you and your not listening,” he smirked playfully as you smiled back his way.
“I love you like crazy, I want you like crazy, I need you like crazy,” he said pulling you on to his lap, your body obliging. “You forgive me?” You questioned with hope in your voice. “Chan’s a terrible planner, Plus Lei told me what the plan was, you passed the test. I can’t be angry any more,” Donghun chuckled as you looked at him confused. “Test?” You questioned as he sniggered. “Sehyoon and Lei’s been back together for a month now,” he said as your eye widened. “What why didn’t Sehyoon tell me?” You gasped slightly angry. “But he was ready to kill Byeongkwan,” you said confused. “They all planned this Risa, all four of them. Lei told me mere minutes before you walked in. She told me she knew that you had learnt your lesson,” he said brushing your messy hair out your face. They had been so convincing in their equal anger, they really was talented actors. However, you was uncomfortable with the Lesson attitude in Donghun’s tone.
“Lesson?” You quizzed needing more from what Donghun was revealing. “Those tender moments, I know you thought, but you didn’t say anything. You finally trusted me enough to wait it out,” he said pressing a kiss to your forehead. “So that was to hurt me? Revenge? Testing?” You said jumping off him, your heart racing as your mind began to swirl. “You left me for three months because of my insecurity and because I hurt your feelings. But it’s ok for you to play and hurt mine?” You stood up feeling the bitterness spread through you. “You say seeing me hurt hurts you but you still hurt me. It’s not me confusing you it’s you confusing yourself,” you said walking to the window as you let tears fall once again.
Just when you thought that you was close to him once more he had to throw you back down. Your mind swirling as if he pressed his confused mind to yours.
“I didn’t think of it like that,” Donghun said after a large amount of silence passed. “Just like I didn’t when I said what I said,” you spat out twisting to face him as he looked in pain once more. You instantly realised he was correct, your pain was worth more then watching his. The desperate need to put this right to stop the pain he was inflicting on himself.
“Do you know what I think?” You said walking back to your chair. “I think that we both have issues that we both need to work on together,” you added as you sat down to face him. “With each other, supporting the other,” you added as his eyes widened to look at you. “I miss you Lee Donghun I’m fed up living a life without you,” you choked emotionally. “I missed you too Risa,” he whimpered as you leaned forward pressing a simple soft kiss to his lips.
“Surely you missed me more then that?” He said seductively pulling you to straddle him. “You would be dead with no oxygen if I kissed you with how much I missed you,” you said throwing your head into the crevice of his neck desperate for his hold. “Hey I’m happy to die by your lips,” he whispered, that his voice left you tingling. “Just hold me for a second please because being in your arms is what I’ve missed the most,” you whine as he obliged. Arms tightening enough to hold you as close to his body. You both melt into each other in a silent need.
However, his bulge beneath you was attempting to disturb your moment. “I think someone’s awake,” you whisper as he chuckled helping to rearrange you directly over him. “He’s missed you,” Donghun added pressing his pelvis up against you earning a moan to leave your lips. “My pussy’s missed him too,” you coo before you press your lips back to him. This time your kiss is hungry and rushed as it’s full of tongues and teeth clashing. Hands threading through his hair to deepen the kiss, you grind yourself against him. His hands find your ass to help fasten your speed as you both moan in each other’s mouths with the impact.
“We might need Byeongkwan,” Donghun pants his mouth leaving yours. “Really Donghun?” You groan not amused as your heat is in a desperate need of him. “So we can get out here so I can fuck you,” he growls as you smirk. “Then let’s not wait till we get home,” you say mischievously. “Because I don’t want to waste another second,” you complain pouting. “Maybe I should leave you waiting for my cock more often,” he smirks as his hands find the band to your slacks. “Are we really going to fuck in the very ice cream parlour where we met?” Donghun asked passionately as you nodded amused at the connection. Standing off him, you dropped your bottoms as his fingers in a hurried rush attack his. Both desperate to be connected to each other in every way possible.
Impaling yourself on his cock you cried as he placed his hand over your mouth muffling his own groan. “Sehni, Lei, their hear you,” he panted as you set your pace enjoying his mind crumbling. “I don’t care,” you whined as you enjoyed the feeling of his cock as you bobbed up and down him. Hands finding your hip he helps bring himself to meet you. You toss your hoody off you, your white tank top you lounged with earlier still on. Lips in desperate need of your skin finds your neck as his teeth set to make their claim. Biting down you whimper, your pace slowing as he picks it up. Walls clenching around him as you feel your orgasm close. Donghun continues to mark you, making it known once more that your owned by him. As if anyone could own you more then this man. “I want to cum in you,” Donghun asks for permission as you nod. “You still taking the pill?” He questions between pants. “No,” you said biting your lip as he scrunches his face up between disappointment and arousal. “Fuck it, your need the morning after pill tomorrow. I need to fill this pretty pussy up,” he growls almost close to his high. “Then fill me up with your cum,” you whimper tightening your walls around him. You both speed your tempo, the room full of slapping skins and failed attempts at muffling whines. Thighs shaking on you both you chase with your lips clashing alongside. Hands finding their way up his shirt your nails dig into the skin of his stomach as you tethered on the edge. You fall, wall clenching his member as you feel him convulse inside. Hot warm sensation hitting as he filled himself deep in you. Your walls helping to milk every drop till you both come down from your high.
Foreheads collapsing together you chuckle between panting breaths. “I hope Chan and Byeongkwan gave the owner a lot of money to hire this,” he chuckled. “You just blown your load and your thinking about them already,” you teased pouting your lips against his. “No I was hoping it was a longer hire so I could fuck you all night,” he said pressing his lips to your remaining pout. “We could always go back to yours and annoy the others all night,” you said wiping the sweat of his brow with your hand. “What are we waiting for, message those idiots to come rescue us,” Donghun growled as you leapt off, redressing your bottom half as you walked to the table to collect your phone.
‘We fucked, you happy now come let us out.’ you wrote to the group chat.
‘We already know we heard you, hurry up your mint chocolate ice cream is beginning to melt’ Junhee wrote back. His reply made you look in a mixture horror and amusement.
‘Wait your here?’ You wrote back as a bunch of laughing emoji’s filled the screen.
‘Yes we’re all here, now you made it up to Donghun it’s my turn. I want my apartment back’ Lei wrote as you smiled content to have her talking with you.
‘Of course 😘😘😘😘😘’ you replied feeling content that you had your boyfriend and best friend back. This time you was going to work on that trust issue so you never lost them both again.
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A.C.E.'s Masterlist
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whattodowithace · 3 years
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Title: I'll Walk You Home
Paring: Donghun x Reader
Genre: Fluff; Spice
Count: 1,222 Words
Writer: Whattodowithkpop [Lio]
Summary: Donghun gets nervous when she tries to walk home alone in the middle of the night so he decides to take her home himself.
Normally we would celebrate in the early evening, before the sun went down and before the night sky painted itself with billions of stars. This time around, however, we were well into the night, pushing the celebration because Byeongkwan had one final make up test to complete before his semester was over. Donghun and I agreed to wait for him and set out on foot just as the sun was sinking down over the horizon.
We ate and drank to our heart's content, laughing and complaining about the semesters passed and how they compared to this most recent one. It was almost midnight when Byeongkwan called it quits, having overstuffed himself on appetizers, he was ready to get to his dorm to begin a heavy sleeping period. I was ready to leave by that point, wanting to get sufficient sleep so I could enjoy the break I had before having to go back to school.
"As much as I love drinking away the night with my two favorite boys, my bed is beckoning me to it." I state dramatically as I stand to collect my things, getting ready to leave.
"I'm sure you're not the only one it's beckoning." Byeongkwan smirks at Donghun, before groaning at the fullness of his stomach as he lays his head on the table.
"Really smooth there." I chuckle as I ruffle his hair, not phased by his teasing of Donghun coming home with me.
"Please make sure he gets home safe." I tell Donghun as I wrap my arms around his shoulders as I stand behind him, my head on his shoulder as I turn to look at him, his face close to mine.
"Wait, are you walking home alone?" Donghun asks as he grabs my arms, keeping me pressed against his back.
"Who else would I walk with?" I question with a small laugh. "I'll text you when I get there."
I make a move to detach from Donghun, however his hands keep me there.
"It's almost midnight I don't want you going alone." Donghun whispers, worry etched into his furrowed eyebrows.
"Donghun, someone has to get Byeongkwan home too." I remind him, us both looking at the miserable boy with his head still on the table.
Donghun looks around the restaurant, spotting some familiar face at the bar seating area. "Seyoon."
I follow his eyes, looking at the boy who was in our major, one who was quiet and kept to himself, however had quite the relationship with Byeongkwan and Donghun.
"Donghun, you don't have to go through the trouble, I'll be fine and I'll call you if I see anyone sketchy."
"It's not good enough." He grunts as he stands, my arms falling at his sides as he begins to approach Seyoon. "I'll walk you home."
That was how I ended side by side next to Lee Donghun who was taking me home on a cool autumn night. Normally we were talkative and loud, however, Donghun's shoulders were tense and his guard was up as we walked down the sidewalk. I tried to engage him in a conversation, get his attention anyway I could think of, but he would only keep his attention on me for a few moments before his eye would train forward again.
I sigh as I wrap my arms around one of his arms, letting our body heat mingle as it wards of the chill of the crisp air. Donghun looks at me, shock written on his face.
"Did I get the ever confident Donghun to stumble a bit?" I smirk at him, making him scoff as a smile appears on his face.
"You caught me off guard."
"If you werent so on guard for taking me home you would've been ready for it."
Donghun looks at me again, his steps slower but not fully stopped. "I only want you to get home safe."
I smile at him with fondness, reaching one hand to intertwine my fingers with his to squeeze it in reassurance.
"Thank you for worrying about me."
At that moment, a large clanging was heard, making Donghun swing the arm I was one behind him, shielding me behind his body. A white cat jumps from an alleyway, a trash can lid spinning out behind him.
I burst into laughter. "It was just a cat, Donghun."
"Well now I know it's a cat." He pouts, looking away from me.
I shake my head as I start to continue walking, however Donghun walks next to me before surpassing me, continuing to keep me shielded with his body. I smile at his protectiveness as I feel a sudden warmth in my chest, a warmth I had felt with Donghun before but elected to ignore, however this was one was as strong as it had ever been, making my face heat up as well.
It wasn't long before we reached my dorm, the bright street lights illuminating the entire vicinity of the building, making it hard for anyone to hide around the girls dorms. I enter the code to get into the building, seeing my room as I walk through.
"This is me." I whisper to Donghun, releasing his arm, but keeping his fingers intertwined with mine.
"I'm glad you're home safe."
"Now, how will you get home safe?" I ask him, stepping closer to him, my hand finding his other hand to intertwine.
"I can text you when I get home." He suggests, a large smile on his face as he pulls my body closer.
"Or..." I trail of, my arms releasing his hands to loop around his waist. "You could come inside and go home when it's safe in the morning."
"That sounds like an interesting proposition." Donghun whispers as he leans his head towards me.
I walk backwards into my door, pulling Donghun along with me. His hand finds the back of my neck, pulling my lips towards his in a heated kiss. His other hand rests on my door above my head as he presses his body against mine. I groan out against his mouth, trying to get my door open with one hand. I pull away from him, his lips following mine, forcing me to turn my head so I could look at the door knob. With my neck now exposed to him, Donghun attaches his lips to the side of my neck, nipping at the skin gently and leaving little kisses over them after. My back pushes off the door, further into his body before I twist the knob, both of us stumbling into my room. Donghun turns me around and pushes me against the inside of the door, effectively closing it and giving us the privacy we needed.
A.C.E Masterlist
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whattodowithkpop · 4 years
Rain Drops (Donghun)
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Title: Rain Drops
Paring: Donghun x Reader
Genre: Pure Fluff🥞🥞🥞
Word count: 830
Writer: Kpopmadness (Ju)
A/N @silent5tar requested this one. ;) Enjoy!!!
I enter the apartment with a shiver. Huge drops of water hitting the floor beneath me as I shrug my coat off. Not that it did much good, I was soaked down to the bone.
My boyfriend pops his head out of the kitchen, a warm smile on his lips.
“Hey baby.” He said, taking in my drenched state. “Is it raining out?” He asks sarcastically, a smirk tugging at his mouth.
I give him a dry laugh and run my fingers through my wet hair, “Very funny, Donghun.”
I stop running my hands through my hair when I feel warm hands on my cheeks, pulling my eyes upward. Donghun stands in front of me, his large doe eyes staring down at me lovingly.
Donghun gently rests his lips on mine, the warm sensation causing a shiver to run up my spine. He pulls away slowly, his breath warming my face.
“You should get out of these wet clothes before you get sick.” He whispers, leaving a trail of kisses up my nose to my forehead.
I let out a sigh and nod my head. Ready to take a hot shower and be dry. Donghun steps away from me to let me by. I quickly make my way to our room to grab fresh clothes for my hot shower.
Ten minutes later I come back to the living room. My body warm and my hair blown dry. Donghun lifts his head from the couch and smiles at me.
“Do you want to watch something with me?” He asks, as he scoots over on the couch and pats the empty spot beside him.
I smile at him, “I would love to.” I say as I crawl over him into the space he had made.
Donghun had just placed a warm blanket around us both when I let out a sneeze. My head throbbing from the action.
“Getting wet in the rain didn’t make you sick did it, princess?” Donghun asks, resting his hand on my forehead.
I smile up at him, dismissing the thought. “I’m fine. Probably just allergies.”
Donghun gives me a lingering look before turning his attention back to the TV. I curl into him and start to doze off while he plays with my hair. Never waking up  even when he carries me to our bedroom later that night and puts me to bed.
The next day brought more rain, the clouds puffy and gray. Along with the rain my physical state matched it. I rolled over in bed and every single cell inside of me burned. My throat feeling like it had been lit on fire.
I groan into my pillow, my head aching and my nose stuffy. Donghun was right, the rain had made me sick last night.
Donghun comes into our room and smiles at me, seeing me awake. He hovers over me in bed as he kisses my cheek, “Good morning.” He whispers in my ear.
“Hey.” I answer back weakly, my voice horse. My throat too hurt to even answer him.
He looks at me this time, his eyes reflecting his worry. “Are you sick?”
I nod, making him rest his hand on my forehead again and frown.
“You’re burning up.” He whispers, pressing his fingers against my cheek. His hands cool and refreshing, making me lean into him slightly.
Donghun stands quickly and leaves the room. I hear him clattering around in the medicine cabinet and then go to the kitchen, where he stays for some time before coming back and sitting on the bed with me.
“Here, drink this. It’ll make you feel better.” He tells me gently, handing me a hand full of vitamins to take with some water, patiently waiting for me to down them before handing me a hot cup of tea.
The hot liquid burns my throat and then soothes it, making me let out a relieved sigh. I slowly drink it while Donghun sits on the bed and runs his fingers through my hair. The actions making me sleepy.
After I put the cup on the nightstand Donghun climbs into bed beside me, pulling back the covers for him to slide into.
He holds his arms out to me as he says, “Come here.”
“You’ll be sick.” I whine, talking only sending me into a coughing fit.
“I’ll be fine, princess.” Donghun soothes. “Come here.”
I sigh and stop arguing as I curl into his chest, wrapping my arms around his waist. His warmth soothing my aching body. Donghun pulls the blankets around us tightly before rubbing my back. He starts humming a tune softly, making his chest vibrate. His voice and the closeness making my eyes heavy.
Donghun spends the rest of that day cuddling me and taking care of me. Something I was grateful for. I rarely got sick, but when I did I always secretly liked it. Just because he would take care of me in the most loving way he knew how.
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undercoverclover · 3 years
A.C.E & Us
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Title: A.C.E & Us
Pairing: A.C.E x Single Mom reader
Genre: A mix of things
Warning: Mentions of past issues
Tonight has been such a good night and it couldn’t get any better. Work has been beyond hectic and I just needed a nice relaxing night at home. Cuddling on the couch with my boyfriend while watching his favorite movie? I was almost asleep, leaning against the side of the couch with my legs draped over his lap. So comfy. Nothing could go wrong. That is, until I hear scared whimpers coming from the bedroom down the hall. I frown at the sound, wishing I could fix it once and for all.
“Looks like he’s having nightmares again.” I whisper.
“Yeah, do you-” Chan starts to say when little feet pitter patter against the tiled floor.
A little light brown haired boy walks in, rubbing his eyes, “Mommy? I had a bad dream.” He murmurs, sniffling.
“It’s okay lil man.” I open my arms and smile as he walks over to us, climbing onto my lap. “Come on baby, we need to get you back to bed.” I rub his back. “No!” He shakes his head and hides in my neck.
Chan looks over at me, understanding in his eyes. A little bit later, both of us falling asleep, Chan takes the initiative, “Hey, big guy. What do you say I take you back in there and tuck you in? I’ll tell you a story, what do you say?”
He picks the sleepy boy up and carries him back to his room. I feel bad letting him do it. He’s my responsibility, not Chan’s.. He didn’t ask for this. The joys of dating a single mom... I get up and sneak down the hall, peeking in his bedroom door. Chan’s leaning back with him tucked safely under the blankets. I hear Chan turn the page and begin to read my son’s favorite story to him. I smile as I lean against the door, catching my boyfriend’s eye. He smiles at me but continues to read.
Soft snores eventually fill the room and Chan places the book on a dresser, wiggling out from underneath the boy’s grasp.
“Thank you.” I whisper as he walks towards me.
Wrapping his arms around my waist, he smirks and kisses my forehead, “I don’t mind. He’s a great kid.”
I smile at the compliment happily, “I’m glad you think so.”
“He takes after you. You’ve done well on your own, love.”
I feel my face getting red and hide in his chest, “I’ve done the best I can.”
“I promise to be there from here on out. We’ll do the best we can now, if you’ll let me.”
“Hot chocolate in ten!” I hear from the kitchen.
“Right before bed, Donghun? You’ll give her nightmares with all that sugar.”
“She’ll make it through the movie, it’s her favorite. So, hot chocolate at the beginning won’t hurt babe.” He smiles, wrapping his arms around my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck.
“Fine, but if she wakes up with nightmares you’re taking care of her tonight. I have to work tomorrow.” I pout.
“Okay. I may not have been around long, but I’d do anything for her and you.” I tear up hearing the words. It’s only been eight months but the 5 year old in the other room loves him like he’s been there forever. I do too. It’s been rough, but Donghun has made it better. I can’t picture our lives without him. A tear slides down my cheek and he wipes it away with his thumb.
“Donghunnie! Donghunnie! Is it done yet?” I hear as my dark headed little girl runs in the kitchen. I let go of him and smile as he bends down and she runs into his arms.
“Not yet, my princess. Want to help me finish it?” He asks, booping her nose. “Can I?” She asks, excitedly.
“Of course. Maybe your mom can start the movie?” I nod at him when he looks my way, seeing that I’m being sent away from all the fun. Turning on The Little Mermaid, I pause it at the beginning and walk back to the kitchen.
I smile and lean against the door frame. Their backs to me while Donghun stirs the milk and cocoa powder together and she holds the mini marshmallows patiently in her hands.
“Can I add them now, Donghunnie?” She asks.
“Not yet, little one. I’m almost done.”
“Okay.” She pouts and I hear him laugh at her, “You’re just like your mom when she doesn’t get her way.” He says. I almost speak up when I hear that comment but let it slide.
“I want to be like mommy when I grow up.” She beams, looking up at him, “Can I add them now? Please?” She asks, getting distracted.
“You can add it to this one, princess.” He chuckles, placing a mug in front of her.
“Yay!” I hear her giggle and quietly take my phone out of my pocket to snap a picture of them.
“Mom? Can we go get pizza?” My 8 year old asks as he gets in the car. I had just gotten off work and was exhausted.
“Sure, man. Did you have a good day at school?” I ask in return.
“Yeah and Mr. Park says he needs to speak with you again.”
“Again? What did you do kid?” I sigh.
“Nothing. I just have a few bad grades in math.” He grumbles from the back seat.
“Is he still inside?”
He nods and I pull into a parking spot and we walk inside the school, heading straight for his classroom. My palms are sweaty and I’m nervous. I don’t know why, I’m not the one in trouble. I knock on the door and walk in while my little boy sits in the chair sitting in the hallway.
“Mr. Park?”
“Yes?” He asks, looking up, “Oh! Hello. I assume you’re here to talk about grades?”
I nod, “I know it’s hard for him to grasp and I’m not great at maths. I don’t really have anyone else to help him, but we try our best.”
“That’s why I asked to speak with you. I know you’re doing your best and I was wondering if I could help him after school. I could come to your house and tutor him or we could meet in the library.”
“I- Really? That would be great. When would you be able to?”
“I could start today if you’d like. We have a test tomorrow and I could help him prepare.”
I nod happily and thank him. His smile lit up the room and made my heart flutter.
A year later and Jun was still coming over everyday.
“Hey, man. Did you understand everything today?” Jun asks as the final bell rings.
“Yeah, thanks Jun. Are you coming over tonight for mom’s birthday?” He asks the boy.
“Of course. I got her a gift and figured we could go get her a cake. I already told her I’d drive you home. She can relax for a bit before we get there.”
“Sweet!” He smiles.
“Come on, let’s go.”
“Mom! We’re back!”
“Hey, kiddo. How was school?” I ask, walking into the hallway.
“Good! Jun said we’re going to study for my finals this weekend.” He beams.
“Good. Let’s enjoy dinner first.” I smile at him. Jun walks in behind the boy, holding a cake and a gift bag. “Jun! What’s this?” I ask, startled.
“Your birthday surprise.” He smirks.
“You guys didn’t.” I feel tears fall and smile like an idiot.
“Here, man. Sit these on the table for me?” He asks, handing the stuff over. The little boy nods, taking the stuff from Jun happily. Jun walks over to me and takes my face in his hands, “It’s your birthday, babe. You’ve worked a lot lately. You deserve it. I’ll cook tonight too.” Kissing my lips, he let’s go of my face and takes my hands, leading me to the kitchen.
He motions for me to sit and takes all the ingredients out to cook, working away.
A bit later, dinner is over and the cake has been eaten. Jun hands me 2 gifts.
“Open mine first, mom!” He grins. I open the biggest one to find a box of chocolates and a teddy bear, “Aw, I love it baby. Thank you.” I smile at him.
“My turn.” Jun smiles. Taking the smaller bag, I open it and find a silver chain with an infinity symbol that says forever. Tears swarmed in my eyes as I looked up at the 2 guys in my life that would always be there for me.
“Sehni! Where’s mommy?” The red headed little girl walks into the room and asks me.
“She’s at work, my sweet. She’ll be home soon.” I say, sitting the art brush down.
Her face fell and I walk over to her, bending down to her level, “What? Am I not good enough to watch you anymore?”
She giggles and shakes her head, “No, I just miss her.”
“I know you do but she has to work to take care of you, silly.” I chuckle, poking her tummy.
“I know. She works because I don’t have a daddy.”
“Where did you hear that, my sweet?” I ask, feeling my heart drop at the 4-year old’s words.
Her lip juts out, “A kid at school.”
I wrap my arms around her, picking her up and feel her arms wrap around me and her face bury in my neck, “Well, need I remind you... I’m not your dad, but I love you and your mom and I’m not going anywhere.”
“Promise?” She asks, sniffling and looking up at me.
“I promise.”
“Sehni? Can we go outside and play?”
“Sure. Do you want to ride our bikes to the park and play until it’s time for your mom to get off?” I ask.
Nodding, she smiles and I dry her cheeks.
“Go and grab your jacket then. Let me put my paints away, alright?”
“Alright!” She giggles.
I kiss her nose and set her on the floor so she can run back to her room.
“Kwan?” I say, getting his attention and returning back to my coffee. He’s space out thinking about something.
“Yeah? Sorry, I was thinking.” He chuckles.
“I can see that. Want to talk about it?”
“Nah, it’s nothing bad. Where are the minis?”
“At school.” I laugh.
“Wait, then shouldn’t you be at work?”
“I have today off, dork. What’s with you today?”
He looks at me, thinking again and I really wonder what’s going through his head. “I love you guys, you know that? I know I haven’t been in your life for long, but I love you.” He smiles.
My heart rate picks up and butterflies explode in my stomach. I feel the heat rise to my face and the smile won’t fall off.
“I- I love you too.” I say, looking down.
“Yes, really.”
His eyes light up and he leans over, pressing a kiss to my lips. “I was thinking about when I met you 3 for the first time.”
My smile fades a bit, remembering the rough time in my life that was just 2 years ago. Homeless and living in a car with a 2 year old and 4 year old, while working odd jobs to make ends meet.
“No, no, don't lose the smile, baby. You’ve come so far.” He says, tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear. I look down at the table and nod, “I know. It’s hard to believe we were there at one point though. I wouldn’t be here without you, ya know.”
Just then I hear the front door open and squeals of excitement.
“Kwani! You’re here!” The little girl grins, running into the kitchen.
“I am.” He smiles, holding his arms open for the 4-year-old and placing her on his lap.
“Bk! Will you play video games with me?” My 6-year-old asks, running in to stand beside him and wait for his answer.
“You’ve got to ask your mom, sir. Do you have homework?” He asks them.
“Not today! We had testing all day today.” The boy smiles and turns to me, “Can we mom? Can Bk please play a game with me?”
“After dinner and only if I get hugs and kisses first.” I laugh. I’m attacked by 2 children and kissed several times before I feel a kiss on my head and chuckle, “I didn’t mean you Kwan, but I’ll take it.” I smile.
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huihuiheart · 3 years
Angstober D9: Shot - Donghun
Angstober 2021 Masterlist
ACE Masterlist
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Pairing: Mafia! Donghun x Hitman! GN Reader
Genre: Angst
Summary: What you did was to protect the man you love, but he didn’t see it that way.
Warnings: Mafia themes, hitman themes, criminal themes, death themes, breakup themes, threats, cursing.
Word Count: 430
“Were you ever going to tell me that it was you?” Donghun questions, tapping his fingers on the desk as you two sat across from one another, “You thought you’d just keep your mouth shut and I would never find out, huh?” 
You weren’t used to his stone-cold expression being directed towards you, and you could say that you certainly weren’t a fan of it. Shifting in your seat lightly as you tried to get a better read off his fake expression. Leaning forward against his desk as your brows furrow in thought.
“What do you mean Donghun? Tell you that what was me?” You inquire wondering what had gotten him so worked up especially with you despite it often being the two of you against the world. 
“I asked you if you knew anything about my brother’s disappearance and you said you knew nothing at all...so imagine my surprise when I found out that you were the one who shot him.” He spits, making your heart stop as you put the pieces together. It wasn’t often you kept secrets from him, but this one you had intended to so as to protect him from the details of the situation. “How much did you get paid for that job? I hope it was a fucking good sum to be worth betraying me.”
“I wasn’t paid to do it.” You admit with a soft sigh, “I did it for you after I found a bounty he placed on your head. It was you or him Donghun and I wasn’t going to sit here and watch the man I love be hunted down by his own blood.”
“You should have come to me. I’m in the mafia Y/N! I think I know how to handle a bounty and my brother just fine without you interfering. This is the problem. You always have to take matters into your own hands like I’m not capable or something.” Donghun huffs, planting his hands on the desk as he rises out of the chair, gaze more heated as he glares at you now.
“Donghun, I can’t do nothing, not when your safety is on the line. Even if you’re perfectly capable of doing stuff yourself.” You try to explain, but he looks away shaking his head.
“I don’t want to hear any more excuses. Get out of my sight...I’m letting you live for now, but you’re not a part of my family anymore and you’ve betrayed us now. So you better not show yourself around here again, because I won’t extend this courtesy to you again.”
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btsfaris · 4 years
thick like honey
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summary: you can’t get over how thick byeongkwan’s thighs are, but maybe you don’t have to? length: 6,227 pairing: byeongkwan x reader genre: smut, angst, a dash of fluff
You hated to admit it but Kim Byeongkwan was utterly, and incredibly hot.
Yes, he is a fuckboy. No doubt about that, he has slept with more than half the girls here. You've heard all the stories. The girls on campus whispering not so quietly amongst their friends about their wild nights with the one and only Byeongkwan. How he is a sex god in bed and how he made their toes curl or how many times he made them cum, even before they had sex. So there was no denying that he was a playboy, but he is by far the finest guy in your college. His clothes are always accentuating his toned physique. His shiny hair, dyed a nice platinum blonde. His eyes are big and round with a hazel tone in them. His skin is porcelain with no flaws in them whatsoever.. But what really gets you are his thighs.
Yes, his thighs.
But that's not the point here.
The point was that he was driving you absolutely crazy.
Of course you have never talked to the guy, so part of it is your fault. He never did anything to you. Never once been rude or impolite to you. Nothing. It was the plain fact that Byeongkwan made you horny, nearly all the time. But how can he not when he always looks so good? You shake your head at the thought and try to focus on getting out your materials.
Currently, you are in class. It's 9am on a Thursday morning and you can barely keep your eyes open. Students are coming in, half of them barely awake and others look like they are practically sleep-walking. You're in your English-Literature class, one of your least favorites. Not the class but that fact that it's so early and you wish you were still curled up in bed. Everyone probably thinks the same because most take the seats in the back to continue their naps, while you, take a seat near the front. You hear the door open but you keep looking down at your phone, patiently waiting for your professor to arrive. You don't notice the stranger in front of you until they speak up.
"Is this seat occupied?" A male voice asks, causing you to look up and nearly drop your phone. You look at Byeongkwan surprised and open your mouth but no words come up, "is that a no?"
"Yes- I mean no," you manage to stupidly blurt. "I mean- you can sit here."
"Thanks," he smiles, taking the seat next to you and you feel your palms get sweaty, "sorry it's just that all the other seats are taken up."
"That's okay.." you awkwardly smile back and the professor walks in. He drops his briefcase loudly on his stand, causing everyone to wake up and class begins
You have no idea how you managed to survived that class next to Byeongkwan. The second the class was over, you had barely managed to escape that class without making a fool of yourself. Not to mention that every minute you were next to him, you'd catch yourself glancing at him and at his thick thighs. He sported a black, graphic t-shirt with ripped jeans that made his legs look so good. He looked so good. Your mind would drift off to different places, bad places that made your own thighs rub together to ease your heat.
You certainly didn't pay much attention to the professor this time around. Much too distracted by the living greek-god that was sitting next to you. Which sucks because now you have to use your textbooks and write down the notes you missed. You sigh, walking back to your dorm to take a small nap before your next seminar. You needed one to calm your nerves and try to get rid of any thoughts of byeongkwan.
"Hey, wait!"
You turn to the voice and see Byeongkwan jogging up to you. You can feel your heart begin to race and you wonder how you've managed to attract him to you twice. "Uh, yes?" You ask meekly. He smiles and holds out a notebook towards you. Not any notebook, your notebook.
"You left this back in class," he hands it to you and you take it. Looking at your notebook and back at him, "you left in such a rush that you forgot it."
"Oh.." You say shyly, nodding your head, “sorry for making you come all this way."
"No need to, I'm heading up this way anyways but I saw you and thought it'd be better to give it to you now than our next class," Byeongkwan shrugs, and you can't help but mentally moan at the sound of his smooth voice.
"Thank you," you blush, holding the notebook against your chest now.
"Mind if I ask why you were in such a rush?" He questions, an eyebrow raised and you almost gulp when someone interrupts your conversation.
"Kwan-oppa!" A girl comes up to Byeongkwan and engulfs him in a hug. He stumbles back a bit but pats her back. She pulls back and gives him a peck in the cheek. He smiles awkwardly and you look away, contemplating whether to leave or not.
"Hi, Minhee," he says and she smiles.
"How are you oppa?" She asks cutely, grabbing onto his arm and you want to throw up at the use of her aegyo, "are you going to Junhee-oppa's party on Saturday?"
"Of course, how can I not? He's my best friend." He jokes and she giggles at his reaction. You slowly start to back away when Byeongkwan notices you again.
"Are you going Y/N?"
"Y/N?" Minhee asks confused before she sees you and raises an eyebrow, “who is she?"
"Ah Minhee, meet Y/N," Byeongkwan introduces you two. You're completely surprised that he knows your name, "she's in my E-LIT class."
"Nice to meet you," you say, but she eyes you before glancing at Byeongkwan. She returns her gaze to you and a fake smile plasters on her face. "Nice to meet you too. Wow, you are so pretty!"
"Thanks?" You say, unsure. He smiles before asking you again, "you're going to Junhee's party right?"
"Ah, no.. I don't really know him."
"Aw well that's too bad, isn't it oppa?" She fakes a pout and you mentally glare at her.
"Yeah," he actually frowns but then a smile plasters on his face, “you should come, I'll personally invite you."
"O-Oh, you don't have to-"
"Please, be my guest," Byeongkwan insists nicely and you can't help but melt inside. "Okay.."
"Great!" He grins, turning to Minhee, "right? Everything works out!"
"Yep," She smiles painfully but then she wraps her arm around his causing you to clench the notebook in your hands.
"So I'll see you Saturday?" He asks and you can't help but nod, "good! Bye Y/N!"
"Bye-" Before you can finish, Minhee drags your crush out of there and you're left speechless.
What did you just get yourself into?
"He really invited you?" Your best friend Seulgi, exclaimed. You nodded sheepishly and she squealed in delight, “and you're going, right?"
"Ah, I don't know Seulgi.."
"What?" She frowns, confused now, “your living wet dream just invited you to a party where you just might get some action and you're going to turn it down?" You quickly cover her mouth and hush her, embarrassed at the dirty but truthful words.
"I just don't think I should go," you simply shrug, "I won't know anyone there or have anyone to talk to."
"Hey, I'll be there." She protests and you roll your eyes at her, “you'll also be making out with Donghun by the end of the night." She blushes at your retaliation. Donghun and her are currently a thing. Not sure what kind, whether they're talking, friends with benefits or anything.. But you don't question her because it's really none of your business.
"Please Y/N," Seulgi whines and tugs at your arm. You shrug her off but she wraps her arms around you and attempts to use her aegyo on you.
"Okay! Okay!" You scrunch up your nose, pulling her off of you, “anything to stop that wretched noise."
She laughs, smacking you on the shoulder slightly. "Besides," she smirks, "if byeongkwan is there, I'm sure you won't be doing any talking." She wiggles her eyebrows which makes you gasp in embarrassment and throw a pillow at her.
It's friday afternoon now, you're in the campus library trying to write down the notes you missed in class. You're trying your best to make sense of the notes but your mind keeps drifting off to byeongkwan. His delicious body, his sweet lips, his strong arms and legs-
You groan a bit too loudly and a bunch of students shush you. You shrink in your chair and mumble an apology. You shake your head and try avoid those thoughts. Maybe you needed a break. You'd been here for almost an hour and you hadn't even had dinner yet. Getting up quietly, you saunter outside the library to find a vending machine to ease your growling stomach. You see one at the end of the hall and immediately jog to it.
Pressing the button for an energy bar, it comes as a total of one dollar. In hopes of having money, you try to fish out a dollar from your bag. You bite your lip and mentally groan when you realize you left your wallet at your dorm. A hand places a bill inside the vending machine, making you look up at the person.
"Byeongkwan," your eyes widen, "h-hi."
"Hi Y/N," he sweetly smiles, leaning down and picking up the energy bar before handing it to you, “in need of a snack?"
"Oh yeah.. Thank you, you didn't have to do that though," you blush.
"Don't mention it," he chuckles, shaking his hair lightly into place and you wish you could run your hands through it, “what are you up to?"
"Studying," you say and glance at his attire quickly. He looks good, per usual. This time sporting a long sleeve and a pair of basketball shorts that give you a look of his muscular legs, "for E-LIT.. Missed some notes."
Okay good, you're finally acting normal.
"Oh really?" He asks. “Well, if you want you can borrow my notes."
"Really?" You raise your eyebrows. "I mean.. I wouldn't want to be a bother." He chuckles at your reaction before shaking his head. "Nonsense, you can ask for them whenever. I'll bring them to you the next time I see you, okay?"
"Okay.." You smile.
"Do you think I could get your number?" He asks, scratching the back of his neck and a tint of pink scattered across his cheeks, “so I can find you and lend you my notebook of course."
"O-Oh sure,” you stutter, pulling out your phone and handing it to him. He puts his number in and calls his phone. His phone starts to ring and he hangs up, handing back your phone.
"Well, I'll see you tomorrow,” Byeongkwan grins but his statement throws you off.
"The party,” he suddenly winks, walking backwards. Finally remembering, you nod. He waves goodbye and you shyly do the same. When he finally is out of your sight, a sigh escapes you. Why, oh why is he so hot?
"I am so not wearing this," you screech, walking out of the bathroom, “not in a million years."
"Oh come Y/N! You look hot!" Seulgi whines. She thought it would be a good idea to pick your outfits. She chose to wear a grey, short and tight fitting dress that made her body look even better than it is. Meanwhile she chose to make you wear a white cropped v-neck shirt and a leather mini skirt that made you feel like a hooker.
"Yeah and I also look like I work at hooters," you cringe as you look at your outfit, "maybe this means I shouldn't go."
"L/N Y/N, you are going to that party even if I have to drag you there myself!” She threatens, slipping on her leather jacket over her dress.
"It's not like Byeongkwan will notice me anyways," you quietly mumble, playing with the end of your skirt, "he has so many girls pining after him, why would he want me?"
It was true. Every girl wanted to be with him, whether it meant a one night stand, a relationship or even a casual fuck. Why would he choose you when he could have someone as gorgeous and sexy as Minhee?
"You're beautiful Y/N, you are the most amazing and hottest girl on campus," Seulgi frowns at your words, "anyone would be lucky to be with you.. even byeongkwan."
Her words cause you to smile and you shove her away playfully. "Fine, you cheesy person.” She cheers but you cut her off, "only if I choose what to wear." Seulgi pouts but nods her head and you head back into your closet to pick your outfit.
Settling for a graphic tee and high waisted jean shorts with some high heeled boots, you apply a bit more make-up than usual and Seulgi curls your hair the way you liked. You smile at the results and you feel a bit more relaxed.
You both decide to leave an hour later. The house the party is at is huge, possibly hundreds of people scattered all across the house and more entering the front door. The place is booming with loud music inside and hollering from the already drunk people. Your mind starts to drift to him and you begin to really think about running away now. Far, far away from here when suddenly, you feel a buzz in your pocket.
Pulling out your phone, your eyes widen at the text.
unknown: hey it's byeongkwan.. here yet?
You bite your lip, quickly typing up a response.
you: just got here.
"Let's go have some fun!" Seulgi exclaims and drags you inside the party. The scent of booze, humidity and peer-pressure hits you all at once when you enter the place. You look around, noticing everyone's attire and instantly regret changing into other clothes. Every girl here is dressed to impress in their sexiest clothes while you're rather casual. Most of them look at you strangely but you focus your attention back at Seulgi and how she immediately heads to the refreshments table in the kitchen.
"Want a shot? Tequila or vodka?" She asks, serving herself a drink.
"I think I'll just start off with a beer," you shake your head and she boos at your choice but hands you a cup anyways. You take a sip of your cup, pulling out your phone to see if you have any more messages.
bk: where are you right now?
You hold back a smile and respond back.
you: kitchen.
"God Y/N, leave your phone alone for one second and enjoy the party!" She groans, pulling your attention away from your device and pulls you into the living room. You're greeted by none other than Donghun and another tall guy with white, shaggy hair. Seulgi immediately blushes and smiles at them, but more towards her lover.
"Hi guys," Donghun grins, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, "when you'd get here?"
"About 5 minutes ago,” she smiles flirtatiously.
"Only five minutes in and already drinking? Wow, you sure haven't changed Seulgi,” the stranger jokes, causing Seulgi to gasp and push his shoulder lightly.
"Oh shut up Junhee!” So this was the Junhee.
"Anyways this is Y/N, my friend,” Seulgi introduces you to him and he smiles, waving a hand at you.
"Nice to meet you," Junhee grins, "BK invited you right?"
"Uh, yeah.." you say shyly.
"He made it pretty clear he did," he chuckles, "you guys close?"
"No, not really.. Why?"
"No reason, he just kept talking about you these past few days,” he smirks. Seulgi gives you a knowing look and you lightly elbow her.
"Must be because we have class together.."
"We have class together too.." Donghun grins, pulling Seulgi closer, “don’t we Seulgi?"
"I bet she still doesn't pay attention though," Junhee mocks, causing her to curse at him, “she used to make me help her in math, like all the time."
The conversation keeps going but rather than listening, you quietly check your phone.
bk: where are you now? seems like i'm on a scavenger hunt.
You giggle at his remark and type away.
you: living room.
You look up again and continue to listen to their conversation but get bored quickly. You simply look around and watch as different people dance, drink, make-out with others and just conversate. You take a sip of your drink and notice that you ran out.
"I'm going to get another drink,” you say to Seulgi and she nods, averting her gaze back to Donghun. You roll your eyes and head back to kitchen. After serving yourself another cup of the booze, you check your phone but you're disappointed to see that Byeongkwan hadn't replied. Frowning, you take a another sip and shrug, making your way back to Seulgi. You look around for her but she isn't anywhere in sight.
"Great," you mumble, all alone now, "why am I not surprised."
You wonder if maybe you should leave. Seulgi is off with her boy toy while Byeongkwan seems to be busy. Plus you knew nobody here. So what was the point? You sigh, deciding that if you're going to be here, might as well explore the place. You walk past the crowd of teens on the dance floor and into a semi-empty hallway. This place was most definitely huge. Is this a fraternity house? You notice a plaque on the wall that say Kappa Phi Stigma.
You continue to walk until you reach a staircase and decide to climb it. Looking at all the different medals and certificates on the walls distracts you that you nearly bump into a couple making out. You spurt out an apology and quickly run up the stairs in embarrassment when you feel to need to pee.
"Oh great,” you say, looking at all the different doors and trying to open a few but sadly, they're all locked. You go for the door at the end of the hall and mentally cheer as the knob turns all the way. You practically burst in but stop in place when you see Byeongkwan sitting on the toilet seat and Minhee on his lap. They both stare at you, a look of annoyance on Minhee's face while Byeongkwan looks surprised with a hint of guilt. You stand there for a few seconds, shocked before you snap out of it.
"S-Sorry,” you apologize quickly, trying to get away as fast as possible.
"Wait Y/N!" Byeongkwan calls but you slam the door shut.
You run to the first door you can and luckily it's unlocked. Closing the door behind you, you lock it and lean against the door quietly. You hear the bathroom door open and Minhee calls out Byeongkwan’s name before the door slams shut once again. You hear loud footsteps pass your door and you hold your breath. When the footsteps fade away and you assume that he's gone, you slide down the door and let a few angry tears fall.
You were right. Of course he wouldn't want to be with someone like you. Someone as boring looking as you were no match to the extravagant Minhee, or any other girl here. You were simply Y/N to him, the boring girl from his English class and that's all you'd ever be. You sniff and wipe away your tears but more fall down.
You don't know how long you sit in the room. Possibly an hour has passed and you still sit in the same spot. You can hear the music booming from downstairs but your head feels numb and all you want to do is leave. You get up from your spot on the floor, taking a big gulp from your neglected cup and wipe under your eyes. You check yourself in the nearby mirror of the college boy who sleeps here and make sure you look decent enough.
Opening the door quietly, you look out to make sure no one is there and walk out the room. You head downstairs, in hopes of finding Seulgi and getting the hell out of there. You sneak past a bunch of people, avoiding all the couples and try to find Seulgi. You look around, seeing unfamiliar faces when you catch Byeongkwan’s gaze across the living room and your eyes widen. "Y/N!" You turn around and try to make a run for it. But suddenly, you're blocked by all the dancing lunatics and curse yourself for coming here in the first place.
You see an opening in between a group and you try to make your way through when a hand grabs your arm. Spinning you around, you make eye-contact with Byeongkwan. Your eyes are wide while his are frantic. Despite the situation, he still look so dämn attractive. He has on a graphic tshirt, with a backwards dad-hat and a pair of black jeans.
"Can I talk to you?" Byeongkwan pleads, “privately?"
You're not sure why but you feel yourself nodding and he visibly sighs in relief. Rather than letting you go, he holds on your hand instead, pulls you out of the living room and back upstairs. You're climbing up the stairs and it's like you're living a dream, despite the circumstances. He heads into a room, not the one you were pathetically crying in earlier luckily, and closes the door behind him.
You stand there awkwardly, looking around and notice that this is his room. His room is rather nice for a college boy. A clean, well made bed with a few pieces of furniture and posters around. A picture frame on his nightstand of himself and his fraternity brothers. You divert you gaze back at him and notice his distressed state.
"Look, I know what you saw out there but it wasn't what it looked like. I wasn't hooking up with Minhee. We were just talking but she suddenly came onto me and I had no idea what to do," he explains, and you're surprised as to why he's doing this, “then you came in and ran away before I could explain myself."
"Oh," you utter quietly, biting your lip, "why are you telling me this though?"
"Because you didn't let me tell you before-"
"I know that," you interrupt, “but you don't need to explain yourself.. We're not dating or anything."
"Well yeah," he frowns at the floor and you don't know if you should have said that, “but I-I just.."
He looks hurt at your words and suddenly, it seems to all click. All the helping, the talking, the texts, it all pops up into your head.
"Do you like me Byeongkwan?" His head looks up and he seems shocked.
"How'd you know?"
"Do you?" You ask again, walking towards him. He nods shyly, his cheeks starting to blush and you smile.
"I like you too." You confess, and his eyes widen. "You do..?" You nod and now you're in front of him.
"I actually like you a lot,” you whisper, looking up at him. He looks down at your lips and back at your eyes. He seems to be battling with himself internally so you decide to take initiative and press your lips against his. His lips are smooth and plush against your own. Your mouth moves slowly against his and you wrap your arms around his neck. You feel his hands snake around your waist and he pulls you into him. Licking his bottom lip, you are granted with access as he tries to dominate your mouth with his tongue causing you to moan.
He kisses you skillfully and you feel like you're flying. He slips his hands under you shirt and grips your bare waist before moving them behind your thighs, picking you up with ease. You wrap your legs around his waist and he leans you both against a wall. You continue to kiss each other for a few more moments when he pulls away and begins to kiss down your neck.
He nips at the flesh and it makes you moan softly. "Kwannie," you sigh and he hums against your neck, adding a few lovebites on it. He continues to kiss down your neck to your collarbones and back up before meeting your lips again. You kiss back with passion and bite his lower lip which makes the most delicious sound come from him.
He finally moves back and takes you to his bed, dropping you carefully on it. You kiss without stopping as he leans over you. You pull him as close as possible, accidentally tip the hat off his head and run your fingers through his soft locks. You feel his fingers dance up your thighs and instinctively, you grind against the now forming bulge in his pants. He moans in your mouth and you love the sound so much that you do it again. You move your hips upwards and he groans some more. He begins to grind his bulge against your clothed heat and it flicks against your clit deliciously.
"Fuck Y/N," byeongkwan pulls away and you take the moment to push him onto the bed and straddle him. You start to grind against him again, loving every single noise that slips from him and how it stimulates your heat. His head tips back and he grabs your hips, guiding you back and forth. You moan as the zipper of his jeans rubs against your heat and bite your lip.
He tugs at the hem of your shirt and you pull it over your head, your lace bra in display. You lean back down and go back to kissing his sweet lips. His mouth moves against yours perfectly and he suddenly sits up. He pulls away briefly, pulling on the collar of his shirt before tugging up and removing it in one go. His pale, hard abs come into view and you practically drool. "God, you're so hot,” you mumble out and he grabs your chin before attacking your mouth. You tangle your hands in his hair once again and he unbuttons your jean shorts. Before he can unzip, you pull away and take his hands off of you.
"Something wrong?" He asks, worried. His lips are red and plump, hair all messed up and there's a hint of sheen on his body. He looks absolutely ravishing and you can't help but lick your lips.
"No," you shake your head, "I just want to suck your dick first."
"Fuck," he mutters and quickly unbuckles his belt. You help him out by unbuttoning and unzipping his pants. He pulls down his pants, kicking them off and you see the bulge in his boxers. You lean down, mouthing at his clothed manhood and Byeongkwan moans out. You continue to lick and suck at it before looking up at him, who looks already out of breath. You pull away and finally stick your fingers underneath the band. Pulling down all the way, his dick smacks against his stomach and you can't wait to have it in your mouth.
He's long and hard, with a nice red tip. His girth is so thick that you wonder what isn't thick about this man. You move down his thighs before wrapping your fingers around the base of his cock. You lick at the tip, making sure to keep eye-contact with him. He softly moans out as you lick up a long stripe from his balls to his tip. You carefully suck at the tip, running your tongue around it. His thighs clench at the stimulation and you feel yourself get wetter and wetter. Slowly, you move down and take him in bit by bit. You bob your head up and down, making sure to see his reactions. You suck harder which makes him moan.
"Jesus you suck my cock so good,” he moans out, his eyes squeezed shut and you hum a thank you. His fingers tangle in your hair, “taking my dick so well baby."
His words go straight to your heat, dampening your already wet panties some more. You continue to suck him, running your tongue all around him and deep-throating him whenever you could. You bring one hand down to his balls and massage them which makes him grip your hair.
"Yes baby, fuck,” Byeongkwan groans, his other hand clutching the sheets, “you’re going to make me cum if you keep doing that."
You pull away at that and Byeongkwan tries to catch his breath. You wipe at your mouth and he instantly kisses you. His hands go behind your back to your bra and he skillfully unclips it. You pull the material off your chest and his lips latch on one of your perky nipples.
"Byeongkwan,” you moan out, tugging at his blonde strands. He licks and nibbles on one before moving to the other. He uses a hand to massage your other brëast so it doesn't feel neglected and you let out breathy moans. He smiles at your reaction and pulls away. He pecks your lips softly before turning you over and laying you down.
Pulling down your shorts, he drags your ruined panties with them and licks at two of his fingers. He instantly rubs your clit softly with them, causing you to moan loudly. You whimper at his touch and try to close your legs from the stimulation but he pries your legs apart. He dips a finger inside and you moan out as he pumps it in and out of you.
"Oh god,” you moan out, clutching the sheets underneath you. He slips another finger in and picks up speed. Your curls start to curl at the pleasure and he smirks. He pulls out suddenly which you're about to protest at but then he puts his fingers in his mouth. He closes his eyes and moans at the taste. It is the hottest thing you have ever seen and it makes you heat ache even more.
"You taste absolutely delicious,” he winks at you. You would ask to have more foreplay with any other partner but you can't help but want him already. You dreamt of this for the longest that if you don't have him now, you just might die.
"Fuck me,” you whisper and his eyes darken.
"That's what my baby wants?" He questions, his voice dropping down an octave or two. You nod and he tsks, "I need to hear you beg."
"Please fuck me kwan,” you whimper, “I need you so bad. I need your dick inside of me."
He growls at your words and leans over to kiss you. You moan against his mouth and run your hand down to massage his length. He tugs down his boxers all the way and leans over to find a condom inside his drawer. You grab his hand and shake your head.
"I'm on the pill.." he nods and pecks your lips before getting into position.
He sits on the back of his thick thighs and grabs himself from the base leading his length to your entrance. He teases you slightly by rubbing his tip against your clit and you whine. He bites his lip as he begins to push in and you whimper at the fullness you begin to feel. Byeongkwan moans out as you wrap around him tightly and you've never felt so full in your life.
When he's finally all the way in, he leans back over you and slowly begins to move his hips. You look into each other's eyes and he looks absolutely breathtaking.
"You're so fucking tight," he groans, slowly but surely picking up speed. You clutch at his back, whimpers escaping your lips, “so fucking good."
"Byeongkwan," you gasp out, wrapping your legs around his waist, "faster, please."
He kisses your lips, pumping into you much faster now. The bed begins to creak and you can feel the way his thick cock moves inside of you. You're moaning loudly now but you could care less about anyone hearing you. All you care about is how good he is fucking you.
"Oh god Y/N," he groans out, thrusting hard. "your pussy was made for me, goddamn."
You moan out as he pounds into you, his balls smacking against your ass with each thrust. He slows down his pace all of a sudden and grinds into you in slow circles that have you seeing stars. Now you know why all these girls talk about him so much, because he really was a sex god in bed. He pumps back hard into before returning to the grinding and you feel overwhelming pleasure. He is doing you so good that you don't know if you've ever felt this good.
"Yes kwannie, oh fuck,” you manage to gasp out. "ngh-"
He continues to fuck into you, grabbing your breasts and kneading them. He places kisses all over your neck and it all feels so good that you could cry. The pleasure builds up and you can feel yourself climbing up the ladder to your climax. As if sensing this, he licks his thumb and begins to rub your clit. You hiss at the contact as he nearly brings you there.
"You wanna cum babe?" Byeongkwan asks, thrusting into you with every word, "cum for me Y/N, cum all over my cock."
You're so close that you can taste it and as he starts to apply more pressure onto your heat, you're put over the edge. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, fuck-" you whimper, your eyes squeezing shut and your back arches from the bed as your orgasm hits you. Your legs shake from how hard you come and you feel it in waves. Byeongkwan moves slowly to help out your high before he stops and lets you catch your breath.
He pulls out suddenly, and quickly turns you over, on your hands and knees. He gets into position behind you before pushing back into you. He moves slowly, then returns to his usual pounding that makes you whine from the oversensitivity but there is a tinge of pleasure in it. You can no longer feel your arms or legs, your body way too overwhelmed from all the pleasure. His thrusts become erratic and you know he's close by how loudly he's moaning.
You take all the energy you have left to prop yourself up until your back meets his chest and you wrap your left arm around his neck. He kisses your lips passionately before moving down your neck. He fumbles with your breast, trying to chase after his high. You moan out to him and nibbles on your shoulder.
"Cum for me ‘kwan,” you purr in his ear, "cum inside of me baby."
"F-Fuck, I'm so close," Byeongkwan stammers, his thick thighs smacking against your ass.
"Come on baby," you coo. "fill me up."
He pounds into you faster than ever before he reaches his end and he comes in a long, loud moan. He holds onto you strongly, his hips pushed against your ass hard. His eyes are squeezed shut and you have never seen someone so beautiful. He pumps into you slowly, riding out his high and comes to a halt. He slumps against your shoulder and you both try to catch your breath.
Sweat covers the both of you and you feel exhausted. He kisses your shoulder after a few moments and you take that as a cue to lay down in the bed. He stands up, grabbing a small towel from his closet and wipes his release away that now runs down your thighs. After disposing of it, he crashes next to you and for some reason, you feel at peace. Byeongkwan pulls you towards him and you rest your head on his chest, looking up at him.
"You were amazing,” he tiredly smiles, petting your tangled hair.
"You weren't so bad yourself,” you joke, looking down and running your finger in circles on his chest. He watches your movements before he grabs onto your hand and intertwines your fingers together. You look as he raises them and kisses the back of your hand.
"I hope you know this means you're my girl," byeongkwan grins, and you blush, "that is, if you want to be?"
"I'd love to,” you smile back and he pecks your lips softly. He suddenly smacks your butt playfully and wraps his arms around you.
"Rest up champ,“ he smirks, "we're going to need all the energy we can for round two tomorrow."
a/n: I made this on wattpad like 3 years ago and ive clearly updated it to his current name but if you see jason lol sorry im fucking blind
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Request: can I get how a.c.e would react to their s/o having tics? I know it's a weird request you don't have to do it
Okay so this probably wasn't the response you are hoping for since it's not in reaction form but I believe all of them would definitely be accepting of you and understand, they'd probably ask what can trigger you and just be super mindful. I personally have tics that usually make me hit myself or flinch and bring my head back super far so I completely understand if you're ever worried about tics in a relationship but note you're wonderful all on your own tics and all, you can't change yourself so love who you are. Both A.C.E and I are proud of you💖 to give an actual reaction though I think Jun would be curious and want to know more about your tics and what set them off or how they effect you, I feel like he'd be very open minded and just want to know more. Donghun would also be accepting and probably on his own time do research on it and just accept it as another feature about you. Sehyoon would be probably caught off guard by it at first if it's not explained to him so then he'd probably ask you about it and then to know how to care for you when you have tic attack. Byeongkwan would want to ask questions I think just all of them would be curious to learn about it and would just want to understand how it is for you. Chan would want to find out what are things that can set off your tics to make sure you'd be alright and to not trigger them. He'd tell the other members and asked what they knew about tics while searching up to learn more.
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key201303 · 4 years
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honeydh · 4 years
[00:49] A downpour pounded the pavement, unforgiving. Rain had always been something calming, but now it reflected how your heart was, how it had been for weeks ever since your breakup. You tried to stay strong, knowing that breaking off the two years long relationship was for the best. But knowing it in your brain was different than convincing your heart.
Today wasn’t any special day in particular, but it felt like it. Your heart yearned for him. You missed him. His touch. His laugh. You hadn’t done much laughing lately. And so you had let your friend persuade you into a couple drinks, but then a couple glasses turned into a couple bottles, and you found yourself wandering the streets after your friend passed out for the night. It started raining soon after.
The hood you pulled over your head did little to keep you from getting soaked, shivering and shaking seconds after. Where you were going, you had no idea. And then your head cleared enough for you to recognize the buildings you trudged past, and yet you didn’t keep yourself from stopping in front of his building.
The lights of the lobby were still on despite the late hour. The awning offering protection from the skies was just a couple feet away, but you remained standing on the sidewalk, sobering up more and more as the freezing drops washed through your clothed body, chilling you to the core.
You knew he would be upstairs, safe and warm in his bed, and yet you stayed, a small, distant part of yourself hoping you’d get to see him again. Hear his voice again.
How long you stood there, you weren’t sure. The occasional straggler passed by, either with or without an umbrella. Few spared you a glance. Finally, you turned away to go back home, wrapping your arms around yourself.
A pair of eyes met yours from under an umbrella. You didn’t think about the mess you looked, nor if you’d seem crazy for standing outside his apartment for god knows how long. You didn’t think at all, mind blanking the moment you recognized the face you’d woken up to countless times. The eyes you’d stared into every chance you got, the lips that you kissed and that worshipped you.
Donghun shifting his stance shook you from your stupor. In his hand, a bag from a convenience store.
Your mouth moved on it’s own, asking the question you wondered on the nights you cried yourself to sleep. “How have you been?”
“Me? How have I been?” Donghun questioned, unbelieving. “What are you doing out here, at one am, in the pouring rain?” You flinched at the angry tone in his voice.
“I don’t know,” you answered truthfully, ignoring the ache in your chest. “I’ll be going now. Have a good night.” You tore your eyes away from Donghun’s face to brush past him, your feet much stronger than your heart.
His hand shot out to wrap around your arm- a scorching contrast to the frozen skin under your sleeves- pulling you under the umbrella. Your eyes automatically trained down to his hand; your body had craved his touch much more than you thought.
Noticing the focus of your gaze, Donghun released his grip on you. You stifled a whimper.
“Here, take the umbrella. Don’t worry about returning it, I have another one,” effectively cutting off any excuse you’d have of seeing him again.
From his words, Donghun was done talking.
But he remained under the umbrella with you, yearning to say the words he was afraid to: I still love you. I know you do too. But then he took a step out, and turned his back. It was for the best.
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mashedpotittiess · 4 years
↘ ↙↘ ↙↘ ↙↘ ↙↘ ↙↘ ↙
Nothing Yet!
Nothing Yet!
Nothing Yet!
Nothing Yet!
Nothing Yet!
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diamondlife-dreams · 6 years
A Very Merry Christmas
This is dedicated to @ifeellikeabeanie. Happy Holidays from your Secret Santa!
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You hadn’t seen the boys in several hours and you were fairly confused considering the small building you all were in. You surely would have bumped into at least one of them by now.
A pair of hands clapped onto your shoulders, effectively scaring you and making you let out a small shriek. Realizing it was just Donghun qhen you turned around, you immediately smacked his arm.
"Sorry sorry," He replied back while laughing.
"Where have you been? I've been looking for you guys."
"We were just finishing up something. It's ready now so if you could just follow me to the practice room."
You gave him a suspicious look, but all he did was grin back at you. With a resigned sigh you relented and followed your friend to where just of you spent your time.
Opening up the door you noticed the boys all gathered around a table. Chan, being the first to notice you, called out to you and waved you over.
"Merry Christmas (Y/n)!"
"Merry Christmas Channie. What's all this?"
With a wide smile Jun responded telling you how they really wanted all of you to spend Christmas together. Byeongkwan quickly adding in that they got presents for everyone and everything. Wow was looking longingly at the presents making you laugh.
"Well what are we waiting for? Let's start opening gifts!"
Everyone let out a cheer and Jun started to pass the gifts out. You didnt think the boys wanted to celebrate all together. You thought they would all head home to their families instead of here with you. You were so thankful they decided to stay behind. Being surrounded by your favorite people was the best way you could hce celebrated today.
"Thanks you guys and Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas!!"
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t3kandson · 2 years
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Friend & Flowers
Wordcount; 4,039
Fandom; ACE
Pairing; Reader x O5
Characters; Kang Yuchan, Kim Sehyoon, Kim Byeongkwan and mentions of Lee Donghun & Park Junhee.
Warning; angst, public sex, blowjob (giving) , Fingering, Cream-pie and used as a sex object.
Notes Chapter 5/8 of Release that Stress, earlier chapters found here.
Happy birthday to Yuchan & Happy news years eve 💛💛💛💛💛
You cherished those lovely moments with Donghun from the morning following Boxing Day. Though you had really needed the spa and swimming facility’s in the hotel. Your body was sore and bruised from his grip, which left more then a visual memory then Junhee’s bites.
The emotions that each time he messaged had your hands hover over the fading marks. Junhee had been more emotional with his texts since, especially when he admitted that he missed your presence around the Dorm.
With Sehyoon’s declaration of affection to you, along with Junhee’s messages and Donghun’s clear Jealousy, you was sensing trouble was brewing. It felt like these dates was spiralling each member out of control.
“Which one,” the server at the cake shop asked breaking your thoughts of your dilemma. While your mind swirled around, you forgot to look for the ideal cake for Chan’s birthday the following day. “This one,” you smiled pointing at the Orange Marmalade Cake in pretty Yellow frosting.
Watching them icing his name on and place into the box you smiled knowing that Chan would be delighted.
Arriving at the Dorm you placed the cake box by the door with a present bag, enclosed with his dog tag necklace you purchased with private personalisation.
Smiling at the items you knocked on the door skittling down the corridor of the apartment, crouching out of sight. You waited impatiently for someone to open as you huffed in annoyance when you was kept waiting. “What you doing?” You heard a whisper into your ear that made you fall, collapsing onto the floor in fright. Sehyoon chuckled as Byeongkwan rushed to your side to help you up, you scowling his way.
“Sehni,” you growled brushing yourself down as Byeongkwan checked you over. “What you shouldn’t be sneaking around especially against the rules, your suppose to be in the hotel,” Sehyoon said folding his arms, still smirking. “I brought Chan’s gift over,” you explained like a naughty child being caught out. “You missed me didn’t you?” Sehyoon winked as you swatted him. “It’s good to see you though, we’ve all missed you,” Byeongkwan said letting his hands fall from your arms. “I’ve missed you all too,” you said watching Byeongkwan smile become wide. “Knew it,” Sehyoon smirked as you looked at him with confusion with his sudden cockiness, one that he normally left in the bedroom. “What have you done with the real Sehni,” you whispered to Byeongkwan who chuckled. “Well suppose I better go before I get caught out by another one of you lot,” you scoffed. Sehyoon tapped his finger against his cheek as you kissed him briefly. “Off you pop then,” Sehyoon said making his way towards the dorm.
“Make sure Chan gets his stuff,” you said looking at Byeongkwan who nodded before starting to follow Sehyoon. Returning back to you he pressed his lips against you in a hastily rushed impatience. Kissing you as he pushed you flat against the wall, hands falling to your hips as he got lost in you. “See you later baby,” he pants stepping back, fingers pressing on your lips as your words get caught in your throat. Nodding you turn fleeing with your burning core before you broke another rule by sleeping with him.
“Open up,” you hear the impatient voice madly knocking at the hotel room door, giving his identity away. “I need you,” he growls as he throws himself your way that you almost lose your footing. Lips clashing roughly with yours, you feel the impatient desire to be satisfied in your kiss.
“Face the wall,” he growls as he twists you, his hands pulling your PJ sweats down to your ankle. “Fuck Y/N I’ve needed a dose of this for too long,” Chan says whimpering as if he’s in pain. Hands fondling your ass, his hands lean on your lower back to bend. Hands flush against the wall his hands grip your hips as he ruts against you. Feeling the throbbing member slide against your ass has you know how desperate he is in that moment. Pumping himself before he presses against you, he pushes his member in. Moans falling from you both, his hands return to your hips to help steady himself. Starting his hungry fast pace, your back arches as he presses against your cervix. “Y/N, shit, you feel good,” Chan whines chasing his own high.
You know your just his toy, it’s his way of keeping any emotions slipping and confusing your long history of your friendship. However, it did mean he couldn’t care less about your own release.
Choking on his words told you he wasn’t far as your walls clamped around him, before you chased your own. “I’m going, shit, Y/N I’m going to cum,” he warns as your body warms. “Wait,” you plead as you close in on your own. Pushing your ass back to meet his thrust, you bite your lips as your high tethers. “Y/N can’t,” he whines pained as he can’t hold back. Thrusts becoming sluggish you feel him filling you with his hot cum that pushes you over the edge. Milking the remaining drops from him, his head lols into your back.
“So what did you fancy doing today?” He said leaning over you to pull his bottoms up. “I don’t know, surprise me,” you whisper still catching your breath. “Fried chicken and beer then,” he teases as you weakly bend to pull your bottoms up. “Is that’s what you fancy doing?” you chuckle as you turn to face him, his back is to you as always while he calms his blushes.
“I was joking Y/N,” he says as you walk towards the window with him following. “I know,” you sigh looking at the snow heavily falling.
“You didn’t tell me it was snowing,” you moan looking at him. “It wasn’t when I came in, though there was problems with the lift so it took me a while to get up here,” he moaned rolling his eyes.
“You sure you look warm enough?” Chan asked as you wrapped yourself around your arms at the biting chill in the air. “It’s fine nothing a stroll won’t sort,” you said as you clapped your gloved hands to help warm them. Listening to Chan talk about his Christmas walking slightly ahead, you couldn’t miss the opportunity for some fun. Scooping some snow up, face looking innocently when he fleetingly looked your way, you rolled the ice. “Chan,” you coo’s as he turned your way to meet the snowball you threw narrowly missing him.
“You for Real Y/N,” he said with his hands on his hips looking serious momentarily, before a smile rises on his face. Like you was kids you recognised the grin before he sped to roll his snow. Jogging on the white ground to get away you dashed to the fields, Chan following as he was calmly strolling, flicking the ball into the air and catching it. “Do you want to play Y/N,” he smirks as you shriek dashing with him following. It didn’t matter how far you ran he caught up and you was soon met with the thud of the impacting snowball. Chuckling you dash to make one of your own, being disturbed by another, smashing against your arm. Tossing yours it fell straight in to his face. Smirking as he brushed the snow off, he charged at you as your arms gripped around him falling into the snow.
Hands resting behind your head before you both fell to the snow impacted ground, his eyes locked with yours. A view in his eyes you never witnessed before, as he look lost in yours. “You can’t be horny again,” you chuckle as you felt his bulge growing between you.
Lust filled eyes, he looks around hungrily looking for a spot to get his needs that he rarely could handle waiting for. Jumping up he helped you find your feet, before he dashed you to the toilets in the park, heels holding when you realised the destination. “Really Chan can we not wait till we’re at the hotel?” you moan resisting as he pulled you into the damp smelly loos. “Hey I just need a release that’s all, it don’t have to be perfect surely, it’s not like we’re dating,” he whines as he pulls you in. “I don’t think I could release in here,” you groan as you look around the cubical. “Hey your the stress ball remember, it’s my job to release,” he chuckled as you swat him.
Sitting on the loo reaching to free his cock, he pumps himself wincing with uncomfortableness from the pressure of his hard on. “Fine,” you say Rolling your eyes as you remove your bottoms to straddle him, hovering over the tip. “You make it sound like you don’t enjoy sex with me,” Chan asks cupping your face. “Sometimes no, especially now,” you growl. Hands gripping your waist, he pulls you down his cock as you cry out. “Chan,” you whine as your head lolls into his neck, “baby please move,” Chan pleads as his hands helps to bring your bounce against his cock. “Please,” he says and you know he’s pouting, facing him you see your correct as you start to work with him.
Meeting his thrusts your eyes lock, an experience you’ve not really seen before. Paces speeding with his impatient rush, he closes his eyes biting his lips as he chases his own. Fingers gripping into his shoulders you chase yours too. Hands falling to bunch your ass as he loses himself in his chase, has you cry as you feel his member hitting you perfectly. Eyes reopening to shut once again like he’s scared to look, he bites his lips. Letting your own teeth rake alongside it when he leaves it unaccompanied, growling as you bite in. “Fuck Y/N,” he chokes as you release him, walls clamping around his cock. Moans between you both fill the air as your high is rushed into you. Convulsing around his cock pushes him into his own, nails digging in to your waist as he fills your pussy up with his seed.
Eyes still closed you feel his body tense as you brush kisses upon his nose, before you attempt to catch your breath. Lifting you from him you almost trip as you lean to the wall to hold you up right. Rushing out the cubicle you pull your jeans up, feeling a little used more then normal. “Hold up,” you scold him when you reach him waiting outside. “Why the rush, you left me in there,” you said scoffing as he placed an awkward clearly fake smile on his face. “Trying to make you keep yourself warm remember,” he said looking around as if he was looking for a distraction. “Ooh coffee stand,” he said dashing in the view of the shack. You mind was confused with him, even his extra odd behaviour.
Walking back through the park like earlier never happened, coffee warm in your palm, you chuckled gossiping away. Reaching the hotel the snow began to fall heavier, gripping your hand you both jogged, belly’s full of laughter as you raced towards the lift.
This time it was Chan’s turn to still as you turned to him confused. “I don’t trust this thing,” he scoffs looking at the lift. “Chan it’ll be fine,” you shoot him a reassuring smile. “It was very temperamental earlier they had to bring maintenance in,” he said looking at it almost in fear. “Chan as you said maintenance, that means it’s fixed,” you said pulling him in as he relented.
As soon as the doors shut the light started flickering as Chans hands gripped around yours. “See, what did I say,” he cry’s as it jolts you while the lift loses life. “Fuck, shit, Y/N I knew it, why didn’t you listen to me,” he panicked pressing the alarm button on the lift. “Baby, baby calm,” you say rushing to him, pressing your hand against his chest. “Y/N it’s my birthday and I’m stuck in a lift,” he whines. “But your with me I’ll look after you I promise,” you sooth him.
Hands reaching to his jean buttons in an attempt to find a way to calm his panic you hear him gulp. Dropping to your knees you tug at his bottoms exposing his slowly hardening cock. Lifting his shaft you kiss and suckle around his balls, feeling life spring into his member. “Y/N,” he groans as your lips find his now hardened rod, sliding your mouth around him. Starting a slow pace as you bob up and down his shaft, you feel his hands gently fall to your hair. Fingers lacing into your scalp his thrusts meet your pace.
He’s more gentle then he’s ever been, like he’s matching you instead of rushing his own high. Eyes glazed over as your eyes meet, even in the flickering light you notice a view normally worn by Byeongkwan, one of admiring emotions. Moans filling the air as you speed against him, when he returns to his usual self. Eyes closed as he chases his high, his hands tighten there grip around your hair. Throat vibrating up his shaft as you gag against his quickening thrusts, has his moans booming around the lift. Lights brightened does nothing to stop his chase as you hear the lift starting to come to life. “Fuck I’m going to,” he whimpers as the lift shakes into action. Cumming deep into your throat he hits his high, spilling his salty snack into another hole.
Lifting his jeans he pulls you up to press your lips to his before the door opens to the rescue team, who’s thankfully on your floor. There blushed faces to your romantic clinch as you nod thanking them, before holding hand as you walk into your room chuckling like teenagers. His eyes fall to your hand and he jolts them apart like he remembered your not lovers.
“Why do you do that, like I’m someone you don’t like?” you asked as he looks to the floor. “Don’t be silly we’re friends you know I like you,” he says turning to remove his coat. “You know that’s not what I meant,” you scoff arms folded determined to get an answer. “Because this is my way of not falling into something more then friendship,” he said brushing his hands through his hair. “This is just a pact remember that Y/N,” Chan says biting his lip to hold his words back. “I know, I was the one who made it, I was there,” you scoff annoyed. “Y/N when we have sex, your someone random, when we don’t, your my best friend,” he says as your heart pings with pain hearing his words, despite already knowing it. “Ok,” you say ending the conversation throwing yourself on the bed.
“Oh please don’t sulk, see I give you one shred of emotion and you get carried away,” he complains as you sit up to face him. “What the hell you on about? You know I don’t, you know I didn’t,” you reply almost bitterly.
“I’m going for a shower can we please end this conversation,” Chan said as he storms into the bathroom. Tears flowing from your eyes confused why and how this blew up and why your heart was hurting heavily.
You come from the bathroom dressed ready for your meal out when you realise the rooms empty. Dashing to your phone gives answers as you find the text.
‘Downstairs drinking while I wait a million years for you to get changed, plus there was no way I was getting in that lift. No matter how amazing you are at sucking me off 😉’
You shake your head cursing him as you grab your bag to make your way downstairs.
You both look to find each other, you both gasping as you took each other in. Smirking you walk towards him melting mixed with amusement. “Kang Yuchan, a suit, wow don’t you scrub up well,” you compliment stroking the sleeves of him. “Your not too bad yourself Y/N,” he blushes as you feel the awkwardness tension threaten. “So who you here to impress birthday boy,” you say looking around the room. “You,” he said making you startled as you look at him mouth agape.
“Don’t go getting ahead of yourself, but your right, I am cold with you and that’s wrong. We’re friends we always have been and I can prove to you I can still be romantic and flick towards friendship,” he says smiling as you nod impressed with his personality change. “For one night only you get the flowers and hearts,” he whispers as he holds his hands to you. “Well that would work if you actually brought me them,” you teased. “Well let me pollenate and turn you into one then,” he winks as you chuckle shaking your head with his flirting.
You spend the night drinking, Chatting, but also flirting as if you was already a dating couple. Hands laced between the table that you was glad you had seated away from prying eyes.
“It’s almost midnight, fancy seeing something really cool?” He asks as you nod. “But we’re stair walking,” he warns as you stand. Sitting down scowling he chuckled. “Fine I walk you can get the lift,” he says pulling you from the chair, resting a kiss on your forehead.
“What floor?” you ask as you step into the lift without him. “The top,” he smiles as you look at him confused. “See you there,” he chuckles as the lift door shuts.
You feel like you’ve waited forever, standing outside the lift when Chan appears, both your coats in hand. You look at the clothing as he reaches you. “To keep you warm,” he smiles as he pulls you to some stairs. “Really,” you scoff as he placed your coat in your hands. “It’s one flight of stairs it won’t kill you,” he says Rolling his eyes as he pulls you up them.
Opening the doors you feel the icy air attack you. “Shit,” you complain rushing to put your coat on. “Told you you would need it,” he smirked, putting on his own. Tugging your hand he pulls you along the roof to a sheet on the floor and a bucket of champagne on ice. A couple of blankets folded along with some battery candle lights, you turn to smile at him. “You did this for me?” you squeal, “one night only,” he said cupping your face pressing kisses to your lips more patiently then before. “Quick it’s almost New Years,” he says walking to the blanket sitting. Tapping the space between his open legs you go to join him, sliding yourself in between his thighs. Arms pulling you closer around your waist that you feel his breath in your ear excite you. A quick glance of the phone has him starting the countdown which you join in.
As midnight falls the night sky flashes with colours of many fireworks as Chan hold tightens. “Happy New Year’s Day baby,” he coos as his lips find your neck. “To you too Channie,” you coo as you feel his member dig into your back. “Horny again,” you tease as he sniggers against your skin. “For you always,” he said pressing on your face to meet his kiss.
“I need you,” you pant after what feels like eternity on his lips. “I’m normally the first one to say that,” he chuckles before slipping from behind you making you slouch backwards. Walking on his knee you found him right in front of you, “I think we need each other,” he coos as his lips return to help push you to your back. Leaving you to fetch the blankets to throw over you both, his hands unzip you from your coat. Nipples erecting instantly to the cold night, his hands fondled your clothed breasts. Hands slipping them out, his lips find your nipple to kiss as he rolls his tongue around the bud, before repeating the process to the next.
“Yuchan please,” you plead rolling your pelvis into him, hungry yourself as you feel your panties dampen. “Patience baby,” he coos rolling your nipple with his fingers. When he finished with your breasts he chuckles at your pout relenting.
Hands slipping between your folds he feels the wetness smirking heavily. “Oh Y/N all for me I should do heart and flowers more often,” he teases slipping his fingers into your core to fuck his digits into you.
“Please Chan I need your dick, I don’t keep you waiting like this,” you cry, hands falling to brush his hands away to avoid his attack.
Chuckling he reaches for his shaft and slides himself gently in. Lips falling to yours, he kisses you as he starts his pace, slowly at first but more passionate like he’s making love. Tongues colliding, you both suckle down each other’s moans as you feel his pace increase. You can hear your heart thumping as your eyes lock as if your frozen in this moment. Walls clenching around him, he picks one of your legs to wrap around his waist as you follow with the other. Hands pulling him as close to you as you can, you feel your heart sucking up this beautiful man. He’s not your friend in this moment, he’s not even a pact deal or a conquest. He’s your everything, your world , the other part of you. Your pelvis fastens against his as his lips leave you momentarily.
“Cum Y/N, I want you to cum all over my cock,” he says, his eyes burning into yours. As if your core obeys you feel it build, thighs shaking as his thrusts become heavier. “My baby cum,” he coos and just hearing his slight claim pushes you over the edge. Cry’s into the air, you convulse around him before he fastens his speed as you clamp down onto him. “Fuck,” he cry’s as he chases his high, “fill me Yuchan,” you plead. Your words seem to push him over his edge as he fills you, your sure the whole neighbourhood can hear his moans as he rides it out.
Sitting on his knee he slowly lets himself slip from you. “Fuck Y/N, it’s a good thing your on something, this will definitely pollinate you,” he coos Placing the tip of his semi against you. Fucking his cum back in, he watches in amazement before his eyes find yours blushing. “Too much heart and flowers right?” He questions as you shake your head smiling as you sit up.
“Before I forget, here,” he smiles passing you a small box. “Wait,” you scowl at him as he looks deadpan your way. “No Y/N one night, remember not forever,” he chuckles as you open to find a couple of Ying Yang pendents. The black side is a pearl, your birthstone and the silver is a blue topaz which is his. “It’s a friendship necklace,” he smiles taking the silver half out. “This is yours,” he says as he places it around your neck. “And this,” he adds as he placed the black half around his. “This is mine, so we’re always connected, what ever happens,” he says before his lips press to yours. “Very heart and flowers,” you chuckle breaking the kiss. “No, it’s friends forever,” he repeats as you nod.
“Oh and I have yours,” you say reaching to your clasp bag passing him an envelope. “Money, you got me money?” He questions. “Nope like you, I put thought into yours too,” you smile as he opens it in anticipation. His eyes widen as the grin on his face follows. “No Y/N you didn’t, how?” He questions looking at you in awe. “I know some people, even if I’m not an idol myself,” you scoff enjoying watching the excitement. “But this is, yeah omg, tickets to meet Son Heungmin when he comes back, like there super rare to get,” he says still in almost disbelief. “Omg Y/N we shouldn’t do this date night thing again, otherwise I won’t ever let you go back to the guys again,” he chuckled pressing his lips to yours. A.C.E.'s Masterlist
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whattodowithace · 3 years
Donghun Drabble #1 (Donghun)
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Title: Donghun Drabble #1
Paring: Donghun x Reader
Genre: Spice
Word Count: 288 Words
Writer: Whattodowithkpop
Summary: Donghun goes to investigate when he hears soft sniffles from the living room.
A/N: When I turned 21 I had only one bottle to try, but it made me tipsy and I ended up crying over baby ducks I saw on Pinterest.
Sniffling could be heard throughout the small apartment, alerting anyone inside of the clear distress that the owner of these sniffles felt.
Donghun knew who it was who was crying, but he really didn’t know why, which worried him. He rushed down the stairs to see her sitting on the couch, her hands to her face as she wiped her tears as they fell.
“Princess, what’s wrong?” He asks her as he rushes to the couch, sitting next to her to take her wrists in his hands.
“You’re going to make fun of me.” She sniffles as she looks at him with tear filled eyes.
“If it hurt you I won’t make fun of it.” He tells her with his own eyes filling with tears.
“It didn’t hurt me it’s just…” She trails off as she holds her phone out to Donghun.
The screen showed a short video of little ducklings in a bathtub, swimming around happily. The camera was upwards so you could see the bellies and the webbed feet of the baby ducks.
“They’re so cute!” She sobs loudly as she covers her face again.
Donghun chuckles as he pulls her wrists away again.
“How much did you drink?” He asks her gently as she looks at him.
She looks to the coffee table were various types of drinks scattered the surface. Donghun shook his head with a laugh.
“You only cry at cute and ridiculous things when you’re drunk.” Donghun rolls his eyes as he pulls her into his lap.
“They were so cute.” She cries again, shoving her face into his chest as he held her comfortingly.
“Yes, they are very adorable.” Donghun sighs with a giant smile as she slowly drifts to sleep.
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whattodowithkpop · 4 years
A.C.E Babies (Dad!A.C.E)
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Title: A.C.E Babies
Pairing: Dad!ACE x Reader
Genre: Just Cuteness 
Word Count: 1.3K Words
Writer: Whattodowithkpop
A/N- I have more dad!ace ideas, so if everyone likes it, I will make more :D!
Chan- Chan’s son is the middle boy of the Ace kids. Chan’s son is the funniest of the group and even has the grown ups laughing. He is very witty and also has a funny laugh just like his dad. He is very outgoing and is the one that makes new friends for the entire group. He doesn't know a stranger and will click with anyone he meets. He often wrestles with Jun’s son because he feels he is tougher than him, but they both are equally matched. He is the voice of reason amongst the ace kids and often tells them when he thinks something is a bad idea. This is often where him and Jun’s son begin their feud.
He is almost like a thirty year old trapped in a child’s body. He listens well and takes care of his surroundings sometimes even better than Chan. He uses the term father and mother and is very proper towards older ones. He mainly does it for shock value and for the chuckles he receives at his formalness.  Chan and his wife are very confused as to where he got this from, but they think it's adorably funny nonetheless.
Chan’s son adapts well to both parents. He loves to have a spa day with his mom or read quietly together. He also loves to play sport with Chan. Both of them very talented soccer players, they learn new tricks and prefect their scoring game so that they can destroy the rest of the Ace members and children.
Jun- Jun has twins, a boy and a girl. Jun’s son is the oldest boy and always tries to lead the youngsters in playtime and adventuring. He may seem like he is leading things, when in reality it’s Donghun’s daughter who runs the ship. He often goes off by himself, exploring on his own and ending up getting lost. He is a bit of a crybaby and gets upset easy. He often wrestles with Chan’s son in a competition to see who is the toughest. The answer is neither, they are both babies.
He listens well to his parents and tries to keep his sister in check, which usually ends in a fight. He protects his sister at every possible moment and definitely loves her more than she loves him. He always tells his parents not to worry cause he will protect her with his dying breath. He is very dramatic for a child.. And he says the same to all the Ace parents, promising he will protect all the kids as they play.
He loves to hang out with Jun and the two of them explore together. Jun teaches him many bad habits that Jun later gets scolded for, but Jun always winks at his son in a playful way as mom lectures the two. Jun will take both kids to the dog parks with Lion. Both kids love to play with dogs of all sizes and spend hours in a day at the dog park doing just so.
Jun’s daughter is in the middle of the Ace daughters. She is very timid at first but then gets loud once she feels comfortable. She goes with the flow and gets along with all the other Ace children. She has a major crush on Byeongkwan’s son so he often ropes her into his schemes and she ends up taking the heat for some of his tom foolery. She loves all animals and especially loves visiting Donghun's family so she can just lay and pet Hae for hours.
She listens really well, especially to Jun. She doesn't listen well to her brother because he is ‘only older by 12 minutes so he’s not the boss of her.’ She does a lot of things without being asked and helps her brother do his chores cause he forgets.
She is quite a girly girl and always wants to go try on clothes with her mom. When they come back from the store she always wants to do a fashion show for Jun which he always makes momentous with cameras and lights to make it feel like a real runway to which she giggles continually through. Jun even lets her dress him up so she can play her girly games with him. He feels no shame in it and enjoys thoroughly being able to pull off the color pink.
Seyoon- Seyoon’s daughter is the oldest of the group. She is very quiet and usually just tags along with the rest of them, but doesn't get into much trouble. She usually sits and watches as Chan and Jun’s sons wrestle or while Donghuns daughter is scolding Byeongkwan’s son. She always enjoys spending time with them all and laughs along with them, but she doesn't get involved with the feuds that arise.
She causes no trouble for her parents and honestly, her parents wish she would get into more trouble than she does. She always does her chores without being asked and plays quietly to herself. She adores both of her parents and just likes to be in the presence. They don't have to play together, just as long as she can look up and see them. She often makes gifts for her parents to which they keep in boxes and display on the fridge.
Seyoon often takes her to the park. She loves to observe people there and usually they end up painting or singing together. She sings well and is talented in painting, so Seyoon often opts out of finishing his own painting or finishing the verse to observe his daughter, always showing admiration after. He always gives her a ton of affirmation and tells her she can do anything which continually builds her confidence.
Byeongkwan- Byeongkwan’s son is the youngest boy and he is a terror. He is the sweetest boy, but he runs around like a loon, destroying everything in his path. He gets scolded by Donghun’s daughter nearly 24/7. He is the most hyper and usually starts most of the shenanigans. He always gets Jun’s daughter in trouble with him, destroying things and then placing her at the scene of the crime. But Donghun’s daughter has him figured out.
He listens to an extent. He gets bored easy so if instruction and discipline is too lengthy he will lose interest and begin to throw a slight tantrum. He also is a huge mama’s boy and usually ends up crying because of something mean said to him and runs to his mom in tears.
Byeongkwan takes him to the dance studio all the time to dance with him. He mostly runs laps around the mirrored room but he does copy his dad’s movements from time to time which always gets Byeongkwan excited. Byeongkwan calls him buddy, especially when he tries to coax him into showing Byeongkwan the dance move again.
Donghun- Donghun’s daughter is the youngest of the group. Even though she is the youngest and the smallest, she is the one in charge. She keeps all the other Ace children in check, especially Byeongkwan’s son who tends to break a lot of things. She often stands in the corner of the room and looks at the shenanigans of the others in deadpan.
She is a perfect angel to most. She listens to her parents very well and she adores Chan so much and would prefer to spend time with him then the rest of the group, kids included. She always sits on his lap and listens to him talk. Donghun is convinced she has a crush on him and he’s not all that happy about. She also likes to roast her uncle Jun, giving him the hardest time out of all the grown ups, but she does it out of love and because he’s so easy to tease.
Donghun always calls her his little princess and does anything for her. She truly is a daddy’s girl and she knows she has him wrapped around her finger. She also inherited Donghun’s sad eyes so she tends to get her way 90% of the time, especially with Donghun and Chan.
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undercoverclover · 3 years
All For This?
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Pairing: Donghun x reader
Genre: slightly suggestive
Warning: None
Summary: Going to your boyfriend's concert and seeing a new side of him.
This was an idea from a friend, so it's for her! I hope she likes it as well as all of you! 💛
“We’re going to be late!” I yell down the hall, “Move your rear!” I add. 
Good god, she was so slow sometimes and today we didn’t need to be. 
“They’ll wait for you for Christ’s sake. I won’t be much longer.” 
I feel my phone vibrate and look down at the number. “Chan’s calling, Lil.” 
“Shoot. Okay, okay.” She grumbles. I hand her the phone and she answers, “We’re heading out now, Mr. Impatient.” She listens to his answer and then looks at me, “Okay, well we will be there soon.” She says her goodbyes and hangs up. 
“Apparently they want us there soon because tonight is a different kind of performance.” She says, handing me back my phone.
“What does that mean?” I ask, confused. She shakes her head, “I have no clue, but let’s go see.” 
Arriving at the venue, we park and head towards the back to enter with our passes. 
“About time.” I hear as we’re let in the back door. “Blame your girlfriend, not me. I waited for twenty minutes, I almost left her.” I say sarcastically and look down at my phone. Lil’s stopped dead in her tracks and I run into her. “Ow! Lil, move.” I grumble, looking up and immediately mimicking her panic. “What. Are. You. Guys. Wearing?” I manage, then realize Donghun isn’t amongst them… “Where’s Hun?” 
“Behind you.” He whispers in my ear, sending chills down my spine. I turn around, nervous of what I would find… “Donghun! You scared-  What are you wearing?” I yelp, attempting not to look up and down his body again. Once was enough, until I notice the eyebrow piercing was back as well.
He smirks, causing my heart to beat out of its chest. “Do you like it?” 
“I’m going to have a heart attack, Lee Donghun!” 
“Time for mic check.” Their manager says, causing me to swallow my next words.  “I’ll be right back.” He says, kissing my cheek. 
They leave us standing there, mouths hanging open. I’d never seen him in leather pants before… Let me tell you,  the black, see-through, sleeveless shirt didn’t leave much to the imagination either. I had however seen him with curly hair and it was one of my favorites on him… now I regret telling him that. His outfit plus curly blonde hair streaked with purple made for a deadly combination. 
“Did you see-” Lil starts.
“Don’t you even finish that sentence Liliana May.” I say. She stops and runs her hand along her mouth as if to zip it up. 
We gather courage and start heading towards the main stage, watching as they perform their checks. Jun begins to sing and stops while another picks up where he left off and then repeating the process until all of them had gone. 
They all wore leather pants for this concert and I had no clue as to why… Chan in a white leather jacket, Sehyoon in just a black sleeveless, Byeongkwan and Jun both wearing rock t-shirts, but Donghun? He wore a shirt that should have been illegal. 
“What is going on?” I lean over, asking Lil. “I have no idea, but I’m in awe.” She chuckles. 
We listen for a few more minutes, the songs all being harder than their normal types of songs: Undercover and Do It Like Me, which isn’t necessarily rock, but we love that song anyway and Favorite Boys.  The lights dim and the song begins 
“Are they all doing Don’t Let Me Down?” I exclaim. The final song was normally just Byeongkwan and Chan, but this time it’s all five? Nobody left the stage… “That explains the outfits then…” Lil sucks in a breath. We watch in awe for the next two minutes and finally the music dies, our mouths hanging open. 
With mic checks over, they walk off the stage to finish prepping. Donghun smiles and looks at me whispers something to Jun and then grabs my hand in his, following him into the changing room. Closing the door behind us, I hear a chuckle and turn around. “So, what do you think?” He smirks. ”I- um. What do you want me to say?” I stumble, going over a million words in my mind, but not thinking of the right one.
“Tell me the truth. What do you think? Do you like it?” He repeats, pulling me close and turning us so I’m against the wall. “Donghun? You did this all for the concert?" I ask and he nods with a small smirk. "Well, I think this is one of the sexiest stage outfits I’ve ever seen you in.” I say, looking into his eyes. He reaches up and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear.
My breathing picks up slightly and noticing, he smiles, leaning his head down to kiss me. Feeling his warm breath on my mouth was more than welcomed, but the changing room door opens and we break apart quickly. Donghun turning around to see who it was, I put my hands over my face to hide the blush appearing.  “Oh come on you two! Donghun it’s your turn for touch ups… Save that for later.” Byeongkwan says, rolling his eyes. "I guess I will." Donghun smiles and turns back to face me and smirks mischievously, "Don’t worry, the show shouldn’t make it any worse for you.” 
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