#accurate over 1 5 tips today
seven4asecret · 7 months
₊✩‧₊˚ Tipping The Scales Pt.2 ˚₊✩‧₊
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Moonknight System x Layla x Gn! (Eventual Avatar) Reader
Content & Warnings: No pronouns, no Y/N, no Smut, descriptions of typical violence, eventual polyamory, & badly written fight scenes
Ao3 Wattpad Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Chapter 2: I Swear I'm Not Banging Your Husband! Also, I Can See Ghosts
You lay on your couch, wrapped in a blanket, re-reading the same chapter for at least the third time. There was something about this deity that utterly fascinated you. You had combed the internet after reading about him for the first time, scouring any article you could get your hands on. You had always been morbidly intrigued by deities associated with death, but this was different and you couldn't quite figure out why. 
‘Anubis, or Anpu, is quite a complex deity, he plays many roles that often run together. Possibly one of the most notable of these is as a psychopomp. He was not only considered responsible for reviving the dead and allowing them to enter the afterlife but also for leading them to safety. The ancient Egyptians believed the journey through the afterlife was an extremely dangerous one. Anubis would protect the travelers by helping avoid threats by way of concealment and leading them by secret roads only known to him. He also serves as an embalmer and healer. While the process of mummification was an important one, it was much more crucial for the spirit of the deceased to be able to successfully transition into their spiritual body in order to reach the Duat. They believed for this to happen successfully, the body needed to be restored to a preserved state of wholeness. Anubis, the creator of the mummification process, would ensure the soul would be properly revived while intact.'
You turned the page.
‘However, his abilities were not limited to the deceased. He would be more accurately thought of as a deity overseeing healing and initiation. In ancient times injuries and disease were thought to have components that were both seen and unseen. Because of his role in dealing between worlds, he would be ideal to help with both. He and his priests had an excellent knowledge of human anatomy. At royal birthing ceremonies, he would offer the symbol of rebirth, not just life, but rejuvenating life. The Romans believed that Anubis offered power over death. However, he is most notably known as the weigher and accouter of hearts. He is entrusted with making sure-’
 Your phone rang.
'Oh no'.
Your stomach dropped, and somehow you knew it was Steven. You hadn't seen him lately, your shifts hadn't intersected, and he hadn't contacted you. Not that he had to, of course. But you couldn't help but worry. What if he had blacked out again? What if he had been caught by the bird-man? You had no idea what to do if that happened. Sage? Salt? Would that work on something so old? You made a mental note to research ancient ghost repellants. You shut Steven's book and rushed over to where your phone sat on the counter. It buzzed, and a number you didn't recognize scrolled past on the top of the screen.  
"Hey!" You answered.
"Hiya." You couldn't help but smile at the familiar voice on the other end. It quickly turned into a frown, this wasn't his usual upbeat tone, he sounded dejected.
"Steven, how are you? Is everything alright?" He hesitated at this, causing your frown to deepen. 
"Today has been, well the past few days... have been... a lot, really. I was wondering if we...if we could talk again? I-If it's not too much trouble?"
"Yeah...Yeah, of course. It's no trouble." You said softly, relieved to hear from him. You didn't mind taking part of your day off to chat. Honestly were touched that he trusted you enough to want to talk to you about his experiences a second time. "Back at my flat or...?"
"Actually, I was- I was thinking... we could meet up somewhere else. Make it up to you for the other night. Maybe...Maybe grab lunch, y'know? If- if you want of course? "  
"Sure!" Your heart fluttered.
"O-okay." He paused. You got the feeling he was surprised that you had accepted his offer. "There's this stand, it's not too far from the building... makes these really good burritos, if you're interested…”
"That sounds great. Text me the location and I'll see you in a few."
"Sure thing! Laters gators!"
"In a while, Crocodile." You hung up and made your way out of the building.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
It took you a few seconds to spot Steven in the flow of people, sitting on the side of a large fountain. You blinked as you took him in from a distance. You were used to his passionate and enthusiastic nature. In fact, you had never really known him to be any different until recently. But now he looked downright miserable. His shoulders were hunched more than usual and there was a frown on his face. The usual gleam in his eyes had gone, replaced with an emptiness you had never seen in them before.
"Hey there." You sat next to him. He jumped slightly in surprise.
 "Hiya." He returned your greeting, and while his smile didn't reach his eyes, you noticed he perked up a bit at your company. 
"I- I got you one." He held out a burrito. "I wasn't- I wasn't sure what you would like so I just got the vegetarian one. Y-you did say you were vegetarian right?" 
"Yeah, I am actually." You saw him breathe out a sigh of relief as you took the wrap from him. "You didn't have to do that. I appreciate it, though. It's sweet of you. "
"O-oh, well..." he looked down, a light blush on his face, " I- it's only fair, pay you back for the coffee and the chat, y'know."
A few seconds of silence passed between you.
Steven took a breath before telling you about the next shift he had at the museum. How he had abruptly found himself on the bus there with the bird-man watching him from the street. How the man from the village, the judge of Ammit, showed up at work and referenced events from his 'dreams'. He told you of the jackals the man summoned, how they chased him into the bathroom.
As you listened, you could see clearly how much it had frightened Steven. His eyes would widen, he spoke quicker and began to tremble slightly. He would glance at you from time to time, and though it was incredibly subtle, you saw him relax when your eyes locked. You began to consider part of why he had asked to meet was because he was scared to be alone, reasonably so. And maybe, just maybe, he meant it when he said you made him feel safe. Maybe you couldn't help with his insomnia, the blackouts, or the dreams. But you could make him feel less alone, make him feel safe. Maybe that was enough for now. 
He told you how it clawed, growling, about to break through the door. His reflection talked to him again there, it said that he could save him if he gave up control of the body. Steven didn't want to, but he knew he didn't have a choice. Then it went black, only for him to be on his way to his next shift when he came to. Inside the museum, he was greeted with chaos and told that the pipes had burst. When he went to JB to review the security from the previous night there was no evidence of the jackal. All it showed was Steven, implicating him for the damage. 
 That was certainly not what you'd expected to hear from him.
"Well, that's it. I got the sack. I don't blame 'em. I'm a vandal. I should've been arrested. " He sighed. "But, I have the keys I found in my flat, that's worth exploring, isn't it? Like, if I could find that storage locker, that might be my one chance to prove to myself that I'm not mad."
"Y-yeah. " You nodded, not knowing what to say. This was a lot to take in. Steven obviously wasn't well, he knew that. But at this point, the bird-man, his insomnia, the sleepwalking, those weren't his biggest problems anymore. Quite honestly, You'd thought that you would meet him and suggest he sage his flat. Or just provide support for him while he thinks about his next steps. But now, he had a cult- an actual cult led by a sorcerer after him. 
"So I- I was wondering if you'd come with me to the storage locker... " Steven glanced up at you, and you noticed how nervous he seemed. "Maybe keep an eye out for the pigeon if he shows up, y'know... I-if you want?"
"I'd be happy to. Let's go check it out."
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
You weren't quite sure what to do if this didn't work. You both had made it to four storage places and turned up nothing. Each time Steven would ask if you still wanted to stay, and each time you reassured him you did. You wanted to do something, to help in any way you could. He took a breath when he stepped into the next building. 
"Hiya." He greeted the man at the desk.
 "You all right?" Steven fidgeted.
"Yeah. Um, look, man, this is, like, the fifth branch I've been to. I'm looking for my storage locker. It's under "Steven Grant." If it's not under Steven Grant, it might be under "Marc." I don't have a surname, just Marc. Would you have a look for me, if that's all right? I know it sounds... "
You turned your attention away from the conversation before you. The room felt different, suffocating, and electric. The lights dimmed just barely, and you swore you could feel the slightest breeze. The hair on the back of your neck stood up.
You were being watched. And what was watching was not happy.
You reached for Steven, wrapping your hands around his arm. He glanced at you, confused. 
"Thanks so much! You've been really helpful!" You grabbed the keys from the man at the desk. Then quickly dragged a confused Steven down the hall, towards the lockers.
 "W-what was that about?" He tilted his head to look at you, "Are you- is everything okay?"
"Yeah, should be." The lack of confidence in your voice was clear as you released your hold on him.
"T-That's not- that's not very reassuring." You really didn't want to worry him more. He was going through enough as it was and you hated to make him even more panicked.
"We may... want to hurry things up a bit. Your 'pigeon' is.. well he's not happy." You found that troubling. It only seemed to appear like this, at least so far, when Steven was looking into Marc. It was trying to keep whatever link they shared buried.  
"Y-you mean- it's here now?" He began to look around, definitely worried now.
"No. Not yet but he may decide to pop up." You looked at him and squeezed his hand in an attempt to comfort him. "It'll be okay."
He nodded, and let out a shaky breath. You both scanned the lockers walking down the long hall until Steven stopped.
"Oh, my God. Marc Spector." He let out a sigh, "It's real. It's totally real." 
He looked at you and you offered him a supportive smile as he opened the locker. It was surprisingly scarce. It only seemed to really hold a cot, a few boxes, and a duffel bag. Definitely a bit weird. You followed him inside and he began to look around. You weren't quite sure what to do now, so you stayed by the entrance. You wanted to be helpful somehow so you concentrated on the bird-man. You could still feel the entity. It was there... just not completely. And it was definitely keeping an eye on things.
Waiting. But for what?'
"Marc." You looked back to Steven, who had turned towards the wall. "There he is. Here he comes. Hello, man in the mirror. I was wondering if you'd pop up again." He said a bit exasperated. 
You blinked and Steven paused, before responding to the wall. This was a bit awkward. 
"More complicated? What? Am I possessed? Are you, like, a demon? Or..."
"You're not possessed, Steven. Whatever, whoever, you are talking to is not a demon. I would have known." You interrupted. Steven paused for a moment, glancing at you, the wall, and back at you. You didn't mean to interrupt him from whatever conversation he was having. You were afraid you had said something wrong by the silence that followed. "Sorry. I didn't-"
"He says I shouldn't have brought you..." he glanced at the wall again.
You stopped. 
"What? Why?"
"Marc said that I'm putting you in danger." He looked at you with a remorseful expression.
You blinked. Danger or not you cared about him. Steven was your friend, and whatever he was going through, at the very least didn't have to go through it alone. The fact that this Marc was trying to get you to leave unsettled you. Both he and the bird-man wanted their connection to Steven to stay buried.
"Look, Steven, as long as you want me to be here I'll stay. Regardless of the bird, or Marc, I don't plan to leave anytime soon because of them." You caught a brief glimmer of relief in Steven's eyes before he turned back to the wall, continuing his conversation.
"Sleep... I'm never gonna go to sleep again. You hear me? Look, I don't care how bloody handsome you are. Tell me what it is you are. What are you?" He paused again for an inaudible response.
"Khonshu? The Egyptian god of the moon? Oh, my God, that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. I eat one piece of steak, and then, bam, I go bonkers."
What on earth did an ancient Egyptian deity have to do with any of this? You wondered.
A slight breeze caught your attention as it ruffled your hair. You couldn't help but think of the entity. It felt older than anything you had encountered before, ancient. It felt more powerful than most spirits. And it looked suspiciously mummy-like. But that certainly didn't make it an Egyptian god. You shook your head, discarding that thought, and turned back to Steven.
Steven paused, "Oh, God. I'm having a panic attack. I need to go to a hospital." You began to reach for him, hoping to help in some way. 
"You want my body? Right, yeah. Marc, how about this for a deal? I'm gonna take this bag full of illegal shit, yeah?" He grabbed the bag," and I'm gonna go straight to the authorities."
The lights blinked and you began to feel the presence solidify. It really wasn't happy now. "Steven- "
 "And they're gonna put me away so I don't hurt anyone else."
"And hopefully, NHS will fill me with enough pills so that you get out of my head!" Steven took your hand, this time leading you through the hall.
"Steven!" He finally stopped and looked at you. "It's back."
Right on cue, the light at the end of the hall flickered once, two times. The entity stood, lit by the sickly yellow light before vanishing into the darkness.
Steven's hands flew to the bag and he began to walk backward slowly. The lights began to flicker faster, now moving down the hall towards you both. 
You stepped back, following Steven as you kept your eyes locked on the end of the hall.
Suddenly all you could see were bandages, rags, bone, and hollow eyes. 
It stood before you, tall, menacing, and angry.
You ran. 
Lights flickered.  
Doors rattled.  
You desperately chased after Steven, turn after turn. You could feel the annoyance, irritation, and anger rolling off the entity. You couldn't leave Steven. You couldn't let it hurt him. As you rounded a corner you saw Steven. He had stopped. You knew why. He trembled as he looked up at the entity before him. You suddenly felt annoyed. It felt slightly amused, almost entertained by his fear. And this, this pissed you off. It was terrorizing Steven at this point. It turned its head, haloed by the pale light, and for the first time you heard it speak:
"Give it back, you fool."
For a millisecond you glared at it, and the entity looked back at you. Before you could attempt to confront it you were pulled down the hallway and out of the building by a screaming Steven.
Daylight suddenly flooded your senses. You blinked a few times as your eyes adjusted. You glanced down to see Steven curled up on the ground, the bag held securely in his arms.
"Marc? Where have you been?" You looked up at the source of the voice. A woman sat on a black scooter, inches from Steven. Her curly hair almost seemed to glow in the sunlight, framing her freckled face. 
"Layla?" Steven looked up at her, surprise and confusion evident in his voice.
She reached out a hand to Steven and helped him up. "Who are you?" She tilted her head, her dark eyes narrowed at you.
You nervously gave her your name with a small smile. "I-I'm a friend of Steven's."
She nodded before turning back to Steven. "Okay...We need to talk."
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
The three of you met back up at Steven's flat. You were surprised that Steven still wanted you to stay. Layla seemed to have answers for him. You didn't know where you stood with Layla, especially finding out she was married to Marc, who may or may not also be Steven. She quite understandably regarded you with some suspicion of your relationship with him. You didn't want to make Layla upset with you, but Steven had asked you to stay and you couldn't bring yourself to tell him no.
You felt awkward, and out of the loop, so you focused on your surroundings. It was similar to your flat, with the same bathroom tile, and the large kitchen window, but it had the details that made it very much Steven's. A large map of Egypt hung by the door, framed by postcards, displaying various landmarks. You couldn't ignore the large fish tank and of course, the single goldfish that swam in it. Not-Gus, you remembered. Steven had told you about him several times, how he picked him out because of his one fin. It made him special. You couldn't help but notice the chosen tank decor. Your eyes then drifted to the large bookshelves. You knew Steven was a bit of a bookworm, you had that in common, but you were surprised to find his flat was bordering on being considered a small library. It was certainly impressive, and the trinkets scattered about it drew your eye.
They exchanged a brief conversation about poetry in French. You glanced at the large desk by the window, books in piles on the top. You smiled to yourself as you noticed the desk under it had the pyramid paperweight you got him. One book lay open, but you were unable to make out the subject. They briefly discussed, hieroglyphics, and you couldn't help but see how excited it made Steven. Layla then took out divorce papers and you felt like you really shouldn't be there. You couldn't help but notice the glimmer of disappointment in Layla's eyes as she presented them to Steven. You turned your gaze away and looked to the ground. 
 You looked up as Steven began to open the duffel bag. He froze suddenly, seeming to double-guess himself. 
"I-it's nothing." Steven muttered as he grabbed the bag tighter. 
"Nothing?" Layla asked, before shoving him aside. You furrowed your brows at this and glanced at Steven. He didn't look at you, instead, kept his eyes locked on the bag as Layla went through it. You turned your attention to the bag, wondering what about it was so important.
Holy shit! 
Was that a gun?
Layla took a scarab out of the bag, opening a whole other can of worms, and feelings between them. Mainly more confusion on Steven's part. You weren't sure what to do or even think at this point, how to make sense of any of this. Honestly, you weren't quite sure what was happening anymore.
 "Take it. Take it. I don't want it. I swear." Steven attempted to offer her the scarab, causing her to pause. "Have it. I am not Marc Spector. I'm Steven Grant. I work at a gift shop. I used to work at a gift shop. And I-I'm in real danger and I think you might be the only person who can help me."
She opened her mouth, preparing to respond.
"Please." He begged.
 "You really don't remember why we've been looking for this?" She gently shook the scarab, " Our adventures? Or our life together?"
 "Oh god I wish I could."
 This whole situation was becoming more complicated by the second, so the knocking at the door was very much not welcomed by you.
"Steven Grant, can we have a word?" A muffled voice asked behind the door.
 "Oh, God, they've come for me." Steven said, his eyes wide. 
"Why?" Layla furrowed her brows.
 "I vandalized the toilet." Layla looked at you for an explanation. You just shook your head and sighed. Best to leave it for another time.
The knocking continued.
"Yeah, just a minute." Steven scurried over to the door.
"Steven Grant?" A voice asked.
"DC Fitzgerald and DC Kennedy here."
Your attention was drawn from the door by Layla gently taking your wrist. She put a finger to her lips before she steered you to the large window and quietly opened it. She dropped your wrist before climbing up onto the window still. 
What was she doing?
You furrowed your brows, and she motioned you to follow her. You glanced back at Steven, who was still by the door, before turning back to her. Seeing the seriousness in her eyes you did, albeit hesitantly. You maneuvered behind her on the roof, back to the wall. 
Gods. Oh gods. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Don’t look down.
Layla checked on you, making sure you could stay steady before listening to the conversation inside. You couldn't make out much from your position, you were a bit preoccupied with not having a panic attack on the roof. There was something about... police...a fake passport? You hoped Steven was okay, really wishing that this could just be a big misunderstanding. 
After what felt like forever, Layla turned to you after checking the window. "They took him."
"What! Did you hear where?"
"No. But if we hurry we can follow the car." You blinked, surprised at her inclusion of you. What could you do to help any of this? So far you've just been there for emotional support, but things are complicated now. Steven needed more help or support than you could offer. She held her hand out to help you back inside. You took it and hopped inside the flat before following her down several flights of stairs. Once outside, she got on her scooter and turned to you.
 "You care about him right?" She asked. 
 She already knew the answer. 
 But you did. 
 You really did. 
 "Yeah, I do. Of course, I do." You said softly, nodding.
"Okay. Get on."
She gestured for you to sit behind her. You straddled the seat, your hands hovering awkwardly.
 Would it be too awkward to hold onto her waist? What if she didn't want you to? You just met for the first time less than an hour ago, and are basically strangers. But that's what you were supposed to do on these things. Right? 
You took a breath to stop yourself from overthinking, you had bigger things to worry about. Hesitantly, you placed your arms around her waist, leaning close to her. You almost swore you glimpsed her smirk at that as she started the scooter, causing you to tighten your hold on her.
 ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
Well. This was definitely not what you expected the cult of Ammit to look like. You thought it would be more...cult-like. Weird human murder rituals, maybe some chanting in ancient Egyptian around a fire, and more focus on the devouring of hearts bit. Instead, there were community gardens, kitchens, and...indoor movie nights.
You turned to Layla from your hidden corner, both of you sharing a puzzled look as you took in the view. You scanned the crowd, attempting to find Steven. It took you a moment before you noticed him sitting at the table with another man. Harrow, you remembered Steven telling you. You couldn't make out much of the conversation. Movement caught your attention from the corner of your eye. In front of you, Layla was beginning to creep forward, towards the kitchen area, scarab clenched tightly in her hand.
 "Can you fight?" She turned back to you for a moment.
"Uh, yeah, a bit. Just enough to defend myself." There were at least fifty people in the room. How on earth was she going to grab Steven and get out by the two of you throwing a few punches? 
 "Okay." She nodded, "Good. We're going to have to try to make a run for it. Let's get Marc and get out."
 You nodded, sucking in a breath as she lead you to the front of the doorway.
 "Where is the scarab." You heard a voice demand.
 "I have it." Layla announced, her voice echoing in the large room. She stepped forward, glancing around the room.
"Let me have it. I'll keep it safe." Harrow said, eyes locked on the golden beetle.
"There is no deal in this, Marc. Fix this. Fix this!" The bird-man was back suddenly, standing behind Steven. You peered around the entity, offering a small smile to Steven as you and Layla stopped next to him.
"Summon the Suit." Layla told Steven.
 "S-sorry what?"
"Summon the suit." She looked at him confused, he didn't know what she meant.
 "Summon the soup? What are you saying-"
 "The suit. And keep this safe." She handed him the scarab.
"So be it." Harrow announced.
"Let's go! Let's Go!" She grabbed both you and Steven and began to drag you along. 
A few people began to make their way toward you. You took a breath and clenched your fists. As the group got too close the three of you shoved them off, before breaking into a sprint. You and Steven took off after Layla up the metal stairs, footsteps thundering. You heard a thump and a sound like shattering glass, coming from the lower floor.
The hairs on the back of your neck stood up.
 Oh no.
 You suddenly, and quite conveniently remembered that Steven mentioned Harrow had the ability to summon things.
"Steven!" Layla shouted. You lost sight of her as she found the corner, replaced with a man blocking the path forward. You both stopped. The chaos beginning to unfold was beginning to feel overwhelming. You risked a glance back, a group of people were making their way up the stairs. The two of you were trapped. Unsure of where to go next, you hesitated, debating whether to attempt to swing at him or face the group behind you. Steven took this chance to grab your hand and pull you past the man and up another stairway, just in time to see Layla throw someone over the railing.
"That was awesome." Steven complimented her. You nodded quickly in agreement, before sprinting after them. Maybe later you could ask Steven if you could take his wife out sometime.
As you panted, your feeling of unease returned, stronger this time. Whatever Harrow had summoned was not too far behind you. You made it through a pair of wooden doors, Steven and Layla locking them behind you.
You took a gasp of air, and looked at Steven, "Jackal." 
"Oh my god," Steven muttered. "I'm going to die in an evil magician's man cave."
Layla rushed over to him. The doors began to rattle. If this was the same thing that Steven had encountered before behind a metal door, there was no way you'd stand a chance.
"No. No. Hey. Listen to me. Your name is Marc. You have a suit, I've seen you use it. You bring it out. " Steven shook his head, getting more panicked by the second
You turned your attention to the door, the rattling getting faster. 
Normal ghosts couldn't hurt you. Normal ghosts couldn't kill you. But this wasn't a ghost, or a spirit, or anything you were familiar with. You glanced around for something to use as a potential weapon. 
Sarcophagi, more sarcophagi.
You picked up the small chair. It was already well on its way to crumbling, you'd just have to help it along. You tossed it as hard as you could. The leg cracked off, thankfully just enough to serve as a short rod. You picked it up and tightened your grip around it. The rattling became louder, and faster.
"Hey, guys!" You looked at them, Steven and Layla crouched on the ground. "We don't have much longer."
Layla glanced at you, and looked around the room, in an effort to locate an exit.
"Let's go." She hopped up a ladder. You were about to follow her when the doors were flung open. The jackal let out a cry and began to run toward you and Steven. He started to back away, and you prepared to swing. 
You squeezed your eyes shut, bracing yourself for the final swing.
You were thrown aside as the jackal shoved past you. You landed on your side, the wooden leg clattering against the floor. 
What ensued next happened in a blur. 
You briefly registered that the jackal charged into Steven, just in time to see them both tumble out the window.
You glanced at Layla, in shock before scurrying to stand. You clutched the rod before making it down the fire escape. You begin to search the unfamiliar setting looking for Steven. You felt on edge, and ready to jump into fight or flight mode, so when you heard the splintering of wood it nearly caused you to jump out of your skin. You turned to see a white blur get thrown through a wooden gate.
The man in a completely white suit with a mask, topped with a crescent moon and glowing eyes, then immediately proceeded to rip a bumper off a car.
 "Y-you look different." Layla commented. So this must be a similar suit to the one she referenced earlier.
"Steven! Look out!" As much as you'd love to comment on this surprising wardrobe change, you were busy watching as the jackal stalked up behind him. 
It slammed him against a car. Layla tried to walk toward him but you grabbed her arm. She looked at you. 
"Don't. It's right there."
"No! Don't try and come near me!" Steven warned as he was thrown against the car again. The jackal turned to her, letting out a deep growl and baring its teeth.
You tried to pull her away but the jackal swiped at her before you could, throwing her onto the ground, and pulling you along with her. The fall happened too quickly for you to brace yourself, and your head hit the ground. You brought a hand to the spot and hissed. You turned around when you heard glass shatter.
Layla stood by the jackal, shards of broken glass revealing it. It roared, before proceeding to take them both by the neck. You stood and felt for the rod. It was gone. You frantically looked for something you could use. Your eyes caught a glint, and you turned to see a decent-sized shard of glass. You clutched it, before making your way behind the jackal, keeping your steps quiet. It sneered at Steven as he fought against its grip, Layla attempting to do the same. You took a breath and shoved the shard into its lower back. It howled. Then it tossed them aside, before turning towards you, snarling. and doing the same. You hit the damp stone ground again and groaned. 
Your attacks were barely doing anything to the creature. Without an actual weapon or a way to escape the three of you didn't stand a chance.
Your attention was caught by a scream.
You glanced around. Finally located the wooden leg off to the side. As you clutched it, you noted the crack beginning to form. You looked back to Layla, the jackal held her by her leg. Steven charged towards it only to be knocked aside. You prepared to run towards the jackal. Only to stop, when you heard Steven shout.
"Yeah. I see you-you pug-ugly coyote. You're on the wrong ends, mate. You're in my yard now." He threw his jacket on the ground and rolled his sleeves. He had entirely too much confidence for someone who just got tossed around like a rag-doll. You looked at Layla, your confusion mirrored on her face.
"Float like a butterfly. Sting like a bee. My name's Steven with a 'V'!" He hit it square in the face, before exclaiming excitedly. He called to you and Layla, "Did you see that!" Right before being kicked into the street, repeatedly slammed against a bus, and falling to the ground, face first.
 Ouch. You cringed.
You took a step towards him, preparing to make sure he was okay. Layla grabbed your arm and nodded towards the street. You looked back to Steven watching as he stood. His suit... changed. Strands of linen wrapped around him, ending with a hood and cape. He turned to face the two of you, eyes still glowing. You blinked, taking in the new situation. You couldn't help but notice this was the second appearance of the crescent moon on the costume. Weird. 
"Get it out of here!" Layla shouted.
Steven hopped on top of a van, before climbing up a nearby building, the jackal pursuing him. A second later, he disappeared onto the roof.
Layla turned to you a few moments later. "Come on. I'll drive you home. We should probably should check that cut out. It doesn't look too good." You were a bit surprised at how calm she sounded. The three of you had just faced a dangerous entity summoned by the power of an ancient goddess. You shook lightly.
"Cut?" You asked.
Almost as if an answer, you felt a drop of warm liquid run down the side of your face. You felt it and brought your finger back to find it stained red. The adrenaline began to wear off, and you noted pounding on the side of your head.
"O-oh." You followed her, trailing behind a bit, processing what happened. "But what about Steven? The jackal?"
"He's got the suit now. He'll be okay, this isn't the first time he's done stuff like this." You nodded. The two of you turned the corner and met with the scooter. You climbed on.
The sound of shuffling behind you caught both of your attention. You turned to see a man hand a golden, and suspiciously scarab-shaped object to Harrow. He took the man's hand. You saw him convulse briefly, before dropping to the ground. 
What shocked you besides the murder that only occurred a few yards from you, was that this man's soul leave didn't leave the way you were used to. You felt a hunger from Harrow. And you had a distinct feeling that the soul had been...eaten. Consumed? But not by him. Through him. That was the only way you could attempt to explain it. Just as Harrow began to turn towards you, Layla sped off, leaving you to wonder what you had just witnessed.
Ao3 Wattpad Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
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deazmonius · 1 year
Continuing with the Magic Knights Rayearth models today completed and present the next model Windom, the Rune Spirit of Air. Piloted by Fuu Hououji. While personally was not my favorite character or mech from the series, still important to have as part of the complete set.
The model over all was a easy build over all, again came with a pre painted face and sword this time the model is mostly color accurate to the show, needing only the tips the fingers to be painted silver to be a hundred % accurate to its art. The kit does come with some silver stickers to put behind some of the gems which really helps them pop, however in this instance I did opt to just pain the areas silver instead while not a reflective as the foil still gives a good overall finish behind the gems still helping them catch the light. The build difficulty/time is on par with a HG 1/144 scale Gundam of simulator complexity, though it’s a 1/100 scale in total size.
The parts fit snuggly and easily together. With the joint again being all hard plastic with mostly smooth movement that hold in place well. That said their are a couple points that I think could have utilized better part design. The first is the base wing mounts they are hook and eye connections at the base of back so only offer side to side movement. I feel a ball and socket joint would have been better for a wider range of motion. The next part are the hip armor skirts. While they used a ball and socket at the waist, the connection to the armor was another hook and socket which made it awkward to get in to a position and I think needlessly restricted movement of the parts. Lastly the feet, much like with the Rune God, prior the feet are really restricted in the movement, mostly in the forward direction. Which makes it difficult to get to stand on its own with out making it lean forward awkwardly from the hips/waist to counter balance the wings in the back. Basically requiring a base for it to be upright in almost any pose. I think if the golden portion of the ankle was allowed to move even just up and down that would have helped. I expect similar with the remaining two models. That said as a saving grace, the head has much better range of then the Rune God, and all the other joints and points of motion are good and work very well.
The wind effects in this photo, are a separate kit that that you can get for about $9.00 from Good Smile Co. and and each of the three sections come in three parts with the assembly instructions on the back of the box. They where also easy to assemble, with snug fittings and have decent balance not tipping over too easily. And definitely add a nice look to Windom, so I am glad I picked them up and also got the ones for the remaining two. Sadly I couldn’t find similar for the rune god, but I think the translucent sword and angle wings make it sand out just fine.
In closing I still say the over all it’s definitely not a bad kit, and if a Rayearth fan and or a fan of the air spirit totally worth picking up if you can. I am going give it a 3.5 out of 5 mainly because it can’t stand on its own due to the feet issues. The model can get picked up directly from Good Smile Company’s website for about $30 plus shipping if it’s in stock still. Though I have seen other prices ranging all the way upward of $60 from third parties.
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evamazumder · 7 months
Maximizing Facebook Marketing for Rapid Brand Growth
In today's fast-paced digital landscape, leveraging social media platforms like Facebook has become essential for brands aiming to achieve rapid growth and widespread visibility. With its extensive user base and robust advertising features, Facebook offers unparalleled opportunities for businesses to connect with their target audience effectively.
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Here's a comprehensive guide on how to make the best use of Facebook marketing to market a brand in a short time:
1. Define Clear Objectives:
Before diving into Facebook marketing, outline specific goals such as increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, generating leads, or boosting sales.
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Clear objectives will guide your marketing strategies and help measure success accurately.
2. Create Compelling Content:
Engaging content is the cornerstone of successful Facebook marketing. Develop high-quality visuals, videos, and written posts that resonate with your audience's interests, pain points, and aspirations. Incorporate storytelling elements to make your brand memorable and relatable.
3. Optimize Page Setup:
Ensure your Facebook business page is fully optimized with a compelling profile picture, cover photo, and a concise yet informative "About" section. Provide relevant contact information and include keywords for improved search visibility.
4. Utilize Facebook Ads:
Facebook's robust advertising platform allows brands to target specific demographics, interests, behaviors, and locations.
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Experiment with different ad formats such as carousel ads, video ads, and slideshow ads to determine which resonates best with your audience. Set clear budgets and monitor ad performance regularly to optimize campaigns for maximum impact.
5. Harness the Power of Video:
Video content continues to dominate social media platforms, and Facebook is no exception.
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Incorporate video into your marketing strategy to convey your brand message in a more dynamic and engaging way. Whether it's product demos, behind-the-scenes footage, or customer testimonials, leverage video to captivate your audience's attention.
6. Engage with Your Audience:
Actively engage with your audience by responding to comments, messages, and reviews promptly.
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Encourage user-generated content through contests, polls, and user testimonials to foster a sense of community and loyalty around your brand.
7. Leverage Facebook Groups:
Join relevant Facebook groups within your niche and participate in discussions to establish thought leadership and build relationships with potential customers.
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Share valuable insights, answer questions, and subtly promote your products or services without being overly promotional.
8. Implement Retargeting Strategies:
Implement Facebook Pixel on your website to track user interactions and behavior.
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Utilize retargeting ads to re-engage website visitors who have shown interest in your products or services but haven't made a purchase yet. Personalize ad content based on their previous interactions to encourage conversion.
9. Monitor and Analyze Performance:
Regularly monitor key metrics such as reach, engagement, click-through rates, and conversion rates to gauge the effectiveness of your Facebook marketing efforts.
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Use data-driven insights to refine your strategies, experiment with new approaches, and optimize performance over time.
10. Stay Updated with Trends and Algorithm Changes:
Keep abreast of the latest Facebook trends, algorithm changes, and best practices to stay ahead of the competition.
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Adapt your strategies accordingly to ensure continued success in reaching and engaging your target audience.
By following these tips and leveraging the full potential of Facebook marketing, brands can effectively promote their products or services, expand their reach, and achieve rapid growth within a short period. Consistency, creativity, and strategic targeting are key to maximizing the impact of Facebook marketing campaigns and establishing a strong brand presence in today's competitive digital landscape.
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stuartm1962 · 1 year
How to get the lowest parcel delivery prices
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In today’s era of e-commerce, courier services are in high demand. The convenience of online shopping is now the norm, and more and more businesses are moving to a digital approach. Whether you’re a consumer or a business owner, the demand for reliable and affordable delivery services has skyrocketed. Parcel comparison websites can fill that demand. These innovative platforms allow you to instantly compare shipping options from hundreds of courier services all over the world. Saving you time, effort and money in the process.
 How Do They Work?
 Gone are the days of searching the internet and contacting multiple courier companies individually to find the best delivery service for your parcels. Parcel comparison websites have streamlined the process by bringing all the essential information together in one place. These websites act as a centralized hub, where users can input their delivery requirements, compare quotes and availability, then select the most suitable service provider for their needs. If it’s important you use the most sustainable company, they’ll be an option for that. If you’re looking for a company that will ship paint’s, perfumes or alcohol, you’ll find one instantly. Usually, you can sign up for an account and book your shipment through the comparison website and in most cases, it’s worth doing! A good number of parcel comparison platforms offer cheaper delivery rates than if you booked directly through the courier. By partnering with big names in the logistics industry, they book jobs in bulk, securing discounts they pass on to their customers. Offering up to 70% off for the same great service. Some even offer their own insurance options for more valuable items.
 Benefits Of Parcel Comparison Websites
 1.    Save time and effort: With a parcel comparison website, you can save a significant amount of time and effort that would otherwise be spent on researching and contacting various courier companies individually. By simply inputting your parcel's details, such as weight, dimensions, and destination, you can instantly compare quotes from multiple service providers, and book your shipment in just a few clicks.
 2.    Cost Efficiency: Parcel comparison websites allow you to compare delivery costs from various couriers, so you can choose the most cost-effective option that suits your budget. By accessing competitive rates and special deals, you can save a substantial amount on your shipping expenses and still receive the same standard of service as if you booked directly.
 3.    Detailed Information: Parcel comparison websites provide transparent and detailed information about the services offered by different courier companies. This includes delivery times, tracking capabilities, insurance coverage, and customer reviews. Having access to this comprehensive data helps you make informed decisions based on your specific requirements.
 4.    Wide Range of Service Providers: Collaborating with a vast network of reputable courier companies, both international and domestic. They ensure that you have access to a wide range of service options, regardless of the size or destination of your parcel. This means you can ship items to and from pretty much anywhere in the world with very little hassle.
 5.    Bonus Features: Many parcel comparison websites offer additional features such as online shipment tracking, better customer support, insurance options, and the use of designated drop-off points. These value-added services enhance the overall convenience and reliability of the parcel delivery process. Giving you better value for money and an overall more positive experience.
 Tips And Tricks
 Triple Check Parcel Information: To obtain     accurate quotes and delivery options, make sure that you provide the     precise information about your parcel's weight, dimensions, and     destination. This will help prevent any surprises or discrepancies later     on, ensuring your parcel arrives safely at its destination.
 Research Reviews: Always take advantage of     customer reviews and ratings available on parcel comparison websites.     TrustPilot and similar sites offer valuable insights into the reliability     and quality of service provided by different courier companies.
 Consider Delivery Times: While cost is an     important factor, also consider the estimated delivery times offered by     different service providers. Depending on your needs, you may prioritise     speed over cost savings or vice versa.
 Look For Insurance Coverage: If your parcel     contains valuable or fragile items, choose a service that offers insurance     coverage and save yourself some heartbreak. Be sure to review the terms     and conditions to understand the extent of coverage provided.
 A game-changer in the world of e-commerce, parcel comparison websites make it easier to find the right delivery service for your packages. Compare costs, turnaround times, and service quality from a number of reliable courier businesses. These platforms offer an all-in-one option, saving you time and money while ensuring your parcels arrive quickly and safely. Streamline your parcel delivery experience today.
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skyjynxart · 1 year
So June’s been... A Time.
Hello everyone! Firstly, I am posting this in more places than normal because I've actually gotten several (very sweet!) DMs expressing concern and I just don't have the energy to reply to everyone swiftly ;; So this is hopefully to help assuage some of those worries while taking up less of my limited brainpower right now- thank you so much for understanding!
Secondly, I wanna say that most of June has been fantastic! I did a lot of fun things and I'm over all very happy about the month as a whole, but my body isn't too pleased with me- there's a little more rambling about that below, if you're here for the TL;DR:
I've been slow/quiet, and I'm probably going to continue to be that way for a little bit! I will not be stopping work, as I can't afford to, but please be patient with me if I'm struggling to be chatty like normal! No need to read farther unless you'd like to know details about my health/personal situation, and I will not begrudge you at all if you wouldn't! And for the longer version:
( I'm very sorry if I come across as whiny, I don't talk about this often for a reason ;; )
Something I don't discuss very often, even with close friends, is that I actually live with chronic pain. I'm pretty well conditioned not to think about it overmuch, and to not even really think about it in those terms, but when looking at the "accurate pain scale" my standard day tends to be between 3 and 5- you can usually tell when I'm having a very good day and am more at around 1-2, because I'm extra productive. Typically, I blame this on my arthritis, however it's probably something more than that, as the arthritis is concentrated in my hands/wrists, but the pain is often in my entire body. I won't be finding out what it actually is anytime soon, though, because I'm self employed in America. hah
That said, starting from the end of May, I have been at a 5-6 consistently. The last week-ish, it has been at 7-9. Constantly. It's been hard to think, hard to move, hard to accomplish basic tasks. Picking up a pen or pencil hurts. Typing this hurts, not just in my hands, but all the way up through my elbows and into my shoulders. Today was a little better than normal, and I tried doing a tiny portion of my workout routine, and I regret it.
I'm sorry to the people I've fibbed to by offering other excuses- I know I have to a couple and it's just often easier to say "I'm tired and I don't know why".
My best guess is that this is due to air pressure changes- the weather has been all kinds of funky where I live as a result of the Canadian wildfires.
Regardless of the cause, generally, when I have days this bad where I can't really think properly, I will shift focus to the bare minimum of what needs done- if that's a commission because I need to keep up on my TDL, then I will endure a few hours with a pencil. If that's some household chores, I'll manage them very slowly. Unfortunately, such a prolonged string of bad days means I've utterly neglected anything 'non-essential'- which happens to include checking messages, responding to DMs, and... well, everything requiring brain function or body function except the bare minimum to feed myself and slooowly work through owed art ( blessings to you amazing, patient people who've waited on me ;; )
I'm trying- I really am, but this is a lot more prolonged than I'm used to, so I need to figure out new ways of coping. ( if anyone has any tips for bone pain that AREN'T taking a hot soak in the bath, I'd love to hear them, but you're not obligated! ). This is something I really hesitated to share at all- typically, discussing my health with people I know IRL results in a lot of dismissal, but I really feel it's best to be fully accountable and honest about this ( and maybe being honest with you guys will help me be more honest with myself about it ), so that I can communicate when I'm going to be quiet because I'm having health problems that are normal for me- seeing other creators talking about their health in an honest and open way like this has done wonders for how I think about my own situation, so maybe I can be that for someone else, too.
Anyway, sorry I so often seem to end up posting updates that are 5 paragraphs long- I should PROBABLY work on being a little less wordy, haha. Thank you if you read to the bottom, and truly, no worries if you didn't ( and are seeing this because you skipped to the end ). I'm doing my best and I'm going to continue to do my best for you. <3
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miraclesabound · 2 years
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I posted 4,895 times in 2022
That's 2,753 more posts than 2021!
240 posts created (5%)
4,655 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,190 of my posts in 2022
#dracula daily - 99 posts
#our flag means death - 27 posts
#the sandman - 16 posts
#moon knight - 11 posts
#the sandman netflix - 10 posts
#ofmd - 9 posts
#darlin darlin daaaarlin - 9 posts
#whale weekly - 9 posts
#the sandman fanfic - 8 posts
#ha! - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 129 characters
#two thirds of my family wouldn't exist if my nana couldn't get her ectopic pregnancy treated and that was in 1963 for fuck's sake
My Top Posts in 2022:
Ooooh, I’m excited for this part! I had hoped that the editor would choose to do the Demeter section as it happened, but I wasn’t sure. I do understand the original choice, and it doesn’t surprise me that Mina would have pasted this into her journal.
For those wondering, “backsheesh” should apparently be spelled as “baksheesh” - it’s a form of tipping/bribery. Wikipedia has a good article here explaining its cultural background. I figure the captain notes it just to keep track of the ship’s funding.
The Mediterranean may not be the largest sea, but the idea of being stuck out in the waters for days on end with *something* being on board your vessel with you is suitably spooky. On a lighter note, I’m imagining Izzy Hands from OFMD as the first mate of the Demeter. Lord knows he wouldn’t stand for superstitious vampiric nonsense.
166 notes - Posted July 18, 2022
Bram Stoker may get ridiculous at times, but entries like today's from the local paper are some of his finest work. I could so easily imagine the great beauty before the storm, and the crowds of Whitby hoping against hope that the Demeter would make it safely. If a new modern adaptation is made, I hope they get this part right.
240 notes - Posted August 8, 2022
Faithful to the End
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Summary: Morpheus’s wife has a nightmare - or more accurately, a Nightmare tries to have her.
Pairing(s): Morpheus/F!Reader, one-sided Corinthian/F!Reader
Notes: Set post-Season 1. I’m using the show’s continuity, along with Neil Gaiman’s statement that the version of the Corinthian in the show is pansexual. Also available at AO3.
Warnings: Sexual harassment, unwanted kissing, threat of sexual assault, nightmares, suggestions of smut. Reader is never in any true danger, but she doesn’t know that at first.
Tag List - @writeforfandoms, @insomniamamma, @darklingveracruz, @morpheus-helm, @bowieandqueen11, @mylifeisactuallyamess​, @whovianayesha​, @blueeyesatnight​​
“Beautiful weather, isn’t it?” your driver asks. “You made the right decision asking for the convertible today, Your Grace.”
You smile, your eyes half-closed against the sun. “I thought so too,” you say. “Thank you, Corinthian.”
“Not at all,” the blond Nightmare says. If he’s squinting as well, you can’t tell – he’s wearing his usual black sunglasses. “Now, where did you want to go?”
“Hmmm…OH!” You sit up higher in your passenger seat. “Over there!” You’ve been driving through rolling hills, and on the next ridge, you see a large tree. “That’s perfect!”
“You got it.” When he’s close enough, the Corinthian drives the car under the tree’s shade. Cutting the engine, he steps out and around, opening your door and offering his hand. You smile and take it, using the extra support to stand up.
Getting a closer look at the tree, you’re glad you stopped. There are blossoms here that you’ve never seen before in the Dreaming, and they glitter like spun sugar. “Oh, they’re wonderful!” you say, and start to walk forward to the tree.
However, you’re stopped by the Corinthian’s hand - it’s still gripping yours tightly. Looking back, you ask him, “Is something wrong?” To your shock and horror, he turns your hand over, bringing it to his lips and kissing the palm.
“What are you doing!?” you shriek, yanking yourself free from him. “Are you trying to enrage my Morpheus?”
“No, my queen – if I wanted to do that, this is what I would do.” Before you can stop him, he pulls you into his arms and kisses you deeply. You push and shove at his chest, but he’s too strong. Without breaking his lips from yours, he backs you against the tree, pressing his body against your curves.
For a few awful seconds, he has you at his complete mercy, pinning your hands above your head while he explores your mouth with his own. Just when you’re about to pass out from lack of air, he pulls away, smiling at you. “I’ve wanted to do that for years,” he says.
You can’t break his grip, so instead, you spit, managing to hit his glasses. “You’re going to pay for this insult,” you hiss. “When my husband gets here –”
“Your husband is pathetic,” the Corinthian interrupts, his smile turning even more frightening than usual. “You deserve someone strong, someone who knows what to do for such a fine woman, someone who won’t abandon you for a century.” Letting your wrists go, he removes his sunglasses, exposing those horrific eye-sockets. “Say you’ll be mine, and we’ll rule the Dreaming for ourselves.”
Instead of answering him, you let out a scream. When your shriek pierces the air, a crack in the ground opens, pulling you out of his reach. “You’re the pathetic one here, Corinthian,” you say. The tree he’d used to trap you lowers a branch for you to sit on, and you lean into it as if you’re settling into a hammock. “Do you really think I need your help to shape the Dreaming? I am the Dream King’s bride – this land loves me as much as he does.”
The Corinthian sinks to his knees, and for a moment he looks almost wounded. “My queen, please…I’ve been in love with you for so long – do you truly feel nothing for me?”
Your branch carries you gently across the chasm, and you land on your feet in front of him. “You were my friend until now, and I treasure that – but no. I don’t love you.”
His look of pain becomes a snarl. “Then you’ll pay.” He begins to pull a blade out from within his blazer.
“NO.” Morpheus’ voice echoes all around, and you feel him appear behind you. “This ends now.” He pulls you close and whispers in your ear. “Darling, you need to wake up.” You blink – and the meadow around you disappears, along with the Corinthian himself.
When you return to yourself, you recognize your and Morpheus’ shared chambers in the Palace. The two of you are still in bed, and he strokes your cheek to make sure you’re fully awake. “Are you all right?” he asks. “I could sense everything that was happening.”
“I think so…” You scoot in close to him, feeling the solidness of his body. “Is the Corinthian back?”
Morpheus kisses your forehead. “He’s safely in the vault until I can figure out what to do with him,” he promises. “The being you saw is a scrap of memory.”
“A false memory, then,” you say. “He certainly wasn’t in love with me, I would have remembered.”
Your husband has never been especially talkative, but his silence after your statement is concerning. “…he wasn’t, surely?” you ask.
“It…wouldn’t be impossible.” Morpheus tilts your chin up, and you see the concern in his beautiful eyes. “You’re right that the Dreaming looks after you because it’s part of me. But the Corinthian had part of me too. If he inherited any of my affection for you, he would have thought you the queen of his heart.”
See the full post
445 notes - Posted August 24, 2022
I'm sure I'm not the only one who noticed, but I love how all three main couples on OFMD got together in different ways.
- Jim and Olu - they've always been each other's Person(tm), and that ripened into a lovely romance.
- Lucius and Black Pete - the sexual chemistry was there, and the realization of "Oh shit, I really like you!" came afterwards.
- Ed and Stede- almost your classic Regency romance, where you don't kiss until you're just about ready to share your life with someone.
The show would have been so much weaker if the romance styles had all been the same.
663 notes - Posted March 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
As much as this entry destroyed me emotionally, especially as a parent, I realized it showed a perfect Rule of Three of the courage of the people of Transylvania.
1) The woman who gave Jon her crucifix to wear - she couldn't go with him to the castle, but she was willing to offer what protection she had.
2) The man who tried to keep Jon from his coach- this was more direct action, but when faced by the Count (or his alleged "associate"), couldn't fight back out of fear. Sometimes, all you can do is just try to gum up the works and buy some time.
3) The woman at the gate in today's entry- what guts! She knew full well what the Count and his brides were, and she still was pounding on the door of the castle to the bitter end, praying for the slimmest possibility that her kid was still alive.
There's a pretty substantial vein of discontent and resistance among the Transylvanian people against Dracula, and I wish modern adaptations did more with that.
1,691 notes - Posted June 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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finept · 2 days
Current Dental Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Practice
In today’s competitive healthcare environment, dental practices need to embrace modern marketing strategies to thrive. As a dental professional, your expertise lies in providing exceptional care, but marketing plays a crucial role in attracting and retaining patients. Dental marketing is essential to differentiate your practice, build trust, and maintain long-term relationships with patients. Below, we’ll explore some highly effective dental marketing strategies that can help you grow your practice and reach a wider audience.
1. Optimize Your Website for SEO Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the foundation of any successful digital marketing strategy. It involves optimizing your website so that it ranks higher on search engines like Google, making it easier for potential patients to find you. Keywords such as "dentist near me" or "dental implants" are commonly used by people searching for services. Including relevant keywords, such as dental marketing, in your website’s content, meta descriptions, and blog posts will help increase your visibility online.
To improve SEO: Ensure your website is mobile-friendly and loads quickly.
Create content that answers common dental-related questions (e.g., "What are dental implants?" or "How to prevent gum disease?").
Use local SEO techniques, such as adding your dental practice to Google My Business with accurate contact information and office hours.
Regularly update your blog with fresh, informative content.
2. Leverage Social Media Marketing Social media has become an essential tool in reaching and engaging with patients. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn allow dental practices to share information, interact with followers, and highlight services. Through consistent posting, you can create a loyal following and stay top-of-mind for patients who may need dental services.
What to post: Before-and-after pictures of dental procedures (with patient consent). Educational posts about dental hygiene tips, treatments, and innovations in dentistry. Patient testimonials and reviews.
Promotions and special offers, such as discounted cleanings or new patient consultations. Paid advertising on platforms like Facebook and Instagram can also enhance visibility. Target specific demographics, such as location or age, to attract potential patients in your area. 3. Implement Email Marketing Campaigns Email marketing is one of the most cost-effective methods to communicate with existing patients and encourage them to return for regular checkups or dental treatments. Through newsletters or targeted email campaigns, you can share updates, promotions, and educational content.
Some tips for successful email marketing: Personalize your emails by addressing recipients by name. Use engaging subject lines to increase open rates. Include a call-to-action (CTA) that encourages recipients to schedule an appointment or take advantage of a special offer. Segment your email list to send more relevant content to different patient groups, such as new patients versus long-term patients.
4. Encourage Online Reviews Online reviews can significantly impact a potential patient's decision to choose your dental practice. Most people trust peer recommendations and reviews when choosing healthcare providers. Encourage satisfied patients to leave positive reviews on platforms like Google, Yelp, or Facebook.
To encourage more reviews: Ask patients directly after their appointments to leave a review. Send follow-up emails with a link to your review page.
Offer incentives, such as entry into a raffle or a discount on their next service, for leaving a review (if allowed by your local regulations).
Respond to reviews, whether positive or negative, to show that you care about patient feedback and are committed to providing excellent service. 5. Invest in Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising While SEO can organically improve your search rankings over time, PPC advertising can provide immediate visibility on search engines. With PPC ads, your dental practice can appear at the top of search results for specific keywords, such as "best dentist in [your city]" or "cosmetic dentistry services."
To maximize the effectiveness of PPC campaigns: Choose highly targeted keywords that align with your practice's services. Create compelling ad copy that highlights your practice’s unique value propositions, such as "affordable dental care" or "experienced cosmetic dentist."
Set a budget that works for your practice, and continually monitor the performance of your ads to ensure a good return on investment (ROI).
6. Partner with Local Businesses Building partnerships with other local businesses can help you reach more potential patients. Collaborate with businesses such as gyms, wellness centers, or beauty salons to cross-promote each other’s services. For example, a spa might refer their clients to your practice for teeth whitening services in exchange for you referring patients to their business for relaxation treatments.
7. Use Video Marketing Video content is highly engaging and can significantly boost your online visibility. Create short, informative videos showcasing your expertise, office environment, and patient success stories. Posting these videos on platforms like YouTube and sharing them on social media can help potential patients feel more comfortable and connected with your practice. Popular video topics include: Virtual office tours. Explaining common dental procedures. Answering frequently asked dental questions. Patient testimonials or success stories.
Incorporating a comprehensive dental marketing strategy into your practice is essential for growth and patient retention. By optimizing your website for SEO, leveraging social media and email marketing, encouraging online reviews, investing in PPC advertising, and engaging with your community through partnerships, you can set your dental practice apart from the competition. Remember, consistent effort in marketing will result in long-term benefits for your practice’s success.
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tantaricmassage · 5 days
Reporting Lost Property Online: A Modern Solution for Recovering Your Belongings
In today’s fast-paced world, losing personal belongings—whether a smartphone left in a café or a briefcase misplaced at an airport—can be a significant inconvenience. Fortunately, the advent of digital technology has made reporting lost property more accessible and efficient than ever before. Reporting lost property online offers a streamlined approach to recovering your items, providing convenience and efficiency in a time of stress. This article explores the benefits and process of reporting lost property online, helping you navigate this modern solution with ease.
 The Convenience of Reporting Lost Property Online
Reporting lost property online brings numerous advantages over traditional methods. Here’s why opting for an online approach can enhance your chances of recovering your lost items:
1. Accessibility and Convenience: Online reporting platforms are available 24/7, allowing you to report lost items at any time and from anywhere. Whether you’re at home, at work, or on the go, you can file a report without needing to visit a physical location or wait for business hours.
2. Centralized Information: Many online platforms consolidate lost property reports for various organizations, such as airports, public transportation systems, and retail stores. This centralized approach increases the visibility of your report, making it easier for lost items to be identified and matched with their rightful owners.
3. Real-Time Tracking: Online systems often provide real-time tracking of your report. This means you can monitor the status of your lost property, receive updates, and communicate directly with the lost and found departments managing your report.
4. Detailed Reporting: Online forms typically allow for detailed descriptions and additional information about the lost item. Providing thorough details enhances the chances of your item being correctly identified and recovered.
 How to Report Lost Property Online
The process of reporting lost property online is generally straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate this modern solution effectively:
1. Find the Right Platform: Identify the appropriate online platform or service for reporting lost property. This could be a dedicated lost and found website, the official site of an organization like an airport or public transit system, or a third-party service that consolidates reports.
2. Fill Out the Report Form: Access the online report form and provide all required information. Key details typically include:
   - Description of the Item: Include a detailed description, such as color, brand, size, and any distinguishing features.
   - Location of Loss: Specify where and when the item was lost. Accurate location information helps in tracking down the item.
   - Contact Information: Provide your contact details so that the lost and found department can reach you if your item is found.
3. Submit the Report: After filling out the form, submit your report. Some platforms may offer a confirmation email or message to verify that your report has been received.
4. Track and Follow Up: Use the platform’s tracking tools to monitor the status of your report. If there are any updates or new developments, you’ll be notified. Be prepared to follow up with additional information if required.
5. Retrieve Your Item: If your item is located, follow the instructions provided by the lost and found department for retrieving it. This may involve visiting a specific location, providing identification, or arranging for shipping.
 Tips for Successful Online Reporting
1. Be Detailed and Accurate: The more information you provide about your lost item, the better the chances of recovery. Include specifics such as the item’s make, model, and any unique characteristics.
2. Act Quickly: Report your lost item as soon as you realize it’s missing. Prompt reporting increases the likelihood of recovery, especially if the item is found shortly after being lost.
3. Check Regularly: Monitor the status of your report and stay updated on any new information. Regular checks can help you stay informed about the recovery process.
4. Use Multiple Channels: If you don’t find success with one platform, consider reporting your lost item through multiple channels. For example, you might report it on the official site as well as a third-party service.
5. Stay Patient and Persistent: Recovering lost property can take time. Be patient and persistent, and continue to follow up as needed.
 The Future of Lost Property Reporting
As technology continues to advance, the process of reporting and recovering lost property is likely to become even more streamlined and efficient. Innovations such as AI-driven identification systems, improved tracking technologies, and enhanced online interfaces will further enhance the user experience, making it easier for individuals to recover their belongings.
In conclusion, reporting lost property online represents a modern and efficient approach to dealing with the inconvenience of misplaced items. By leveraging digital tools and platforms, you can navigate the lost and found process with greater ease and increase your chances of recovering your belongings. Whether you’re dealing with a lost wallet, a forgotten laptop, or any other item, the online reporting process offers a convenient and effective solution for reclaiming what’s yours.
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hayleymedbil · 7 days
Opening Success: The Benefits of Becoming Medical Billing and Coding Certified
**Unlocking Success: The ⁢Benefits ​of Becoming Medical Billing and Coding Certified**
Are you considering a career in the healthcare industry but aren’t sure⁣ where ​to start? Becoming certified in medical billing ‍and ‍coding could be ⁣the first step towards a ⁤successful ⁤and rewarding career. In this article, we’ll explore ​the​ benefits of getting ⁣certified in ⁣this field and why it’s a smart choice for anyone looking to enter the healthcare industry.
**Why Become Certified in Medical Billing and⁢ Coding?**
Medical billing and coding professionals play a crucial role in the healthcare industry,⁢ ensuring that healthcare providers are reimbursed for​ their services​ and that patient records are accurately coded for insurance purposes.​ Getting certified in ‌medical billing and coding can ⁤open up a world of opportunities, including:
1. **Job Security**: The⁣ demand for qualified medical billing and coding professionals is on the rise, making it a stable and secure career choice.
2. **Competitive Salary**: Certified professionals often earn⁣ higher‍ salaries than‌ their non-certified counterparts, making certification ​a valuable ‍investment in your future.
3. **Career Growth**: With certification, you’ll have⁢ the opportunity to ‌advance your career and take on more ‌responsibilities in various healthcare settings.
4. **Flexibility**: ​Medical billing⁣ and coding professionals can work in hospitals, clinics, insurance companies, and ‌other healthcare settings, ⁤giving⁣ you the flexibility to choose a work environment‌ that suits your needs.
5. **Work-Life‍ Balance**: Many medical billing and coding positions offer‌ flexible ​work schedules, allowing you ⁤to maintain​ a healthy work-life balance.
**Benefits ‌and Practical Tips**
1. **Higher​ Earning⁤ Potential**: According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, certified medical billing and coding professionals earn an average of $42,630‍ per year, compared to $26,350 for non-certified professionals.
2.⁤ **Job Growth**: The‍ healthcare industry is expected to add over 29,000 medical billing and coding jobs by 2029, creating ⁣ample ⁤opportunities⁤ for certified professionals.
3. **Career Advancement**: With ⁣certification, you ⁤may qualify⁢ for more advanced positions such as medical coding specialist, billing ⁢supervisor, or‌ health information manager.
4.⁤ **Continuing Education**: To‍ maintain your certification, you’ll need to complete continuing education courses, keeping you ⁣up-to-date on the latest industry trends and regulations.
**Case​ Study: Sarah’s⁤ Success Story**
Sarah was working as a medical office assistant when ​she decided to pursue certification in medical billing and coding. After becoming⁢ certified, she was able to secure a new position as a billing ‌specialist at a prestigious healthcare facility, ‌where she now enjoys job security, competitive⁣ pay, and opportunities for career advancement.
**Firsthand Experience**
“I‌ never thought I would enjoy working in medical billing and coding as much as I ‍do. Getting⁤ certified was the best‌ decision ‌I ever made ‍for my career. I love being‍ a⁣ part of the‌ healthcare‍ industry and ⁢knowing that I’m making⁢ a difference in‍ patients’ ‍lives.” – Emily, Certified Medical Billing and ⁤Coding ‌Professional
becoming certified in medical billing and coding is​ a smart choice for anyone looking to enter ⁣the healthcare industry. With job security, competitive salaries, and opportunities for career growth, certification can unlock ⁣a‌ world of possibilities for your ⁢future. If you’re ready to take the next step towards a successful ⁢and rewarding⁢ career, consider becoming certified​ in medical ⁢billing and coding today.
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Effective PTE Preparation: Key Strategies to Ace Your Exam
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If you're aiming for a high score in the Pearson Test of English (PTE), understanding effective preparation techniques is crucial. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your skills, adopting a structured approach can make all the difference. At Vision Language Experts, we provide insights and resources to help you excel, including PTE preparation strategies and online practice tips.
1. Understand the PTE Test Format
Before diving into your preparation, familiarize yourself with the PTE exam format. The PTE assesses your speaking, writing, reading, and listening skills. Each section has a different set of tasks that demand specific skills. Knowing what to expect in each section will allow you to tailor your study plan accordingly.
2. Set Achievable Goals
When preparing for the PTE, setting clear, realistic goals is essential. Identify your strengths and weaknesses in each section and allocate more time to the areas where improvement is needed. This focused approach ensures that you’re improving your overall performance in the test.
3. Incorporate PTE Practice Online
Using online PTE practice resources is one of the best ways to prepare efficiently. Online platforms offer mock tests, timed exercises, and instant feedback, allowing you to gauge your performance in real-time. Regular online practice is crucial for building familiarity with the test’s format, improving your response time, and minimizing errors.
At Vision Language Experts, we offer tailored PTE practice online tools that simulate the real test environment, helping you get comfortable under timed conditions.
4. Focus on Time Management
Time management is key in the PTE exam, especially with tasks like reading and listening. Practice completing questions within the given time to enhance your speed without compromising accuracy. Time yourself when taking PTE practice online to improve your ability to manage the test's time constraints effectively.
5. Practice Speaking and Writing Daily
In the speaking and writing sections, fluency and clarity are crucial. For speaking, practice using language that is easy to understand, and work on your pronunciation. In the writing section, focus on organizing your responses logically and using accurate grammar. Consistent practice in both areas will boost your confidence and help you avoid common mistakes.
6. Take Full-Length Mock Tests
Mock tests provide an opportunity to assess your performance under actual test conditions. This will not only help you understand the types of questions asked but also build endurance for the full-length exam. After completing each mock test, review your mistakes and work on the areas that need improvement.
7. Use Feedback to Improve
Feedback is invaluable for improvement. Whether it's through an online platform or a professional tutor, make sure you’re receiving detailed feedback on your responses. This will help you understand your weaknesses and address them more effectively.
8. Maintain Consistency and Discipline
Consistent study habits and disciplined practice are vital for success. Make a daily schedule that incorporates practice for all sections of the PTE test. Over time, regular study will help solidify your skills and improve your confidence.
Achieving success in the PTE exam requires not only knowledge but also the right preparation strategies. With the help of PTE practice online tools and a focused study plan, you can significantly improve your chances of scoring well. At Vision Language Experts, we provide comprehensive resources, mock tests, and expert guidance to support your journey to success.
Start your PTE preparation today and take advantage of our online practice tools to sharpen your skills and ace the exam!
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Opening the Potential of Medical Billing From Home Jobs: How to Start Your Career Remotely
Title: Unlocking the ⁤Potential ​of Medical Billing From Home Jobs: How to ​Start Your Career Remotely
Meta Title: Start Your Career​ in Medical Billing From Home:⁢ A Comprehensive Guide
Meta Description: Interested in starting a career ⁤in ‌medical billing from the comfort of ​your​ home? ‌Learn how to get started, the ⁢benefits of remote work, and practical tips for success⁣ in this comprehensive guide.
Introduction: In⁢ today’s fast-paced world, the demand for remote work opportunities is on the rise. One field that has seen​ significant growth in ‍the remote work sector ‌is medical‍ billing.⁤ Medical billing professionals play a ⁣crucial role in⁤ the healthcare industry ⁣by ensuring that healthcare providers receive proper reimbursement for their ​services. Working from home as a‍ medical biller offers flexibility, work-life balance,⁣ and the opportunity to build a lucrative career ‍in a ⁤high-demand field. In this comprehensive guide, we ⁣will explore how⁣ you can unlock the potential of medical billing from home ⁣jobs ⁣and start your career remotely.
Benefits of Medical Billing From‌ Home Jobs: – Flexible ​work ⁣schedule: Remote medical billing jobs allow you to work ⁤at your own pace⁣ and set your own​ hours, providing greater flexibility​ and work-life balance. – Cost savings:⁤ Working from⁣ home eliminates the need for commuting, professional attire, and other expenses associated with working in a traditional ‌office setting. – Career growth opportunities: With the increasing demand for medical ⁢billing services, remote medical billers have plenty of opportunities for career advancement and ⁢growth. – Increased job satisfaction: Remote work has been shown to‍ increase job satisfaction and overall happiness, leading to better productivity and performance. – Reduced stress: Working from home can⁢ help reduce⁤ stress levels and improve overall well-being,⁢ as you⁤ have more control over your work⁢ environment ​and schedule.
How ⁤to Start‌ Your Career in Medical Billing From Home: 1. Obtain the necessary education and training: To start a career in medical billing, you will need to⁣ have a high ⁣school ⁣diploma or equivalent, as well as⁤ specialized training in⁢ medical⁢ billing​ and coding. Many community colleges and online institutions offer⁣ certificate and ⁢diploma programs in ‍medical billing that can ‍help you ‍gain the necessary skills and knowledge.
2. Gain ​hands-on experience:⁤ To become a⁤ successful medical biller, it is essential⁣ to gain hands-on experience in the field. Consider ⁤volunteering or ‍interning at a healthcare facility or medical billing company to get a feel for the job and learn ⁣from‌ experienced professionals.
3. Obtain industry‌ certifications: ‍Industry certifications such as Certified Professional Biller​ (CPB) or Certified Professional Coder (CPC) can boost your credentials and⁤ make you more competitive in the job market. These certifications demonstrate your ⁣expertise and commitment to the field of medical billing.
4. Set up a⁤ home office:‍ To work effectively from home as a‌ medical biller, you will need ⁤a ⁣dedicated⁤ workspace with a computer, high-speed internet access, ​and a phone line. Create a comfortable and ​organized home⁢ office environment that allows ‌you ‍to focus and stay productive.
5. Find remote job opportunities:⁢ There are many online job boards‍ and websites dedicated to remote work opportunities in ‍the⁢ medical billing field. Look for ‌job postings from healthcare organizations, medical billing companies, and telecommuting websites to find remote job opportunities that align with your skills and⁣ experience.
Practical Tips for Success in⁤ Remote Medical Billing: – Stay⁢ organized:⁣ Keep detailed records of patient information, claims, and payments to ensure⁢ accurate and timely billing. – ⁣Communicate effectively: Maintain open communication with healthcare providers, insurance companies, and patients ‍to resolve⁤ billing issues and discrepancies. – ⁢Stay updated on industry trends: Stay ⁣informed about ⁤changes in‌ healthcare regulations, coding guidelines, ⁣and insurance policies to ensure compliance and accuracy in your billing practices. – Network ‍with other medical billers:‍ Join professional ​organizations and online forums to network with​ other medical billers, ⁤share best‌ practices, and stay connected​ with the ⁢industry.
Conclusion: Starting ⁤a career⁤ in medical billing from home⁣ offers ⁣a rewarding opportunity‍ to ⁢build‍ a successful career in ⁢a high-demand field while enjoying‌ the benefits of remote‍ work. By obtaining⁤ the necessary education and training,‍ gaining hands-on experience, obtaining‌ industry certifications, and setting up‌ a home ​office, you can unlock the potential of medical billing from home jobs ⁤and kickstart your career remotely. With dedication, hard work, ⁤and a commitment to excellence, you can thrive as a remote ⁣medical biller ‍and‍ take​ advantage of the⁤ many⁢ benefits‍ that come with working from home in this dynamic and growing field.
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hariramrinwa · 12 days
"Quick and Reliable Printer Repair in Dubai: Your Go-To Solution for Printer Problems"
In today’s fast-paced world, printers are indispensable tools for both homes and offices. Whether you’re printing important documents for a meeting or personal photos, a malfunctioning printer can cause significant disruption. When issues arise, finding a printer repair in Dubai that is quick, reliable, and efficient becomes essential. This blog will guide you through common printer problems, the benefits of professional repair services, and tips for choosing the best printer repair in Dubai.
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Common Printer Issues That Need Repair
Printers are complex devices with various components that can encounter issues over time. Here are some common problems that may require professional printer repair in Dubai:
1. Paper Jams
One of the most frequent problems faced by printer users is paper jams. This can occur when paper gets stuck in the printer due to several reasons, such as incorrect paper handling, dust, or a misaligned paper tray. While some paper jams can be fixed with a simple restart, persistent issues may need a technician to inspect and clean the internal mechanisms to prevent further jams.
2. Poor Print Quality
If your printer starts producing faded, streaky, or blurry prints, it may be a sign of issues with the ink or toner cartridges. Other factors could include clogged print heads or incorrect settings. Professional printer repair in Dubai can help diagnose and address these issues, ensuring that your printer delivers high-quality prints consistently.
3. Connectivity Problems
Many modern printers connect to computers and networks via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. Connectivity issues can arise from network problems, outdated drivers, or software glitches. An experienced technician can troubleshoot and resolve these connectivity problems, ensuring your printer communicates effectively with your devices.
4. Printer Not Responding
If your printer fails to turn on or respond to commands, it could be due to a range of issues, including electrical faults or internal hardware problems. A professional repair service can diagnose the underlying issue and provide the necessary repairs to restore your printer’s functionality.
5. Error Messages and Codes
Printers often display error messages or codes when they encounter problems. These messages can be cryptic and may not provide enough information for you to resolve the issue on your own. A technician specializing in printer repair in Dubai can interpret these codes and address the specific problems causing the errors.
Benefits of Choosing a Professional Printer Repair in Dubai
When your printer malfunctions, opting for professional repair services offers several advantages:
1. Expert Diagnosis and Repair
Professional technicians have the expertise to accurately diagnose and repair a wide range of printer issues. They are trained to handle various printer models and brands, ensuring that your printer is in capable hands. Their experience allows them to quickly identify and fix problems that might be challenging for an untrained person.
2. Time Efficiency
Trying to fix a printer issue on your own can be time-consuming, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the technical aspects of the device. A professional printer repair in Dubai can efficiently address the problem, minimizing downtime and allowing you to get back to your tasks without significant delays.
3. High-Quality Repairs
Technicians use high-quality, genuine parts when replacing faulty components in your printer. This ensures that your printer performs optimally and has a longer lifespan compared to using generic or substandard parts. High-quality repairs also reduce the likelihood of recurring issues.
4. Cost-Effective Solutions
While professional repairs might seem like an added expense, they can be cost-effective in the long run. Proper repairs can prevent minor issues from escalating into more significant problems that could require expensive replacements. Additionally, a well-maintained printer is less likely to break down frequently, saving you money on repeated repairs.
5. Comprehensive Service
A professional repair service often includes additional benefits, such as routine maintenance, cleaning, and advice on preventing future issues. This comprehensive approach helps ensure that your printer remains in good working condition and performs efficiently over time.
Tips for Choosing the Best Printer Repair Service in Dubai
Selecting the right printer repair in Dubai can make a significant difference in the quality and speed of the service you receive. Here are some tips to help you choose the best repair service:
1. Check Reputation and Reviews
Research potential repair services by reading online reviews and testimonials from previous customers. A company with a strong reputation for reliability and customer satisfaction is more likely to provide excellent service. Look for feedback on their expertise, turnaround time, and overall experience.
2. Verify Expertise and Experience
Ensure that the repair service has experience with your printer’s brand and model. Some technicians specialize in specific brands, so finding a service with expertise in your printer type ensures they are familiar with its unique issues and solutions.
3. Evaluate Service Speed
In a bustling city like Dubai, time is of the essence. Choose a repair service that offers quick response times and efficient repair processes. Some companies even offer same-day or next-day services to minimize disruptions to your work or daily routine.
4. Consider Pricing and Transparency
Get quotes from different repair services and compare their pricing. Look for transparent pricing with no hidden fees. While cost is an important factor, prioritize quality and reliability to ensure you receive value for your money.
5. Check for Warranties
A reputable printer repair in Dubai should offer a warranty on their repairs. This guarantees that if the same issue recurs within a specified period, they will address it at no additional cost. A warranty provides peace of mind and reflects the company’s confidence in their workmanship.
Preventive Maintenance Tips
To avoid frequent breakdowns and extend the lifespan of your printer, consider these preventive maintenance tips:
Regular Cleaning: Keep your printer’s interior and exterior clean to prevent dust and debris from causing issues. Regular cleaning helps maintain smooth operation and print quality.
Use Recommended Paper: Always use the recommended paper type and size for your printer to avoid paper jams and ensure optimal performance.
Replace Cartridges Promptly: Replace ink or toner cartridges before they run out completely to prevent damage to the print heads and maintain print quality.
Update Software and Drivers: Keep your printer’s software and drivers updated to ensure compatibility with your computer and prevent software-related issues.
A malfunctioning printer can disrupt your productivity, but with a printer repair in Dubai that is quick, reliable, and professional, you can address issues efficiently and get your printer back in working order. From common problems like paper jams and poor print quality to more complex issues, professional technicians offer the expertise and high-quality repairs needed to restore your printer’s functionality.
By choosing a reputable repair service and performing regular maintenance, you can keep your printer running smoothly and avoid costly replacements. So, the next time you encounter a printer problem, trust a reliable printer repair in Dubai to provide the solutions you need with minimal hassle.
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brookemedbil · 15 days
Simplify Your Medical Billing Practice Management: A Comprehensive Guide to Maximizing Efficiency and Revenue
**Title: Streamline Your Medical Billing Practice Management: A Comprehensive Guide to Maximizing Efficiency⁣ and Revenue**
**Introduction:** In today’s ‍fast-paced healthcare industry, medical billing practice⁢ management plays a ⁢crucial role in the success of any healthcare practice. Efficient management of billing‍ processes not only⁢ ensures timely payments ​from insurance companies ⁣and patients but also maximizes revenue for the practice. In this ‌comprehensive guide, we will explore the various strategies and tools⁣ that ⁤can help streamline your ‌medical billing‌ practice management, ultimately leading to increased efficiency and revenue.
**Benefits of Streamlining Medical Billing Practice Management:**
1. Increased Efficiency: By streamlining your medical billing processes, you can reduce manual tasks, minimize errors, ⁢and automate repetitive tasks, thereby improving overall efficiency. 2. Improved Cash Flow: Timely and accurate billing leads to faster payments and improved cash flow for your practice. 3. Enhanced Revenue Cycle Management: Effective practice management can help you identify areas for improvement in your revenue cycle, leading to ‌increased revenue over time. 4. Better Patient Experience: A streamlined​ billing process can lead to quicker and ‍more accurate billing statements, improving patient satisfaction and loyalty.
**Practical Tips for Streamlining Medical Billing Practice Management:**
1. Use Electronic Health Record (EHR) Systems:‌ Implement a robust ‍EHR system that integrates billing functionalities to streamline the billing process. 2. Automate Eligibility Verification:‍ Utilize automated tools to verify patient insurance eligibility before ‍services​ are provided,‌ reducing claim denials. 3. Outsource Billing Tasks: Consider⁢ outsourcing certain billing tasks to third-party billing companies to free up staff time and resources. 4. Conduct Regular Audits: Regularly audit your ⁤billing processes to identify and address any billing errors or inefficiencies. 5. Invest in Training: Provide ongoing training to your staff‍ to ensure they are up-to-date on the​ latest billing regulations and best practices.
**Case Study:** Dr. Smith’s Family Practice implemented a new medical ⁤billing‌ software that streamlined their billing processes and reduced claim denials​ by ⁢30%. As a result, their revenue increased by 20%⁤ within the⁤ first year of‌ implementation.
**First-Hand ‌Experience:** “I struggled with managing my medical billing ‌processes until I decided to invest in a comprehensive practice management system. The software helped me automate tasks, reduce errors, and ultimately increase revenue for my practice.” – Dr. Johnson, Cardiologist
**Conclusion:** Effective medical billing practice management is vital ‍for the financial⁤ success of‍ any healthcare ‌practice. By implementing the​ right strategies and tools to streamline ‌your billing processes, you can improve efficiency, maximize revenue, and enhance the overall patient experience. Remember to regularly assess and ​fine-tune your billing practices to stay ahead in the ⁢constantly evolving healthcare landscape.
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sattamatkakaylan · 16 days
The Fascinating World of Satta Matka: Kalyan Matka Unveiled
Welcome to the captivating realm of Satta Matka, where fortunes are won and lost in the blink of an eyThe Fascinating World of Satta Matka: Kalyan Matka Unve. Today, we delve into the intriguing world of Kalyan Matka, a variant that has captured the hearts and minds of countless players across India. Join us as we explore the history, strategies, and tips that can help you navigate this thrilling game.
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The Origins of Kalyan Matka
Satta Matka, as a whole, traces its roots back to the 1960s when it emerged as a form of gambling in Mumbai, India. The game initially involved betting on the opening and closing rates of cotton in the Bombay Cotton Exchange. Over time, it evolved into a numbers-based betting system, with players wagering on random numbers drawn from a Matka (earthen pot).
Kalyan Matka is a specific variant that focuses on betting based on the opening and closing rates of cotton in the Bombay Cotton Exchange. It has its own set of rules and draws, making it a unique and exciting option for players looking to test their luck.
Understanding the Game
In Kalyan Matka, players place bets on different numbers and combinations before the opening and closing times of the result. The bets are placed on various markets or options, including single, Jodi (pair), Patti (three-digit number), and more.
The Matka draw involves randomly drawing three numbers from 0 to 9 from a deck of playing cards. These numbers are drawn twice, creating two sets of numbers. The winning numbers are determined based on the combination of these two sets, with the last digit of their product serving as the final result.
Analyzing the Kalyan Matka Chart
One of the most important tools in the world of Kalyan Matka is the Kalyan Matka Chart. This chart displays the historical results of past draws, allowing players to analyze patterns, trends, and number frequencies. By studying the Kalyan Matka Chart, players can make more informed decisions when selecting numbers or combinations for future bets.
However, it's crucial to remember that Kalyan Matka outcomes are ultimately based on chance. While analyzing the chart can provide valuable insights, it doesn't guarantee accurate predictions. Responsible gambling is key to enjoying the game without risking more than you can afford to lose.
Kalyan Matka Tips for Success
As with any game of chance, there are no surefire ways to guarantee a win in Kalyan Matka Tips. However, there are some tips that can help you make the most of your experience:
Understand the game rules and different types of bets.
1.Set a budget and stick to it.
2.Diversify your bets to minimize risks.
3.Bet with reasonable amounts and avoid chasing losses.
4.Control your emotions and make rational decisions.
5.Stay updated with the latest information and market trends.
By following these tips and always prioritizing responsible gambling, you can enhance your enjoyment of Kalyan Matka while minimizing potential risks.
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Satta Matka Kalyan: A Thrilling Journey
Satta Matka Kalyan is more than just a game; it's an experience that has captivated players for generations. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the world of Kalyan Matka, there's always something new to discover.
As you embark on your Satta Matka Kalyan journey, remember to approach it with a spirit of adventure and a healthy dose of caution. Embrace the thrill of the game, but never lose sight of the importance of responsible gambling.
In conclusion, Kalyan Matka is a fascinating variant of the larger Satta Matka game. By understanding its history, analyzing the Kalyan Matka Chart, and following proven Kalyan Matka Tips, you can enhance your chances of success while prioritizing responsible gambling. So, dive into the world of Satta Matka Kalyan and see where the numbers take you!
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emmaharrison · 17 days
Master Your Business Finances with Margrave Financial Consulting: Join Our Exclusive Facebook Group for Tailored Financial Solutions.
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Running a business is no easy feat. Whether you’re a startup founder, a small business owner, or managing a large corporation, financial challenges can quickly become overwhelming. Cash flow problems, bookkeeping errors, and unexpected expenses can derail even the most well-planned business strategy. So, how can you ensure your company remains financially stable and thrives in today’s fast-paced market?
Enter *Margrave Financial Consulting*. With over 35 years of experience in financial troubleshooting and the implementation of robust financial systems, our team specializes in helping businesses of all sizes overcome these common obstacles. But we don’t stop there. We’ve created the *Margrave Financial Consulting* Facebook group—a brand-new online community designed to give business owners like you direct access to expert financial guidance.
In this blog, we’ll explore the most common financial challenges businesses face and show how *Margrave Financial Consulting* can help you solve them, all while providing a supportive community to grow your financial knowledge.
### Common Financial Challenges Businesses Face Today
**1. Cash Flow Management** 
One of the biggest issues businesses encounter is poor cash flow management. Delays in client payments, unanticipated costs, or a lack of foresight can leave you scrambling to pay bills and meet payroll. Managing cash flow is essential for ensuring day-to-day business operations run smoothly.
**2. Lack of Financial Forecasting** 
A business without accurate financial forecasting is like a ship sailing without a map. Financial forecasting is critical to making informed decisions, whether it’s about investments, expansions, or navigating market volatility. However, many businesses struggle with predicting future financial needs and outcomes.
**3. Credit Control and Unpaid Invoices** 
Every business owner knows that unpaid invoices can create havoc in financial planning. When clients fail to pay on time, it impacts your ability to invest in growth, manage expenses, and stay financially secure. Effective credit control is essential, but many businesses don’t have the tools to enforce it.
**4. Disorganized Bookkeeping** 
Keeping accurate financial records is crucial, yet many businesses fall behind on bookkeeping. Disorganized books make it difficult to track expenses, revenue, and profitability, and can even result in compliance issues and missed tax deductions.
**5. Complex Payroll Management** 
Payroll errors can be costly—not just financially, but also in terms of employee satisfaction. Ensuring accurate and timely payroll is critical, but for many businesses, payroll management is time-consuming and full of complications.
### How *Margrave Financial Consulting* Solves These Problems
So, how do you tackle these common financial challenges? The solution lies with *Margrave Financial Consulting*. Our seasoned team of financial consultants offers comprehensive services tailored to meet your business’s unique needs. We’ve also created the *Margrave Financial Consulting* Facebook group, a brand-new community where you can connect with industry experts, get real-time financial advice, and share insights with like-minded business owners.
Here’s how *Margrave Financial Consulting* can help you:
**1. Cash Flow Forecasting for Stability** 
At *Margrave Financial Consulting*, we offer precise cash flow forecasting to help you predict and manage your financial liquidity. By joining our Facebook group, you’ll gain insider tips on how to improve your cash flow and avoid liquidity crises, ensuring your business runs smoothly without any financial hiccups.
**2. Expert Financial Forecasting for Long-Term Success** 
With *Margrave Financial Consulting*, you’ll receive expert guidance on strategic financial planning and forecasting. We help businesses plan for growth, manage market fluctuations, and make informed decisions about investments and future operations. Join our Facebook community to access exclusive content on creating reliable financial forecasts that keep your business on track.
**3. Master Credit Control for Healthier Finances** 
Our team at *Margrave Financial Consulting* specializes in optimizing credit control processes. From handling unpaid invoices to reducing late payments, we’ll equip you with the tools you need to maintain a healthy cash flow. In our Facebook group, you can engage with other business owners and share effective strategies to improve credit management and eliminate unpaid invoice problems.
**4. Bookkeeping Solutions for Clarity and Compliance** 
Our comprehensive bookkeeping services at *Margrave Financial Consulting* ensure your financial records are up-to-date, accurate, and fully compliant. We provide expert advice on maintaining organized books, ensuring you have the financial clarity needed to make sound decisions. By joining our Facebook group, you’ll get tips on bookkeeping best practices and access to valuable resources that streamline your financial record-keeping.
**5. Simplified Payroll Services for Employee Satisfaction** 
Payroll doesn’t have to be a headache. *Margrave Financial Consulting* offers payroll services that ensure timely and accurate payments, so you can focus on growing your business. Join our Facebook group to learn more about simplifying payroll management, reducing errors, and boosting employee satisfaction.
### Why Choose *Margrave Financial Consulting*?
At *Margrave Financial Consulting*, we don’t just provide generic financial services. We take the time to understand your unique business needs and offer personalized, expert solutions that drive results. Here’s what sets us apart:
- **Efficiency and Accuracy:** We use advanced financial technology to maintain precise and organized bookkeeping processes.
- **Personalized Approach:** Our solutions are tailored to meet your specific business goals.
- **Affordability:** We offer competitive rates and flexible payment options that fit within your budget.
- **Experience:** With over 35 years of experience in the financial industry, we bring unparalleled expertise to every client relationship.
### Join *Margrave Financial Consulting* on Facebook and Take Control of Your Business’s Finances
If you’re ready to solve your business’s financial challenges, now is the time to take action. Join our new Facebook group, *Margrave Financial Consulting*, and connect with a community of business owners and financial experts committed to helping you succeed.
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shiva1906 · 19 days
Unlock Your Future: A Guide to Obtaining a German Study Visa
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Germany is one of the most sought-after destinations for international students. With its world-renowned universities, cutting-edge research opportunities, and vibrant cultural scene, it’s no wonder that students from all over the globe aspire to study in Germany. However, one of the most crucial steps in making this dream a reality is securing a German Study Visa. This article will guide you through the process, ensuring you have all the information you need to succeed.
Why Study in Germany?
Germany offers a unique combination of high-quality education and affordable living costs, making it an ideal destination for students pursuing higher education. Whether you're considering a Bachelor's, Master's, or PhD program, German universities provide a wide range of courses taught in English and German. The country’s strong emphasis on research and innovation further enhances its appeal, particularly for students in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
What is a German Study Visa?
To study in Germany as an international student, you will need a German Study Visa. This visa allows you to reside in Germany for the duration of your studies, typically for the length of your academic program. The process of obtaining a study visa can be complex, requiring careful preparation and attention to detail.
Step-by-Step Guide to Obtaining Your German Study Visa
1. University Admission
Before applying for a visa, you must first secure admission to a recognized German university. University Selection & Admission Guidance services can be invaluable in helping you choose the right institution and program, ensuring your application is successful.
2. Visa Application Support
Once you have your admission letter, the next step is to apply for your visa. Visa Application Support services can assist you in compiling the necessary documents, filling out the application forms, and ensuring you meet all the requirements set by the German consulate.
3. Documentation Assistance
Accurate documentation is key to a successful visa application. This includes your passport, proof of financial resources, health insurance, and academic records. Documentation Assistance services can help you gather and organize these documents, reducing the risk of delays or rejections.
4. Interview Preparation
In some cases, you may be required to attend a visa interview at the German consulate. Interview Preparation services can help you prepare for this critical step, providing you with tips and practice questions to boost your confidence.
5. Pre-departure Briefing
Once your visa is approved, the journey isn’t over. A Pre-departure Briefing can prepare you for life in Germany, covering topics such as accommodation, culture, and navigating the German education system.
Why Choose Professional Assistance?
The process of securing a German Study Visa can be overwhelming, especially for first-time applicants. By opting for comprehensive assistance, you can significantly increase your chances of success. Experienced Professionals in the field offer personalized services, guiding you through each step of the process with expertise and care.
Choosing the right support can make a world of difference. With a High Success Rate for visa approvals, our team is dedicated to helping you achieve your academic goals. We offer Affordable Pricing with no hidden charges, ensuring you receive top-quality service without breaking the bank.
Don’t let the complexities of the visa application process deter you from achieving your dreams. Germany offers a wealth of opportunities for international students, and with the right guidance, you can make your aspiration to study in Germany a reality. Contact us today to begin your journey towards studying in one of the world’s leading educational destinations. With our help, your dream to secure a German Study Visa is within reach!
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